path: root/sync
diff options
mode: <>2012-07-20 01:01:17 +0000 <>2012-07-20 01:01:17 +0000
commit86d1be95f5844f098cc77181902d76f783a7e5ad (patch)
tree4497e535d93d7259ad39cbbe0de8180828577d0a /sync
parent6cae3d0bd75bbcf4e15ae47529afc197a7aed837 (diff)
sync: Remove SyncInternal
Also removes unnecessary functions (like UpdateCryptographerAndNigori). An additional bonus of removing this is that we can remove the ForTest* functions (previously they depended on SyncInternal behavior which wasn't defined in headers). I already had a patch in the works to remove those, so I'll upload that part separately. This is based off of BUG=137740 TEST=sync_unit_tests, unit_test Review URL: git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
Diffstat (limited to 'sync')
8 files changed, 559 insertions, 792 deletions
diff --git a/sync/internal_api/public/sync_manager.h b/sync/internal_api/public/sync_manager.h
index db5c210..715a3e1 100644
--- a/sync/internal_api/public/sync_manager.h
+++ b/sync/internal_api/public/sync_manager.h
@@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ class SyncManager {
virtual void ShutdownOnSyncThread() = 0;
// May be called from any thread.
- virtual UserShare* GetUserShare() const = 0;
+ virtual UserShare* GetUserShare() = 0;
// Inform the cryptographer of the most recent passphrase and set of
// encrypted types (from nigori node), then ensure all data that
@@ -508,11 +508,11 @@ class SyncManager {
// Reads the nigori node to determine if any experimental features should
// be enabled.
// Note: opens a transaction. May be called on any thread.
- virtual bool ReceivedExperiment(syncer::Experiments* experiments) const = 0;
+ virtual bool ReceivedExperiment(syncer::Experiments* experiments) = 0;
// Uses a read-only transaction to determine if the directory being synced has
// any remaining unsynced items. May be called on any thread.
- virtual bool HasUnsyncedItems() const = 0;
+ virtual bool HasUnsyncedItems() = 0;
} // namespace syncer
diff --git a/sync/internal_api/public/test/fake_sync_manager.h b/sync/internal_api/public/test/fake_sync_manager.h
index 8f1fd13..9753927 100644
--- a/sync/internal_api/public/test/fake_sync_manager.h
+++ b/sync/internal_api/public/test/fake_sync_manager.h
@@ -94,13 +94,12 @@ class FakeSyncManager : public SyncManager {
virtual void SaveChanges() OVERRIDE;
virtual void StopSyncingForShutdown(const base::Closure& callback) OVERRIDE;
virtual void ShutdownOnSyncThread() OVERRIDE;
- virtual UserShare* GetUserShare() const OVERRIDE;
+ virtual UserShare* GetUserShare() OVERRIDE;
virtual void RefreshNigori(const std::string& chrome_version,
const base::Closure& done_callback) OVERRIDE;
virtual void EnableEncryptEverything() OVERRIDE;
- virtual bool ReceivedExperiment(
- syncer::Experiments* experiments) const OVERRIDE;
- virtual bool HasUnsyncedItems() const OVERRIDE;
+ virtual bool ReceivedExperiment(syncer::Experiments* experiments) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual bool HasUnsyncedItems() OVERRIDE;
ObserverList<SyncManager::Observer> observers_;
diff --git a/sync/internal_api/ b/sync/internal_api/
index 04ac021..18d3ca7 100644
--- a/sync/internal_api/
+++ b/sync/internal_api/
@@ -17,16 +17,9 @@
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/values.h"
-#include "net/base/network_change_notifier.h"
-#include "sync/engine/all_status.h"
-#include "sync/engine/net/server_connection_manager.h"
#include "sync/engine/sync_scheduler.h"
#include "sync/engine/syncer_types.h"
-#include "sync/engine/throttled_data_type_tracker.h"
#include "sync/internal_api/change_reorder_buffer.h"
-#include "sync/internal_api/debug_info_event_listener.h"
-#include "sync/internal_api/js_mutation_event_observer.h"
-#include "sync/internal_api/js_sync_manager_observer.h"
#include "sync/internal_api/public/base/model_type.h"
#include "sync/internal_api/public/base/model_type_payload_map.h"
#include "sync/internal_api/public/base_node.h"
@@ -43,25 +36,20 @@
#include "sync/internal_api/syncapi_internal.h"
#include "sync/internal_api/syncapi_server_connection_manager.h"
#include "sync/js/js_arg_list.h"
-#include "sync/js/js_backend.h"
#include "sync/js/js_event_details.h"
#include "sync/js/js_event_handler.h"
#include "sync/js/js_reply_handler.h"
#include "sync/notifier/notifications_disabled_reason.h"
#include "sync/notifier/sync_notifier.h"
-#include "sync/notifier/sync_notifier_observer.h"
