path: root/components/search_engines
diff options
mode: <>2014-07-05 00:29:53 +0000 <>2014-07-05 00:29:53 +0000
commitbf5c532d4a62b60de3ee1ca6b4dc8f998f6831d5 (patch)
tree4f30bb1072bc5573525e24454a3eb5e37a31af93 /components/search_engines
parentcf4f689f6917abc305c0960619d683b0bc00cce3 (diff)
Componentize TemplateURLService
Move TemplateURLService, SearchHostToURLsMap, from chrome/browser/search_engines to components/search_engines Move KeywordTable and KeywordWeDataService from chrome/browser/webdata to components/search_engines Fix DEPS, OWNERS and gyp. Replace HistoryDatabase in with URLDatabase. BUG=386367 TEST=build and checkdeps,, as an owner of sync, as an owner of sql Committed: Committed: Review URL: git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
Diffstat (limited to 'components/search_engines')
13 files changed, 4958 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/components/search_engines/DEPS b/components/search_engines/DEPS
index c0bc5f0..492c393 100644
--- a/components/search_engines/DEPS
+++ b/components/search_engines/DEPS
@@ -1,12 +1,18 @@
include_rules = [
+ "+components/keyed_service/core",
+ "+components/rappor",
+ "+components/url_fixer",
+ "+components/webdata",
+ "+sql",
+ "+sync",
diff --git a/components/search_engines/ b/components/search_engines/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..447ebfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/search_engines/
@@ -0,0 +1,647 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "components/search_engines/keyword_table.h"
+#include <set>
+#include "base/json/json_reader.h"
+#include "base/json/json_writer.h"
+#include "base/logging.h"
+#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
+#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
+#include "base/strings/string_split.h"
+#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
+#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
+#include "base/values.h"
+#include "components/history/core/browser/url_database.h"
+#include "components/search_engines/search_terms_data.h"
+#include "components/search_engines/template_url.h"
+#include "components/webdata/common/web_database.h"
+#include "sql/statement.h"
+#include "sql/transaction.h"
+#include "url/gurl.h"
+using base::Time;
+// static
+const char KeywordTable::kDefaultSearchProviderKey[] =
+ "Default Search Provider ID";
+namespace {
+// Keys used in the meta table.
+const char kBuiltinKeywordVersion[] = "Builtin Keyword Version";
+const std::string ColumnsForVersion(int version, bool concatenated) {
+ std::vector<std::string> columns;
+ columns.push_back("id");
+ columns.push_back("short_name");
+ columns.push_back("keyword");
+ columns.push_back("favicon_url");
+ columns.push_back("url");
+ columns.push_back("safe_for_autoreplace");
+ columns.push_back("originating_url");
+ columns.push_back("date_created");
+ columns.push_back("usage_count");
+ columns.push_back("input_encodings");
+ columns.push_back("show_in_default_list");
+ columns.push_back("suggest_url");
+ columns.push_back("prepopulate_id");
+ if (version <= 44) {
+ // Columns removed after version 44.
+ columns.push_back("autogenerate_keyword");
+ columns.push_back("logo_id");
+ }
+ columns.push_back("created_by_policy");
+ columns.push_back("instant_url");
+ columns.push_back("last_modified");
+ columns.push_back("sync_guid");
+ if (version >= 47) {
+ // Column added in version 47.
+ columns.push_back("alternate_urls");
+ }
+ if (version >= 49) {
+ // Column added in version 49.
+ columns.push_back("search_terms_replacement_key");
+ }
+ if (version >= 52) {
+ // Column added in version 52.
+ columns.push_back("image_url");
+ columns.push_back("search_url_post_params");
+ columns.push_back("suggest_url_post_params");
+ columns.push_back("instant_url_post_params");
+ columns.push_back("image_url_post_params");
+ }
+ if (version >= 53) {
+ // Column added in version 53.
+ columns.push_back("new_tab_url");
+ }
+ return JoinString(columns, std::string(concatenated ? " || " : ", "));
+// Inserts the data from |data| into |s|. |s| is assumed to have slots for all
+// the columns in the keyword table. |id_column| is the slot number to bind
+// |data|'s |id| to; |starting_column| is the slot number of the first of a
+// contiguous set of slots to bind all the other fields to.
+void BindURLToStatement(const TemplateURLData& data,
+ sql::Statement* s,
+ int id_column,
+ int starting_column) {
+ // Serialize |alternate_urls| to JSON.
+ // TODO(beaudoin): Check what it would take to use a new table to store
+ // alternate_urls while keeping backups and table signature in a good state.
+ // See:
+ base::ListValue alternate_urls_value;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < data.alternate_urls.size(); ++i)
+ alternate_urls_value.AppendString(data.alternate_urls[i]);
+ std::string alternate_urls;
+ base::JSONWriter::Write(&alternate_urls_value, &alternate_urls);
+ s->BindInt64(id_column,;
+ s->BindString16(starting_column, data.short_name);
+ s->BindString16(starting_column + 1, data.keyword());
+ s->BindString(starting_column + 2, data.favicon_url.is_valid() ?
+ history::URLDatabase::GURLToDatabaseURL(data.favicon_url) :
+ std::string());
+ s->BindString(starting_column + 3, data.url());
+ s->BindBool(starting_column + 4, data.safe_for_autoreplace);
+ s->BindString(starting_column + 5, data.originating_url.is_valid() ?
+ history::URLDatabase::GURLToDatabaseURL(data.originating_url) :
+ std::string());
+ s->BindInt64(starting_column + 6, data.date_created.ToTimeT());
+ s->BindInt(starting_column + 7, data.usage_count);
+ s->BindString(starting_column + 8, JoinString(data.input_encodings, ';'));
+ s->BindBool(starting_column + 9, data.show_in_default_list);
+ s->BindString(starting_column + 10, data.suggestions_url);
+ s->BindInt(starting_column + 11, data.prepopulate_id);
+ s->BindBool(starting_column + 12, data.created_by_policy);
+ s->BindString(starting_column + 13, data.instant_url);
+ s->BindInt64(starting_column + 14, data.last_modified.ToTimeT());
+ s->BindString(starting_column + 15, data.sync_guid);
+ s->BindString(starting_column + 16, alternate_urls);
+ s->BindString(starting_column + 17, data.search_terms_replacement_key);
+ s->BindString(starting_column + 18, data.image_url);
+ s->BindString(starting_column + 19, data.search_url_post_params);
+ s->BindString(starting_column + 20, data.suggestions_url_post_params);
+ s->BindString(starting_column + 21, data.instant_url_post_params);
+ s->BindString(starting_column + 22, data.image_url_post_params);
+ s->BindString(starting_column + 23, data.new_tab_url);
+WebDatabaseTable::TypeKey GetKey() {
+ // We just need a unique constant. Use the address of a static that
+ // COMDAT folding won't touch in an optimizing linker.
+ static int table_key = 0;
+ return reinterpret_cast<void*>(&table_key);
+} // namespace
+KeywordTable::KeywordTable() {
+KeywordTable::~KeywordTable() {}
+KeywordTable* KeywordTable::FromWebDatabase(WebDatabase* db) {
+ return static_cast<KeywordTable*>(db->GetTable(GetKey()));
+WebDatabaseTable::TypeKey KeywordTable::GetTypeKey() const {
+ return GetKey();
+bool KeywordTable::CreateTablesIfNecessary() {
+ return db_->DoesTableExist("keywords") ||
+ db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE keywords ("
+ "short_name VARCHAR NOT NULL,"
+ "keyword VARCHAR NOT NULL,"
+ "favicon_url VARCHAR NOT NULL,"
+ "safe_for_autoreplace INTEGER,"
+ "originating_url VARCHAR,"
+ "date_created INTEGER DEFAULT 0,"
+ "usage_count INTEGER DEFAULT 0,"
+ "input_encodings VARCHAR,"
+ "show_in_default_list INTEGER,"
+ "suggest_url VARCHAR,"
+ "prepopulate_id INTEGER DEFAULT 0,"
+ "created_by_policy INTEGER DEFAULT 0,"
+ "instant_url VARCHAR,"
+ "last_modified INTEGER DEFAULT 0,"
+ "sync_guid VARCHAR,"
+ "alternate_urls VARCHAR,"
+ "search_terms_replacement_key VARCHAR,"
+ "image_url VARCHAR,"
+ "search_url_post_params VARCHAR,"
+ "suggest_url_post_params VARCHAR,"
+ "instant_url_post_params VARCHAR,"
+ "image_url_post_params VARCHAR,"
+ "new_tab_url VARCHAR)");
+bool KeywordTable::IsSyncable() {
+ return true;
+bool KeywordTable::MigrateToVersion(int version,
+ bool* update_compatible_version) {
+ // Migrate if necessary.
+ switch (version) {
+ case 21:
+ *update_compatible_version = true;
+ return MigrateToVersion21AutoGenerateKeywordColumn();
+ case 25:
+ *update_compatible_version = true;
+ return MigrateToVersion25AddLogoIDColumn();
+ case 26:
+ *update_compatible_version = true;
+ return MigrateToVersion26AddCreatedByPolicyColumn();
+ case 28:
+ *update_compatible_version = true;
+ return MigrateToVersion28SupportsInstantColumn();
+ case 29:
+ *update_compatible_version = true;
+ return MigrateToVersion29InstantURLToSupportsInstant();
+ case 38:
+ *update_compatible_version = true;
+ return MigrateToVersion38AddLastModifiedColumn();
+ case 39:
+ *update_compatible_version = true;
+ return MigrateToVersion39AddSyncGUIDColumn();
+ case 44:
+ *update_compatible_version = true;
+ return MigrateToVersion44AddDefaultSearchProviderBackup();
+ case 45:
+ *update_compatible_version = true;
+ return MigrateToVersion45RemoveLogoIDAndAutogenerateColumns();
+ case 47:
+ *update_compatible_version = true;
+ return MigrateToVersion47AddAlternateURLsColumn();
+ case 48:
+ *update_compatible_version = true;
+ return MigrateToVersion48RemoveKeywordsBackup();
+ case 49:
+ *update_compatible_version = true;
+ return MigrateToVersion49AddSearchTermsReplacementKeyColumn();
+ case 52:
+ *update_compatible_version = true;
+ return MigrateToVersion52AddImageSearchAndPOSTSupport();
+ case 53:
+ *update_compatible_version = true;
+ return MigrateToVersion53AddNewTabURLColumn();
+ }
+ return true;
+bool KeywordTable::PerformOperations(const Operations& operations) {
+ sql::Transaction transaction(db_);
+ if (!transaction.Begin())
+ return false;
+ for (Operations::const_iterator i(operations.begin()); i != operations.end();
+ ++i) {
+ switch (i->first) {
+ case ADD:
+ if (!AddKeyword(i->second))
+ return false;
+ break;
+ case REMOVE:
+ if (!RemoveKeyword(i->
+ return false;
+ break;
+ case UPDATE:
+ if (!UpdateKeyword(i->second))
+ return false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return transaction.Commit();
+bool KeywordTable::GetKeywords(Keywords* keywords) {
+ std::string query("SELECT " + GetKeywordColumns() +
+ " FROM keywords ORDER BY id ASC");
+ sql::Statement s(db_->GetUniqueStatement(query.c_str()));
+ std::set<TemplateURLID> bad_entries;
+ while (s.Step()) {
+ keywords->push_back(TemplateURLData());
+ if (!GetKeywordDataFromStatement(s, &keywords->back())) {
+ bad_entries.insert(s.ColumnInt64(0));
+ keywords->pop_back();
+ }
+ }
+ bool succeeded = s.Succeeded();
+ for (std::set<TemplateURLID>::const_iterator i(bad_entries.begin());
+ i != bad_entries.end(); ++i)
+ succeeded &= RemoveKeyword(*i);
+ return succeeded;
+bool KeywordTable::SetDefaultSearchProviderID(int64 id) {
+ return meta_table_->SetValue(kDefaultSearchProviderKey, id);
+int64 KeywordTable::GetDefaultSearchProviderID() {
+ int64 value = kInvalidTemplateURLID;
+ meta_table_->GetValue(kDefaultSearchProviderKey, &value);
+ return value;
+bool KeywordTable::SetBuiltinKeywordVersion(int version) {
+ return meta_table_->SetValue(kBuiltinKeywordVersion, version);
+int KeywordTable::GetBuiltinKeywordVersion() {
+ int version = 0;
+ return meta_table_->GetValue(kBuiltinKeywordVersion, &version) ? version : 0;
+// static
+std::string KeywordTable::GetKeywordColumns() {
+ return ColumnsForVersion(WebDatabase::kCurrentVersionNumber, false);
+bool KeywordTable::MigrateToVersion21AutoGenerateKeywordColumn() {
+ return db_->Execute("ALTER TABLE keywords ADD COLUMN autogenerate_keyword "
+bool KeywordTable::MigrateToVersion25AddLogoIDColumn() {
+ return db_->Execute(
+bool KeywordTable::MigrateToVersion26AddCreatedByPolicyColumn() {
+ return db_->Execute("ALTER TABLE keywords ADD COLUMN created_by_policy "
+bool KeywordTable::MigrateToVersion28SupportsInstantColumn() {
+ return db_->Execute("ALTER TABLE keywords ADD COLUMN supports_instant "
+bool KeywordTable::MigrateToVersion29InstantURLToSupportsInstant() {
+ sql::Transaction transaction(db_);
+ return transaction.Begin() &&
+ db_->Execute("ALTER TABLE keywords ADD COLUMN instant_url VARCHAR") &&
+ db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE keywords_temp ("
+ "short_name VARCHAR NOT NULL,"
+ "keyword VARCHAR NOT NULL,"
+ "favicon_url VARCHAR NOT NULL,"
+ "safe_for_autoreplace INTEGER,"
+ "originating_url VARCHAR,"
+ "date_created INTEGER DEFAULT 0,"
+ "usage_count INTEGER DEFAULT 0,"
+ "input_encodings VARCHAR,"
+ "show_in_default_list INTEGER,"
+ "suggest_url VARCHAR,"
+ "prepopulate_id INTEGER DEFAULT 0,"
+ "autogenerate_keyword INTEGER DEFAULT 0,"
+ "logo_id INTEGER DEFAULT 0,"
+ "created_by_policy INTEGER DEFAULT 0,"
+ "instant_url VARCHAR)") &&
+ db_->Execute("INSERT INTO keywords_temp SELECT id, short_name, keyword, "
+ "favicon_url, url, safe_for_autoreplace, originating_url, "
+ "date_created, usage_count, input_encodings, "
+ "show_in_default_list, suggest_url, prepopulate_id, "
+ "autogenerate_keyword, logo_id, created_by_policy, "
+ "instant_url FROM keywords") &&
+ db_->Execute("DROP TABLE keywords") &&
+ db_->Execute("ALTER TABLE keywords_temp RENAME TO keywords") &&
+ transaction.Commit();
+bool KeywordTable::MigrateToVersion38AddLastModifiedColumn() {
+ return db_->Execute(
+ "ALTER TABLE keywords ADD COLUMN last_modified INTEGER DEFAULT 0");
+bool KeywordTable::MigrateToVersion39AddSyncGUIDColumn() {
+ return db_->Execute("ALTER TABLE keywords ADD COLUMN sync_guid VARCHAR");
+bool KeywordTable::MigrateToVersion44AddDefaultSearchProviderBackup() {
+ std::string query("CREATE TABLE keywords_backup AS SELECT " +
+ ColumnsForVersion(44, false) + " FROM keywords ORDER BY id ASC");
+ sql::Transaction transaction(db_);
+ return transaction.Begin() &&
+ meta_table_->SetValue("Default Search Provider ID Backup",
+ GetDefaultSearchProviderID()) &&
+ (!db_->DoesTableExist("keywords_backup") ||
+ db_->Execute("DROP TABLE keywords_backup")) &&
+ db_->Execute(query.c_str()) &&
+ transaction.Commit();
+bool KeywordTable::MigrateToVersion45RemoveLogoIDAndAutogenerateColumns() {
+ sql::Transaction transaction(db_);
+ if (!transaction.Begin())
+ return false;
+ // The version 43 migration should have been written to do this, but since it
+ // wasn't, we'll do it now. Unfortunately a previous change deleted this for
+ // some users, so we can't be sure this will succeed (so don't bail on error).
+ meta_table_->DeleteKey("Default Search Provider Backup");
+ return MigrateKeywordsTableForVersion45("keywords") &&
+ MigrateKeywordsTableForVersion45("keywords_backup") &&
+ meta_table_->SetValue("Default Search Provider ID Backup Signature",
+ std::string()) &&
+ transaction.Commit();
+bool KeywordTable::MigrateToVersion47AddAlternateURLsColumn() {
+ sql::Transaction transaction(db_);
+ return transaction.Begin() &&
+ db_->Execute("ALTER TABLE keywords ADD COLUMN "
+ "alternate_urls VARCHAR DEFAULT ''") &&
+ db_->Execute("ALTER TABLE keywords_backup ADD COLUMN "
+ "alternate_urls VARCHAR DEFAULT ''") &&
+ meta_table_->SetValue("Default Search Provider ID Backup Signature",
+ std::string()) &&
+ transaction.Commit();
+bool KeywordTable::MigrateToVersion48RemoveKeywordsBackup() {
+ sql::Transaction transaction(db_);
+ return transaction.Begin() &&
+ meta_table_->DeleteKey("Default Search Provider ID Backup") &&
+ meta_table_->DeleteKey("Default Search Provider ID Backup Signature") &&
+ db_->Execute("DROP TABLE keywords_backup") &&
+ transaction.Commit();
+bool KeywordTable::MigrateToVersion49AddSearchTermsReplacementKeyColumn() {
+ return db_->Execute("ALTER TABLE keywords ADD COLUMN "
+ "search_terms_replacement_key VARCHAR DEFAULT ''");
+bool KeywordTable::MigrateToVersion52AddImageSearchAndPOSTSupport() {
+ sql::Transaction transaction(db_);
+ return transaction.Begin() &&
+ db_->Execute("ALTER TABLE keywords ADD COLUMN image_url "
+ db_->Execute("ALTER TABLE keywords ADD COLUMN search_url_post_params "
+ db_->Execute("ALTER TABLE keywords ADD COLUMN suggest_url_post_params "
+ db_->Execute("ALTER TABLE keywords ADD COLUMN instant_url_post_params "
+ db_->Execute("ALTER TABLE keywords ADD COLUMN image_url_post_params "
+ transaction.Commit();
+bool KeywordTable::MigrateToVersion53AddNewTabURLColumn() {
+ return db_->Execute("ALTER TABLE keywords ADD COLUMN new_tab_url "
+// static
+bool KeywordTable::GetKeywordDataFromStatement(const sql::Statement& s,
+ TemplateURLData* data) {
+ DCHECK(data);
+ data->short_name = s.ColumnString16(1);
+ data->SetKeyword(s.ColumnString16(2));
+ // Due to past bugs, we might have persisted entries with empty URLs. Avoid
+ // reading these out. (GetKeywords() will delete these entries on return.)
+ // NOTE: This code should only be needed as long as we might be reading such
+ // potentially-old data and can be removed afterward.
+ if (s.ColumnString(4).empty())
+ return false;
+ data->SetURL(s.ColumnString(4));
+ data->suggestions_url = s.ColumnString(11);
+ data->instant_url = s.ColumnString(14);
+ data->image_url = s.ColumnString(19);
+ data->new_tab_url = s.ColumnString(24);
+ data->search_url_post_params = s.ColumnString(20);
+ data->suggestions_url_post_params = s.ColumnString(21);
+ data->instant_url_post_params = s.ColumnString(22);
+ data->image_url_post_params = s.ColumnString(23);
+ data->favicon_url = GURL(s.ColumnString(3));
+ data->originating_url = GURL(s.ColumnString(6));
+ data->show_in_default_list = s.ColumnBool(10);
+ data->safe_for_autoreplace = s.ColumnBool(5);
+ base::SplitString(s.ColumnString(9), ';', &data->input_encodings);
+ data->id = s.ColumnInt64(0);
+ data->date_created = Time::FromTimeT(s.ColumnInt64(7));
+ data->last_modified = Time::FromTimeT(s.ColumnInt64(15));
+ data->created_by_policy = s.ColumnBool(13);
+ data->usage_count = s.ColumnInt(8);
+ data->prepopulate_id = s.ColumnInt(12);
+ data->sync_guid = s.ColumnString(16);
+ data->alternate_urls.clear();
+ base::JSONReader json_reader;
+ scoped_ptr<base::Value> value(json_reader.ReadToValue(s.ColumnString(17)));
+ base::ListValue* alternate_urls_value;
+ if (value.get() && value->GetAsList(&alternate_urls_value)) {
+ std::string alternate_url;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < alternate_urls_value->GetSize(); ++i) {
+ if (alternate_urls_value->GetString(i, &alternate_url))
+ data->alternate_urls.push_back(alternate_url);
+ }
+ }
+ data->search_terms_replacement_key = s.ColumnString(18);
+ return true;
+bool KeywordTable::AddKeyword(const TemplateURLData& data) {
+ std::string query("INSERT INTO keywords (" + GetKeywordColumns() + ") "
+ "VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,"
+ " ?)");
+ sql::Statement s(db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, query.c_str()));
+ BindURLToStatement(data, &s, 0, 1);
+ return s.Run();
+bool KeywordTable::RemoveKeyword(TemplateURLID id) {
+ DCHECK(id);
+ sql::Statement s(db_->GetCachedStatement(
+ SQL_FROM_HERE, "DELETE FROM keywords WHERE id = ?"));
+ s.BindInt64(0, id);
+ return s.Run();
+bool KeywordTable::UpdateKeyword(const TemplateURLData& data) {
+ sql::Statement s(db_->GetCachedStatement(
+ "UPDATE keywords SET short_name=?, keyword=?, favicon_url=?, url=?, "
+ "safe_for_autoreplace=?, originating_url=?, date_created=?, "
+ "usage_count=?, input_encodings=?, show_in_default_list=?, "
+ "suggest_url=?, prepopulate_id=?, created_by_policy=?, instant_url=?, "
+ "last_modified=?, sync_guid=?, alternate_urls=?, "
+ "search_terms_replacement_key=?, image_url=?, search_url_post_params=?, "
+ "suggest_url_post_params=?, instant_url_post_params=?, "
+ "image_url_post_params=?, new_tab_url=? WHERE id=?"));
+ BindURLToStatement(data, &s, 24, 0); // "24" binds id() as the last item.
+ return s.Run();
+bool KeywordTable::GetKeywordAsString(TemplateURLID id,
+ const std::string& table_name,
+ std::string* result) {
+ std::string query("SELECT " +
+ ColumnsForVersion(WebDatabase::kCurrentVersionNumber, true) +
+ " FROM " + table_name + " WHERE id=?");
+ sql::Statement s(db_->GetUniqueStatement(query.c_str()));
+ s.BindInt64(0, id);
+ if (!s.Step()) {
+ LOG_IF(WARNING, s.Succeeded()) << "No keyword with id: " << id
+ << ", ignoring.";
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (!s.Succeeded())
+ return false;
+ *result = s.ColumnString(0);
+ return true;
+bool KeywordTable::MigrateKeywordsTableForVersion45(const std::string& name) {
+ // Create a new table without the columns we're dropping.
+ if (!db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE keywords_temp ("
+ "short_name VARCHAR NOT NULL,"
+ "keyword VARCHAR NOT NULL,"
+ "favicon_url VARCHAR NOT NULL,"
+ "safe_for_autoreplace INTEGER,"
+ "originating_url VARCHAR,"
+ "date_created INTEGER DEFAULT 0,"
+ "usage_count INTEGER DEFAULT 0,"
+ "input_encodings VARCHAR,"
+ "show_in_default_list INTEGER,"
+ "suggest_url VARCHAR,"
+ "prepopulate_id INTEGER DEFAULT 0,"
+ "created_by_policy INTEGER DEFAULT 0,"
+ "instant_url VARCHAR,"
+ "last_modified INTEGER DEFAULT 0,"
+ "sync_guid VARCHAR)"))
+ return false;
+ std::string sql("INSERT INTO keywords_temp SELECT " +
+ ColumnsForVersion(46, false) + " FROM " + name);
+ if (!db_->Execute(sql.c_str()))
+ return false;
+ // NOTE: The ORDER BY here ensures that the uniquing process for keywords will
+ // happen identically on both the normal and backup tables.
