path: root/remoting
diff options
mode: <>2011-08-02 20:22:09 +0000 <>2011-08-02 20:22:09 +0000
commit2758c793c149246eda44f4843d4b3d72b00de434 (patch)
treec099dda601fcc2400928ff90e5d4543d7a439677 /remoting
parent704359693f5c8507635155ae117c466a7149065a (diff)
Add i18n support to it2me web-app.
BUG=None TEST=Check the javascript console after loading the app and make sure there are no error messages. Review URL: git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
Diffstat (limited to 'remoting')
8 files changed, 334 insertions, 135 deletions
diff --git a/remoting/remoting.gyp b/remoting/remoting.gyp
index 88d526e..1c07e3c 100644
--- a/remoting/remoting.gyp
+++ b/remoting/remoting.gyp
@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
+ 'webapp/me2mom/l10n.js',
@@ -84,6 +85,9 @@
+ 'remoting_it2me_locale_files': [
+ 'webapp/me2mom/_locales/en/messages.json',
+ ],
'target_defaults': {
@@ -226,6 +230,7 @@
+ '<@(remoting_it2me_locale_files)',
# Can't use a 'copies' because we need to manipulate
# the manifest file to get the right plugin name.
@@ -244,6 +249,7 @@
+ '<@(remoting_it2me_locale_files)',
'outputs': [
@@ -258,6 +264,8 @@
+ '--locales',
+ '<@(remoting_it2me_locale_files)',
diff --git a/remoting/webapp/ b/remoting/webapp/
index 124f60a..a998797 100644
--- a/remoting/webapp/
+++ b/remoting/webapp/
@@ -46,7 +46,8 @@ def createZip(zip_path, directory):
-def buildWebApp(mimetype, destination, zip_path, plugin, name_suffix, files):
+def buildWebApp(mimetype, destination, zip_path, plugin, name_suffix, files,
+ locales):
"""Does the main work of building the webapp directory and zipfile.
@@ -59,6 +60,8 @@ def buildWebApp(mimetype, destination, zip_path, plugin, name_suffix, files):
name_suffix: A string to append to the webapp's title.
files: An array of strings listing the paths for resources to include
in this webapp.
+ locales: An array of strings listing locales, which are copied, along
+ with their directory structure from the _locales directory down.
# Ensure a fresh directory.
@@ -96,6 +99,24 @@ def buildWebApp(mimetype, destination, zip_path, plugin, name_suffix, files):
shutil.copy2(current_file, destination_file)
+ # Copy all the locales, preserving directory structure
+ destination_locales = os.path.join(destination, "_locales")
+ os.mkdir(destination_locales , 0775)
+ for current_locale in locales:
+ pos = current_locale.find("/_locales/")
+ if (pos == -1):
+ raise "Missing locales directory in " + current_locale
+ subtree = current_locale[pos+10:]
+ pos = subtree.find("/")
+ if (pos == -1):
+ raise "Malformed locale: " + current_locale
+ locale_id = subtree[:pos]
+ messages = subtree[pos+1:]
+ destination_dir = os.path.join(destination_locales, locale_id)
+ destination_file = os.path.join(destination_dir, messages)
+ os.mkdir(destination_dir, 0775)
+ shutil.copy2(current_locale, destination_file)