#include "sync/protocol/encryption.pb.h"
#include "sync/protocol/proto_value_conversions.h"
#include "sync/protocol/sync.pb.h"
#include "sync/syncable/directory.h"
-#include "sync/syncable/directory_change_delegate.h"
#include "sync/syncable/entry.h"
#include "sync/syncable/in_memory_directory_backing_store.h"
#include "sync/syncable/nigori_util.h"
#include "sync/syncable/on_disk_directory_backing_store.h"
-#include "sync/util/cryptographer.h"
#include "sync/util/get_session_name.h"
-#include "sync/util/time.h"
using base::TimeDelta;
using sync_pb::GetUpdatesCallerInfo;
@@ -107,517 +95,11 @@ using syncable::SPECIFICS;
const unsigned int kMaxMessagesToRecord = 10;
const unsigned int kMaxMessageSizeToRecord = 5 * 1024;
-// SyncManagerImpl's implementation: SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal
-class SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal
- : public net::NetworkChangeNotifier::IPAddressObserver,
- public syncer::Cryptographer::Observer,
- public syncer::SyncNotifierObserver,
- public JsBackend,
- public SyncEngineEventListener,
- public ServerConnectionEventListener,
- public syncable::DirectoryChangeDelegate {
- public:
- explicit SyncInternal(const std::string& name)
- : name_(name),
- weak_ptr_factory_(ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(this)),
- change_delegate_(NULL),
- initialized_(false),
- observing_ip_address_changes_(false),
- throttled_data_type_tracker_(&allstatus_),
- traffic_recorder_(kMaxMessagesToRecord, kMaxMessageSizeToRecord),
- encryptor_(NULL),
- unrecoverable_error_handler_(NULL),
- report_unrecoverable_error_function_(NULL),
- nigori_overwrite_count_(0) {
- // Pre-fill |notification_info_map_|.
- for (int i = syncer::FIRST_REAL_MODEL_TYPE;
- i < syncer::MODEL_TYPE_COUNT; ++i) {
- notification_info_map_.insert(
- std::make_pair(syncer::ModelTypeFromInt(i), NotificationInfo()));
- }
- // Bind message handlers.
- BindJsMessageHandler(
- "getNotificationState",
- &SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::GetNotificationState);
- BindJsMessageHandler(
- "getNotificationInfo",
- &SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::GetNotificationInfo);
- BindJsMessageHandler(
- "getRootNodeDetails",
- &SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::GetRootNodeDetails);
- BindJsMessageHandler(
- "getNodeSummariesById",
- &SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::GetNodeSummariesById);
- BindJsMessageHandler(
- "getNodeDetailsById",
- &SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::GetNodeDetailsById);
- BindJsMessageHandler(
- "getAllNodes",
- &SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::GetAllNodes);
- BindJsMessageHandler(
- "getChildNodeIds",
- &SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::GetChildNodeIds);
- BindJsMessageHandler(
- "getClientServerTraffic",
- &SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::GetClientServerTraffic);
- }
- virtual ~SyncInternal() {
- CHECK(!initialized_);
- }
- bool Init(const FilePath& database_location,
- const WeakHandle<JsEventHandler>& event_handler,
- const std::string& sync_server_and_path,
- int port,
- bool use_ssl,
- const scoped_refptr<base::TaskRunner>& blocking_task_runner,
- scoped_ptr<HttpPostProviderFactory> post_factory,
- const syncer::ModelSafeRoutingInfo& model_safe_routing_info,
- const std::vector<syncer::ModelSafeWorker*>& workers,
- syncer::ExtensionsActivityMonitor*
- extensions_activity_monitor,
- SyncManager::ChangeDelegate* change_delegate,
- const SyncCredentials& credentials,
- scoped_ptr<syncer::SyncNotifier> sync_notifier,
- const std::string& restored_key_for_bootstrapping,
- scoped_ptr<InternalComponentsFactory> internal_components_factory,
- Encryptor* encryptor,
- UnrecoverableErrorHandler* unrecoverable_error_handler,
- ReportUnrecoverableErrorFunction
- report_unrecoverable_error_function);
- // Sign into sync with given credentials.
- // We do not verify the tokens given. After this call, the tokens are set
- // and the sync DB is open. True if successful, false if something
- // went wrong.
- bool SignIn(const SyncCredentials& credentials);
- // Purge from the directory those types with non-empty progress markers
- // but without initial synced ended set.
- // Returns false if an error occurred, true otherwise.
- bool PurgePartiallySyncedTypes();
- // Update tokens that we're using in Sync. Email must stay the same.
