path: root/net
diff options
mode: <>2014-01-10 00:25:15 +0000 <>2014-01-10 00:25:15 +0000
commitb46767a36914907cbe36d7953980a5a399041806 (patch)
tree9870b5ac0004c21730d372c8fe7da1bf5bbf297b /net
parent86ba1fe0d2582adf113f68a32532277017c4449f (diff)
Disk cache v3: The main index table.
The IndexTable controls what entries are stored in the cache. This class provides a memory-only view of the underlying structures that store "the index" BUG=241277 TEST=net_unittests Review URL: git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
Diffstat (limited to 'net')
7 files changed, 2221 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/net/disk_cache/addr.h b/net/disk_cache/addr.h
index f0fb1ca..664e462 100644
--- a/net/disk_cache/addr.h
+++ b/net/disk_cache/addr.h
@@ -54,6 +54,18 @@ const int kFirstAdditionalBlockFileV3 = 7;
// 0000 0011 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 : number of contiguous blocks 1-4
// 0000 0000 1111 1111 0000 0000 0000 0000 : file selector 0 - 255
// 0000 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111 1111 : block# 0 - 65,535 (2^16)
+// Note that an Addr can be used to "point" to a variety of different objects,
+// from a given type of entry to random blobs of data. Conceptually, an Addr is
+// just a number that someone can inspect to find out how to locate the desired
+// record. Most users will not care about the specific bits inside Addr, for
+// example, what parts of it point to a file number; only the code that has to
+// select a specific file would care about those specific bits.
+// From a general point of view, an Addr has a total capacity of 2^24 entities,
+// in that it has 24 bits that can identify individual records. Note that the
+// address space is bigger for independent files (2^28), but that would not be
+// the general case.
Addr() : value_(0) {}
@@ -108,14 +120,6 @@ class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE Addr {
return value_ != other.value_;
- static Addr FromEntryAddress(uint32 value) {
- return Addr(kInitializedMask + (BLOCK_ENTRIES << kFileTypeOffset) + value);
- }
- static Addr FromEvictedAddress(uint32 value) {
- return Addr(kInitializedMask + (BLOCK_EVICTED << kFileTypeOffset) + value);
- }
static int BlockSizeForFileType(FileType file_type) {
switch (file_type) {
diff --git a/net/disk_cache/disk_format_base.h b/net/disk_cache/disk_format_base.h
index 3198381..419f41b 100644
--- a/net/disk_cache/disk_format_base.h
+++ b/net/disk_cache/disk_format_base.h
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ const uint32 kBlockCurrentVersion = 0x30000; // Version 3.0.
const uint32 kBlockMagic = 0xC104CAC3;
const int kBlockHeaderSize = 8192; // Two pages: almost 64k entries
const int kMaxBlocks = (kBlockHeaderSize - 80) * 8;
+const int kNumExtraBlocks = 1024; // How fast files grow.
// Bitmap to track used blocks on a block-file.
typedef uint32 AllocBitmap[kMaxBlocks / 32];
diff --git a/net/disk_cache/v3/disk_format_v3.h b/net/disk_cache/v3/disk_format_v3.h
index 5616377..7777c783 100644
--- a/net/disk_cache/v3/disk_format_v3.h
+++ b/net/disk_cache/v3/disk_format_v3.h
@@ -37,6 +37,10 @@
// internal structures are modified, so it is possible to detect (most of the
// time) when the process dies in the middle of an update. There are dedicated
// backup files for cache bitmaps, used to detect entries out of date.
+// Although cache files are to be consumed on the same machine that creates
+// them, if files are to be moved accross machines, little endian storage is
+// assumed.
@@ -46,14 +50,15 @@
namespace disk_cache {
-const int kBaseTableLen = 0x10000;
+const int kBaseTableLen = 0x400;
const uint32 kIndexMagicV3 = 0xC103CAC3;
const uint32 kVersion3 = 0x30000; // Version 3.0.
// Flags for a given cache.
enum CacheFlags {
- CACHE_EVICTION_2 = 1, // Keep multiple lists for eviction.
- CACHE_EVICTED = 1 << 1 // Already evicted at least one entry.
+ SMALL_CACHE = 1 << 0, // See IndexCell.
+ CACHE_EVICTION_2 = 1 << 1, // Keep multiple lists for eviction.
+ CACHE_EVICTED = 1 << 2 // Already evicted at least one entry.
// Header for the master index file.
@@ -119,30 +124,81 @@ COMPILE_ASSERT(ENTRY_USED <= 7, group_uses_3_bits);
struct IndexCell {
void Clear() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); }
- uint64 address : 22;
- uint64 hash : 18;
- uint64 timestamp : 20;
- uint64 reuse : 4;
- uint8 state : 3;
- uint8 group : 3;
- uint8 sum : 2;
+ // A cell is a 9 byte bit-field that stores 7 values:
+ // location : 22 bits
+ // id : 18 bits
+ // timestamp : 20 bits
+ // reuse : 4 bits
+ // state : 3 bits
+ // group : 3 bits
+ // sum : 2 bits
+ // The id is derived from the full hash of the entry.
+ //
+ // The actual layout is as follows:
+ //
+ // first_part (low order 32 bits):
+ // 0000 0000 0011 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 : location
+ // 1111 1111 1100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 : id
+ //
+ // first_part (high order 32 bits):
+ // 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 : id
+ // 0000 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 0000 0000 : timestamp
+ // 1111 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 : reuse
+ //
+ // last_part:
+ // 0000 0111 : state
+ // 0011 1000 : group
+ // 1100 0000 : sum
+ //
+ // The small-cache version of the format moves some bits from the location to
+ // the id fileds, like so:
+ // location : 16 bits
+ // id : 24 bits
+ //
+ // first_part (low order 32 bits):
+ // 0000 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111 1111 : location
+ // 1111 1111 1111 1111 0000 0000 0000 0000 : id
+ //
+ // The actual bit distribution between location and id is determined by the
+ // table size (IndexHeaderV3.table_len). Tables smaller than 65536 entries
+ // use the small-cache version; after that size, caches should have the
+ // SMALL_CACHE flag cleared.
+ //
+ // To locate a given entry after recovering the location from the cell, the
+ // file type and file number are appended (see disk_cache/addr.h). For a large
+ // table only the file type is implied; for a small table, the file number
+ // is also implied, and it should be the first file for that type of entry,
+ // as determined by the EntryGroup (two files in total, one for active entries
+ // and another one for evicted entries).
+ //
+ // For example, a small table may store something like 0x1234 as the location
+ // field. That means it stores the entry number 0x1234. If that record belongs
+ // to a deleted entry, the regular cache address may look something like
+ // BLOCK_EVICTED + 1 block + file number 6 + entry number 0x1234
+ // so Addr = 0xf0061234
+ //
+ // If that same Addr is stored on a large table, the location field would be
+ // 0x61234
+ uint64 first_part;
+ uint8 last_part;
COMPILE_ASSERT(sizeof(IndexCell) == 9, bad_IndexCell);
+const int kCellsPerBucket = 4;
struct IndexBucket {
- IndexCell cells[4];
+ IndexCell cells[kCellsPerBucket];
int32 next;
- uint32 hash : 24; // The last byte is only defined for buckets of
- uint32 reserved : 8; // the extra table.
+ uint32 hash; // The high order byte is reserved (should be zero).
COMPILE_ASSERT(sizeof(IndexBucket) == 44, bad_IndexBucket);
-const int kBytesPerCell = 44 / 4;
+const int kBytesPerCell = 44 / kCellsPerBucket;
// The main cache index. Backed by a file named index_tb1.
// The extra table (index_tb2) has a similar format, but different size.
struct Index {
// Default size. Actual size controlled by header.table_len.
- IndexBucket table[kBaseTableLen / 4];
+ IndexBucket table[kBaseTableLen / kCellsPerBucket];
#pragma pack(pop)
diff --git a/net/disk_cache/v3/ b/net/disk_cache/v3/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3bbb130
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net/disk_cache/v3/
@@ -0,0 +1,1149 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "net/disk_cache/v3/index_table.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <set>
+#include <utility>
+#include "base/bits.h"
+#include "net/base/io_buffer.h"
+#include "net/base/net_errors.h"
+#include "net/disk_cache/disk_cache.h"
+using base::Time;
+using base::TimeDelta;
+using disk_cache::CellInfo;
+using disk_cache::CellList;
+using disk_cache::IndexCell;
+using disk_cache::IndexIterator;
+namespace {
+// The following constants describe the bitfields of an IndexCell so they are
+// implicitly synchronized with the descrption of IndexCell on file_format_v3.h.
+const uint64 kCellLocationMask = (1 << 22) - 1;
+const uint64 kCellIdMask = (1 << 18) - 1;
+const uint64 kCellTimestampMask = (1 << 20) - 1;
+const uint64 kCellReuseMask = (1 << 4) - 1;
+const uint8 kCellStateMask = (1 << 3) - 1;
+const uint8 kCellGroupMask = (1 << 3) - 1;
+const uint8 kCellSumMask = (1 << 2) - 1;
+const uint64 kCellSmallTableLocationMask = (1 << 16) - 1;
+const uint64 kCellSmallTableIdMask = (1 << 24) - 1;
+const int kCellIdOffset = 22;
+const int kCellTimestampOffset = 40;
+const int kCellReuseOffset = 60;
+const int kCellGroupOffset = 3;
+const int kCellSumOffset = 6;
+const int kCellSmallTableIdOffset = 16;
+// The number of bits that a hash has to be shifted to grab the part that
+// defines the cell id.
+const int kHashShift = 14;
+const int kSmallTableHashShift = 8;
+// Unfortunately we have to break the abstaction a little here: the file number
+// where entries are stored is outside of the control of this code, and it is
+// usually part of the stored address. However, for small tables we only store
+// 16 bits of the address so the file number is never stored on a cell. We have
+// to infere the file number from the type of entry (normal vs evicted), and
+// the knowledge that given that the table will not keep more than 64k entries,
+// a single file of each type is enough.