+ sql = "SELECT id, keyword, url, autogenerate_keyword FROM " + name +
+ " ORDER BY id ASC";
+ sql::Statement s(db_->GetUniqueStatement(sql.c_str()));
+ base::string16 placeholder_keyword(base::ASCIIToUTF16("dummy"));
+ std::set<base::string16> keywords;
+ while (s.Step()) {
+ base::string16 keyword(s.ColumnString16(1));
+ bool generate_keyword = keyword.empty() || s.ColumnBool(3);
+ if (generate_keyword)
+ keyword = placeholder_keyword;
+ TemplateURLData data;
+ data.SetKeyword(keyword);
+ data.SetURL(s.ColumnString(2));
+ TemplateURL turl(data);
+ // Don't persist extension keywords to disk. These will get added to the
+ // TemplateURLService as the extensions are loaded.
+ bool delete_entry = turl.GetType() == TemplateURL::OMNIBOX_API_EXTENSION;
+ if (!delete_entry && generate_keyword) {
+ // Explicitly generate keywords for all rows with the autogenerate bit set
+ // or where the keyword is empty.
+ SearchTermsData terms_data;
+ GURL url(turl.GenerateSearchURL(terms_data));
+ if (!url.is_valid()) {
+ delete_entry = true;
+ } else {
+ // Ensure autogenerated keywords are unique.
+ keyword = TemplateURL::GenerateKeyword(url);
+ while (keywords.count(keyword))
+ keyword.append(base::ASCIIToUTF16("_"));
+ sql::Statement u(db_->GetUniqueStatement(
+ "UPDATE keywords_temp SET keyword=? WHERE id=?"));
+ u.BindString16(0, keyword);
+ u.BindInt64(1, s.ColumnInt64(0));
+ if (!u.Run())
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (delete_entry) {
+ sql::Statement u(db_->GetUniqueStatement(
+ "DELETE FROM keywords_temp WHERE id=?"));
+ u.BindInt64(0, s.ColumnInt64(0));
+ if (!u.Run())
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ keywords.insert(keyword);
+ }
+ }
+ // Replace the old table with the new one.
+ sql = "DROP TABLE " + name;
+ if (!db_->Execute(sql.c_str()))
+ return false;
+ sql = "ALTER TABLE keywords_temp RENAME TO " + name;
+ return db_->Execute(sql.c_str());
diff --git a/components/search_engines/keyword_table.h b/components/search_engines/keyword_table.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ff36b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/search_engines/keyword_table.h
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
+#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
+#include "base/strings/string16.h"
+#include "components/search_engines/template_url_id.h"
+#include "components/webdata/common/web_database_table.h"
+struct TemplateURLData;
+class WebDatabase;
+namespace sql {
+class Statement;
+} // namespace sql
+// This class manages the |keywords| MetaTable within the SQLite database
+// passed to the constructor. It expects the following schema:
+// Note: The database stores time in seconds, UTC.
+// keywords Most of the columns mirror that of a field in
+// TemplateURLData. See that struct for more details.
+// id
+// short_name
+// keyword
+// favicon_url
+// url
+// show_in_default_list
+// safe_for_autoreplace
+// originating_url
+// date_created This column was added after we allowed keywords.
+// Keywords created before we started tracking
+// creation date have a value of 0 for this.
+// usage_count
+// input_encodings Semicolon separated list of supported input
+// encodings, may be empty.
+// suggest_url
+// prepopulate_id See TemplateURLData::prepopulate_id.
+// created_by_policy See TemplateURLData::created_by_policy. This was
+// added in version 26.
+// instant_url See TemplateURLData::instant_url. This was added in
+// version 29.
+// last_modified See TemplateURLData::last_modified. This was added
+// in version 38.
+// sync_guid See TemplateURLData::sync_guid. This was added in
+// version 39.
+// alternate_urls See TemplateURLData::alternate_urls. This was added
+// in version 47.
+// search_terms_replacement_key
+// See TemplateURLData::search_terms_replacement_key.
+// This was added in version 49.
+// image_url See TemplateURLData::image_url. This was added in
+// version 52.
+// search_url_post_params See TemplateURLData::search_url_post_params. This
+// was added in version 52.
+// suggest_url_post_params See TemplateURLData::suggestions_url_post_params.
+// This was added in version 52.
+// instant_url_post_params See TemplateURLData::instant_url_post_params. This
+// was added in version 52.
+// image_url_post_params See TemplateURLData::image_url_post_params. This
+// was added in version 52.
+// new_tab_url See TemplateURLData::new_tab_url. This was added in
+// version 53.
+// This class also manages some fields in the |meta| table:
+// Default Search Provider ID The id of the default search provider.
+// Builtin Keyword Version The version of builtin keywords data.
+class KeywordTable : public WebDatabaseTable {
+ public:
+ enum OperationType {
+ ADD,
+ };
+ typedef std::pair<OperationType, TemplateURLData> Operation;
+ typedef std::vector<Operation> Operations;
+ typedef std::vector<TemplateURLData> Keywords;
+ // Constants exposed for the benefit of test code:
+ static const char kDefaultSearchProviderKey[];
+ KeywordTable();
+ virtual ~KeywordTable();
+ // Retrieves the KeywordTable* owned by |database|.
+ static KeywordTable* FromWebDatabase(WebDatabase* db);
+ virtual WebDatabaseTable::TypeKey GetTypeKey() const OVERRIDE;
+ virtual bool CreateTablesIfNecessary() OVERRIDE;
+ virtual bool IsSyncable() OVERRIDE;
+ virtual bool MigrateToVersion(int version,
+ bool* update_compatible_version) OVERRIDE;
+ // Performs an arbitrary number of Add/Remove/Update operations as a single
+ // transaction. This is provided for efficiency reasons: if the caller needs
+ // to perform a large number of operations, doing them in a single transaction
+ // instead of one-per-transaction can be dramatically more efficient.
+ bool PerformOperations(const Operations& operations);
+ // Loads the keywords into the specified vector. It's up to the caller to
+ // delete the returned objects.
+ // Returns true on success.
+ bool GetKeywords(Keywords* keywords);
+ // ID (TemplateURLData->id) of the default search provider.
+ bool SetDefaultSearchProviderID(int64 id);
+ int64 GetDefaultSearchProviderID();
+ // Version of the built-in keywords.
+ bool SetBuiltinKeywordVersion(int version);
+ int GetBuiltinKeywordVersion();
+ // Returns a comma-separated list of the keyword columns for the current
+ // version of the table.
+ static std::string GetKeywordColumns();
+ // Table migration functions.
+ bool MigrateToVersion21AutoGenerateKeywordColumn();
+ bool MigrateToVersion25AddLogoIDColumn();
+ bool MigrateToVersion26AddCreatedByPolicyColumn();
+ bool MigrateToVersion28SupportsInstantColumn();
+ bool MigrateToVersion29InstantURLToSupportsInstant();
+ bool MigrateToVersion38AddLastModifiedColumn();
+ bool MigrateToVersion39AddSyncGUIDColumn();
+ bool MigrateToVersion44AddDefaultSearchProviderBackup();
+ bool MigrateToVersion45RemoveLogoIDAndAutogenerateColumns();
+ bool MigrateToVersion47AddAlternateURLsColumn();
+ bool MigrateToVersion48RemoveKeywordsBackup();
+ bool MigrateToVersion49AddSearchTermsReplacementKeyColumn();
+ bool MigrateToVersion52AddImageSearchAndPOSTSupport();
+ bool MigrateToVersion53AddNewTabURLColumn();
+ private:
+ friend class KeywordTableTest;
+ FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(WebDatabaseMigrationTest, MigrateVersion44ToCurrent);
+ // NOTE: Since the table columns have changed in different versions, many
+ // functions below take a |table_version| argument which dictates which
+ // version number's column set to use.
+ // Fills |data| with the data in |s|. Returns false if we couldn't fill
+ // |data| for some reason, e.g. |s| tried to set one of the fields to an
+ // illegal value.
+ static bool GetKeywordDataFromStatement(const sql::Statement& s,
+ TemplateURLData* data);
+ // Adds a new keyword, updating the id field on success.
+ // Returns true if successful.
+ bool AddKeyword(const TemplateURLData& data);
+ // Removes the specified keyword.
+ // Returns true if successful.
+ bool RemoveKeyword(TemplateURLID id);
+ // Updates the database values for the specified url.
+ // Returns true on success.
+ bool UpdateKeyword(const TemplateURLData& data);
+ // Gets a string representation for keyword with id specified.
+ // Used to store its result in |meta| table or to compare with another
+ // keyword. Returns true on success, false otherwise.
+ bool GetKeywordAsString(TemplateURLID id,
+ const std::string& table_name,
+ std::string* result);
+ // Migrates table |name| (which should be either "keywords" or
+ // "keywords_backup") from version 44 to version 45.
+ bool MigrateKeywordsTableForVersion45(const std::string& name);
diff --git a/components/search_engines/ b/components/search_engines/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29981e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/search_engines/
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "components/search_engines/keyword_web_data_service.h"
+#include "base/bind.h"
+#include "components/search_engines/keyword_table.h"
+#include "components/search_engines/template_url_data.h"
+#include "components/webdata/common/web_data_results.h"
+#include "components/webdata/common/web_database_service.h"
+using base::Bind;
+ : default_search_provider_id(0),
+ builtin_keyword_version(0) {
+WDKeywordsResult::~WDKeywordsResult() {}
+ KeywordWebDataService* service)
+ : service_(service) {
+ if (service_)
+ service_->AdjustBatchModeLevel(true);
+KeywordWebDataService::BatchModeScoper::~BatchModeScoper() {
+ if (service_)
+ service_->AdjustBatchModeLevel(false);
+ scoped_refptr<WebDatabaseService> wdbs,
+ scoped_refptr<base::MessageLoopProxy> ui_thread,
+ const ProfileErrorCallback& callback)
+ : WebDataServiceBase(wdbs, callback, ui_thread),
+ batch_mode_level_(0) {
+void KeywordWebDataService::AddKeyword(const TemplateURLData& data) {
+ if (batch_mode_level_) {
+ queued_keyword_operations_.push_back(
+ KeywordTable::Operation(KeywordTable::ADD, data));
+ } else {
+ AdjustBatchModeLevel(true);
+ AddKeyword(data);
+ AdjustBatchModeLevel(false);
+ }
+void KeywordWebDataService::RemoveKeyword(TemplateURLID id) {
+ if (batch_mode_level_) {
+ TemplateURLData data;
+ = id;
+ queued_keyword_operations_.push_back(
+ KeywordTable::Operation(KeywordTable::REMOVE, data));
+ } else {
+ AdjustBatchModeLevel(true);
+ RemoveKeyword(id);
+ AdjustBatchModeLevel(false);
+ }
+void KeywordWebDataService::UpdateKeyword(const TemplateURLData& data) {
+ if (batch_mode_level_) {
+ queued_keyword_operations_.push_back(
+ KeywordTable::Operation(KeywordTable::UPDATE, data));
+ } else {
+ AdjustBatchModeLevel(true);
+ UpdateKeyword(data);
+ AdjustBatchModeLevel(false);
+ }
+WebDataServiceBase::Handle KeywordWebDataService::GetKeywords(
+ WebDataServiceConsumer* consumer) {
+ return wdbs_->ScheduleDBTaskWithResult(
+ FROM_HERE, Bind(&KeywordWebDataService::GetKeywordsImpl, this), consumer);
+void KeywordWebDataService::SetDefaultSearchProviderID(TemplateURLID id) {
+ wdbs_->ScheduleDBTask(
+ Bind(&KeywordWebDataService::SetDefaultSearchProviderIDImpl, this, id));
+void KeywordWebDataService::SetBuiltinKeywordVersion(int version) {
+ wdbs_->ScheduleDBTask(
+ Bind(&KeywordWebDataService::SetBuiltinKeywordVersionImpl,
+ this, version));
+KeywordWebDataService::~KeywordWebDataService() {
+ DCHECK(!batch_mode_level_);
+void KeywordWebDataService::AdjustBatchModeLevel(bool entering_batch_mode) {
+ if (entering_batch_mode) {
+ ++batch_mode_level_;
+ } else {
+ DCHECK(batch_mode_level_);
+ --batch_mode_level_;
+ if (!batch_mode_level_ && !queued_keyword_operations_.empty()) {
+ wdbs_->ScheduleDBTask(
+ Bind(&KeywordWebDataService::PerformKeywordOperationsImpl, this,
+ queued_keyword_operations_));
+ queued_keyword_operations_.clear();
+ }
+ }
+WebDatabase::State KeywordWebDataService::PerformKeywordOperationsImpl(
+ const KeywordTable::Operations& operations,
+ WebDatabase* db) {
+ return KeywordTable::FromWebDatabase(db)->PerformOperations(operations) ?
+ WebDatabase::COMMIT_NEEDED : WebDatabase::COMMIT_NOT_NEEDED;
+scoped_ptr<WDTypedResult> KeywordWebDataService::GetKeywordsImpl(
+ WebDatabase* db) {
+ scoped_ptr<WDTypedResult> result_ptr;
+ WDKeywordsResult result;
+ if (KeywordTable::FromWebDatabase(db)->GetKeywords(&result.keywords)) {
+ result.default_search_provider_id =
+ KeywordTable::FromWebDatabase(db)->GetDefaultSearchProviderID();
+ result.builtin_keyword_version =
+ KeywordTable::FromWebDatabase(db)->GetBuiltinKeywordVersion();
+ result_ptr.reset(new WDResult<WDKeywordsResult>(KEYWORDS_RESULT, result));
+ }
+ return result_ptr.Pass();
+WebDatabase::State KeywordWebDataService::SetDefaultSearchProviderIDImpl(
+ TemplateURLID id,
+ WebDatabase* db) {
+ return KeywordTable::FromWebDatabase(db)->SetDefaultSearchProviderID(id) ?
+ WebDatabase::COMMIT_NEEDED : WebDatabase::COMMIT_NOT_NEEDED;
+WebDatabase::State KeywordWebDataService::SetBuiltinKeywordVersionImpl(
+ int version,
+ WebDatabase* db) {
+ return KeywordTable::FromWebDatabase(db)->SetBuiltinKeywordVersion(version) ?
+ WebDatabase::COMMIT_NEEDED : WebDatabase::COMMIT_NOT_NEEDED;
diff --git a/components/search_engines/keyword_web_data_service.h b/components/search_engines/keyword_web_data_service.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da553a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/search_engines/keyword_web_data_service.h
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
+#include "components/search_engines/keyword_table.h"
+#include "components/search_engines/template_url_id.h"
+#include "components/webdata/common/web_data_service_base.h"
+#include "components/webdata/common/web_database.h"
+namespace base {
+class MessageLoopProxy;
+class WDTypedResult;
+class WebDatabaseService;
+struct TemplateURLData;
+struct WDKeywordsResult {
+ WDKeywordsResult();
+ ~WDKeywordsResult();
+ KeywordTable::Keywords keywords;
+ // Identifies the ID of the TemplateURL that is the default search. A value of
+ // 0 indicates there is no default search provider.
+ int64 default_search_provider_id;
+ // Version of the built-in keywords. A value of 0 indicates a first run.
+ int builtin_keyword_version;
+class WebDataServiceConsumer;
+class KeywordWebDataService : public WebDataServiceBase {
+ public:
+ // Instantiate this to turn on batch mode on the provided |service|
+ // until the scoper is destroyed. When batch mode is on, calls to any of the
+ // three keyword table modification functions below will result in locally
+ // queueing the operation; on setting this back to false, all the
+ // modifications will be performed at once. This is a performance
+ // optimization; see comments on KeywordTable::PerformOperations().
+ //
+ // If multiple scopers are in-scope simultaneously, batch mode will only be
+ // exited when all are destroyed. If |service| is NULL, the object will do
+ // nothing.
+ class BatchModeScoper {
+ public:
+ explicit BatchModeScoper(KeywordWebDataService* service);
+ ~BatchModeScoper();
+ private:
+ KeywordWebDataService* service_;
+ };
+ KeywordWebDataService(scoped_refptr<WebDatabaseService> wdbs,
+ scoped_refptr<base::MessageLoopProxy> ui_thread,
+ const ProfileErrorCallback& callback);
+ // As the database processes requests at a later date, all deletion is
+ // done on the background thread.
+ //
+ // Many of the keyword related methods do not return a handle. This is because
+ // the caller (TemplateURLService) does not need to know when the request is
+ // done.
+ void AddKeyword(const TemplateURLData& data);
+ void RemoveKeyword(TemplateURLID id);
+ void UpdateKeyword(const TemplateURLData& data);
+ // Fetches the keywords.
+ // On success, consumer is notified with WDResult<KeywordTable::Keywords>.
+ Handle GetKeywords(WebDataServiceConsumer* consumer);
+ // Sets the ID of the default search provider.
+ void SetDefaultSearchProviderID(TemplateURLID id);
+ // Sets the version of the builtin keywords.
+ void SetBuiltinKeywordVersion(int version);
+ protected:
+ virtual ~KeywordWebDataService();
+ private:
+ // Called by the BatchModeScoper (see comments there).
+ void AdjustBatchModeLevel(bool entering_batch_mode);
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // The following methods are only invoked on the DB thread.
+ //
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ WebDatabase::State PerformKeywordOperationsImpl(
+ const KeywordTable::Operations& operations,
+ WebDatabase* db);
+ scoped_ptr<WDTypedResult> GetKeywordsImpl(WebDatabase* db);
+ WebDatabase::State SetDefaultSearchProviderIDImpl(TemplateURLID id,
+ WebDatabase* db);
+ WebDatabase::State SetBuiltinKeywordVersionImpl(int version, WebDatabase* db);
+ size_t batch_mode_level_;
+ KeywordTable::Operations queued_keyword_operations_;
+ DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(KeywordWebDataService);
diff --git a/components/search_engines/ b/components/search_engines/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e309b07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/search_engines/
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "components/search_engines/search_host_to_urls_map.h"
+#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
+#include "components/search_engines/template_url.h"
+ : initialized_(false) {
+SearchHostToURLsMap::~SearchHostToURLsMap() {
+void SearchHostToURLsMap::Init(
+ const TemplateURLService::TemplateURLVector& template_urls,
+ const SearchTermsData& search_terms_data) {
+ DCHECK(!initialized_);
+ initialized_ = true; // Set here so Add doesn't assert.
+ Add(template_urls, search_terms_data);
+void SearchHostToURLsMap::Add(TemplateURL* template_url,
+ const SearchTermsData& search_terms_data) {
+ DCHECK(initialized_);
+ DCHECK(template_url);
+ const GURL url(template_url->GenerateSearchURL(search_terms_data));
+ if (!url.is_valid() || !url.has_host())
+ return;
+ host_to_urls_map_[].insert(template_url);
+void SearchHostToURLsMap::Remove(TemplateURL* template_url) {
+ DCHECK(initialized_);
+ DCHECK(template_url);
+ for (HostToURLsMap::iterator i = host_to_urls_map_.begin();
+ i != host_to_urls_map_.end(); ++i) {
+ TemplateURLSet::iterator url_set_iterator = i->second.find(template_url);
+ if (url_set_iterator != i->second.end()) {
+ i->second.erase(url_set_iterator);
+ if (i->second.empty())
+ host_to_urls_map_.erase(i);
+ // A given TemplateURL only occurs once in the map. As soon as we find the
+ // entry, stop.
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+TemplateURL* SearchHostToURLsMap::GetTemplateURLForHost(
+ const std::string& host) {
+ DCHECK(initialized_);
+ HostToURLsMap::const_iterator iter = host_to_urls_map_.find(host);
+ if (iter == host_to_urls_map_.end() || iter->second.empty())
+ return NULL;
+ return *(iter->second.begin()); // Return the 1st element.
+SearchHostToURLsMap::TemplateURLSet* SearchHostToURLsMap::GetURLsForHost(
+ const std::string& host) {
+ DCHECK(initialized_);
+ HostToURLsMap::iterator urls_for_host = host_to_urls_map_.find(host);
+ if (urls_for_host == host_to_urls_map_.end() || urls_for_host->second.empty())
+ return NULL;
+ return &urls_for_host->second;
+void SearchHostToURLsMap::Add(
+ const TemplateURLService::TemplateURLVector& template_urls,
+ const SearchTermsData& search_terms_data) {
+ for (TemplateURLService::TemplateURLVector::const_iterator i(
+ template_urls.begin()); i != template_urls.end(); ++i)
+ Add(*i, search_terms_data);
diff --git a/components/search_engines/search_host_to_urls_map.h b/components/search_engines/search_host_to_urls_map.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c580b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/search_engines/search_host_to_urls_map.h
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <map>
+#include <set>
+#include <string>
+#include "base/basictypes.h"
+#include "components/search_engines/template_url_service.h"
+// Holds the host to template url mappings for the search providers. WARNING:
+// This class does not own any TemplateURLs passed to it and it is up to the
+// caller to ensure the right lifetime of them.
+class SearchHostToURLsMap {
+ public:
+ typedef std::set<TemplateURL*> TemplateURLSet;
+ SearchHostToURLsMap();
+ ~SearchHostToURLsMap();
+ // Initializes the map.
+ void Init(const TemplateURLService::TemplateURLVector& template_urls,
+ const SearchTermsData& search_terms_data);
+ // Adds a new TemplateURL to the map. Since |template_url| is owned
+ // externally, Remove or RemoveAll should be called if it becomes invalid.
+ void Add(TemplateURL* template_url,
+ const SearchTermsData& search_terms_data);
+ // Removes the TemplateURL from the lookup.
+ void Remove(TemplateURL* template_url);
+ // Returns the first TemplateURL found with a URL using the specified |host|,
+ // or NULL if there are no such TemplateURLs
+ TemplateURL* GetTemplateURLForHost(const std::string& host);
+ // Return the TemplateURLSet for the given the |host| or NULL if there are
+ // none.
+ TemplateURLSet* GetURLsForHost(const std::string& host);
+ private:
+ friend class SearchHostToURLsMapTest;
+ typedef std::map<std::string, TemplateURLSet> HostToURLsMap;
+ // Adds many URLs to the map.
+ void Add(const TemplateURLService::TemplateURLVector& template_urls,
+ const SearchTermsData& search_terms_data);
+ // Maps from host to set of TemplateURLs whose search url host is host.
+ HostToURLsMap host_to_urls_map_;
+ // The security origin for the default search provider.
+ std::string default_search_origin_;
+ // Has Init been called?
+ bool initialized_;
diff --git a/components/search_engines/ b/components/search_engines/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3eb3334
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/search_engines/
@@ -0,0 +1,2372 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "components/search_engines/template_url_service.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <utility>
+#include "base/auto_reset.h"
+#include "base/command_line.h"
+#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
+#include "base/guid.h"
+#include "base/i18n/case_conversion.h"
+#include "base/memory/scoped_vector.h"
+#include "base/metrics/histogram.h"
+#include "base/prefs/pref_service.h"
+#include "base/stl_util.h"
+#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
+#include "base/strings/string_split.h"
+#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
+#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
+#include "base/time/time.h"
+#include "components/rappor/rappor_service.h"
+#include "components/search_engines/search_engines_pref_names.h"
+#include "components/search_engines/search_host_to_urls_map.h"
+#include "components/search_engines/search_terms_data.h"
+#include "components/search_engines/template_url.h"
+#include "components/search_engines/template_url_prepopulate_data.h"
+#include "components/search_engines/template_url_service_client.h"
+#include "components/search_engines/template_url_service_observer.h"
+#include "components/search_engines/util.h"
+#include "components/url_fixer/url_fixer.h"
+#include "net/base/net_util.h"
+#include "net/base/registry_controlled_domains/registry_controlled_domain.h"
+#include "sync/api/sync_change.h"
+#include "sync/api/sync_error_factory.h"
+#include "sync/protocol/search_engine_specifics.pb.h"
+#include "sync/protocol/sync.pb.h"
+#include "url/gurl.h"
+typedef SearchHostToURLsMap::TemplateURLSet TemplateURLSet;
+typedef TemplateURLService::SyncDataMap SyncDataMap;
+namespace {
+bool IdenticalSyncGUIDs(const TemplateURLData* data, const TemplateURL* turl) {
+ if (!data || !turl)
+ return !data && !turl;
+ return data->sync_guid == turl->sync_guid();
+const char kDeleteSyncedEngineHistogramName[] =
+ "Search.DeleteSyncedSearchEngine";
+// Values for an enumerated histogram used to track whenever an ACTION_DELETE is
+// sent to the server for search engines.
+enum DeleteSyncedSearchEngineEvent {
+// Returns true iff the change in |change_list| at index |i| should not be sent
+// up to the server based on its GUIDs presence in |sync_data| or when compared
+// to changes after it in |change_list|.
+// The criteria is:
+// 1) It is an ACTION_UPDATE or ACTION_DELETE and the sync_guid associated
+// with it is NOT found in |sync_data|. We can only update and remove
+// entries that were originally from the Sync server.
+// 2) It is an ACTION_ADD and the sync_guid associated with it is found in
+// |sync_data|. We cannot re-add entries that Sync already knew about.
