path: root/jingle/glue
diff options
mode: <>2012-07-24 01:54:41 +0000 <>2012-07-24 01:54:41 +0000
commit47a5122ed84875b8dea2fda4100d01dd9fa31483 (patch)
treee6538f26e92c685c37de4f8f861e229defa9f912 /jingle/glue
parent129f2869aca4cdffb14f09c9bcc3d49f087b564d (diff)
Move ChromeAsyncSocket to jingle/glue
ChromeAsyncSocket will be reused by chromoting for XMPP connections, moving it to jingle/glue. BUG=137140 Review URL: git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
Diffstat (limited to 'jingle/glue')
12 files changed, 3320 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jingle/glue/ b/jingle/glue/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..667ec7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jingle/glue/
@@ -0,0 +1,450 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "jingle/glue/chrome_async_socket.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include "base/basictypes.h"
+#include "base/bind.h"
+#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
+#include "base/logging.h"
+#include "base/message_loop.h"
+#include "jingle/glue/resolving_client_socket_factory.h"
+#include "net/base/address_list.h"
+#include "net/base/host_port_pair.h"
+#include "net/base/io_buffer.h"
+#include "net/base/net_util.h"
+#include "net/base/ssl_config_service.h"
+#include "net/socket/client_socket_handle.h"
+#include "net/socket/ssl_client_socket.h"
+#include "net/socket/tcp_client_socket.h"
+#include "third_party/libjingle/source/talk/base/socketaddress.h"
+namespace jingle_glue {
+ ResolvingClientSocketFactory* resolving_client_socket_factory,
+ size_t read_buf_size,
+ size_t write_buf_size)
+ : ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(weak_ptr_factory_(this)),
+ resolving_client_socket_factory_(resolving_client_socket_factory),
+ state_(STATE_CLOSED),
+ error_(ERROR_NONE),
+ net_error_(net::OK),
+ read_state_(IDLE),
+ read_buf_(new net::IOBufferWithSize(read_buf_size)),
+ read_start_(0U),
+ read_end_(0U),
+ write_state_(IDLE),
+ write_buf_(new net::IOBufferWithSize(write_buf_size)),
+ write_end_(0U) {
+ DCHECK(resolving_client_socket_factory_.get());
+ DCHECK_GT(read_buf_size, 0U);
+ DCHECK_GT(write_buf_size, 0U);
+ChromeAsyncSocket::~ChromeAsyncSocket() {}
+ChromeAsyncSocket::State ChromeAsyncSocket::state() {
+ return state_;
+ChromeAsyncSocket::Error ChromeAsyncSocket::error() {
+ return error_;
+int ChromeAsyncSocket::GetError() {
+ return net_error_;
+bool ChromeAsyncSocket::IsOpen() const {
+ return (state_ == STATE_OPEN) || (state_ == STATE_TLS_OPEN);
+void ChromeAsyncSocket::DoNonNetError(Error error) {
+ error_ = error;
+ net_error_ = net::OK;
+void ChromeAsyncSocket::DoNetError(net::Error net_error) {
+ error_ = ERROR_WINSOCK;
+ net_error_ = net_error;
+void ChromeAsyncSocket::DoNetErrorFromStatus(int status) {
+ DCHECK_LT(status, net::OK);
+ DoNetError(static_cast<net::Error>(status));
+bool ChromeAsyncSocket::Connect(const talk_base::SocketAddress& address) {
+ if (state_ != STATE_CLOSED) {
+ LOG(DFATAL) << "Connect() called on non-closed socket";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (address.hostname().empty() || address.port() == 0) {
+ DoNonNetError(ERROR_DNS);
+ return false;
+ }
+ DCHECK_EQ(state_, buzz::AsyncSocket::STATE_CLOSED);
+ DCHECK_EQ(read_state_, IDLE);
+ DCHECK_EQ(write_state_, IDLE);
+ DCHECK(!weak_ptr_factory_.HasWeakPtrs());
+ weak_ptr_factory_.InvalidateWeakPtrs();
+ net::HostPortPair dest_host_port_pair(address.hostname(), address.port());
+ transport_socket_.reset(
+ resolving_client_socket_factory_->CreateTransportClientSocket(
+ dest_host_port_pair));
+ int status = transport_socket_->Connect(
+ base::Bind(&ChromeAsyncSocket::ProcessConnectDone,
+ weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr()));
+ if (status != net::ERR_IO_PENDING) {
+ // We defer execution of ProcessConnectDone instead of calling it
+ // directly here as the caller may not expect an error/close to
+ // happen here. This is okay, as from the caller's point of view,
+ // the connect always happens asynchronously.
+ MessageLoop* message_loop = MessageLoop::current();
+ CHECK(message_loop);
+ message_loop->PostTask(
+ base::Bind(&ChromeAsyncSocket::ProcessConnectDone,
+ weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), status));
+ }
+ return true;
+// read_state_ == IDLE -> read_state_ == POSTED (via PostDoRead())
+void ChromeAsyncSocket::ProcessConnectDone(int status) {
+ DCHECK_NE(status, net::ERR_IO_PENDING);
+ DCHECK_EQ(read_state_, IDLE);
+ DCHECK_EQ(write_state_, IDLE);
+ if (status != net::OK) {
+ DoNetErrorFromStatus(status);
+ DoClose();
+ return;
+ }
+ state_ = STATE_OPEN;
+ PostDoRead();
+ // Write buffer should be empty.
+ DCHECK_EQ(write_end_, 0U);
+ SignalConnected();
+// read_state_ == IDLE -> read_state_ == POSTED
+void ChromeAsyncSocket::PostDoRead() {
+ DCHECK(IsOpen());
+ DCHECK_EQ(read_state_, IDLE);
+ DCHECK_EQ(read_start_, 0U);
+ DCHECK_EQ(read_end_, 0U);
+ MessageLoop* message_loop = MessageLoop::current();
+ CHECK(message_loop);
+ message_loop->PostTask(
+ base::Bind(&ChromeAsyncSocket::DoRead,
+ weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr()));
+ read_state_ = POSTED;
+// read_state_ == POSTED -> read_state_ == PENDING
+void ChromeAsyncSocket::DoRead() {
+ DCHECK(IsOpen());
+ DCHECK_EQ(read_state_, POSTED);
+ DCHECK_EQ(read_start_, 0U);
+ DCHECK_EQ(read_end_, 0U);
+ // Once we call Read(), we cannot call StartTls() until the read
+ // finishes. This is okay, as StartTls() is called only from a read
+ // handler (i.e., after a read finishes and before another read is
+ // done).
+ int status =
+ transport_socket_->Read(
+ read_buf_.get(), read_buf_->size(),
+ base::Bind(&ChromeAsyncSocket::ProcessReadDone,
+ weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr()));
+ read_state_ = PENDING;
+ if (status != net::ERR_IO_PENDING) {
+ ProcessReadDone(status);
+ }
+// read_state_ == PENDING -> read_state_ == IDLE
+void ChromeAsyncSocket::ProcessReadDone(int status) {
+ DCHECK_NE(status, net::ERR_IO_PENDING);
+ DCHECK(IsOpen());
+ DCHECK_EQ(read_state_, PENDING);
+ DCHECK_EQ(read_start_, 0U);
+ DCHECK_EQ(read_end_, 0U);
+ read_state_ = IDLE;
+ if (status > 0) {
+ read_end_ = static_cast<size_t>(status);
+ SignalRead();
+ } else if (status == 0) {
+ // Other side closed the connection.
+ error_ = ERROR_NONE;
+ net_error_ = net::OK;
+ DoClose();
+ } else { // status < 0
+ DoNetErrorFromStatus(status);
+ DoClose();
+ }
+// (maybe) read_state_ == IDLE -> read_state_ == POSTED (via
+// PostDoRead())
+bool ChromeAsyncSocket::Read(char* data, size_t len, size_t* len_read) {
+ if (!IsOpen() && (state_ != STATE_TLS_CONNECTING)) {
+ // Read() may be called on a closed socket if a previous read
+ // causes a socket close (e.g., client sends wrong password and
+ // server terminates connection).
+ //
+ // TODO(akalin): Fix handling of this on the libjingle side.
+ if (state_ != STATE_CLOSED) {
+ LOG(DFATAL) << "Read() called on non-open non-tls-connecting socket";
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ DCHECK_LE(read_start_, read_end_);
+ if ((state_ == STATE_TLS_CONNECTING) || read_end_ == 0U) {
+ if (state_ == STATE_TLS_CONNECTING) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(read_state_, IDLE);
+ DCHECK_EQ(read_end_, 0U);
+ } else {
+ DCHECK_NE(read_state_, IDLE);
+ }
+ *len_read = 0;
+ return true;
+ }
+ DCHECK_EQ(read_state_, IDLE);
+ *len_read = std::min(len, read_end_ - read_start_);
+ DCHECK_GT(*len_read, 0U);
+ std::memcpy(data, read_buf_->data() + read_start_, *len_read);
+ read_start_ += *len_read;
+ if (read_start_ == read_end_) {
+ read_start_ = 0U;
+ read_end_ = 0U;
+ // We defer execution of DoRead() here for similar reasons as
+ // ProcessConnectDone().
+ PostDoRead();
+ }
+ return true;
+// (maybe) write_state_ == IDLE -> write_state_ == POSTED (via
+// PostDoWrite())
+bool ChromeAsyncSocket::Write(const char* data, size_t len) {
+ if (!IsOpen() && (state_ != STATE_TLS_CONNECTING)) {
+ LOG(DFATAL) << "Write() called on non-open non-tls-connecting socket";
+ return false;
+ }
+ // TODO(akalin): Avoid this check by modifying the interface to have
+ // a "ready for writing" signal.
+ if ((static_cast<size_t>(write_buf_->size()) - write_end_) < len) {
+ LOG(DFATAL) << "queueing " << len << " bytes would exceed the "
+ << "max write buffer size = " << write_buf_->size()
+ << " by " << (len - write_buf_->size()) << " bytes";
+ return false;
+ }
+ std::memcpy(write_buf_->data() + write_end_, data, len);
+ write_end_ += len;
+ // If we're TLS-connecting, the write buffer will get flushed once
+ // the TLS-connect finishes. Otherwise, start writing if we're not
+ // already writing and we have something to write.
+ if ((state_ != STATE_TLS_CONNECTING) &&
+ (write_state_ == IDLE) && (write_end_ > 0U)) {
+ // We defer execution of DoWrite() here for similar reasons as
+ // ProcessConnectDone().
+ PostDoWrite();
+ }
+ return true;
+// write_state_ == IDLE -> write_state_ == POSTED
+void ChromeAsyncSocket::PostDoWrite() {
+ DCHECK(IsOpen());
+ DCHECK_EQ(write_state_, IDLE);
+ DCHECK_GT(write_end_, 0U);
+ MessageLoop* message_loop = MessageLoop::current();
+ CHECK(message_loop);
+ message_loop->PostTask(
+ base::Bind(&ChromeAsyncSocket::DoWrite,
+ weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr()));
+ write_state_ = POSTED;
+// write_state_ == POSTED -> write_state_ == PENDING
+void ChromeAsyncSocket::DoWrite() {
+ DCHECK(IsOpen());
+ DCHECK_EQ(write_state_, POSTED);
+ DCHECK_GT(write_end_, 0U);
+ // Once we call Write(), we cannot call StartTls() until the write
+ // finishes. This is okay, as StartTls() is called only after we
+ // have received a reply to a message we sent to the server and
+ // before we send the next message.
+ int status =
+ transport_socket_->Write(
+ write_buf_.get(), write_end_,
+ base::Bind(&ChromeAsyncSocket::ProcessWriteDone,
+ weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr()));
+ write_state_ = PENDING;
+ if (status != net::ERR_IO_PENDING) {
+ ProcessWriteDone(status);
+ }
+// write_state_ == PENDING -> write_state_ == IDLE or POSTED (the
+// latter via PostDoWrite())
+void ChromeAsyncSocket::ProcessWriteDone(int status) {
+ DCHECK_NE(status, net::ERR_IO_PENDING);
+ DCHECK(IsOpen());
+ DCHECK_EQ(write_state_, PENDING);
+ DCHECK_GT(write_end_, 0U);
+ write_state_ = IDLE;
+ if (status < net::OK) {
+ DoNetErrorFromStatus(status);
+ DoClose();
+ return;
+ }
+ size_t written = static_cast<size_t>(status);
+ if (written > write_end_) {
+ LOG(DFATAL) << "bytes written = " << written
+ << " exceeds bytes requested = " << write_end_;
+ DoNetError(net::ERR_UNEXPECTED);
+ DoClose();
+ return;
+ }
+ // TODO(akalin): Figure out a better way to do this; perhaps a queue
+ // of DrainableIOBuffers. This'll also allow us to not have an
+ // artificial buffer size limit.
+ std::memmove(write_buf_->data(),
+ write_buf_->data() + written,
+ write_end_ - written);
+ write_end_ -= written;
+ if (write_end_ > 0U) {
+ PostDoWrite();
+ }
+bool ChromeAsyncSocket::Close() {
+ DoClose();
+ return true;
+void ChromeAsyncSocket::DoClose() {
+ weak_ptr_factory_.InvalidateWeakPtrs();
+ if (transport_socket_.get()) {
+ transport_socket_->Disconnect();
+ }
+ transport_socket_.reset();
+ read_state_ = IDLE;
+ read_start_ = 0U;
+ read_end_ = 0U;
+ write_state_ = IDLE;
+ write_end_ = 0U;
+ if (state_ != STATE_CLOSED) {
+ state_ = STATE_CLOSED;
+ SignalClosed();
+ }
+ // Reset error variables after SignalClosed() so slots connected
+ // to it can read it.
+ error_ = ERROR_NONE;
+ net_error_ = net::OK;
+bool ChromeAsyncSocket::StartTls(const std::string& domain_name) {
+ if ((state_ != STATE_OPEN) || (read_state_ == PENDING) ||
+ (write_state_ != IDLE)) {
+ LOG(DFATAL) << "StartTls() called in wrong state";
+ return false;
+ }
+ read_state_ = IDLE;
+ read_start_ = 0U;
+ read_end_ = 0U;
+ DCHECK_EQ(write_end_, 0U);
+ // Clear out any posted DoRead() tasks.
