path: root/sync/api
diff options
mode: <>2014-05-10 02:02:05 +0000 <>2014-05-10 02:02:05 +0000
commit62bf48aeb139e753945e55f3c15d96ee45265fa8 (patch)
tree25e8ecdd7788c3f53d8f1128cc86af25d4b3731a /sync/api
parent48fed1cf88260ead7236c047a75ec84c66f79578 (diff)
Move code from sync/api/attachments to sync/internal_api/attachments.
The goal is to reorganize the sync attachment code so that in the future attachment code can include stuff it needs (like src/net/) without loosening the DEPS rules for the rest of sync. Replace internal_api's coarse grained dep on net/ with finer grained deps. sync/api/attachments - Home to attachment code that's needed by both sync itself and users of sync. sync/internal_api/public/attachments - Home to attachment headers needed by sync/api/attachments. sync/internal_api/attachments - Home to attachment code that's private to sync. TBR=mef,erikwright,phajdan.jr BUG= Review URL: git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
Diffstat (limited to 'sync/api')
7 files changed, 2 insertions, 544 deletions
diff --git a/sync/api/attachments/ b/sync/api/attachments/
index f86f380..922fa7b 100644
--- a/sync/api/attachments/
+++ b/sync/api/attachments/
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
#include "sync/api/attachments/attachment.h"
-#include "sync/api/attachments/fake_attachment_store.h"
-#include "sync/api/attachments/fake_attachment_uploader.h"
+#include "sync/internal_api/public/attachments/fake_attachment_store.h"
+#include "sync/internal_api/public/attachments/fake_attachment_uploader.h"
namespace syncer {
diff --git a/sync/api/attachments/ b/sync/api/attachments/
deleted file mode 100644
index 18dd927..0000000
--- a/sync/api/attachments/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "sync/api/attachments/fake_attachment_store.h"
-#include "base/bind.h"
-#include "base/location.h"
-#include "base/memory/ref_counted_memory.h"
-#include "base/message_loop/message_loop_proxy.h"
-#include "base/sequenced_task_runner.h"
-#include "base/single_thread_task_runner.h"
-#include "sync/api/attachments/attachment.h"
-namespace syncer {
-// Backend is where all the work happens.
-class FakeAttachmentStore::Backend
- : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<FakeAttachmentStore::Backend> {
- public:
- // Construct a Backend that posts its results to |frontend_task_runner|.
- Backend(
- const scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner>& frontend_task_runner);
- void Read(const AttachmentIdList& ids, const ReadCallback& callback);
- void Write(const AttachmentList& attachments, const WriteCallback& callback);
- void Drop(const AttachmentIdList& ids, const DropCallback& callback);
- private:
- friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<Backend>;
- ~Backend();
- scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> frontend_task_runner_;
- AttachmentMap attachments_;
- const scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner>& frontend_task_runner)
- : frontend_task_runner_(frontend_task_runner) {}
-FakeAttachmentStore::Backend::~Backend() {}
-void FakeAttachmentStore::Backend::Read(const AttachmentIdList& ids,
- const ReadCallback& callback) {
- Result result_code = SUCCESS;
- AttachmentIdList::const_iterator id_iter = ids.begin();
- AttachmentIdList::const_iterator id_end = ids.end();
- scoped_ptr<AttachmentMap> result_map(new AttachmentMap);
- for (; id_iter != id_end; ++id_iter) {
- const AttachmentId& id = *id_iter;