# Copy the plugin.
pluginName = os.path.basename(plugin)
newPluginPath = os.path.join(destination, pluginName)
@@ -141,11 +162,23 @@ def buildWebApp(mimetype, destination, zip_path, plugin, name_suffix, files):
def main():
if len(sys.argv) < 6:
print ('Usage: '
- '<mime-type> <dst> <zip-path> <plugin> <other files...>')
+ '<mime-type> <dst> <zip-path> <plugin> <other files...> '
+ '--locales <locales...>')
+ reading_locales = False
+ files = []
+ locales = []
+ for arg in sys.argv[6:]:
+ if arg == "--locales":
+ reading_locales = True;
+ elif reading_locales:
+ locales.append(arg)
+ else:
+ files.append(arg)
buildWebApp(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], sys.argv[4],
- sys.argv[5], sys.argv[6:])
+ sys.argv[5], files, locales)
if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/remoting/webapp/me2mom/_locales/en/messages.json b/remoting/webapp/me2mom/_locales/en/messages.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b219190
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remoting/webapp/me2mom/_locales/en/messages.json
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+ "accessCode": {
+ "message": "Access code",
+ "description": "Label for the access code entry box"
+ },
+ "accessCodeTimer": {
+ "message": "This access code will expire in",
+ "description": "Text preceding the access code timer"
+ },
+ "authenticateButton": {
+ "message": "Get OAuth2 Token…",
+ "description": "Label for the authenticate button"
+ },
+ "cancel": {
+ "message": "Cancel",
+ "description": "Label for general-purpose Cancel buttons"
+ },
+ "connectButton": {
+ "message": "Connect",
+ "description": "Label for the connect button"
+ },
+ "debugButton": {
+ "message": "Debug Log",
+ "description": "Label for the debug log button"
+ },
+ "descriptionConnect": {
+ "message": "Have the user whose computer you wish to access click ‘Share this computer’ and then have them read their access code to you.",
+ "description": "Description for the client app"
+ },
+ "descriptionShare": {
+ "message": "With Chromoting you can easily let another Chrome user see and control your computer.",
+ "description": "Description for the host app"
+ },
+ "disconnectButton": {
+ "message": "Disconnect",
+ "description": "Label for the debug log button"
+ },
+ "emailLabel": {
+ "message": "Email:",
+ "description": "Label to the left of the user's email address"
+ },
+ "errorGeneric": {
+ "message": "An error occurred.",
+ "description": "Generic error message"
+ },
+ "errorInvalidAccessCode": {
+ "message": "Invalid access code.",
+ "description": "Error displayed if an invalid access code is entered"
+ },
+ "errorMissingPlugin": {
+ "message": "The viewer plugin is missing or out-of-date. Please upgrade to a more recent version of Chrome.",
+ "description": "Error displayed if the client plugin fails to load"
+ },
+ "errorNoResponse": {
+ "message": "Failed to get response from server.",
+ "description": "Error displayed if an XHR request comes back empty"
+ },
+ "errorOAuthFailed": {
+ "message": "Unable to fetch OAuth2 token. Try revoking the token and authenticating again.",
+ "description": "Error displayed if the OAuth2 token cannot be refreshed"
+ },
+ "footerClient1": {
+ "message": "Click here to ",
+ "description": "Instructions to switch to host mode (first part, before the hyperlink--can be empty)"
+ },
+ "footerClient2": {
+ "message": "share this computer",
+ "description": "Instructions to switch to host mode (second part, hyperlinked--must not be empty)"
+ },
+ "footerClient3": {
+ "message": " with another user.",
+ "description": "Instructions to switch to host mode (third part, after the hyperlink--can be empty)"
+ },
+ "footerCrOS": {
+ "message": "Currently Hosting is not supported on Chromebooks. Hosting is supported on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.",
+ "description": "Footer text displayed on ChromeOS in lieu of the mode switch hyperlink"
+ },
+ "footerHost1": {
+ "message": "Click here to ",
+ "description": "Instructions to switch to client mode (first part, before the hyperlink--can be empty)"
+ },
+ "footerHost2": {
+ "message": "access a shared computer",
+ "description": "Instructions to switch to client mode (second part, hyperlinked--must not be empty)"
+ },
+ "footerHost3": {
+ "message": ".",
+ "description": "Instructions to switch to client mode (third part, after the hyperlink--can be empty)"
+ },
+ "footerWaiting": {
+ "message": "waiting for connection…",
+ "description": "Footer text at the host when waiting for a client to connect"
+ },
+ "instructionsShareAbove": {
+ "message": "To begin sharing your desktop, read out the access code below to the person who will be assisting you.",
+ "description": "Instructions shown above the access code when it is ready to be conveyed to the client"
