path: root/o3d/plugin/mac
diff options
mode: <>2009-06-25 22:59:41 +0000 <>2009-06-25 22:59:41 +0000
commit98514f26dd2386c2811a5a568d993e8d75d6c33d (patch)
tree3722e7140e7073ad0390ef660abe9a9f9993553a /o3d/plugin/mac
parent6f2fc3d53467400baba7c718ef95b4b86d98412f (diff)
New user experience for the fullscreen message on Mac.
It's now a translucent window that slides down into the top right of the screen, hangs around for a while and then slides up up and away. Review URL: git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
Diffstat (limited to 'o3d/plugin/mac')
1 files changed, 138 insertions, 55 deletions
diff --git a/o3d/plugin/mac/ b/o3d/plugin/mac/
index aa66ca2..7d63a0c 100644
--- a/o3d/plugin/mac/
+++ b/o3d/plugin/mac/
@@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ BreakpadRef gBreakpadRef = NULL;
using glue::_o3d::PluginObject;
using o3d::DisplayWindowMac;
+static void DrawToOverlayWindow(WindowRef overlayWindow);
// Returns the version number of the running Mac browser, as parsed from
// the short version string in the plist of the app's bundle.
bool GetBrowserVersionInfo(int *returned_major,
@@ -215,12 +217,18 @@ void RenderTimer::TimerCallback(CFRunLoopTimerRef timer, void* info) {
+ bool in_fullscreen = obj->GetFullscreenMacWindow();
+ if (in_fullscreen) {
+ obj->FullscreenIdle();
+ }
// We're visible if (a) we are in fullscreen mode or (b) our cliprect
// height and width are both a sensible size, ie > 1 pixel.
// We don't check for 0 as we have to size to 1 x 1 on occasion rather than
// 0 x 0 to avoid crashing the Apple software renderer, but do not want to
// actually draw to a 1 x 1 pixel area.
- bool plugin_visible = obj->GetFullscreenMacWindow() ||
+ bool plugin_visible = in_fullscreen ||
(obj->last_buffer_rect_[2] > 1 && obj->last_buffer_rect_[3] > 1);
if (plugin_visible && obj->WantsRedraw()) {
@@ -385,11 +393,6 @@ static void MySetLayoutControl(ATSUTextLayout layout,
ATSUSetLayoutControls(layout, 1, tags, sizes, values);
-static OSStatus HandleOverlayWindow(EventHandlerCallRef inHandlerCallRef,
- EventRef inEvent,
- void *inUserData) {
- return noErr;
static void PaintRoundedCGRect(CGContextRef context,
CGRect rect,
@@ -426,57 +429,106 @@ static SInt32 GetIntEventParam(EventRef inEvent, EventParamName inName) {
#pragma mark ____OVERLAY_WINDOW
+static OSStatus HandleOverlayWindow(EventHandlerCallRef inHandlerCallRef,
+ EventRef inEvent,
+ void *inUserData) {
+ OSType event_class = GetEventClass(inEvent);
+ OSType event_kind = GetEventKind(inEvent);
-static void DrawToOverlayWindow(WindowRef overlayWindow) {
-#define kTextWindowHeight 40
+ if (event_class == kEventClassWindow &&
+ event_kind == kEventWindowPaint) {
+ WindowRef theWindow = NULL;
+ GetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamDirectObject,
+ typeWindowRef, NULL,
+ sizeof(theWindow), NULL,
+ &theWindow);
+ if (theWindow) {
+ CallNextEventHandler(inHandlerCallRef, inEvent);
+ DrawToOverlayWindow(theWindow);
+ }
+ }
- CGContextRef overlayContext = NULL;
- OSStatus result = noErr;
- // TODO this will need to be a localized string
- char * display_text = "Press Esc to exit full screen mode.";
+ return noErr;
- UniChar* display_text_16 = NULL;
- CFStringRef display_text_cfstr = NULL;
- int textLength = 0;
- QDBeginCGContext(GetWindowPort(overlayWindow), &overlayContext);
+// Returns the unicode 16 chars that we need to display as the fullscreen
+// message. Should be disposed with free() after use.
+static UniChar * GetFullscreenDisplayText(int *returned_length) {
+ // TODO this will need to be a localized string.
