path: root/net
diff options
mode: <>2014-04-16 23:58:20 +0000 <>2014-04-16 23:58:20 +0000
commit173ef47781226b8ab8d0ed035478a3cc135f6ad7 (patch)
tree99a4d373f42d050e9a98e6c2f89e5ec27936d0fa /net
parent0ee9d2a743072cd882298eb6c6c0833cae80c2cf (diff)
Reland r263348: Add False Start tests
Failed on valgrind because it triggered broken timing cases. The original FakeBlockingStreamSocket changes introduced bugs and didn't quite have the desired semantics: - If SetNextReadWouldBlock() gets called while there is a hanging Read(), we need to block that one. - The synchronous Read return + block case was just broken. It forgot to save the callback. Original description: > Add False Start tests > > Tests both that False Start occurs when it should and doesn't > when it shouldn't. > > BUG=354132 > > Review URL: BUG=354132,362920 Review URL: git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
Diffstat (limited to 'net')
4 files changed, 355 insertions, 117 deletions
diff --git a/net/socket/ b/net/socket/
index 7dd9d64..904b467 100644
--- a/net/socket/
+++ b/net/socket/
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
#include "base/callback_helpers.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
+#include "base/run_loop.h"
#include "net/base/address_list.h"
#include "net/base/io_buffer.h"
#include "net/base/net_errors.h"
@@ -327,144 +328,204 @@ class FakeBlockingStreamSocket : public WrappedStreamSocket {
// Socket implementation:
virtual int Read(IOBuffer* buf,
int buf_len,
- const CompletionCallback& callback) OVERRIDE {
- return read_state_.RunWrappedFunction(buf, buf_len, callback);
- }
+ const CompletionCallback& callback) OVERRIDE;
virtual int Write(IOBuffer* buf,
int buf_len,
- const CompletionCallback& callback) OVERRIDE {
- return write_state_.RunWrappedFunction(buf, buf_len, callback);
- }
+ const CompletionCallback& callback) OVERRIDE;
+ // Blocks read results on the socket. Reads will not complete until
+ // UnblockReadResult() has been called and a result is ready from the
+ // underlying transport. Note: if BlockReadResult() is called while there is a
+ // hanging asynchronous Read(), that Read is blocked.
+ void BlockReadResult();
+ void UnblockReadResult();
+ // Waits for the blocked Read() call to be complete at the underlying
+ // transport.
+ void WaitForReadResult();
- // Causes the next call to Read() to return ERR_IO_PENDING, not completing
- // (invoking the callback) until UnblockRead() has been called and the
- // underlying transport has completed.
- void SetNextReadShouldBlock() { read_state_.SetShouldBlock(); }
- void UnblockRead() { read_state_.Unblock(); }
+ // Causes the next call to Write() to return ERR_IO_PENDING, not beginning the
+ // underlying transport until UnblockWrite() has been called. Note: if there
+ // is a pending asynchronous write, it is NOT blocked. For purposes of
+ // blocking writes, data is considered to have reached the underlying
+ // transport as soon as Write() is called.
+ void BlockWrite();
+ void UnblockWrite();
- // Causes the next call to Write() to return ERR_IO_PENDING, not completing
- // (invoking the callback) until UnblockWrite() has been called and the
- // underlying transport has completed.
- void SetNextWriteShouldBlock() { write_state_.SetShouldBlock(); }
- void UnblockWrite() { write_state_.Unblock(); }
+ // Waits for the blocked Write() call to be scheduled.
+ void WaitForWrite();
- // Tracks the state for simulating a blocking Read/Write operation.
- class BlockingState {
- public:
- // Wrapper for the underlying Socket function to call (ie: Read/Write).
- typedef base::Callback<int(IOBuffer*, int, const CompletionCallback&)>
- WrappedSocketFunction;
- explicit BlockingState(const WrappedSocketFunction& function);
- ~BlockingState() {}
- // Sets the next call to RunWrappedFunction() to block, returning
- // ERR_IO_PENDING and not invoking the user callback until Unblock() is
- // called.
- void SetShouldBlock();
- // Unblocks the currently blocked pending function, invoking the user
- // callback if the results are immediately available.
- // Note: It's not valid to call this unless SetShouldBlock() has been
- // called beforehand.
- void Unblock();
- // Performs the wrapped socket function on the underlying transport. If
- // configured to block via SetShouldBlock(), then |user_callback| will not
- // be invoked until Unblock() has been called.