+const int kEntriesFile = disk_cache::BLOCK_ENTRIES - 1;
+const int kEvictedEntriesFile = disk_cache::BLOCK_EVICTED - 1;
+const int kMaxLocation = 1 << 22;
+const int kMinFileNumber = 1 << 16;
+uint32 GetCellLocation(const IndexCell& cell) {
+ return cell.first_part & kCellLocationMask;
+uint32 GetCellSmallTableLocation(const IndexCell& cell) {
+ return cell.first_part & kCellSmallTableLocationMask;
+uint32 GetCellId(const IndexCell& cell) {
+ return (cell.first_part >> kCellIdOffset) & kCellIdMask;
+uint32 GetCellSmallTableId(const IndexCell& cell) {
+ return (cell.first_part >> kCellSmallTableIdOffset) &
+ kCellSmallTableIdMask;
+int GetCellTimestamp(const IndexCell& cell) {
+ return (cell.first_part >> kCellTimestampOffset) & kCellTimestampMask;
+int GetCellReuse(const IndexCell& cell) {
+ return (cell.first_part >> kCellReuseOffset) & kCellReuseMask;
+int GetCellState(const IndexCell& cell) {
+ return cell.last_part & kCellStateMask;
+int GetCellGroup(const IndexCell& cell) {
+ return (cell.last_part >> kCellGroupOffset) & kCellGroupMask;
+int GetCellSum(const IndexCell& cell) {
+ return (cell.last_part >> kCellSumOffset) & kCellSumMask;
+void SetCellLocation(IndexCell* cell, uint32 address) {
+ DCHECK_LE(address, static_cast<uint32>(kCellLocationMask));
+ cell->first_part &= ~kCellLocationMask;
+ cell->first_part |= address;
+void SetCellSmallTableLocation(IndexCell* cell, uint32 address) {
+ DCHECK_LE(address, static_cast<uint32>(kCellSmallTableLocationMask));
+ cell->first_part &= ~kCellSmallTableLocationMask;
+ cell->first_part |= address;
+void SetCellId(IndexCell* cell, uint32 hash) {
+ DCHECK_LE(hash, static_cast<uint32>(kCellIdMask));
+ cell->first_part &= ~(kCellIdMask << kCellIdOffset);
+ cell->first_part |= static_cast<int64>(hash) << kCellIdOffset;
+void SetCellSmallTableId(IndexCell* cell, uint32 hash) {
+ DCHECK_LE(hash, static_cast<uint32>(kCellSmallTableIdMask));
+ cell->first_part &= ~(kCellSmallTableIdMask << kCellSmallTableIdOffset);
+ cell->first_part |= static_cast<int64>(hash) << kCellSmallTableIdOffset;
+void SetCellTimestamp(IndexCell* cell, int timestamp) {
+ DCHECK_LT(timestamp, 1 << 20);
+ DCHECK_GE(timestamp, 0);
+ cell->first_part &= ~(kCellTimestampMask << kCellTimestampOffset);
+ cell->first_part |= static_cast<int64>(timestamp) << kCellTimestampOffset;
+void SetCellReuse(IndexCell* cell, int count) {
+ DCHECK_LT(count, 16);
+ DCHECK_GE(count, 0);
+ cell->first_part &= ~(kCellReuseMask << kCellReuseOffset);
+ cell->first_part |= static_cast<int64>(count) << kCellReuseOffset;
+void SetCellState(IndexCell* cell, disk_cache::EntryState state) {
+ cell->last_part &= ~kCellStateMask;
+ cell->last_part |= state;
+void SetCellGroup(IndexCell* cell, disk_cache::EntryGroup group) {
+ cell->last_part &= ~(kCellGroupMask << kCellGroupOffset);
+ cell->last_part |= group << kCellGroupOffset;
+void SetCellSum(IndexCell* cell, int sum) {
+ DCHECK_LT(sum, 4);
+ DCHECK_GE(sum, 0);
+ cell->last_part &= ~(kCellSumMask << kCellSumOffset);
+ cell->last_part |= sum << kCellSumOffset;
+// This is a very particular way to calculate the sum, so it will not match if
+// compared a gainst a pure 2 bit, modulo 2 sum.
+int CalculateCellSum(const IndexCell& cell) {
+ uint32* words = bit_cast<uint32*>(&cell);
+ uint8* bytes = bit_cast<uint8*>(&cell);
+ uint32 result = words[0] + words[1];
+ result += result >> 16;
+ result += (result >> 8) + (bytes[8] & 0x3f);
+ result += result >> 4;
+ result += result >> 2;
+ return result & 3;
+bool SanityCheck(const IndexCell& cell) {
+ if (GetCellSum(cell) != CalculateCellSum(cell))
+ return false;
+ if (GetCellState(cell) > disk_cache::ENTRY_USED ||
+ GetCellGroup(cell) == disk_cache::ENTRY_RESERVED ||
+ GetCellGroup(cell) > disk_cache::ENTRY_EVICTED) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+int FileNumberFromLocation(int location) {
+ return location / kMinFileNumber;
+int StartBlockFromLocation(int location) {
+ return location % kMinFileNumber;
+bool IsValidAddress(disk_cache::Addr address) {
+ if (!address.is_initialized() ||
+ (address.file_type() != disk_cache::BLOCK_EVICTED &&
+ address.file_type() != disk_cache::BLOCK_ENTRIES)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return address.FileNumber() < FileNumberFromLocation(kMaxLocation);
+bool IsNormalState(const IndexCell& cell) {
+ disk_cache::EntryState state =
+ static_cast<disk_cache::EntryState>(GetCellState(cell));
+ DCHECK_NE(state, disk_cache::ENTRY_FREE);
+ return state != disk_cache::ENTRY_DELETED &&
+ state != disk_cache::ENTRY_FIXING;
+inline int GetNextBucket(int min_bucket_num, int max_bucket_num,
+ disk_cache::IndexBucket* table,
+ disk_cache::IndexBucket** bucket) {
+ if (!(*bucket)->next)
+ return 0;
+ int bucket_num = (*bucket)->next / disk_cache::kCellsPerBucket;
+ if (bucket_num < min_bucket_num || bucket_num > max_bucket_num) {
+ // The next bucket must fall within the extra table. Note that this is not
+ // an uncommon path as growing the table may not cleanup the link from the
+ // main table to the extra table, and that cleanup is performed here when
+ // accessing that bucket for the first time. This behavior has to change if
+ // the tables are ever shrinked.
+ (*bucket)->next = 0;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ *bucket = &table[bucket_num - min_bucket_num];
+ return bucket_num;
+// Updates the |iterator| with the current |cell|. This cell may cause all
+// previous cells to be deleted (when a new target timestamp is found), the cell
+// may be added to the list (if it matches the target timestamp), or may it be
+// ignored.
+void UpdateIterator(const disk_cache::EntryCell& cell,
+ int limit_time,
+ IndexIterator* iterator) {
+ int time = cell.GetTimestamp();
+ // Look for not interesting times.
+ if (iterator->forward && time <= limit_time)
+ return;
+ if (!iterator->forward && time >= limit_time)
+ return;
+ if ((iterator->forward && time < iterator->timestamp) ||
+ (!iterator->forward && time > iterator->timestamp)) {
+ // This timestamp is better than the one we had.
+ iterator->timestamp = time;
+ iterator->cells.clear();
+ }
+ if (time == iterator->timestamp) {
+ CellInfo cell_info = { cell.hash(), cell.GetAddress() };
+ iterator->cells.push_back(cell_info);
+ }
+void InitIterator(IndexIterator* iterator) {
+ iterator->cells.clear();
+ iterator->timestamp = iterator->forward ? kint32max : 0;
+} // namespace
+namespace disk_cache {
+EntryCell::~EntryCell() {
+bool EntryCell::IsValid() const {
+ return GetCellLocation(cell_) != 0;
+// This code has to map the cell address (up to 22 bits) to a general cache Addr
+// (up to 24 bits of general addressing). It also set the implied file_number
+// in the case of small tables. See also the comment by the definition of
+// kEntriesFile.
+Addr EntryCell::GetAddress() const {
+ uint32 location = GetLocation();
+ int file_number = FileNumberFromLocation(location);
+ if (small_table_) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(0, file_number);
+ file_number = (GetGroup() == ENTRY_EVICTED) ? kEvictedEntriesFile :
+ kEntriesFile;
+ }
+ DCHECK_NE(0, file_number);
+ FileType file_type = (GetGroup() == ENTRY_EVICTED) ? BLOCK_EVICTED :
+ return Addr(file_type, 1, file_number, StartBlockFromLocation(location));
+EntryState EntryCell::GetState() const {
+ return static_cast<EntryState>(GetCellState(cell_));
+EntryGroup EntryCell::GetGroup() const {
+ return static_cast<EntryGroup>(GetCellGroup(cell_));
+int EntryCell::GetReuse() const {
+ return GetCellReuse(cell_);
+int EntryCell::GetTimestamp() const {
+ return GetCellTimestamp(cell_);
+void EntryCell::SetState(EntryState state) {
+ SetCellState(&cell_, state);
+void EntryCell::SetGroup(EntryGroup group) {
+ SetCellGroup(&cell_, group);
+void EntryCell::SetReuse(int count) {
+ SetCellReuse(&cell_, count);
+void EntryCell::SetTimestamp(int timestamp) {
+ SetCellTimestamp(&cell_, timestamp);
+// Static.
+EntryCell EntryCell::GetEntryCellForTest(int32 cell_num,
+ uint32 hash,
+ Addr address,
+ IndexCell* cell,
+ bool small_table) {
+ if (cell) {
+ EntryCell entry_cell(cell_num, hash, *cell, small_table);
+ return entry_cell;
+ }
+ return EntryCell(cell_num, hash, address, small_table);
+void EntryCell::SerializaForTest(IndexCell* destination) {
+ FixSum();
+ Serialize(destination);
+EntryCell::EntryCell() : cell_num_(0), hash_(0), small_table_(false) {
+ cell_.Clear();
+EntryCell::EntryCell(int32 cell_num,
+ uint32 hash,
+ Addr address,
+ bool small_table)
+ : cell_num_(cell_num),
+ hash_(hash),
+ small_table_(small_table) {
+ DCHECK(IsValidAddress(address) || !address.value());
+ cell_.Clear();
+ SetCellState(&cell_, ENTRY_NEW);
+ SetCellGroup(&cell_, ENTRY_NO_USE);
+ if (small_table) {
+ DCHECK(address.FileNumber() == kEntriesFile ||
+ address.FileNumber() == kEvictedEntriesFile);
+ SetCellSmallTableLocation(&cell_, address.start_block());
+ SetCellSmallTableId(&cell_, hash >> kSmallTableHashShift);
+ } else {
+ uint32 location = address.FileNumber() << 16 | address.start_block();
+ SetCellLocation(&cell_, location);
+ SetCellId(&cell_, hash >> kHashShift);
+ }
+EntryCell::EntryCell(int32 cell_num,
+ uint32 hash,
+ const IndexCell& cell,
+ bool small_table)
+ : cell_num_(cell_num),
+ hash_(hash),
+ cell_(cell),
+ small_table_(small_table) {
+void EntryCell::FixSum() {
+ SetCellSum(&cell_, CalculateCellSum(cell_));
+uint32 EntryCell::GetLocation() const {
+ if (small_table_)
+ return GetCellSmallTableLocation(cell_);
+ return GetCellLocation(cell_);
+uint32 EntryCell::RecomputeHash() {
+ if (small_table_) {
+ hash_ &= (1 << kSmallTableHashShift) - 1;
+ hash_ |= GetCellSmallTableId(cell_) << kSmallTableHashShift;
+ return hash_;
+ }
+ hash_ &= (1 << kHashShift) - 1;
+ hash_ |= GetCellId(cell_) << kHashShift;
+ return hash_;
+void EntryCell::Serialize(IndexCell* destination) const {
+ *destination = cell_;
+EntrySet::EntrySet() : evicted_count(0), current(0) {
+EntrySet::~EntrySet() {
+IndexIterator::IndexIterator() {
+IndexIterator::~IndexIterator() {
+IndexTableInitData::IndexTableInitData() {
+IndexTableInitData::~IndexTableInitData() {
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+IndexTable::IndexTable(IndexTableBackend* backend)
+ : backend_(backend),
+ header_(NULL),
+ main_table_(NULL),
+ extra_table_(NULL),
+ modified_(false),
+ small_table_(false) {
+IndexTable::~IndexTable() {
+// For a general description of the index tables see:
+// The index is split between two tables: the main_table_ and the extra_table_.