- void UpdateCredentials(const SyncCredentials& credentials);
- // Called when the user disables or enables a sync type.
- void UpdateEnabledTypes(const ModelTypeSet& enabled_types);
- // Tell the sync engine to start the syncing process.
- void StartSyncingNormally(
- const syncer::ModelSafeRoutingInfo& routing_info);
- // Whether or not the Nigori node is encrypted using an explicit passphrase.
- bool IsUsingExplicitPassphrase();
- // Update the Cryptographer from the current nigori node and write back any
- // necessary changes to the nigori node. We also detect missing encryption
- // keys and write them into the nigori node.
- // Also updates or adds the device information into the nigori node.
- // Note: opens a transaction and can trigger an ON_PASSPHRASE_REQUIRED, so
- // should only be called after syncapi is fully initialized.
- // Calls the callback argument with true if cryptographer is ready, false
- // otherwise.
- void UpdateCryptographerAndNigori(
- const std::string& chrome_version,
- const base::Closure& done_callback);
- // Stores the current set of encryption keys (if the cryptographer is ready)
- // and encrypted types into the nigori node.
- void UpdateNigoriEncryptionState(Cryptographer* cryptographer,
- WriteNode* nigori_node);
- // Updates the nigori node with any new encrypted types and then
- // encrypts the nodes for those new data types as well as other
- // nodes that should be encrypted but aren't. Triggers
- // OnPassphraseRequired if the cryptographer isn't ready.
- void RefreshEncryption();
- // Re-encrypts the encrypted data types using the passed passphrase, and sets
- // a flag in the nigori node specifying whether the current passphrase is
- // explicit (custom passphrase) or non-explicit (GAIA). If the existing
- // encryption passphrase is "explicit", the data cannot be re-encrypted and
- // SetEncryptionPassphrase will do nothing.
- // If !is_explicit and there are pending keys, we will attempt to decrypt them
- // using this passphrase. If this fails, we will save this encryption key to
- // be applied later after the pending keys are resolved.
- // Calls FinishSetPassphrase at the end, which notifies observers of the
- // result of the set passphrase operation, updates the nigori node, and does
- // re-encryption.
- void SetEncryptionPassphrase(const std::string& passphrase, bool is_explicit);
- // Provides a passphrase for decrypting the user's existing sync data. Calls
- // FinishSetPassphrase at the end, which notifies observers of the result of
- // the set passphrase operation, updates the nigori node, and does
- // re-encryption.
- void SetDecryptionPassphrase(const std::string& passphrase);
- // The final step of SetEncryptionPassphrase and SetDecryptionPassphrase that
- // notifies observers of the result of the set passphrase operation, updates
- // the nigori node, and does re-encryption.
- // |success|: true if the operation was successful and false otherwise. If
- // success == false, we send an OnPassphraseRequired notification.
- // |bootstrap_token|: used to inform observers if the cryptographer's
- // bootstrap token was updated.
- // |is_explicit|: used to differentiate between a custom passphrase (true) and
- // a GAIA passphrase that is implicitly used for encryption
- // (false).
- // |trans| and |nigori_node|: used to access data in the cryptographer.
- void FinishSetPassphrase(
- bool success,
- const std::string& bootstrap_token,
- bool is_explicit,
- WriteTransaction* trans,
- WriteNode* nigori_node);
- // Call periodically from a database-safe thread to persist recent changes
- // to the syncapi model.
- void SaveChanges();
- // DirectoryChangeDelegate implementation.
- // This listener is called upon completion of a syncable transaction, and
- // builds the list of sync-engine initiated changes that will be forwarded to
- // the SyncManager's Observers.
- virtual void HandleTransactionCompleteChangeEvent(
- ModelTypeSet models_with_changes) OVERRIDE;
- virtual ModelTypeSet HandleTransactionEndingChangeEvent(
- const ImmutableWriteTransactionInfo& write_transaction_info,
- syncable::BaseTransaction* trans) OVERRIDE;
- virtual void HandleCalculateChangesChangeEventFromSyncApi(
- const ImmutableWriteTransactionInfo& write_transaction_info,
- syncable::BaseTransaction* trans) OVERRIDE;
- virtual void HandleCalculateChangesChangeEventFromSyncer(
- const ImmutableWriteTransactionInfo& write_transaction_info,
- syncable::BaseTransaction* trans) OVERRIDE;
- // Open the directory named with username_for_share
- bool OpenDirectory();
- // Cryptographer::Observer implementation.
- virtual void OnEncryptedTypesChanged(
- syncer::ModelTypeSet encrypted_types,
- bool encrypt_everything) OVERRIDE;
- // SyncNotifierObserver implementation.