+// 3) There is an update after an update for the same GUID. We prune earlier
+// ones just to save bandwidth (Sync would normally coalesce them).
+bool ShouldRemoveSyncChange(size_t index,
+ syncer::SyncChangeList* change_list,
+ const SyncDataMap* sync_data) {
+ DCHECK(index < change_list->size());
+ const syncer::SyncChange& change_i = (*change_list)[index];
+ const std::string guid = change_i.sync_data().GetSpecifics()
+ .search_engine().sync_guid();
+ syncer::SyncChange::SyncChangeType type = change_i.change_type();
+ if ((type == syncer::SyncChange::ACTION_UPDATE ||
+ type == syncer::SyncChange::ACTION_DELETE) &&
+ sync_data->find(guid) == sync_data->end())
+ return true;
+ if (type == syncer::SyncChange::ACTION_ADD &&
+ sync_data->find(guid) != sync_data->end())
+ return true;
+ if (type == syncer::SyncChange::ACTION_UPDATE) {
+ for (size_t j = index + 1; j < change_list->size(); j++) {
+ const syncer::SyncChange& change_j = (*change_list)[j];
+ if ((syncer::SyncChange::ACTION_UPDATE == change_j.change_type()) &&
+ (change_j.sync_data().GetSpecifics().search_engine().sync_guid() ==
+ guid))
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+// Remove SyncChanges that should not be sent to the server from |change_list|.
+// This is done to eliminate incorrect SyncChanges added by the merge and
+// conflict resolution logic when it is unsure of whether or not an entry is new
+// from Sync or originally from the local model. This also removes changes that
+// would be otherwise be coalesced by Sync in order to save bandwidth.
+void PruneSyncChanges(const SyncDataMap* sync_data,
+ syncer::SyncChangeList* change_list) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < change_list->size(); ) {
+ if (ShouldRemoveSyncChange(i, change_list, sync_data))
+ change_list->erase(change_list->begin() + i);
+ else
+ ++i;
+ }
+// Returns true if |turl|'s GUID is not found inside |sync_data|. This is to be
+// used in MergeDataAndStartSyncing to differentiate between TemplateURLs from
+// Sync and TemplateURLs that were initially local, assuming |sync_data| is the
+// |initial_sync_data| parameter.
+bool IsFromSync(const TemplateURL* turl, const SyncDataMap& sync_data) {
+ return !!sync_data.count(turl->sync_guid());
+// Log the number of instances of a keyword that exist, with zero or more
+// underscores, which could occur as the result of conflict resolution.
+void LogDuplicatesHistogram(
+ const TemplateURLService::TemplateURLVector& template_urls) {
+ std::map<std::string, int> duplicates;
+ for (TemplateURLService::TemplateURLVector::const_iterator it =
+ template_urls.begin(); it != template_urls.end(); ++it) {
+ std::string keyword = base::UTF16ToASCII((*it)->keyword());
+ base::TrimString(keyword, "_", &keyword);
+ duplicates[keyword]++;
+ }
+ // Count the keywords with duplicates.
+ int num_dupes = 0;
+ for (std::map<std::string, int>::const_iterator it = duplicates.begin();
+ it != duplicates.end(); ++it) {
+ if (it->second > 1)
+ num_dupes++;
+ }
+ UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_100("Search.SearchEngineDuplicateCounts", num_dupes);
+} // namespace
+// TemplateURLService::LessWithPrefix -----------------------------------------
+class TemplateURLService::LessWithPrefix {
+ public:
+ // We want to find the set of keywords that begin with a prefix. The STL
+ // algorithms will return the set of elements that are "equal to" the
+ // prefix, where "equal(x, y)" means "!(cmp(x, y) || cmp(y, x))". When
+ // cmp() is the typical std::less<>, this results in lexicographic equality;
+ // we need to extend this to mark a prefix as "not less than" a keyword it
+ // begins, which will cause the desired elements to be considered "equal to"
+ // the prefix. Note: this is still a strict weak ordering, as required by
+ // equal_range() (though I will not prove that here).
+ //
+ // Unfortunately the calling convention is not "prefix and element" but
+ // rather "two elements", so we pass the prefix as a fake "element" which has
+ // a NULL KeywordDataElement pointer.
+ bool operator()(const KeywordToTemplateMap::value_type& elem1,
+ const KeywordToTemplateMap::value_type& elem2) const {
+ return (elem1.second == NULL) ?
+ (, elem1.first.length(), elem1.first) > 0) :
+ (elem1.first < elem2.first);
+ }
+// TemplateURLService ---------------------------------------------------------
+ PrefService* prefs,
+ scoped_ptr<SearchTermsData> search_terms_data,
+ KeywordWebDataService* web_data_service,
+ scoped_ptr<TemplateURLServiceClient> client,
+ GoogleURLTracker* google_url_tracker,
+ rappor::RapporService* rappor_service,
+ const base::Closure& dsp_change_callback)
+ : prefs_(prefs),
+ search_terms_data_(search_terms_data.Pass()),
+ web_data_service_(web_data_service),
+ client_(client.Pass()),
+ google_url_tracker_(google_url_tracker),
+ rappor_service_(rappor_service),
+ dsp_change_callback_(dsp_change_callback),
+ provider_map_(new SearchHostToURLsMap),
+ loaded_(false),
+ load_failed_(false),
+ load_handle_(0),
+ default_search_provider_(NULL),
+ next_id_(kInvalidTemplateURLID + 1),
+ time_provider_(&base::Time::Now),
+ models_associated_(false),
+ processing_syncer_changes_(false),
+ dsp_change_origin_(DSP_CHANGE_OTHER),
+ default_search_manager_(
+ prefs_,
+ base::Bind(&TemplateURLService::OnDefaultSearchChange,
+ base::Unretained(this))) {
+ DCHECK(search_terms_data_);
+ Init(NULL, 0);
+TemplateURLService::TemplateURLService(const Initializer* initializers,
+ const int count)
+ : prefs_(NULL),
+ search_terms_data_(new SearchTermsData),
+ web_data_service_(NULL),
+ google_url_tracker_(NULL),
+ rappor_service_(NULL),
+ provider_map_(new SearchHostToURLsMap),
+ loaded_(false),
+ load_failed_(false),
+ load_handle_(0),
+ default_search_provider_(NULL),
+ next_id_(kInvalidTemplateURLID + 1),
+ time_provider_(&base::Time::Now),
+ models_associated_(false),
+ processing_syncer_changes_(false),
+ dsp_change_origin_(DSP_CHANGE_OTHER),
+ default_search_manager_(
+ prefs_,
+ base::Bind(&TemplateURLService::OnDefaultSearchChange,
+ base::Unretained(this))) {
+ Init(initializers, count);
+TemplateURLService::~TemplateURLService() {
+ // |web_data_service_| should be deleted during Shutdown().
+ DCHECK(!web_data_service_);
+ STLDeleteElements(&template_urls_);
+// static
+bool TemplateURLService::LoadDefaultSearchProviderFromPrefs(
+ PrefService* prefs,
+ scoped_ptr<TemplateURLData>* default_provider_data,
+ bool* is_managed) {
+ if (!prefs || !prefs->HasPrefPath(prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderSearchURL) ||
+ !prefs->HasPrefPath(prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderKeyword))
+ return false;
+ const PrefService::Preference* pref =
+ prefs->FindPreference(prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderSearchURL);
+ *is_managed = pref && pref->IsManaged();
+ if (!prefs->GetBoolean(prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderEnabled)) {
+ // The user doesn't want a default search provider.
+ default_provider_data->reset(NULL);
+ return true;
+ }
+ base::string16 name =
+ base::UTF8ToUTF16(prefs->GetString(prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderName));
+ base::string16 keyword =
+ base::UTF8ToUTF16(prefs->GetString(prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderKeyword));
+ if (keyword.empty())
+ return false;
+ std::string search_url =
+ prefs->GetString(prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderSearchURL);
+ // Force URL to be non-empty. We've never supported this case, but past bugs
+ // might have resulted in it slipping through; eventually this code can be
+ // replaced with a DCHECK(!search_url.empty());.
+ if (search_url.empty())
+ return false;
+ std::string suggest_url =
+ prefs->GetString(prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderSuggestURL);
+ std::string instant_url =
+ prefs->GetString(prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderInstantURL);
+ std::string image_url =
+ prefs->GetString(prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderImageURL);
+ std::string new_tab_url =
+ prefs->GetString(prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderNewTabURL);
+ std::string search_url_post_params =
+ prefs->GetString(prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderSearchURLPostParams);
+ std::string suggest_url_post_params =
+ prefs->GetString(prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderSuggestURLPostParams);
+ std::string instant_url_post_params =
+ prefs->GetString(prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderInstantURLPostParams);
+ std::string image_url_post_params =
+ prefs->GetString(prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderImageURLPostParams);
+ std::string icon_url =
+ prefs->GetString(prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderIconURL);
+ std::string encodings =
+ prefs->GetString(prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderEncodings);
+ std::string id_string = prefs->GetString(prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderID);
+ std::string prepopulate_id =
+ prefs->GetString(prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderPrepopulateID);
+ const base::ListValue* alternate_urls =
+ prefs->GetList(prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderAlternateURLs);
+ std::string search_terms_replacement_key = prefs->GetString(
+ prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderSearchTermsReplacementKey);
+ default_provider_data->reset(new TemplateURLData);
+ (*default_provider_data)->short_name = name;
+ (*default_provider_data)->SetKeyword(keyword);
+ (*default_provider_data)->SetURL(search_url);
+ (*default_provider_data)->suggestions_url = suggest_url;
+ (*default_provider_data)->instant_url = instant_url;
+ (*default_provider_data)->image_url = image_url;
+ (*default_provider_data)->new_tab_url = new_tab_url;
+ (*default_provider_data)->search_url_post_params = search_url_post_params;
+ (*default_provider_data)->suggestions_url_post_params =
+ suggest_url_post_params;
+ (*default_provider_data)->instant_url_post_params = instant_url_post_params;
+ (*default_provider_data)->image_url_post_params = image_url_post_params;
+ (*default_provider_data)->favicon_url = GURL(icon_url);
+ (*default_provider_data)->show_in_default_list = true;
+ (*default_provider_data)->alternate_urls.clear();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < alternate_urls->GetSize(); ++i) {
+ std::string alternate_url;
+ if (alternate_urls->GetString(i, &alternate_url))
+ (*default_provider_data)->alternate_urls.push_back(alternate_url);
+ }
+ (*default_provider_data)->search_terms_replacement_key =
+ search_terms_replacement_key;
+ base::SplitString(encodings, ';', &(*default_provider_data)->input_encodings);
+ if (!id_string.empty() && !*is_managed) {
+ int64 value;
+ base::StringToInt64(id_string, &value);
+ (*default_provider_data)->id = value;
+ }
+ if (!prepopulate_id.empty() && !*is_managed) {
+ int value;
+ base::StringToInt(prepopulate_id, &value);
+ (*default_provider_data)->prepopulate_id = value;
+ }
+ return true;
+// static
+base::string16 TemplateURLService::CleanUserInputKeyword(
+ const base::string16& keyword) {
+ // Remove the scheme.
+ base::string16 result(base::i18n::ToLower(keyword));
+ base::TrimWhitespace(result, base::TRIM_ALL, &result);
+ url::Component scheme_component;
+ if (url::ExtractScheme(base::UTF16ToUTF8(keyword).c_str(),
+ static_cast<int>(keyword.length()),
+ &scheme_component)) {
+ // If the scheme isn't "http" or "https", bail. The user isn't trying to
+ // type a web address, but rather an FTP, file:, or other scheme URL, or a
+ // search query with some sort of initial operator (e.g. "site:").
+ if (, scheme_component.end(),
+ base::ASCIIToUTF16(url::kHttpScheme)) &&
+, scheme_component.end(),
+ base::ASCIIToUTF16(url::kHttpsScheme)))
+ return base::string16();
+ // Include trailing ':'.
+ result.erase(0, scheme_component.end() + 1);
+ // Many schemes usually have "//" after them, so strip it too.
+ const base::string16 after_scheme(base::ASCIIToUTF16("//"));
+ if (, after_scheme.length(), after_scheme) == 0)
+ result.erase(0, after_scheme.length());
+ }
+ // Remove leading "www.".
+ result = net::StripWWW(result);
+ // Remove trailing "/".
+ return (result.length() > 0 && result[result.length() - 1] == '/') ?
+ result.substr(0, result.length() - 1) : result;
+// static
+void TemplateURLService::SaveDefaultSearchProviderToPrefs(
+ const TemplateURL* t_url,
+ PrefService* prefs) {
+ if (!prefs)
+ return;
+ bool enabled = false;
+ std::string search_url;
+ std::string suggest_url;
+ std::string instant_url;
+ std::string image_url;
+ std::string new_tab_url;
+ std::string search_url_post_params;
+ std::string suggest_url_post_params;
+ std::string instant_url_post_params;
+ std::string image_url_post_params;
+ std::string icon_url;
+ std::string encodings;
+ std::string short_name;
+ std::string keyword;
+ std::string id_string;
+ std::string prepopulate_id;
+ base::ListValue alternate_urls;
+ std::string search_terms_replacement_key;
+ if (t_url) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(TemplateURL::NORMAL, t_url->GetType());
+ enabled = true;
+ search_url = t_url->url();
+ suggest_url = t_url->suggestions_url();
+ instant_url = t_url->instant_url();
+ image_url = t_url->image_url();
+ new_tab_url = t_url->new_tab_url();
+ search_url_post_params = t_url->search_url_post_params();
+ suggest_url_post_params = t_url->suggestions_url_post_params();
+ instant_url_post_params = t_url->instant_url_post_params();
+ image_url_post_params = t_url->image_url_post_params();
+ GURL icon_gurl = t_url->favicon_url();
+ if (!icon_gurl.is_empty())
+ icon_url = icon_gurl.spec();
+ encodings = JoinString(t_url->input_encodings(), ';');
+ short_name = base::UTF16ToUTF8(t_url->short_name());
+ keyword = base::UTF16ToUTF8(t_url->keyword());
+ id_string = base::Int64ToString(t_url->id());
+ prepopulate_id = base::Int64ToString(t_url->prepopulate_id());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < t_url->alternate_urls().size(); ++i)
+ alternate_urls.AppendString(t_url->alternate_urls()[i]);
+ search_terms_replacement_key = t_url->search_terms_replacement_key();
+ }
+ prefs->SetBoolean(prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderEnabled, enabled);
+ prefs->SetString(prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderSearchURL, search_url);
+ prefs->SetString(prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderSuggestURL, suggest_url);
+ prefs->SetString(prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderInstantURL, instant_url);
+ prefs->SetString(prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderImageURL, image_url);
+ prefs->SetString(prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderNewTabURL, new_tab_url);
+ prefs->SetString(prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderSearchURLPostParams,
+ search_url_post_params);
+ prefs->SetString(prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderSuggestURLPostParams,
+ suggest_url_post_params);
+ prefs->SetString(prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderInstantURLPostParams,
+ instant_url_post_params);
+ prefs->SetString(prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderImageURLPostParams,
+ image_url_post_params);
+ prefs->SetString(prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderIconURL, icon_url);
+ prefs->SetString(prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderEncodings, encodings);
+ prefs->SetString(prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderName, short_name);
+ prefs->SetString(prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderKeyword, keyword);
+ prefs->SetString(prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderID, id_string);
+ prefs->SetString(prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderPrepopulateID, prepopulate_id);
+ prefs->Set(prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderAlternateURLs, alternate_urls);
+ prefs->SetString(prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderSearchTermsReplacementKey,
+ search_terms_replacement_key);
+bool TemplateURLService::CanReplaceKeyword(
+ const base::string16& keyword,
+ const GURL& url,
+ TemplateURL** template_url_to_replace) {
+ DCHECK(!keyword.empty()); // This should only be called for non-empty
+ // keywords. If we need to support empty kewords
+ // the code needs to change slightly.
+ TemplateURL* existing_url = GetTemplateURLForKeyword(keyword);
+ if (template_url_to_replace)
+ *template_url_to_replace = existing_url;
+ if (existing_url) {
+ // We already have a TemplateURL for this keyword. Only allow it to be
+ // replaced if the TemplateURL can be replaced.
+ return CanReplace(existing_url);
+ }
+ // We don't have a TemplateURL with keyword. Only allow a new one if there
+ // isn't a TemplateURL for the specified host, or there is one but it can
+ // be replaced. We do this to ensure that if the user assigns a different
+ // keyword to a generated TemplateURL, we won't regenerate another keyword for
+ // the same host.
+ return !url.is_valid() || ||
+ CanReplaceKeywordForHost(, template_url_to_replace);
+void TemplateURLService::FindMatchingKeywords(
+ const base::string16& prefix,
+ bool support_replacement_only,
+ TemplateURLVector* matches) {
+ // Sanity check args.
+ if (prefix.empty())
+ return;
+ DCHECK(matches != NULL);
+ DCHECK(matches->empty()); // The code for exact matches assumes this.
+ // Required for VS2010:
+ TemplateURL* const kNullTemplateURL = NULL;
+ // Find matching keyword range. Searches the element map for keywords
+ // beginning with |prefix| and stores the endpoints of the resulting set in
+ // |match_range|.
+ const std::pair<KeywordToTemplateMap::const_iterator,
+ KeywordToTemplateMap::const_iterator> match_range(
+ std::equal_range(
+ keyword_to_template_map_.begin(), keyword_to_template_map_.end(),
+ KeywordToTemplateMap::value_type(prefix, kNullTemplateURL),
+ LessWithPrefix()));
+ // Return vector of matching keywords.
+ for (KeywordToTemplateMap::const_iterator i(match_range.first);
+ i != match_range.second; ++i) {
+ if (!support_replacement_only ||
+ i->second->url_ref().SupportsReplacement(search_terms_data()))
+ matches->push_back(i->second);
+ }
+TemplateURL* TemplateURLService::GetTemplateURLForKeyword(
+ const base::string16& keyword) {
+ KeywordToTemplateMap::const_iterator elem(
+ keyword_to_template_map_.find(keyword));
+ if (elem != keyword_to_template_map_.end())
+ return elem->second;
+ return (!loaded_ &&
+ initial_default_search_provider_.get() &&
+ (initial_default_search_provider_->keyword() == keyword)) ?
+ initial_default_search_provider_.get() : NULL;
+TemplateURL* TemplateURLService::GetTemplateURLForGUID(
+ const std::string& sync_guid) {
+ GUIDToTemplateMap::const_iterator elem(guid_to_template_map_.find(sync_guid));
+ if (elem != guid_to_template_map_.end())
+ return elem->second;
+ return (!loaded_ &&
+ initial_default_search_provider_.get() &&
+ (initial_default_search_provider_->sync_guid() == sync_guid)) ?
+ initial_default_search_provider_.get() : NULL;
+TemplateURL* TemplateURLService::GetTemplateURLForHost(
+ const std::string& host) {
+ if (loaded_)
+ return provider_map_->GetTemplateURLForHost(host);
+ TemplateURL* initial_dsp = initial_default_search_provider_.get();
+ if (!initial_dsp)
+ return NULL;
+ return (initial_dsp->GenerateSearchURL(search_terms_data()).host() == host) ?
+ initial_dsp : NULL;
+bool TemplateURLService::Add(TemplateURL* template_url) {
+ KeywordWebDataService::BatchModeScoper scoper(web_data_service_.get());
+ if (!AddNoNotify(template_url, true))
+ return false;
+ NotifyObservers();
+ return true;
+void TemplateURLService::AddWithOverrides(TemplateURL* template_url,
+ const base::string16& short_name,
+ const base::string16& keyword,
+ const std::string& url) {
+ DCHECK(!keyword.empty());
+ DCHECK(!url.empty());
+ template_url->data_.short_name = short_name;
+ template_url->data_.SetKeyword(keyword);
+ template_url->SetURL(url);
+ Add(template_url);
+void TemplateURLService::AddExtensionControlledTURL(
+ TemplateURL* template_url,
+ scoped_ptr<TemplateURL::AssociatedExtensionInfo> info) {
+ DCHECK(loaded_);
+ DCHECK(template_url);
+ DCHECK_EQ(kInvalidTemplateURLID, template_url->id());
+ DCHECK(info);
+ DCHECK_NE(TemplateURL::NORMAL, info->type);
+ DCHECK_EQ(info->wants_to_be_default_engine,
+ template_url->show_in_default_list());
+ DCHECK(!FindTemplateURLForExtension(info->extension_id, info->type));
+ template_url->extension_info_.swap(info);
+ KeywordWebDataService::BatchModeScoper scoper(web_data_service_.get());
+ if (AddNoNotify(template_url, true)) {
+ if (template_url->extension_info_->wants_to_be_default_engine)
+ UpdateExtensionDefaultSearchEngine();
+ NotifyObservers();
+ }
+void TemplateURLService::Remove(TemplateURL* template_url) {
+ RemoveNoNotify(template_url);
+ NotifyObservers();
+void TemplateURLService::RemoveExtensionControlledTURL(
+ const std::string& extension_id,
+ TemplateURL::Type type) {
+ DCHECK(loaded_);
+ TemplateURL* url = FindTemplateURLForExtension(extension_id, type);
+ if (!url)
+ return;
+ // NULL this out so that we can call RemoveNoNotify.
+ // UpdateExtensionDefaultSearchEngine will cause it to be reset.
+ if (default_search_provider_ == url)
+ default_search_provider_ = NULL;
+ KeywordWebDataService::BatchModeScoper scoper(web_data_service_.get());
+ RemoveNoNotify(url);
+ UpdateExtensionDefaultSearchEngine();
+ NotifyObservers();
+void TemplateURLService::RemoveAutoGeneratedSince(base::Time created_after) {
+ RemoveAutoGeneratedBetween(created_after, base::Time());
+void TemplateURLService::RemoveAutoGeneratedBetween(base::Time created_after,
+ base::Time created_before) {
+ RemoveAutoGeneratedForOriginBetween(GURL(), created_after, created_before);
+void TemplateURLService::RemoveAutoGeneratedForOriginBetween(
+ const GURL& origin,
+ base::Time created_after,
+ base::Time created_before) {
+ GURL o(origin.GetOrigin());
+ bool should_notify = false;
+ KeywordWebDataService::BatchModeScoper scoper(web_data_service_.get());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < template_urls_.size();) {
+ if (template_urls_[i]->date_created() >= created_after &&
+ (created_before.is_null() ||
+ template_urls_[i]->date_created() < created_before) &&
+ CanReplace(template_urls_[i]) &&
+ (o.is_empty() ||
+ template_urls_[i]->GenerateSearchURL(
+ search_terms_data()).GetOrigin() == o)) {
+ RemoveNoNotify(template_urls_[i]);
+ should_notify = true;
+ } else {
+ ++i;
+ }
+ }
+ if (should_notify)
+ NotifyObservers();
+void TemplateURLService::RegisterOmniboxKeyword(
+ const std::string& extension_id,
+ const std::string& extension_name,
+ const std::string& keyword,
+ const std::string& template_url_string) {
+ DCHECK(loaded_);
+ if (FindTemplateURLForExtension(extension_id,
+ return;
+ TemplateURLData data;
+ data.short_name = base::UTF8ToUTF16(extension_name);
+ data.SetKeyword(base::UTF8ToUTF16(keyword));
+ data.SetURL(template_url_string);
+ TemplateURL* url = new TemplateURL(data);
+ scoped_ptr<TemplateURL::AssociatedExtensionInfo> info(
+ new TemplateURL::AssociatedExtensionInfo(
+ TemplateURL::OMNIBOX_API_EXTENSION, extension_id));
+ AddExtensionControlledTURL(url, info.Pass());
+TemplateURLService::TemplateURLVector TemplateURLService::GetTemplateURLs() {
+ return template_urls_;
+void TemplateURLService::IncrementUsageCount(TemplateURL* url) {
+ DCHECK(url);
+ // Extension-controlled search engines are not persisted.
+ if (url->GetType() == TemplateURL::NORMAL_CONTROLLED_BY_EXTENSION)
+ return;
+ if (std::find(template_urls_.begin(), template_urls_.end(), url) ==
+ template_urls_.end())
+ return;
+ ++url->data_.usage_count;
+ if (web_data_service_)
+ web_data_service_->UpdateKeyword(url->data());
+void TemplateURLService::ResetTemplateURL(TemplateURL* url,
+ const base::string16& title,
+ const base::string16& keyword,
+ const std::string& search_url) {
+ if (ResetTemplateURLNoNotify(url, title, keyword, search_url))
+ NotifyObservers();
+bool TemplateURLService::CanMakeDefault(const TemplateURL* url) {
+ return
+ ((default_search_provider_source_ == DefaultSearchManager::FROM_USER) ||
+ (default_search_provider_source_ ==
+ DefaultSearchManager::FROM_FALLBACK)) &&
+ (url != GetDefaultSearchProvider()) &&
+ url->url_ref().SupportsReplacement(search_terms_data()) &&
+ (url->GetType() == TemplateURL::NORMAL);
+void TemplateURLService::SetUserSelectedDefaultSearchProvider(
+ TemplateURL* url) {
+ // Omnibox keywords cannot be made default. Extension-controlled search
+ // engines can be made default only by the extension itself because they
+ // aren't persisted.