- int RunWrappedFunction(IOBuffer* buf,
- int len,
- const CompletionCallback& user_callback);
- private:
- // Handles completion from the underlying wrapped socket function.
- void OnCompleted(int result);
- WrappedSocketFunction wrapped_function_;
- bool should_block_;
- bool have_result_;
- int pending_result_;
- CompletionCallback user_callback_;
- };
+ // Handles completion from the underlying transport read.
+ void OnReadCompleted(int result);
+ // True if read callbacks are blocked.
+ bool should_block_read_;
+ // The user callback for the pending read call.
+ CompletionCallback pending_read_callback_;
+ // The result for the blocked read callback, or ERR_IO_PENDING if not
+ // completed.
+ int pending_read_result_;
+ // WaitForReadResult() wait loop.
+ scoped_ptr<base::RunLoop> read_loop_;
+ // True if write calls are blocked.
+ bool should_block_write_;
- BlockingState read_state_;
- BlockingState write_state_;
+ // The buffer for the pending write, or NULL if not scheduled.
+ scoped_refptr<IOBuffer> pending_write_buf_;
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(FakeBlockingStreamSocket);
+ // The callback for the pending write call.
+ CompletionCallback pending_write_callback_;
+ // The length for the pending write, or -1 if not scheduled.
+ int pending_write_len_;
+ // WaitForWrite() wait loop.
+ scoped_ptr<base::RunLoop> write_loop_;
scoped_ptr<StreamSocket> transport)
: WrappedStreamSocket(transport.Pass()),
- read_state_(base::Bind(&Socket::Read,
- base::Unretained(transport_.get()))),
- write_state_(base::Bind(&Socket::Write,
- base::Unretained(transport_.get()))) {}
- const WrappedSocketFunction& function)
- : wrapped_function_(function),
- should_block_(false),
- have_result_(false),
- pending_result_(OK) {}
-void FakeBlockingStreamSocket::BlockingState::SetShouldBlock() {
- DCHECK(!should_block_);
- should_block_ = true;
+ should_block_read_(false),
+ pending_read_result_(ERR_IO_PENDING),
+ should_block_write_(false),
+ pending_write_len_(-1) {}
+int FakeBlockingStreamSocket::Read(IOBuffer* buf,
+ int len,
+ const CompletionCallback& callback) {
+ DCHECK(pending_read_callback_.is_null());
+ DCHECK_EQ(ERR_IO_PENDING, pending_read_result_);
+ DCHECK(!callback.is_null());
+ int rv = transport_->Read(buf, len, base::Bind(
+ &FakeBlockingStreamSocket::OnReadCompleted, base::Unretained(this)));
+ if (rv == ERR_IO_PENDING) {
+ // Save the callback to be called later.
+ pending_read_callback_ = callback;
+ } else if (should_block_read_) {
+ // Save the callback and read result to be called later.
+ pending_read_callback_ = callback;
+ OnReadCompleted(rv);
+ }
+ return rv;
+int FakeBlockingStreamSocket::Write(IOBuffer* buf,
+ int len,
+ const CompletionCallback& callback) {
+ DCHECK(buf);
+ DCHECK_LE(0, len);
+ if (!should_block_write_)
+ return transport_->Write(buf, len, callback);
+ // Schedule the write, but do nothing.
+ DCHECK(!pending_write_buf_);
+ DCHECK_EQ(-1, pending_write_len_);
+ DCHECK(pending_write_callback_.is_null());
+ DCHECK(!callback.is_null());
+ pending_write_buf_ = buf;
+ pending_write_len_ = len;
+ pending_write_callback_ = callback;
+ // Stop the write loop, if any.
+ if (write_loop_)
+ write_loop_->Quit();
+ return ERR_IO_PENDING;
+void FakeBlockingStreamSocket::BlockReadResult() {
+ DCHECK(!should_block_read_);
+ should_block_read_ = true;
-void FakeBlockingStreamSocket::BlockingState::Unblock() {
- DCHECK(should_block_);
- should_block_ = false;
+void FakeBlockingStreamSocket::UnblockReadResult() {
+ DCHECK(should_block_read_);
+ should_block_read_ = false;
// If the operation is still pending in the underlying transport, immediately
- // return - OnCompleted() will handle invoking the callback once the transport
- // has completed.
- if (!have_result_)
+ // return - OnReadCompleted() will handle invoking the callback once the
+ // transport has completed.