- virtual void OnNotificationsEnabled() OVERRIDE;
- virtual void OnNotificationsDisabled(
- syncer::NotificationsDisabledReason reason) OVERRIDE;
- virtual void OnIncomingNotification(
- const syncer::ModelTypePayloadMap& type_payloads,
- syncer::IncomingNotificationSource source) OVERRIDE;
- void AddObserver(SyncManager::Observer* observer);
- void RemoveObserver(SyncManager::Observer* observer);
- // Accessors for the private members.
- syncable::Directory* directory() { return; }
- SyncAPIServerConnectionManager* connection_manager() {
- return connection_manager_.get();
- }
- SyncSessionContext* session_context() { return session_context_.get(); }
- SyncScheduler* scheduler() const { return scheduler_.get(); }
- UserShare* GetUserShare() {
- DCHECK(initialized_);
- return &share_;
- }
- // Return the currently active (validated) username for use with syncable
- // types.
- const std::string& username_for_share() const {
- return;
- }
- SyncStatus GetStatus();
- void RequestNudge(const tracked_objects::Location& nudge_location);
- void RequestNudgeForDataTypes(
- const tracked_objects::Location& nudge_location,
- ModelTypeSet type);
- TimeDelta GetNudgeDelayTimeDelta(const ModelType& model_type);
- void NotifyCryptographerState(Cryptographer* cryptographer);
- // See SyncManager::Shutdown* for information.
- void StopSyncingForShutdown(const base::Closure& callback);
- void ShutdownOnSyncThread();
- // If this is a deletion for a password, sets the legacy
- // ExtraPasswordChangeRecordData field of |buffer|. Otherwise sets
- // |buffer|'s specifics field to contain the unencrypted data.
- void SetExtraChangeRecordData(int64 id,
- syncer::ModelType type,
- ChangeReorderBuffer* buffer,
- Cryptographer* cryptographer,
- const syncable::EntryKernel& original,
- bool existed_before,
- bool exists_now);
- // Called only by our NetworkChangeNotifier.
- virtual void OnIPAddressChanged() OVERRIDE;
- ModelTypeSet GetTypesWithEmptyProgressMarkerToken(ModelTypeSet types) {
- DCHECK(initialized_);
- syncer::ModelTypeSet result;
- for (syncer::ModelTypeSet::Iterator i = types.First();
- i.Good(); i.Inc()) {
- sync_pb::DataTypeProgressMarker marker;
- directory()->GetDownloadProgress(i.Get(), &marker);
- if (marker.token().empty())
- result.Put(i.Get());
- }
- return result;
- }
- syncer::ModelTypeSet InitialSyncEndedTypes() {
- DCHECK(initialized_);
- return directory()->initial_sync_ended_types();
- }
- // SyncEngineEventListener implementation.
- virtual void OnSyncEngineEvent(const SyncEngineEvent& event) OVERRIDE;
- // ServerConnectionEventListener implementation.
- virtual void OnServerConnectionEvent(
- const ServerConnectionEvent& event) OVERRIDE;
- // JsBackend implementation.
- virtual void SetJsEventHandler(
- const WeakHandle<JsEventHandler>& event_handler) OVERRIDE;
- virtual void ProcessJsMessage(
- const std::string& name, const JsArgList& args,
- const WeakHandle<JsReplyHandler>& reply_handler) OVERRIDE;
- private:
- struct NotificationInfo {
- int total_count;
- std::string payload;
- NotificationInfo() : total_count(0) {}
- ~NotificationInfo() {}
- // Returned pointer owned by the caller.
- DictionaryValue* ToValue() const {
- DictionaryValue* value = new DictionaryValue();
- value->SetInteger("totalCount", total_count);
- value->SetString("payload", payload);
- return value;
- }
- };
- typedef std::map<syncer::ModelType, NotificationInfo> NotificationInfoMap;
- typedef JsArgList
- (SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::*UnboundJsMessageHandler)(
- const JsArgList&);
- typedef base::Callback<JsArgList(const JsArgList&)> JsMessageHandler;
- typedef std::map<std::string, JsMessageHandler> JsMessageHandlerMap;
- // Internal callback of UpdateCryptographerAndNigoriCallback.
- void UpdateCryptographerAndNigoriCallback(
- const std::string& chrome_version,
- const base::Closure& done_callback,
- const std::string& session_name);
- // Determine if the parents or predecessors differ between the old and new
- // versions of an entry stored in |a| and |b|. Note that a node's index may
- // change without its NEXT_ID changing if the node at NEXT_ID also moved (but
- // the relative order is unchanged). To handle such cases, we rely on the
- // caller to treat a position update on any sibling as updating the positions
- // of all siblings.