+ },
+ "instructionsShareBelow": {
+ "message": "Once they enter the code your sharing session will begin.",
+ "description": "Instructions shown below the access code when it is ready to be conveyed to the client"
+ },
+ "labelConnected": {
+ "message": "Connected:",
+ "description": "String displayed in front of the host in the in-session toolbar"
+ },
+ "messageGenerating": {
+ "message": "Generating access code…",
+ "description": "Text shown while generating an access code"
+ },
+ "messageSessionFinished": {
+ "message": "You are no longer connected to the remote desktop.",
+ "description": "Message displayed when the client has (been) disconnected"
+ },
+ "messageShared": {
+ "message": "Your desktop is currently being shared.",
+ "description": "Message shown on the host computer while a session is active"
+ },
+ "modeShare": {
+ "message": "Share",
+ "description": "Sub-title for the host app"
+ },
+ "modeConnect": {
+ "message": "Connect",
+ "description": "Sub-title for the client app"
+ },
+ "oauth2TokenLabel": {
+ "message": "OAuth2 Token:",
+ "description": "Label to the left of the authenticate/revoke button"
+ },
+ "ok": {
+ "message": "OK",
+ "description": "Label for general-purpose OK buttons"
+ },
+ "pageTitle": {
+ "message": "Chromoting",
+ "description": "Title of the main page"
+ },
+ "revokeButton": {
+ "message": "Revoke",
+ "description": "Label for the revoke button"
+ },
+ "scaleButton": {
+ "message": "Fit Screen",
+ "description": "Label for the scaling button"
+ },
+ "shareButton": {
+ "message": "Share This Computer",
+ "description": "Label for the share button"
+ },
+ "stopSharingButton": {
+ "message": "Stop Sharing",
+ "description": "Label for the 'stop sharing' button"
+ },
+ "unableToGetToken": {
+ "message": "Unable to get access token.",
+ "description": "Error message displayed if an access token could not be generated"
+ },
+ "verifyingCode": {
+ "message": "Verifying access code…",
+ "description": "Message displayed while the access code is verified"
+ },
+ "webappDescription": {
+ "message": "IT2Me-style remote support in Chrome.",
+ "description": "Web-app description"
+ },
+ "webappName": {
+ "message": "Remoting IT2Me",
+ "description": "Web-app name"
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/remoting/webapp/me2mom/choice.html b/remoting/webapp/me2mom/choice.html
index 9690159..0c5a6d6 100644
--- a/remoting/webapp/me2mom/choice.html
+++ b/remoting/webapp/me2mom/choice.html
@@ -17,11 +17,12 @@ found in the LICENSE file.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="toolbar.css" />
<script src="client_session.js"></script>
<script src="debug_log.js"></script>
+ <script src="l10n.js"></script>
<script src="oauth2.js"></script>
<script src="plugin_settings.js"></script>
<script src="remoting.js"></script>
<script src="xhr.js"></script>
- <title>Chromoting</title>
+ <title i18n-content="pageTitle"></title>
<body onLoad="remoting.init();"
@@ -30,33 +31,32 @@ found in the LICENSE file.
<!-- loading-mode is initially visible, but becomes hidden as soon as an
AppMode is selected by remoting.init. All other divs are initially
hidden, but are shown appropriately when the mode changes. -->
+ <!-- TODO(jamiewalch): This string is not localized because by the time we
+ get around to running localize(), it's hidden anyway. -->
<section id="loading-mode" data-ui-mode="">
</section> <!-- loading-mode -->
<div id="control-panel" data-ui-mode="client host" hidden>
<span id="email-status">
- <span class="auth-status-label">Email:</span>
+ <span class="auth-status-label" i18n-content="emailLabel"></span>
<span id="current-email"></span>
</span> <!-- email-status -->
<span id="oauth2-entry">
- <form>
- <span class="auth-status-label">OAuth2 Token:</span>
- <input id="oauth2-token-button" type="button"
- onclick="remoting.oauth2.doAuthRedirect();"
- value="Get OAuth2 Token&hellip;" />
- <input id="oauth2-clear-button" type="button"
- onclick="remoting.clearOAuth2();"
- value="Revoke" />
- </form>
+ <span class="auth-status-label"
+ i18n-content="oauth2TokenLabel"></span>
+ <button id="oauth2-token-button" type="button"
+ onclick="remoting.oauth2.doAuthRedirect();"
+ i18n-content="authenticateButton"></button>
+ <button id="oauth2-clear-button" type="button"
+ onclick="remoting.clearOAuth2();"
+ i18n-content="revokeButton"></button>
</span> <!-- oauth2-entry -->
<span id="debug-enable">
- <form>
- <input id="debug-log-toggle" type="button" value="Debug log"
- onclick="remoting.toggleDebugLog();"/>
- </form>
+ <button type="button" onclick="remoting.toggleDebugLog();"
+ i18n-content="debugButton"></button>
</span> <!-- debug-enable -->
</div> <!-- control-panel -->
@@ -65,20 +65,15 @@ found in the LICENSE file.