+ weak_ptr_factory_.InvalidateWeakPtrs();
+ DCHECK(transport_socket_.get());
+ scoped_ptr<net::ClientSocketHandle> socket_handle(
+ new net::ClientSocketHandle());
+ socket_handle->set_socket(transport_socket_.release());
+ transport_socket_.reset(
+ resolving_client_socket_factory_->CreateSSLClientSocket(
+ socket_handle.release(), net::HostPortPair(domain_name, 443)));
+ int status = transport_socket_->Connect(
+ base::Bind(&ChromeAsyncSocket::ProcessSSLConnectDone,
+ weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr()));
+ if (status != net::ERR_IO_PENDING) {
+ MessageLoop* message_loop = MessageLoop::current();
+ CHECK(message_loop);
+ message_loop->PostTask(
+ base::Bind(&ChromeAsyncSocket::ProcessSSLConnectDone,
+ weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), status));
+ }
+ return true;
+// read_state_ == IDLE -> read_state_ == POSTED (via PostDoRead())
+// (maybe) write_state_ == IDLE -> write_state_ == POSTED (via
+// PostDoWrite())
+void ChromeAsyncSocket::ProcessSSLConnectDone(int status) {
+ DCHECK_NE(status, net::ERR_IO_PENDING);
+ DCHECK_EQ(read_state_, IDLE);
+ DCHECK_EQ(read_start_, 0U);
+ DCHECK_EQ(read_end_, 0U);
+ DCHECK_EQ(write_state_, IDLE);
+ if (status != net::OK) {
+ DoNetErrorFromStatus(status);
+ DoClose();
+ return;
+ }
+ state_ = STATE_TLS_OPEN;
+ PostDoRead();
+ if (write_end_ > 0U) {
+ PostDoWrite();
+ }
+ SignalSSLConnected();
+} // namespace jingle_glue
diff --git a/jingle/glue/chrome_async_socket.h b/jingle/glue/chrome_async_socket.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1037d24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jingle/glue/chrome_async_socket.h
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// An implementation of buzz::AsyncSocket that uses Chrome sockets.
+#if !defined(FEATURE_ENABLE_SSL)
+#error ChromeAsyncSocket expects FEATURE_ENABLE_SSL to be defined
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "base/basictypes.h"
+#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
+#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
+#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
+#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
+#include "net/base/completion_callback.h"
+#include "net/base/net_errors.h"
+#include "third_party/libjingle/source/talk/xmpp/asyncsocket.h"
+namespace net {
+class IOBufferWithSize;
+class StreamSocket;
+} // namespace net
+namespace jingle_glue {
+class ResolvingClientSocketFactory;
+class ChromeAsyncSocket : public buzz::AsyncSocket {
+ public:
+ // Takes ownership of |resolving_client_socket_factory|.
+ ChromeAsyncSocket(
+ ResolvingClientSocketFactory* resolving_client_socket_factory,
+ size_t read_buf_size,
+ size_t write_buf_size);
+ // Does not raise any signals.
+ virtual ~ChromeAsyncSocket();
+ // buzz::AsyncSocket implementation.
+ // The current state (see buzz::AsyncSocket::State; all but
+ // STATE_CLOSING is used).
+ virtual State state() OVERRIDE;
+ // The last generated error. Errors are generated when the main
+ // functions below return false or when SignalClosed is raised due
+ // to an asynchronous error.
+ virtual Error error() OVERRIDE;
+ // GetError() (which is of type net::Error) != net::OK only when
+ // error() == ERROR_WINSOCK.
+ virtual int GetError() OVERRIDE;
+ // Tries to connect to the given address.
+ //
+ // If state() is not STATE_CLOSED, sets error to ERROR_WRONGSTATE
+ // and returns false.
+ //
+ // If |address| has an empty hostname or a zero port, sets error to
+ // ERROR_DNS and returns false. (We don't use the IP address even
+ // if it's present, as DNS resolution is done by
+ // |resolving_client_socket_factory_|. But it's perfectly fine if
+ // the hostname is a stringified IP address.)
+ //
+ // Otherwise, starts the connection process and returns true.
+ // SignalConnected will be raised when the connection is successful;
+ // otherwise, SignalClosed will be raised with a net error set.
+ virtual bool Connect(const talk_base::SocketAddress& address) OVERRIDE;
+ // Tries to read at most |len| bytes into |data|.
+ //
+ // If state() is not STATE_TLS_CONNECTING, STATE_OPEN, or
+ // STATE_TLS_OPEN, sets error to ERROR_WRONGSTATE and returns false.
+ //
+ // Otherwise, fills in |len_read| with the number of bytes read and
+ // returns true. If this is called when state() is
+ // STATE_TLS_CONNECTING, reads 0 bytes. (We have to handle this
+ // case because StartTls() is called during a slot connected to
+ // SignalRead after parsing the final non-TLS reply from the server
+ // [see XmppClient::Private::OnSocketRead()].)
+ virtual bool Read(char* data, size_t len, size_t* len_read) OVERRIDE;
+ // Queues up |len| bytes of |data| for writing.
+ //
+ // If state() is not STATE_TLS_CONNECTING, STATE_OPEN, or
+ // STATE_TLS_OPEN, sets error to ERROR_WRONGSTATE and returns false.
+ //
+ // If the given data is too big for the internal write buffer, sets
+ // returns false.
+ //
+ // Otherwise, queues up the data and returns true. If this is
+ // called when state() == STATE_TLS_CONNECTING, the data is will be
+ // sent only after the TLS connection succeeds. (See StartTls()
+ // below for why this happens.)
+ //
+ // Note that there's no guarantee that the data will actually be
+ // sent; however, it is guaranteed that the any data sent will be
+ // sent in FIFO order.
+ virtual bool Write(const char* data, size_t len) OVERRIDE;
+ // If the socket is not already closed, closes the socket and raises
+ // SignalClosed. Always returns true.
+ virtual bool Close() OVERRIDE;
+ // Tries to change to a TLS connection with the given domain name.
+ //
+ // If state() is not STATE_OPEN or there are pending reads or
+ // writes, sets error to ERROR_WRONGSTATE and returns false. (In
+ // practice, this means that StartTls() can only be called from a
+ // slot connected to SignalRead.)
+ //
+ // Otherwise, starts the TLS connection process and returns true.
+ // SignalSSLConnected will be raised when the connection is
+ // successful; otherwise, SignalClosed will be raised with a net
+ // error set.
+ virtual bool StartTls(const std::string& domain_name) OVERRIDE;
+ // Signal behavior:
+ //
+ // SignalConnected: raised whenever the connect initiated by a call
+ // to Connect() is complete.
+ //
+ // SignalSSLConnected: raised whenever the connect initiated by a
+ // call to StartTls() is complete. Not actually used by
+ // XmppClient. (It just assumes that if SignalRead is raised after a
+ // call to StartTls(), the connection has been successfully
+ // upgraded.)
+ //
+ // SignalClosed: raised whenever the socket is closed, either due to
+ // an asynchronous error, the other side closing the connection, or
+ // when Close() is called.
+ //
+ // SignalRead: raised whenever the next call to Read() will succeed
+ // with a non-zero |len_read| (assuming nothing else happens in the
+ // meantime).
+ //
+ // SignalError: not used.
+ private:
+ enum AsyncIOState {
+ // An I/O op is not in progress.
+ // A function has been posted to do the I/O.
+ // An async I/O operation is pending.
+ };
+ bool IsOpen() const;
+ // Error functions.
+ void DoNonNetError(Error error);
+ void DoNetError(net::Error net_error);
+ void DoNetErrorFromStatus(int status);
+ // Connection functions.
+ void ProcessConnectDone(int status);
+ // Read loop functions.
+ void PostDoRead();
+ void DoRead();
+ void ProcessReadDone(int status);
+ // Write loop functions.
+ void PostDoWrite();
+ void DoWrite();
+ void ProcessWriteDone(int status);
+ // SSL/TLS connection functions.
+ void ProcessSSLConnectDone(int status);
+ // Close functions.
+ void DoClose();
+ base::WeakPtrFactory<ChromeAsyncSocket> weak_ptr_factory_;
+ scoped_ptr<ResolvingClientSocketFactory> resolving_client_socket_factory_;
+ // buzz::AsyncSocket state.
+ buzz::AsyncSocket::State state_;
+ buzz::AsyncSocket::Error error_;
+ net::Error net_error_;
+ // NULL iff state() == STATE_CLOSED.
+ scoped_ptr<net::StreamSocket> transport_socket_;
+ // State for the read loop. |read_start_| <= |read_end_| <=
+ // |read_buf_->size()|. There's a read in flight (i.e.,
+ // |read_state_| != IDLE) iff |read_end_| == 0.
+ AsyncIOState read_state_;
+ scoped_refptr<net::IOBufferWithSize> read_buf_;
+ size_t read_start_, read_end_;
+ // State for the write loop. |write_end_| <= |write_buf_->size()|.
+ // There's a write in flight (i.e., |write_state_| != IDLE) iff
+ // |write_end_| > 0.
+ AsyncIOState write_state_;
+ scoped_refptr<net::IOBufferWithSize> write_buf_;
+ size_t write_end_;
+} // namespace jingle_glue
diff --git a/jingle/glue/ b/jingle/glue/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e3274b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jingle/glue/
@@ -0,0 +1,1079 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "jingle/glue/chrome_async_socket.h"
+#include <deque>
+#include <string>
+#include "base/basictypes.h"
+#include "base/logging.h"
+#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
+#include "base/message_loop.h"
+#include "jingle/glue/resolving_client_socket_factory.h"
+#include "net/base/address_list.h"
+#include "net/base/mock_cert_verifier.h"
+#include "net/base/net_errors.h"
+#include "net/base/net_util.h"
+#include "net/base/ssl_config_service.h"
+#include "net/socket/socket_test_util.h"
+#include "net/socket/ssl_client_socket.h"
+#include "net/url_request/url_request_context_getter.h"
+#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "third_party/libjingle/source/talk/base/ipaddress.h"
+#include "third_party/libjingle/source/talk/base/sigslot.h"
+#include "third_party/libjingle/source/talk/base/socketaddress.h"
+namespace jingle_glue {
+namespace {
+// Data provider that handles reads/writes for ChromeAsyncSocket.
+class AsyncSocketDataProvider : public net::SocketDataProvider {
+ public:
+ AsyncSocketDataProvider() : has_pending_read_(false) {}
+ virtual ~AsyncSocketDataProvider() {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(writes_.empty());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(reads_.empty());
+ }
+ // If there's no read, sets the "has pending read" flag. Otherwise,
+ // pops the next read.
+ virtual net::MockRead GetNextRead() {
+ if (reads_.empty()) {
+ DCHECK(!has_pending_read_);
+ has_pending_read_ = true;
+ const net::MockRead pending_read(net::SYNCHRONOUS, net::ERR_IO_PENDING);
+ return pending_read;
+ }
+ net::MockRead mock_read = reads_.front();
+ reads_.pop_front();
+ return mock_read;
+ }
+ // Simply pops the next write and, if applicable, compares it to
+ // |data|.
+ virtual net::MockWriteResult OnWrite(const std::string& data) {
+ DCHECK(!writes_.empty());
+ net::MockWrite mock_write = writes_.front();
+ writes_.pop_front();
+ if (mock_write.result != net::OK) {
+ return net::MockWriteResult(mock_write.mode, mock_write.result);
+ }
+ std::string expected_data(, mock_write.data_len);
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_data, data);
+ if (expected_data != data) {
+ return net::MockWriteResult(net::SYNCHRONOUS, net::ERR_UNEXPECTED);
+ }
+ return net::MockWriteResult(mock_write.mode, data.size());
+ }
+ // We ignore resets so we can pre-load the socket data provider with
+ // read/write events.
+ virtual void Reset() {}
+ // If there is a pending read, completes it with the given read.
+ // Otherwise, queues up the given read.
+ void AddRead(const net::MockRead& mock_read) {
+ DCHECK_NE(mock_read.result, net::ERR_IO_PENDING);
+ if (has_pending_read_) {
+ socket()->OnReadComplete(mock_read);
+ has_pending_read_ = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ reads_.push_back(mock_read);
+ }
+ // Simply queues up the given write.
+ void AddWrite(const net::MockWrite& mock_write) {
+ writes_.push_back(mock_write);
+ }
+ private:
+ std::deque<net::MockRead> reads_;
+ bool has_pending_read_;
+ std::deque<net::MockWrite> writes_;
+ DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(AsyncSocketDataProvider);
+class MockXmppClientSocketFactory : public ResolvingClientSocketFactory {
+ public:
+ MockXmppClientSocketFactory(
+ net::ClientSocketFactory* mock_client_socket_factory,
+ const net::AddressList& address_list)
+ : mock_client_socket_factory_(mock_client_socket_factory),
+ address_list_(address_list),
+ cert_verifier_(new net::MockCertVerifier) {
+ }
+ // ResolvingClientSocketFactory implementation.
+ virtual net::StreamSocket* CreateTransportClientSocket(
+ const net::HostPortPair& host_and_port) {
+ return mock_client_socket_factory_->CreateTransportClientSocket(
+ address_list_, NULL, net::NetLog::Source());
+ }
+ virtual net::SSLClientSocket* CreateSSLClientSocket(
+ net::ClientSocketHandle* transport_socket,
+ const net::HostPortPair& host_and_port) {
+ net::SSLClientSocketContext context;
+ context.cert_verifier = cert_verifier_.get();
+ return mock_client_socket_factory_->CreateSSLClientSocket(
+ transport_socket, host_and_port, ssl_config_, context);
+ }
+ private:
+ scoped_ptr<net::ClientSocketFactory> mock_client_socket_factory_;
+ net::AddressList address_list_;
+ net::SSLConfig ssl_config_;
+ scoped_ptr<net::CertVerifier> cert_verifier_;
+class ChromeAsyncSocketTest
+ : public testing::Test,
+ public sigslot::has_slots<> {
+ protected:
+ ChromeAsyncSocketTest()
+ : ssl_socket_data_provider_(net::ASYNC, net::OK),
+ addr_("localhost", 35) {}
+ virtual ~ChromeAsyncSocketTest() {}
+ virtual void SetUp() {
+ scoped_ptr<net::MockClientSocketFactory> mock_client_socket_factory(
+ new net::MockClientSocketFactory());
+ mock_client_socket_factory->AddSocketDataProvider(
+ &async_socket_data_provider_);
+ mock_client_socket_factory->AddSSLSocketDataProvider(
+ &ssl_socket_data_provider_);
+ // Fake DNS resolution for |addr_| and pass it to the factory.
+ net::IPAddressNumber resolved_addr;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(net::ParseIPLiteralToNumber("", &resolved_addr));
+ const net::AddressList address_list =
+ net::AddressList::CreateFromIPAddress(resolved_addr, addr_.port());
+ scoped_ptr<MockXmppClientSocketFactory> mock_xmpp_client_socket_factory(
+ new MockXmppClientSocketFactory(
+ mock_client_socket_factory.release(),
+ address_list));
+ chrome_async_socket_.reset(
+ new ChromeAsyncSocket(mock_xmpp_client_socket_factory.release(),
+ 14, 20)),
+ chrome_async_socket_->SignalConnected.connect(
+ this, &ChromeAsyncSocketTest::OnConnect);
+ chrome_async_socket_->SignalSSLConnected.connect(
+ this, &ChromeAsyncSocketTest::OnSSLConnect);
+ chrome_async_socket_->SignalClosed.connect(
+ this, &ChromeAsyncSocketTest::OnClose);
+ chrome_async_socket_->SignalRead.connect(
+ this, &ChromeAsyncSocketTest::OnRead);
+ chrome_async_socket_->SignalError.connect(
+ this, &ChromeAsyncSocketTest::OnError);
+ }
+ virtual void TearDown() {
+ // Run any tasks that we forgot to pump.