- static bool VisiblePositionsDiffer(
- const syncable::EntryKernelMutation& mutation) {
- const syncable::EntryKernel& a = mutation.original;
- const syncable::EntryKernel& b = mutation.mutated;
- // If the datatype isn't one where the browser model cares about position,
- // don't bother notifying that data model of position-only changes.
- if (!ShouldMaintainPosition(
- syncer::GetModelTypeFromSpecifics(b.ref(SPECIFICS))))
- return false;
- if (a.ref(syncable::NEXT_ID) != b.ref(syncable::NEXT_ID))
- return true;
- if (a.ref(syncable::PARENT_ID) != b.ref(syncable::PARENT_ID))
- return true;
- return false;
- }
- // Determine if any of the fields made visible to clients of the Sync API
- // differ between the versions of an entry stored in |a| and |b|. A return
- // value of false means that it should be OK to ignore this change.
- static bool VisiblePropertiesDiffer(
- const syncable::EntryKernelMutation& mutation,
- Cryptographer* cryptographer) {
- const syncable::EntryKernel& a = mutation.original;
- const syncable::EntryKernel& b = mutation.mutated;
- const sync_pb::EntitySpecifics& a_specifics = a.ref(SPECIFICS);
- const sync_pb::EntitySpecifics& b_specifics = b.ref(SPECIFICS);
- DCHECK_EQ(syncer::GetModelTypeFromSpecifics(a_specifics),
- syncer::GetModelTypeFromSpecifics(b_specifics));
- syncer::ModelType model_type =
- syncer::GetModelTypeFromSpecifics(b_specifics);
- // Suppress updates to items that aren't tracked by any browser model.
- if (model_type < syncer::FIRST_REAL_MODEL_TYPE ||
- !a.ref(syncable::UNIQUE_SERVER_TAG).empty()) {
- return false;
- }
- if (a.ref(syncable::IS_DIR) != b.ref(syncable::IS_DIR))
- return true;
- if (!AreSpecificsEqual(cryptographer,
- a.ref(syncable::SPECIFICS),
- b.ref(syncable::SPECIFICS))) {
- return true;
- }
- // We only care if the name has changed if neither specifics is encrypted
- // (encrypted nodes blow away the NON_UNIQUE_NAME).
- if (!a_specifics.has_encrypted() && !b_specifics.has_encrypted() &&
- a.ref(syncable::NON_UNIQUE_NAME) != b.ref(syncable::NON_UNIQUE_NAME))
- return true;
- if (VisiblePositionsDiffer(mutation))
- return true;
- return false;
- }
- bool ChangeBuffersAreEmpty() {
- for (int i = 0; i < syncer::MODEL_TYPE_COUNT; ++i) {
- if (!change_buffers_[i].IsEmpty())
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- void ReEncryptEverything(WriteTransaction* trans);
- // Called for every notification. This updates the notification statistics
- // to be displayed in about:sync.
- void UpdateNotificationInfo(
- const syncer::ModelTypePayloadMap& type_payloads);
- // Checks for server reachabilty and requests a nudge.
- void OnIPAddressChangedImpl();
- // Helper function used only by the constructor.
- void BindJsMessageHandler(
- const std::string& name, UnboundJsMessageHandler unbound_message_handler);
- // Returned pointer is owned by the caller.
- static DictionaryValue* NotificationInfoToValue(
- const NotificationInfoMap& notification_info);
- // JS message handlers.
- JsArgList GetNotificationState(const JsArgList& args);
- JsArgList GetNotificationInfo(const JsArgList& args);
- JsArgList GetRootNodeDetails(const JsArgList& args);
- JsArgList GetAllNodes(const JsArgList& args);
- JsArgList GetNodeSummariesById(const JsArgList& args);
- JsArgList GetNodeDetailsById(const JsArgList& args);
- JsArgList GetChildNodeIds(const JsArgList& args);
- JsArgList GetClientServerTraffic(const JsArgList& args);
- FilePath database_path_;
- const std::string name_;
- base::ThreadChecker thread_checker_;
- base::WeakPtrFactory<SyncInternal> weak_ptr_factory_;
- // Thread-safe handle used by
- // HandleCalculateChangesChangeEventFromSyncApi(), which can be
- // called from any thread. Valid only between between calls to
- // Init() and Shutdown().
- //
- // TODO(akalin): Ideally, we wouldn't need to store this; instead,
- // we'd have another worker class which implements
- // HandleCalculateChangesChangeEventFromSyncApi() and we'd pass it a
- // WeakHandle when we construct it.
- WeakHandle<SyncInternal> weak_handle_this_;
- // |blocking_task_runner| is a TaskRunner to be used for tasks that
- // may block on disk I/O.