+ DCHECK(!url || (url->GetType() == TemplateURL::NORMAL));
+ if (load_failed_) {
+ // Skip the DefaultSearchManager, which will persist to user preferences.
+ if ((default_search_provider_source_ == DefaultSearchManager::FROM_USER) ||
+ (default_search_provider_source_ ==
+ DefaultSearchManager::FROM_FALLBACK)) {
+ ApplyDefaultSearchChange(url ? &url->data() : NULL,
+ DefaultSearchManager::FROM_USER);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // We rely on the DefaultSearchManager to call OnDefaultSearchChange if, in
+ // fact, the effective DSE changes.
+ if (url)
+ default_search_manager_.SetUserSelectedDefaultSearchEngine(url->data());
+ else
+ default_search_manager_.ClearUserSelectedDefaultSearchEngine();
+ }
+TemplateURL* TemplateURLService::GetDefaultSearchProvider() {
+ return loaded_ ?
+ default_search_provider_ : initial_default_search_provider_.get();
+bool TemplateURLService::IsSearchResultsPageFromDefaultSearchProvider(
+ const GURL& url) {
+ TemplateURL* default_provider = GetDefaultSearchProvider();
+ return default_provider &&
+ default_provider->IsSearchURL(url, search_terms_data());
+bool TemplateURLService::IsExtensionControlledDefaultSearch() {
+ return default_search_provider_source_ ==
+ DefaultSearchManager::FROM_EXTENSION;
+void TemplateURLService::RepairPrepopulatedSearchEngines() {
+ // Can't clean DB if it hasn't been loaded.
+ DCHECK(loaded());
+ if ((default_search_provider_source_ == DefaultSearchManager::FROM_USER) ||
+ (default_search_provider_source_ ==
+ DefaultSearchManager::FROM_FALLBACK)) {
+ // Clear |default_search_provider_| in case we want to remove the engine it
+ // points to. This will get reset at the end of the function anyway.
+ default_search_provider_ = NULL;
+ }
+ size_t default_search_provider_index = 0;
+ ScopedVector<TemplateURLData> prepopulated_urls =
+ TemplateURLPrepopulateData::GetPrepopulatedEngines(
+ prefs_, &default_search_provider_index);
+ DCHECK(!prepopulated_urls.empty());
+ ActionsFromPrepopulateData actions(CreateActionsFromCurrentPrepopulateData(
+ &prepopulated_urls, template_urls_, default_search_provider_));
+ KeywordWebDataService::BatchModeScoper scoper(web_data_service_.get());
+ // Remove items.
+ for (std::vector<TemplateURL*>::iterator i = actions.removed_engines.begin();
+ i < actions.removed_engines.end(); ++i)
+ RemoveNoNotify(*i);
+ // Edit items.
+ for (EditedEngines::iterator i(actions.edited_engines.begin());
+ i < actions.edited_engines.end(); ++i) {
+ TemplateURL new_values(i->second);
+ UpdateNoNotify(i->first, new_values);
+ }
+ // Add items.
+ for (std::vector<TemplateURLData>::const_iterator i =
+ actions.added_engines.begin();
+ i < actions.added_engines.end();
+ ++i) {
+ AddNoNotify(new TemplateURL(*i), true);
+ }
+ base::AutoReset<DefaultSearchChangeOrigin> change_origin(
+ &dsp_change_origin_, DSP_CHANGE_PROFILE_RESET);
+ default_search_manager_.ClearUserSelectedDefaultSearchEngine();
+ if (!default_search_provider_) {
+ // If the default search provider came from a user pref we would have been
+ // notified of the new (fallback-provided) value in
+ // ClearUserSelectedDefaultSearchEngine() above. Since we are here, the
+ // value was presumably originally a fallback value (which may have been
+ // repaired).
+ DefaultSearchManager::Source source;
+ const TemplateURLData* new_dse =
+ default_search_manager_.GetDefaultSearchEngine(&source);
+ // ApplyDefaultSearchChange will notify observers once it is done.
+ ApplyDefaultSearchChange(new_dse, source);
+ } else {
+ NotifyObservers();
+ }
+void TemplateURLService::AddObserver(TemplateURLServiceObserver* observer) {
+ model_observers_.AddObserver(observer);
+void TemplateURLService::RemoveObserver(TemplateURLServiceObserver* observer) {
+ model_observers_.RemoveObserver(observer);
+void TemplateURLService::Load() {
+ if (loaded_ || load_handle_)
+ return;
+ if (web_data_service_)
+ load_handle_ = web_data_service_->GetKeywords(this);
+ else
+ ChangeToLoadedState();
+ TemplateURLService::RegisterOnLoadedCallback(
+ const base::Closure& callback) {
+ return loaded_ ?
+ scoped_ptr<TemplateURLService::Subscription>() :
+ on_loaded_callbacks_.Add(callback);
+void TemplateURLService::OnWebDataServiceRequestDone(
+ KeywordWebDataService::Handle h,
+ const WDTypedResult* result) {
+ // Reset the load_handle so that we don't try and cancel the load in
+ // the destructor.
+ load_handle_ = 0;
+ if (!result) {
+ // Results are null if the database went away or (most likely) wasn't
+ // loaded.
+ load_failed_ = true;
+ web_data_service_ = NULL;
+ ChangeToLoadedState();
+ return;
+ }
+ TemplateURLVector template_urls;
+ int new_resource_keyword_version = 0;
+ GetSearchProvidersUsingKeywordResult(
+ *result,
+ web_data_service_.get(),
+ prefs_,
+ &template_urls,
+ (default_search_provider_source_ == DefaultSearchManager::FROM_USER) ?
+ initial_default_search_provider_.get() : NULL,
+ search_terms_data(),
+ &new_resource_keyword_version,
+ &pre_sync_deletes_);
+ KeywordWebDataService::BatchModeScoper scoper(web_data_service_.get());
+ PatchMissingSyncGUIDs(&template_urls);
+ SetTemplateURLs(&template_urls);
+ // This initializes provider_map_ which should be done before
+ // calling UpdateKeywordSearchTermsForURL.
+ // This also calls NotifyObservers.
+ ChangeToLoadedState();
+ // Index any visits that occurred before we finished loading.
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < visits_to_add_.size(); ++i)
+ UpdateKeywordSearchTermsForURL(visits_to_add_[i]);
+ visits_to_add_.clear();
+ if (new_resource_keyword_version)
+ web_data_service_->SetBuiltinKeywordVersion(new_resource_keyword_version);
+ if (default_search_provider_) {
+ "Search.DefaultSearchProviderType",
+ TemplateURLPrepopulateData::GetEngineType(
+ *default_search_provider_, search_terms_data()),
+ if (rappor_service_) {
+ rappor_service_->RecordSample(
+ "Search.DefaultSearchProvider",
+ net::registry_controlled_domains::GetDomainAndRegistry(
+ default_search_provider_->url_ref().GetHost(search_terms_data()),
+ net::registry_controlled_domains::INCLUDE_PRIVATE_REGISTRIES));
+ }
+ }
+base::string16 TemplateURLService::GetKeywordShortName(
+ const base::string16& keyword,
+ bool* is_omnibox_api_extension_keyword) {
+ const TemplateURL* template_url = GetTemplateURLForKeyword(keyword);
+ // TODO(sky): Once LocationBarView adds a listener to the TemplateURLService
+ // to track changes to the model, this should become a DCHECK.
+ if (template_url) {
+ *is_omnibox_api_extension_keyword =
+ template_url->GetType() == TemplateURL::OMNIBOX_API_EXTENSION;
+ return template_url->AdjustedShortNameForLocaleDirection();
+ }
+ *is_omnibox_api_extension_keyword = false;
+ return base::string16();
+void TemplateURLService::OnHistoryURLVisited(const URLVisitedDetails& details) {
+ if (!loaded_)
+ visits_to_add_.push_back(details);
+ else
+ UpdateKeywordSearchTermsForURL(details);
+void TemplateURLService::Shutdown() {
+ // This check has to be done at Shutdown() instead of in the dtor to ensure
+ // that no clients of KeywordWebDataService are holding ptrs to it after the
+ // first phase of the KeyedService Shutdown() process.
+ if (load_handle_) {
+ DCHECK(web_data_service_.get());
+ web_data_service_->CancelRequest(load_handle_);
+ }
+ web_data_service_ = NULL;
+syncer::SyncDataList TemplateURLService::GetAllSyncData(
+ syncer::ModelType type) const {
+ DCHECK_EQ(syncer::SEARCH_ENGINES, type);
+ syncer::SyncDataList current_data;
+ for (TemplateURLVector::const_iterator iter = template_urls_.begin();
+ iter != template_urls_.end(); ++iter) {
+ // We don't sync keywords managed by policy.
+ if ((*iter)->created_by_policy())
+ continue;
+ // We don't sync extension-controlled search engines.
+ if ((*iter)->GetType() == TemplateURL::NORMAL_CONTROLLED_BY_EXTENSION)
+ continue;
+ current_data.push_back(CreateSyncDataFromTemplateURL(**iter));
+ }
+ return current_data;
+syncer::SyncError TemplateURLService::ProcessSyncChanges(
+ const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
+ const syncer::SyncChangeList& change_list) {
+ if (!models_associated_) {
+ syncer::SyncError error(FROM_HERE,
+ syncer::SyncError::DATATYPE_ERROR,
+ "Models not yet associated.",
+ syncer::SEARCH_ENGINES);
+ return error;
+ }
+ DCHECK(loaded_);
+ base::AutoReset<bool> processing_changes(&processing_syncer_changes_, true);
+ // We've started syncing, so set our origin member to the base Sync value.
+ // As we move through Sync Code, we may set this to increasingly specific
+ // origins so we can tell what exactly caused a DSP change.
+ base::AutoReset<DefaultSearchChangeOrigin> change_origin(&dsp_change_origin_,
+ KeywordWebDataService::BatchModeScoper scoper(web_data_service_.get());
+ syncer::SyncChangeList new_changes;
+ syncer::SyncError error;
+ for (syncer::SyncChangeList::const_iterator iter = change_list.begin();
+ iter != change_list.end(); ++iter) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(syncer::SEARCH_ENGINES, iter->sync_data().GetDataType());
+ std::string guid =
+ iter->sync_data().GetSpecifics().search_engine().sync_guid();
+ TemplateURL* existing_turl = GetTemplateURLForGUID(guid);
+ scoped_ptr<TemplateURL> turl(CreateTemplateURLFromTemplateURLAndSyncData(
+ prefs_, search_terms_data(), existing_turl, iter->sync_data(),
+ &new_changes));
+ if (!turl.get())
+ continue;
+ // Explicitly don't check for conflicts against extension keywords; in this
+ // case the functions which modify the keyword map know how to handle the
+ // conflicts.
+ // TODO(mpcomplete): If we allow editing extension keywords, then those will
+ // need to undergo conflict resolution.
+ TemplateURL* existing_keyword_turl =
+ FindNonExtensionTemplateURLForKeyword(turl->keyword());
+ if (iter->change_type() == syncer::SyncChange::ACTION_DELETE) {
+ if (!existing_turl) {
+ error = sync_error_factory_->CreateAndUploadError(
+ "ProcessSyncChanges failed on ChangeType ACTION_DELETE");
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (existing_turl == GetDefaultSearchProvider()) {
+ // The only way Sync can attempt to delete the default search provider
+ // is if we had changed the kSyncedDefaultSearchProviderGUID
+ // preference, but perhaps it has not yet been received. To avoid
+ // situations where this has come in erroneously, we will un-delete
+ // the current default search from the Sync data. If the pref really
+ // does arrive later, then default search will change to the correct
+ // entry, but we'll have this extra entry sitting around. The result is
+ // not ideal, but it prevents a far more severe bug where the default is
+ // unexpectedly swapped to something else. The user can safely delete
+ // the extra entry again later, if they choose. Most users who do not
+ // look at the search engines UI will not notice this.
+ // Note that we append a special character to the end of the keyword in
+ // an attempt to avoid a ping-poinging situation where receiving clients
+ // may try to continually delete the resurrected entry.
+ base::string16 updated_keyword = UniquifyKeyword(*existing_turl, true);
+ TemplateURLData data(existing_turl->data());
+ data.SetKeyword(updated_keyword);
+ TemplateURL new_turl(data);
+ if (UpdateNoNotify(existing_turl, new_turl))
+ NotifyObservers();
+ syncer::SyncData sync_data = CreateSyncDataFromTemplateURL(new_turl);
+ new_changes.push_back(syncer::SyncChange(FROM_HERE,
+ syncer::SyncChange::ACTION_ADD,
+ sync_data));
+ // Ignore the delete attempt. This means we never end up resetting the
+ // default search provider due to an ACTION_DELETE from sync.
+ continue;
+ }
+ Remove(existing_turl);
+ } else if (iter->change_type() == syncer::SyncChange::ACTION_ADD) {
+ if (existing_turl) {
+ error = sync_error_factory_->CreateAndUploadError(
+ "ProcessSyncChanges failed on ChangeType ACTION_ADD");
+ continue;
+ }
+ const std::string guid = turl->sync_guid();
+ if (existing_keyword_turl) {
+ // Resolve any conflicts so we can safely add the new entry.
+ ResolveSyncKeywordConflict(turl.get(), existing_keyword_turl,
+ &new_changes);
+ }
+ base::AutoReset<DefaultSearchChangeOrigin> change_origin(
+ &dsp_change_origin_, DSP_CHANGE_SYNC_ADD);
+ // Force the local ID to kInvalidTemplateURLID so we can add it.
+ TemplateURLData data(turl->data());
+ = kInvalidTemplateURLID;
+ TemplateURL* added = new TemplateURL(data);
+ if (Add(added))
+ MaybeUpdateDSEAfterSync(added);
+ } else if (iter->change_type() == syncer::SyncChange::ACTION_UPDATE) {
+ if (!existing_turl) {
+ error = sync_error_factory_->CreateAndUploadError(
+ "ProcessSyncChanges failed on ChangeType ACTION_UPDATE");
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (existing_keyword_turl && (existing_keyword_turl != existing_turl)) {
+ // Resolve any conflicts with other entries so we can safely update the
+ // keyword.
+ ResolveSyncKeywordConflict(turl.get(), existing_keyword_turl,
+ &new_changes);
+ }
+ if (UpdateNoNotify(existing_turl, *turl)) {
+ NotifyObservers();
+ MaybeUpdateDSEAfterSync(existing_turl);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // We've unexpectedly received an ACTION_INVALID.
+ error = sync_error_factory_->CreateAndUploadError(
+ "ProcessSyncChanges received an ACTION_INVALID");
+ }
+ }
+ // If something went wrong, we want to prematurely exit to avoid pushing
+ // inconsistent data to Sync. We return the last error we received.
+ if (error.IsSet())
+ return error;
+ error = sync_processor_->ProcessSyncChanges(from_here, new_changes);
+ return error;
+syncer::SyncMergeResult TemplateURLService::MergeDataAndStartSyncing(
+ syncer::ModelType type,
+ const syncer::SyncDataList& initial_sync_data,
+ scoped_ptr<syncer::SyncChangeProcessor> sync_processor,
+ scoped_ptr<syncer::SyncErrorFactory> sync_error_factory) {
+ DCHECK(loaded_);
+ DCHECK_EQ(type, syncer::SEARCH_ENGINES);
+ DCHECK(!sync_processor_.get());
+ DCHECK(sync_processor.get());
+ DCHECK(sync_error_factory.get());
+ syncer::SyncMergeResult merge_result(type);
+ // Disable sync if we failed to load.
+ if (load_failed_) {
+ merge_result.set_error(syncer::SyncError(
+ FROM_HERE, syncer::SyncError::DATATYPE_ERROR,
+ "Local database load failed.", syncer::SEARCH_ENGINES));
+ return merge_result;
+ }
+ sync_processor_ = sync_processor.Pass();
+ sync_error_factory_ = sync_error_factory.Pass();
+ // We do a lot of calls to Add/Remove/ResetTemplateURL here, so ensure we
+ // don't step on our own toes.
+ base::AutoReset<bool> processing_changes(&processing_syncer_changes_, true);
+ // We've started syncing, so set our origin member to the base Sync value.
+ // As we move through Sync Code, we may set this to increasingly specific
+ // origins so we can tell what exactly caused a DSP change.
+ base::AutoReset<DefaultSearchChangeOrigin> change_origin(&dsp_change_origin_,
+ syncer::SyncChangeList new_changes;
+ // Build maps of our sync GUIDs to syncer::SyncData.
+ SyncDataMap local_data_map = CreateGUIDToSyncDataMap(
+ GetAllSyncData(syncer::SEARCH_ENGINES));
+ SyncDataMap sync_data_map = CreateGUIDToSyncDataMap(initial_sync_data);
+ KeywordWebDataService::BatchModeScoper scoper(web_data_service_.get());
+ merge_result.set_num_items_before_association(local_data_map.size());
+ for (SyncDataMap::const_iterator iter = sync_data_map.begin();
+ iter != sync_data_map.end(); ++iter) {
+ TemplateURL* local_turl = GetTemplateURLForGUID(iter->first);
+ scoped_ptr<TemplateURL> sync_turl(
+ CreateTemplateURLFromTemplateURLAndSyncData(
+ prefs_, search_terms_data(), local_turl, iter->second,
+ &new_changes));
+ if (!sync_turl.get())
+ continue;
+ if (pre_sync_deletes_.find(sync_turl->sync_guid()) !=
+ pre_sync_deletes_.end()) {
+ // This entry was deleted before the initial sync began (possibly through
+ // preprocessing in TemplateURLService's loading code). Ignore it and send
+ // an ACTION_DELETE up to the server.
+ new_changes.push_back(
+ syncer::SyncChange(FROM_HERE,
+ syncer::SyncChange::ACTION_DELETE,
+ iter->second));
+ UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION(kDeleteSyncedEngineHistogramName,
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (local_turl) {
+ DCHECK(IsFromSync(local_turl, sync_data_map));
+ // This local search engine is already synced. If the timestamp differs
+ // from Sync, we need to update locally or to the cloud. Note that if the
+ // timestamps are equal, we touch neither.
+ if (sync_turl->last_modified() > local_turl->last_modified()) {
+ // We've received an update from Sync. We should replace all synced
+ // fields in the local TemplateURL. Note that this includes the
+ // TemplateURLID and the TemplateURL may have to be reparsed. This
+ // also makes the local data's last_modified timestamp equal to Sync's,
+ // avoiding an Update on the next MergeData call.
+ if (UpdateNoNotify(local_turl, *sync_turl))
+ NotifyObservers();
+ merge_result.set_num_items_modified(
+ merge_result.num_items_modified() + 1);
+ } else if (sync_turl->last_modified() < local_turl->last_modified()) {
+ // Otherwise, we know we have newer data, so update Sync with our
+ // data fields.
+ new_changes.push_back(
+ syncer::SyncChange(FROM_HERE,
+ syncer::SyncChange::ACTION_UPDATE,
+ local_data_map[local_turl->sync_guid()]));
+ }
+ local_data_map.erase(iter->first);
+ } else {
+ // The search engine from the cloud has not been synced locally. Merge it
+ // into our local model. This will handle any conflicts with local (and
+ // already-synced) TemplateURLs. It will prefer to keep entries from Sync
+ // over not-yet-synced TemplateURLs.
+ MergeInSyncTemplateURL(sync_turl.get(), sync_data_map, &new_changes,
+ &local_data_map, &merge_result);
+ }
+ }
+ // The remaining SyncData in local_data_map should be everything that needs to
+ // be pushed as ADDs to sync.
+ for (SyncDataMap::const_iterator iter = local_data_map.begin();
+ iter != local_data_map.end(); ++iter) {
+ new_changes.push_back(
+ syncer::SyncChange(FROM_HERE,
+ syncer::SyncChange::ACTION_ADD,
+ iter->second));
+ }
+ // Do some post-processing on the change list to ensure that we are sending
+ // valid changes to sync_processor_.
+ PruneSyncChanges(&sync_data_map, &new_changes);
+ LogDuplicatesHistogram(GetTemplateURLs());
+ merge_result.set_num_items_after_association(
+ GetAllSyncData(syncer::SEARCH_ENGINES).size());
+ merge_result.set_error(
+ sync_processor_->ProcessSyncChanges(FROM_HERE, new_changes));
+ if (merge_result.error().IsSet())
+ return merge_result;
+ // The ACTION_DELETEs from this set are processed. Empty it so we don't try to
+ // reuse them on the next call to MergeDataAndStartSyncing.
+ pre_sync_deletes_.clear();
+ models_associated_ = true;
+ return merge_result;
+void TemplateURLService::StopSyncing(syncer::ModelType type) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(type, syncer::SEARCH_ENGINES);
+ models_associated_ = false;
+ sync_processor_.reset();
+ sync_error_factory_.reset();
+void TemplateURLService::ProcessTemplateURLChange(
+ const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
+ const TemplateURL* turl,
+ syncer::SyncChange::SyncChangeType type) {
+ DCHECK_NE(type, syncer::SyncChange::ACTION_INVALID);
+ DCHECK(turl);
+ if (!models_associated_)
+ return; // Not syncing.
+ if (processing_syncer_changes_)
+ return; // These are changes originating from us. Ignore.
+ // Avoid syncing keywords managed by policy.
+ if (turl->created_by_policy())
+ return;
+ // Avoid syncing extension-controlled search engines.
+ if (turl->GetType() == TemplateURL::NORMAL_CONTROLLED_BY_EXTENSION)
+ return;
+ syncer::SyncChangeList changes;
+ syncer::SyncData sync_data = CreateSyncDataFromTemplateURL(*turl);
+ changes.push_back(syncer::SyncChange(from_here,
+ type,
+ sync_data));
+ sync_processor_->ProcessSyncChanges(FROM_HERE, changes);
+// static
+syncer::SyncData TemplateURLService::CreateSyncDataFromTemplateURL(
+ const TemplateURL& turl) {
+ sync_pb::EntitySpecifics specifics;
+ sync_pb::SearchEngineSpecifics* se_specifics =
+ specifics.mutable_search_engine();
+ se_specifics->set_short_name(base::UTF16ToUTF8(turl.short_name()));
+ se_specifics->set_keyword(base::UTF16ToUTF8(turl.keyword()));
+ se_specifics->set_favicon_url(turl.favicon_url().spec());
+ se_specifics->set_url(turl.url());
+ se_specifics->set_safe_for_autoreplace(turl.safe_for_autoreplace());
+ se_specifics->set_originating_url(turl.originating_url().spec());
+ se_specifics->set_date_created(turl.date_created().ToInternalValue());
+ se_specifics->set_input_encodings(JoinString(turl.input_encodings(), ';'));
+ se_specifics->set_show_in_default_list(turl.show_in_default_list());
+ se_specifics->set_suggestions_url(turl.suggestions_url());
+ se_specifics->set_prepopulate_id(turl.prepopulate_id());
+ se_specifics->set_instant_url(turl.instant_url());
+ if (!turl.image_url().empty())
+ se_specifics->set_image_url(turl.image_url());
+ se_specifics->set_new_tab_url(turl.new_tab_url());
+ if (!turl.search_url_post_params().empty())
+ se_specifics->set_search_url_post_params(turl.search_url_post_params());
+ if (!turl.suggestions_url_post_params().empty()) {
+ se_specifics->set_suggestions_url_post_params(
+ turl.suggestions_url_post_params());
+ }
+ if (!turl.instant_url_post_params().empty())
+ se_specifics->set_instant_url_post_params(turl.instant_url_post_params());
+ if (!turl.image_url_post_params().empty())
+ se_specifics->set_image_url_post_params(turl.image_url_post_params());
+ se_specifics->set_last_modified(turl.last_modified().ToInternalValue());
+ se_specifics->set_sync_guid(turl.sync_guid());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < turl.alternate_urls().size(); ++i)
+ se_specifics->add_alternate_urls(turl.alternate_urls()[i]);
+ se_specifics->set_search_terms_replacement_key(
+ turl.search_terms_replacement_key());
+ return syncer::SyncData::CreateLocalData(se_specifics->sync_guid(),
+ se_specifics->keyword(),
+ specifics);
+// static
+TemplateURL* TemplateURLService::CreateTemplateURLFromTemplateURLAndSyncData(
+ PrefService* prefs,
+ const SearchTermsData& search_terms_data,
+ TemplateURL* existing_turl,
+ const syncer::SyncData& sync_data,
+ syncer::SyncChangeList* change_list) {
+ DCHECK(change_list);
+ sync_pb::SearchEngineSpecifics specifics =
+ sync_data.GetSpecifics().search_engine();
+ // Past bugs might have caused either of these fields to be empty. Just
+ // delete this data off the server.