+ NSString* ns_display_text = @"Press ESC to exit fullscreen.";
+ int count = [ns_display_text length];
+ UniChar* display_text_16 = (UniChar*) calloc(count, sizeof(UniChar));
- display_text_cfstr = CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault,
- display_text,
- kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
- textLength = CFStringGetLength(display_text_cfstr);
- display_text_16 = (UniChar*)calloc(textLength + 1, sizeof(*display_text_16));
- CFStringGetCharacters(display_text_cfstr,
- CFRangeMake(0, textLength),
- display_text_16);
+ [ns_display_text getCharacters:display_text_16];
+ *returned_length = count;
+ return display_text_16;
-#define kOverlayWindowFontName "Helvetica"
+static void DrawToOverlayWindow(WindowRef overlayWindow) {
+ CGContextRef overlayContext = NULL;
+ OSStatus result = noErr;
CGFloat kWhiteOpaque[] = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0};
CGFloat kBlackOpaque[] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0};
CGFloat kGreyNotOpaque[] = {0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5};
+ CGFloat kBlackNotOpaque[] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5};
+ Rect bounds = {0, 0, 0, 0};
+ const char* kOverlayWindowFontName = "Arial";
+ const int kPointSize = 22;
+ const float kShadowRadius = 5.0;
+ const float kRoundRectRadius = 9.0;
+ const float kTextLeftMargin = 15.0;
+ const float kTextBottomMargin = 22.0;
- Rect bounds = {0,0,100,100};
+ QDBeginCGContext(GetWindowPort(overlayWindow), &overlayContext);
GetWindowBounds(overlayWindow, kWindowContentRgn, &bounds);
- CGRect cgTotalRect = Rect2CGRect(bounds);
+ // Make the global rect local.
+ bounds.right -= bounds.left;
+ bounds.left = 0;
+ bounds.bottom -=;
+ = 0;
+ CGRect cgTotalRect = Rect2CGRect(bounds);
CGContextSetShouldSmoothFonts(overlayContext, true);
CGContextClearRect(overlayContext, cgTotalRect);
CGColorSpaceRef myColorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();
- CGColorRef textShadow = CGColorCreate(myColorSpace, kBlackOpaque);
- CGColorRef roundRectBackColor = CGColorCreate(myColorSpace, kGreyNotOpaque);
+ CGColorRef shadow = CGColorCreate(myColorSpace, kBlackNotOpaque);
+ CGColorRef roundRectBackColor = CGColorCreate(myColorSpace, kBlackNotOpaque);
CGSize shadowOffset = {0.0,0.0};
CGContextSetFillColor(overlayContext, kWhiteOpaque);
CGContextSetStrokeColor(overlayContext, kWhiteOpaque);
- if (strlen(display_text)) {
+ // Draw the round rect background.
+ CGContextSaveGState(overlayContext);
+ CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(overlayContext, roundRectBackColor);
+ CGRect cg_rounded_area =
+ CGRectMake(// Offset from left and bottom to give shadow its space.
+ kShadowRadius, kShadowRadius,
+ // Increase width and height so rounded corners
+ // will be clipped out, except at bottom left.
+ (bounds.right - bounds.left) + 30,
+ (bounds.bottom - + 30);
+ // Save state before applying shadow.
+ CGContextSetShadowWithColor(overlayContext, shadowOffset,
+ kShadowRadius, shadow);
+ PaintRoundedCGRect(overlayContext, cg_rounded_area, kRoundRectRadius, true);
+ // Restore graphics state to remove shadow.
+ CGContextRestoreGState(overlayContext);
+ // Draw the text.
+ int text_length = 0;
+ UniChar* display_text = GetFullscreenDisplayText(&text_length);
+ if ((text_length > 0) && (display_text != NULL)) {
ATSUStyle style;
ATSUTextLayout layout;
ATSUFontID font;
- Fixed pointSize = Long2Fix(36);
+ Fixed pointSize = Long2Fix(kPointSize);
+ Boolean is_bold = true;
ATSUFindFontFromName(kOverlayWindowFontName, strlen(kOverlayWindowFontName),
@@ -485,11 +537,13 @@ static void DrawToOverlayWindow(WindowRef overlayWindow) {
MySetAttribute(style, kATSUFontTag, sizeof(font), &font);
MySetAttribute(style, kATSUSizeTag, sizeof(pointSize), &pointSize);
+ MySetAttribute(style, kATSUQDBoldfaceTag, sizeof(Boolean), &is_bold);
- ATSUSetTextPointerLocation(layout, display_text_16,
+ ATSUSetTextPointerLocation(layout, display_text,
kATSUFromTextBeginning, kATSUToTextEnd,
- textLength);
+ text_length);
ATSUSetRunStyle(layout, style, kATSUFromTextBeginning, kATSUToTextEnd);
MySetLayoutControl(layout, kATSUCGContextTag,
@@ -499,28 +553,19 @@ static void DrawToOverlayWindow(WindowRef overlayWindow) {
// other than a series of squares.