- scoped_refptr<base::TaskRunner> blocking_task_runner_;
- // We give a handle to share_ to clients of the API for use when constructing
- // any transaction type.
- UserShare share_;
- // This can be called from any thread, but only between calls to
- // OpenDirectory() and ShutdownOnSyncThread().
- syncer::WeakHandle<SyncManager::ChangeObserver> change_observer_;
- ObserverList<SyncManager::Observer> observers_;
- // The ServerConnectionManager used to abstract communication between the
- // client (the Syncer) and the sync server.
- scoped_ptr<SyncAPIServerConnectionManager> connection_manager_;
- // A container of various bits of information used by the SyncScheduler to
- // create SyncSessions. Must outlive the SyncScheduler.
- scoped_ptr<SyncSessionContext> session_context_;
- // The scheduler that runs the Syncer. Needs to be explicitly
- // Start()ed.
- scoped_ptr<SyncScheduler> scheduler_;
- // The SyncNotifier which notifies us when updates need to be downloaded.
- scoped_ptr<syncer::SyncNotifier> sync_notifier_;
- // A multi-purpose status watch object that aggregates stats from various
- // sync components.
- AllStatus allstatus_;
- // Each element of this array is a store of change records produced by
- // HandleChangeEvent during the CALCULATE_CHANGES step. The changes are
- // segregated by model type, and are stored here to be processed and
- // forwarded to the observer slightly later, at the TRANSACTION_ENDING
- // step by HandleTransactionEndingChangeEvent. The list is cleared in the
- // TRANSACTION_COMPLETE step by HandleTransactionCompleteChangeEvent.
- ChangeReorderBuffer change_buffers_[syncer::MODEL_TYPE_COUNT];
- SyncManager::ChangeDelegate* change_delegate_;
- // Set to true once Init has been called.
- bool initialized_;
- bool observing_ip_address_changes_;
- // Map used to store the notification info to be displayed in
- // about:sync page.
- NotificationInfoMap notification_info_map_;
- // These are for interacting with chrome://sync-internals.
- JsMessageHandlerMap js_message_handlers_;
- WeakHandle<JsEventHandler> js_event_handler_;
- JsSyncManagerObserver js_sync_manager_observer_;
- JsMutationEventObserver js_mutation_event_observer_;
- syncer::ThrottledDataTypeTracker throttled_data_type_tracker_;
- // This is for keeping track of client events to send to the server.
- DebugInfoEventListener debug_info_event_listener_;
- syncer::TrafficRecorder traffic_recorder_;
- Encryptor* encryptor_;
- UnrecoverableErrorHandler* unrecoverable_error_handler_;
- ReportUnrecoverableErrorFunction report_unrecoverable_error_function_;
- // The number of times we've automatically (i.e. not via SetPassphrase or
- // conflict resolver) updated the nigori's encryption keys in this chrome
- // instantiation.
- int nigori_overwrite_count_;
// A class to calculate nudge delays for types.
class NudgeStrategy {
static TimeDelta GetNudgeDelayTimeDelta(const ModelType& model_type,
- SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal* core) {
+ SyncManagerImpl* core) {
NudgeDelayStrategy delay_type = GetNudgeDelayStrategy(model_type);
return GetNudgeDelayTimeDeltaFromType(delay_type,
@@ -654,7 +136,7 @@ class NudgeStrategy {
static TimeDelta GetNudgeDelayTimeDeltaFromType(
const NudgeDelayStrategy& delay_type, const ModelType& model_type,
- const SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal* core) {
+ const SyncManagerImpl* core) {
TimeDelta delay = TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(
@@ -688,59 +170,122 @@ class NudgeStrategy {
SyncManagerImpl::SyncManagerImpl(const std::string& name)
- : data_(new SyncInternal(name)) {}
+ : name_(name),
+ weak_ptr_factory_(ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(this)),
+ change_delegate_(NULL),
+ initialized_(false),
+ observing_ip_address_changes_(false),
+ throttled_data_type_tracker_(&allstatus_),
+ traffic_recorder_(kMaxMessagesToRecord, kMaxMessageSizeToRecord),
+ encryptor_(NULL),
+ unrecoverable_error_handler_(NULL),
+ report_unrecoverable_error_function_(NULL),
+ nigori_overwrite_count_(0) {
+ // Pre-fill |notification_info_map_|.
+ for (int i = syncer::FIRST_REAL_MODEL_TYPE;
+ i < syncer::MODEL_TYPE_COUNT; ++i) {
+ notification_info_map_.insert(
+ std::make_pair(syncer::ModelTypeFromInt(i), NotificationInfo()));
+ }
+ // Bind message handlers.