- syncer::AttachmentMap::iterator attachment_iter =
- attachments_.find(*id_iter);
- if (attachment_iter != attachments_.end()) {
- const Attachment& attachment = attachment_iter->second;
- result_map->insert(std::make_pair(id, attachment));
- } else {
- result_code = UNSPECIFIED_ERROR;
- break;
- }
- }
- frontend_task_runner_->PostTask(
- FROM_HERE, base::Bind(callback, result_code, base::Passed(&result_map)));
-void FakeAttachmentStore::Backend::Write(const AttachmentList& attachments,
- const WriteCallback& callback) {
- AttachmentList::const_iterator iter = attachments.begin();
- AttachmentList::const_iterator end = attachments.end();
- for (; iter != end; ++iter) {
- attachments_.insert(std::make_pair(iter->GetId(), *iter));
- }
- frontend_task_runner_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(callback, SUCCESS));
-void FakeAttachmentStore::Backend::Drop(const AttachmentIdList& ids,
- const DropCallback& callback) {
- Result result = SUCCESS;
- AttachmentIdList::const_iterator ids_iter = ids.begin();
- AttachmentIdList::const_iterator ids_end = ids.end();
- for (; ids_iter != ids_end; ++ids_iter) {
- AttachmentMap::iterator attachments_iter = attachments_.find(*ids_iter);
- if (attachments_iter != attachments_.end()) {
- attachments_.erase(attachments_iter);
- }
- }
- frontend_task_runner_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(callback, result));
- const scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner>& backend_task_runner)
- : backend_(new Backend(base::MessageLoopProxy::current())),
- backend_task_runner_(backend_task_runner) {}
-FakeAttachmentStore::~FakeAttachmentStore() {}
-void FakeAttachmentStore::Read(const AttachmentIdList& ids,
- const ReadCallback& callback) {
- backend_task_runner_->PostTask(
- base::Bind(&FakeAttachmentStore::Backend::Read, backend_, ids, callback));
-void FakeAttachmentStore::Write(const AttachmentList& attachments,
- const WriteCallback& callback) {
- backend_task_runner_->PostTask(
- base::Bind(&FakeAttachmentStore::Backend::Write,
- backend_,
- attachments,
- callback));
-void FakeAttachmentStore::Drop(const AttachmentIdList& ids,
- const DropCallback& callback) {
- backend_task_runner_->PostTask(
- base::Bind(&FakeAttachmentStore::Backend::Drop, backend_, ids, callback));
-} // namespace syncer
diff --git a/sync/api/attachments/fake_attachment_store.h b/sync/api/attachments/fake_attachment_store.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 35fad17..0000000
--- a/sync/api/attachments/fake_attachment_store.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <map>
-#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
-#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
-#include "base/stl_util.h"
-#include "sync/api/attachments/attachment_store.h"
-#include "sync/base/sync_export.h"
-namespace base {
-class SequencedTaskRunner;
-class SingleThreadTaskRunner;
-} // namespace base
-namespace sync_pb {
-class AttachmentId;
-} // namespace sync_pb
-namespace syncer {
-class Attachment;
-// A in-memory only implementation of AttachmentStore used for testing.
-// Requires that the current thread has a MessageLoop.
-class SYNC_EXPORT FakeAttachmentStore : public AttachmentStore {
- public:
- // Construct a FakeAttachmentStore whose "IO" will be performed in
- // |backend_task_runner|.
- explicit FakeAttachmentStore(
- const scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner>& backend_task_runner);
- virtual ~FakeAttachmentStore();
- // AttachmentStore implementation.