+// The main table can grow only by doubling its number of cells, while the
+// extra table can grow slowly, because it only contain cells that overflow
+// from the main table. In order to locate a given cell, part of the hash is
+// used directly as an index into the main table; once that bucket is located,
+// all cells with that partial hash (i.e., belonging to that bucket) are
+// inspected, and if present, the next bucket (located on the extra table) is
+// then located. For more information on bucket chaining see:
+// There are two cases when increasing the size:
+// - Doubling the size of the main table
+// - Adding more entries to the extra table
+// For example, consider a 64k main table with 8k cells on the extra table (for
+// a total of 72k cells). Init can be called to add another 8k cells at the end
+// (grow to 80k cells). When the size of the extra table approaches 64k, Init
+// can be called to double the main table (to 128k) and go back to a small extra
+// table.
+void IndexTable::Init(IndexTableInitData* params) {
+ bool growing = header_ != NULL;
+ scoped_ptr<IndexBucket[]> old_extra_table;
+ header_ = &params->index_bitmap->header;
+ if (params->main_table) {
+ if (main_table_) {
+ // This is doubling the size of main table.
+ DCHECK_EQ(base::bits::Log2Floor(header_->table_len),
+ base::bits::Log2Floor(backup_header_->table_len) + 1);
+ int extra_size = (header()->max_bucket - mask_) * kCellsPerBucket;
+ DCHECK_GE(extra_size, 0);
+ // Doubling the size implies deleting the extra table and moving as many
+ // cells as we can to the main table, so we first copy the old one. This
+ // is not required when just growing the extra table because we don't
+ // move any cell in that case.
+ old_extra_table.reset(new IndexBucket[extra_size]);
+ memcpy(old_extra_table.get(), extra_table_,
+ extra_size * sizeof(IndexBucket));
+ memset(params->extra_table, 0, extra_size * sizeof(IndexBucket));
+ }
+ main_table_ = params->main_table;
+ }
+ DCHECK(main_table_);
+ extra_table_ = params->extra_table;
+ // extra_bits_ is really measured against table-size specific values.
+ const int kMaxAbsoluteExtraBits = 12; // From smallest to largest table.
+ const int kMaxExtraBitsSmallTable = 6; // From smallest to 64K table.
+ extra_bits_ = base::bits::Log2Floor(header_->table_len) -
+ base::bits::Log2Floor(kBaseTableLen);
+ DCHECK_GE(extra_bits_, 0);
+ DCHECK_LT(extra_bits_, kMaxAbsoluteExtraBits);
+ // Note that following the previous code the constants could be derived as
+ // kMaxAbsoluteExtraBits = base::bits::Log2Floor(max table len) -
+ // base::bits::Log2Floor(kBaseTableLen);
+ // = 22 - base::bits::Log2Floor(1024) = 22 - 10;
+ // kMaxExtraBitsSmallTable = base::bits::Log2Floor(max 16 bit table) - 10.
+ mask_ = ((kBaseTableLen / kCellsPerBucket) << extra_bits_) - 1;
+ small_table_ = extra_bits_ < kMaxExtraBitsSmallTable;
+ if (!small_table_)
+ extra_bits_ -= kMaxExtraBitsSmallTable;
+ // table_len keeps the max number of cells stored by the index. We need a
+ // bitmap with 1 bit per cell, and that bitmap has num_words 32-bit words.
+ int num_words = (header_->table_len + 31) / 32;
+ if (old_extra_table) {
+ // All the cells from the extra table are moving to the new tables so before
+ // creating the bitmaps, clear the part of the bitmap referring to the extra
+ // table.
+ int old_main_table_bit_words = ((mask_ >> 1) + 1) * kCellsPerBucket / 32;
+ DCHECK_GT(num_words, old_main_table_bit_words);
+ memset(params->index_bitmap->bitmap + old_main_table_bit_words, 0,
+ (num_words - old_main_table_bit_words) * sizeof(int32));
+ DCHECK(growing);
+ int old_num_words = (backup_header_.get()->table_len + 31) / 32;
+ DCHECK_GT(old_num_words, old_main_table_bit_words);
+ memset(backup_bitmap_storage_.get() + old_main_table_bit_words, 0,
+ (old_num_words - old_main_table_bit_words) * sizeof(int32));
+ }
+ bitmap_.reset(new Bitmap(params->index_bitmap->bitmap, header_->table_len,
+ num_words));
+ if (growing) {
+ int old_num_words = (backup_header_.get()->table_len + 31) / 32;
+ DCHECK_GE(num_words, old_num_words);
+ scoped_ptr<uint32[]> storage(new uint32[num_words]);
+ memcpy(storage.get(), backup_bitmap_storage_.get(),
+ old_num_words * sizeof(int32));
+ memset(storage.get() + old_num_words, 0,
+ (num_words - old_num_words) * sizeof(int32));
+ backup_bitmap_storage_.swap(storage);
+ backup_header_->table_len = header_->table_len;
+ } else {
+ backup_bitmap_storage_.reset(params->backup_bitmap.release());
+ backup_header_.reset(params->backup_header.release());
+ }
+ num_words = (backup_header_->table_len + 31) / 32;
+ backup_bitmap_.reset(new Bitmap(backup_bitmap_storage_.get(),
+ backup_header_->table_len, num_words));
+ if (old_extra_table)
+ MoveCells(old_extra_table.get());
+ if (small_table_)
+ DCHECK(header_->flags & SMALL_CACHE);
+ // All tables and backups are needed for operation.
+ DCHECK(main_table_);
+ DCHECK(extra_table_);
+ DCHECK(bitmap_.get());
+void IndexTable::Shutdown() {
+ header_ = NULL;
+ main_table_ = NULL;
+ extra_table_ = NULL;
+ bitmap_.reset();
+ backup_bitmap_.reset();
+ backup_header_.reset();
+ backup_bitmap_storage_.reset();
+ modified_ = false;
+// The general method for locating cells is to:
+// 1. Get the first bucket. This usually means directly indexing the table (as
+// this method does), or iterating through all possible buckets.
+// 2. Iterate through all the cells in that first bucket.
+// 3. If there is a linked bucket, locate it directly in the extra table.
+// 4. Go back to 2, as needed.
+// One consequence of this pattern is that we never start looking at buckets in
+// the extra table, unless we are following a link from the main table.
+EntrySet IndexTable::LookupEntries(uint32 hash) {
+ EntrySet entries;
+ int bucket_num = static_cast<int>(hash & mask_);
+ IndexBucket* bucket = &main_table_[bucket_num];
+ do {
+ for (int i = 0; i < kCellsPerBucket; i++) {
+ IndexCell* current_cell = &bucket->cells[i];
+ if (!GetLocation(*current_cell))
+ continue;
+ if (!SanityCheck(*current_cell)) {
+ int cell_num = bucket_num * kCellsPerBucket + i;
+ current_cell->Clear();
+ bitmap_->Set(cell_num, false);
+ backup_bitmap_->Set(cell_num, false);
+ modified_ = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ int cell_num = bucket_num * kCellsPerBucket + i;
+ if (MisplacedHash(*current_cell, hash)) {
+ HandleMisplacedCell(current_cell, cell_num, hash & mask_);
+ } else if (IsHashMatch(*current_cell, hash)) {
+ EntryCell entry_cell(cell_num, hash, *current_cell, small_table_);
+ CheckState(entry_cell);
+ if (entry_cell.GetState() != ENTRY_DELETED) {
+ entries.cells.push_back(entry_cell);
+ if (entry_cell.GetGroup() == ENTRY_EVICTED)
+ entries.evicted_count++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ bucket_num = GetNextBucket(mask_ + 1, header()->max_bucket, extra_table_,
+ &bucket);
+ } while (bucket_num);
+ return entries;
+EntryCell IndexTable::CreateEntryCell(uint32 hash, Addr address) {
+ DCHECK(IsValidAddress(address));
+ DCHECK(address.FileNumber() || address.start_block());
+ int bucket_num = static_cast<int>(hash & mask_);
+ int cell_num = 0;
+ IndexBucket* bucket = &main_table_[bucket_num];
+ IndexCell* current_cell = NULL;
+ bool found = false;
+ do {
+ for (int i = 0; i < kCellsPerBucket && !found; i++) {
+ current_cell = &bucket->cells[i];
+ if (!GetLocation(*current_cell)) {
+ cell_num = bucket_num * kCellsPerBucket + i;
+ found = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (found)
+ break;
+ bucket_num = GetNextBucket(mask_ + 1, header()->max_bucket, extra_table_,
+ &bucket);
+ } while (bucket_num);
+ if (!found) {
+ bucket_num = NewExtraBucket();
+ if (bucket_num) {
+ cell_num = bucket_num * kCellsPerBucket;
+ bucket->next = cell_num;
+ bucket = &extra_table_[bucket_num - (mask_ + 1)];
+ bucket->hash = hash & mask_;
+ found = true;
+ } else {
+ // address 0 is a reserved value, and the caller interprets it as invalid.