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+ ExpectClosed();
+ ExpectNoSignal();
+ chrome_async_socket_.reset();
+ }
+ enum Signal {
+ };
+ // Helper struct that records the state at the time of a signal.
+ struct SignalSocketState {
+ SignalSocketState()
+ : signal(SIGNAL_ERROR),
+ state(ChromeAsyncSocket::STATE_CLOSED),
+ error(ChromeAsyncSocket::ERROR_NONE),
+ net_error(net::OK) {}
+ SignalSocketState(
+ Signal signal,
+ ChromeAsyncSocket::State state,
+ ChromeAsyncSocket::Error error,
+ net::Error net_error)
+ : signal(signal),
+ state(state),
+ error(error),
+ net_error(net_error) {}
+ bool IsEqual(const SignalSocketState& other) const {
+ return
+ (signal == other.signal) &&
+ (state == other.state) &&
+ (error == other.error) &&
+ (net_error == other.net_error);
+ }
+ static SignalSocketState FromAsyncSocket(
+ Signal signal,
+ buzz::AsyncSocket* async_socket) {
+ return SignalSocketState(signal,
+ async_socket->state(),
+ async_socket->error(),
+ static_cast<net::Error>(
+ async_socket->GetError()));
+ }
+ static SignalSocketState NoError(
+ Signal signal, buzz::AsyncSocket::State state) {
+ return SignalSocketState(signal, state,
+ buzz::AsyncSocket::ERROR_NONE,
+ net::OK);
+ }
+ Signal signal;
+ ChromeAsyncSocket::State state;
+ ChromeAsyncSocket::Error error;
+ net::Error net_error;
+ };
+ void CaptureSocketState(Signal signal) {
+ signal_socket_states_.push_back(
+ SignalSocketState::FromAsyncSocket(
+ signal, chrome_async_socket_.get()));
+ }
+ void OnConnect() {
+ CaptureSocketState(SIGNAL_CONNECT);
+ }
+ void OnSSLConnect() {
+ CaptureSocketState(SIGNAL_SSL_CONNECT);
+ }
+ void OnClose() {
+ CaptureSocketState(SIGNAL_CLOSE);
+ }
+ void OnRead() {
+ CaptureSocketState(SIGNAL_READ);
+ }
+ void OnError() {
+ }
+ // State expect functions.
+ void ExpectState(ChromeAsyncSocket::State state,
+ ChromeAsyncSocket::Error error,
+ net::Error net_error) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(state, chrome_async_socket_->state());
+ EXPECT_EQ(error, chrome_async_socket_->error());
+ EXPECT_EQ(net_error, chrome_async_socket_->GetError());
+ }
+ void ExpectNonErrorState(ChromeAsyncSocket::State state) {
+ ExpectState(state, ChromeAsyncSocket::ERROR_NONE, net::OK);
+ }
+ void ExpectErrorState(ChromeAsyncSocket::State state,
+ ChromeAsyncSocket::Error error) {
+ ExpectState(state, error, net::OK);
+ }
+ void ExpectClosed() {
+ ExpectNonErrorState(ChromeAsyncSocket::STATE_CLOSED);
+ }
+ // Signal expect functions.
+ void ExpectNoSignal() {
+ if (!signal_socket_states_.empty()) {
+ ADD_FAILURE() << signal_socket_states_.front().signal;
+ }
+ }
+ void ExpectSignalSocketState(
+ SignalSocketState expected_signal_socket_state) {
+ if (signal_socket_states_.empty()) {
+ ADD_FAILURE() << expected_signal_socket_state.signal;
+ return;
+ }
+ EXPECT_TRUE(expected_signal_socket_state.IsEqual(
+ signal_socket_states_.front()))
+ << signal_socket_states_.front().signal;
+ signal_socket_states_.pop_front();
+ }
+ void ExpectReadSignal() {
+ ExpectSignalSocketState(
+ SignalSocketState::NoError(
+ SIGNAL_READ, ChromeAsyncSocket::STATE_OPEN));
+ }
+ void ExpectSSLConnectSignal() {
+ ExpectSignalSocketState(
+ SignalSocketState::NoError(SIGNAL_SSL_CONNECT,
+ ChromeAsyncSocket::STATE_TLS_OPEN));
+ }
+ void ExpectSSLReadSignal() {
+ ExpectSignalSocketState(
+ SignalSocketState::NoError(
+ SIGNAL_READ, ChromeAsyncSocket::STATE_TLS_OPEN));
+ }
+ // Open/close utility functions.
+ void DoOpenClosed() {
+ ExpectClosed();
+ async_socket_data_provider_.set_connect_data(
+ net::MockConnect(net::SYNCHRONOUS, net::OK));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(chrome_async_socket_->Connect(addr_));
+ ExpectNonErrorState(ChromeAsyncSocket::STATE_CONNECTING);
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+ // We may not necessarily be open; may have been other events
+ // queued up.
+ ExpectSignalSocketState(
+ SignalSocketState::NoError(
+ SIGNAL_CONNECT, ChromeAsyncSocket::STATE_OPEN));
+ }
+ void DoCloseOpened(SignalSocketState expected_signal_socket_state) {
+ // We may be in an error state, so just compare state().
+ EXPECT_EQ(ChromeAsyncSocket::STATE_OPEN, chrome_async_socket_->state());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(chrome_async_socket_->Close());
+ ExpectSignalSocketState(expected_signal_socket_state);
+ ExpectNonErrorState(ChromeAsyncSocket::STATE_CLOSED);
+ }
+ void DoCloseOpenedNoError() {
+ DoCloseOpened(
+ SignalSocketState::NoError(
+ SIGNAL_CLOSE, ChromeAsyncSocket::STATE_CLOSED));
+ }
+ void DoSSLOpenClosed() {
+ const char kDummyData[] = "dummy_data";
+ async_socket_data_provider_.AddRead(net::MockRead(kDummyData));
+ DoOpenClosed();
+ ExpectReadSignal();
+ EXPECT_EQ(kDummyData, DrainRead(1));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(chrome_async_socket_->StartTls(""));
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+ ExpectSSLConnectSignal();
+ ExpectNoSignal();
+ ExpectNonErrorState(ChromeAsyncSocket::STATE_TLS_OPEN);
+ }
+ void DoSSLCloseOpened(SignalSocketState expected_signal_socket_state) {
+ // We may be in an error state, so just compare state().
+ EXPECT_EQ(ChromeAsyncSocket::STATE_TLS_OPEN,
+ chrome_async_socket_->state());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(chrome_async_socket_->Close());
+ ExpectSignalSocketState(expected_signal_socket_state);
+ ExpectNonErrorState(ChromeAsyncSocket::STATE_CLOSED);
+ }
+ void DoSSLCloseOpenedNoError() {
+ DoSSLCloseOpened(
+ SignalSocketState::NoError(
+ SIGNAL_CLOSE, ChromeAsyncSocket::STATE_CLOSED));
+ }
+ // Read utility fucntions.
+ std::string DrainRead(size_t buf_size) {
+ std::string read;
+ scoped_array<char> buf(new char[buf_size]);
+ size_t len_read;
+ while (true) {
+ bool success =
+ chrome_async_socket_->Read(buf.get(), buf_size, &len_read);
+ if (!success) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (len_read == 0U) {
+ break;
+ }
+ read.append(buf.get(), len_read);
+ }
+ return read;
+ }
+ // ChromeAsyncSocket expects a message loop.
+ MessageLoop message_loop_;
+ AsyncSocketDataProvider async_socket_data_provider_;
+ net::SSLSocketDataProvider ssl_socket_data_provider_;
+ scoped_ptr<ChromeAsyncSocket> chrome_async_socket_;
+ std::deque<SignalSocketState> signal_socket_states_;
+ const talk_base::SocketAddress addr_;
+ private:
+ DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ChromeAsyncSocketTest);
+TEST_F(ChromeAsyncSocketTest, InitialState) {
+ ExpectClosed();
+ ExpectNoSignal();
+TEST_F(ChromeAsyncSocketTest, EmptyClose) {
+ ExpectClosed();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(chrome_async_socket_->Close());
+ ExpectClosed();
+TEST_F(ChromeAsyncSocketTest, ImmediateConnectAndClose) {
+ DoOpenClosed();
+ ExpectNonErrorState(ChromeAsyncSocket::STATE_OPEN);
+ DoCloseOpenedNoError();
+// After this, no need to test immediate successful connect and
+// Close() so thoroughly.
+TEST_F(ChromeAsyncSocketTest, DoubleClose) {
+ DoOpenClosed();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(chrome_async_socket_->Close());
+ ExpectClosed();
+ ExpectSignalSocketState(
+ SignalSocketState::NoError(
+ SIGNAL_CLOSE, ChromeAsyncSocket::STATE_CLOSED));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(chrome_async_socket_->Close());
+ ExpectClosed();
+TEST_F(ChromeAsyncSocketTest, NoHostnameConnect) {
+ talk_base::IPAddress ip_address;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(talk_base::IPFromString("", &ip_address));
+ const talk_base::SocketAddress no_hostname_addr(ip_address, addr_.port());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(chrome_async_socket_->Connect(no_hostname_addr));
+ ExpectErrorState(ChromeAsyncSocket::STATE_CLOSED,
+ ChromeAsyncSocket::ERROR_DNS);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(chrome_async_socket_->Close());
+ ExpectClosed();
+TEST_F(ChromeAsyncSocketTest, ZeroPortConnect) {
+ const talk_base::SocketAddress zero_port_addr(addr_.hostname(), 0);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(chrome_async_socket_->Connect(zero_port_addr));
+ ExpectErrorState(ChromeAsyncSocket::STATE_CLOSED,
+ ChromeAsyncSocket::ERROR_DNS);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(chrome_async_socket_->Close());
+ ExpectClosed();
+TEST_F(ChromeAsyncSocketTest, DoubleConnect) {
+ DoOpenClosed();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(chrome_async_socket_->Connect(addr_));
+ ExpectErrorState(ChromeAsyncSocket::STATE_OPEN,
+ ChromeAsyncSocket::ERROR_WRONGSTATE);
+ DoCloseOpened(
+ SignalSocketState(SIGNAL_CLOSE,
+ ChromeAsyncSocket::STATE_CLOSED,
+ ChromeAsyncSocket::ERROR_WRONGSTATE,
+ net::OK));
+ }, "non-closed socket");
+TEST_F(ChromeAsyncSocketTest, ImmediateConnectCloseBeforeRead) {
+ DoOpenClosed();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(chrome_async_socket_->Close());
+ ExpectClosed();
+ ExpectSignalSocketState(
+ SignalSocketState::NoError(
+ SIGNAL_CLOSE, ChromeAsyncSocket::STATE_CLOSED));
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+TEST_F(ChromeAsyncSocketTest, HangingConnect) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(chrome_async_socket_->Connect(addr_));
+ ExpectNonErrorState(ChromeAsyncSocket::STATE_CONNECTING);
+ ExpectNoSignal();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(chrome_async_socket_->Close());
+ ExpectClosed();
+ ExpectSignalSocketState(
+ SignalSocketState::NoError(
+ SIGNAL_CLOSE, ChromeAsyncSocket::STATE_CLOSED));
+TEST_F(ChromeAsyncSocketTest, PendingConnect) {
+ async_socket_data_provider_.set_connect_data(
+ net::MockConnect(net::ASYNC, net::OK));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(chrome_async_socket_->Connect(addr_));
+ ExpectNonErrorState(ChromeAsyncSocket::STATE_CONNECTING);
+ ExpectNoSignal();
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+ ExpectNonErrorState(ChromeAsyncSocket::STATE_OPEN);
+ ExpectSignalSocketState(
+ SignalSocketState::NoError(
+ SIGNAL_CONNECT, ChromeAsyncSocket::STATE_OPEN));
+ ExpectNoSignal();
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+ DoCloseOpenedNoError();
+// After this no need to test successful pending connect so
+// thoroughly.
+TEST_F(ChromeAsyncSocketTest, PendingConnectCloseBeforeRead) {
+ async_socket_data_provider_.set_connect_data(
+ net::MockConnect(net::ASYNC, net::OK));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(chrome_async_socket_->Connect(addr_));
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+ ExpectSignalSocketState(
+ SignalSocketState::NoError(
+ SIGNAL_CONNECT, ChromeAsyncSocket::STATE_OPEN));
+ DoCloseOpenedNoError();
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+TEST_F(ChromeAsyncSocketTest, PendingConnectError) {
+ async_socket_data_provider_.set_connect_data(
+ net::MockConnect(net::ASYNC, net::ERR_TIMED_OUT));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(chrome_async_socket_->Connect(addr_));
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+ ExpectSignalSocketState(
+ SignalSocketState(
+ ChromeAsyncSocket::ERROR_WINSOCK, net::ERR_TIMED_OUT));
+// After this we can assume Connect() and Close() work as expected.
