path: root/net
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mode: <>2010-10-26 00:15:46 +0000 <>2010-10-26 00:15:46 +0000
commit26b937eb54b83dfe627000f11ddd9791f5996ccd (patch)
tree4dde215aa4c865b73de04bbf1e56aadd46578c39 /net
parentb30fe52b6986fc395fd16f571e0ec48e2d3dd420 (diff)
Implemented python XMPP server for use with sync integration tests.
The XMPP server will be hooked up to testserver in a future CL. BUG=53934 Review URL: git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
Diffstat (limited to 'net')
2 files changed, 777 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/net/tools/testserver/ b/net/tools/testserver/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad99571
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net/tools/testserver/
@@ -0,0 +1,527 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""A bare-bones and non-compliant XMPP server.
+Just enough of the protocol is implemented to get it to work with
+Chrome's sync notification system.
+import asynchat
+import asyncore
+import base64
+import re
+import socket
+from xml.dom import minidom
+# pychecker complains about the use of fileno(), which is implemented
+# by asyncore by forwarding to an internal object via __getattr__.
+__pychecker__ = 'no-classattr'
+class Error(Exception):
+ """Error class for this module."""
+ pass
+class UnexpectedXml(Error):
+ """Raised when an unexpected XML element has been encountered."""
+ def __init__(self, xml_element):
+ xml_text = xml_element.toxml()
+ Error.__init__(self, 'Unexpected XML element', xml_text)
+def ParseXml(xml_string):
+ """Parses the given string as XML and returns a minidom element
+ object.
+ """
+ dom = minidom.parseString(xml_string)
+ # minidom handles xmlns specially, but there's a bug where it sets
+ # the attribute value to None, which causes toxml() or toprettyxml()
+ # to break.
+ def FixMinidomXmlnsBug(xml_element):
+ if xml_element.getAttribute('xmlns') is None:
+ xml_element.setAttribute('xmlns', '')
+ def ApplyToAllDescendantElements(xml_element, fn):
+ fn(xml_element)
+ for node in xml_element.childNodes:
+ if node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE:
+ ApplyToAllDescendantElements(node, fn)
+ root = dom.documentElement
+ ApplyToAllDescendantElements(root, FixMinidomXmlnsBug)
+ return root
+def CloneXml(xml):
+ """Returns a deep copy of the given XML element.
+ Args:
+ xml: The XML element, which should be something returned from
+ ParseXml() (i.e., a root element).
+ """
+ return xml.ownerDocument.cloneNode(True).documentElement
+class StanzaParser(object):
+ """A hacky incremental XML parser.
+ StanzaParser consumes data incrementally via FeedString() and feeds
+ its delegate complete parsed stanzas (i.e., XML documents) via
+ FeedStanza(). Any stanzas passed to FeedStanza() are unlinked after
+ the callback is done.
+ Use like so:
+ class MyClass(object):
+ ...
+ def __init__(self, ...):
+ ...
+ self._parser = StanzaParser(self)
+ ...
+ def SomeFunction(self, ...):
+ ...
+ self._parser.FeedString(some_data)
+ ...
+ def FeedStanza(self, stanza):
+ ...
+ print stanza.toprettyxml()
+ ...
+ """
+ # NOTE(akalin): The following regexps are naive, but necessary since
+ # none of the existing Python 2.4/2.5 XML libraries support
+ # incremental parsing. This works well enough for our purposes.
+ #
+ # The regexps below assume that any present XML element starts at
+ # the beginning of the string, but there may be trailing whitespace.
+ # Matches an opening stream tag (e.g., '<stream:stream foo="bar">')
+ # (assumes that the stream XML namespace is defined in the tag).
+ _stream_re = re.compile(r'^(<stream:stream [^>]*>)\s*')
+ # Matches an empty element tag (e.g., '<foo bar="baz"/>').
+ _empty_element_re = re.compile(r'^(<[^>]*/>)\s*')
+ # Matches a non-empty element (e.g., '<foo bar="baz">quux</foo>').
+ # Does *not* handle nested elements.
+ _non_empty_element_re = re.compile(r'^(<([^ >]*)[^>]*>.*?</\2>)\s*')
+ # The closing tag for a stream tag. We have to insert this
+ # ourselves since all XML stanzas are children of the stream tag,
+ # which is never closed until the connection is closed.