ATSUSetTransientFontMatching(layout, true);
- CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(overlayContext, roundRectBackColor);
- CGRect mine = CGRectMake((bounds.right/2.0) - 400.0,
- (bounds.bottom/2.0)-30.0, 800.0, 80.0);
- PaintRoundedCGRect(overlayContext, mine, 16.0, true);
CGContextSetFillColor(overlayContext, kWhiteOpaque);
- CGContextSaveGState(overlayContext);
- CGContextSetShadowWithColor(overlayContext, shadowOffset, 4.0, textShadow);
ATSUDrawText(layout, kATSUFromTextBeginning, kATSUToTextEnd,
- X2Fix((bounds.right/2.0) - 300.0), X2Fix(bounds.bottom/2.0));
- CGContextRestoreGState(overlayContext);
+ X2Fix(kShadowRadius + kTextLeftMargin),
+ X2Fix(kShadowRadius + kTextBottomMargin));
+ free(display_text);
- CGColorRelease (textShadow);
+ CGColorRelease(shadow);
CGColorSpaceRelease (myColorSpace);
- CFReleaseIfNotNull(display_text_cfstr);
QDEndCGContext(GetWindowPort(overlayWindow), &overlayContext);
@@ -534,8 +579,26 @@ static void SetWindowLevel(WindowRef window, int level) {
SetWindowGroup(window, wGroup);
+static Rect GetOverlayWindowRect(bool visible) {
+#define kOverlayHeight 60
+#define kOverlayWidth 340
+ Rect screen_bounds = CGRect2Rect(CGDisplayBounds(CGMainDisplayID()));
+ Rect hidden_window_bounds = { - kOverlayHeight,
+ screen_bounds.right - kOverlayWidth,
+ screen_bounds.right};
+ Rect visible_window_bounds = {,
+ screen_bounds.right - kOverlayWidth,
+ + kOverlayHeight,
+ screen_bounds.right};
+ return (visible) ? visible_window_bounds : hidden_window_bounds;
static WindowRef CreateOverlayWindow(void) {
- Rect bounds = CGRect2Rect(CGDisplayBounds(CGMainDisplayID()));
+ Rect window_bounds = GetOverlayWindowRect(false);
WindowClass wClass = kOverlayWindowClass;
WindowRef window = NULL;
OSStatus err = noErr;
@@ -544,13 +607,13 @@ static WindowRef CreateOverlayWindow(void) {
kWindowNoActivatesAttribute |
EventTypeSpec eventTypes[] = {
- kEventClassWindow, kEventWindowDrawContent,
+ kEventClassWindow, kEventWindowPaint,
kEventClassWindow, kEventWindowShown
err = CreateNewWindow(wClass,
- &bounds,
+ &window_bounds,
if (err)
return NULL;
@@ -919,6 +982,8 @@ void PluginObject::GetDisplayModes(std::vector<o3d::DisplayMode> *modes) {
+#define kTransitionTime 1.0
bool PluginObject::RequestFullscreenDisplay() {
// If already in fullscreen mode, do nothing.
if (GetFullscreenMacWindow())
@@ -975,15 +1040,19 @@ bool PluginObject::RequestFullscreenDisplay() {
fullscreen_ = true;
client()->SendResizeEvent(renderer_->width(), renderer_->height(), true);
- const double kFadeOutTime = 3.0;
+ ShowWindow(GetFullscreenOverlayMacWindow());
- TransitionWindowOptions options = {0, kFadeOutTime, NULL, NULL};
+ TransitionWindowOptions options = {0, kTransitionTime, NULL, NULL};
+ CGRect shown_rect = Rect2CGRect(GetOverlayWindowRect(true));
+ // Hide the overlay text 4 seconds from now.
+ time_to_hide_overlay_ = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate] + 4.0;
- kWindowFadeTransitionEffect,
- kWindowHideTransitionAction,
- NULL, true, &options);
+ kWindowSlideTransitionEffect,
+ kWindowMoveTransitionAction,
+ &shown_rect, true, &options);
return true;
@@ -1021,3 +1090,17 @@ void PluginObject::CancelFullscreenDisplay() {
+void PluginObject::FullscreenIdle() {
+ if ((mac_fullscreen_overlay_window_ != NULL) &&
+ (time_to_hide_overlay_ != 0.0) &&
+ (time_to_hide_overlay_ < [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate])) {
+ time_to_hide_overlay_ = 0.0;
+ TransitionWindowOptions options = {0, kTransitionTime, NULL, NULL};
+ CGRect hidden_rect = Rect2CGRect(GetOverlayWindowRect(false));
+ TransitionWindowWithOptions(mac_fullscreen_overlay_window_,
+ kWindowSlideTransitionEffect,
+ kWindowMoveTransitionAction,
+ &hidden_rect, true, &options);
+ }