+ if (pending_read_result_ == ERR_IO_PENDING)
+ int result = pending_read_result_;
+ pending_read_result_ = ERR_IO_PENDING;
+ base::ResetAndReturn(&pending_read_callback_).Run(result);
- have_result_ = false;
+void FakeBlockingStreamSocket::WaitForReadResult() {
+ DCHECK(should_block_read_);
+ DCHECK(!read_loop_);
+ if (pending_read_result_ != ERR_IO_PENDING)
+ return;
+ read_loop_.reset(new base::RunLoop);
+ read_loop_->Run();
+ read_loop_.reset();
+ DCHECK_NE(ERR_IO_PENDING, pending_read_result_);
- base::ResetAndReturn(&user_callback_).Run(pending_result_);
+void FakeBlockingStreamSocket::BlockWrite() {
+ DCHECK(!should_block_write_);
+ should_block_write_ = true;
-int FakeBlockingStreamSocket::BlockingState::RunWrappedFunction(
- IOBuffer* buf,
- int len,
- const CompletionCallback& callback) {
- // The callback to be called by the underlying transport. Either forward
- // directly to the user's callback if not set to block, or intercept it with
- // OnCompleted so that the user's callback is not invoked until Unblock() is
- // called.
- CompletionCallback transport_callback =
- !should_block_ ? callback : base::Bind(&BlockingState::OnCompleted,
- base::Unretained(this));
- int rv = wrapped_function_.Run(buf, len, transport_callback);
- if (should_block_) {
- user_callback_ = callback;
- // May have completed synchronously.
- have_result_ = (rv != ERR_IO_PENDING);
- pending_result_ = rv;
- return ERR_IO_PENDING;
+void FakeBlockingStreamSocket::UnblockWrite() {
+ DCHECK(should_block_write_);
+ should_block_write_ = false;
+ // Do nothing if UnblockWrite() was called after BlockWrite(),
+ // without a Write() in between.
+ if (!pending_write_buf_)
+ return;
+ int rv = transport_->Write(pending_write_buf_, pending_write_len_,
+ pending_write_callback_);
+ pending_write_buf_ = NULL;
+ pending_write_len_ = -1;
+ if (rv == ERR_IO_PENDING) {
+ pending_write_callback_.Reset();
+ } else {
+ base::ResetAndReturn(&pending_write_callback_).Run(rv);
- return rv;
+void FakeBlockingStreamSocket::WaitForWrite() {
+ DCHECK(should_block_write_);
+ DCHECK(!write_loop_);
+ if (pending_write_buf_)
+ return;
+ write_loop_.reset(new base::RunLoop);
+ write_loop_->Run();
+ write_loop_.reset();
+ DCHECK(pending_write_buf_);
-void FakeBlockingStreamSocket::BlockingState::OnCompleted(int result) {
- if (should_block_) {
+void FakeBlockingStreamSocket::OnReadCompleted(int result) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(ERR_IO_PENDING, pending_read_result_);
+ DCHECK(!pending_read_callback_.is_null());
+ if (should_block_read_) {
// Store the result so that the callback can be invoked once Unblock() is
// called.
- have_result_ = true;
- pending_result_ = result;
- return;
+ pending_read_result_ = result;
+ // Stop the WaitForReadResult() call if any.
+ if (read_loop_)
+ read_loop_->Quit();
+ } else {
+ // Either the Read() was never blocked or UnblockReadResult() was called
+ // before the Read() completed. Either way, run the callback.
+ base::ResetAndReturn(&pending_read_callback_).Run(result);
- // Otherwise, the Unblock() function was called before the underlying
- // transport completed, so run the user's callback immediately.