+ _stream_suffix = '</stream:stream>'
+ def __init__(self, delegate):
+ self._buffer = ''
+ self._delegate = delegate
+ def FeedString(self, data):
+ """Consumes the given string data, possibly feeding one or more
+ stanzas to the delegate.
+ """
+ self._buffer += data
+ while (self._ProcessBuffer(self._stream_re, self._stream_suffix) or
+ self._ProcessBuffer(self._empty_element_re) or
+ self._ProcessBuffer(self._non_empty_element_re)):
+ pass
+ def _ProcessBuffer(self, regexp, xml_suffix=''):
+ """If the buffer matches the given regexp, removes the match from
+ the buffer, appends the given suffix, parses it, and feeds it to
+ the delegate.
+ Returns:
+ Whether or not the buffer matched the given regexp.
+ """
+ results = regexp.match(self._buffer)
+ if not results:
+ return False
+ xml_text = self._buffer[:results.end()] + xml_suffix
+ self._buffer = self._buffer[results.end():]
+ stanza = ParseXml(xml_text)
+ self._delegate.FeedStanza(stanza)
+ # Needed because stanza may have cycles.
+ stanza.unlink()
+ return True
+class Jid(object):
+ """Simple struct for an XMPP jid (essentially an e-mail address with
+ an optional resource string).
+ """
+ def __init__(self, username, domain, resource=''):
+ self.username = username
+ self.domain = domain
+ self.resource = resource
+ def __str__(self):
+ jid_str = "%s@%s" % (self.username, self.domain)
+ if self.resource:
+ jid_str += '/' + self.resource
+ return jid_str
+ def GetBareJid(self):
+ return Jid(self.username, self.domain)
+class IdGenerator(object):
+ """Simple class to generate unique IDs for XMPP messages."""
+ def __init__(self, prefix):
+ self._prefix = prefix
+ self._id = 0
+ def GetNextId(self):
+ next_id = "%s.%s" % (self._prefix, self._id)
+ self._id += 1
+ return next_id
+class HandshakeTask(object):
+ """Class to handle the initial handshake with a connected XMPP
+ client.
+ """
+ # The handshake states in order.
+ _FINISHED) = range(6)
+ # states. Not an XML object as it's only the opening tag.
+ #
+ # The from and id attributes are filled in later.
+ '<stream:stream from="%s" id="%s" '
+ 'version="1.0" xmlns:stream="" '
+ 'xmlns="jabber:client">')
+ # Used when in the _INITIAL_STREAM_NEEDED state.
+ _AUTH_STANZA = ParseXml(
+ '<stream:features xmlns:stream="">'
+ ' <mechanisms xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl">'
+ ' <mechanism>PLAIN</mechanism>'
+ ' <mechanism>X-GOOGLE-TOKEN</mechanism>'
+ ' </mechanisms>'
+ '</stream:features>')
+ # Used when in the _AUTH_NEEDED state.
+ '<success xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl"/>')
+ # Used when in the _AUTH_STREAM_NEEDED state.
+ _BIND_STANZA = ParseXml(
+ '<stream:features xmlns:stream="">'
+ ' <bind xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind"/>'
+ ' <session xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-session"/>'
+ '</stream:features>')
+ # Used when in the _BIND_NEEDED state.
+ #
+ # The id and jid attributes are filled in later.
+ '<iq id="" type="result">'
+ ' <bind xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind">'
+ ' <jid/>'
+ ' </bind>'
+ '</iq>')
+ # Used when in the _SESSION_NEEDED state.
+ #
+ # The id attribute is filled in later.
+ _IQ_RESPONSE_STANZA = ParseXml('<iq id="" type="result"/>')
+ def __init__(self, connection, id_generator, resource_prefix):
+ self._connection = connection
+ self._id_generator = id_generator
+ self._username = ''
+ self._domain = ''
+ self._jid = None
+ self._resource_prefix = resource_prefix
+ self._state = self._INITIAL_STREAM_NEEDED
+ def FeedStanza(self, stanza):
+ """Inspects the given stanza and changes the handshake state if needed.
+ Called when a stanza is received from the client. Inspects the
+ stanza to make sure it has the expected attributes given the
+ current state, advances the state if needed, and sends a reply to
+ the client if needed.
