path: root/net/disk_cache/entry_impl.h
diff options
mode: <>2014-03-03 16:35:28 +0000 <>2014-03-03 16:35:28 +0000
commitc2c5cfc4250c95b73539f28c9f435416c8cae240 (patch)
treef16752986b98155982ed1d95e7e82c466363fe67 /net/disk_cache/entry_impl.h
parentc7c1abc7b7c7ca539de99f0e73d067d80444e2b6 (diff)
Reland re-organization of net/disk_cache/
Originally this landed from , but reverted due to an iOS build break. BUG=331062, Review URL: git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
Diffstat (limited to 'net/disk_cache/entry_impl.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 278 deletions
diff --git a/net/disk_cache/entry_impl.h b/net/disk_cache/entry_impl.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 13d077c..0000000
--- a/net/disk_cache/entry_impl.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,278 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
-#include "net/base/net_log.h"
-#include "net/disk_cache/disk_cache.h"
-#include "net/disk_cache/disk_format.h"
-#include "net/disk_cache/storage_block.h"
-#include "net/disk_cache/storage_block-inl.h"
-namespace disk_cache {
-class BackendImpl;
-class InFlightBackendIO;
-class SparseControl;
-typedef StorageBlock<EntryStore> CacheEntryBlock;
-typedef StorageBlock<RankingsNode> CacheRankingsBlock;
-// This class implements the Entry interface. An object of this
-// class represents a single entry on the cache.
- : public Entry,
- public base::RefCounted<EntryImpl> {
- friend class base::RefCounted<EntryImpl>;
- friend class SparseControl;
- public:
- enum Operation {
- kRead,
- kWrite,
- kSparseRead,
- kSparseWrite,
- kAsyncIO,
- kReadAsync1,
- kWriteAsync1
- };
- EntryImpl(BackendImpl* backend, Addr address, bool read_only);
- // Background implementation of the Entry interface.
- void DoomImpl();
- int ReadDataImpl(int index, int offset, IOBuffer* buf, int buf_len,
- const CompletionCallback& callback);
- int WriteDataImpl(int index, int offset, IOBuffer* buf, int buf_len,
- const CompletionCallback& callback, bool truncate);
- int ReadSparseDataImpl(int64 offset, IOBuffer* buf, int buf_len,
- const CompletionCallback& callback);
- int WriteSparseDataImpl(int64 offset, IOBuffer* buf, int buf_len,
- const CompletionCallback& callback);
- int GetAvailableRangeImpl(int64 offset, int len, int64* start);
- void CancelSparseIOImpl();
- int ReadyForSparseIOImpl(const CompletionCallback& callback);
- inline CacheEntryBlock* entry() {
- return &entry_;
- }
- inline CacheRankingsBlock* rankings() {
- return &node_;
- }
- uint32 GetHash();
- // Performs the initialization of a EntryImpl that will be added to the
- // cache.
- bool CreateEntry(Addr node_address, const std::string& key, uint32 hash);
- // Returns true if this entry matches the lookup arguments.
- bool IsSameEntry(const std::string& key, uint32 hash);
- // Permamently destroys this entry.
- void InternalDoom();
- // Deletes this entry from disk. If |everything| is false, only the user data
- // will be removed, leaving the key and control data intact.
- void DeleteEntryData(bool everything);
- // Returns the address of the next entry on the list of entries with the same
- // hash.
- CacheAddr GetNextAddress();
- // Sets the address of the next entry on the list of entries with the same
- // hash.
- void SetNextAddress(Addr address);
- // Reloads the rankings node information.
- bool LoadNodeAddress();
- // Updates the stored data to reflect the run-time information for this entry.
- // Returns false if the data could not be updated. The purpose of this method
- // is to be able to detect entries that are currently in use.
- bool Update();
- bool dirty() {
- return dirty_;
- }
- bool doomed() {
- return doomed_;
- }
- // Marks this entry as dirty (in memory) if needed. This is intended only for
- // entries that are being read from disk, to be called during loading.
- void SetDirtyFlag(int32 current_id);
- // Fixes this entry so it can be treated as valid (to delete it).
- void SetPointerForInvalidEntry(int32 new_id);
- // Returns true if this entry is so meesed up that not everything is going to
- // be removed.
- bool LeaveRankingsBehind();
- // Returns false if the entry is clearly invalid.
- bool SanityCheck();
- bool DataSanityCheck();
- // Attempts to make this entry reachable though the key.
- void FixForDelete();
- // Handle the pending asynchronous IO count.
- void IncrementIoCount();
- void DecrementIoCount();
- // This entry is being returned to the user. It is always called from the
- // primary thread (not the dedicated cache thread).
- void OnEntryCreated(BackendImpl* backend);
- // Set the access times for this entry. This method provides support for
- // the upgrade tool.
- void SetTimes(base::Time last_used, base::Time last_modified);
- // Generates a histogram for the time spent working on this operation.
- void ReportIOTime(Operation op, const base::TimeTicks& start);
- // Logs a begin event and enables logging for the EntryImpl. Will also cause
- // an end event to be logged on destruction. The EntryImpl must have its key
- // initialized before this is called. |created| is true if the Entry was
- // created rather than opened.
- void BeginLogging(net::NetLog* net_log, bool created);
- const net::BoundNetLog& net_log() const;
- // Returns the number of blocks needed to store an EntryStore.