- virtual void Read(const AttachmentIdList& id,
- const ReadCallback& callback) OVERRIDE;
- virtual void Write(const AttachmentList& attachments,
- const WriteCallback& callback) OVERRIDE;
- virtual void Drop(const AttachmentIdList& id,
- const DropCallback& callback) OVERRIDE;
- private:
- class Backend;
- scoped_refptr<Backend> backend_;
- scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> backend_task_runner_;
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(FakeAttachmentStore);
-} // namespace syncer
diff --git a/sync/api/attachments/ b/sync/api/attachments/
deleted file mode 100644
index b8dc2a1..0000000
--- a/sync/api/attachments/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "sync/api/attachments/fake_attachment_store.h"
-#include "base/bind.h"
-#include "base/memory/ref_counted_memory.h"
-#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
-#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
-#include "sync/api/attachments/attachment.h"
-#include "sync/protocol/sync.pb.h"
-#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
-namespace syncer {
-const char kTestData1[] = "test data 1";
-const char kTestData2[] = "test data 2";
-class FakeAttachmentStoreTest : public testing::Test {
- protected:
- base::MessageLoop message_loop;
- FakeAttachmentStore store;
- AttachmentStore::Result result;
- scoped_ptr<AttachmentMap> attachments;
- AttachmentStore::ReadCallback read_callback;
- AttachmentStore::WriteCallback write_callback;
- AttachmentStore::DropCallback drop_callback;
- scoped_refptr<base::RefCountedString> some_data1;
- scoped_refptr<base::RefCountedString> some_data2;
- FakeAttachmentStoreTest() : store(base::MessageLoopProxy::current()) {}
- virtual void SetUp() {
- Clear();
- read_callback = base::Bind(&FakeAttachmentStoreTest::CopyResultAttachments,
- base::Unretained(this),
- &result,
- &attachments);
- write_callback = base::Bind(
- &FakeAttachmentStoreTest::CopyResult, base::Unretained(this), &result);
- drop_callback = write_callback;
- some_data1 = new base::RefCountedString;
- some_data1->data() = kTestData1;
- some_data2 = new base::RefCountedString;
- some_data2->data() = kTestData2;
- }
- virtual void ClearAndPumpLoop() {
- Clear();
- message_loop.RunUntilIdle();
- }
- private:
- void Clear() {
- result = AttachmentStore::UNSPECIFIED_ERROR;
- attachments.reset();
- }
- void CopyResult(AttachmentStore::Result* destination_result,
- const AttachmentStore::Result& source_result) {
- *destination_result = source_result;
- }
- void CopyResultAttachments(AttachmentStore::Result* destination_result,
- scoped_ptr<AttachmentMap>* destination_attachments,
- const AttachmentStore::Result& source_result,
- scoped_ptr<AttachmentMap> source_attachments) {
- CopyResult(destination_result, source_result);
- *destination_attachments = source_attachments.Pass();
- }
-// Verify that we do not overwrite existing attachments and that we do not treat
-// it as an error.
-TEST_F(FakeAttachmentStoreTest, Write_NoOverwriteNoError) {
- // Create two attachments with the same id but different data.
- Attachment attachment1 = Attachment::Create(some_data1);
- Attachment attachment2 =
- Attachment::CreateWithId(attachment1.GetId(), some_data2);
- // Write the first one.
- AttachmentList some_attachments;
- some_attachments.push_back(attachment1);
- store.Write(some_attachments, write_callback);
- ClearAndPumpLoop();
- EXPECT_EQ(result, AttachmentStore::SUCCESS);
- // Write the second one.
- some_attachments.clear();
- some_attachments.push_back(attachment2);
- store.Write(some_attachments, write_callback);
- ClearAndPumpLoop();
- EXPECT_EQ(result, AttachmentStore::SUCCESS);
- // Read it back and see that it was not overwritten.
- AttachmentIdList some_attachment_ids;
- some_attachment_ids.push_back(attachment1.GetId());
- store.Read(some_attachment_ids, read_callback);
- ClearAndPumpLoop();
- EXPECT_EQ(result, AttachmentStore::SUCCESS);
- EXPECT_EQ(attachments->size(), 1U);
- AttachmentMap::const_iterator a1 = attachments->find(attachment1.GetId());
- EXPECT_TRUE(a1 != attachments->end());
- EXPECT_TRUE(attachment1.GetData()->Equals(a1->second.GetData()));
-// Verify that we can write some attachments and read them back.
-TEST_F(FakeAttachmentStoreTest, Write_RoundTrip) {
- Attachment attachment1 = Attachment::Create(some_data1);
- Attachment attachment2 = Attachment::Create(some_data2);
- AttachmentList some_attachments;
- some_attachments.push_back(attachment1);
- some_attachments.push_back(attachment2);
- store.Write(some_attachments, write_callback);
- ClearAndPumpLoop();
- EXPECT_EQ(result, AttachmentStore::SUCCESS);
- AttachmentIdList some_attachment_ids;
- some_attachment_ids.push_back(attachment1.GetId());
- some_attachment_ids.push_back(attachment2.GetId());
- store.Read(some_attachment_ids, read_callback);
- ClearAndPumpLoop();
- EXPECT_EQ(result, AttachmentStore::SUCCESS);
- EXPECT_EQ(attachments->size(), 2U);
- AttachmentMap::const_iterator a1 = attachments->find(attachment1.GetId());
- EXPECT_TRUE(a1 != attachments->end());
- EXPECT_TRUE(attachment1.GetData()->Equals(a1->second.GetData()));
- AttachmentMap::const_iterator a2 = attachments->find(attachment2.GetId());
- EXPECT_TRUE(a2 != attachments->end());
- EXPECT_TRUE(attachment2.GetData()->Equals(a2->second.GetData()));
-// Try to read two attachments when only one exists.