- base::ResetAndReturn(&user_callback_).Run(result);
// CompletionCallback that will delete the associated StreamSocket when
@@ -565,6 +626,93 @@ class SSLClientSocketCertRequestInfoTest : public SSLClientSocketTest {
+class SSLClientSocketFalseStartTest : public SSLClientSocketTest {
+ protected:
+ void TestFalseStart(const SpawnedTestServer::SSLOptions& server_options,
+ const SSLConfig& client_config,
+ bool expect_false_start) {
+ SpawnedTestServer test_server(SpawnedTestServer::TYPE_HTTPS,
+ server_options,
+ base::FilePath());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(test_server.Start());
+ AddressList addr;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(test_server.GetAddressList(&addr));
+ TestCompletionCallback callback;
+ scoped_ptr<StreamSocket> real_transport(
+ new TCPClientSocket(addr, NULL, NetLog::Source()));
+ scoped_ptr<FakeBlockingStreamSocket> transport(
+ new FakeBlockingStreamSocket(real_transport.Pass()));
+ int rv = callback.GetResult(transport->Connect(callback.callback()));
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, rv);
+ FakeBlockingStreamSocket* raw_transport = transport.get();
+ scoped_ptr<SSLClientSocket> sock(
+ CreateSSLClientSocket(transport.PassAs<StreamSocket>(),
+ test_server.host_port_pair(),
+ client_config));
+ // Connect. Stop before the client processes the first server leg
+ // (ServerHello, etc.)
+ raw_transport->BlockReadResult();
+ rv = sock->Connect(callback.callback());
+ raw_transport->WaitForReadResult();
+ // Release the ServerHello and wait for the client to write
+ // ClientKeyExchange, etc. (A proxy for waiting for the entirety of the
+ // server's leg to complete, since it may span multiple reads.)
+ EXPECT_FALSE(callback.have_result());
+ raw_transport->BlockWrite();
+ raw_transport->UnblockReadResult();
+ raw_transport->WaitForWrite();
+ // And, finally, release that and block the next server leg
+ // (ChangeCipherSpec, Finished). Note: callback.have_result() may or may not
+ // be true at this point depending on whether the SSL implementation waits
+ // for the client second leg to clear the internal write buffer and hit the
+ // network.
+ raw_transport->BlockReadResult();
+ raw_transport->UnblockWrite();
+ if (expect_false_start) {
+ // When False Starting, the handshake should complete before receiving the
+ // Change Cipher Spec and Finished messages.
+ rv = callback.GetResult(rv);
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, rv);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(sock->IsConnected());
+ const char request_text[] = "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n";
+ static const int kRequestTextSize =
+ static_cast<int>(arraysize(request_text) - 1);
+ scoped_refptr<IOBuffer> request_buffer(new IOBuffer(kRequestTextSize));
+ memcpy(request_buffer->data(), request_text, kRequestTextSize);
+ // Write the request.
+ rv = callback.GetResult(sock->Write(request_buffer.get(),
+ kRequestTextSize,
+ callback.callback()));
+ EXPECT_EQ(kRequestTextSize, rv);
+ // The read will hang; it's waiting for the peer to complete the
+ // handshake, and the handshake is still blocked.
+ scoped_refptr<IOBuffer> buf(new IOBuffer(4096));
+ rv = sock->Read(buf.get(), 4096, callback.callback());
+ // After releasing reads, the connection proceeds.
+ raw_transport->UnblockReadResult();
+ rv = callback.GetResult(rv);
+ EXPECT_LT(0, rv);
+ } else {
+ // False Start is not enabled, so the handshake will not complete because
+ // the server second leg is blocked.
+ base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(callback.have_result());
+ }
+ }
// LogContainsSSLConnectEndEvent returns true if the given index in the given
@@ -997,7 +1145,7 @@ TEST_F(SSLClientSocketTest, Write_WithSynchronousError) {
// Simulate an unclean/forcible shutdown on the underlying socket.
// However, simulate this error asynchronously.
- raw_transport->SetNextWriteShouldBlock();
+ raw_transport->BlockWrite();
// This write should complete synchronously, because the TLS ciphertext
// can be created and placed into the outgoing buffers independent of the
@@ -1142,8 +1290,8 @@ TEST_F(SSLClientSocketTest, Read_DeleteWhilePendingFullDuplex) {
// ... but have those errors returned asynchronously. Because the Write() will
// return first, this will trigger the error.
- raw_transport->SetNextReadShouldBlock();
- raw_transport->SetNextWriteShouldBlock();
+ raw_transport->BlockReadResult();
+ raw_transport->BlockWrite();
// Enqueue a Read() before calling Write(), which should "hang" due to
// the ERR_IO_PENDING caused by SetReadShouldBlock() and thus return.
@@ -1267,7 +1415,7 @@ TEST_F(SSLClientSocketTest, Read_WithWriteError) {
// Start a hanging read.
TestCompletionCallback read_callback;
- raw_transport->SetNextReadShouldBlock();
+ raw_transport->BlockReadResult();
scoped_refptr<IOBuffer> buf(new IOBuffer(4096));
rv = sock->Read(buf.get(), 4096, read_callback.callback());
@@ -1311,7 +1459,7 @@ TEST_F(SSLClientSocketTest, Read_WithWriteError) {
// Release the read. Some bytes should go through.