- static int NumBlocksForEntry(int key_size);
- // Entry interface.
- virtual void Doom() OVERRIDE;
- virtual void Close() OVERRIDE;
- virtual std::string GetKey() const OVERRIDE;
- virtual base::Time GetLastUsed() const OVERRIDE;
- virtual base::Time GetLastModified() const OVERRIDE;
- virtual int32 GetDataSize(int index) const OVERRIDE;
- virtual int ReadData(int index, int offset, IOBuffer* buf, int buf_len,
- const CompletionCallback& callback) OVERRIDE;
- virtual int WriteData(int index, int offset, IOBuffer* buf, int buf_len,
- const CompletionCallback& callback,
- bool truncate) OVERRIDE;
- virtual int ReadSparseData(int64 offset, IOBuffer* buf, int buf_len,
- const CompletionCallback& callback) OVERRIDE;
- virtual int WriteSparseData(int64 offset, IOBuffer* buf, int buf_len,
- const CompletionCallback& callback) OVERRIDE;
- virtual int GetAvailableRange(int64 offset, int len, int64* start,
- const CompletionCallback& callback) OVERRIDE;
- virtual bool CouldBeSparse() const OVERRIDE;
- virtual void CancelSparseIO() OVERRIDE;
- virtual int ReadyForSparseIO(const CompletionCallback& callback) OVERRIDE;
- private:
- enum {
- kNumStreams = 3
- };
- class UserBuffer;
- virtual ~EntryImpl();
- // Do all the work for ReadDataImpl and WriteDataImpl. Implemented as
- // separate functions to make logging of results simpler.
- int InternalReadData(int index, int offset, IOBuffer* buf,
- int buf_len, const CompletionCallback& callback);
- int InternalWriteData(int index, int offset, IOBuffer* buf, int buf_len,
- const CompletionCallback& callback, bool truncate);
- // Initializes the storage for an internal or external data block.
- bool CreateDataBlock(int index, int size);
- // Initializes the storage for an internal or external generic block.
- bool CreateBlock(int size, Addr* address);
- // Deletes the data pointed by address, maybe backed by files_[index].
- // Note that most likely the caller should delete (and store) the reference to
- // |address| *before* calling this method because we don't want to have an
- // entry using an address that is already free.
- void DeleteData(Addr address, int index);
- // Updates ranking information.
- void UpdateRank(bool modified);
- // Returns a pointer to the file that stores the given address.
- File* GetBackingFile(Addr address, int index);
- // Returns a pointer to the file that stores external data.
- File* GetExternalFile(Addr address, int index);
- // Prepares the target file or buffer for a write of buf_len bytes at the
- // given offset.
- bool PrepareTarget(int index, int offset, int buf_len, bool truncate);
- // Adjusts the internal buffer and file handle for a write that truncates this
- // stream.
- bool HandleTruncation(int index, int offset, int buf_len);
- // Copies data from disk to the internal buffer.
- bool CopyToLocalBuffer(int index);
- // Reads from a block data file to this object's memory buffer.
- bool MoveToLocalBuffer(int index);
- // Loads the external file to this object's memory buffer.
- bool ImportSeparateFile(int index, int new_size);
- // Makes sure that the internal buffer can handle the a write of |buf_len|
- // bytes to |offset|.
- bool PrepareBuffer(int index, int offset, int buf_len);
- // Flushes the in-memory data to the backing storage. The data destination
- // is determined based on the current data length and |min_len|.
- bool Flush(int index, int min_len);
- // Updates the size of a given data stream.
- void UpdateSize(int index, int old_size, int new_size);
- // Initializes the sparse control object. Returns a net error code.
- int InitSparseData();
- // Adds the provided |flags| to the current EntryFlags for this entry.
- void SetEntryFlags(uint32 flags);
- // Returns the current EntryFlags for this entry.
- uint32 GetEntryFlags();
- // Gets the data stored at the given index. If the information is in memory,
- // a buffer will be allocated and the data will be copied to it (the caller
- // can find out the size of the buffer before making this call). Otherwise,
- // the cache address of the data will be returned, and that address will be
- // removed from the regular book keeping of this entry so the caller is
- // responsible for deleting the block (or file) from the backing store at some
- // point; there is no need to report any storage-size change, only to do the
- // actual cleanup.
- void GetData(int index, char** buffer, Addr* address);
- // Logs this entry to the internal trace buffer.
- void Log(const char* msg);
- CacheEntryBlock entry_; // Key related information for this entry.
- CacheRankingsBlock node_; // Rankings related information for this entry.
- base::WeakPtr<BackendImpl> backend_; // Back pointer to the cache.
- base::WeakPtr<InFlightBackendIO> background_queue_; // In-progress queue.
- scoped_ptr<UserBuffer> user_buffers_[kNumStreams]; // Stores user data.
- // Files to store external user data and key.
- scoped_refptr<File> files_[kNumStreams + 1];
- mutable std::string key_; // Copy of the key.
- int unreported_size_[kNumStreams]; // Bytes not reported yet to the backend.
- bool doomed_; // True if this entry was removed from the cache.
- bool read_only_; // True if not yet writing.
- bool dirty_; // True if we detected that this is a dirty entry.
- scoped_ptr<SparseControl> sparse_; // Support for sparse entries.
- net::BoundNetLog net_log_;
-} // namespace disk_cache