<div class="toolbar-border">
- <span id="session-status-message">Initialising...</span>
+ <span id="session-status-message" i18n-content="labelConnected"></span>
<strong id="connected-to"></strong>
- <button type="button" onclick="remoting.disconnect();">
- Disconnect
- </button>
+ <button type="button" onclick="remoting.disconnect();"
+ i18n-content="disconnectButton"></button>
<span class="right-align">
- <button type="button"
- onclick="remoting.toggleDebugLog();">
- Debug log
- </button>
- <button type="button"
- onclick="remoting.toggleScaleToFit();">
- Fit screen
- </button>
+ <button type="button" onclick="remoting.toggleDebugLog();"
+ i18n-content="debugButton"></button>
+ <button type="button" onclick="remoting.toggleScaleToFit();"
+ i18n-content="scaleButton"></button>
<div class="toolbar-stub">
@@ -90,72 +85,62 @@ found in the LICENSE file.
<header class="choice-header">
<img id="icon" src="chromoting128.png">
<h1 data-ui-mode="host" class="icon-label">
- Chromoting&nbsp;&rsaquo;&nbsp;Share
+ <span i18n-content="pageTitle">
+ </span>&nbsp;&rsaquo;&nbsp;<span i18n-content="modeShare">
+ </span>
<h1 data-ui-mode="client" class="icon-label">
- Chromoting&nbsp;&rsaquo;&nbsp;Connect
+ <span i18n-content="pageTitle">
+ </span>&nbsp;&rsaquo;&nbsp;<span i18n-content="modeConnect">
+ </span>
<img id="divider-top" src="dividertop.png">
<div id="host-panel" data-ui-mode="host">
<div data-ui-mode="host.unshared">
- <div class="description">
- With Chromoting you can easily let another Chrome user see and
- control your computer.
- </div>
+ <div class="description" i18n-content="descriptionShare"></div>
<div class="centered-button">
<button id="share-button" class="auth-status-control big-button"
- type="button" onclick="remoting.tryShare();">
- Share this computer
- </button>
+ type="button" onclick="remoting.tryShare();"
+ i18n-content="shareButton"></button>
</div> <!-- host.unshared -->
- <div data-ui-mode="host.waiting-for-code">
- <div class="message">
- Generating access code&hellip;
- </div>
+ <div data-ui-mode="host.waiting-for-code" class="message"
+ i18n-content="messageGenerating">
</div> <!-- host.waiting-for-code -->
<div data-ui-mode="host.waiting-for-connection">
- <div class="description">
- To begin sharing your desktop, read out the access code below to the
- person who will be assisting you.
- </div>
- <div id="access-code-display">
- </div>
+ <div class="description" i18n-content="instructionsShareAbove"></div>
+ <div id="access-code-display"></div>
<div id="access-code-countdown-container">
<div id="access-code-countdown" class="expiring" hidden>
- This access code will expire in
+ <span i18n-content="accessCodeTimer"></span>
0:<span id="seconds-remaining"></span>
- <div class="description">
- Once they enter the code your sharing session will begin.
- </div>
+ <div class="description" i18n-content="instructionsShareBelow"></div>
</div> <!-- host.waiting-for-connection -->
<div data-ui-mode="host.shared">
- <div class="message">
- Your desktop is currently being shared.
- </div>
+ <div class="message" i18n-content="messageShared"></div>
<div class="centered-button">
<button type="button" class="big-button"
- onclick="remoting.cancelShare();">
- Stop sharing
+ onclick="remoting.cancelShare();"
+ i18n-content="stopSharingButton">
</div> <!-- host.shared -->
- <div data-ui-mode="host.share-failed">
- <div id="unable-to-get-token" class="message">
- Unable to get access token.
- </div>
+ <div data-ui-mode="host.share-failed" class="message">
+ <span id="unable-to-get-token" class="error-state"
+ i18n-content="unableToGetToken">
+ </span>
<div class="centered-button">
<button type="button" class="big-button"
- onclick="remoting.setMode('host.unshared');">
- OK
+ onclick="remoting.setMode('host.unshared');"
+ i18n-content="ok">
</div> <!-- host.share-failed -->
@@ -163,35 +148,26 @@ found in the LICENSE file.
<div id="client-panel" data-ui-mode="client">
<div data-ui-mode="client.unconnected">
- <div class="description">
- Have the user whose computer you wish to access click
- ‘Share this computer’ and then have them read
- their access code to you.