+TEST_F(ChromeAsyncSocketTest, EmptyRead) {
+ DoOpenClosed();
+ char buf[4096];
+ size_t len_read = 10000U;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(chrome_async_socket_->Read(buf, sizeof(buf), &len_read));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0U, len_read);
+ DoCloseOpenedNoError();
+TEST_F(ChromeAsyncSocketTest, WrongRead) {
+ async_socket_data_provider_.set_connect_data(
+ net::MockConnect(net::ASYNC, net::OK));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(chrome_async_socket_->Connect(addr_));
+ ExpectNonErrorState(ChromeAsyncSocket::STATE_CONNECTING);
+ ExpectNoSignal();
+ char buf[4096];
+ size_t len_read;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(chrome_async_socket_->Read(buf, sizeof(buf), &len_read));
+ ExpectErrorState(ChromeAsyncSocket::STATE_CONNECTING,
+ ChromeAsyncSocket::ERROR_WRONGSTATE);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(chrome_async_socket_->Close());
+ ExpectSignalSocketState(
+ SignalSocketState(
+ ChromeAsyncSocket::ERROR_WRONGSTATE, net::OK));
+ }, "non-open");
+TEST_F(ChromeAsyncSocketTest, WrongReadClosed) {
+ char buf[4096];
+ size_t len_read;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(chrome_async_socket_->Read(buf, sizeof(buf), &len_read));
+ ExpectErrorState(ChromeAsyncSocket::STATE_CLOSED,
+ ChromeAsyncSocket::ERROR_WRONGSTATE);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(chrome_async_socket_->Close());
+const char kReadData[] = "mydatatoread";
+TEST_F(ChromeAsyncSocketTest, Read) {
+ async_socket_data_provider_.AddRead(net::MockRead(kReadData));
+ DoOpenClosed();
+ ExpectReadSignal();
+ ExpectNoSignal();
+ EXPECT_EQ(kReadData, DrainRead(1));
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+ DoCloseOpenedNoError();
+TEST_F(ChromeAsyncSocketTest, ReadTwice) {
+ async_socket_data_provider_.AddRead(net::MockRead(kReadData));
+ DoOpenClosed();
+ ExpectReadSignal();
+ ExpectNoSignal();
+ EXPECT_EQ(kReadData, DrainRead(1));
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+ const char kReadData2[] = "mydatatoread2";
+ async_socket_data_provider_.AddRead(net::MockRead(kReadData2));
+ ExpectReadSignal();
+ ExpectNoSignal();
+ EXPECT_EQ(kReadData2, DrainRead(1));
+ DoCloseOpenedNoError();
+TEST_F(ChromeAsyncSocketTest, ReadError) {
+ async_socket_data_provider_.AddRead(net::MockRead(kReadData));
+ DoOpenClosed();
+ ExpectReadSignal();
+ ExpectNoSignal();
+ EXPECT_EQ(kReadData, DrainRead(1));
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+ async_socket_data_provider_.AddRead(
+ net::MockRead(net::SYNCHRONOUS, net::ERR_TIMED_OUT));
+ ExpectSignalSocketState(
+ SignalSocketState(
+ ChromeAsyncSocket::ERROR_WINSOCK, net::ERR_TIMED_OUT));
+TEST_F(ChromeAsyncSocketTest, ReadEmpty) {
+ async_socket_data_provider_.AddRead(net::MockRead(""));
+ DoOpenClosed();
+ ExpectSignalSocketState(
+ SignalSocketState::NoError(
+ SIGNAL_CLOSE, ChromeAsyncSocket::STATE_CLOSED));
+TEST_F(ChromeAsyncSocketTest, PendingRead) {
+ DoOpenClosed();
+ ExpectNoSignal();
+ async_socket_data_provider_.AddRead(net::MockRead(kReadData));
+ ExpectSignalSocketState(
+ SignalSocketState::NoError(
+ SIGNAL_READ, ChromeAsyncSocket::STATE_OPEN));
+ ExpectNoSignal();
+ EXPECT_EQ(kReadData, DrainRead(1));
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+ DoCloseOpenedNoError();
+TEST_F(ChromeAsyncSocketTest, PendingEmptyRead) {
+ DoOpenClosed();
+ ExpectNoSignal();
+ async_socket_data_provider_.AddRead(net::MockRead(""));
+ ExpectSignalSocketState(
+ SignalSocketState::NoError(
+ SIGNAL_CLOSE, ChromeAsyncSocket::STATE_CLOSED));
+TEST_F(ChromeAsyncSocketTest, PendingReadError) {
+ DoOpenClosed();
+ ExpectNoSignal();
+ async_socket_data_provider_.AddRead(
+ net::MockRead(net::ASYNC, net::ERR_TIMED_OUT));
+ ExpectSignalSocketState(
+ SignalSocketState(
+ ChromeAsyncSocket::ERROR_WINSOCK, net::ERR_TIMED_OUT));
+// After this we can assume non-SSL Read() works as expected.
+TEST_F(ChromeAsyncSocketTest, WrongWrite) {
+ std::string data("foo");
+ EXPECT_FALSE(chrome_async_socket_->Write(, data.size()));
+ ExpectErrorState(ChromeAsyncSocket::STATE_CLOSED,
+ ChromeAsyncSocket::ERROR_WRONGSTATE);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(chrome_async_socket_->Close());
+ }, "non-open");
+const char kWriteData[] = "mydatatowrite";
+TEST_F(ChromeAsyncSocketTest, SyncWrite) {
+ async_socket_data_provider_.AddWrite(
+ net::MockWrite(net::SYNCHRONOUS, kWriteData, 3));
+ async_socket_data_provider_.AddWrite(
+ net::MockWrite(net::SYNCHRONOUS, kWriteData + 3, 5));
+ async_socket_data_provider_.AddWrite(
+ net::MockWrite(net::SYNCHRONOUS,
+ kWriteData + 8, arraysize(kWriteData) - 8));
+ DoOpenClosed();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(chrome_async_socket_->Write(kWriteData, 3));
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(chrome_async_socket_->Write(kWriteData + 3, 5));
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(chrome_async_socket_->Write(kWriteData + 8,
+ arraysize(kWriteData) - 8));
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+ ExpectNoSignal();
+ DoCloseOpenedNoError();
+TEST_F(ChromeAsyncSocketTest, AsyncWrite) {
+ DoOpenClosed();
+ async_socket_data_provider_.AddWrite(
+ net::MockWrite(net::ASYNC, kWriteData, 3));
+ async_socket_data_provider_.AddWrite(
+ net::MockWrite(net::ASYNC, kWriteData + 3, 5));
+ async_socket_data_provider_.AddWrite(
+ net::MockWrite(net::ASYNC, kWriteData + 8, arraysize(kWriteData) - 8));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(chrome_async_socket_->Write(kWriteData, 3));
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(chrome_async_socket_->Write(kWriteData + 3, 5));
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(chrome_async_socket_->Write(kWriteData + 8,
+ arraysize(kWriteData) - 8));
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+ ExpectNoSignal();
+ DoCloseOpenedNoError();
+TEST_F(ChromeAsyncSocketTest, AsyncWriteError) {
+ DoOpenClosed();
+ async_socket_data_provider_.AddWrite(
+ net::MockWrite(net::ASYNC, kWriteData, 3));
+ async_socket_data_provider_.AddWrite(
+ net::MockWrite(net::ASYNC, kWriteData + 3, 5));
+ async_socket_data_provider_.AddWrite(
+ net::MockWrite(net::ASYNC, net::ERR_TIMED_OUT));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(chrome_async_socket_->Write(kWriteData, 3));
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(chrome_async_socket_->Write(kWriteData + 3, 5));
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(chrome_async_socket_->Write(kWriteData + 8,
+ arraysize(kWriteData) - 8));
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+ ExpectSignalSocketState(
+ SignalSocketState(
+ ChromeAsyncSocket::ERROR_WINSOCK, net::ERR_TIMED_OUT));
+TEST_F(ChromeAsyncSocketTest, LargeWrite) {
+ DoOpenClosed();
+ std::string large_data(100, 'x');
+ EXPECT_FALSE(chrome_async_socket_->Write(,
+ large_data.size()));
+ ExpectState(ChromeAsyncSocket::STATE_OPEN,
+ ChromeAsyncSocket::ERROR_WINSOCK,
+ DoCloseOpened(
+ SignalSocketState(
+ ChromeAsyncSocket::ERROR_WINSOCK,
+ }, "exceed the max write buffer");
+TEST_F(ChromeAsyncSocketTest, LargeAccumulatedWrite) {
+ DoOpenClosed();
+ std::string data(15, 'x');
+ EXPECT_TRUE(chrome_async_socket_->Write(, data.size()));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(chrome_async_socket_->Write(, data.size()));
+ ExpectState(ChromeAsyncSocket::STATE_OPEN,
+ ChromeAsyncSocket::ERROR_WINSOCK,
+ DoCloseOpened(
+ SignalSocketState(
+ ChromeAsyncSocket::ERROR_WINSOCK,
+ }, "exceed the max write buffer");
+// After this we can assume non-SSL I/O works as expected.
+TEST_F(ChromeAsyncSocketTest, HangingSSLConnect) {
+ async_socket_data_provider_.AddRead(net::MockRead(kReadData));
+ DoOpenClosed();
+ ExpectReadSignal();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(chrome_async_socket_->StartTls(""));
+ ExpectNoSignal();
+ ExpectNonErrorState(ChromeAsyncSocket::STATE_TLS_CONNECTING);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(chrome_async_socket_->Close());
+ ExpectSignalSocketState(
+ SignalSocketState::NoError(SIGNAL_CLOSE,
+ ChromeAsyncSocket::STATE_CLOSED));
+ ExpectNonErrorState(ChromeAsyncSocket::STATE_CLOSED);
+TEST_F(ChromeAsyncSocketTest, ImmediateSSLConnect) {
+ async_socket_data_provider_.AddRead(net::MockRead(kReadData));
+ DoOpenClosed();
+ ExpectReadSignal();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(chrome_async_socket_->StartTls(""));
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+ ExpectSSLConnectSignal();
+ ExpectNoSignal();
+ ExpectNonErrorState(ChromeAsyncSocket::STATE_TLS_OPEN);
+ DoSSLCloseOpenedNoError();
+TEST_F(ChromeAsyncSocketTest, DoubleSSLConnect) {
+ async_socket_data_provider_.AddRead(net::MockRead(kReadData));
+ DoOpenClosed();
+ ExpectReadSignal();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(chrome_async_socket_->StartTls(""));
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+ ExpectSSLConnectSignal();
+ ExpectNoSignal();
+ ExpectNonErrorState(ChromeAsyncSocket::STATE_TLS_OPEN);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(chrome_async_socket_->StartTls(""));
+ DoSSLCloseOpened(
+ SignalSocketState(SIGNAL_CLOSE,
+ ChromeAsyncSocket::STATE_CLOSED,
+ ChromeAsyncSocket::ERROR_WRONGSTATE,
+ net::OK));
+ }, "wrong state");
+TEST_F(ChromeAsyncSocketTest, FailedSSLConnect) {
+ ssl_socket_data_provider_.connect =
+ net::MockConnect(net::ASYNC, net::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID),
+ async_socket_data_provider_.AddRead(net::MockRead(kReadData));
+ DoOpenClosed();
+ ExpectReadSignal();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(chrome_async_socket_->StartTls(""));
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+ ExpectSignalSocketState(
+ SignalSocketState(
+ ChromeAsyncSocket::ERROR_WINSOCK,
+ EXPECT_TRUE(chrome_async_socket_->Close());
+ ExpectClosed();
+TEST_F(ChromeAsyncSocketTest, ReadDuringSSLConnecting) {
+ async_socket_data_provider_.AddRead(net::MockRead(kReadData));
+ DoOpenClosed();
+ ExpectReadSignal();
+ EXPECT_EQ(kReadData, DrainRead(1));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(chrome_async_socket_->StartTls(""));
+ ExpectNoSignal();
+ // Shouldn't do anything.
+ async_socket_data_provider_.AddRead(net::MockRead(kReadData));
+ char buf[4096];
+ size_t len_read = 10000U;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(chrome_async_socket_->Read(buf, sizeof(buf), &len_read));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0U, len_read);
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+ ExpectSSLConnectSignal();
+ ExpectSSLReadSignal();
+ ExpectNoSignal();
+ ExpectNonErrorState(ChromeAsyncSocket::STATE_TLS_OPEN);
+ len_read = 10000U;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(chrome_async_socket_->Read(buf, sizeof(buf), &len_read));
+ EXPECT_EQ(kReadData, std::string(buf, len_read));
+ DoSSLCloseOpenedNoError();
+TEST_F(ChromeAsyncSocketTest, WriteDuringSSLConnecting) {
+ async_socket_data_provider_.AddRead(net::MockRead(kReadData));
+ DoOpenClosed();
+ ExpectReadSignal();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(chrome_async_socket_->StartTls(""));
+ ExpectNoSignal();
+ ExpectNonErrorState(ChromeAsyncSocket::STATE_TLS_CONNECTING);
+ async_socket_data_provider_.AddWrite(
+ net::MockWrite(net::ASYNC, kWriteData, 3));
+ // Shouldn't do anything.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(chrome_async_socket_->Write(kWriteData, 3));
+ // TODO(akalin): Figure out how to test that the write happens
+ // *after* the SSL connect.
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+ ExpectSSLConnectSignal();
+ ExpectNoSignal();
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+ DoSSLCloseOpenedNoError();
+TEST_F(ChromeAsyncSocketTest, SSLConnectDuringPendingRead) {
+ DoOpenClosed();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(chrome_async_socket_->StartTls(""));
+ DoCloseOpened(
+ SignalSocketState(SIGNAL_CLOSE,
+ ChromeAsyncSocket::STATE_CLOSED,
+ ChromeAsyncSocket::ERROR_WRONGSTATE,
+ net::OK));
+ }, "wrong state");
+TEST_F(ChromeAsyncSocketTest, SSLConnectDuringPostedWrite) {
+ DoOpenClosed();
+ async_socket_data_provider_.AddWrite(
+ net::MockWrite(net::ASYNC, kWriteData, 3));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(chrome_async_socket_->Write(kWriteData, 3));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(chrome_async_socket_->StartTls(""));
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+ DoCloseOpened(
+ SignalSocketState(SIGNAL_CLOSE,
+ ChromeAsyncSocket::STATE_CLOSED,
+ ChromeAsyncSocket::ERROR_WRONGSTATE,
+ net::OK));
+ }, "wrong state");
+// After this we can assume SSL connect works as expected.
+TEST_F(ChromeAsyncSocketTest, SSLRead) {
+ DoSSLOpenClosed();
+ async_socket_data_provider_.AddRead(net::MockRead(kReadData));
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+ ExpectSSLReadSignal();
+ ExpectNoSignal();
+ EXPECT_EQ(kReadData, DrainRead(1));
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+ DoSSLCloseOpenedNoError();
+TEST_F(ChromeAsyncSocketTest, SSLSyncWrite) {
+ async_socket_data_provider_.AddWrite(
+ net::MockWrite(net::SYNCHRONOUS, kWriteData, 3));
+ async_socket_data_provider_.AddWrite(
+ net::MockWrite(net::SYNCHRONOUS, kWriteData + 3, 5));
+ async_socket_data_provider_.AddWrite(
+ net::MockWrite(net::SYNCHRONOUS,
+ kWriteData + 8, arraysize(kWriteData) - 8));
+ DoSSLOpenClosed();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(chrome_async_socket_->Write(kWriteData, 3));
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(chrome_async_socket_->Write(kWriteData + 3, 5));
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(chrome_async_socket_->Write(kWriteData + 8,
+ arraysize(kWriteData) - 8));
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+ ExpectNoSignal();
+ DoSSLCloseOpenedNoError();
+TEST_F(ChromeAsyncSocketTest, SSLAsyncWrite) {
+ DoSSLOpenClosed();
+ async_socket_data_provider_.AddWrite(
+ net::MockWrite(net::ASYNC, kWriteData, 3));
+ async_socket_data_provider_.AddWrite(
+ net::MockWrite(net::ASYNC, kWriteData + 3, 5));
+ async_socket_data_provider_.AddWrite(
+ net::MockWrite(net::ASYNC, kWriteData + 8, arraysize(kWriteData) - 8));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(chrome_async_socket_->Write(kWriteData, 3));
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(chrome_async_socket_->Write(kWriteData + 3, 5));
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(chrome_async_socket_->Write(kWriteData + 8,
+ arraysize(kWriteData) - 8));
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+ ExpectNoSignal();
+ DoSSLCloseOpenedNoError();
+} // namespace
+} // namespace jingle_glue
diff --git a/jingle/glue/ b/jingle/glue/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19beb1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jingle/glue/
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "jingle/glue/fake_ssl_client_socket.h"
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include "base/basictypes.h"
+#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
+#include "base/logging.h"
+#include "net/base/io_buffer.h"
+#include "net/base/net_errors.h"
+namespace jingle_glue {
+namespace {
+// The constants below were taken from libjingle's
+// Basically, we do a "fake" SSL handshake to fool proxies into
+// thinking this is a real SSL connection.