-TEST_F(FakeAttachmentStoreTest, Read_OneNotFound) {
- Attachment attachment1 = Attachment::Create(some_data1);
- Attachment attachment2 = Attachment::Create(some_data2);
- AttachmentList some_attachments;
- // Write attachment1 only.
- some_attachments.push_back(attachment1);
- store.Write(some_attachments, write_callback);
- ClearAndPumpLoop();
- EXPECT_EQ(result, AttachmentStore::SUCCESS);
- // Try to read both attachment1 and attachment2.
- AttachmentIdList ids;
- ids.push_back(attachment1.GetId());
- ids.push_back(attachment2.GetId());
- store.Read(ids, read_callback);
- ClearAndPumpLoop();
- // See that only attachment1 was read.
- EXPECT_EQ(result, AttachmentStore::UNSPECIFIED_ERROR);
- EXPECT_EQ(attachments->size(), 1U);
-// Try to drop two attachments when only one exists. Verify that no error occurs
-// and that the existing attachment was dropped.
-TEST_F(FakeAttachmentStoreTest, Drop_DropTwoButOnlyOneExists) {
- // First, create two attachments.
- Attachment attachment1 = Attachment::Create(some_data1);
- Attachment attachment2 = Attachment::Create(some_data2);
- AttachmentList some_attachments;
- some_attachments.push_back(attachment1);
- some_attachments.push_back(attachment2);
- store.Write(some_attachments, write_callback);
- ClearAndPumpLoop();
- EXPECT_EQ(result, AttachmentStore::SUCCESS);
- // Drop attachment1 only.
- AttachmentIdList ids;
- ids.push_back(attachment1.GetId());
- store.Drop(ids, drop_callback);
- ClearAndPumpLoop();
- EXPECT_EQ(result, AttachmentStore::SUCCESS);
- // See that attachment1 is gone.
- store.Read(ids, read_callback);
- ClearAndPumpLoop();
- EXPECT_EQ(result, AttachmentStore::UNSPECIFIED_ERROR);
- EXPECT_EQ(attachments->size(), 0U);
- // Drop both attachment1 and attachment2.
- ids.clear();
- ids.push_back(attachment1.GetId());
- ids.push_back(attachment2.GetId());
- store.Drop(ids, drop_callback);
- ClearAndPumpLoop();
- EXPECT_EQ(result, AttachmentStore::SUCCESS);
- // See that attachment2 is now gone.
- ids.clear();
- ids.push_back(attachment2.GetId());
- store.Read(ids, read_callback);
- ClearAndPumpLoop();
- EXPECT_EQ(result, AttachmentStore::UNSPECIFIED_ERROR);
- EXPECT_EQ(attachments->size(), 0U);
-// Verify that attempting to drop an attachment that does not exist is not an
-// error.
-TEST_F(FakeAttachmentStoreTest, Drop_DoesNotExist) {
- Attachment attachment1 = Attachment::Create(some_data1);
- AttachmentList some_attachments;
- some_attachments.push_back(attachment1);
- store.Write(some_attachments, write_callback);
- ClearAndPumpLoop();
- EXPECT_EQ(result, AttachmentStore::SUCCESS);
- // Drop the attachment.
- AttachmentIdList ids;
- ids.push_back(attachment1.GetId());
- store.Drop(ids, drop_callback);
- ClearAndPumpLoop();
- EXPECT_EQ(result, AttachmentStore::SUCCESS);
- // See that it's gone.
- store.Read(ids, read_callback);
- ClearAndPumpLoop();
- EXPECT_EQ(result, AttachmentStore::UNSPECIFIED_ERROR);
- EXPECT_EQ(attachments->size(), 0U);
- // Drop again, see that no error occurs.