- </div>
+ <div class="description" i18n-content="descriptionConnect"></div>
<div id="access-code-entry-row">
<form action="" onsubmit="remoting.tryConnect(); return false;">
- <label class="auth-status-control" for="access-code-entry">
- Access code
- </label>
+ <label class="auth-status-control" for="access-code-entry"
+ i18n-content="accessCode"></label>
<input id="access-code-entry" class="auth-status-control"
<button id="connect-button" class="auth-status-control big-button"
- type="submit">
- Connect
- </button>
+ type="submit" i18n-content="connectButton"></button>
</div> <!-- code-entry-row -->
</div> <!-- client.unconnected -->
- <div data-ui-mode="client.connecting">
- <div class="message">
- Verifying access code&hellip;
- <!-- TODO(jamiewalch): Implement Cancel, being careful when ignoring
- the eventual server response not to ignore responses for any
- subsequent requests. This should be unified with the host-side
- Cancel button in the footer.
- -->
- </div>
+ <!-- TODO(jamiewalch): Implement Cancel, being careful when ignoring
+ the eventual server response not to ignore responses for any
+ subsequent requests. This should be unified with the host-side
+ Cancel button in the footer.
+ -->
+ <div data-ui-mode="client.connecting" class="message"
+ i18n-content="verifyingCode">
</div> <!-- client.connecting -->
<div data-ui-mode="client.connect-failed"
@@ -200,16 +176,14 @@ found in the LICENSE file.
</div> <!-- client.connect-failed -->
<div data-ui-mode="client.session-finished"
- class="message">
- You are no longer connected to the remote desktop.
+ class="message" i18n-content="messageSessionFinished">
</div> <!-- client.session-finished -->
<div data-ui-mode="client.connect-failed client.session-finished"
- <button type="button" class="big-button"
+ <button type="button" class="big-button" i18n-content="ok"
- OK
</div> <!-- client-panel -->
@@ -218,33 +192,30 @@ found in the LICENSE file.
<img id="divider-bottom" src="dividerbottom.png">
<div id="client-footer-text" data-ui-mode="client.unconnected">
- Click here to
- <a class="switch-mode"
- href="#"
- onclick="remoting.setAppMode(remoting.AppMode.HOST);">
- share this computer</a>
- with another user.
+ <span i18n-content="footerClient1"></span><a
+ class="switch-mode" href="#" i18n-content="footerClient2"
+ onclick="remoting.setAppMode(remoting.AppMode.HOST);"></a><span
+ i18n-content="footerClient3"></span>
</div> <!-- client-footer-text -->
- <div id="client-footer-text-cros" data-ui-mode="client.unconnected">
- Currently Hosting is not supported on Chromebooks. Hosting is
- supported on Win, Mac and Linux.
+ <div id="client-footer-text-cros" data-ui-mode="client.unconnected"
+ i18n-content="footerCrOS">
</div> <!-- client-footer-text-cros -->
<div id="host-footer-text" data-ui-mode="host.unshared">
- Click here to <a class="switch-mode"
- href="#"
- onclick="remoting.setAppMode(remoting.AppMode.CLIENT);">
- access a shared computer</a>.
+ <span i18n-content="footerHost1"></span><a
+ class="switch-mode" href="#" i18n-content="footerHost2"
+ onclick="remoting.setAppMode(remoting.AppMode.CLIENT);"></a><span
+ i18n-content="footerHost3"></span>
</div> <!-- host-footer-text -->
<div id="waiting-footer"
data-ui-mode="host.waiting-for-connection host.waiting-for-code">
<img src="spinner.gif">
- <span class="waiting icon-label">waiting for connection&hellip;</span>
+ <span class="waiting icon-label" i18n-content="footerWaiting"></span>
<button id="cancel-button" class="big-button"
- onclick="remoting.cancelPendingOperation();">
- Cancel
+ onclick="remoting.cancelPendingOperation();"
+ i18n-content="cancel">
</div> <!-- waiting-footer -->
diff --git a/remoting/webapp/me2mom/debug_log.css b/remoting/webapp/me2mom/debug_log.css
index 39d851e..8463082 100644
--- a/remoting/webapp/me2mom/debug_log.css
+++ b/remoting/webapp/me2mom/debug_log.css
@@ -31,6 +31,6 @@
padding: 0;
-#debug-log-toggle {
+#debug-enable {
float: right;
diff --git a/remoting/webapp/me2mom/l10n.js b/remoting/webapp/me2mom/l10n.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce20602
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remoting/webapp/me2mom/l10n.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+ * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+ * found in the LICENSE file.
+ */
+ * Localize the document by replacing innerText of nodes with an i18n-content
+ * attribute with the corresponding localized string.