+ address.set_value(0);
+ }
+ }
+ EntryCell entry_cell(cell_num, hash, address, small_table_);
+ if (address.file_type() == BLOCK_EVICTED)
+ entry_cell.SetGroup(ENTRY_EVICTED);
+ else
+ entry_cell.SetGroup(ENTRY_NO_USE);
+ Save(&entry_cell);
+ if (found) {
+ bitmap_->Set(cell_num, true);
+ backup_bitmap_->Set(cell_num, true);
+ header()->used_cells++;
+ modified_ = true;
+ }
+ return entry_cell;
+EntryCell IndexTable::FindEntryCell(uint32 hash, Addr address) {
+ return FindEntryCellImpl(hash, address, false);
+int IndexTable::CalculateTimestamp(Time time) {
+ TimeDelta delta = time - Time::FromInternalValue(header_->base_time);
+ return std::max(delta.InMinutes(), 0);
+base::Time IndexTable::TimeFromTimestamp(int timestamp) {
+ return Time::FromInternalValue(header_->base_time) +
+ TimeDelta::FromMinutes(timestamp);
+void IndexTable::SetSate(uint32 hash, Addr address, EntryState state) {
+ EntryCell cell = FindEntryCellImpl(hash, address, state == ENTRY_FREE);
+ if (!cell.IsValid()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ EntryState old_state = cell.GetState();
+ switch (state) {
+ case ENTRY_FREE:
+ break;
+ case ENTRY_NEW:
+ DCHECK_EQ(old_state, ENTRY_FREE);
+ break;
+ case ENTRY_OPEN:
+ DCHECK_EQ(old_state, ENTRY_USED);
+ break;
+ DCHECK_EQ(old_state, ENTRY_OPEN);
+ break;
+ DCHECK(old_state == ENTRY_NEW || old_state == ENTRY_OPEN ||
+ old_state == ENTRY_MODIFIED);
+ break;
+ case ENTRY_USED:
+ DCHECK(old_state == ENTRY_NEW || old_state == ENTRY_OPEN ||
+ old_state == ENTRY_MODIFIED);
+ break;
+ break;
+ };
+ modified_ = true;
+ if (state == ENTRY_DELETED) {
+ bitmap_->Set(cell.cell_num(), false);
+ backup_bitmap_->Set(cell.cell_num(), false);
+ } else if (state == ENTRY_FREE) {
+ cell.Clear();
+ Write(cell);
+ header()->used_cells--;
+ return;
+ }
+ cell.SetState(state);
+ Save(&cell);
+void IndexTable::UpdateTime(uint32 hash, Addr address, base::Time current) {
+ EntryCell cell = FindEntryCell(hash, address);
+ if (!cell.IsValid())
+ return;
+ int minutes = CalculateTimestamp(current);
+ // Keep about 3 months of headroom.
+ const int kMaxTimestamp = (1 << 20) - 60 * 24 * 90;
+ if (minutes > kMaxTimestamp) {
+ // TODO(rvargas):
+ // Update header->old_time and trigger a timer
+ // Rebaseline timestamps and don't update sums
+ // Start a timer (about 2 backups)
+ // fix all ckecksums and trigger another timer
+ // update header->old_time because rebaseline is done.
+ minutes = std::min(minutes, (1 << 20) - 1);
+ }
+ cell.SetTimestamp(minutes);
+ Save(&cell);
+void IndexTable::Save(EntryCell* cell) {
+ cell->FixSum();
+ Write(*cell);
+void IndexTable::GetOldest(IndexIterator* no_use,
+ IndexIterator* low_use,
+ IndexIterator* high_use) {
+ no_use->forward = true;
+ low_use->forward = true;
+ high_use->forward = true;
+ InitIterator(no_use);
+ InitIterator(low_use);
+ InitIterator(high_use);
+ WalkTables(-1, no_use, low_use, high_use);
+bool IndexTable::GetNextCells(IndexIterator* iterator) {
+ int current_time = iterator->timestamp;
+ InitIterator(iterator);
+ WalkTables(current_time, iterator, iterator, iterator);
+ return !iterator->cells.empty();
+void IndexTable::OnBackupTimer() {
+ if (!modified_)
+ return;
+ int num_words = (header_->table_len + 31) / 32;
+ int num_bytes = num_words * 4 + static_cast<int>(sizeof(*header_));
+ scoped_refptr<net::IOBuffer> buffer(new net::IOBuffer(num_bytes));
+ memcpy(buffer->data(), header_, sizeof(*header_));
+ memcpy(buffer->data() + sizeof(*header_), backup_bitmap_storage_.get(),
+ num_words * 4);
+ backend_->SaveIndex(buffer, num_bytes);
+ modified_ = false;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+EntryCell IndexTable::FindEntryCellImpl(uint32 hash, Addr address,
+ bool allow_deleted) {
+ int bucket_num = static_cast<int>(hash & mask_);
+ IndexBucket* bucket = &main_table_[bucket_num];
+ do {
+ for (int i = 0; i < kCellsPerBucket; i++) {
+ IndexCell* current_cell = &bucket->cells[i];
+ if (!GetLocation(*current_cell))
+ continue;
+ DCHECK(SanityCheck(*current_cell));
+ if (IsHashMatch(*current_cell, hash)) {
+ // We have a match.
+ int cell_num = bucket_num * kCellsPerBucket + i;
+ EntryCell entry_cell(cell_num, hash, *current_cell, small_table_);
+ if (entry_cell.GetAddress() != address)
+ continue;
+ if (!allow_deleted && entry_cell.GetState() == ENTRY_DELETED)
+ continue;
+ return entry_cell;
+ }
+ }
+ bucket_num = GetNextBucket(mask_ + 1, header()->max_bucket, extra_table_,
+ &bucket);
+ } while (bucket_num);
+ return EntryCell();
+void IndexTable::CheckState(const EntryCell& cell) {
+ int current_state = cell.GetState();
+ if (current_state != ENTRY_FIXING) {
+ bool present = ((current_state & 3) != 0); // Look at the last two bits.
+ if (present != bitmap_->Get(cell.cell_num()) ||
+ present != backup_bitmap_->Get(cell.cell_num())) {
+ // There's a mismatch.
+ if (current_state == ENTRY_DELETED) {
+ // We were in the process of deleting this entry. Finish now.
+ backend_->DeleteCell(cell);
+ } else {
+ current_state = ENTRY_FIXING;
+ EntryCell bad_cell(cell);
+ bad_cell.SetState(ENTRY_FIXING);
+ Save(&bad_cell);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (current_state == ENTRY_FIXING)
+ backend_->FixCell(cell);
+void IndexTable::Write(const EntryCell& cell) {
+ IndexBucket* bucket = NULL;
+ int bucket_num = cell.cell_num() / kCellsPerBucket;
+ if (bucket_num < static_cast<int32>(mask_ + 1)) {
+ bucket = &main_table_[bucket_num];
+ } else {
+ DCHECK_LE(bucket_num, header()->max_bucket);
+ bucket = &extra_table_[bucket_num - (mask_ + 1)];
+ }
+ int cell_number = cell.cell_num() % kCellsPerBucket;
+ if (GetLocation(bucket->cells[cell_number]) && cell.GetLocation()) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(cell.GetLocation(),
+ GetLocation(bucket->cells[cell_number]));
+ }
+ cell.Serialize(&bucket->cells[cell_number]);
+int IndexTable::NewExtraBucket() {
+ int safe_window = (header()->table_len < kNumExtraBlocks * 2) ?
+ kNumExtraBlocks / 4 : kNumExtraBlocks;
+ if (header()->table_len - header()->max_bucket * kCellsPerBucket <
+ safe_window) {
+ backend_->GrowIndex();
+ }
+ if (header()->max_bucket * kCellsPerBucket ==
+ header()->table_len - kCellsPerBucket) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ header()->max_bucket++;
+ return header()->max_bucket;
+void IndexTable::WalkTables(int limit_time,
+ IndexIterator* no_use,
+ IndexIterator* low_use,
+ IndexIterator* high_use) {
+ header_->num_no_use_entries = 0;
+ header_->num_low_use_entries = 0;
+ header_->num_high_use_entries = 0;
+ header_->num_evicted_entries = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int32>(mask_ + 1); i++) {
+ int bucket_num = i;
+ IndexBucket* bucket = &main_table_[i];
+ do {
+ UpdateFromBucket(bucket, i, limit_time, no_use, low_use, high_use);
+ bucket_num = GetNextBucket(mask_ + 1, header()->max_bucket, extra_table_,
+ &bucket);
+ } while (bucket_num);
+ }
+ header_->num_entries = header_->num_no_use_entries +
+ header_->num_low_use_entries +
+ header_->num_high_use_entries +
+ header_->num_evicted_entries;
+ modified_ = true;
+void IndexTable::UpdateFromBucket(IndexBucket* bucket, int bucket_hash,
+ int limit_time,
+ IndexIterator* no_use,
+ IndexIterator* low_use,
+ IndexIterator* high_use) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < kCellsPerBucket; i++) {
+ IndexCell& current_cell = bucket->cells[i];
+ if (!GetLocation(current_cell))
+ continue;
+ DCHECK(SanityCheck(current_cell));
+ if (!IsNormalState(current_cell))
+ continue;
+ EntryCell entry_cell(0, GetFullHash(current_cell, bucket_hash),
+ current_cell, small_table_);
+ switch (GetCellGroup(current_cell)) {
+ case ENTRY_NO_USE:
+ UpdateIterator(entry_cell, limit_time, no_use);
+ header_->num_no_use_entries++;
+ break;
+ UpdateIterator(entry_cell, limit_time, low_use);
+ header_->num_low_use_entries++;
+ break;
+ UpdateIterator(entry_cell, limit_time, high_use);
+ header_->num_high_use_entries++;
+ break;
+ header_->num_evicted_entries++;
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ }
+// This code is only called from Init() so the internal state of this object is
+// in flux (this method is performing the last steps of re-initialization). As
+// such, random methods are not supposed to work at this point, so whatever this
+// method calls should be relatively well controlled and it may require some
+// degree of "stable state faking".
+void IndexTable::MoveCells(IndexBucket* old_extra_table) {
+ int max_hash = (mask_ + 1) / 2;
+ int max_bucket = header()->max_bucket;
+ header()->max_bucket = mask_;
+ int used_cells = header()->used_cells;
+ // Consider a large cache: a cell stores the upper 18 bits of the hash
+ // (h >> 14). If the table is say 8 times the original size (growing from 4x),
+ // the bit that we are interested in would be the 3rd bit of the stored value,
+ // in other words 'multiplier' >> 1.
+ uint32 new_bit = (1 << extra_bits_) >> 1;
+ scoped_ptr<IndexBucket[]> old_main_table;
+ IndexBucket* source_table = main_table_;
+ bool upgrade_format = !extra_bits_;
+ if (upgrade_format) {
+ // This method should deal with migrating a small table to a big one. Given
+ // that the first thing to do is read the old table, set small_table_ for
+ // the size of the old table. Now, when moving a cell, the result cannot be
+ // placed in the old table or we will end up reading it again and attempting
+ // to move it, so we have to copy the whole table at once.
+ DCHECK(!small_table_);
+ small_table_ = true;
+ old_main_table.reset(new IndexBucket[max_hash]);
+ memcpy(old_main_table.get(), main_table_, max_hash * sizeof(IndexBucket));
+ memset(main_table_, 0, max_hash * sizeof(IndexBucket));
+ source_table = old_main_table.get();
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < max_hash; i++) {
+ int bucket_num = i;
+ IndexBucket* bucket = &source_table[i];
+ do {
+ for (int j = 0; j < kCellsPerBucket; j++) {
+ IndexCell& current_cell = bucket->cells[j];
+ if (!GetLocation(current_cell))
+ continue;
+ DCHECK(SanityCheck(current_cell));
+ if (bucket_num == i) {
+ if (upgrade_format || (GetHashValue(current_cell) & new_bit)) {
+ // Move this cell to the upper half of the table.