+ """
+ def ExpectStanza(stanza, name):
+ if stanza.tagName != name:
+ raise UnexpectedXml(stanza)
+ def ExpectIq(stanza, type, name):
+ ExpectStanza(stanza, 'iq')
+ if (stanza.getAttribute('type') != type or
+ stanza.firstChild.tagName != name):
+ raise UnexpectedXml(stanza)
+ def GetStanzaId(stanza):
+ return stanza.getAttribute('id')
+ def HandleStream(stanza):
+ ExpectStanza(stanza, 'stream:stream')
+ domain = stanza.getAttribute('to')
+ if domain:
+ self._domain = domain
+ SendStreamData()
+ def SendStreamData():
+ next_id = self._id_generator.GetNextId()
+ stream_data = self._STREAM_DATA % (self._domain, next_id)
+ self._connection.SendData(stream_data)
+ def GetUserDomain(stanza):
+ encoded_username_password =
+ username_password = base64.b64decode(encoded_username_password)
+ (_, username_domain, _) = username_password.split('\0')
+ # The domain may be omitted.
+ #
+ # If we were using python 2.5, we'd be able to do:
+ #
+ # username, _, domain = username_domain.partition('@')
+ # if not domain:
+ # domain = self._domain
+ at_pos = username_domain.find('@')
+ if at_pos != -1:
+ username = username_domain[:at_pos]
+ domain = username_domain[at_pos+1:]
+ else:
+ username = username_domain
+ domain = self._domain
+ return (username, domain)
+ if self._state == self._INITIAL_STREAM_NEEDED:
+ HandleStream(stanza)
+ self._connection.SendStanza(self._AUTH_STANZA, False)
+ self._state = self._AUTH_NEEDED
+ elif self._state == self._AUTH_NEEDED:
+ ExpectStanza(stanza, 'auth')
+ (self._username, self._domain) = GetUserDomain(stanza)
+ self._connection.SendStanza(self._AUTH_SUCCESS_STANZA, False)
+ self._state = self._AUTH_STREAM_NEEDED
+ elif self._state == self._AUTH_STREAM_NEEDED:
+ HandleStream(stanza)
+ self._connection.SendStanza(self._BIND_STANZA, False)
+ self._state = self._BIND_NEEDED
+ elif self._state == self._BIND_NEEDED:
+ ExpectIq(stanza, 'set', 'bind')
+ stanza_id = GetStanzaId(stanza)
+ resource_element = stanza.getElementsByTagName('resource')[0]
+ resource =
+ full_resource = '%s.%s' % (self._resource_prefix, resource)
+ response = CloneXml(self._BIND_RESULT_STANZA)
+ response.setAttribute('id', stanza_id)
+ self._jid = Jid(self._username, self._domain, full_resource)
+ jid_text = response.parentNode.createTextNode(str(self._jid))
+ response.getElementsByTagName('jid')[0].appendChild(jid_text)
+ self._connection.SendStanza(response)
+ self._state = self._SESSION_NEEDED
+ elif self._state == self._SESSION_NEEDED:
+ ExpectIq(stanza, 'set', 'session')
+ stanza_id = GetStanzaId(stanza)
+ xml = CloneXml(self._IQ_RESPONSE_STANZA)
+ xml.setAttribute('id', stanza_id)
+ self._connection.SendStanza(xml)
+ self._state = self._FINISHED
+ self._connection.HandshakeDone(self._jid)
+def AddrString(addr):
+ return '%s:%d' % addr
+class XmppConnection(asynchat.async_chat):
+ """A single XMPP client connection.
+ This class handles the connection to a single XMPP client (via a
+ socket). It does the XMPP handshake and also implements the (old)
+ Google notification protocol.
+ """
+ # We use this XML template for subscription responses as well as
+ # notifications (conveniently enough, the same template works
+ # for both).
+ #
+ # The from, to, id, and type attributes are filled in later.
+ """<iq from="" to="" id="" type="">
+ <not:getAll xmlns:not="google:notifier">
+ <Result xmlns=""/>
+ </not:getAll>
+ </iq>
+ """)
+ def __init__(self, sock, socket_map, connections, addr):
+ """Starts up the xmpp connection.
+ Args:
+ sock: The socket to the client.
+ socket_map: A map from sockets to their owning objects.
+ connections: The set of handshake-completed connections.
+ addr: The host/port of the client.
+ """
+ asynchat.async_chat.__init__(self, sock)
+ self.set_terminator(None)
+ # async_chat in Python 2.4 has a bug where it ignores a
+ # socket_map argument. So we handle that ourselves.