+ if (specifics.url().empty() || specifics.sync_guid().empty()) {
+ change_list->push_back(
+ syncer::SyncChange(FROM_HERE,
+ syncer::SyncChange::ACTION_DELETE,
+ sync_data));
+ UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION(kDeleteSyncedEngineHistogramName,
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ TemplateURLData data(existing_turl ?
+ existing_turl->data() : TemplateURLData());
+ data.short_name = base::UTF8ToUTF16(specifics.short_name());
+ data.originating_url = GURL(specifics.originating_url());
+ base::string16 keyword(base::UTF8ToUTF16(specifics.keyword()));
+ // NOTE: Once this code has shipped in a couple of stable releases, we can
+ // probably remove the migration portion, comment out the
+ // "autogenerate_keyword" field entirely in the .proto file, and fold the
+ // empty keyword case into the "delete data" block above.
+ bool reset_keyword =
+ specifics.autogenerate_keyword() || specifics.keyword().empty();
+ if (reset_keyword)
+ keyword = base::ASCIIToUTF16("dummy"); // Will be replaced below.
+ DCHECK(!keyword.empty());
+ data.SetKeyword(keyword);
+ data.SetURL(specifics.url());
+ data.suggestions_url = specifics.suggestions_url();
+ data.instant_url = specifics.instant_url();
+ data.image_url = specifics.image_url();
+ data.new_tab_url = specifics.new_tab_url();
+ data.search_url_post_params = specifics.search_url_post_params();
+ data.suggestions_url_post_params = specifics.suggestions_url_post_params();
+ data.instant_url_post_params = specifics.instant_url_post_params();
+ data.image_url_post_params = specifics.image_url_post_params();
+ data.favicon_url = GURL(specifics.favicon_url());
+ data.show_in_default_list = specifics.show_in_default_list();
+ data.safe_for_autoreplace = specifics.safe_for_autoreplace();
+ base::SplitString(specifics.input_encodings(), ';', &data.input_encodings);
+ // If the server data has duplicate encodings, we'll want to push an update
+ // below to correct it. Note that we also fix this in
+ // GetSearchProvidersUsingKeywordResult(), since otherwise we'd never correct
+ // local problems for clients which have disabled search engine sync.
+ bool deduped = DeDupeEncodings(&data.input_encodings);
+ data.date_created = base::Time::FromInternalValue(specifics.date_created());
+ data.last_modified = base::Time::FromInternalValue(specifics.last_modified());
+ data.prepopulate_id = specifics.prepopulate_id();
+ data.sync_guid = specifics.sync_guid();
+ data.alternate_urls.clear();
+ for (int i = 0; i < specifics.alternate_urls_size(); ++i)
+ data.alternate_urls.push_back(specifics.alternate_urls(i));
+ data.search_terms_replacement_key = specifics.search_terms_replacement_key();
+ TemplateURL* turl = new TemplateURL(data);
+ // If this TemplateURL matches a built-in prepopulated template URL, it's
+ // possible that sync is trying to modify fields that should not be touched.
+ // Revert these fields to the built-in values.
+ UpdateTemplateURLIfPrepopulated(turl, prefs);
+ if (reset_keyword || deduped) {
+ if (reset_keyword)
+ turl->ResetKeywordIfNecessary(search_terms_data, true);
+ syncer::SyncData sync_data = CreateSyncDataFromTemplateURL(*turl);
+ change_list->push_back(syncer::SyncChange(FROM_HERE,
+ syncer::SyncChange::ACTION_UPDATE,
+ sync_data));
+ } else if (turl->IsGoogleSearchURLWithReplaceableKeyword(search_terms_data)) {
+ if (!existing_turl) {
+ // We're adding a new TemplateURL that uses the Google base URL, so set
+ // its keyword appropriately for the local environment.
+ turl->ResetKeywordIfNecessary(search_terms_data, false);
+ } else if (existing_turl->IsGoogleSearchURLWithReplaceableKeyword(
+ search_terms_data)) {
+ // Ignore keyword changes triggered by the Google base URL changing on
+ // another client. If the base URL changes in this client as well, we'll
+ // pick that up separately at the appropriate time. Otherwise, changing
+ // the keyword here could result in having the wrong keyword for the local
+ // environment.
+ turl->data_.SetKeyword(existing_turl->keyword());
+ }
+ }
+ return turl;
+// static
+SyncDataMap TemplateURLService::CreateGUIDToSyncDataMap(
+ const syncer::SyncDataList& sync_data) {
+ SyncDataMap data_map;
+ for (syncer::SyncDataList::const_iterator i(sync_data.begin());
+ i != sync_data.end();
+ ++i)
+ data_map[i->GetSpecifics().search_engine().sync_guid()] = *i;
+ return data_map;
+void TemplateURLService::SetKeywordSearchTermsForURL(
+ const TemplateURL* t_url,
+ const GURL& url,
+ const base::string16& term) {
+ if (client_)
+ client_->SetKeywordSearchTermsForURL(url, t_url->id(), term);
+void TemplateURLService::Init(const Initializer* initializers,
+ int num_initializers) {
+ if (client_)
+ client_->SetOwner(this);
+ // GoogleURLTracker is not created in tests.
+ if (google_url_tracker_) {
+ google_url_updated_subscription_ =
+ google_url_tracker_->RegisterCallback(base::Bind(
+ &TemplateURLService::OnGoogleURLUpdated, base::Unretained(this)));
+ }
+ if (prefs_) {
+ pref_change_registrar_.Init(prefs_);
+ pref_change_registrar_.Add(
+ prefs::kSyncedDefaultSearchProviderGUID,
+ base::Bind(
+ &TemplateURLService::OnSyncedDefaultSearchProviderGUIDChanged,
+ base::Unretained(this)));
+ }
+ DefaultSearchManager::Source source = DefaultSearchManager::FROM_USER;
+ TemplateURLData* dse =
+ default_search_manager_.GetDefaultSearchEngine(&source);
+ ApplyDefaultSearchChange(dse, source);
+ if (num_initializers > 0) {
+ // This path is only hit by test code and is used to simulate a loaded
+ // TemplateURLService.
+ ChangeToLoadedState();
+ // Add specific initializers, if any.
+ KeywordWebDataService::BatchModeScoper scoper(web_data_service_.get());
+ for (int i(0); i < num_initializers; ++i) {
+ DCHECK(initializers[i].keyword);
+ DCHECK(initializers[i].url);
+ DCHECK(initializers[i].content);
+ // TemplateURLService ends up owning the TemplateURL, don't try and free
+ // it.
+ TemplateURLData data;
+ data.short_name = base::UTF8ToUTF16(initializers[i].content);
+ data.SetKeyword(base::UTF8ToUTF16(initializers[i].keyword));
+ data.SetURL(initializers[i].url);
+ TemplateURL* template_url = new TemplateURL(data);
+ AddNoNotify(template_url, true);
+ // Set the first provided identifier to be the default.
+ if (i == 0)
+ default_search_manager_.SetUserSelectedDefaultSearchEngine(data);
+ }
+ }
+ // Request a server check for the correct Google URL if Google is the
+ // default search engine.
+ RequestGoogleURLTrackerServerCheckIfNecessary();
+void TemplateURLService::RemoveFromMaps(TemplateURL* template_url) {
+ const base::string16& keyword = template_url->keyword();
+ DCHECK_NE(0U, keyword_to_template_map_.count(keyword));
+ if (keyword_to_template_map_[keyword] == template_url) {
+ // We need to check whether the keyword can now be provided by another
+ // TemplateURL. See the comments in AddToMaps() for more information on
+ // extension keywords and how they can coexist with non-extension keywords.
+ // In the case of more than one extension, we use the most recently
+ // installed (which will be the most recently added, which will have the
+ // highest ID).
+ TemplateURL* best_fallback = NULL;
+ for (TemplateURLVector::const_iterator i(template_urls_.begin());
+ i != template_urls_.end(); ++i) {
+ TemplateURL* turl = *i;
+ // This next statement relies on the fact that there can only be one
+ // non-Omnibox API TemplateURL with a given keyword.
+ if ((turl != template_url) && (turl->keyword() == keyword) &&
+ (!best_fallback ||
+ (best_fallback->GetType() != TemplateURL::OMNIBOX_API_EXTENSION) ||
+ ((turl->GetType() == TemplateURL::OMNIBOX_API_EXTENSION) &&
+ (turl->id() > best_fallback->id()))))
+ best_fallback = turl;
+ }
+ if (best_fallback)
+ keyword_to_template_map_[keyword] = best_fallback;
+ else
+ keyword_to_template_map_.erase(keyword);
+ }
+ if (!template_url->sync_guid().empty())
+ guid_to_template_map_.erase(template_url->sync_guid());
+ // |provider_map_| is only initialized after loading has completed.
+ if (loaded_) {
+ provider_map_->Remove(template_url);
+ }
+void TemplateURLService::AddToMaps(TemplateURL* template_url) {
+ bool template_url_is_omnibox_api =
+ template_url->GetType() == TemplateURL::OMNIBOX_API_EXTENSION;
+ const base::string16& keyword = template_url->keyword();
+ KeywordToTemplateMap::const_iterator i =
+ keyword_to_template_map_.find(keyword);
+ if (i == keyword_to_template_map_.end()) {
+ keyword_to_template_map_[keyword] = template_url;
+ } else {
+ const TemplateURL* existing_url = i->second;
+ // We should only have overlapping keywords when at least one comes from
+ // an extension. In that case, the ranking order is:
+ // Manually-modified keywords > extension keywords > replaceable keywords
+ // When there are multiple extensions, the last-added wins.
+ bool existing_url_is_omnibox_api =
+ existing_url->GetType() == TemplateURL::OMNIBOX_API_EXTENSION;
+ DCHECK(existing_url_is_omnibox_api || template_url_is_omnibox_api);
+ if (existing_url_is_omnibox_api ?
+ !CanReplace(template_url) : CanReplace(existing_url))
+ keyword_to_template_map_[keyword] = template_url;
+ }
+ if (!template_url->sync_guid().empty())
+ guid_to_template_map_[template_url->sync_guid()] = template_url;
+ // |provider_map_| is only initialized after loading has completed.
+ if (loaded_)
+ provider_map_->Add(template_url, search_terms_data());
+// Helper for partition() call in next function.
+bool HasValidID(TemplateURL* t_url) {
+ return t_url->id() != kInvalidTemplateURLID;
+void TemplateURLService::SetTemplateURLs(TemplateURLVector* urls) {
+ // Partition the URLs first, instead of implementing the loops below by simply
+ // scanning the input twice. While it's not supposed to happen normally, it's
+ // possible for corrupt databases to return multiple entries with the same
+ // keyword. In this case, the first loop may delete the first entry when
+ // adding the second. If this happens, the second loop must not attempt to
+ // access the deleted entry. Partitioning ensures this constraint.
+ TemplateURLVector::iterator first_invalid(
+ std::partition(urls->begin(), urls->end(), HasValidID));
+ // First, add the items that already have id's, so that the next_id_ gets
+ // properly set.
+ for (TemplateURLVector::const_iterator i = urls->begin(); i != first_invalid;
+ ++i) {
+ next_id_ = std::max(next_id_, (*i)->id());
+ AddNoNotify(*i, false);
+ }
+ // Next add the new items that don't have id's.
+ for (TemplateURLVector::const_iterator i = first_invalid; i != urls->end();
+ ++i)
+ AddNoNotify(*i, true);
+ // Clear the input vector to reduce the chance callers will try to use a
+ // (possibly deleted) entry.
+ urls->clear();
+void TemplateURLService::ChangeToLoadedState() {
+ DCHECK(!loaded_);
+ provider_map_->Init(template_urls_, search_terms_data());
+ loaded_ = true;
+ // This will cause a call to NotifyObservers().
+ ApplyDefaultSearchChangeNoMetrics(
+ initial_default_search_provider_ ?
+ &initial_default_search_provider_->data() : NULL,
+ default_search_provider_source_);
+ initial_default_search_provider_.reset();
+ on_loaded_callbacks_.Notify();
+bool TemplateURLService::CanReplaceKeywordForHost(
+ const std::string& host,
+ TemplateURL** to_replace) {
+ DCHECK(!to_replace || !*to_replace);
+ const TemplateURLSet* urls = provider_map_->GetURLsForHost(host);
+ if (!urls)
+ return true;
+ for (TemplateURLSet::const_iterator i(urls->begin()); i != urls->end(); ++i) {
+ if (CanReplace(*i)) {
+ if (to_replace)
+ *to_replace = *i;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+bool TemplateURLService::CanReplace(const TemplateURL* t_url) {
+ return (t_url != default_search_provider_ && !t_url->show_in_default_list() &&
+ t_url->safe_for_autoreplace());
+TemplateURL* TemplateURLService::FindNonExtensionTemplateURLForKeyword(
+ const base::string16& keyword) {
+ TemplateURL* keyword_turl = GetTemplateURLForKeyword(keyword);
+ if (!keyword_turl || (keyword_turl->GetType() == TemplateURL::NORMAL))
+ return keyword_turl;
+ // The extension keyword in the model may be hiding a replaceable
+ // non-extension keyword. Look for it.
+ for (TemplateURLVector::const_iterator i(template_urls_.begin());
+ i != template_urls_.end(); ++i) {
+ if (((*i)->GetType() == TemplateURL::NORMAL) &&
+ ((*i)->keyword() == keyword))
+ return *i;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+bool TemplateURLService::UpdateNoNotify(TemplateURL* existing_turl,
+ const TemplateURL& new_values) {
+ DCHECK(existing_turl);
+ if (std::find(template_urls_.begin(), template_urls_.end(), existing_turl) ==
+ template_urls_.end())
+ return false;
+ base::string16 old_keyword(existing_turl->keyword());
+ keyword_to_template_map_.erase(old_keyword);
+ if (!existing_turl->sync_guid().empty())
+ guid_to_template_map_.erase(existing_turl->sync_guid());
+ // |provider_map_| is only initialized after loading has completed.
+ if (loaded_)
+ provider_map_->Remove(existing_turl);
+ TemplateURLID previous_id = existing_turl->id();
+ existing_turl->CopyFrom(new_values);
+ existing_turl-> = previous_id;
+ if (loaded_) {
+ provider_map_->Add(existing_turl, search_terms_data());
+ }
+ const base::string16& keyword = existing_turl->keyword();
+ KeywordToTemplateMap::const_iterator i =
+ keyword_to_template_map_.find(keyword);
+ if (i == keyword_to_template_map_.end()) {
+ keyword_to_template_map_[keyword] = existing_turl;
+ } else {
+ // We can theoretically reach here in two cases:
+ // * There is an existing extension keyword and sync brings in a rename of
+ // a non-extension keyword to match. In this case we just need to pick
+ // which keyword has priority to update the keyword map.
+ // * Autogeneration of the keyword for a Google default search provider
+ // at load time causes it to conflict with an existing keyword. In this
+ // case we delete the existing keyword if it's replaceable, or else undo
+ // the change in keyword for |existing_turl|.
+ TemplateURL* existing_keyword_turl = i->second;
+ if (existing_keyword_turl->GetType() != TemplateURL::NORMAL) {
+ if (!CanReplace(existing_turl))
+ keyword_to_template_map_[keyword] = existing_turl;
+ } else {
+ if (CanReplace(existing_keyword_turl)) {
+ RemoveNoNotify(existing_keyword_turl);
+ } else {
+ existing_turl->data_.SetKeyword(old_keyword);
+ keyword_to_template_map_[old_keyword] = existing_turl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!existing_turl->sync_guid().empty())
+ guid_to_template_map_[existing_turl->sync_guid()] = existing_turl;
+ if (web_data_service_)
+ web_data_service_->UpdateKeyword(existing_turl->data());
+ // Inform sync of the update.
+ ProcessTemplateURLChange(
+ FROM_HERE, existing_turl, syncer::SyncChange::ACTION_UPDATE);
+ if (default_search_provider_ == existing_turl &&
+ default_search_provider_source_ == DefaultSearchManager::FROM_USER) {
+ default_search_manager_.SetUserSelectedDefaultSearchEngine(
+ default_search_provider_->data());
+ }
+ return true;
+// static
+void TemplateURLService::UpdateTemplateURLIfPrepopulated(
+ TemplateURL* template_url,
+ PrefService* prefs) {
+ int prepopulate_id = template_url->prepopulate_id();
+ if (template_url->prepopulate_id() == 0)
+ return;
+ size_t default_search_index;
+ ScopedVector<TemplateURLData> prepopulated_urls =
+ TemplateURLPrepopulateData::GetPrepopulatedEngines(
+ prefs, &default_search_index);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < prepopulated_urls.size(); ++i) {
+ if (prepopulated_urls[i]->prepopulate_id == prepopulate_id) {
+ MergeIntoPrepopulatedEngineData(template_url, prepopulated_urls[i]);
+ template_url->CopyFrom(TemplateURL(*prepopulated_urls[i]));
+ }
+ }
+void TemplateURLService::MaybeUpdateDSEAfterSync(TemplateURL* synced_turl) {
+ if (prefs_ &&
+ (synced_turl->sync_guid() ==
+ prefs_->GetString(prefs::kSyncedDefaultSearchProviderGUID))) {
+ default_search_manager_.SetUserSelectedDefaultSearchEngine(
+ synced_turl->data());
+ }
+void TemplateURLService::UpdateKeywordSearchTermsForURL(
+ const URLVisitedDetails& details) {
+ if (!details.url.is_valid())
+ return;
+ const TemplateURLSet* urls_for_host =
+ provider_map_->GetURLsForHost(;
+ if (!urls_for_host)
+ return;
+ for (TemplateURLSet::const_iterator i = urls_for_host->begin();
+ i != urls_for_host->end(); ++i) {
+ base::string16 search_terms;
+ if ((*i)->ExtractSearchTermsFromURL(details.url, search_terms_data(),
+ &search_terms) &&
+ !search_terms.empty()) {
+ if (details.is_keyword_transition) {
+ // The visit is the result of the user entering a keyword, generate a
+ // KEYWORD_GENERATED visit for the KEYWORD so that the keyword typed
+ // count is boosted.
+ AddTabToSearchVisit(**i);
+ }
+ SetKeywordSearchTermsForURL(*i, details.url, search_terms);
+ }
+ }
+void TemplateURLService::AddTabToSearchVisit(const TemplateURL& t_url) {
+ // Only add visits for entries the user hasn't modified. If the user modified
+ // the entry the keyword may no longer correspond to the host name. It may be
+ // possible to do something more sophisticated here, but it's so rare as to
+ // not be worth it.
+ if (!t_url.safe_for_autoreplace())
+ return;
+ if (!client_)
+ return;
+ GURL url(
+ url_fixer::FixupURL(base::UTF16ToUTF8(t_url.keyword()), std::string()));
+ if (!url.is_valid())
+ return;
+ // Synthesize a visit for the keyword. This ensures the url for the keyword is
+ // autocompleted even if the user doesn't type the url in directly.
+ client_->AddKeywordGeneratedVisit(url);
+void TemplateURLService::RequestGoogleURLTrackerServerCheckIfNecessary() {
+ if (default_search_provider_ &&
+ default_search_provider_->HasGoogleBaseURLs(search_terms_data()) &&
+ google_url_tracker_)
+ google_url_tracker_->RequestServerCheck(false);
+void TemplateURLService::GoogleBaseURLChanged() {
+ KeywordWebDataService::BatchModeScoper scoper(web_data_service_.get());
+ bool something_changed = false;
+ for (TemplateURLVector::iterator i(template_urls_.begin());
+ i != template_urls_.end(); ++i) {
+ TemplateURL* t_url = *i;
+ if (t_url->HasGoogleBaseURLs(search_terms_data())) {
+ TemplateURL updated_turl(t_url->data());
+ updated_turl.ResetKeywordIfNecessary(search_terms_data(), false);
+ KeywordToTemplateMap::const_iterator existing_entry =
+ keyword_to_template_map_.find(updated_turl.keyword());
+ if ((existing_entry != keyword_to_template_map_.end()) &&
+ (existing_entry->second != t_url)) {
+ // The new autogenerated keyword conflicts with another TemplateURL.
+ // Overwrite it if it's replaceable; otherwise, leave |t_url| using its
+ // current keyword. (This will not prevent |t_url| from auto-updating
+ // the keyword in the future if the conflicting TemplateURL disappears.)
+ // Note that we must still update |t_url| in this case, or the
+ // |provider_map_| will not be updated correctly.
+ if (CanReplace(existing_entry->second))
+ RemoveNoNotify(existing_entry->second);
+ else
+ updated_turl.data_.SetKeyword(t_url->keyword());
+ }
+ something_changed = true;
+ // This will send the keyword change to sync. Note that other clients
+ // need to reset the keyword to an appropriate local value when this
+ // change arrives; see CreateTemplateURLFromTemplateURLAndSyncData().
+ UpdateNoNotify(t_url, updated_turl);
+ }
+ }
+ if (something_changed)
+ NotifyObservers();
+void TemplateURLService::OnGoogleURLUpdated(GURL old_url, GURL new_url) {
+ if (loaded_)
+ GoogleBaseURLChanged();
+void TemplateURLService::OnDefaultSearchChange(
+ const TemplateURLData* data,
+ DefaultSearchManager::Source source) {
+ if (prefs_ && (source == DefaultSearchManager::FROM_USER) &&
+ ((source != default_search_provider_source_) ||
+ !IdenticalSyncGUIDs(data, GetDefaultSearchProvider()))) {
+ prefs_->SetString(prefs::kSyncedDefaultSearchProviderGUID, data->sync_guid);
+ }
+ ApplyDefaultSearchChange(data, source);
+void TemplateURLService::ApplyDefaultSearchChange(
+ const TemplateURLData* data,
+ DefaultSearchManager::Source source) {
+ if (!ApplyDefaultSearchChangeNoMetrics(data, source))
+ return;
+ "Search.DefaultSearchChangeOrigin", dsp_change_origin_, DSP_CHANGE_MAX);
+ if (GetDefaultSearchProvider() &&
+ GetDefaultSearchProvider()->HasGoogleBaseURLs(search_terms_data()) &&
+ !dsp_change_callback_.is_null())
+ dsp_change_callback_.Run();
+bool TemplateURLService::ApplyDefaultSearchChangeNoMetrics(
+ const TemplateURLData* data,
+ DefaultSearchManager::Source source) {
+ if (!loaded_) {
+ // Set |initial_default_search_provider_| from the preferences. This is
+ // mainly so we can hold ownership until we get to the point where the list
+ // of keywords from Web Data is the owner of everything including the
+ // default.
+ bool changed = TemplateURL::MatchesData(
+ initial_default_search_provider_.get(), data, search_terms_data());
+ initial_default_search_provider_.reset(
+ data ? new TemplateURL(*data) : NULL);
+ default_search_provider_source_ = source;
+ return changed;
+ }
+ // Prevent recursion if we update the value stored in default_search_manager_.
+ // Note that we exclude the case of data == NULL because that could cause a
+ // false positive for recursion when the initial_default_search_provider_ is
+ // NULL due to policy. We'll never actually get recursion with data == NULL.
+ if (source == default_search_provider_source_ && data != NULL &&
+ TemplateURL::MatchesData(default_search_provider_, data,
+ search_terms_data()))
+ return false;
+ // This may be deleted later. Use exclusively for pointer comparison to detect
+ // a change.
+ TemplateURL* previous_default_search_engine = default_search_provider_;
+ KeywordWebDataService::BatchModeScoper scoper(web_data_service_.get());
+ if (default_search_provider_source_ == DefaultSearchManager::FROM_POLICY ||
+ source == DefaultSearchManager::FROM_POLICY) {
+ // We do this both to remove any no-longer-applicable policy-defined DSE as
+ // well as to add the new one, if appropriate.