- raw_transport->UnblockRead();
+ raw_transport->UnblockReadResult();
rv = read_callback.WaitForResult();
// Per the fix for, write failures currently break
@@ -2183,4 +2331,43 @@ TEST_F(SSLClientSocketTest, ReuseStates) {
// attempt to read one byte extra.
+// This test is only enabled on NSS until False Start support is added for
+// OpenSSL.
+#if defined(USE_NSS)
+#define MAYBE_FalseStartEnabled FalseStartEnabled
+#define MAYBE_FalseStartEnabled DISABLED_FalseStartEnabled
+#endif // USE_NSS
+TEST_F(SSLClientSocketFalseStartTest, MAYBE_FalseStartEnabled) {
+ // False Start requires NPN and a forward-secret cipher suite.
+ SpawnedTestServer::SSLOptions server_options;
+ server_options.key_exchanges =
+ SpawnedTestServer::SSLOptions::KEY_EXCHANGE_DHE_RSA;
+ server_options.enable_npn = true;
+ SSLConfig client_config;
+ client_config.next_protos.push_back("http/1.1");
+ TestFalseStart(server_options, client_config, true);
+// Test that False Start is disabled without NPN.
+TEST_F(SSLClientSocketFalseStartTest, NoNPN) {
+ SpawnedTestServer::SSLOptions server_options;
+ server_options.key_exchanges =
+ SpawnedTestServer::SSLOptions::KEY_EXCHANGE_DHE_RSA;
+ SSLConfig client_config;
+ client_config.next_protos.clear();
+ TestFalseStart(server_options, client_config, false);
+// Test that False Start is disabled without a forward-secret cipher suite.
+TEST_F(SSLClientSocketFalseStartTest, NoForwardSecrecy) {
+ SpawnedTestServer::SSLOptions server_options;
+ server_options.key_exchanges =
+ SpawnedTestServer::SSLOptions::KEY_EXCHANGE_RSA;
+ server_options.enable_npn = true;
+ SSLConfig client_config;
+ client_config.next_protos.push_back("http/1.1");
+ TestFalseStart(server_options, client_config, false);
} // namespace net
diff --git a/net/test/spawned_test_server/ b/net/test/spawned_test_server/
index ac37c70..a781c6e 100644
--- a/net/test/spawned_test_server/
+++ b/net/test/spawned_test_server/
@@ -40,6 +40,13 @@ std::string GetHostname(BaseTestServer::Type type,
return BaseTestServer::kLocalhost;
+void GetKeyExchangesList(int key_exchange, base::ListValue* values) {
+ if (key_exchange & BaseTestServer::SSLOptions::KEY_EXCHANGE_RSA)
+ values->Append(new base::StringValue("rsa"));
+ if (key_exchange & BaseTestServer::SSLOptions::KEY_EXCHANGE_DHE_RSA)
+ values->Append(new base::StringValue("dhe_rsa"));
void GetCiphersList(int cipher, base::ListValue* values) {
if (cipher & BaseTestServer::SSLOptions::BULK_CIPHER_RC4)
values->Append(new base::StringValue("rc4"));
@@ -58,11 +65,13 @@ BaseTestServer::SSLOptions::SSLOptions()
+ key_exchanges(SSLOptions::KEY_EXCHANGE_ANY),
- staple_ocsp_response(false) {}
+ staple_ocsp_response(false),
+ enable_npn(false) {}
BaseTestServer::SSLOptions::ServerCertificate cert)
@@ -70,11 +79,13 @@ BaseTestServer::SSLOptions::SSLOptions(
+ key_exchanges(SSLOptions::KEY_EXCHANGE_ANY),
- staple_ocsp_response(false) {}
+ staple_ocsp_response(false),
+ enable_npn(false) {}
BaseTestServer::SSLOptions::~SSLOptions() {}
@@ -389,6 +400,11 @@ bool BaseTestServer::GenerateArguments(base::DictionaryValue* arguments) const {
+ // Check key exchange argument.