+// This is a SSL v2 CLIENT_HELLO message.
+// TODO(juberti): Should this have a session id? The response doesn't have a
+// certificate, so the hello should have a session id.
+static const uint8 kSslClientHello[] = {
+ 0x80, 0x46, // msg len
+ 0x01, // CLIENT_HELLO
+ 0x03, 0x01, // SSL 3.1
+ 0x00, 0x2d, // ciphersuite len
+ 0x00, 0x00, // session id len
+ 0x00, 0x10, // challenge len
+ 0x01, 0x00, 0x80, 0x03, 0x00, 0x80, 0x07, 0x00, 0xc0, // ciphersuites
+ 0x06, 0x00, 0x40, 0x02, 0x00, 0x80, 0x04, 0x00, 0x80, //
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0xfe, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0a, //
+ 0x00, 0xfe, 0xfe, 0x00, 0x00, 0x09, 0x00, 0x00, 0x64, //
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x62, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x06, //
+ 0x1f, 0x17, 0x0c, 0xa6, 0x2f, 0x00, 0x78, 0xfc, // challenge
+ 0x46, 0x55, 0x2e, 0xb1, 0x83, 0x39, 0xf1, 0xea //
+// This is a TLSv1 SERVER_HELLO message.
+static const uint8 kSslServerHello[] = {
+ 0x16, // handshake message
+ 0x03, 0x01, // SSL 3.1
+ 0x00, 0x4a, // message len
+ 0x02, // SERVER_HELLO
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x46, // handshake len
+ 0x03, 0x01, // SSL 3.1
+ 0x42, 0x85, 0x45, 0xa7, 0x27, 0xa9, 0x5d, 0xa0, // server random
+ 0xb3, 0xc5, 0xe7, 0x53, 0xda, 0x48, 0x2b, 0x3f, //
+ 0xc6, 0x5a, 0xca, 0x89, 0xc1, 0x58, 0x52, 0xa1, //
+ 0x78, 0x3c, 0x5b, 0x17, 0x46, 0x00, 0x85, 0x3f, //
+ 0x20, // session id len
+ 0x0e, 0xd3, 0x06, 0x72, 0x5b, 0x5b, 0x1b, 0x5f, // session id
+ 0x15, 0xac, 0x13, 0xf9, 0x88, 0x53, 0x9d, 0x9b, //
+ 0xe8, 0x3d, 0x7b, 0x0c, 0x30, 0x32, 0x6e, 0x38, //
+ 0x4d, 0xa2, 0x75, 0x57, 0x41, 0x6c, 0x34, 0x5c, //
+ 0x00, 0x04, // RSA/RC4-128/MD5
+ 0x00 // null compression
+net::DrainableIOBuffer* NewDrainableIOBufferWithSize(int size) {
+ return new net::DrainableIOBuffer(new net::IOBuffer(size), size);
+} // namespace
+base::StringPiece FakeSSLClientSocket::GetSslClientHello() {
+ return base::StringPiece(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(kSslClientHello),
+ arraysize(kSslClientHello));
+base::StringPiece FakeSSLClientSocket::GetSslServerHello() {
+ return base::StringPiece(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(kSslServerHello),
+ arraysize(kSslServerHello));
+ net::StreamSocket* transport_socket)
+ : transport_socket_(transport_socket),
+ next_handshake_state_(STATE_NONE),
+ handshake_completed_(false),
+ write_buf_(NewDrainableIOBufferWithSize(arraysize(kSslClientHello))),
+ read_buf_(NewDrainableIOBufferWithSize(arraysize(kSslServerHello))) {
+ CHECK(transport_socket_.get());
+ std::memcpy(write_buf_->data(), kSslClientHello, arraysize(kSslClientHello));
+FakeSSLClientSocket::~FakeSSLClientSocket() {}
+int FakeSSLClientSocket::Read(net::IOBuffer* buf, int buf_len,
+ const net::CompletionCallback& callback) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(next_handshake_state_, STATE_NONE);
+ DCHECK(handshake_completed_);
+ return transport_socket_->Read(buf, buf_len, callback);
+int FakeSSLClientSocket::Write(net::IOBuffer* buf, int buf_len,
+ const net::CompletionCallback& callback) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(next_handshake_state_, STATE_NONE);
+ DCHECK(handshake_completed_);
+ return transport_socket_->Write(buf, buf_len, callback);
+bool FakeSSLClientSocket::SetReceiveBufferSize(int32 size) {
+ return transport_socket_->SetReceiveBufferSize(size);
+bool FakeSSLClientSocket::SetSendBufferSize(int32 size) {
+ return transport_socket_->SetSendBufferSize(size);
+int FakeSSLClientSocket::Connect(const net::CompletionCallback& callback) {
+ // We don't support synchronous operation, even if
+ // |transport_socket_| does.
+ DCHECK(!callback.is_null());
+ DCHECK_EQ(next_handshake_state_, STATE_NONE);
+ DCHECK(!handshake_completed_);
+ DCHECK(user_connect_callback_.is_null());
+ DCHECK_EQ(write_buf_->BytesConsumed(), 0);
+ DCHECK_EQ(read_buf_->BytesConsumed(), 0);
+ next_handshake_state_ = STATE_CONNECT;
+ int status = DoHandshakeLoop();
+ if (status == net::ERR_IO_PENDING)
+ user_connect_callback_ = callback;
+ return status;
+int FakeSSLClientSocket::DoHandshakeLoop() {
+ DCHECK_NE(next_handshake_state_, STATE_NONE);
+ int status = net::OK;
+ do {
+ HandshakeState state = next_handshake_state_;
+ next_handshake_state_ = STATE_NONE;
+ switch (state) {
+ status = DoConnect();
+ break;
+ status = DoSendClientHello();
+ break;
+ status = DoVerifyServerHello();
+ break;
+ default:
+ status = net::ERR_UNEXPECTED;
+ LOG(DFATAL) << "unexpected state: " << state;
+ break;
+ }
+ } while ((status != net::ERR_IO_PENDING) &&
+ (next_handshake_state_ != STATE_NONE));
+ return status;
+void FakeSSLClientSocket::RunUserConnectCallback(int status) {
+ DCHECK_LE(status, net::OK);
+ next_handshake_state_ = STATE_NONE;
+ net::CompletionCallback user_connect_callback = user_connect_callback_;
+ user_connect_callback_.Reset();
+ user_connect_callback.Run(status);
+void FakeSSLClientSocket::DoHandshakeLoopWithUserConnectCallback() {
+ int status = DoHandshakeLoop();
+ if (status != net::ERR_IO_PENDING) {
+ RunUserConnectCallback(status);
+ }
+int FakeSSLClientSocket::DoConnect() {
+ int status = transport_socket_->Connect(
+ base::Bind(&FakeSSLClientSocket::OnConnectDone, base::Unretained(this)));
+ if (status != net::OK) {
+ return status;
+ }
+ ProcessConnectDone();
+ return net::OK;
+void FakeSSLClientSocket::OnConnectDone(int status) {
+ DCHECK_NE(status, net::ERR_IO_PENDING);
+ DCHECK_LE(status, net::OK);
+ DCHECK(!user_connect_callback_.is_null());
+ if (status != net::OK) {
+ RunUserConnectCallback(status);
+ return;
+ }
+ ProcessConnectDone();
+ DoHandshakeLoopWithUserConnectCallback();
+void FakeSSLClientSocket::ProcessConnectDone() {
+ DCHECK_EQ(write_buf_->BytesConsumed(), 0);
+ DCHECK_EQ(read_buf_->BytesConsumed(), 0);
+ next_handshake_state_ = STATE_SEND_CLIENT_HELLO;
+int FakeSSLClientSocket::DoSendClientHello() {
+ int status = transport_socket_->Write(
+ write_buf_, write_buf_->BytesRemaining(),
+ base::Bind(&FakeSSLClientSocket::OnSendClientHelloDone,
+ base::Unretained(this)));
+ if (status < net::OK) {
+ return status;
+ }
+ ProcessSendClientHelloDone(static_cast<size_t>(status));
+ return net::OK;
+void FakeSSLClientSocket::OnSendClientHelloDone(int status) {
+ DCHECK_NE(status, net::ERR_IO_PENDING);
+ DCHECK(!user_connect_callback_.is_null());
+ if (status < net::OK) {
+ RunUserConnectCallback(status);
+ return;
+ }
+ ProcessSendClientHelloDone(static_cast<size_t>(status));
+ DoHandshakeLoopWithUserConnectCallback();
+void FakeSSLClientSocket::ProcessSendClientHelloDone(size_t written) {
+ DCHECK_LE(written, static_cast<size_t>(write_buf_->BytesRemaining()));
+ DCHECK_EQ(read_buf_->BytesConsumed(), 0);
+ if (written < static_cast<size_t>(write_buf_->BytesRemaining())) {
+ next_handshake_state_ = STATE_SEND_CLIENT_HELLO;
+ write_buf_->DidConsume(written);
+ } else {
+ next_handshake_state_ = STATE_VERIFY_SERVER_HELLO;
+ }
+int FakeSSLClientSocket::DoVerifyServerHello() {
+ int status = transport_socket_->Read(
+ read_buf_, read_buf_->BytesRemaining(),
+ base::Bind(&FakeSSLClientSocket::OnVerifyServerHelloDone,
+ base::Unretained(this)));
+ if (status < net::OK) {
+ return status;
+ }
+ size_t read = static_cast<size_t>(status);
+ return ProcessVerifyServerHelloDone(read);
+void FakeSSLClientSocket::OnVerifyServerHelloDone(int status) {
+ DCHECK_NE(status, net::ERR_IO_PENDING);
+ DCHECK(!user_connect_callback_.is_null());
+ if (status < net::OK) {
+ RunUserConnectCallback(status);
+ return;
+ }
+ size_t read = static_cast<size_t>(status);
+ status = ProcessVerifyServerHelloDone(read);
+ if (status < net::OK) {
+ RunUserConnectCallback(status);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (handshake_completed_) {
+ RunUserConnectCallback(net::OK);
+ } else {
+ DoHandshakeLoopWithUserConnectCallback();
+ }
+net::Error FakeSSLClientSocket::ProcessVerifyServerHelloDone(size_t read) {
+ DCHECK_LE(read, static_cast<size_t>(read_buf_->BytesRemaining()));
+ if (read == 0U) {
+ return net::ERR_UNEXPECTED;
+ }
+ const uint8* expected_data_start =
+ &kSslServerHello[arraysize(kSslServerHello) -
+ read_buf_->BytesRemaining()];
+ if (std::memcmp(expected_data_start, read_buf_->data(), read) != 0) {
+ return net::ERR_UNEXPECTED;
+ }
+ if (read < static_cast<size_t>(read_buf_->BytesRemaining())) {
+ next_handshake_state_ = STATE_VERIFY_SERVER_HELLO;
+ read_buf_->DidConsume(read);
+ } else {
+ next_handshake_state_ = STATE_NONE;
+ handshake_completed_ = true;
+ }
+ return net::OK;
+void FakeSSLClientSocket::Disconnect() {
+ transport_socket_->Disconnect();
+ next_handshake_state_ = STATE_NONE;
+ handshake_completed_ = false;
+ user_connect_callback_.Reset();
+ write_buf_->SetOffset(0);
+ read_buf_->SetOffset(0);
+bool FakeSSLClientSocket::IsConnected() const {
+ return handshake_completed_ && transport_socket_->IsConnected();
+bool FakeSSLClientSocket::IsConnectedAndIdle() const {
+ return handshake_completed_ && transport_socket_->IsConnectedAndIdle();
+int FakeSSLClientSocket::GetPeerAddress(net::IPEndPoint* address) const {
+ return transport_socket_->GetPeerAddress(address);
+int FakeSSLClientSocket::GetLocalAddress(net::IPEndPoint* address) const {
+ return transport_socket_->GetLocalAddress(address);
+const net::BoundNetLog& FakeSSLClientSocket::NetLog() const {
+ return transport_socket_->NetLog();
+void FakeSSLClientSocket::SetSubresourceSpeculation() {
+ transport_socket_->SetSubresourceSpeculation();
+void FakeSSLClientSocket::SetOmniboxSpeculation() {
+ transport_socket_->SetOmniboxSpeculation();
+bool FakeSSLClientSocket::WasEverUsed() const {
+ return transport_socket_->WasEverUsed();
+bool FakeSSLClientSocket::UsingTCPFastOpen() const {
+ return transport_socket_->UsingTCPFastOpen();
+int64 FakeSSLClientSocket::NumBytesRead() const {
+ return transport_socket_->NumBytesRead();
+base::TimeDelta FakeSSLClientSocket::GetConnectTimeMicros() const {
+ return transport_socket_->GetConnectTimeMicros();
+bool FakeSSLClientSocket::WasNpnNegotiated() const {
+ return transport_socket_->WasNpnNegotiated();
+net::NextProto FakeSSLClientSocket::GetNegotiatedProtocol() const {
+ return transport_socket_->GetNegotiatedProtocol();
+bool FakeSSLClientSocket::GetSSLInfo(net::SSLInfo* ssl_info) {
+ return transport_socket_->GetSSLInfo(ssl_info);
+} // namespace jingle_glue
diff --git a/jingle/glue/fake_ssl_client_socket.h b/jingle/glue/fake_ssl_client_socket.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edd3267
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jingle/glue/fake_ssl_client_socket.h
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// This StreamSocket implementation is to be used with servers that
+// accept connections on port 443 but don't really use SSL. For
+// example, the Google Talk servers do this to bypass proxies. (The
+// connection is upgraded to TLS as part of the XMPP negotiation, so
+// security is preserved.) A "fake" SSL handshake is done immediately
+// after connection to fool proxies into thinking that this is a real
+// SSL connection.
+// NOTE: This StreamSocket implementation does *not* do a real SSL
+// handshake nor does it do any encryption!