+ UpdateProvidersCreatedByPolicy(
+ &template_urls_,
+ source == DefaultSearchManager::FROM_POLICY ? data : NULL);
+ }
+ if (!data) {
+ default_search_provider_ = NULL;
+ } else if (source == DefaultSearchManager::FROM_EXTENSION) {
+ default_search_provider_ = FindMatchingExtensionTemplateURL(
+ } else if (source == DefaultSearchManager::FROM_FALLBACK) {
+ default_search_provider_ =
+ FindPrepopulatedTemplateURL(data->prepopulate_id);
+ if (default_search_provider_) {
+ TemplateURLData update_data(*data);
+ update_data.sync_guid = default_search_provider_->sync_guid();
+ if (!default_search_provider_->safe_for_autoreplace()) {
+ update_data.safe_for_autoreplace = false;
+ update_data.SetKeyword(default_search_provider_->keyword());
+ update_data.short_name = default_search_provider_->short_name();
+ }
+ UpdateNoNotify(default_search_provider_, TemplateURL(update_data));
+ } else {
+ // Normally the prepopulated fallback should be present in
+ // |template_urls_|, but in a few cases it might not be:
+ // (1) Tests that initialize the TemplateURLService in peculiar ways.
+ // (2) If the user deleted the pre-populated default and we subsequently
+ // lost their user-selected value.
+ TemplateURL* new_dse = new TemplateURL(*data);
+ if (AddNoNotify(new_dse, true))
+ default_search_provider_ = new_dse;
+ }
+ } else if (source == DefaultSearchManager::FROM_USER) {
+ default_search_provider_ = GetTemplateURLForGUID(data->sync_guid);
+ if (!default_search_provider_ && data->prepopulate_id) {
+ default_search_provider_ =
+ FindPrepopulatedTemplateURL(data->prepopulate_id);
+ }
+ TemplateURLData new_data(*data);
+ new_data.show_in_default_list = true;
+ if (default_search_provider_) {
+ UpdateNoNotify(default_search_provider_, TemplateURL(new_data));
+ } else {
+ = kInvalidTemplateURLID;
+ TemplateURL* new_dse = new TemplateURL(new_data);
+ if (AddNoNotify(new_dse, true))
+ default_search_provider_ = new_dse;
+ }
+ if (default_search_provider_ && prefs_) {
+ prefs_->SetString(prefs::kSyncedDefaultSearchProviderGUID,
+ default_search_provider_->sync_guid());
+ }
+ }
+ default_search_provider_source_ = source;
+ bool changed = default_search_provider_ != previous_default_search_engine;
+ if (changed)
+ RequestGoogleURLTrackerServerCheckIfNecessary();
+ NotifyObservers();
+ return changed;
+bool TemplateURLService::AddNoNotify(TemplateURL* template_url,
+ bool newly_adding) {
+ DCHECK(template_url);
+ if (newly_adding) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(kInvalidTemplateURLID, template_url->id());
+ DCHECK(std::find(template_urls_.begin(), template_urls_.end(),
+ template_url) == template_urls_.end());
+ template_url-> = ++next_id_;
+ }
+ template_url->ResetKeywordIfNecessary(search_terms_data(), false);
+ // Check whether |template_url|'s keyword conflicts with any already in the
+ // model.
+ TemplateURL* existing_keyword_turl =
+ GetTemplateURLForKeyword(template_url->keyword());
+ // Check whether |template_url|'s keyword conflicts with any already in the
+ // model. Note that we can reach here during the loading phase while
+ // processing the template URLs from the web data service. In this case,
+ // GetTemplateURLForKeyword() will look not only at what's already in the
+ // model, but at the |initial_default_search_provider_|. Since this engine
+ // will presumably also be present in the web data, we need to double-check
+ // that any "pre-existing" entries we find are actually coming from
+ // |template_urls_|, lest we detect a "conflict" between the
+ // |initial_default_search_provider_| and the web data version of itself.
+ if (existing_keyword_turl &&
+ (std::find(template_urls_.begin(), template_urls_.end(),
+ existing_keyword_turl) != template_urls_.end())) {
+ DCHECK_NE(existing_keyword_turl, template_url);
+ // Only replace one of the TemplateURLs if they are either both extensions,
+ // or both not extensions.
+ bool are_same_type = existing_keyword_turl->GetType() ==
+ template_url->GetType();
+ if (CanReplace(existing_keyword_turl) && are_same_type) {
+ RemoveNoNotify(existing_keyword_turl);
+ } else if (CanReplace(template_url) && are_same_type) {
+ delete template_url;
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ base::string16 new_keyword =
+ UniquifyKeyword(*existing_keyword_turl, false);
+ ResetTemplateURLNoNotify(existing_keyword_turl,
+ existing_keyword_turl->short_name(), new_keyword,
+ existing_keyword_turl->url());
+ }
+ }
+ template_urls_.push_back(template_url);
+ AddToMaps(template_url);
+ if (newly_adding &&
+ (template_url->GetType() !=
+ if (web_data_service_)
+ web_data_service_->AddKeyword(template_url->data());
+ // Inform sync of the addition. Note that this will assign a GUID to
+ // template_url and add it to the guid_to_template_map_.
+ ProcessTemplateURLChange(FROM_HERE,
+ template_url,
+ syncer::SyncChange::ACTION_ADD);
+ }
+ return true;
+void TemplateURLService::RemoveNoNotify(TemplateURL* template_url) {
+ DCHECK(template_url != default_search_provider_);
+ TemplateURLVector::iterator i =
+ std::find(template_urls_.begin(), template_urls_.end(), template_url);
+ if (i == template_urls_.end())
+ return;
+ RemoveFromMaps(template_url);
+ // Remove it from the vector containing all TemplateURLs.
+ template_urls_.erase(i);
+ if (template_url->GetType() != TemplateURL::NORMAL_CONTROLLED_BY_EXTENSION) {
+ if (web_data_service_)
+ web_data_service_->RemoveKeyword(template_url->id());
+ // Inform sync of the deletion.
+ ProcessTemplateURLChange(FROM_HERE,
+ template_url,
+ syncer::SyncChange::ACTION_DELETE);
+ UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION(kDeleteSyncedEngineHistogramName,
+ }
+ if (loaded_ && client_)
+ client_->DeleteAllSearchTermsForKeyword(template_url->id());
+ // We own the TemplateURL and need to delete it.
+ delete template_url;
+bool TemplateURLService::ResetTemplateURLNoNotify(
+ TemplateURL* url,
+ const base::string16& title,
+ const base::string16& keyword,
+ const std::string& search_url) {
+ DCHECK(!keyword.empty());
+ DCHECK(!search_url.empty());
+ TemplateURLData data(url->data());
+ data.short_name = title;
+ data.SetKeyword(keyword);
+ if (search_url != data.url()) {
+ data.SetURL(search_url);
+ // The urls have changed, reset the favicon url.
+ data.favicon_url = GURL();
+ }
+ data.safe_for_autoreplace = false;
+ data.last_modified = time_provider_();
+ return UpdateNoNotify(url, TemplateURL(data));
+void TemplateURLService::NotifyObservers() {
+ if (!loaded_)
+ return;
+ FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(TemplateURLServiceObserver, model_observers_,
+ OnTemplateURLServiceChanged());
+// |template_urls| are the TemplateURLs loaded from the database.
+// |default_from_prefs| is the default search provider from the preferences, or
+// NULL if the DSE is not policy-defined.
+// This function removes from the vector and the database all the TemplateURLs
+// that were set by policy, unless it is the current default search provider, in
+// which case it is updated with the data from prefs.
+void TemplateURLService::UpdateProvidersCreatedByPolicy(
+ TemplateURLVector* template_urls,
+ const TemplateURLData* default_from_prefs) {
+ DCHECK(template_urls);
+ for (TemplateURLVector::iterator i = template_urls->begin();
+ i != template_urls->end(); ) {
+ TemplateURL* template_url = *i;
+ if (template_url->created_by_policy()) {
+ if (default_from_prefs &&
+ TemplateURL::MatchesData(template_url, default_from_prefs,
+ search_terms_data())) {
+ // If the database specified a default search provider that was set
+ // by policy, and the default search provider from the preferences
+ // is also set by policy and they are the same, keep the entry in the
+ // database and the |default_search_provider|.
+ default_search_provider_ = template_url;
+ // Prevent us from saving any other entries, or creating a new one.
+ default_from_prefs = NULL;
+ ++i;
+ continue;
+ }
+ RemoveFromMaps(template_url);
+ i = template_urls->erase(i);
+ if (web_data_service_)
+ web_data_service_->RemoveKeyword(template_url->id());
+ delete template_url;
+ } else {
+ ++i;
+ }
+ }
+ if (default_from_prefs) {
+ default_search_provider_ = NULL;
+ default_search_provider_source_ = DefaultSearchManager::FROM_POLICY;
+ TemplateURLData new_data(*default_from_prefs);
+ if (new_data.sync_guid.empty())
+ new_data.sync_guid = base::GenerateGUID();
+ new_data.created_by_policy = true;
+ TemplateURL* new_dse = new TemplateURL(new_data);
+ if (AddNoNotify(new_dse, true))
+ default_search_provider_ = new_dse;
+ }
+void TemplateURLService::ResetTemplateURLGUID(TemplateURL* url,
+ const std::string& guid) {
+ DCHECK(loaded_);
+ DCHECK(!guid.empty());
+ TemplateURLData data(url->data());
+ data.sync_guid = guid;
+ UpdateNoNotify(url, TemplateURL(data));
+base::string16 TemplateURLService::UniquifyKeyword(const TemplateURL& turl,
+ bool force) {
+ if (!force) {
+ // Already unique.
+ if (!GetTemplateURLForKeyword(turl.keyword()))
+ return turl.keyword();
+ // First, try to return the generated keyword for the TemplateURL (except
+ // for extensions, as their keywords are not associated with their URLs).
+ GURL gurl(turl.url());
+ if (gurl.is_valid() &&
+ (turl.GetType() != TemplateURL::OMNIBOX_API_EXTENSION)) {
+ base::string16 keyword_candidate = TemplateURL::GenerateKeyword(gurl);
+ if (!GetTemplateURLForKeyword(keyword_candidate))
+ return keyword_candidate;
+ }
+ }
+ // We try to uniquify the keyword by appending a special character to the end.
+ // This is a best-effort approach where we try to preserve the original
+ // keyword and let the user do what they will after our attempt.
+ base::string16 keyword_candidate(turl.keyword());
+ do {
+ keyword_candidate.append(base::ASCIIToUTF16("_"));
+ } while (GetTemplateURLForKeyword(keyword_candidate));
+ return keyword_candidate;
+bool TemplateURLService::IsLocalTemplateURLBetter(
+ const TemplateURL* local_turl,
+ const TemplateURL* sync_turl) {
+ DCHECK(GetTemplateURLForGUID(local_turl->sync_guid()));
+ return local_turl->last_modified() > sync_turl->last_modified() ||
+ local_turl->created_by_policy() ||
+ local_turl== GetDefaultSearchProvider();
+void TemplateURLService::ResolveSyncKeywordConflict(
+ TemplateURL* unapplied_sync_turl,
+ TemplateURL* applied_sync_turl,
+ syncer::SyncChangeList* change_list) {
+ DCHECK(loaded_);
+ DCHECK(unapplied_sync_turl);
+ DCHECK(applied_sync_turl);
+ DCHECK(change_list);
+ DCHECK_EQ(applied_sync_turl->keyword(), unapplied_sync_turl->keyword());
+ applied_sync_turl->GetType());
+ // Both |unapplied_sync_turl| and |applied_sync_turl| are known to Sync, so
+ // don't delete either of them. Instead, determine which is "better" and
+ // uniquify the other one, sending an update to the server for the updated
+ // entry.
+ const bool applied_turl_is_better =
+ IsLocalTemplateURLBetter(applied_sync_turl, unapplied_sync_turl);
+ TemplateURL* loser = applied_turl_is_better ?
+ unapplied_sync_turl : applied_sync_turl;
+ base::string16 new_keyword = UniquifyKeyword(*loser, false);
+ DCHECK(!GetTemplateURLForKeyword(new_keyword));
+ if (applied_turl_is_better) {
+ // Just set the keyword of |unapplied_sync_turl|. The caller is responsible
+ // for adding or updating unapplied_sync_turl in the local model.
+ unapplied_sync_turl->data_.SetKeyword(new_keyword);
+ } else {
+ // Update |applied_sync_turl| in the local model with the new keyword.
+ TemplateURLData data(applied_sync_turl->data());
+ data.SetKeyword(new_keyword);
+ if (UpdateNoNotify(applied_sync_turl, TemplateURL(data)))
+ NotifyObservers();
+ }
+ // The losing TemplateURL should have their keyword updated. Send a change to
+ // the server to reflect this change.
+ syncer::SyncData sync_data = CreateSyncDataFromTemplateURL(*loser);
+ change_list->push_back(syncer::SyncChange(FROM_HERE,
+ syncer::SyncChange::ACTION_UPDATE,
+ sync_data));
+void TemplateURLService::MergeInSyncTemplateURL(
+ TemplateURL* sync_turl,
+ const SyncDataMap& sync_data,
+ syncer::SyncChangeList* change_list,
+ SyncDataMap* local_data,
+ syncer::SyncMergeResult* merge_result) {
+ DCHECK(sync_turl);
+ DCHECK(!GetTemplateURLForGUID(sync_turl->sync_guid()));
+ DCHECK(IsFromSync(sync_turl, sync_data));
+ TemplateURL* conflicting_turl =
+ FindNonExtensionTemplateURLForKeyword(sync_turl->keyword());
+ bool should_add_sync_turl = true;
+ // If there was no TemplateURL in the local model that conflicts with
+ // |sync_turl|, skip the following preparation steps and just add |sync_turl|
+ // directly. Otherwise, modify |conflicting_turl| to make room for
+ // |sync_turl|.
+ if (conflicting_turl) {
+ if (IsFromSync(conflicting_turl, sync_data)) {
+ // |conflicting_turl| is already known to Sync, so we're not allowed to
+ // remove it. In this case, we want to uniquify the worse one and send an
+ // update for the changed keyword to sync. We can reuse the logic from
+ // ResolveSyncKeywordConflict for this.
+ ResolveSyncKeywordConflict(sync_turl, conflicting_turl, change_list);
+ merge_result->set_num_items_modified(
+ merge_result->num_items_modified() + 1);
+ } else {
+ // |conflicting_turl| is not yet known to Sync. If it is better, then we
+ // want to transfer its values up to sync. Otherwise, we remove it and
+ // allow the entry from Sync to overtake it in the model.
+ const std::string guid = conflicting_turl->sync_guid();
+ if (IsLocalTemplateURLBetter(conflicting_turl, sync_turl)) {
+ ResetTemplateURLGUID(conflicting_turl, sync_turl->sync_guid());
+ syncer::SyncData sync_data =
+ CreateSyncDataFromTemplateURL(*conflicting_turl);
+ change_list->push_back(syncer::SyncChange(
+ FROM_HERE, syncer::SyncChange::ACTION_UPDATE, sync_data));
+ // Note that in this case we do not add the Sync TemplateURL to the
+ // local model, since we've effectively "merged" it in by updating the
+ // local conflicting entry with its sync_guid.
+ should_add_sync_turl = false;
+ merge_result->set_num_items_modified(
+ merge_result->num_items_modified() + 1);
+ } else {
+ // We guarantee that this isn't the local search provider. Otherwise,
+ // local would have won.
+ DCHECK(conflicting_turl != GetDefaultSearchProvider());
+ Remove(conflicting_turl);
+ merge_result->set_num_items_deleted(
+ merge_result->num_items_deleted() + 1);
+ }
+ // This TemplateURL was either removed or overwritten in the local model.
+ // Remove the entry from the local data so it isn't pushed up to Sync.
+ local_data->erase(guid);
+ }
+ }
+ if (should_add_sync_turl) {
+ // Force the local ID to kInvalidTemplateURLID so we can add it.
+ TemplateURLData data(sync_turl->data());
+ = kInvalidTemplateURLID;
+ TemplateURL* added = new TemplateURL(data);
+ base::AutoReset<DefaultSearchChangeOrigin> change_origin(
+ &dsp_change_origin_, DSP_CHANGE_SYNC_ADD);
+ if (Add(added))
+ MaybeUpdateDSEAfterSync(added);
+ merge_result->set_num_items_added(
+ merge_result->num_items_added() + 1);
+ }
+void TemplateURLService::PatchMissingSyncGUIDs(
+ TemplateURLVector* template_urls) {
+ DCHECK(template_urls);
+ for (TemplateURLVector::iterator i = template_urls->begin();
+ i != template_urls->end(); ++i) {
+ TemplateURL* template_url = *i;
+ DCHECK(template_url);
+ if (template_url->sync_guid().empty() &&
+ (template_url->GetType() !=
+ template_url->data_.sync_guid = base::GenerateGUID();
+ if (web_data_service_)
+ web_data_service_->UpdateKeyword(template_url->data());
+ }
+ }
+void TemplateURLService::OnSyncedDefaultSearchProviderGUIDChanged() {
+ base::AutoReset<DefaultSearchChangeOrigin> change_origin(
+ &dsp_change_origin_, DSP_CHANGE_SYNC_PREF);
+ std::string new_guid =
+ prefs_->GetString(prefs::kSyncedDefaultSearchProviderGUID);
+ if (new_guid.empty()) {
+ default_search_manager_.ClearUserSelectedDefaultSearchEngine();
+ return;
+ }
+ TemplateURL* turl = GetTemplateURLForGUID(new_guid);
+ if (turl)
+ default_search_manager_.SetUserSelectedDefaultSearchEngine(turl->data());
+TemplateURL* TemplateURLService::FindPrepopulatedTemplateURL(
+ int prepopulated_id) {
+ for (TemplateURLVector::const_iterator i = template_urls_.begin();
+ i != template_urls_.end(); ++i) {
+ if ((*i)->prepopulate_id() == prepopulated_id)
+ return *i;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+TemplateURL* TemplateURLService::FindTemplateURLForExtension(
+ const std::string& extension_id,
+ TemplateURL::Type type) {
+ DCHECK_NE(TemplateURL::NORMAL, type);
+ for (TemplateURLVector::const_iterator i = template_urls_.begin();
+ i != template_urls_.end(); ++i) {
+ if ((*i)->GetType() == type &&
+ (*i)->GetExtensionId() == extension_id)
+ return *i;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+TemplateURL* TemplateURLService::FindMatchingExtensionTemplateURL(
+ const TemplateURLData& data,
+ TemplateURL::Type type) {
+ DCHECK_NE(TemplateURL::NORMAL, type);
+ for (TemplateURLVector::const_iterator i = template_urls_.begin();
+ i != template_urls_.end(); ++i) {
+ if ((*i)->GetType() == type &&
+ TemplateURL::MatchesData(*i, &data, search_terms_data()))
+ return *i;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+void TemplateURLService::UpdateExtensionDefaultSearchEngine() {
+ TemplateURL* most_recently_intalled_default = NULL;
+ for (TemplateURLVector::const_iterator i = template_urls_.begin();
+ i != template_urls_.end(); ++i) {
+ if (((*i)->GetType() == TemplateURL::NORMAL_CONTROLLED_BY_EXTENSION) &&
+ (*i)->extension_info_->wants_to_be_default_engine &&
+ (*i)->SupportsReplacement(search_terms_data()) &&
+ (!most_recently_intalled_default ||
+ (most_recently_intalled_default->extension_info_->install_time <
+ (*i)->extension_info_->install_time)))
+ most_recently_intalled_default = *i;
+ }
+ if (most_recently_intalled_default) {
+ base::AutoReset<DefaultSearchChangeOrigin> change_origin(
+ default_search_manager_.SetExtensionControlledDefaultSearchEngine(
+ most_recently_intalled_default->data());
+ } else {
+ default_search_manager_.ClearExtensionControlledDefaultSearchEngine();
+ }
diff --git a/components/search_engines/template_url_service.h b/components/search_engines/template_url_service.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e1ed61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/search_engines/template_url_service.h
@@ -0,0 +1,762 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <list>
+#include <map>
+#include <set>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "base/callback_list.h"
+#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
+#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
+#include "base/observer_list.h"
+#include "base/prefs/pref_change_registrar.h"
+#include "components/google/core/browser/google_url_tracker.h"
+#include "components/keyed_service/core/keyed_service.h"
+#include "components/search_engines/default_search_manager.h"
+#include "components/search_engines/keyword_web_data_service.h"
+#include "components/search_engines/template_url.h"
+#include "components/search_engines/template_url_id.h"
+#include "components/webdata/common/web_data_service_consumer.h"
+#include "sync/api/sync_change.h"
+#include "sync/api/syncable_service.h"
+class GURL;
+class PrefService;
+class SearchHostToURLsMap;
+class SearchTermsData;
+class TemplateURL;
+struct TemplateURLData;
+class TemplateURLServiceClient;
+class TemplateURLServiceObserver;
+namespace rappor {
+class RapporService;
+namespace syncer {
+class SyncData;
+class SyncErrorFactory;
+// TemplateURLService is the backend for keywords. It's used by
+// KeywordAutocomplete.
+// TemplateURLService stores a vector of TemplateURLs. The TemplateURLs are
+// persisted to the database maintained by KeywordWebDataService.
+// *ALL* mutations to the TemplateURLs must funnel through TemplateURLService.
+// This allows TemplateURLService to notify listeners of changes as well as keep
+// the database in sync.
+// TemplateURLService does not load the vector of TemplateURLs in its
+// constructor (except for testing). Use the Load method to trigger a load.
+// When TemplateURLService has completed loading, observers are notified via
+// OnTemplateURLServiceChanged, or by a callback registered prior to calling
+// the Load method.
+// TemplateURLService takes ownership of any TemplateURL passed to it. If there
+// is a KeywordWebDataService, deletion is handled by KeywordWebDataService,
+// otherwise TemplateURLService handles deletion.
+class TemplateURLService : public WebDataServiceConsumer,
+ public KeyedService,
+ public syncer::SyncableService {
+ public:
+ typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> QueryTerms;
+ typedef std::vector<TemplateURL*> TemplateURLVector;
+ // Type for a static function pointer that acts as a time source.
+ typedef base::Time(TimeProvider)();
+ typedef std::map<std::string, syncer::SyncData> SyncDataMap;
+ typedef base::CallbackList<void(void)>::Subscription Subscription;
+ // Struct used for initializing the data store with fake data.
+ // Each initializer is mapped to a TemplateURL.
+ struct Initializer {
+ const char* const keyword;
+ const char* const url;
+ const char* const content;
+ };
+ struct URLVisitedDetails {
+ GURL url;
+ bool is_keyword_transition;
+ };
+ TemplateURLService(PrefService* prefs,
+ scoped_ptr<SearchTermsData> search_terms_data,
+ KeywordWebDataService* web_data_service,
+ scoped_ptr<TemplateURLServiceClient> client,
+ GoogleURLTracker* google_url_tracker,
+ rappor::RapporService* rappor_service,
+ const base::Closure& dsp_change_callback);
+ // The following is for testing.
+ TemplateURLService(const Initializer* initializers, const int count);
+ virtual ~TemplateURLService();
+ // Creates a TemplateURLData that was previously saved to |prefs| via
+ // SaveDefaultSearchProviderToPrefs or set via policy.
+ // Returns true if successful, false otherwise.
+ // If the user or the policy has opted for no default search, this
+ // returns true but default_provider is set to NULL.
+ // |*is_managed| specifies whether the default is managed via policy.
+ static bool LoadDefaultSearchProviderFromPrefs(
+ PrefService* prefs,
+ scoped_ptr<TemplateURLData>* default_provider_data,
+ bool* is_managed);
+ // Removes any unnecessary characters from a user input keyword.
+ // This removes the leading scheme, "www." and any trailing slash.
+ static base::string16 CleanUserInputKeyword(const base::string16& keyword);
+ // Saves enough of url to |prefs| so that it can be loaded from preferences on
+ // start up.
+ static void SaveDefaultSearchProviderToPrefs(const TemplateURL* url,
+ PrefService* prefs);
+ // Returns true if there is no TemplateURL that conflicts with the
+ // keyword/url pair, or there is one but it can be replaced. If there is an
+ // existing keyword that can be replaced and template_url_to_replace is
+ // non-NULL, template_url_to_replace is set to the keyword to replace.
+ //
+ // url gives the url of the search query. The url is used to avoid generating
+ // a TemplateURL for an existing TemplateURL that shares the same host.
+ bool CanReplaceKeyword(const base::string16& keyword,
+ const GURL& url,
+ TemplateURL** template_url_to_replace);
+ // Returns (in |matches|) all TemplateURLs whose keywords begin with |prefix|,
+ // sorted shortest keyword-first. If |support_replacement_only| is true, only
+ // TemplateURLs that support replacement are returned.
+ void FindMatchingKeywords(const base::string16& prefix,
+ bool support_replacement_only,
+ TemplateURLVector* matches);
+ // Looks up |keyword| and returns the element it maps to. Returns NULL if
+ // the keyword was not found.
+ // The caller should not try to delete the returned pointer; the data store
+ // retains ownership of it.
+ TemplateURL* GetTemplateURLForKeyword(const base::string16& keyword);
+ // Returns that TemplateURL with the specified GUID, or NULL if not found.