+ MoveSingleCell(&current_cell, bucket_num * kCellsPerBucket + j, i,
+ true);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // All cells on extra buckets have to move.
+ MoveSingleCell(&current_cell, bucket_num * kCellsPerBucket + j, i,
+ true);
+ }
+ }
+ // There is no need to clear the old bucket->next value because if falls
+ // within the main table so it will be fixed when attempting to follow
+ // the link.
+ bucket_num = GetNextBucket(max_hash, max_bucket, old_extra_table,
+ &bucket);
+ } while (bucket_num);
+ }
+ DCHECK_EQ(header()->used_cells, used_cells);
+ if (upgrade_format) {
+ small_table_ = false;
+ header()->flags &= ~SMALL_CACHE;
+ }
+void IndexTable::MoveSingleCell(IndexCell* current_cell, int cell_num,
+ int main_table_index, bool growing) {
+ uint32 hash = GetFullHash(*current_cell, main_table_index);
+ EntryCell old_cell(cell_num, hash, *current_cell, small_table_);
+ // This method may be called when moving entries from a small table to a
+ // normal table. In that case, the caller (MoveCells) has to read the old
+ // table, so it needs small_table_ set to true, but this method needs to
+ // write to the new table so small_table_ has to be set to false, and the
+ // value restored to true before returning.
+ bool upgrade_format = !extra_bits_ && growing;
+ if (upgrade_format)
+ small_table_ = false;
+ EntryCell new_cell = CreateEntryCell(hash, old_cell.GetAddress());
+ if (!new_cell.IsValid()) {
+ // We'll deal with this entry later.
+ if (upgrade_format)
+ small_table_ = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ new_cell.SetState(old_cell.GetState());
+ new_cell.SetGroup(old_cell.GetGroup());
+ new_cell.SetReuse(old_cell.GetReuse());
+ new_cell.SetTimestamp(old_cell.GetTimestamp());
+ Save(&new_cell);
+ modified_ = true;
+ if (upgrade_format)
+ small_table_ = true;
+ if (old_cell.GetState() == ENTRY_DELETED) {
+ bitmap_->Set(new_cell.cell_num(), false);
+ backup_bitmap_->Set(new_cell.cell_num(), false);
+ }
+ if (!growing || cell_num / kCellsPerBucket == main_table_index) {
+ // Only delete entries that live on the main table.
+ if (!upgrade_format) {
+ old_cell.Clear();
+ Write(old_cell);
+ }
+ if (cell_num != new_cell.cell_num()) {
+ bitmap_->Set(old_cell.cell_num(), false);
+ backup_bitmap_->Set(old_cell.cell_num(), false);
+ }
+ }
+ header()->used_cells--;
+void IndexTable::HandleMisplacedCell(IndexCell* current_cell, int cell_num,
+ int main_table_index) {
+ NOTREACHED(); // No unit tests yet.
+ // The cell may be misplaced, or a duplicate cell exists with this data.
+ uint32 hash = GetFullHash(*current_cell, main_table_index);
+ MoveSingleCell(current_cell, cell_num, main_table_index, false);
+ // Now look for a duplicate cell.
+ CheckBucketList(hash & mask_);
+void IndexTable::CheckBucketList(int bucket_num) {
+ typedef std::pair<int, EntryGroup> AddressAndGroup;
+ std::set<AddressAndGroup> entries;
+ IndexBucket* bucket = &main_table_[bucket_num];
+ int bucket_hash = bucket_num;
+ do {
+ for (int i = 0; i < kCellsPerBucket; i++) {
+ IndexCell* current_cell = &bucket->cells[i];
+ if (!GetLocation(*current_cell))
+ continue;
+ if (!SanityCheck(*current_cell)) {
+ current_cell->Clear();
+ continue;
+ }
+ int cell_num = bucket_num * kCellsPerBucket + i;
+ EntryCell cell(cell_num, GetFullHash(*current_cell, bucket_hash),
+ *current_cell, small_table_);
+ if (!entries.insert(std::make_pair(cell.GetAddress().value(),
+ cell.GetGroup())).second) {
+ current_cell->Clear();
+ continue;
+ }
+ CheckState(cell);
+ }
+ bucket_num = GetNextBucket(mask_ + 1, header()->max_bucket, extra_table_,
+ &bucket);
+ } while (bucket_num);
+uint32 IndexTable::GetLocation(const IndexCell& cell) {
+ if (small_table_)
+ return GetCellSmallTableLocation(cell);
+ return GetCellLocation(cell);
+uint32 IndexTable::GetHashValue(const IndexCell& cell) {
+ if (small_table_)
+ return GetCellSmallTableId(cell);
+ return GetCellId(cell);
+uint32 IndexTable::GetFullHash(const IndexCell& cell, uint32 lower_part) {
+ // It is OK for the high order bits of lower_part to overlap with the stored
+ // part of the hash.
+ if (small_table_)
+ return (GetCellSmallTableId(cell) << kSmallTableHashShift) | lower_part;
+ return (GetCellId(cell) << kHashShift) | lower_part;
+// All the bits stored in the cell should match the provided hash.
+bool IndexTable::IsHashMatch(const IndexCell& cell, uint32 hash) {
+ hash = small_table_ ? hash >> kSmallTableHashShift : hash >> kHashShift;
+ return GetHashValue(cell) == hash;
+bool IndexTable::MisplacedHash(const IndexCell& cell, uint32 hash) {
+ if (!extra_bits_)
+ return false;
+ uint32 mask = (1 << extra_bits_) - 1;
+ hash = small_table_ ? hash >> kSmallTableHashShift : hash >> kHashShift;
+ return (GetHashValue(cell) & mask) != (hash & mask);
+} // namespace disk_cache
diff --git a/net/disk_cache/v3/index_table.h b/net/disk_cache/v3/index_table.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5fb398a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net/disk_cache/v3/index_table.h
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// The IndexTable class is in charge of handling all the details about the main
+// index table of the cache. It provides methods to locate entries in the cache,
+// create new entries and modify existing entries. It hides the fact that the
+// table is backed up across multiple physical files, and that the files can
+// grow and be remapped while the cache is in use. However, note that this class
+// doesn't do any direct management of the backing files, and it operates only
+// with the tables in memory.
+// When the current index needs to grow, the backend is notified so that files
+// are extended and remapped as needed. After that, the IndexTable should be
+// re-initialized with the new structures. Note that the IndexTable instance is
+// still functional while the backend performs file IO.
+#include <vector>
+#include "base/basictypes.h"
+#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
+#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
+#include "base/time/time.h"
+#include "net/base/net_export.h"
+#include "net/disk_cache/addr.h"
+#include "net/disk_cache/bitmap.h"
+#include "net/disk_cache/v3/disk_format_v3.h"
+namespace net {
+class IOBuffer;
+namespace disk_cache {
+class BackendImplV3;
+struct InitResult;
+// An EntryCell represents a single entity stored by the index table. Users are
+// expected to handle and store EntryCells on their own to track operations that
+// they are performing with a given entity, as opposed to deal with pointers to
+// individual positions on the table, given that the whole table can be moved to
+// another place, and that would invalidate any pointers to individual cells in
+// the table.
+// However, note that it is also possible for an entity to be moved from one
+// position to another, so an EntryCell may be invalid by the time a long
+// operation completes. In that case, the caller should consult the table again
+// using FindEntryCell().
+class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE EntryCell {
+ public:
+ ~EntryCell();
+ bool IsValid() const;
+ int32 cell_num() const { return cell_num_; }
+ uint32 hash() const { return hash_; }
+ Addr GetAddress() const;
+ EntryState GetState() const;
+ EntryGroup GetGroup() const;
+ int GetReuse() const;
+ int GetTimestamp() const;
+ void SetState(EntryState state);
+ void SetGroup(EntryGroup group);
+ void SetReuse(int count);
+ void SetTimestamp(int timestamp);
+ static EntryCell GetEntryCellForTest(int32 cell_num,
+ uint32 hash,
+ Addr address,
+ IndexCell* cell,
+ bool small_table);
+ void SerializaForTest(IndexCell* destination);
+ private:
+ friend class IndexTable;
+ friend class CacheDumperHelper;
+ EntryCell();
+ EntryCell(int32 cell_num, uint32 hash, Addr address, bool small_table);
+ EntryCell(int32 cell_num,
+ uint32 hash,
+ const IndexCell& cell,
+ bool small_table);
+ void Clear() { cell_.Clear(); }
+ void FixSum();
+ // Returns the raw value stored on the index table.
+ uint32 GetLocation() const;
+ // Recalculates hash_ assuming that only the low order bits are valid and the
+ // rest come from cell_.
+ uint32 RecomputeHash();
+ void Serialize(IndexCell* destination) const;
+ int32 cell_num_;
+ uint32 hash_;
+ IndexCell cell_;
+ bool small_table_;
+// Keeps a collection of EntryCells in order to be processed.
+struct NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE EntrySet {
+ EntrySet();
+ ~EntrySet();
+ int evicted_count; // The numebr of evicted entries in this set.
+ size_t current; // The number of the cell that is being processed.
+ std::vector<EntryCell> cells;
+// A given entity referenced by the index table is uniquely identified by the
+// combination of hash and address.
+struct CellInfo { uint32 hash; Addr address; };
+typedef std::vector<CellInfo> CellList;
+// An index iterator is used to get a group of cells that share the same
+// timestamp. When this structure is passed to GetNextCells(), the caller sets
+// the initial timestamp and direction; whet it is used with GetOldest, the
+// initial values are ignored.
+struct NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE IndexIterator {
+ IndexIterator();
+ ~IndexIterator();
+ CellList cells;
+ int timestamp; // The current low resolution timestamp for |cells|.
+ bool forward; // The direction of the iteration, in time.
+// Methods that the backend has to implement to support the table. Note that the
+// backend is expected to own all IndexTable instances, so it is expected to
+// outlive the table.
+class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE IndexTableBackend {
+ public:
+ virtual ~IndexTableBackend() {}
+ // The index has to grow.
+ virtual void GrowIndex() = 0;
+ // Save the index to the backup file.
+ virtual void SaveIndex(net::IOBuffer* buffer, int buffer_len) = 0;
+ // Deletes or fixes an invalid cell from the backend.
+ virtual void DeleteCell(EntryCell cell) = 0;
+ virtual void FixCell(EntryCell cell) = 0;
+// The data required to initialize an index. Note that not all fields have to
+// be provided when growing the tables.