+#include <cstddef>
+#include "base/basictypes.h"
+#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
+#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
+#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
+#include "base/string_piece.h"
+#include "net/base/completion_callback.h"
+#include "net/base/net_errors.h"
+#include "net/socket/stream_socket.h"
+namespace net {
+class DrainableIOBuffer;
+class SSLInfo;
+} // namespace net
+namespace jingle_glue {
+class FakeSSLClientSocket : public net::StreamSocket {
+ public:
+ // Takes ownership of |transport_socket|.
+ explicit FakeSSLClientSocket(net::StreamSocket* transport_socket);
+ virtual ~FakeSSLClientSocket();
+ // Exposed for testing.
+ static base::StringPiece GetSslClientHello();
+ static base::StringPiece GetSslServerHello();
+ // net::StreamSocket implementation.
+ virtual int Read(net::IOBuffer* buf, int buf_len,
+ const net::CompletionCallback& callback) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual int Write(net::IOBuffer* buf, int buf_len,
+ const net::CompletionCallback& callback) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual bool SetReceiveBufferSize(int32 size) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual bool SetSendBufferSize(int32 size) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual int Connect(const net::CompletionCallback& callback) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void Disconnect() OVERRIDE;
+ virtual bool IsConnected() const OVERRIDE;
+ virtual bool IsConnectedAndIdle() const OVERRIDE;
+ virtual int GetPeerAddress(net::IPEndPoint* address) const OVERRIDE;
+ virtual int GetLocalAddress(net::IPEndPoint* address) const OVERRIDE;
+ virtual const net::BoundNetLog& NetLog() const OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void SetSubresourceSpeculation() OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void SetOmniboxSpeculation() OVERRIDE;
+ virtual bool WasEverUsed() const OVERRIDE;
+ virtual bool UsingTCPFastOpen() const OVERRIDE;
+ virtual int64 NumBytesRead() const OVERRIDE;
+ virtual base::TimeDelta GetConnectTimeMicros() const OVERRIDE;
+ virtual bool WasNpnNegotiated() const OVERRIDE;
+ virtual net::NextProto GetNegotiatedProtocol() const OVERRIDE;
+ virtual bool GetSSLInfo(net::SSLInfo* ssl_info) OVERRIDE;
+ private:
+ enum HandshakeState {
+ };
+ int DoHandshakeLoop();
+ void RunUserConnectCallback(int status);
+ void DoHandshakeLoopWithUserConnectCallback();
+ int DoConnect();
+ void OnConnectDone(int status);
+ void ProcessConnectDone();
+ int DoSendClientHello();
+ void OnSendClientHelloDone(int status);
+ void ProcessSendClientHelloDone(size_t written);
+ int DoVerifyServerHello();
+ void OnVerifyServerHelloDone(int status);
+ net::Error ProcessVerifyServerHelloDone(size_t read);
+ scoped_ptr<net::StreamSocket> transport_socket_;
+ // During the handshake process, holds a value from HandshakeState.
+ // STATE_NONE otherwise.
+ HandshakeState next_handshake_state_;
+ // True iff we're connected and we've finished the handshake.
+ bool handshake_completed_;
+ // The callback passed to Connect().
+ net::CompletionCallback user_connect_callback_;
+ scoped_refptr<net::DrainableIOBuffer> write_buf_;
+ scoped_refptr<net::DrainableIOBuffer> read_buf_;
+} // namespace jingle_glue
diff --git a/jingle/glue/ b/jingle/glue/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7ae4fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jingle/glue/
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "jingle/glue/fake_ssl_client_socket.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <vector>
+#include "base/basictypes.h"
+#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
+#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
+#include "base/message_loop.h"
+#include "net/base/io_buffer.h"
+#include "net/base/net_log.h"
+#include "net/base/test_completion_callback.h"
+#include "net/socket/socket_test_util.h"
+#include "net/socket/stream_socket.h"
+#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
+#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
+namespace jingle_glue {
+namespace {
+using ::testing::Return;
+using ::testing::ReturnRef;
+// Used by RunUnsuccessfulHandshakeTestHelper. Represents where in
+// the handshake step an error should be inserted.
+enum HandshakeErrorLocation {
+// Private error codes appended to the net::Error set.
+enum {
+ // An error representing a server hello that has been corrupted in
+ // transit.
+// Used by PassThroughMethods test.
+class MockClientSocket : public net::StreamSocket {
+ public:
+ virtual ~MockClientSocket() {}
+ MOCK_METHOD3(Read, int(net::IOBuffer*, int,
+ const net::CompletionCallback&));
+ MOCK_METHOD3(Write, int(net::IOBuffer*, int,
+ const net::CompletionCallback&));
+ MOCK_METHOD1(SetReceiveBufferSize, bool(int32));
+ MOCK_METHOD1(SetSendBufferSize, bool(int32));
+ MOCK_METHOD1(Connect, int(const net::CompletionCallback&));
+ MOCK_METHOD0(Disconnect, void());
+ MOCK_CONST_METHOD0(IsConnected, bool());
+ MOCK_CONST_METHOD0(IsConnectedAndIdle, bool());
+ MOCK_CONST_METHOD1(GetPeerAddress, int(net::IPEndPoint*));
+ MOCK_CONST_METHOD1(GetLocalAddress, int(net::IPEndPoint*));
+ MOCK_CONST_METHOD0(NetLog, const net::BoundNetLog&());
+ MOCK_METHOD0(SetSubresourceSpeculation, void());
+ MOCK_METHOD0(SetOmniboxSpeculation, void());
+ MOCK_CONST_METHOD0(WasEverUsed, bool());
+ MOCK_CONST_METHOD0(UsingTCPFastOpen, bool());
+ MOCK_CONST_METHOD0(NumBytesRead, int64());
+ MOCK_CONST_METHOD0(GetConnectTimeMicros, base::TimeDelta());
+ MOCK_CONST_METHOD0(WasNpnNegotiated, bool());
+ MOCK_CONST_METHOD0(GetNegotiatedProtocol, net::NextProto());
+ MOCK_METHOD1(GetSSLInfo, bool(net::SSLInfo*));
+// Break up |data| into a bunch of chunked MockReads/Writes and push
+// them onto |ops|.
+void AddChunkedOps(base::StringPiece data, size_t chunk_size, net::IoMode mode,
+ std::vector<net::MockRead>* ops) {
+ DCHECK_GT(chunk_size, 0U);
+ size_t offset = 0;
+ while (offset < data.size()) {
+ size_t bounded_chunk_size = std::min(data.size() - offset, chunk_size);
+ // We take advantage of the fact that MockWrite is typedefed to
+ // MockRead.
+ ops->push_back(net::MockRead(mode, + offset,
+ bounded_chunk_size));
+ offset += bounded_chunk_size;
+ }
+class FakeSSLClientSocketTest : public testing::Test {
+ protected:
+ FakeSSLClientSocketTest() {}
+ virtual ~FakeSSLClientSocketTest() {}
+ net::StreamSocket* MakeClientSocket() {
+ return mock_client_socket_factory_.CreateTransportClientSocket(
+ net::AddressList(), NULL, net::NetLog::Source());
+ }
+ void SetData(const net::MockConnect& mock_connect,
+ std::vector<net::MockRead>* reads,
+ std::vector<net::MockWrite>* writes) {
+ static_socket_data_provider_.reset(
+ new net::StaticSocketDataProvider(
+ reads->empty() ? NULL : &*reads->begin(), reads->size(),
+ writes->empty() ? NULL : &*writes->begin(), writes->size()));
+ static_socket_data_provider_->set_connect_data(mock_connect);
+ mock_client_socket_factory_.AddSocketDataProvider(
+ static_socket_data_provider_.get());
+ }
+ void ExpectStatus(
+ net::IoMode mode, int expected_status, int immediate_status,
+ net::TestCompletionCallback* test_completion_callback) {
+ if (mode == net::ASYNC) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(net::ERR_IO_PENDING, immediate_status);
+ int status = test_completion_callback->WaitForResult();
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_status, status);
+ } else {
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_status, immediate_status);
+ }
+ }
+ // Sets up the mock socket to generate a successful handshake
+ // (sliced up according to the parameters) and makes sure the
+ // FakeSSLClientSocket behaves as expected.
+ void RunSuccessfulHandshakeTest(
+ net::IoMode mode, size_t read_chunk_size, size_t write_chunk_size,
+ int num_resets) {
+ base::StringPiece ssl_client_hello =
+ FakeSSLClientSocket::GetSslClientHello();
+ base::StringPiece ssl_server_hello =
+ FakeSSLClientSocket::GetSslServerHello();
+ net::MockConnect mock_connect(mode, net::OK);
+ std::vector<net::MockRead> reads;
+ std::vector<net::MockWrite> writes;
+ static const char kReadTestData[] = "read test data";
+ static const char kWriteTestData[] = "write test data";
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_resets + 1; ++i) {
+ AddChunkedOps(ssl_server_hello, read_chunk_size, mode, &reads);
+ AddChunkedOps(ssl_client_hello, write_chunk_size, mode, &writes);
+ reads.push_back(
+ net::MockRead(mode, kReadTestData, arraysize(kReadTestData)));
+ writes.push_back(
+ net::MockWrite(mode, kWriteTestData, arraysize(kWriteTestData)));
+ }
+ SetData(mock_connect, &reads, &writes);
+ FakeSSLClientSocket fake_ssl_client_socket(MakeClientSocket());
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_resets + 1; ++i) {
+ net::TestCompletionCallback test_completion_callback;
+ int status = fake_ssl_client_socket.Connect(
+ test_completion_callback.callback());
+ if (mode == net::ASYNC) {
+ EXPECT_FALSE(fake_ssl_client_socket.IsConnected());
+ }
+ ExpectStatus(mode, net::OK, status, &test_completion_callback);
+ if (fake_ssl_client_socket.IsConnected()) {
+ int read_len = arraysize(kReadTestData);
+ int read_buf_len = 2 * read_len;
+ scoped_refptr<net::IOBuffer> read_buf(
+ new net::IOBuffer(read_buf_len));
+ int read_status = fake_ssl_client_socket.Read(
+ read_buf, read_buf_len, test_completion_callback.callback());
+ ExpectStatus(mode, read_len, read_status, &test_completion_callback);
+ scoped_refptr<net::IOBuffer> write_buf(
+ new net::StringIOBuffer(kWriteTestData));
+ int write_status = fake_ssl_client_socket.Write(
+ write_buf, arraysize(kWriteTestData),
+ test_completion_callback.callback());
+ ExpectStatus(mode, arraysize(kWriteTestData), write_status,
+ &test_completion_callback);
+ } else {
+ }
+ fake_ssl_client_socket.Disconnect();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(fake_ssl_client_socket.IsConnected());
+ }
+ }
+ // Sets up the mock socket to generate an unsuccessful handshake
+ // FakeSSLClientSocket fails as expected.
+ void RunUnsuccessfulHandshakeTestHelper(
+ net::IoMode mode, int error, HandshakeErrorLocation location) {
+ DCHECK_NE(error, net::OK);
+ base::StringPiece ssl_client_hello =
+ FakeSSLClientSocket::GetSslClientHello();
+ base::StringPiece ssl_server_hello =
+ FakeSSLClientSocket::GetSslServerHello();
+ net::MockConnect mock_connect(mode, net::OK);
+ std::vector<net::MockRead> reads;
+ std::vector<net::MockWrite> writes;
+ const size_t kChunkSize = 1;
+ AddChunkedOps(ssl_server_hello, kChunkSize, mode, &reads);
+ AddChunkedOps(ssl_client_hello, kChunkSize, mode, &writes);
+ switch (location) {
+ mock_connect.result = error;
+ writes.clear();
+ reads.clear();
+ break;
+ // Use a fixed index for repeatability.
+ size_t index = 100 % writes.size();
+ writes[index].result = error;
+ writes[index].data = NULL;
+ writes[index].data_len = 0;
+ writes.resize(index + 1);
+ reads.clear();
+ break;
+ }
+ // Use a fixed index for repeatability.
+ size_t index = 50 % reads.size();
+ static const char kBadData[] = "BAD_DATA";
+ reads[index].data = kBadData;
+ reads[index].data_len = arraysize(kBadData);
+ } else {
+ reads[index].result = error;
+ reads[index].data = NULL;
+ reads[index].data_len = 0;
+ }
+ reads.resize(index + 1);
+ if (error ==
+ static const char kDummyData[] = "DUMMY";
+ reads.push_back(net::MockRead(mode, kDummyData));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ SetData(mock_connect, &reads, &writes);
+ FakeSSLClientSocket fake_ssl_client_socket(MakeClientSocket());
+ // The two errors below are interpreted by FakeSSLClientSocket as
+ // an unexpected event.
+ int expected_status =
+ net::ERR_UNEXPECTED : error;
+ net::TestCompletionCallback test_completion_callback;
+ int status = fake_ssl_client_socket.Connect(
+ test_completion_callback.callback());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(fake_ssl_client_socket.IsConnected());
+ ExpectStatus(mode, expected_status, status, &test_completion_callback);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(fake_ssl_client_socket.IsConnected());
+ }
+ void RunUnsuccessfulHandshakeTest(
+ int error, HandshakeErrorLocation location) {
+ RunUnsuccessfulHandshakeTestHelper(net::SYNCHRONOUS, error, location);
+ RunUnsuccessfulHandshakeTestHelper(net::ASYNC, error, location);
+ }
+ // MockTCPClientSocket needs a message loop.
+ MessageLoop message_loop_;
+ net::MockClientSocketFactory mock_client_socket_factory_;
+ scoped_ptr<net::StaticSocketDataProvider> static_socket_data_provider_;
+TEST_F(FakeSSLClientSocketTest, PassThroughMethods) {
+ MockClientSocket* mock_client_socket = new MockClientSocket();
+ const int kReceiveBufferSize = 10;
+ const int kSendBufferSize = 20;
+ net::IPEndPoint ip_endpoint(net::IPAddressNumber(net::kIPv4AddressSize), 80);
+ const int kPeerAddress = 30;
+ net::BoundNetLog net_log;
+ EXPECT_CALL(*mock_client_socket, SetReceiveBufferSize(kReceiveBufferSize));
+ EXPECT_CALL(*mock_client_socket, SetSendBufferSize(kSendBufferSize));
+ EXPECT_CALL(*mock_client_socket, GetPeerAddress(&ip_endpoint)).
+ WillOnce(Return(kPeerAddress));
+ EXPECT_CALL(*mock_client_socket, NetLog()).WillOnce(ReturnRef(net_log));
+ EXPECT_CALL(*mock_client_socket, SetSubresourceSpeculation());
+ EXPECT_CALL(*mock_client_socket, SetOmniboxSpeculation());
+ // Takes ownership of |mock_client_socket|.