+ self._socket_map = socket_map
+ self._socket_map[self.fileno()] = self
+ self._connections = connections
+ self._parser = StanzaParser(self)
+ self._jid = None
+ self._addr = addr
+ addr_str = AddrString(self._addr)
+ self._id_generator = IdGenerator(addr_str)
+ self._handshake_task = (
+ HandshakeTask(self, self._id_generator, addr_str))
+ print 'Starting connection to %s' % self
+ def __str__(self):
+ if self._jid:
+ return str(self._jid)
+ else:
+ return AddrString(self._addr)
+ # async_chat implementation.
+ def collect_incoming_data(self, data):
+ self._parser.FeedString(data)
+ # This is only here to make pychecker happy.
+ def found_terminator(self):
+ asynchat.async_chat.found_terminator(self)
+ def handle_close(self):
+ print "Closing connection to %s" % self
+ # Remove ourselves from anywhere we possibly installed ourselves.
+ self._connections.discard(self)
+ del self._socket_map[self.fileno()]
+ # Called by self._parser.FeedString().
+ def FeedStanza(self, stanza):
+ if self._handshake_task:
+ self._handshake_task.FeedStanza(stanza)
+ elif stanza.tagName == 'iq':
+ self._HandleIq(stanza)
+ else:
+ raise UnexpectedXml(stanza)
+ # Called by self._handshake_task.
+ def HandshakeDone(self, jid):
+ self._jid = jid
+ self._handshake_task = None
+ self._connections.add(self)
+ print "Handshake done for %s" % self
+ def _HandleIq(self, iq):
+ if (iq.firstChild and
+ iq.firstChild.namespaceURI == 'google:notifier'):
+ iq_id = iq.getAttribute('id')
+ self._HandleNotifierCommand(iq_id, iq.firstChild)
+ elif iq.getAttribute('type') == 'result':
+ # Ignore all client acks.
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise UnexpectedXml(iq)
+ def _HandleNotifierCommand(self, id, command_xml):
+ command = command_xml.tagName
+ if command == 'getAll':
+ # Subscription request.
+ if not command_xml.getElementsByTagName('SubscribedServiceUrl'):
+ raise UnexpectedXml(command_xml)
+ self._SendNotifierStanza(id, 'result')
+ elif command == 'set':
+ # Send notification request.
+ SendNotification(self._connections)
+ else:
+ raise UnexpectedXml(command_xml)
+ def _SendNotifierStanza(self, id, type):
+ stanza = CloneXml(self._NOTIFIER_STANZA)
+ stanza.setAttribute('from', str(self._jid.GetBareJid()))
+ stanza.setAttribute('to', str(self._jid))
+ stanza.setAttribute('id', id)
+ stanza.setAttribute('type', type)
+ self.SendStanza(stanza)
+ def SendStanza(self, stanza, unlink=True):
+ """Sends a stanza to the client.
+ Args:
+ stanza: The stanza to send.
+ unlink: Whether to unlink stanza after sending it. (Pass in
+ False if stanza is a constant.)
+ """
+ self.SendData(stanza.toxml())
+ if unlink:
+ stanza.unlink()
+ def SendData(self, data):
+ """Sends raw data to the client.
+ """
+ # We explicitly encode to ascii as that is what the client expects
+ # (some minidom library functions return unicode strings).
+ self.push(data.encode('ascii'))
+ def SendNotification(self):
+ """Sends a notification to the client."""
+ next_id = self._id_generator.GetNextId()
+ self._SendNotifierStanza(next_id, 'set')
+def SendNotification(connections):
+ """Sends a notification to all connections in the given sequence."""
+ for connection in connections:
+ print 'Sending notification to %s' % connection
+ connection.SendNotification()
+class XmppServer(asyncore.dispatcher):
+ """The main XMPP server class.
+ The XMPP server starts accepting connections on the given address
+ and spawns off XmppConnection objects for each one.