+struct NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE IndexTableInitData {
+ IndexTableInitData();
+ ~IndexTableInitData();
+ IndexBitmap* index_bitmap;
+ IndexBucket* main_table;
+ IndexBucket* extra_table;
+ scoped_ptr<IndexHeaderV3> backup_header;
+ scoped_ptr<uint32[]> backup_bitmap;
+// See the description at the top of this file.
+class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE IndexTable {
+ public:
+ explicit IndexTable(IndexTableBackend* backend);
+ ~IndexTable();
+ // Initializes the object, or re-initializes it when the backing files grow.
+ // Note that the only supported way to initialize this objeect is using
+ // pointers that come from the files being directly mapped in memory. If that
+ // is not the case, it must be emulated in a convincing way, for example
+ // making sure that the tables for re-init look the same as the tables to be
+ // replaced.
+ void Init(IndexTableInitData* params);
+ // Releases the resources acquired during Init().
+ void Shutdown();
+ // Locates a resouce on the index. Returns a list of all resources that match
+ // the provided hash.
+ EntrySet LookupEntries(uint32 hash);
+ // Creates a new cell to store a new resource.
+ EntryCell CreateEntryCell(uint32 hash, Addr address);
+ // Locates a particular cell. This method allows a caller to perform slow
+ // operations with some entries while the index evolves, by returning the
+ // current state of a cell. If the desired cell cannot be located, the return
+ // object will be invalid.
+ EntryCell FindEntryCell(uint32 hash, Addr address);
+ // Returns an IndexTable timestamp for a given absolute time. The actual
+ // resolution of the timestamp should be considered an implementation detail,
+ // but it certainly is lower than seconds. The important part is that a group
+ // of cells will share the same timestamp (see IndexIterator).
+ int CalculateTimestamp(base::Time time);
+ // Returns the equivalent time for a cell timestamp.
+ base::Time TimeFromTimestamp(int timestamp);
+ // Updates a particular cell.
+ void SetSate(uint32 hash, Addr address, EntryState state);
+ void UpdateTime(uint32 hash, Addr address, base::Time current);
+ // Saves the contents of |cell| to the table.
+ void Save(EntryCell* cell);
+ // Returns the oldest entries for each group of entries. The initial values
+ // for the provided iterators are ignored. Entries are assigned to iterators
+ // according to their EntryGroup.
+ void GetOldest(IndexIterator* no_use,
+ IndexIterator* low_use,
+ IndexIterator* high_use);
+ // Returns the next group of entries for the provided iterator. This method
+ // does not return the cells matching the initial iterator's timestamp,
+ // but rather cells after (or before, depending on the iterator's |forward|
+ // member) that timestamp.
+ bool GetNextCells(IndexIterator* iterator);
+ // Called each time the index should save the backup information. The caller
+ // can assume that anything that needs to be saved is saved when this method
+ // is called, and that there is only one source of timming information, and
+ // that source is controlled by the owner of this object.
+ void OnBackupTimer();
+ IndexHeaderV3* header() { return header_; }
+ const IndexHeaderV3* header() const { return header_; }
+ private:
+ EntryCell FindEntryCellImpl(uint32 hash, Addr address, bool allow_deleted);
+ void CheckState(const EntryCell& cell);
+ void Write(const EntryCell& cell);
+ int NewExtraBucket();
+ void WalkTables(int limit_time,
+ IndexIterator* no_use,
+ IndexIterator* low_use,
+ IndexIterator* high_use);
+ void UpdateFromBucket(IndexBucket* bucket, int bucket_hash,
+ int limit_time,
+ IndexIterator* no_use,
+ IndexIterator* low_use,
+ IndexIterator* high_use);
+ void MoveCells(IndexBucket* old_extra_table);
+ void MoveSingleCell(IndexCell* current_cell, int cell_num,
+ int main_table_index, bool growing);
+ void HandleMisplacedCell(IndexCell* current_cell, int cell_num,
+ int main_table_index);
+ void CheckBucketList(int bucket_id);
+ uint32 GetLocation(const IndexCell& cell);
+ uint32 GetHashValue(const IndexCell& cell);
+ uint32 GetFullHash(const IndexCell& cell, uint32 lower_part);
+ bool IsHashMatch(const IndexCell& cell, uint32 hash);
+ bool MisplacedHash(const IndexCell& cell, uint32 hash);
+ IndexTableBackend* backend_;
+ IndexHeaderV3* header_;
+ scoped_ptr<Bitmap> bitmap_;
+ scoped_ptr<Bitmap> backup_bitmap_;
+ scoped_ptr<uint32[]> backup_bitmap_storage_;
+ scoped_ptr<IndexHeaderV3> backup_header_;
+ IndexBucket* main_table_;
+ IndexBucket* extra_table_;
+ uint32 mask_; // Binary mask to map a hash to the hash table.
+ int extra_bits_; // How many bits are in mask_ above the default value.
+ bool modified_;
+ bool small_table_;
+} // namespace disk_cache
diff --git a/net/disk_cache/v3/ b/net/disk_cache/v3/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9fb920
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net/disk_cache/v3/
@@ -0,0 +1,706 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "base/basictypes.h"
+#include "base/logging.h"
+#include "net/disk_cache/addr.h"
+#include "net/disk_cache/v3/disk_format_v3.h"
+#include "net/disk_cache/v3/index_table.h"
+#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
+using disk_cache::EntryCell;
+using disk_cache::IndexCell;
+using disk_cache::IndexTable;
+using disk_cache::IndexTableInitData;
+namespace {
+int GetChecksum(const IndexCell& source) {
+ // Only the cell pointer is relevant.
+ disk_cache::Addr addr;
+ IndexCell* cell = const_cast<IndexCell*>(&source);
+ EntryCell entry = EntryCell::GetEntryCellForTest(0, 0, addr, cell, false);
+ IndexCell result;
+ entry.SerializaForTest(&result);
+ return result.last_part >> 6;
+class MockIndexBackend : public disk_cache::IndexTableBackend {
+ public:
+ MockIndexBackend() : grow_called_(false), buffer_len_(-1) {}
+ virtual ~MockIndexBackend() {}
+ bool grow_called() const { return grow_called_; }
+ int buffer_len() const { return buffer_len_; }
+ virtual void GrowIndex() OVERRIDE { grow_called_ = true; }
+ virtual void SaveIndex(net::IOBuffer* buffer, int buffer_len) OVERRIDE {
+ buffer_len_ = buffer_len;
+ }
+ virtual void DeleteCell(EntryCell cell) OVERRIDE {}
+ virtual void FixCell(EntryCell cell) OVERRIDE {}
+ private:
+ bool grow_called_;
+ int buffer_len_;
+class TestCacheTables {
+ public:
+ // |num_entries| is the capacity of the main table. The extra table is half
+ // the size of the main table.
+ explicit TestCacheTables(int num_entries);
+ ~TestCacheTables() {}
+ void GetInitData(IndexTableInitData* result);
+ void CopyFrom(const TestCacheTables& other);
+ base::Time start_time() const { return start_time_; }
+ private:
+ scoped_ptr<uint64[]> main_bitmap_;
+ scoped_ptr<disk_cache::IndexBucket[]> main_table_;
+ scoped_ptr<disk_cache::IndexBucket[]> extra_table_;
+ base::Time start_time_;
+ int num_bitmap_bytes_;
+TestCacheTables::TestCacheTables(int num_entries) {
+ DCHECK_GE(num_entries, 1024);
+ DCHECK_EQ(num_entries, num_entries / 1024 * 1024);
+ main_table_.reset(new disk_cache::IndexBucket[num_entries]);
+ extra_table_.reset(new disk_cache::IndexBucket[num_entries / 2]);
+ memset(main_table_.get(), 0, num_entries * sizeof(*main_table_.get()));
+ memset(extra_table_.get(), 0, num_entries / 2 * sizeof(*extra_table_.get()));
+ // We allow IndexBitmap smaller than a page because the code should not really
+ // depend on that.
+ num_bitmap_bytes_ = (num_entries + num_entries / 2) / 8;
+ size_t required_size = sizeof(disk_cache::IndexHeaderV3) + num_bitmap_bytes_;
+ main_bitmap_.reset(new uint64[required_size / sizeof(uint64)]);
+ memset(main_bitmap_.get(), 0, required_size);
+ disk_cache::IndexHeaderV3* header =
+ reinterpret_cast<disk_cache::IndexHeaderV3*>(main_bitmap_.get());
+ header->magic = disk_cache::kIndexMagicV3;
+ header->version = disk_cache::kVersion3;
+ header->table_len = num_entries + num_entries / 2;
+ header->max_bucket = num_entries / 4 - 1;
+ start_time_ = base::Time::Now();
+ header->create_time = start_time_.ToInternalValue();
+ header->base_time =
+ (start_time_ - base::TimeDelta::FromDays(20)).ToInternalValue();
+ if (num_entries < 64 * 1024)
+ header->flags = disk_cache::SMALL_CACHE;
+void TestCacheTables::GetInitData(IndexTableInitData* result) {
+ result->index_bitmap =
+ reinterpret_cast<disk_cache::IndexBitmap*>(main_bitmap_.get());
+ result->main_table = main_table_.get();
+ result->extra_table = extra_table_.get();
+ result->backup_header.reset(new disk_cache::IndexHeaderV3);
+ memcpy(result->backup_header.get(), result->index_bitmap,
+ sizeof(result->index_bitmap->header));
+ result->backup_bitmap.reset(new uint32[num_bitmap_bytes_ / sizeof(uint32)]);
+ memcpy(result->backup_bitmap.get(), result->index_bitmap->bitmap,
+ num_bitmap_bytes_);
+void TestCacheTables::CopyFrom(const TestCacheTables& other) {
+ disk_cache::IndexBitmap* this_bitmap =
+ reinterpret_cast<disk_cache::IndexBitmap*>(main_bitmap_.get());
+ disk_cache::IndexBitmap* other_bitmap =
+ reinterpret_cast<disk_cache::IndexBitmap*>(other.main_bitmap_.get());
+ DCHECK_GE(this_bitmap->header.table_len, other_bitmap->header.table_len);
+ DCHECK_GE(num_bitmap_bytes_, other.num_bitmap_bytes_);
+ memcpy(this_bitmap->bitmap, other_bitmap->bitmap, other.num_bitmap_bytes_);
+ int main_table_buckets = (other_bitmap->header.table_len * 2 / 3) / 4;
+ int extra_table_buckets = (other_bitmap->header.table_len * 1 / 3) / 4;
+ memcpy(main_table_.get(), other.main_table_.get(),
+ main_table_buckets * sizeof(disk_cache::IndexBucket));
+ memcpy(extra_table_.get(), other.extra_table_.get(),
+ extra_table_buckets * sizeof(disk_cache::IndexBucket));
+ this_bitmap->header.num_entries = other_bitmap->header.num_entries;
+ this_bitmap->header.used_cells = other_bitmap->header.used_cells;
+ this_bitmap->header.max_bucket = other_bitmap->header.max_bucket;
+ this_bitmap->header.create_time = other_bitmap->header.create_time;
+ this_bitmap->header.base_time = other_bitmap->header.base_time;
+ this_bitmap->header.flags = other_bitmap->header.flags;
+ start_time_ = other.start_time_;
+} // namespace
+TEST(DiskCacheIndexTable, EntryCell) {
+ uint32 hash = 0x55aa6699;
+ disk_cache::Addr addr(disk_cache::BLOCK_ENTRIES, 1, 5, 0x4531);
+ bool small_table = true;
+ int cell_num = 88;
+ int reuse = 6;
+ int timestamp = 123456;
+ disk_cache::EntryState state = disk_cache::ENTRY_MODIFIED;
+ disk_cache::EntryGroup group = disk_cache::ENTRY_HIGH_USE;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ EntryCell entry = EntryCell::GetEntryCellForTest(cell_num, hash, addr, NULL,
+ small_table);
+ EXPECT_EQ(disk_cache::ENTRY_NO_USE, entry.GetGroup());
+ EXPECT_EQ(disk_cache::ENTRY_NEW, entry.GetState());
+ entry.SetGroup(group);
+ entry.SetState(state);
+ entry.SetReuse(reuse);
+ entry.SetTimestamp(timestamp);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(entry.IsValid());
+ EXPECT_EQ(hash, entry.hash());
+ EXPECT_EQ(cell_num, entry.cell_num());
+ EXPECT_EQ(addr.value(), entry.GetAddress().value());
+ EXPECT_EQ(group, entry.GetGroup());
+ EXPECT_EQ(state, entry.GetState());
+ EXPECT_EQ(reuse, entry.GetReuse());
+ EXPECT_EQ(timestamp, entry.GetTimestamp());
+ // Store the data and read it again.