+ // The caller should not try to delete the returned pointer; the data store
+ // retains ownership of it.
+ TemplateURL* GetTemplateURLForGUID(const std::string& sync_guid);
+ // Returns the first TemplateURL found with a URL using the specified |host|,
+ // or NULL if there are no such TemplateURLs
+ TemplateURL* GetTemplateURLForHost(const std::string& host);
+ // Takes ownership of |template_url| and adds it to this model. For obvious
+ // reasons, it is illegal to Add() the same |template_url| pointer twice.
+ // Returns true if the Add is successful.
+ bool Add(TemplateURL* template_url);
+ // Like Add(), but overwrites the |template_url|'s values with the provided
+ // ones.
+ void AddWithOverrides(TemplateURL* template_url,
+ const base::string16& short_name,
+ const base::string16& keyword,
+ const std::string& url);
+ // Adds a search engine with the specified info.
+ void AddExtensionControlledTURL(
+ TemplateURL* template_url,
+ scoped_ptr<TemplateURL::AssociatedExtensionInfo> info);
+ // Removes the keyword from the model. This deletes the supplied TemplateURL.
+ // This fails if the supplied template_url is the default search provider.
+ void Remove(TemplateURL* template_url);
+ // Removes any TemplateURL of the specified |type| associated with
+ // |extension_id|. Unlike with Remove(), this can be called when the
+ // TemplateURL in question is the current default search provider.
+ void RemoveExtensionControlledTURL(const std::string& extension_id,
+ TemplateURL::Type type);
+ // Removes all auto-generated keywords that were created on or after the
+ // date passed in.
+ void RemoveAutoGeneratedSince(base::Time created_after);
+ // Removes all auto-generated keywords that were created in the specified
+ // range.
+ void RemoveAutoGeneratedBetween(base::Time created_after,
+ base::Time created_before);
+ // Removes all auto-generated keywords that were created in the specified
+ // range for a specified |origin|. If |origin| is empty, deletes all
+ // auto-generated keywords in the range.
+ void RemoveAutoGeneratedForOriginBetween(const GURL& origin,
+ base::Time created_after,
+ base::Time created_before);
+ // Adds a TemplateURL for an extension with an omnibox keyword.
+ // Only 1 keyword is allowed for a given extension. If a keyword
+ // already exists for this extension, does nothing.
+ void RegisterOmniboxKeyword(const std::string& extension_id,
+ const std::string& extension_name,
+ const std::string& keyword,
+ const std::string& template_url_string);
+ // Returns the set of URLs describing the keywords. The elements are owned
+ // by TemplateURLService and should not be deleted.
+ TemplateURLVector GetTemplateURLs();
+ // Increment the usage count of a keyword.
+ // Called when a URL is loaded that was generated from a keyword.
+ void IncrementUsageCount(TemplateURL* url);
+ // Resets the title, keyword and search url of the specified TemplateURL.
+ // The TemplateURL is marked as not replaceable.
+ void ResetTemplateURL(TemplateURL* url,
+ const base::string16& title,
+ const base::string16& keyword,
+ const std::string& search_url);
+ // Return true if the given |url| can be made the default. This returns false
+ // regardless of |url| if the default search provider is managed by policy or
+ // controlled by an extension.
+ bool CanMakeDefault(const TemplateURL* url);
+ // Set the default search provider. |url| may be null.
+ // This will assert if the default search is managed; the UI should not be
+ // invoking this method in that situation.
+ void SetUserSelectedDefaultSearchProvider(TemplateURL* url);
+ // Returns the default search provider. If the TemplateURLService hasn't been
+ // loaded, the default search provider is pulled from preferences.
+ //
+ // NOTE: At least in unittest mode, this may return NULL.
+ TemplateURL* GetDefaultSearchProvider();
+ // Returns true if the |url| is a search results page from the default search
+ // provider.
+ bool IsSearchResultsPageFromDefaultSearchProvider(const GURL& url);
+ // Returns true if the default search is managed through group policy.
+ bool is_default_search_managed() const {
+ return default_search_provider_source_ == DefaultSearchManager::FROM_POLICY;
+ }
+ // Returns true if the default search provider is controlled by an extension.
+ bool IsExtensionControlledDefaultSearch();
+ // Returns the default search specified in the prepopulated data, if it
+ // exists. If not, returns first URL in |template_urls_|, or NULL if that's
+ // empty. The returned object is owned by TemplateURLService and can be
+ // destroyed at any time so should be used right after the call.
+ TemplateURL* FindNewDefaultSearchProvider();
+ // Performs the same actions that happen when the prepopulate data version is
+ // revved: all existing prepopulated entries are checked against the current
+ // prepopulate data, any now-extraneous safe_for_autoreplace() entries are
+ // removed, any existing engines are reset to the provided data (except for
+ // user-edited names or keywords), and any new prepopulated engines are
+ // added.
+ //
+ // After this, the default search engine is reset to the default entry in the
+ // prepopulate data.
+ void RepairPrepopulatedSearchEngines();
+ // Observers used to listen for changes to the model.
+ // TemplateURLService does NOT delete the observers when deleted.
+ void AddObserver(TemplateURLServiceObserver* observer);
+ void RemoveObserver(TemplateURLServiceObserver* observer);
+ // Loads the keywords. This has no effect if the keywords have already been
+ // loaded.
+ // Observers are notified when loading completes via the method
+ // OnTemplateURLServiceChanged.
+ void Load();
+ // Registers a callback to be called when the service has loaded.
+ //
+ // If the service has already loaded, this function does nothing.
+ scoped_ptr<Subscription> RegisterOnLoadedCallback(
+ const base::Closure& callback);
+#if defined(UNIT_TEST)
+ void set_loaded(bool value) { loaded_ = value; }
+ // Whether or not the keywords have been loaded.
+ bool loaded() { return loaded_; }
+ // Notification that the keywords have been loaded.
+ // This is invoked from WebDataService, and should not be directly
+ // invoked.
+ virtual void OnWebDataServiceRequestDone(
+ KeywordWebDataService::Handle h,
+ const WDTypedResult* result) OVERRIDE;
+ // Returns the locale-direction-adjusted short name for the given keyword.
+ // Also sets the out param to indicate whether the keyword belongs to an
+ // Omnibox extension.
+ base::string16 GetKeywordShortName(const base::string16& keyword,
+ bool* is_omnibox_api_extension_keyword);
+ // Called by the history service when a URL is visited.
+ void OnHistoryURLVisited(const URLVisitedDetails& details);
+ // KeyedService implementation.
+ virtual void Shutdown() OVERRIDE;
+ // syncer::SyncableService implementation.
+ // Returns all syncable TemplateURLs from this model as SyncData. This should
+ // include every search engine and no Extension keywords.
+ virtual syncer::SyncDataList GetAllSyncData(
+ syncer::ModelType type) const OVERRIDE;
+ // Process new search engine changes from Sync, merging them into our local
+ // data. This may send notifications if local search engines are added,
+ // updated or removed.
+ virtual syncer::SyncError ProcessSyncChanges(
+ const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
+ const syncer::SyncChangeList& change_list) OVERRIDE;
+ // Merge initial search engine data from Sync and push any local changes up
+ // to Sync. This may send notifications if local search engines are added,
+ // updated or removed.
+ virtual syncer::SyncMergeResult MergeDataAndStartSyncing(
+ syncer::ModelType type,
+ const syncer::SyncDataList& initial_sync_data,
+ scoped_ptr<syncer::SyncChangeProcessor> sync_processor,
+ scoped_ptr<syncer::SyncErrorFactory> sync_error_factory) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void StopSyncing(syncer::ModelType type) OVERRIDE;
+ // Processes a local TemplateURL change for Sync. |turl| is the TemplateURL
+ // that has been modified, and |type| is the Sync ChangeType that took place.
+ // This may send a new SyncChange to the cloud. If our model has not yet been
+ // associated with Sync, or if this is triggered by a Sync change, then this
+ // does nothing.
+ void ProcessTemplateURLChange(const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
+ const TemplateURL* turl,
+ syncer::SyncChange::SyncChangeType type);
+ // Returns a SearchTermsData which can be used to call TemplateURL methods.
+ const SearchTermsData& search_terms_data() const {
+ return *search_terms_data_;
+ }
+ // Returns a SyncData with a sync representation of the search engine data
+ // from |turl|.
+ static syncer::SyncData CreateSyncDataFromTemplateURL(
+ const TemplateURL& turl);
+ // Creates a new heap-allocated TemplateURL* which is populated by overlaying
+ // |sync_data| atop |existing_turl|. |existing_turl| may be NULL; if not it
+ // remains unmodified. The caller owns the returned TemplateURL*.
+ //
+ // If the created TemplateURL is migrated in some way from out-of-date sync
+ // data, an appropriate SyncChange is added to |change_list|. If the sync
+ // data is bad for some reason, an ACTION_DELETE change is added and the
+ // function returns NULL.
+ static TemplateURL* CreateTemplateURLFromTemplateURLAndSyncData(
+ PrefService* prefs,
+ const SearchTermsData& search_terms_data,
+ TemplateURL* existing_turl,
+ const syncer::SyncData& sync_data,
+ syncer::SyncChangeList* change_list);
+ // Returns a map mapping Sync GUIDs to pointers to syncer::SyncData.
+ static SyncDataMap CreateGUIDToSyncDataMap(
+ const syncer::SyncDataList& sync_data);
+#if defined(UNIT_TEST)
+ // Sets a different time provider function, such as
+ // base::MockTimeProvider::StaticNow, for testing calls to base::Time::Now.
+ void set_time_provider(TimeProvider* time_provider) {
+ time_provider_ = time_provider;
+ }
+ protected:
+ // Cover method for the method of the same name on the HistoryService.
+ // url is the one that was visited with the given search terms.
+ //
+ // This exists and is virtual for testing.
+ virtual void SetKeywordSearchTermsForURL(const TemplateURL* t_url,
+ const GURL& url,
+ const base::string16& term);
+ private:
+ FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(TemplateURLServiceTest, TestManagedDefaultSearch);
+ UpdateKeywordSearchTermsForURL);
+ DontUpdateKeywordSearchForNonReplaceable);
+ FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(TemplateURLServiceTest, ChangeGoogleBaseValue);
+ FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(TemplateURLServiceTest, MergeDeletesUnusedProviders);
+ FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(TemplateURLServiceSyncTest, UniquifyKeyword);
+ IsLocalTemplateURLBetter);
+ ResolveSyncKeywordConflict);
+ FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(TemplateURLServiceSyncTest, PreSyncDeletes);
+ FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(TemplateURLServiceSyncTest, MergeInSyncTemplateURL);
+ friend class InstantUnitTestBase;
+ friend class TemplateURLServiceTestUtilBase;
+ typedef std::map<base::string16, TemplateURL*> KeywordToTemplateMap;
+ typedef std::map<std::string, TemplateURL*> GUIDToTemplateMap;
+ // Declaration of values to be used in an enumerated histogram to tally
+ // changes to the default search provider from various entry points. In
+ // particular, we use this to see what proportion of changes are from Sync
+ // entry points, to help spot erroneous Sync activity.
+ enum DefaultSearchChangeOrigin {
+ // Various known Sync entry points.
+ // "Other" origins. We differentiate between Sync and not Sync so we know if
+ // certain changes were intentionally from the system, or possibly some
+ // unintentional change from when we were Syncing.
+ // All changes that don't fall into another category; we can't reorder the
+ // list for clarity as this would screw up stat collection.
+ // Changed through "Profile Reset" feature.
+ // Changed by an extension through the Override Settings API.
+ // New DSP during database/prepopulate data load, which was not previously
+ // in the known engine set, and with no previous value in prefs. The
+ // typical time to see this is during first run.
+ // Boundary value.
+ };
+ // Helper functor for FindMatchingKeywords(), for finding the range of
+ // keywords which begin with a prefix.
+ class LessWithPrefix;
+ void Init(const Initializer* initializers, int num_initializers);
+ void RemoveFromMaps(TemplateURL* template_url);
+ void AddToMaps(TemplateURL* template_url);
+ // Sets the keywords. This is used once the keywords have been loaded.
+ // This does NOT notify the delegate or the database.
+ //
+ // This transfers ownership of the elements in |urls| to |this|, and may
+ // delete some elements, so it's not safe for callers to access any elements
+ // after calling; to reinforce this, this function clears |urls| on exit.
+ void SetTemplateURLs(TemplateURLVector* urls);
+ // Transitions to the loaded state.
+ void ChangeToLoadedState();
+ // Callback that is called when the Google URL is updated.
+ void OnGoogleURLUpdated(GURL old_url, GURL new_url);
+ // Called by DefaultSearchManager when the effective default search engine has
+ // changed.
+ void OnDefaultSearchChange(const TemplateURLData* new_dse_data,
+ DefaultSearchManager::Source source);
+ // Applies a DSE change and reports metrics if appropriate.
+ void ApplyDefaultSearchChange(const TemplateURLData* new_dse_data,
+ DefaultSearchManager::Source source);
+ // Applies a DSE change. May be called at startup or after transitioning to
+ // the loaded state. Returns true if a change actually occurred.
+ bool ApplyDefaultSearchChangeNoMetrics(const TemplateURLData* new_dse_data,
+ DefaultSearchManager::Source source);
+ // Returns true if there is no TemplateURL that has a search url with the
+ // specified host, or the only TemplateURLs matching the specified host can
+ // be replaced.
+ bool CanReplaceKeywordForHost(const std::string& host,
+ TemplateURL** to_replace);
+ // Returns true if the TemplateURL is replaceable. This doesn't look at the
+ // uniqueness of the keyword or host and is intended to be called after those
+ // checks have been done. This returns true if the TemplateURL doesn't appear
+ // in the default list and is marked as safe_for_autoreplace.
+ bool CanReplace(const TemplateURL* t_url);
+ // Like GetTemplateURLForKeyword(), but ignores extension-provided keywords.
+ TemplateURL* FindNonExtensionTemplateURLForKeyword(
+ const base::string16& keyword);
+ // Updates the information in |existing_turl| using the information from
+ // |new_values|, but the ID for |existing_turl| is retained. Notifying
+ // observers is the responsibility of the caller. Returns whether
+ // |existing_turl| was found in |template_urls_| and thus could be updated.
+ //
+ // NOTE: This should not be called with an extension keyword as there are no
+ // updates needed in that case.
+ bool UpdateNoNotify(TemplateURL* existing_turl,
+ const TemplateURL& new_values);
+ // If the TemplateURL comes from a prepopulated URL available in the current
+ // country, update all its fields save for the keyword, short name and id so
+ // that they match the internal prepopulated URL. TemplateURLs not coming from
+ // a prepopulated URL are not modified.
+ static void UpdateTemplateURLIfPrepopulated(TemplateURL* existing_turl,
+ PrefService* prefs);
+ // If the TemplateURL's sync GUID matches the kSyncedDefaultSearchProviderGUID
+ // preference it will be used to update the DSE in memory and as persisted in
+ // preferences.
+ void MaybeUpdateDSEAfterSync(TemplateURL* synced_turl);
+ // Iterates through the TemplateURLs to see if one matches the visited url.
+ // For each TemplateURL whose url matches the visited url
+ // SetKeywordSearchTermsForURL is invoked.
+ void UpdateKeywordSearchTermsForURL(const URLVisitedDetails& details);
+ // If necessary, generates a visit for the site http:// + t_url.keyword().
+ void AddTabToSearchVisit(const TemplateURL& t_url);
+ // Requests the Google URL tracker to check the server if necessary.
+ void RequestGoogleURLTrackerServerCheckIfNecessary();
+ // Invoked when the Google base URL has changed. Updates the mapping for all
+ // TemplateURLs that have a replacement term of {google:baseURL} or
+ // {google:baseSuggestURL}.
+ void GoogleBaseURLChanged();
+ // Adds a new TemplateURL to this model. TemplateURLService will own the
+ // reference, and delete it when the TemplateURL is removed.
+ // If |newly_adding| is false, we assume that this TemplateURL was already
+ // part of the model in the past, and therefore we don't need to do things
+ // like assign it an ID or notify sync.
+ // This function guarantees that on return the model will not have two
+ // non-extension TemplateURLs with the same keyword. If that means that it
+ // cannot add the provided argument, it will delete it and return false.
+ // Caller is responsible for notifying observers if this function returns
+ // true.
+ bool AddNoNotify(TemplateURL* template_url, bool newly_adding);
+ // Removes the keyword from the model. This deletes the supplied TemplateURL.
+ // This fails if the supplied template_url is the default search provider.
+ // Caller is responsible for notifying observers.
+ void RemoveNoNotify(TemplateURL* template_url);
+ // Like ResetTemplateURL(), but instead of notifying observers, returns
+ // whether anything has changed.
+ bool ResetTemplateURLNoNotify(TemplateURL* url,
+ const base::string16& title,
+ const base::string16& keyword,
+ const std::string& search_url);
+ // Notify the observers that the model has changed. This is done only if the
+ // model is loaded.
+ void NotifyObservers();
+ // Updates |template_urls| so that the only "created by policy" entry is
+ // |default_from_prefs|. |default_from_prefs| may be NULL if there is no
+ // policy-defined DSE in effect.
+ void UpdateProvidersCreatedByPolicy(
+ TemplateURLVector* template_urls,
+ const TemplateURLData* default_from_prefs);
+ // Resets the sync GUID of the specified TemplateURL and persists the change
+ // to the database. This does not notify observers.
+ void ResetTemplateURLGUID(TemplateURL* url, const std::string& guid);
+ // Attempts to generate a unique keyword for |turl| based on its original
+ // keyword. If its keyword is already unique, that is returned. Otherwise, it
+ // tries to return the autogenerated keyword if that is unique to the Service,
+ // and finally it repeatedly appends special characters to the keyword until
+ // it is unique to the Service. If |force| is true, then this will only
+ // execute the special character appending functionality.
+ base::string16 UniquifyKeyword(const TemplateURL& turl, bool force);
+ // Returns true iff |local_turl| is considered "better" than |sync_turl| for
+ // the purposes of resolving conflicts. |local_turl| must be a TemplateURL
+ // known to the local model (though it may already be synced), and |sync_turl|
+ // is a new TemplateURL known to Sync but not yet known to the local model.
+ // The criteria for if |local_turl| is better than |sync_turl| is whether any
+ // of the following are true:
+ // * |local_turl|'s last_modified timestamp is newer than sync_turl.
+ // * |local_turl| is created by policy.
+ // * |local_turl| is the local default search provider.
+ bool IsLocalTemplateURLBetter(const TemplateURL* local_turl,
+ const TemplateURL* sync_turl);
+ // Given two synced TemplateURLs with a conflicting keyword, one of which
+ // needs to be added to or updated in the local model (|unapplied_sync_turl|)
+ // and one which is already known to the local model (|applied_sync_turl|),
+ // prepares the local model so that |unapplied_sync_turl| can be added to it,
+ // or applied as an update to an existing TemplateURL.
+ // Since both entries are known to Sync and one of their keywords will change,
+ // an ACTION_UPDATE will be appended to |change_list| to reflect this change.
+ // Note that |applied_sync_turl| must not be an extension keyword.
+ void ResolveSyncKeywordConflict(TemplateURL* unapplied_sync_turl,
+ TemplateURL* applied_sync_turl,
+ syncer::SyncChangeList* change_list);
+ // Adds |sync_turl| into the local model, possibly removing or updating a
+ // local TemplateURL to make room for it. This expects |sync_turl| to be a new
+ // entry from Sync, not currently known to the local model. |sync_data| should
+ // be a SyncDataMap where the contents are entries initially known to Sync
+ // during MergeDataAndStartSyncing.
+ // Any necessary updates to Sync will be appended to |change_list|. This can
+ // include updates on local TemplateURLs, if they are found in |sync_data|.
+ // |initial_data| should be a SyncDataMap of the entries known to the local
+ // model during MergeDataAndStartSyncing. If |sync_turl| replaces a local
+ // entry, that entry is removed from |initial_data| to prevent it from being
+ // sent up to Sync.
+ // |merge_result| tracks the changes made to the local model. Added/modified/
+ // deleted are updated depending on how the |sync_turl| is merged in.
+ // This should only be called from MergeDataAndStartSyncing.
+ void MergeInSyncTemplateURL(TemplateURL* sync_turl,
+ const SyncDataMap& sync_data,
+ syncer::SyncChangeList* change_list,
+ SyncDataMap* local_data,
+ syncer::SyncMergeResult* merge_result);
+ // Goes through a vector of TemplateURLs and ensure that both the in-memory
+ // and database copies have valid sync_guids. This is to fix,
+ // where old entries were being pushed to Sync without a sync_guid.
+ void PatchMissingSyncGUIDs(TemplateURLVector* template_urls);
+ void OnSyncedDefaultSearchProviderGUIDChanged();
+ // Adds |template_urls| to |template_urls_|.
+ //
+ // This transfers ownership of the elements in |template_urls| to |this|, and
+ // may delete some elements, so it's not safe for callers to access any
+ // elements after calling; to reinforce this, this function clears
+ // |template_urls| on exit.
+ void AddTemplateURLs(TemplateURLVector* template_urls);
+ // Returns the TemplateURL corresponding to |prepopulated_id|, if any.
+ TemplateURL* FindPrepopulatedTemplateURL(int prepopulated_id);
+ // Returns the TemplateURL associated with |extension_id|, if any.
+ TemplateURL* FindTemplateURLForExtension(const std::string& extension_id,
+ TemplateURL::Type type);
+ // Finds the extension-supplied TemplateURL that matches |data|, if any.
+ TemplateURL* FindMatchingExtensionTemplateURL(const TemplateURLData& data,
+ TemplateURL::Type type);
+ // Finds the most recently-installed NORMAL_CONTROLLED_BY_EXTENSION engine
+ // that supports replacement and wants to be default, if any. Notifies the
+ // DefaultSearchManager, which might change the effective default search
+ // engine.
+ void UpdateExtensionDefaultSearchEngine();
+ // ---------- Browser state related members ---------------------------------
+ PrefService* prefs_;
+ scoped_ptr<SearchTermsData> search_terms_data_;
+ // ---------- Dependencies on other components ------------------------------
+ // Service used to store entries.
+ scoped_refptr<KeywordWebDataService> web_data_service_;
+ scoped_ptr<TemplateURLServiceClient> client_;
+ GoogleURLTracker* google_url_tracker_;
+ // ---------- Metrics related members ---------------------------------------
+ rappor::RapporService* rappor_service_;
+ // This closure is run when the default search provider is set to Google.
+ base::Closure dsp_change_callback_;
+ PrefChangeRegistrar pref_change_registrar_;
+ // Mapping from keyword to the TemplateURL.
+ KeywordToTemplateMap keyword_to_template_map_;
+ // Mapping from Sync GUIDs to the TemplateURL.
+ GUIDToTemplateMap guid_to_template_map_;
+ TemplateURLVector template_urls_;
+ ObserverList<TemplateURLServiceObserver> model_observers_;
+ // Maps from host to set of TemplateURLs whose search url host is host.
+ // NOTE: This is always non-NULL; we use a scoped_ptr<> to avoid circular
+ // header dependencies.
+ scoped_ptr<SearchHostToURLsMap> provider_map_;
+ // Whether the keywords have been loaded.
+ bool loaded_;
+ // Set when the web data service fails to load properly. This prevents
+ // further communication with sync or writing to prefs, so we don't persist
+ // inconsistent state data anywhere.
+ bool load_failed_;
+ // If non-zero, we're waiting on a load.
+ KeywordWebDataService::Handle load_handle_;
+ // All visits that occurred before we finished loading. Once loaded
+ // UpdateKeywordSearchTermsForURL is invoked for each element of the vector.
+ std::vector<URLVisitedDetails> visits_to_add_;
+ // Once loaded, the default search provider. This is a pointer to a
+ // TemplateURL owned by |template_urls_|.
+ TemplateURL* default_search_provider_;
+ // A temporary location for the DSE until Web Data has been loaded and it can
+ // be merged into |template_urls_|.
+ scoped_ptr<TemplateURL> initial_default_search_provider_;
+ // Source of the default search provider.
+ DefaultSearchManager::Source default_search_provider_source_;
+ // ID assigned to next TemplateURL added to this model. This is an ever
+ // increasing integer that is initialized from the database.
+ TemplateURLID next_id_;
+ // Function returning current time in base::Time units.
+ TimeProvider* time_provider_;
+ // Do we have an active association between the TemplateURLs and sync models?
+ // Set in MergeDataAndStartSyncing, reset in StopSyncing. While this is not
+ // set, we ignore any local search engine changes (when we start syncing we
+ // will look up the most recent values anyways).
+ bool models_associated_;
+ // Whether we're currently processing changes from the syncer. While this is
+ // true, we ignore any local search engine changes, since we triggered them.