+ FakeSSLClientSocket fake_ssl_client_socket(mock_client_socket);
+ fake_ssl_client_socket.SetReceiveBufferSize(kReceiveBufferSize);
+ fake_ssl_client_socket.SetSendBufferSize(kSendBufferSize);
+ EXPECT_EQ(kPeerAddress,
+ fake_ssl_client_socket.GetPeerAddress(&ip_endpoint));
+ EXPECT_EQ(&net_log, &fake_ssl_client_socket.NetLog());
+ fake_ssl_client_socket.SetSubresourceSpeculation();
+ fake_ssl_client_socket.SetOmniboxSpeculation();
+TEST_F(FakeSSLClientSocketTest, SuccessfulHandshakeSync) {
+ for (size_t i = 1; i < 100; i += 3) {
+ for (size_t j = 1; j < 100; j += 5) {
+ RunSuccessfulHandshakeTest(net::SYNCHRONOUS, i, j, 0);
+ }
+ }
+TEST_F(FakeSSLClientSocketTest, SuccessfulHandshakeAsync) {
+ for (size_t i = 1; i < 100; i += 7) {
+ for (size_t j = 1; j < 100; j += 9) {
+ RunSuccessfulHandshakeTest(net::ASYNC, i, j, 0);
+ }
+ }
+TEST_F(FakeSSLClientSocketTest, ResetSocket) {
+ RunSuccessfulHandshakeTest(net::ASYNC, 1, 2, 3);
+TEST_F(FakeSSLClientSocketTest, UnsuccessfulHandshakeConnectError) {
+ RunUnsuccessfulHandshakeTest(net::ERR_ACCESS_DENIED, CONNECT_ERROR);
+TEST_F(FakeSSLClientSocketTest, UnsuccessfulHandshakeWriteError) {
+ RunUnsuccessfulHandshakeTest(net::ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY,
+TEST_F(FakeSSLClientSocketTest, UnsuccessfulHandshakeReadError) {
+ RunUnsuccessfulHandshakeTest(net::ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED,
+TEST_F(FakeSSLClientSocketTest, PeerClosedDuringHandshake) {
+ RunUnsuccessfulHandshakeTest(
+TEST_F(FakeSSLClientSocketTest, MalformedServerHello) {
+ RunUnsuccessfulHandshakeTest(ERR_MALFORMED_SERVER_HELLO,
+} // namespace
+} // namespace jingle_glue
diff --git a/jingle/glue/ b/jingle/glue/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..479a781
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jingle/glue/
@@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "jingle/glue/proxy_resolving_client_socket.h"
+#include "base/basictypes.h"
+#include "base/bind.h"
+#include "base/bind_helpers.h"
+#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
+#include "base/logging.h"
+#include "googleurl/src/gurl.h"
+#include "net/base/io_buffer.h"
+#include "net/base/net_errors.h"
+#include "net/http/http_network_session.h"
+#include "net/socket/client_socket_handle.h"
+#include "net/socket/client_socket_pool_manager.h"
+#include "net/url_request/url_request_context.h"
+#include "net/url_request/url_request_context_getter.h"
+namespace jingle_glue {
+ net::ClientSocketFactory* socket_factory,
+ const scoped_refptr<net::URLRequestContextGetter>& request_context_getter,
+ const net::SSLConfig& ssl_config,
+ const net::HostPortPair& dest_host_port_pair)
+ : ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(proxy_resolve_callback_(
+ base::Bind(&ProxyResolvingClientSocket::ProcessProxyResolveDone,
+ base::Unretained(this)))),
+ base::Bind(&ProxyResolvingClientSocket::ProcessConnectDone,
+ base::Unretained(this)))),
+ ssl_config_(ssl_config),
+ pac_request_(NULL),
+ dest_host_port_pair_(dest_host_port_pair),
+ tried_direct_connect_fallback_(false),
+ bound_net_log_(
+ net::BoundNetLog::Make(
+ request_context_getter->GetURLRequestContext()->net_log(),
+ net::NetLog::SOURCE_SOCKET)),
+ ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(weak_factory_(this)) {
+ DCHECK(request_context_getter);
+ net::URLRequestContext* request_context =
+ request_context_getter->GetURLRequestContext();
+ DCHECK(request_context);
+ DCHECK_GT(dest_host_port_pair_.port(), 0);
+ net::HttpNetworkSession::Params session_params;
+ session_params.client_socket_factory = socket_factory;
+ session_params.host_resolver = request_context->host_resolver();
+ session_params.cert_verifier = request_context->cert_verifier();
+ // TODO(rkn): This is NULL because ServerBoundCertService is not thread safe.
+ session_params.server_bound_cert_service = NULL;
+ // transport_security_state is NULL because it's not thread safe.
+ session_params.transport_security_state = NULL;
+ session_params.proxy_service = request_context->proxy_service();
+ session_params.ssl_config_service = request_context->ssl_config_service();
+ session_params.http_auth_handler_factory =
+ request_context->http_auth_handler_factory();
+ session_params.network_delegate = request_context->network_delegate();
+ session_params.http_server_properties =
+ request_context->http_server_properties();
+ session_params.net_log = request_context->net_log();
+ network_session_ = new net::HttpNetworkSession(session_params);
+ProxyResolvingClientSocket::~ProxyResolvingClientSocket() {
+ Disconnect();
+int ProxyResolvingClientSocket::Read(net::IOBuffer* buf, int buf_len,
+ const net::CompletionCallback& callback) {
+ if (transport_.get() && transport_->socket())
+ return transport_->socket()->Read(buf, buf_len, callback);
+int ProxyResolvingClientSocket::Write(
+ net::IOBuffer* buf,
+ int buf_len,
+ const net::CompletionCallback& callback) {
+ if (transport_.get() && transport_->socket())
+ return transport_->socket()->Write(buf, buf_len, callback);
+bool ProxyResolvingClientSocket::SetReceiveBufferSize(int32 size) {
+ if (transport_.get() && transport_->socket())
+ return transport_->socket()->SetReceiveBufferSize(size);
+ return false;
+bool ProxyResolvingClientSocket::SetSendBufferSize(int32 size) {
+ if (transport_.get() && transport_->socket())
+ return transport_->socket()->SetSendBufferSize(size);
+ return false;
+int ProxyResolvingClientSocket::Connect(
+ const net::CompletionCallback& callback) {
+ DCHECK(user_connect_callback_.is_null());
+ tried_direct_connect_fallback_ = false;
+ // First we try and resolve the proxy.
+ GURL url("http://" + dest_host_port_pair_.ToString());
+ DCHECK(url.is_valid());
+ int status = network_session_->proxy_service()->ResolveProxy(
+ url,
+ &proxy_info_,
+ proxy_resolve_callback_,
+ &pac_request_,
+ bound_net_log_);
+ if (status != net::ERR_IO_PENDING) {
+ // We defer execution of ProcessProxyResolveDone instead of calling it
+ // directly here for simplicity. From the caller's point of view,
+ // the connect always happens asynchronously.
+ MessageLoop* message_loop = MessageLoop::current();
+ CHECK(message_loop);
+ message_loop->PostTask(
+ base::Bind(&ProxyResolvingClientSocket::ProcessProxyResolveDone,
+ weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), status));
+ }
+ user_connect_callback_ = callback;
+ return net::ERR_IO_PENDING;
+void ProxyResolvingClientSocket::RunUserConnectCallback(int status) {
+ DCHECK_LE(status, net::OK);
+ net::CompletionCallback user_connect_callback = user_connect_callback_;
+ user_connect_callback_.Reset();
+ user_connect_callback.Run(status);
+// Always runs asynchronously.
+void ProxyResolvingClientSocket::ProcessProxyResolveDone(int status) {
+ pac_request_ = NULL;
+ DCHECK_NE(status, net::ERR_IO_PENDING);
+ if (status == net::OK) {
+ // Remove unsupported proxies from the list.
+ proxy_info_.RemoveProxiesWithoutScheme(
+ net::ProxyServer::SCHEME_DIRECT |
+ net::ProxyServer::SCHEME_HTTP | net::ProxyServer::SCHEME_HTTPS |
+ net::ProxyServer::SCHEME_SOCKS4 | net::ProxyServer::SCHEME_SOCKS5);
+ if (proxy_info_.is_empty()) {
+ // No proxies/direct to choose from. This happens when we don't support
+ // any of the proxies in the returned list.
+ }
+ }
+ // Since we are faking the URL, it is possible that no proxies match our URL.
+ // Try falling back to a direct connection if we have not tried that before.
+ if (status != net::OK) {
+ if (!tried_direct_connect_fallback_) {
+ tried_direct_connect_fallback_ = true;
+ proxy_info_.UseDirect();
+ } else {
+ CloseTransportSocket();
+ RunUserConnectCallback(status);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ transport_.reset(new net::ClientSocketHandle);
+ // Now that we have resolved the proxy, we need to connect.
+ status = net::InitSocketHandleForRawConnect(
+ dest_host_port_pair_, network_session_.get(), proxy_info_, ssl_config_,
+ ssl_config_, bound_net_log_, transport_.get(), connect_callback_);
+ if (status != net::ERR_IO_PENDING) {
+ // Since this method is always called asynchronously. it is OK to call
+ // ProcessConnectDone synchronously.
+ ProcessConnectDone(status);
+ }
+void ProxyResolvingClientSocket::ProcessConnectDone(int status) {
+ if (status != net::OK) {
+ // If the connection fails, try another proxy.
+ status = ReconsiderProxyAfterError(status);
+ // ReconsiderProxyAfterError either returns an error (in which case it is
+ // not reconsidering a proxy) or returns ERR_IO_PENDING if it is considering
+ // another proxy.
+ DCHECK_NE(status, net::OK);
+ if (status == net::ERR_IO_PENDING)
+ // Proxy reconsideration pending. Return.
+ return;
+ CloseTransportSocket();
+ } else {
+ ReportSuccessfulProxyConnection();
+ }
+ RunUserConnectCallback(status);
+// TODO(sanjeevr): This has largely been copied from
+// HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::ReconsiderProxyAfterError. This should be
+// refactored into some common place.
+// This method reconsiders the proxy on certain errors. If it does reconsider
+// a proxy it always returns ERR_IO_PENDING and posts a call to
+// ProcessProxyResolveDone with the result of the reconsideration.
+int ProxyResolvingClientSocket::ReconsiderProxyAfterError(int error) {
+ DCHECK(!pac_request_);
+ DCHECK_NE(error, net::OK);
+ DCHECK_NE(error, net::ERR_IO_PENDING);
+ // A failure to resolve the hostname or any error related to establishing a
+ // TCP connection could be grounds for trying a new proxy configuration.
+ //
+ // Why do this when a hostname cannot be resolved? Some URLs only make sense
+ // to proxy servers. The hostname in those URLs might fail to resolve if we
+ // are still using a non-proxy config. We need to check if a proxy config
+ // now exists that corresponds to a proxy server that could load the URL.
+ //
+ switch (error) {
+ case net::ERR_TIMED_OUT:
+ break;
+ // Remap the SOCKS-specific "host unreachable" error to a more
+ // generic error code (this way consumers like the link doctor
+ // know to substitute their error page).
+ //
+ // Note that if the host resolving was done by the SOCSK5 proxy, we can't
+ // differentiate between a proxy-side "host not found" versus a proxy-side
+ // "address unreachable" error, and will report both of these failures as
+ default:
+ return error;
+ }
+ if (proxy_info_.is_https() && ssl_config_.send_client_cert) {
+ network_session_->ssl_client_auth_cache()->Remove(
+ proxy_info_.proxy_server().host_port_pair().ToString());
+ }
+ GURL url("http://" + dest_host_port_pair_.ToString());
+ int rv = network_session_->proxy_service()->ReconsiderProxyAfterError(
+ url, &proxy_info_, proxy_resolve_callback_, &pac_request_,
+ bound_net_log_);
+ if (rv == net::OK || rv == net::ERR_IO_PENDING) {
+ CloseTransportSocket();
+ } else {
+ // If ReconsiderProxyAfterError() failed synchronously, it means
+ // there was nothing left to fall-back to, so fail the transaction
+ // with the last connection error we got.
+ rv = error;
+ }
+ // We either have new proxy info or there was an error in falling back.
+ // In both cases we want to post ProcessProxyResolveDone (in the error case
+ // we might still want to fall back a direct connection).
+ if (rv != net::ERR_IO_PENDING) {
+ MessageLoop* message_loop = MessageLoop::current();
+ CHECK(message_loop);
+ message_loop->PostTask(
+ base::Bind(&ProxyResolvingClientSocket::ProcessProxyResolveDone,
+ weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), rv));
+ // Since we potentially have another try to go (trying the direct connect)
+ // set the return code code to ERR_IO_PENDING.
+ rv = net::ERR_IO_PENDING;
+ }
+ return rv;
+void ProxyResolvingClientSocket::ReportSuccessfulProxyConnection() {
+ network_session_->proxy_service()->ReportSuccess(proxy_info_);
+void ProxyResolvingClientSocket::Disconnect() {
+ CloseTransportSocket();
+ if (pac_request_)
+ network_session_->proxy_service()->CancelPacRequest(pac_request_);
+ user_connect_callback_.Reset();
+bool ProxyResolvingClientSocket::IsConnected() const {
+ if (!transport_.get() || !transport_->socket())
+ return false;
+ return transport_->socket()->IsConnected();
+bool ProxyResolvingClientSocket::IsConnectedAndIdle() const {
+ if (!transport_.get() || !transport_->socket())
+ return false;
+ return transport_->socket()->IsConnectedAndIdle();
+int ProxyResolvingClientSocket::GetPeerAddress(
+ net::IPEndPoint* address) const {
+ if (transport_.get() && transport_->socket())
+ return transport_->socket()->GetPeerAddress(address);
+int ProxyResolvingClientSocket::GetLocalAddress(
+ net::IPEndPoint* address) const {
+ if (transport_.get() && transport_->socket())
+ return transport_->socket()->GetLocalAddress(address);
+const net::BoundNetLog& ProxyResolvingClientSocket::NetLog() const {
+ if (transport_.get() && transport_->socket())
+ return transport_->socket()->NetLog();
+ return bound_net_log_;
+void ProxyResolvingClientSocket::SetSubresourceSpeculation() {
+ if (transport_.get() && transport_->socket())
+ transport_->socket()->SetSubresourceSpeculation();
+ else
+void ProxyResolvingClientSocket::SetOmniboxSpeculation() {
+ if (transport_.get() && transport_->socket())
+ transport_->socket()->SetOmniboxSpeculation();
+ else
+bool ProxyResolvingClientSocket::WasEverUsed() const {
+ if (transport_.get() && transport_->socket())
+ return transport_->socket()->WasEverUsed();
+ return false;
+bool ProxyResolvingClientSocket::UsingTCPFastOpen() const {
+ if (transport_.get() && transport_->socket())
+ return transport_->socket()->UsingTCPFastOpen();
+ return false;
+int64 ProxyResolvingClientSocket::NumBytesRead() const {
+ if (transport_.get() && transport_->socket())
+ return transport_->socket()->NumBytesRead();
+ return -1;
+base::TimeDelta ProxyResolvingClientSocket::GetConnectTimeMicros() const {
+ if (transport_.get() && transport_->socket())
+ return transport_->socket()->GetConnectTimeMicros();
+ return base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(-1);
+bool ProxyResolvingClientSocket::WasNpnNegotiated() const {
+ return false;
+net::NextProto ProxyResolvingClientSocket::GetNegotiatedProtocol() const {
+ if (transport_.get() && transport_->socket())
+ return transport_->socket()->GetNegotiatedProtocol();
+ return net::kProtoUnknown;
+bool ProxyResolvingClientSocket::GetSSLInfo(net::SSLInfo* ssl_info) {
+ return false;
+void ProxyResolvingClientSocket::CloseTransportSocket() {
+ if (transport_.get() && transport_->socket())
+ transport_->socket()->Disconnect();
+ transport_.reset();
+} // namespace jingle_glue
diff --git a/jingle/glue/proxy_resolving_client_socket.h b/jingle/glue/proxy_resolving_client_socket.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99f342c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jingle/glue/proxy_resolving_client_socket.h
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// This StreamSocket implementation wraps a ClientSocketHandle that is created
+// from the client socket pool after resolving proxies.