- ids.clear();
- ids.push_back(attachment1.GetId());
- store.Drop(ids, drop_callback);
- ClearAndPumpLoop();
- EXPECT_EQ(result, AttachmentStore::SUCCESS);
-} // namespace syncer
diff --git a/sync/api/attachments/ b/sync/api/attachments/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ed929d..0000000
--- a/sync/api/attachments/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "sync/api/attachments/fake_attachment_uploader.h"
-#include "base/bind.h"
-#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
-#include "sync/api/attachments/attachment.h"
-namespace syncer {
-FakeAttachmentUploader::FakeAttachmentUploader() {
- DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread());
-FakeAttachmentUploader::~FakeAttachmentUploader() {
- DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread());
-void FakeAttachmentUploader::UploadAttachment(const Attachment& attachment,
- const UploadCallback& callback) {
- DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread());
- UploadResult result = UPLOAD_SUCCESS;
- AttachmentId updated_id = attachment.GetId();
- // TODO(maniscalco): Update the attachment id with server address information
- // before passing it to the callback.
- base::MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(
- FROM_HERE, base::Bind(callback, result, updated_id));
-} // namespace syncer
diff --git a/sync/api/attachments/fake_attachment_uploader.h b/sync/api/attachments/fake_attachment_uploader.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e48d61..0000000
--- a/sync/api/attachments/fake_attachment_uploader.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "base/threading/non_thread_safe.h"
-#include "sync/api/attachments/attachment_uploader.h"
-namespace syncer {
-// A fake implementation of AttachmentUploader.
-class SYNC_EXPORT FakeAttachmentUploader : public AttachmentUploader,
- public base::NonThreadSafe {
- public:
- FakeAttachmentUploader();
- virtual ~FakeAttachmentUploader();
- // AttachmentUploader implementation.
- virtual void UploadAttachment(const Attachment& attachment,
- const UploadCallback& callback) OVERRIDE;
- private:
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(FakeAttachmentUploader);
-} // namespace syncer
diff --git a/sync/api/attachments/ b/sync/api/attachments/
deleted file mode 100644
index 09dccfc..0000000
--- a/sync/api/attachments/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "sync/api/attachments/fake_attachment_uploader.h"
-#include "base/bind.h"
-#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
-#include "base/memory/ref_counted_memory.h"
-#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
-#include "sync/api/attachments/attachment.h"
-#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
-namespace syncer {
-namespace {
-const char kAttachmentData[] = "some data";
-} // namespace
-class FakeAttachmentUploaderTest : public testing::Test {
- protected:
- virtual void SetUp() {
- upload_callback_count = 0;
- upload_callback = base::Bind(&FakeAttachmentUploaderTest::Increment,
- base::Unretained(this),
- &upload_callback_count);
- }
- base::MessageLoop message_loop;
- FakeAttachmentUploader uploader;
- int upload_callback_count;
- AttachmentUploader::UploadCallback upload_callback;
- private:
- void Increment(int* success_count,
- const AttachmentUploader::UploadResult& result,
- const AttachmentId& ignored) {
- if (result == AttachmentUploader::UPLOAD_SUCCESS) {
- ++(*success_count);
- }
- }
-// Call upload attachment several times, see that the supplied callback is
-// invoked the same number of times with a result of SUCCESS.
-TEST_F(FakeAttachmentUploaderTest, UploadAttachment) {
- scoped_refptr<base::RefCountedString> some_data(new base::RefCountedString);
- some_data->data() = kAttachmentData;
- Attachment attachment1 = Attachment::Create(some_data);
- Attachment attachment2 = Attachment::Create(some_data);
- Attachment attachment3 = Attachment::Create(some_data);
- uploader.UploadAttachment(attachment1, upload_callback);
- uploader.UploadAttachment(attachment2, upload_callback);
- uploader.UploadAttachment(attachment3, upload_callback);
- message_loop.RunUntilIdle();
- EXPECT_EQ(upload_callback_count, 3);
-} // namespace syncer