+ Use like so:
+ socket_map = {}
+ xmpp_server = xmppserver.XmppServer(socket_map, ('', 5222))
+ asyncore.loop(30.0, False, socket_map)
+ """
+ def __init__(self, socket_map, addr):
+ asyncore.dispatcher.__init__(self, None, socket_map)
+ self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+ self.set_reuse_addr()
+ self.bind(addr)
+ self.listen(5)
+ self._socket_map = socket_map
+ self._socket_map[self.fileno()] = self
+ self._connections = set()
+ print 'XMPP server running at %s' % AddrString(addr)
+ def handle_accept(self):
+ (sock, addr) = self.accept()
+ XmppConnection(sock, self._socket_map, self._connections, addr)
diff --git a/net/tools/testserver/ b/net/tools/testserver/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e033a69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net/tools/testserver/
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Tests exercising the various classes in"""
+import unittest
+import base64
+import xmppserver
+class XmlUtilsTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def testParseXml(self):
+ xml_text = """<foo xmlns=""><bar xmlns=""><baz/></bar></foo>"""
+ xml = xmppserver.ParseXml(xml_text)
+ self.assertEqual(xml.toxml(), xml_text)
+ def testCloneXml(self):
+ xml = xmppserver.ParseXml('<foo/>')
+ xml_clone = xmppserver.CloneXml(xml)
+ xml_clone.setAttribute('bar', 'baz')
+ self.assertEqual(xml, xml)
+ self.assertEqual(xml_clone, xml_clone)
+ self.assertNotEqual(xml, xml_clone)
+ def testCloneXmlUnlink(self):
+ xml_text = '<foo/>'
+ xml = xmppserver.ParseXml(xml_text)
+ xml_clone = xmppserver.CloneXml(xml)
+ xml.unlink()
+ self.assertEqual(xml.parentNode, None)
+ self.assertNotEqual(xml_clone.parentNode, None)
+ self.assertEqual(xml_clone.toxml(), xml_text)
+class StanzaParserTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.stanzas = []
+ def FeedStanza(self, stanza):
+ # We can't append stanza directly because it is unlinked after
+ # this callback.
+ self.stanzas.append(stanza.toxml())
+ def testBasic(self):
+ parser = xmppserver.StanzaParser(self)
+ parser.FeedString('<foo')
+ self.assertEqual(len(self.stanzas), 0)
+ parser.FeedString('/><bar></bar>')
+ self.assertEqual(self.stanzas[0], '<foo/>')
+ self.assertEqual(self.stanzas[1], '<bar/>')
+ def testStream(self):
+ parser = xmppserver.StanzaParser(self)
+ parser.FeedString('<stream')
+ self.assertEqual(len(self.stanzas), 0)
+ parser.FeedString(':stream foo="bar" xmlns:stream="baz">')
+ self.assertEqual(self.stanzas[0],
+ '<stream:stream foo="bar" xmlns:stream="baz"/>')
+ def testNested(self):
+ parser = xmppserver.StanzaParser(self)
+ parser.FeedString('<foo')
+ self.assertEqual(len(self.stanzas), 0)
+ parser.FeedString(' bar="baz"')
+ parser.FeedString('><baz/><blah>meh</blah></foo>')
+ self.assertEqual(self.stanzas[0],
+ '<foo bar="baz"><baz/><blah>meh</blah></foo>')
+class JidTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def testBasic(self):
+ jid = xmppserver.Jid('foo', '')
+ self.assertEqual(str(jid), '')
+ def testResource(self):
+ jid = xmppserver.Jid('foo', '', 'resource')
+ self.assertEqual(str(jid), '')
+ def testGetBareJid(self):
+ jid = xmppserver.Jid('foo', '', 'resource')
+ self.assertEqual(str(jid.GetBareJid()), '')
+class IdGeneratorTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def testBasic(self):
+ id_generator = xmppserver.IdGenerator('foo')
+ for i in xrange(0, 100):
+ self.assertEqual('foo.%d' % i, id_generator.GetNextId())
+class HandshakeTaskTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.data_received = 0
+ def SendData(self, _):
+ self.data_received += 1
+ def SendStanza(self, _, unused=True):
+ self.data_received += 1
+ def HandshakeDone(self, jid):
+ self.jid = jid
+ def DoHandshake(self, resource_prefix, resource, username,
+ initial_stream_domain, auth_domain, auth_stream_domain):
+ self.data_received = 0