+ */
+var l10n = l10n || {};
+l10n.localize = function() {
+ var elements = document.querySelectorAll('[i18n-content]');
+ for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; ++i) {
+ var element = elements[i];
+ var tag = element.getAttribute('i18n-content');
+ var translation = chrome.i18n.getMessage(tag);
+ if (translation) {
+ element.innerText = translation;
+ } else {
+ console.error('Missing translation for "' + tag +'":', element);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/remoting/webapp/me2mom/manifest.json b/remoting/webapp/me2mom/manifest.json
index 8070a13..4c931eef 100644
--- a/remoting/webapp/me2mom/manifest.json
+++ b/remoting/webapp/me2mom/manifest.json
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
- "name": "Remoting IT2Me NAME_SUFFIX",
+ "name": "__MSG_webappName__ NAME_SUFFIX",
"version": "1.0.UNIQUE_VERSION",
- "description": "IT2Me-style remote support in Chrome.",
+ "description": "__MSG_webappDescription__",
+ "default_locale": "en",
"app": {
"launch": {
"local_path": "choice.html"
diff --git a/remoting/webapp/me2mom/remoting.js b/remoting/webapp/me2mom/remoting.js
index 84c8b1e..7958963 100644
--- a/remoting/webapp/me2mom/remoting.js
+++ b/remoting/webapp/me2mom/remoting.js
@@ -36,16 +36,13 @@ remoting.AppMode = {
remoting.EMAIL = 'email';
remoting.HOST_PLUGIN_ID = 'host-plugin-id';
-// TODO(jamiewalch): Replace this with a proper l10n strategy.
/** @enum {string} */
remoting.ClientError = {
- NO_RESPONSE: 'Failed to get response from server.',
- INVALID_ACCESS_CODE: 'Invalid access code.',
- MISSING_PLUGIN: 'The viewer plugin is missing or out-of-date. Please ' +
- 'upgrade to a more recent version of Chrome.',
- OAUTH_FETCH_FAILED: 'Unable to fetch OAuth2 token. Try revoking the ' +
- 'token and authenticating again.',
- OTHER_ERROR: 'An error occurred.'
+ NO_RESPONSE: 'errorNoResponse',
+ INVALID_ACCESS_CODE: 'errorInvalidAccessCode',
+ MISSING_PLUGIN: 'errorMissingPlugin',
+ OAUTH_FETCH_FAILED: 'errorOAuthFailed',
+ OTHER_ERROR: 'errorGeneric'
@@ -174,6 +171,7 @@ remoting.toggleDebugLog = function() {
remoting.init = function() {
+ l10n.localize();
// Create global objects.
remoting.oauth2 = new remoting.OAuth2();
remoting.debug =
@@ -366,18 +364,6 @@ remoting.cancelShare = function() {
- * Show a client message that stays on the screeen until the state changes.
- *
- * @param {string} message The message to display.
- * @param {string} opt_host The host to display after the message.
- */
-function setClientStateMessage(message, opt_host) {
- document.getElementById('session-status-message').innerText = message;
- opt_host = opt_host || '';
- document.getElementById('connected-to').innerText = opt_host;
function updateStatistics() {
if (remoting.session.state != remoting.ClientSession.State.CONNECTED)
@@ -422,12 +408,6 @@ function onClientStateChange_(oldState) {
} else if (state == remoting.ClientSession.State.INITIALIZING) {
remoting.debug.log('Initializing connection');
} else if (state == remoting.ClientSession.State.CONNECTED) {
- var split = remoting.hostJid.split('/');
- var host = null;
- if (split.length == 2) {
- host = split[0];
- }
- setClientStateMessage('Connected to', host);
var accessCode = document.getElementById('access-code-entry');
@@ -467,10 +447,19 @@ function startSession_() {
+ * @param {ClientError} errorMsg The error to be localized and displayed.
+ * @return {void} Nothing.
+ */
function showConnectError_(errorMsg) {
remoting.debug.log('Connection failed: ' + errorMsg);
- var errorNode = document.getElementById('connect-error-message');
- errorNode.innerText = errorMsg;
+ var translation = chrome.i18n.getMessage(errorMsg);
+ if (translation) {
+ var errorNode = document.getElementById('connect-error-message');
+ errorNode.innerText = translation;
+ } else {
+ remoting.debug.error('Missing translation for ' + errorMsg);
+ }
remoting.accessCode = '';
if (remoting.session) {
@@ -486,6 +475,8 @@ function parseServerResponse_(xhr) {
if ( && {
remoting.hostJid =;
remoting.hostPublicKey =;
+ var split = remoting.hostJid.split('/');
+ document.getElementById('connected-to').innerText = split[0];