+ BindJsMessageHandler(
+ "getNotificationState",
+ &SyncManagerImpl::GetNotificationState);
+ BindJsMessageHandler(
+ "getNotificationInfo",
+ &SyncManagerImpl::GetNotificationInfo);
+ BindJsMessageHandler(
+ "getRootNodeDetails",
+ &SyncManagerImpl::GetRootNodeDetails);
+ BindJsMessageHandler(
+ "getNodeSummariesById",
+ &SyncManagerImpl::GetNodeSummariesById);
+ BindJsMessageHandler(
+ "getNodeDetailsById",
+ &SyncManagerImpl::GetNodeDetailsById);
+ BindJsMessageHandler(
+ "getAllNodes",
+ &SyncManagerImpl::GetAllNodes);
+ BindJsMessageHandler(
+ "getChildNodeIds",
+ &SyncManagerImpl::GetChildNodeIds);
+ BindJsMessageHandler(
+ "getClientServerTraffic",
+ &SyncManagerImpl::GetClientServerTraffic);
-bool SyncManagerImpl::Init(
- const FilePath& database_location,
- const WeakHandle<JsEventHandler>& event_handler,
- const std::string& sync_server_and_path,
- int sync_server_port,
- bool use_ssl,
- const scoped_refptr<base::TaskRunner>& blocking_task_runner,
- scoped_ptr<HttpPostProviderFactory> post_factory,
- const syncer::ModelSafeRoutingInfo& model_safe_routing_info,
- const std::vector<syncer::ModelSafeWorker*>& workers,
- syncer::ExtensionsActivityMonitor* extensions_activity_monitor,
- SyncManager::ChangeDelegate* change_delegate,
- const SyncCredentials& credentials,
- scoped_ptr<syncer::SyncNotifier> sync_notifier,
- const std::string& restored_key_for_bootstrapping,
- scoped_ptr<InternalComponentsFactory> internal_components_factory,
- Encryptor* encryptor,
- UnrecoverableErrorHandler* unrecoverable_error_handler,
- ReportUnrecoverableErrorFunction report_unrecoverable_error_function) {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- DCHECK(post_factory.get());
- DVLOG(1) << "SyncManager starting Init...";
- std::string server_string(sync_server_and_path);
- return data_->Init(database_location,
- event_handler,
- server_string,
- sync_server_port,
- use_ssl,
- blocking_task_runner,
- post_factory.Pass(),
- model_safe_routing_info,
- workers,
- extensions_activity_monitor,
- change_delegate,
- credentials,
- sync_notifier.Pass(),
- restored_key_for_bootstrapping,
- internal_components_factory.Pass(),
- encryptor,
- unrecoverable_error_handler,
- report_unrecoverable_error_function);
-void SyncManagerImpl::UpdateCredentials(const SyncCredentials& credentials) {
+SyncManagerImpl::~SyncManagerImpl() {
- data_->UpdateCredentials(credentials);
+ CHECK(!initialized_);
-void SyncManagerImpl::UpdateEnabledTypes(const ModelTypeSet& enabled_types) {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- data_->UpdateEnabledTypes(enabled_types);
+SyncManagerImpl::NotificationInfo::NotificationInfo() : total_count(0) {}
+SyncManagerImpl::NotificationInfo::~NotificationInfo() {}
+DictionaryValue* SyncManagerImpl::NotificationInfo::ToValue() const {
+ DictionaryValue* value = new DictionaryValue();
+ value->SetInteger("totalCount", total_count);
+ value->SetString("payload", payload);
+ return value;
+bool SyncManagerImpl::VisiblePositionsDiffer(
+ const syncable::EntryKernelMutation& mutation) const {
+ const syncable::EntryKernel& a = mutation.original;
+ const syncable::EntryKernel& b = mutation.mutated;
+ // If the datatype isn't one where the browser model cares about position,
+ // don't bother notifying that data model of position-only changes.
+ if (!ShouldMaintainPosition(
+ syncer::GetModelTypeFromSpecifics(b.ref(SPECIFICS)))) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (a.ref(syncable::NEXT_ID) != b.ref(syncable::NEXT_ID))
+ return true;
+ if (a.ref(syncable::PARENT_ID) != b.ref(syncable::PARENT_ID))
+ return true;
+ return false;
+bool SyncManagerImpl::VisiblePropertiesDiffer(
+ const syncable::EntryKernelMutation& mutation,
+ Cryptographer* cryptographer) const {
+ const syncable::EntryKernel& a = mutation.original;
+ const syncable::EntryKernel& b = mutation.mutated;
+ const sync_pb::EntitySpecifics& a_specifics = a.ref(SPECIFICS);
+ const sync_pb::EntitySpecifics& b_specifics = b.ref(SPECIFICS);
+ DCHECK_EQ(syncer::GetModelTypeFromSpecifics(a_specifics),
+ syncer::GetModelTypeFromSpecifics(b_specifics));
+ syncer::ModelType model_type =
+ syncer::GetModelTypeFromSpecifics(b_specifics);
+ // Suppress updates to items that aren't tracked by any browser model.