+ IndexCell cell;
+ entry.SerializaForTest(&cell);
+ EntryCell entry2 = EntryCell::GetEntryCellForTest(cell_num, hash, addr,
+ &cell, small_table);
+ EXPECT_EQ(addr.value(), entry2.GetAddress().value());
+ EXPECT_EQ(group, entry2.GetGroup());
+ EXPECT_EQ(state, entry2.GetState());
+ EXPECT_EQ(reuse, entry2.GetReuse());
+ EXPECT_EQ(timestamp, entry2.GetTimestamp());
+ small_table = !small_table;
+ if (i == 1) {
+ hash = ~hash;
+ cell_num *= 5;
+ state = disk_cache::ENTRY_USED;
+ group = disk_cache::ENTRY_EVICTED;
+ addr = disk_cache::Addr(disk_cache::BLOCK_EVICTED, 1, 6, 0x18a5);
+ reuse = 15; // 4 bits
+ timestamp = 0xfffff; // 20 bits.
+ }
+ }
+// Goes over some significant values for a cell's sum.
+TEST(DiskCacheIndexTable, EntryCellSum) {
+ IndexCell source;
+ source.Clear();
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, GetChecksum(source));
+ source.first_part++;
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, GetChecksum(source));
+ source.Clear();
+ source.last_part = 0x80;
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, GetChecksum(source));
+ source.last_part = 0x55;
+ EXPECT_EQ(3, GetChecksum(source));
+ source.first_part = 0x555555;
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, GetChecksum(source));
+ source.last_part = 0;
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, GetChecksum(source));
+ source.first_part = GG_UINT64_C(0x8000000080000000);
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, GetChecksum(source));
+ source.first_part = GG_UINT64_C(0x4000000040000000);
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, GetChecksum(source));
+ source.first_part = GG_UINT64_C(0x200000020000000);
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, GetChecksum(source));
+ source.first_part = GG_UINT64_C(0x100000010010000);
+ EXPECT_EQ(3, GetChecksum(source));
+ source.first_part = 0x80008000;
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, GetChecksum(source));
+ source.first_part = GG_UINT64_C(0x800000008000);
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, GetChecksum(source));
+ source.first_part = 0x8080;
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, GetChecksum(source));
+ source.first_part = 0x800080;
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, GetChecksum(source));
+ source.first_part = 0x88;
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, GetChecksum(source));
+ source.first_part = 0x808;
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, GetChecksum(source));
+ source.first_part = 0xA;
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, GetChecksum(source));
+ source.first_part = 0x22;
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, GetChecksum(source));
+TEST(DiskCacheIndexTable, Basics) {
+ TestCacheTables cache(1024);
+ IndexTableInitData init_data;
+ cache.GetInitData(&init_data);
+ IndexTable index(NULL);
+ index.Init(&init_data);
+ // Write some entries.
+ disk_cache::CellList entries;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 250; i++) {
+ uint32 hash = i * i * 1111 + i * 11;
+ disk_cache::Addr addr(disk_cache::BLOCK_ENTRIES, 1, 5, i * 13 + 1);
+ EntryCell entry = index.CreateEntryCell(hash, addr);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(entry.IsValid());
+ disk_cache::CellInfo info = { hash, addr };
+ entries.push_back(info);
+ }
+ // Read them back.
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < entries.size(); i++) {
+ uint32 hash = entries[i].hash;
+ disk_cache::Addr addr = entries[i].address;
+ disk_cache::EntrySet found_entries = index.LookupEntries(hash);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, found_entries.cells.size());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(found_entries.cells[0].IsValid());
+ EXPECT_EQ(hash, found_entries.cells[0].hash());
+ EXPECT_EQ(addr.value(), found_entries.cells[0].GetAddress().value());
+ EntryCell entry = index.FindEntryCell(hash, addr);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(entry.IsValid());
+ EXPECT_EQ(hash, entry.hash());
+ EXPECT_EQ(addr.value(), entry.GetAddress().value());
+ // Delete the first 100 entries.
+ if (i < 100)
+ index.SetSate(hash, addr, disk_cache::ENTRY_DELETED);
+ }
+ // See what we have now.
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < entries.size(); i++) {
+ uint32 hash = entries[i].hash;
+ disk_cache::Addr addr = entries[i].address;
+ disk_cache::EntrySet found_entries = index.LookupEntries(hash);
+ if (i < 100) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(0u, found_entries.cells.size());
+ } else {
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, found_entries.cells.size());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(found_entries.cells[0].IsValid());
+ EXPECT_EQ(hash, found_entries.cells[0].hash());
+ EXPECT_EQ(addr.value(), found_entries.cells[0].GetAddress().value());
+ }
+ }
+// Tests handling of multiple entries with the same hash.
+TEST(DiskCacheIndexTable, SameHash) {
+ TestCacheTables cache(1024);
+ IndexTableInitData init_data;
+ cache.GetInitData(&init_data);
+ IndexTable index(NULL);
+ index.Init(&init_data);
+ disk_cache::CellList entries;
+ uint32 hash = 0x55aa55bb;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
+ disk_cache::Addr addr(disk_cache::BLOCK_ENTRIES, 1, 5, i * 13 + 1);
+ EntryCell entry = index.CreateEntryCell(hash, addr);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(entry.IsValid());
+ disk_cache::CellInfo info = { hash, addr };
+ entries.push_back(info);
+ }
+ disk_cache::EntrySet found_entries = index.LookupEntries(hash);
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, found_entries.evicted_count);
+ ASSERT_EQ(6u, found_entries.cells.size());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < found_entries.cells.size(); i++) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(entries[i].address, found_entries.cells[i].GetAddress());
+ }
+ // Now verify handling of entries on different states.
+ index.SetSate(hash, entries[0].address, disk_cache::ENTRY_DELETED);
+ index.SetSate(hash, entries[1].address, disk_cache::ENTRY_DELETED);
+ index.SetSate(hash, entries[2].address, disk_cache::ENTRY_USED);
+ index.SetSate(hash, entries[3].address, disk_cache::ENTRY_USED);
+ index.SetSate(hash, entries[4].address, disk_cache::ENTRY_USED);
+ found_entries = index.LookupEntries(hash);
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, found_entries.evicted_count);
+ ASSERT_EQ(4u, found_entries.cells.size());
+ index.SetSate(hash, entries[3].address, disk_cache::ENTRY_OPEN);
+ index.SetSate(hash, entries[4].address, disk_cache::ENTRY_OPEN);
+ found_entries = index.LookupEntries(hash);
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, found_entries.evicted_count);
+ ASSERT_EQ(4u, found_entries.cells.size());
+ index.SetSate(hash, entries[4].address, disk_cache::ENTRY_MODIFIED);
+ found_entries = index.LookupEntries(hash);
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, found_entries.evicted_count);
+ ASSERT_EQ(4u, found_entries.cells.size());
+ index.SetSate(hash, entries[1].address, disk_cache::ENTRY_FREE);
+ found_entries = index.LookupEntries(hash);
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, found_entries.evicted_count);
+ ASSERT_EQ(4u, found_entries.cells.size());
+ // FindEntryCell should not see deleted entries.
+ EntryCell entry = index.FindEntryCell(hash, entries[0].address);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(entry.IsValid());
+ // A free entry is gone.
+ entry = index.FindEntryCell(hash, entries[1].address);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(entry.IsValid());
+ // Locate a used entry, and evict it. This is not really a correct operation
+ // in that an existing cell doesn't transition to evicted; instead a new cell
+ // for the evicted entry (on a different block file) should be created. Still,
+ // at least evicted_count would be valid.
+ entry = index.FindEntryCell(hash, entries[2].address);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(entry.IsValid());
+ entry.SetGroup(disk_cache::ENTRY_EVICTED);
+ index.Save(&entry);
+ found_entries = index.LookupEntries(hash);
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, found_entries.evicted_count);
+ ASSERT_EQ(4u, found_entries.cells.size());
+ // Now use the proper way to get an evicted entry.
+ disk_cache::Addr addr2(disk_cache::BLOCK_EVICTED, 1, 6, 6); // Any address.
+ entry = index.CreateEntryCell(hash, addr2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(entry.IsValid());
+ EXPECT_EQ(disk_cache::ENTRY_EVICTED, entry.GetGroup());
+ found_entries = index.LookupEntries(hash);
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, found_entries.evicted_count);
+ ASSERT_EQ(5u, found_entries.cells.size());
+TEST(DiskCacheIndexTable, Timestamps) {
+ TestCacheTables cache(1024);
+ IndexTableInitData init_data;
+ cache.GetInitData(&init_data);
+ IndexTable index(NULL);
+ index.Init(&init_data);
+ // The granularity should be 1 minute.