+#include "base/basictypes.h"
+#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
+#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
+#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
+#include "net/base/completion_callback.h"
+#include "net/base/host_port_pair.h"
+#include "net/base/net_errors.h"
+#include "net/base/net_log.h"
+#include "net/base/ssl_config_service.h"
+#include "net/proxy/proxy_info.h"
+#include "net/proxy/proxy_service.h"
+#include "net/socket/stream_socket.h"
+namespace net {
+class ClientSocketFactory;
+class ClientSocketHandle;
+class HttpNetworkSession;
+class URLRequestContextGetter;
+} // namespace net
+// TODO(sanjeevr): Move this to net/
+namespace jingle_glue {
+class ProxyResolvingClientSocket : public net::StreamSocket {
+ public:
+ // Constructs a new ProxyResolvingClientSocket. |socket_factory| is
+ // the ClientSocketFactory that will be used by the underlying
+ // HttpNetworkSession. If |socket_factory| is NULL, the default
+ // socket factory (net::ClientSocketFactory::GetDefaultFactory())
+ // will be used. |dest_host_port_pair| is the destination for this
+ // socket. The hostname must be non-empty and the port must be > 0.
+ ProxyResolvingClientSocket(
+ net::ClientSocketFactory* socket_factory,
+ const scoped_refptr<net::URLRequestContextGetter>& request_context_getter,
+ const net::SSLConfig& ssl_config,
+ const net::HostPortPair& dest_host_port_pair);
+ virtual ~ProxyResolvingClientSocket();
+ // net::StreamSocket implementation.
+ virtual int Read(net::IOBuffer* buf, int buf_len,
+ const net::CompletionCallback& callback) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual int Write(net::IOBuffer* buf, int buf_len,
+ const net::CompletionCallback& callback) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual bool SetReceiveBufferSize(int32 size) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual bool SetSendBufferSize(int32 size) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual int Connect(const net::CompletionCallback& callback) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void Disconnect() OVERRIDE;
+ virtual bool IsConnected() const OVERRIDE;
+ virtual bool IsConnectedAndIdle() const OVERRIDE;
+ virtual int GetPeerAddress(net::IPEndPoint* address) const OVERRIDE;
+ virtual int GetLocalAddress(net::IPEndPoint* address) const OVERRIDE;
+ virtual const net::BoundNetLog& NetLog() const OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void SetSubresourceSpeculation() OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void SetOmniboxSpeculation() OVERRIDE;
+ virtual bool WasEverUsed() const OVERRIDE;
+ virtual bool UsingTCPFastOpen() const OVERRIDE;
+ virtual int64 NumBytesRead() const OVERRIDE;
+ virtual base::TimeDelta GetConnectTimeMicros() const OVERRIDE;
+ virtual bool WasNpnNegotiated() const OVERRIDE;
+ virtual net::NextProto GetNegotiatedProtocol() const OVERRIDE;
+ virtual bool GetSSLInfo(net::SSLInfo* ssl_info) OVERRIDE;
+ private:
+ // Proxy resolution and connection functions.
+ void ProcessProxyResolveDone(int status);
+ void ProcessConnectDone(int status);
+ void CloseTransportSocket();
+ void RunUserConnectCallback(int status);
+ int ReconsiderProxyAfterError(int error);
+ void ReportSuccessfulProxyConnection();
+ // Callbacks passed to net APIs.
+ net::CompletionCallback proxy_resolve_callback_;
+ net::CompletionCallback connect_callback_;
+ scoped_refptr<net::HttpNetworkSession> network_session_;
+ // The transport socket.
+ scoped_ptr<net::ClientSocketHandle> transport_;
+ const net::SSLConfig ssl_config_;
+ net::ProxyService::PacRequest* pac_request_;
+ net::ProxyInfo proxy_info_;
+ net::HostPortPair dest_host_port_pair_;
+ bool tried_direct_connect_fallback_;
+ net::BoundNetLog bound_net_log_;
+ base::WeakPtrFactory<ProxyResolvingClientSocket> weak_factory_;
+ // The callback passed to Connect().
+ net::CompletionCallback user_connect_callback_;
+} // namespace jingle_glue
diff --git a/jingle/glue/ b/jingle/glue/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49d95f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jingle/glue/
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "jingle/glue/proxy_resolving_client_socket.h"
+#include "base/basictypes.h"
+#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
+#include "base/message_loop.h"
+#include "net/base/mock_host_resolver.h"
+#include "net/base/test_completion_callback.h"
+#include "net/proxy/proxy_service.h"
+#include "net/socket/socket_test_util.h"
+#include "net/url_request/url_request_context_getter.h"
+#include "net/url_request/url_request_test_util.h"
+#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
+namespace {
+class MyTestURLRequestContext : public TestURLRequestContext {
+ public:
+ MyTestURLRequestContext() : TestURLRequestContext(true) {
+ context_storage_.set_proxy_service(
+ net::ProxyService::CreateFixedFromPacResult(
+ "PROXY bad:99; PROXY maybe:80; DIRECT"));
+ Init();
+ }
+ virtual ~MyTestURLRequestContext() {}
+} // namespace
+namespace jingle_glue {
+class ProxyResolvingClientSocketTest : public testing::Test {
+ protected:
+ ProxyResolvingClientSocketTest()
+ : url_request_context_getter_(new TestURLRequestContextGetter(
+ base::MessageLoopProxy::current(),
+ scoped_ptr<TestURLRequestContext>(new MyTestURLRequestContext))) {}
+ virtual ~ProxyResolvingClientSocketTest() {}
+ virtual void TearDown() {
+ // Clear out any messages posted by ProxyResolvingClientSocket's
+ // destructor.
+ message_loop_.RunAllPending();
+ }
+ MessageLoop message_loop_;
+ scoped_refptr<TestURLRequestContextGetter> url_request_context_getter_;
+// TODO(sanjeevr): Fix this test on Linux.
+TEST_F(ProxyResolvingClientSocketTest, DISABLED_ConnectError) {
+ net::HostPortPair dest("", 0);
+ ProxyResolvingClientSocket proxy_resolving_socket(
+ url_request_context_getter_,
+ net::SSLConfig(),
+ dest);
+ net::TestCompletionCallback callback;
+ int status = proxy_resolving_socket.Connect(callback.callback());
+ // Connect always returns ERR_IO_PENDING because it is always asynchronous.
+ EXPECT_EQ(net::ERR_IO_PENDING, status);
+ status = callback.WaitForResult();
+ // ProxyResolvingClientSocket::Connect() will always return an error of
+ // ERR_ADDRESS_INVALID for a 0 IP address.
+TEST_F(ProxyResolvingClientSocketTest, ReportsBadProxies) {
+ net::HostPortPair dest("", 443);
+ net::MockClientSocketFactory socket_factory;
+ net::StaticSocketDataProvider socket_data1;
+ socket_data1.set_connect_data(
+ net::MockConnect(net::ASYNC, net::ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE));
+ socket_factory.AddSocketDataProvider(&socket_data1);
+ net::MockRead reads[] = {
+ net::MockRead("HTTP/1.1 200 Success\r\n\r\n")
+ };
+ net::MockWrite writes[] = {
+ net::MockWrite("CONNECT HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ "Host:\r\n"
+ "Proxy-Connection: keep-alive\r\n\r\n")
+ };
+ net::StaticSocketDataProvider socket_data2(reads, arraysize(reads),
+ writes, arraysize(writes));
+ socket_data2.set_connect_data(net::MockConnect(net::ASYNC, net::OK));
+ socket_factory.AddSocketDataProvider(&socket_data2);
+ ProxyResolvingClientSocket proxy_resolving_socket(
+ &socket_factory,
+ url_request_context_getter_,
+ net::SSLConfig(),
+ dest);
+ net::TestCompletionCallback callback;
+ int status = proxy_resolving_socket.Connect(callback.callback());
+ EXPECT_EQ(net::ERR_IO_PENDING, status);
+ status = callback.WaitForResult();
+ EXPECT_EQ(net::OK, status);
+ net::URLRequestContext* context =
+ url_request_context_getter_->GetURLRequestContext();
+ const net::ProxyRetryInfoMap& retry_info =
+ context->proxy_service()->proxy_retry_info();
+ EXPECT_EQ(1u, retry_info.size());
+ net::ProxyRetryInfoMap::const_iterator iter = retry_info.find("bad:99");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(iter != retry_info.end());
+// TODO(sanjeevr): Add more unit-tests.
+} // namespace jingle_glue
diff --git a/jingle/glue/resolving_client_socket_factory.h b/jingle/glue/resolving_client_socket_factory.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5be8bc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jingle/glue/resolving_client_socket_factory.h
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+namespace net {
+class ClientSocketHandle;
+class HostPortPair;
+class SSLClientSocket;
+class StreamSocket;
+} // namespace net
+// TODO(sanjeevr): Move this to net/
+namespace jingle_glue {
+// Interface for a ClientSocketFactory that creates ClientSockets that can
+// resolve host names and tunnel through proxies.
+class ResolvingClientSocketFactory {
+ public:
+ virtual ~ResolvingClientSocketFactory() { }
+ // Method to create a transport socket using a HostPortPair.
+ virtual net::StreamSocket* CreateTransportClientSocket(
+ const net::HostPortPair& host_and_port) = 0;
+ virtual net::SSLClientSocket* CreateSSLClientSocket(
+ net::ClientSocketHandle* transport_socket,
+ const net::HostPortPair& host_and_port) = 0;
+} // namespace jingle_glue
diff --git a/jingle/glue/ b/jingle/glue/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13749e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jingle/glue/
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "jingle/glue/xmpp_client_socket_factory.h"
+#include "base/logging.h"
+#include "jingle/glue/fake_ssl_client_socket.h"
+#include "jingle/glue/proxy_resolving_client_socket.h"
+#include "net/socket/client_socket_factory.h"
+#include "net/socket/ssl_client_socket.h"
+#include "net/url_request/url_request_context.h"
+#include "net/url_request/url_request_context_getter.h"
+namespace jingle_glue {
+ net::ClientSocketFactory* client_socket_factory,
+ const net::SSLConfig& ssl_config,
+ const scoped_refptr<net::URLRequestContextGetter>& request_context_getter,
+ bool use_fake_ssl_client_socket)
+ : client_socket_factory_(client_socket_factory),
+ request_context_getter_(request_context_getter),
+ ssl_config_(ssl_config),
+ use_fake_ssl_client_socket_(use_fake_ssl_client_socket) {
+ CHECK(client_socket_factory_);
+XmppClientSocketFactory::~XmppClientSocketFactory() {}
+net::StreamSocket* XmppClientSocketFactory::CreateTransportClientSocket(
+ const net::HostPortPair& host_and_port) {
+ // TODO(akalin): Use socket pools.
+ net::StreamSocket* transport_socket = new ProxyResolvingClientSocket(
+ request_context_getter_,
+ ssl_config_,
+ host_and_port);
+ return (use_fake_ssl_client_socket_ ?
+ new FakeSSLClientSocket(transport_socket) : transport_socket);
+net::SSLClientSocket* XmppClientSocketFactory::CreateSSLClientSocket(
+ net::ClientSocketHandle* transport_socket,
+ const net::HostPortPair& host_and_port) {
+ net::SSLClientSocketContext context;
+ context.cert_verifier =
+ request_context_getter_->GetURLRequestContext()->cert_verifier();
+ // TODO(rkn): context.server_bound_cert_service is NULL because the
+ // ServerBoundCertService class is not thread safe.
+ return client_socket_factory_->CreateSSLClientSocket(
+ transport_socket, host_and_port, ssl_config_, context);
+} // namespace jingle_glue
diff --git a/jingle/glue/xmpp_client_socket_factory.h b/jingle/glue/xmpp_client_socket_factory.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f03a04e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jingle/glue/xmpp_client_socket_factory.h
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <string>
+#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
+#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
+#include "jingle/glue/resolving_client_socket_factory.h"
+#include "net/base/ssl_config_service.h"
+namespace net {
+class ClientSocketFactory;
+class ClientSocketHandle;
+class HostPortPair;
+class SSLClientSocket;
+class StreamSocket;
+class URLRequestContextGetter;
+} // namespace net
+namespace jingle_glue {
+class XmppClientSocketFactory : public ResolvingClientSocketFactory {
+ public:
+ // Does not take ownership of |client_socket_factory|.
+ XmppClientSocketFactory(
+ net::ClientSocketFactory* client_socket_factory,
+ const net::SSLConfig& ssl_config,
+ const scoped_refptr<net::URLRequestContextGetter>& request_context_getter,
+ bool use_fake_ssl_client_socket);
+ virtual ~XmppClientSocketFactory();
+ // ResolvingClientSocketFactory implementation.
+ virtual net::StreamSocket* CreateTransportClientSocket(
+ const net::HostPortPair& host_and_port) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual net::SSLClientSocket* CreateSSLClientSocket(
+ net::ClientSocketHandle* transport_socket,
+ const net::HostPortPair& host_and_port) OVERRIDE;
+ private:
+ net::ClientSocketFactory* const client_socket_factory_;
+ scoped_refptr<net::URLRequestContextGetter> request_context_getter_;
+ const net::SSLConfig ssl_config_;
+ const bool use_fake_ssl_client_socket_;
+ DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(XmppClientSocketFactory);
+} // namespace jingle_glue