+ scoped_ptr<base::ListValue> key_exchange_values(new base::ListValue());
+ GetKeyExchangesList(ssl_options_.key_exchanges, key_exchange_values.get());
+ if (key_exchange_values->GetSize())
+ arguments->Set("ssl-key-exchange", key_exchange_values.release());
// Check bulk cipher argument.
scoped_ptr<base::ListValue> bulk_cipher_values(new base::ListValue());
GetCiphersList(ssl_options_.bulk_ciphers, bulk_cipher_values.get());
@@ -410,6 +426,8 @@ bool BaseTestServer::GenerateArguments(base::DictionaryValue* arguments) const {
if (ssl_options_.staple_ocsp_response)
arguments->Set("staple-ocsp-response", base::Value::CreateNullValue());
+ if (ssl_options_.enable_npn)
+ arguments->Set("enable-npn", base::Value::CreateNullValue());
return GenerateAdditionalArguments(arguments);
diff --git a/net/test/spawned_test_server/base_test_server.h b/net/test/spawned_test_server/base_test_server.h
index 163808c..392a72b 100644
--- a/net/test/spawned_test_server/base_test_server.h
+++ b/net/test/spawned_test_server/base_test_server.h
@@ -72,6 +72,18 @@ class BaseTestServer {
+ // Bitmask of key exchange algorithms that the test server supports and that
+ // can be selectively enabled or disabled.
+ enum KeyExchange {
+ // Special value used to indicate that any algorithm the server supports
+ // is acceptable. Preferred over explicitly OR-ing all key exchange
+ // algorithms.
+ KEY_EXCHANGE_RSA = (1 << 0),
+ KEY_EXCHANGE_DHE_RSA = (1 << 1),
+ };
// Bitmask of bulk encryption algorithms that the test server supports
// and that can be selectively enabled or disabled.
enum BulkCipher {
@@ -134,6 +146,11 @@ class BaseTestServer {
// field of the CertificateRequest.
std::vector<base::FilePath> client_authorities;
+ // A bitwise-OR of KeyExchnage that should be used by the
+ // HTTPS server, or KEY_EXCHANGE_ANY to indicate that all implemented
+ // key exchange algorithms are acceptable.
+ int key_exchanges;
// A bitwise-OR of BulkCipher that should be used by the
// HTTPS server, or BULK_CIPHER_ANY to indicate that all implemented
// ciphers are acceptable.
@@ -165,6 +182,9 @@ class BaseTestServer {
// Whether to staple the OCSP response.
bool staple_ocsp_response;
+ // Whether to enable NPN support.
+ bool enable_npn;
// Pass as the 'host' parameter during construction to server on
diff --git a/net/tools/testserver/ b/net/tools/testserver/
index 2b0c36c..9e86cf2 100755
--- a/net/tools/testserver/
+++ b/net/tools/testserver/
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ class HTTPSServer(tlslite.api.TLSSocketServerMixIn,
def __init__(self, server_address, request_hander_class, pem_cert_and_key,
ssl_client_auth, ssl_client_cas,
- ssl_bulk_ciphers, ssl_key_exchanges,
+ ssl_bulk_ciphers, ssl_key_exchanges, enable_npn,
record_resume_info, tls_intolerant, signed_cert_timestamps,
fallback_scsv_enabled, ocsp_response):
self.cert_chain = tlslite.api.X509CertChain()
@@ -167,6 +167,10 @@ class HTTPSServer(tlslite.api.TLSSocketServerMixIn,
self.ssl_client_auth = ssl_client_auth
self.ssl_client_cas = []
+ if enable_npn:
+ self.next_protos = ['http/1.1']
+ else:
+ self.next_protos = None
if tls_intolerant == 0:
self.tls_intolerant = None
@@ -207,6 +211,7 @@ class HTTPSServer(tlslite.api.TLSSocketServerMixIn,
+ nextProtos=self.next_protos,
@@ -1986,6 +1991,7 @@ class ServerRunner(testserver_base.TestServerRunner):
+ self.options.enable_npn,
@@ -2182,6 +2188,13 @@ class ServerRunner(testserver_base.TestServerRunner):
'option may appear multiple times, '
'indicating multiple algorithms should be '
+ # TODO(davidben): Add ALPN support to tlslite.
+ self.option_parser.add_option('--enable-npn', dest='enable_npn',
+ default=False, const=True,
+ action='store_const',
+ help='Enable server support for the NPN '
+ 'extension. The server will advertise '
+ 'support for exactly one protocol, http/1.1')
self.option_parser.add_option('--file-root-url', default='/files/',
help='Specify a root URL for files served.')