+ int timestamp1 = index.CalculateTimestamp(cache.start_time());
+ int timestamp2 = index.CalculateTimestamp(cache.start_time() +
+ base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(59));
+ EXPECT_EQ(timestamp1, timestamp2);
+ int timestamp3 = index.CalculateTimestamp(cache.start_time() +
+ base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(61));
+ EXPECT_EQ(timestamp1 + 1, timestamp3);
+ int timestamp4 = index.CalculateTimestamp(cache.start_time() +
+ base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(119));
+ EXPECT_EQ(timestamp1 + 1, timestamp4);
+ int timestamp5 = index.CalculateTimestamp(cache.start_time() +
+ base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(121));
+ EXPECT_EQ(timestamp1 + 2, timestamp5);
+ int timestamp6 = index.CalculateTimestamp(cache.start_time() -
+ base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(30));
+ EXPECT_EQ(timestamp1 - 1, timestamp6);
+ // The base should be 20 days in the past.
+ int timestamp7 = index.CalculateTimestamp(cache.start_time() -
+ base::TimeDelta::FromDays(20));
+ int timestamp8 = index.CalculateTimestamp(cache.start_time() -
+ base::TimeDelta::FromDays(35));
+ EXPECT_EQ(timestamp7, timestamp8);
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, timestamp8);
+ int timestamp9 = index.CalculateTimestamp(cache.start_time() -
+ base::TimeDelta::FromDays(19));
+ EXPECT_NE(0, timestamp9);
+// Tests GetOldest and GetNextCells.
+TEST(DiskCacheIndexTable, Iterations) {
+ TestCacheTables cache(1024);
+ IndexTableInitData init_data;
+ cache.GetInitData(&init_data);
+ IndexTable index(NULL);
+ index.Init(&init_data);
+ base::Time time = cache.start_time();
+ // Write some entries.
+ disk_cache::CellList entries;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 44; i++) {
+ uint32 hash = i; // The entries will be ordered on the table.
+ disk_cache::Addr addr(disk_cache::BLOCK_ENTRIES, 1, 5, i * 13 + 1);
+ if (i < 10 || i == 40)
+ addr = disk_cache::Addr(disk_cache::BLOCK_EVICTED, 1, 6, i * 13 + 1);
+ EntryCell entry = index.CreateEntryCell(hash, addr);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(entry.IsValid());
+ disk_cache::CellInfo info = { hash, addr };
+ entries.push_back(info);
+ if (i < 10 || i == 40) {
+ // Do nothing. These are ENTRY_EVICTED by default.
+ } else if (i < 20 || i == 41) {
+ entry.SetGroup(disk_cache::ENTRY_HIGH_USE);
+ index.Save(&entry);
+ } else if (i < 30 || i == 42) {
+ entry.SetGroup(disk_cache::ENTRY_LOW_USE);
+ index.Save(&entry);
+ }
+ // Entries [30,39] and 43 are marked as ENTRY_NO_USE (the default).
+ if (!(i % 10))
+ time += base::TimeDelta::FromMinutes(1);
+ index.UpdateTime(hash, addr, time);
+ }
+ // Get the oldest entries of each group.
+ disk_cache::IndexIterator no_use, low_use, high_use;
+ index.GetOldest(&no_use, &low_use, &high_use);
+ ASSERT_EQ(10u, no_use.cells.size());
+ ASSERT_EQ(10u, low_use.cells.size());
+ ASSERT_EQ(10u, high_use.cells.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(entries[10].hash, high_use.cells[0].hash);
+ EXPECT_EQ(entries[19].hash, high_use.cells[9].hash);
+ EXPECT_EQ(entries[20].hash, low_use.cells[0].hash);
+ EXPECT_EQ(entries[29].hash, low_use.cells[9].hash);
+ EXPECT_EQ(entries[30].hash, no_use.cells[0].hash);
+ EXPECT_EQ(entries[39].hash, no_use.cells[9].hash);
+ // Now start an iteration from the head (most recent entry).
+ disk_cache::IndexIterator iterator;
+ iterator.timestamp = index.CalculateTimestamp(time) + 1;
+ iterator.forward = false; // Back in time.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(index.GetNextCells(&iterator));
+ ASSERT_EQ(3u, iterator.cells.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(entries[41].hash, iterator.cells[0].hash);
+ EXPECT_EQ(entries[42].hash, iterator.cells[1].hash);
+ EXPECT_EQ(entries[43].hash, iterator.cells[2].hash);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(index.GetNextCells(&iterator));
+ ASSERT_EQ(10u, iterator.cells.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(entries[30].hash, iterator.cells[0].hash);
+ EXPECT_EQ(entries[39].hash, iterator.cells[9].hash);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(index.GetNextCells(&iterator));
+ ASSERT_EQ(10u, iterator.cells.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(entries[20].hash, iterator.cells[0].hash);
+ EXPECT_EQ(entries[29].hash, iterator.cells[9].hash);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(index.GetNextCells(&iterator));
+ ASSERT_EQ(10u, iterator.cells.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(entries[10].hash, iterator.cells[0].hash);
+ EXPECT_EQ(entries[19].hash, iterator.cells[9].hash);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(index.GetNextCells(&iterator));
+ // Now start an iteration from the tail (oldest entry).
+ iterator.timestamp = 0;
+ iterator.forward = true;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(index.GetNextCells(&iterator));
+ ASSERT_EQ(10u, iterator.cells.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(entries[10].hash, iterator.cells[0].hash);
+ EXPECT_EQ(entries[19].hash, iterator.cells[9].hash);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(index.GetNextCells(&iterator));
+ ASSERT_EQ(10u, iterator.cells.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(entries[20].hash, iterator.cells[0].hash);
+ EXPECT_EQ(entries[29].hash, iterator.cells[9].hash);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(index.GetNextCells(&iterator));
+ ASSERT_EQ(10u, iterator.cells.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(entries[30].hash, iterator.cells[0].hash);
+ EXPECT_EQ(entries[39].hash, iterator.cells[9].hash);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(index.GetNextCells(&iterator));
+ ASSERT_EQ(3u, iterator.cells.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(entries[41].hash, iterator.cells[0].hash);
+ EXPECT_EQ(entries[42].hash, iterator.cells[1].hash);
+ EXPECT_EQ(entries[43].hash, iterator.cells[2].hash);
+// Tests doubling of the table.
+TEST(DiskCacheIndexTable, Doubling) {
+ IndexTable index(NULL);
+ int size = 1024;
+ scoped_ptr<TestCacheTables> cache(new TestCacheTables(size));
+ int entry_id = 0;
+ disk_cache::CellList entries;
+ // Go from 1024 to 256k cells.
+ for (int resizes = 0; resizes <= 8; resizes++) {
+ scoped_ptr<TestCacheTables> old_cache(cache.Pass());
+ cache.reset(new TestCacheTables(size));
+ cache.get()->CopyFrom(*old_cache.get());
+ IndexTableInitData init_data;
+ cache.get()->GetInitData(&init_data);
+ index.Init(&init_data);
+ // Write some entries.
+ for (int i = 0; i < 250; i++, entry_id++) {
+ SCOPED_TRACE(entry_id);
+ uint32 hash = entry_id * i * 321 + entry_id * 13;
+ disk_cache::Addr addr(disk_cache::BLOCK_ENTRIES, 1, 5, entry_id * 17 + 1);
+ EntryCell entry = index.CreateEntryCell(hash, addr);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(entry.IsValid());
+ disk_cache::CellInfo info = { hash, addr };
+ entries.push_back(info);
+ }
+ size *= 2;
+ }
+ // Access all the entries.
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < entries.size(); i++) {
+ disk_cache::EntrySet found_entries = index.LookupEntries(entries[i].hash);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, found_entries.cells.size());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(found_entries.cells[0].IsValid());
+ }
+// Tests bucket chaining when growing the index.
+TEST(DiskCacheIndexTable, BucketChains) {
+ IndexTable index(NULL);
+ int size = 1024;
+ scoped_ptr<TestCacheTables> cache(new TestCacheTables(size));
+ disk_cache::CellList entries;
+ IndexTableInitData init_data;
+ cache.get()->GetInitData(&init_data);
+ index.Init(&init_data);
+ // Write some entries.
+ for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+ uint32 hash = i * 256;
+ disk_cache::Addr addr(disk_cache::BLOCK_ENTRIES, 1, 5, i * 7 + 1);
+ EntryCell entry = index.CreateEntryCell(hash, addr);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(entry.IsValid());
+ disk_cache::CellInfo info = { hash, addr };
+ entries.push_back(info);
+ }
+ // Double the size.
+ scoped_ptr<TestCacheTables> old_cache(cache.Pass());
+ cache.reset(new TestCacheTables(size * 2));
+ cache.get()->CopyFrom(*old_cache.get());
+ cache.get()->GetInitData(&init_data);
+ index.Init(&init_data);
+ // Write more entries, starting with the upper half of the table.
+ for (int i = 9; i < 11; i++) {
+ uint32 hash = i * 256;
+ disk_cache::Addr addr(disk_cache::BLOCK_ENTRIES, 1, 5, i * 7 + 1);
+ EntryCell entry = index.CreateEntryCell(hash, addr);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(entry.IsValid());
+ disk_cache::CellInfo info = { hash, addr };
+ entries.push_back(info);
+ }
+ // Access all the entries.
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < entries.size(); i++) {
+ disk_cache::EntrySet found_entries = index.LookupEntries(entries[i].hash);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1u, found_entries.cells.size());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(found_entries.cells[0].IsValid());
+ }
+// Tests that GrowIndex is called.
+TEST(DiskCacheIndexTable, GrowIndex) {
+ TestCacheTables cache(1024);
+ IndexTableInitData init_data;
+ cache.GetInitData(&init_data);
+ MockIndexBackend backend;
+ IndexTable index(&backend);
+ index.Init(&init_data);
+ // Write some entries.
+ for (int i = 0; i < 512; i++) {
+ uint32 hash = 0;
+ disk_cache::Addr addr(disk_cache::BLOCK_ENTRIES, 1, 5, i + 1);
+ EntryCell entry = index.CreateEntryCell(hash, addr);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(entry.IsValid());
+ }
+ EXPECT_TRUE(backend.grow_called());
+TEST(DiskCacheIndexTable, SaveIndex) {
+ TestCacheTables cache(1024);
+ IndexTableInitData init_data;
+ cache.GetInitData(&init_data);
+ MockIndexBackend backend;
+ IndexTable index(&backend);
+ index.Init(&init_data);
+ uint32 hash = 0;
+ disk_cache::Addr addr(disk_cache::BLOCK_ENTRIES, 1, 5, 6);
+ EntryCell entry = index.CreateEntryCell(hash, addr);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(entry.IsValid());
+ index.OnBackupTimer();
+ int expected = (1024 + 512) / 8 + sizeof(disk_cache::IndexHeaderV3);
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected, backend.buffer_len());
diff --git a/net/net.gyp b/net/net.gyp
index d4b3d04..7e645e4 100644
--- a/net/net.gyp
+++ b/net/net.gyp
@@ -460,6 +460,8 @@
+ 'disk_cache/v3/',
+ 'disk_cache/v3/index_table.h',
@@ -1673,6 +1675,7 @@
+ 'disk_cache/v3/',