+ id_generator = xmppserver.IdGenerator('foo')
+ handshake_task = (
+ xmppserver.HandshakeTask(self, id_generator, resource_prefix))
+ stream_xml = xmppserver.ParseXml('<stream:stream xmlns:stream="foo"/>')
+ stream_xml.setAttribute('to', initial_stream_domain)
+ self.assertEqual(self.data_received, 0)
+ handshake_task.FeedStanza(stream_xml)
+ self.assertEqual(self.data_received, 2)
+ if auth_domain:
+ username_domain = '%s@%s' % (username, auth_domain)
+ else:
+ username_domain = username
+ auth_string = base64.b64encode('\0%s\0bar' % username_domain)
+ auth_xml = xmppserver.ParseXml('<auth>%s</auth>'% auth_string)
+ handshake_task.FeedStanza(auth_xml)
+ self.assertEqual(self.data_received, 3)
+ stream_xml = xmppserver.ParseXml('<stream:stream xmlns:stream="foo"/>')
+ stream_xml.setAttribute('to', auth_stream_domain)
+ handshake_task.FeedStanza(stream_xml)
+ self.assertEqual(self.data_received, 5)
+ bind_xml = xmppserver.ParseXml(
+ '<iq type="set"><bind><resource>%s</resource></bind></iq>' % resource)
+ handshake_task.FeedStanza(bind_xml)
+ self.assertEqual(self.data_received, 6)
+ session_xml = xmppserver.ParseXml(
+ '<iq type="set"><session></session></iq>')
+ handshake_task.FeedStanza(session_xml)
+ self.assertEqual(self.data_received, 7)
+ self.assertEqual(self.jid.username, username)
+ self.assertEqual(self.jid.domain,
+ auth_stream_domain or auth_domain or
+ initial_stream_domain)
+ self.assertEqual(self.jid.resource,
+ '%s.%s' % (resource_prefix, resource))
+ def testBasic(self):
+ self.DoHandshake('resource_prefix', 'resource',
+ 'foo', '', '', '')
+ def testDomainBehavior(self):
+ self.DoHandshake('resource_prefix', 'resource',
+ 'foo', '', '', '')
+ self.DoHandshake('resource_prefix', 'resource',
+ 'foo', '', '', '')
+ self.DoHandshake('resource_prefix', 'resource',
+ 'foo', '', '', '')
+ self.DoHandshake('resource_prefix', 'resource',
+ 'foo', '', '', '')
+class XmppConnectionTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ = []
+ # socket-like methods.
+ def fileno(self):
+ return 0
+ def setblocking(self, int):
+ pass
+ def getpeername(self):
+ return ('', 0)
+ def send(self, data):
+ pass
+ def testBasic(self):
+ connections = set()
+ xmpp_connection = xmppserver.XmppConnection(
+ self, {}, connections, ('', 0))
+ self.assertEqual(len(connections), 0)
+ xmpp_connection.HandshakeDone(xmppserver.Jid('foo', 'bar'))
+ self.assertEqual(len(connections), 1)
+ # Test subscription request.
+ self.assertEqual(len(, 0)
+ xmpp_connection.collect_incoming_data(
+ '<iq><getAll xmlns="google:notifier">'
+ '<SubscribedServiceUrl/></getAll></iq>')
+ self.assertEqual(len(, 1)
+ # Test acks.
+ xmpp_connection.collect_incoming_data('<iq type="result"/>')
+ self.assertEqual(len(, 1)
+ # Test notification.
+ xmpp_connection.collect_incoming_data(
+ '<iq><set xmlns="google:notifier"/></iq>')
+ self.assertEqual(len(, 2)
+ # Test unexpected stanza.
+ def SendUnexpectedStanza():
+ xmpp_connection.collect_incoming_data('<foo/>')
+ self.assertRaises(xmppserver.UnexpectedXml, SendUnexpectedStanza)
+ # Test unexpected notifier command.
+ def SendUnexpectedNotifierCommand():
+ xmpp_connection.collect_incoming_data(
+ '<iq><foo xmlns="google:notifier"/></iq>')
+ self.assertRaises(xmppserver.UnexpectedXml,
+ SendUnexpectedNotifierCommand)
+class XmppServerTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ # socket-like methods.
+ def fileno(self):
+ return 0
+ def setblocking(self, int):
+ pass
+ def getpeername(self):
+ return ('', 0)
+ def testBasic(self):
+ class FakeXmppServer(xmppserver.XmppServer):
+ def accept(self2):
+ return (self, ('', 0))
+ socket_map = {}
+ self.assertEqual(len(socket_map), 0)
+ xmpp_server = FakeXmppServer(socket_map, ('', 0))
+ self.assertEqual(len(socket_map), 1)
+ xmpp_server.handle_accept()
+ self.assertEqual(len(socket_map), 2)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()