+ bool processing_syncer_changes_;
+ // Sync's syncer::SyncChange handler. We push all our changes through this.
+ scoped_ptr<syncer::SyncChangeProcessor> sync_processor_;
+ // Sync's error handler. We use it to create a sync error.
+ scoped_ptr<syncer::SyncErrorFactory> sync_error_factory_;
+ // A set of sync GUIDs denoting TemplateURLs that have been removed from this
+ // model or the underlying KeywordWebDataService prior to
+ // MergeDataAndStartSyncing.
+ // This set is used to determine what entries from the server we want to
+ // ignore locally and return a delete command for.
+ std::set<std::string> pre_sync_deletes_;
+ // This is used to log the origin of changes to the default search provider.
+ // We set this value to increasingly specific values when we know what is the
+ // cause/origin of a default search change.
+ DefaultSearchChangeOrigin dsp_change_origin_;
+ // Stores a list of callbacks to be run after TemplateURLService has loaded.
+ base::CallbackList<void(void)> on_loaded_callbacks_;
+ // Helper class to manage the default search engine.
+ DefaultSearchManager default_search_manager_;
+ scoped_ptr<GoogleURLTracker::Subscription> google_url_updated_subscription_;
diff --git a/components/search_engines/template_url_service_client.h b/components/search_engines/template_url_service_client.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ab8068
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/search_engines/template_url_service_client.h
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "base/strings/string16.h"
+#include "components/search_engines/template_url_id.h"
+class GURL;
+class TemplateURLService;
+// This interface provides history related functionality required by
+// TemplateURLService.
+// TODO(hashimoto): Get rid of this once HistoryService gets componentized.
+class TemplateURLServiceClient {
+ public:
+ virtual ~TemplateURLServiceClient() {}
+ // Sets the pointer to the owner of this object.
+ virtual void SetOwner(TemplateURLService* owner) = 0;
+ // Deletes all search terms for the specified keyword.
+ virtual void DeleteAllSearchTermsForKeyword(TemplateURLID id) = 0;
+ // Sets the search terms for the specified url and keyword.
+ virtual void SetKeywordSearchTermsForURL(const GURL& url,
+ TemplateURLID id,
+ const base::string16& term) = 0;
+ // Adds the given URL to history as a keyword generated visit.
+ virtual void AddKeywordGeneratedVisit(const GURL& url) = 0;
diff --git a/components/search_engines/template_url_service_observer.h b/components/search_engines/template_url_service_observer.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..acd016f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/search_engines/template_url_service_observer.h
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// TemplateURLServiceObserver is notified whenever the set of TemplateURLs
+// are modified.
+class TemplateURLServiceObserver {
+ public:
+ // Notification that the template url model has changed in some way.
+ virtual void OnTemplateURLServiceChanged() = 0;
+ protected:
+ virtual ~TemplateURLServiceObserver() {}
diff --git a/components/search_engines/ b/components/search_engines/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..961a93e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/search_engines/
@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "components/search_engines/util.h"
+#include <map>
+#include <set>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "base/logging.h"
+#include "base/memory/scoped_vector.h"
+#include "base/prefs/pref_service.h"
+#include "base/time/time.h"
+#include "components/search_engines/template_url.h"
+#include "components/search_engines/template_url_prepopulate_data.h"
+#include "components/search_engines/template_url_service.h"
+base::string16 GetDefaultSearchEngineName(TemplateURLService* service) {
+ DCHECK(service);
+ const TemplateURL* const default_provider =
+ service->GetDefaultSearchProvider();
+ if (!default_provider) {
+ // TODO(cpu): bug 1187517. It is possible to have no default provider.
+ // returning an empty string is a stopgap measure for the crash
+ //
+ return base::string16();
+ }
+ return default_provider->short_name();
+GURL GetDefaultSearchURLForSearchTerms(TemplateURLService* service,
+ const base::string16& terms) {
+ DCHECK(service);
+ const TemplateURL* default_provider = service->GetDefaultSearchProvider();
+ if (!default_provider)
+ return GURL();
+ const TemplateURLRef& search_url = default_provider->url_ref();
+ DCHECK(search_url.SupportsReplacement(service->search_terms_data()));
+ TemplateURLRef::SearchTermsArgs search_terms_args(terms);
+ search_terms_args.append_extra_query_params = true;
+ return GURL(search_url.ReplaceSearchTerms(search_terms_args,
+ service->search_terms_data()));
+void RemoveDuplicatePrepopulateIDs(
+ KeywordWebDataService* service,
+ const ScopedVector<TemplateURLData>& prepopulated_urls,
+ TemplateURL* default_search_provider,
+ TemplateURLService::TemplateURLVector* template_urls,
+ const SearchTermsData& search_terms_data,
+ std::set<std::string>* removed_keyword_guids) {
+ DCHECK(template_urls);
+ // For convenience construct an ID->TemplateURL* map from |prepopulated_urls|.
+ typedef std::map<int, TemplateURLData*> PrepopulatedURLMap;
+ PrepopulatedURLMap prepopulated_url_map;
+ for (std::vector<TemplateURLData*>::const_iterator i(
+ prepopulated_urls.begin());
+ i != prepopulated_urls.end();
+ ++i)
+ prepopulated_url_map[(*i)->prepopulate_id] = *i;
+ // Separate |template_urls| into prepopulated and non-prepopulated groups.
+ typedef std::multimap<int, TemplateURL*> UncheckedURLMap;
+ UncheckedURLMap unchecked_urls;
+ TemplateURLService::TemplateURLVector checked_urls;
+ for (TemplateURLService::TemplateURLVector::iterator i(
+ template_urls->begin()); i != template_urls->end(); ++i) {
+ TemplateURL* turl = *i;
+ int prepopulate_id = turl->prepopulate_id();
+ if (prepopulate_id)
+ unchecked_urls.insert(std::make_pair(prepopulate_id, turl));
+ else
+ checked_urls.push_back(turl);
+ }
+ // For each group of prepopulated URLs with one ID, find the best URL to use
+ // and add it to the (initially all non-prepopulated) URLs we've already OKed.
+ // Delete the others from the service and from memory.
+ while (!unchecked_urls.empty()) {
+ // Find the best URL.
+ int prepopulate_id = unchecked_urls.begin()->first;
+ PrepopulatedURLMap::const_iterator prepopulated_url =
+ prepopulated_url_map.find(prepopulate_id);
+ UncheckedURLMap::iterator end = unchecked_urls.upper_bound(prepopulate_id);
+ UncheckedURLMap::iterator best = unchecked_urls.begin();
+ bool matched_keyword = false;
+ for (UncheckedURLMap::iterator i = unchecked_urls.begin(); i != end; ++i) {
+ // If the user-selected DSE is a prepopulated engine its properties will
+ // either come from the prepopulation origin or from the user preferences
+ // file (see DefaultSearchManager). Those properties will end up
+ // overwriting whatever we load now anyway. If we are eliminating
+ // duplicates, then, we err on the side of keeping the thing that looks
+ // more like the value we will end up with in the end.
+ if (default_search_provider &&
+ (default_search_provider->prepopulate_id() ==
+ i->second->prepopulate_id()) &&
+ default_search_provider->HasSameKeywordAs(i->second->data(),
+ search_terms_data)) {
+ best = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ // Otherwise, a URL is best if it matches the prepopulated data's keyword;
+ // if none match, just fall back to using the one with the lowest ID.
+ if (matched_keyword)
+ continue;
+ if ((prepopulated_url != prepopulated_url_map.end()) &&
+ i->second->HasSameKeywordAs(*prepopulated_url->second,
+ search_terms_data)) {
+ best = i;
+ matched_keyword = true;
+ } else if (i->second->id() < best->second->id()) {
+ best = i;
+ }
+ }
+ // Add the best URL to the checked group and delete the rest.
+ checked_urls.push_back(best->second);
+ for (UncheckedURLMap::iterator i = unchecked_urls.begin(); i != end; ++i) {
+ if (i == best)
+ continue;
+ if (service) {
+ service->RemoveKeyword(i->second->id());
+ if (removed_keyword_guids)
+ removed_keyword_guids->insert(i->second->sync_guid());
+ }
+ delete i->second;
+ }
+ // Done with this group.
+ unchecked_urls.erase(unchecked_urls.begin(), end);
+ }
+ // Return the checked URLs.
+ template_urls->swap(checked_urls);
+// Returns the TemplateURL with id specified from the list of TemplateURLs.
+// If not found, returns NULL.
+TemplateURL* GetTemplateURLByID(
+ const TemplateURLService::TemplateURLVector& template_urls,
+ int64 id) {
+ for (TemplateURLService::TemplateURLVector::const_iterator i(
+ template_urls.begin()); i != template_urls.end(); ++i) {
+ if ((*i)->id() == id) {
+ return *i;
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+TemplateURL* FindURLByPrepopulateID(
+ const TemplateURLService::TemplateURLVector& template_urls,
+ int prepopulate_id) {
+ for (std::vector<TemplateURL*>::const_iterator i = template_urls.begin();
+ i < template_urls.end(); ++i) {
+ if ((*i)->prepopulate_id() == prepopulate_id)
+ return *i;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+void MergeIntoPrepopulatedEngineData(const TemplateURL* original_turl,
+ TemplateURLData* prepopulated_url) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(original_turl->prepopulate_id(), prepopulated_url->prepopulate_id);
+ if (!original_turl->safe_for_autoreplace()) {
+ prepopulated_url->safe_for_autoreplace = false;
+ prepopulated_url->SetKeyword(original_turl->keyword());
+ prepopulated_url->short_name = original_turl->short_name();
+ }
+ prepopulated_url->id = original_turl->id();
+ prepopulated_url->sync_guid = original_turl->sync_guid();
+ prepopulated_url->date_created = original_turl->date_created();
+ prepopulated_url->last_modified = original_turl->last_modified();
+ActionsFromPrepopulateData::ActionsFromPrepopulateData() {}
+ActionsFromPrepopulateData::~ActionsFromPrepopulateData() {}
+// This is invoked when the version of the prepopulate data changes.
+// If |removed_keyword_guids| is not NULL, the Sync GUID of each item removed
+// from the DB will be added to it. Note that this function will take
+// ownership of |prepopulated_urls| and will clear the vector.
+void MergeEnginesFromPrepopulateData(
+ KeywordWebDataService* service,
+ ScopedVector<TemplateURLData>* prepopulated_urls,
+ size_t default_search_index,
+ TemplateURLService::TemplateURLVector* template_urls,
+ TemplateURL* default_search_provider,
+ std::set<std::string>* removed_keyword_guids) {
+ DCHECK(prepopulated_urls);
+ DCHECK(template_urls);
+ ActionsFromPrepopulateData actions(CreateActionsFromCurrentPrepopulateData(
+ prepopulated_urls, *template_urls, default_search_provider));
+ // Remove items.
+ for (std::vector<TemplateURL*>::iterator i = actions.removed_engines.begin();
+ i < actions.removed_engines.end(); ++i) {
+ scoped_ptr<TemplateURL> template_url(*i);
+ TemplateURLService::TemplateURLVector::iterator j =
+ std::find(template_urls->begin(), template_urls->end(), template_url);
+ DCHECK(j != template_urls->end());
+ DCHECK(!default_search_provider ||
+ (*j)->prepopulate_id() != default_search_provider->prepopulate_id());
+ template_urls->erase(j);
+ if (service) {
+ service->RemoveKeyword(template_url->id());
+ if (removed_keyword_guids)
+ removed_keyword_guids->insert(template_url->sync_guid());
+ }
+ }
+ // Edit items.
+ for (EditedEngines::iterator i(actions.edited_engines.begin());
+ i < actions.edited_engines.end(); ++i) {
+ TemplateURLData& data = i->second;
+ scoped_ptr<TemplateURL> existing_url(i->first);
+ if (service)
+ service->UpdateKeyword(data);
+ // Replace the entry in |template_urls| with the updated one.
+ TemplateURLService::TemplateURLVector::iterator j = std::find(
+ template_urls->begin(), template_urls->end(), existing_url.get());
+ *j = new TemplateURL(data);
+ }
+ // Add items.
+ for (std::vector<TemplateURLData>::const_iterator it =
+ actions.added_engines.begin();
+ it != actions.added_engines.end();
+ ++it) {
+ template_urls->push_back(new TemplateURL(*it));
+ }
+ActionsFromPrepopulateData CreateActionsFromCurrentPrepopulateData(
+ ScopedVector<TemplateURLData>* prepopulated_urls,
+ const TemplateURLService::TemplateURLVector& existing_urls,
+ const TemplateURL* default_search_provider) {
+ // Create a map to hold all provided |template_urls| that originally came from
+ // prepopulate data (i.e. have a non-zero prepopulate_id()).
+ typedef std::map<int, TemplateURL*> IDMap;
+ IDMap id_to_turl;
+ for (TemplateURLService::TemplateURLVector::const_iterator i(
+ existing_urls.begin()); i != existing_urls.end(); ++i) {
+ int prepopulate_id = (*i)->prepopulate_id();
+ if (prepopulate_id > 0)
+ id_to_turl[prepopulate_id] = *i;
+ }
+ // For each current prepopulated URL, check whether |template_urls| contained
+ // a matching prepopulated URL. If so, update the passed-in URL to match the
+ // current data. (If the passed-in URL was user-edited, we persist the user's
+ // name and keyword.) If not, add the prepopulated URL.
+ ActionsFromPrepopulateData actions;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < prepopulated_urls->size(); ++i) {
+ // We take ownership of |prepopulated_urls[i]|.
+ scoped_ptr<TemplateURLData> prepopulated_url((*prepopulated_urls)[i]);
+ const int prepopulated_id = prepopulated_url->prepopulate_id;
+ DCHECK_NE(0, prepopulated_id);
+ IDMap::iterator existing_url_iter(id_to_turl.find(prepopulated_id));
+ if (existing_url_iter != id_to_turl.end()) {
+ // Update the data store with the new prepopulated data. Preserve user
+ // edits to the name and keyword.
+ TemplateURL* existing_url(existing_url_iter->second);
+ id_to_turl.erase(existing_url_iter);
+ MergeIntoPrepopulatedEngineData(existing_url, prepopulated_url.get());
+ // Update last_modified to ensure that if this entry is later merged with
+ // entries from Sync, the conflict resolution logic knows that this was
+ // updated and propagates the new values to the server.
+ prepopulated_url->last_modified = base::Time::Now();
+ actions.edited_engines.push_back(
+ std::make_pair(existing_url, *prepopulated_url));
+ } else {
+ actions.added_engines.push_back(*prepopulated_url);
+ }
+ }
+ // The above loop takes ownership of all the contents of prepopulated_urls.
+ // Clear the pointers.
+ prepopulated_urls->weak_erase(prepopulated_urls->begin(),
+ prepopulated_urls->end());
+ // The block above removed all the URLs from the |id_to_turl| map that were
+ // found in the prepopulate data. Any remaining URLs that haven't been
+ // user-edited or made default can be removed from the data store.
+ // We assume that this entry is equivalent to the DSE if its prepopulate ID
+ // and keyword both match. If the prepopulate ID _does_ match all properties
+ // will be replaced with those from |default_search_provider| anyway.
+ for (IDMap::iterator i(id_to_turl.begin()); i != id_to_turl.end(); ++i) {
+ TemplateURL* template_url = i->second;
+ if ((template_url->safe_for_autoreplace()) &&
+ (!default_search_provider ||
+ (template_url->prepopulate_id() !=
+ default_search_provider->prepopulate_id()) ||
+ (template_url->keyword() != default_search_provider->keyword())))
+ actions.removed_engines.push_back(template_url);
+ }
+ return actions;
+void GetSearchProvidersUsingKeywordResult(
+ const WDTypedResult& result,
+ KeywordWebDataService* service,
+ PrefService* prefs,
+ TemplateURLService::TemplateURLVector* template_urls,
+ TemplateURL* default_search_provider,
+ const SearchTermsData& search_terms_data,
+ int* new_resource_keyword_version,
+ std::set<std::string>* removed_keyword_guids) {
+ DCHECK(template_urls);
+ DCHECK(template_urls->empty());
+ DCHECK(new_resource_keyword_version);
+ WDKeywordsResult keyword_result = reinterpret_cast<
+ const WDResult<WDKeywordsResult>*>(&result)->GetValue();
+ for (KeywordTable::Keywords::iterator i(keyword_result.keywords.begin());
+ i != keyword_result.keywords.end(); ++i) {
+ // Fix any duplicate encodings in the local database. Note that we don't
+ // adjust the last_modified time of this keyword; this way, we won't later
+ // overwrite any changes on the sync server that happened to this keyword
+ // since the last time we synced. Instead, we also run a de-duping pass on
+ // the server-provided data in
+ // TemplateURLService::CreateTemplateURLFromTemplateURLAndSyncData() and
+ // update the server with the merged, de-duped results at that time. We
+ // still fix here, though, to correct problems in clients that have disabled
+ // search engine sync, since in that case that code will never be reached.
+ if (DeDupeEncodings(&i->input_encodings) && service)
+ service->UpdateKeyword(*i);
+ template_urls->push_back(new TemplateURL(*i));
+ }
+ *new_resource_keyword_version = keyword_result.builtin_keyword_version;
+ GetSearchProvidersUsingLoadedEngines(service, prefs, template_urls,
+ default_search_provider,
+ search_terms_data,
+ new_resource_keyword_version,
+ removed_keyword_guids);
+void GetSearchProvidersUsingLoadedEngines(
+ KeywordWebDataService* service,
+ PrefService* prefs,
+ TemplateURLService::TemplateURLVector* template_urls,
+ TemplateURL* default_search_provider,
+ const SearchTermsData& search_terms_data,
+ int* resource_keyword_version,
+ std::set<std::string>* removed_keyword_guids) {
+ DCHECK(template_urls);
+ DCHECK(resource_keyword_version);
+ size_t default_search_index;
+ ScopedVector<TemplateURLData> prepopulated_urls =
+ TemplateURLPrepopulateData::GetPrepopulatedEngines(prefs,
+ &default_search_index);
+ RemoveDuplicatePrepopulateIDs(service, prepopulated_urls,
+ default_search_provider, template_urls,
+ search_terms_data, removed_keyword_guids);
+ const int prepopulate_resource_keyword_version =
+ TemplateURLPrepopulateData::GetDataVersion(prefs);
+ if (*resource_keyword_version < prepopulate_resource_keyword_version) {
+ MergeEnginesFromPrepopulateData(
+ service, &prepopulated_urls, default_search_index, template_urls,
+ default_search_provider, removed_keyword_guids);
+ *resource_keyword_version = prepopulate_resource_keyword_version;
+ } else {
+ *resource_keyword_version = 0;
+ }
+bool DeDupeEncodings(std::vector<std::string>* encodings) {
+ std::vector<std::string> deduped_encodings;
+ std::set<std::string> encoding_set;
+ for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i(encodings->begin());
+ i != encodings->end(); ++i) {
+ if (encoding_set.insert(*i).second)
+ deduped_encodings.push_back(*i);
+ }
+ encodings->swap(deduped_encodings);
+ return encodings->size() != deduped_encodings.size();
diff --git a/components/search_engines/util.h b/components/search_engines/util.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9afa2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/search_engines/util.h
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// This file contains utility functions for search engine functionality.
+#include <set>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
+#include "base/strings/string16.h"
+#include "components/search_engines/template_url_service.h"
+class KeywordWebDataService;
+class PrefService;
+class TemplateURL;
+class WDTypedResult;
+// Returns the short name of the default search engine, or the empty string if
+// none is set.
+base::string16 GetDefaultSearchEngineName(TemplateURLService* service);
+// Returns a GURL that searches for |terms| using the default search engine of
+// |service|.
+GURL GetDefaultSearchURLForSearchTerms(TemplateURLService* service,
+ const base::string16& terms);
+// Returns matching URL from |template_urls| or NULL.
+TemplateURL* FindURLByPrepopulateID(
+ const TemplateURLService::TemplateURLVector& template_urls,
+ int prepopulate_id);
+// Modifies |prepopulated_url| so that it contains user-modified fields from
+// |original_turl|. Both URLs must have the same prepopulate_id.
+void MergeIntoPrepopulatedEngineData(const TemplateURL* original_turl,
+ TemplateURLData* prepopulated_url);
+// CreateActionsFromCurrentPrepopulateData() (see below) takes in the current
+// prepopulated URLs as well as the user's current URLs, and returns an instance
+// of the following struct representing the changes necessary to bring the
+// user's URLs in line with the prepopulated URLs.
+// There are three types of changes:
+// (1) Previous prepopulated engines that no longer exist in the current set of
+// prepopulated engines and thus should be removed from the user's current
+// URLs.
+// (2) Previous prepopulated engines whose data has changed. The existing
+// entries for these engines should be updated to reflect the new data,
+// except for any user-set names and keywords, which can be preserved.
+// (3) New prepopulated engines not in the user's engine list, which should be
+// added.
+// The pair of current search engine and its new value.
+typedef std::pair<TemplateURL*, TemplateURLData> EditedSearchEngine;
+typedef std::vector<EditedSearchEngine> EditedEngines;
+struct ActionsFromPrepopulateData {
+ ActionsFromPrepopulateData();
+ ~ActionsFromPrepopulateData();
+ TemplateURLService::TemplateURLVector removed_engines;
+ EditedEngines edited_engines;
+ std::vector<TemplateURLData> added_engines;
+// Given the user's current URLs and the current set of prepopulated URLs,
+// produces the set of actions (see above) required to make the user's URLs
+// reflect the prepopulate data. |default_search_provider| is used to avoid
+// placing the current default provider on the "to be removed" list.
+// NOTE: Takes ownership of, and clears, |prepopulated_urls|.
+ActionsFromPrepopulateData CreateActionsFromCurrentPrepopulateData(
+ ScopedVector<TemplateURLData>* prepopulated_urls,
+ const TemplateURLService::TemplateURLVector& existing_urls,
+ const TemplateURL* default_search_provider);
+// Processes the results of KeywordWebDataService::GetKeywords, combining it
+// with prepopulated search providers to result in:
+// * a set of template_urls (search providers). The caller owns the
+// TemplateURL* returned in template_urls.
+// * whether there is a new resource keyword version (and the value).
+// |*new_resource_keyword_version| is set to 0 if no new value. Otherwise,
+// it is the new value.
+// Only pass in a non-NULL value for service if the KeywordWebDataService should
+// be updated. If |removed_keyword_guids| is not NULL, any TemplateURLs removed
+// from the keyword table in the KeywordWebDataService will have their Sync
+// GUIDs added to it. |default_search_provider| will be used to prevent removing
+// the current user-selected DSE, regardless of changes in prepopulate data.
+void GetSearchProvidersUsingKeywordResult(
+ const WDTypedResult& result,
+ KeywordWebDataService* service,
+ PrefService* prefs,
+ TemplateURLService::TemplateURLVector* template_urls,
+ TemplateURL* default_search_provider,
+ const SearchTermsData& search_terms_data,
+ int* new_resource_keyword_version,
+ std::set<std::string>* removed_keyword_guids);
+// Like GetSearchProvidersUsingKeywordResult(), but allows the caller to pass in
+// engines in |template_urls| instead of getting them via processing a web data
+// service request.
+// |resource_keyword_version| should contain the version number of the current
+// keyword data, i.e. the version number of the most recent prepopulate data
+// that has been merged into the current keyword data. On exit, this will be
+// set as in GetSearchProvidersUsingKeywordResult().
+void GetSearchProvidersUsingLoadedEngines(
+ KeywordWebDataService* service,
+ PrefService* prefs,
+ TemplateURLService::TemplateURLVector* template_urls,
+ TemplateURL* default_search_provider,
+ const SearchTermsData& search_terms_data,
+ int* resource_keyword_version,
+ std::set<std::string>* removed_keyword_guids);
+// Due to a bug, the |input_encodings| field of TemplateURLData could have
+// contained duplicate entries. This removes those entries and returns whether
+// any were found.
+bool DeDupeEncodings(std::vector<std::string>* encodings);
+// Removes (and deletes) TemplateURLs from |template_urls| and |service| if they
+// have duplicate prepopulate ids. If |removed_keyword_guids| is not NULL, the
+// Sync GUID of each item removed from the DB will be added to it. This is a
+// helper used by GetSearchProvidersUsingKeywordResult(), but is declared here
+// so it's accessible by unittests.
+void RemoveDuplicatePrepopulateIDs(
+ KeywordWebDataService* service,
+ const ScopedVector<TemplateURLData>& prepopulated_urls,
+ TemplateURL* default_search_provider,
+ TemplateURLService::TemplateURLVector* template_urls,
+ const SearchTermsData& search_terms_data,
+ std::set<std::string>* removed_keyword_guids);