+ if (model_type < syncer::FIRST_REAL_MODEL_TYPE ||
+ !a.ref(syncable::UNIQUE_SERVER_TAG).empty()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (a.ref(syncable::IS_DIR) != b.ref(syncable::IS_DIR))
+ return true;
+ if (!AreSpecificsEqual(cryptographer,
+ a.ref(syncable::SPECIFICS),
+ b.ref(syncable::SPECIFICS))) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // We only care if the name has changed if neither specifics is encrypted
+ // (encrypted nodes blow away the NON_UNIQUE_NAME).
+ if (!a_specifics.has_encrypted() && !b_specifics.has_encrypted() &&
+ a.ref(syncable::NON_UNIQUE_NAME) != b.ref(syncable::NON_UNIQUE_NAME))
+ return true;
+ if (VisiblePositionsDiffer(mutation))
+ return true;
+ return false;
+bool SyncManagerImpl::ChangeBuffersAreEmpty() {
+ for (int i = 0; i < syncer::MODEL_TYPE_COUNT; ++i) {
+ if (!change_buffers_[i].IsEmpty())
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
void SyncManagerImpl::ThrowUnrecoverableError() {
@@ -751,33 +296,24 @@ void SyncManagerImpl::ThrowUnrecoverableError() {
syncer::ModelTypeSet SyncManagerImpl::InitialSyncEndedTypes() {
- return data_->InitialSyncEndedTypes();
+ DCHECK(initialized_);
+ return directory()->initial_sync_ended_types();
syncer::ModelTypeSet SyncManagerImpl::GetTypesWithEmptyProgressMarkerToken(
syncer::ModelTypeSet types) {
- return data_->GetTypesWithEmptyProgressMarkerToken(types);
-bool SyncManagerImpl::PurgePartiallySyncedTypes() {
- return data_->PurgePartiallySyncedTypes();
-void SyncManagerImpl::StartSyncingNormally(
- const syncer::ModelSafeRoutingInfo& routing_info) {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- data_->StartSyncingNormally(routing_info);
+ DCHECK(initialized_);
+ syncer::ModelTypeSet result;
+ for (syncer::ModelTypeSet::Iterator i = types.First();
+ i.Good(); i.Inc()) {
+ sync_pb::DataTypeProgressMarker marker;
+ directory()->GetDownloadProgress(i.Get(), &marker);
-void SyncManagerImpl::SetEncryptionPassphrase(const std::string& passphrase,
- bool is_explicit) {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- data_->SetEncryptionPassphrase(passphrase, is_explicit);
+ if (marker.token().empty())
+ result.Put(i.Get());
-void SyncManagerImpl::SetDecryptionPassphrase(const std::string& passphrase) {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- data_->SetDecryptionPassphrase(passphrase);
+ }
+ return result;
void SyncManagerImpl::EnableEncryptEverything() {
@@ -795,18 +331,14 @@ void SyncManagerImpl::EnableEncryptEverything() {
// Reads from cryptographer so will automatically encrypt all
// datatypes and update the nigori node as necessary. Will trigger
// OnPassphraseRequired if necessary.
- data_->RefreshEncryption();
+ RefreshEncryption();
-bool SyncManagerImpl::EncryptEverythingEnabledForTest() const {
+bool SyncManagerImpl::EncryptEverythingEnabledForTest() {
ReadTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, GetUserShare());
return trans.GetCryptographer()->encrypt_everything();
-bool SyncManagerImpl::IsUsingExplicitPassphrase() {
- return data_ && data_->IsUsingExplicitPassphrase();
void SyncManagerImpl::ConfigureSyncer(
ConfigureReason reason,
const syncer::ModelTypeSet& types_to_config,
@@ -828,21 +360,13 @@ void SyncManagerImpl::ConfigureSyncer(
- if (!data_->scheduler()) {
- << "SyncManagerImpl::ConfigureSyncer: could not configure because "
- << "scheduler is null";
- params.ready_task.Run();
- return;
- }
- data_->scheduler()->Start(syncer::SyncScheduler::CONFIGURATION_MODE);
- if (!data_->scheduler()->ScheduleConfiguration(params))
+ scheduler_->Start(syncer::SyncScheduler::CONFIGURATION_MODE);
+ if (!scheduler_->ScheduleConfiguration(params))
-bool SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::Init(
+bool SyncManagerImpl::Init(
const FilePath& database_location,
const WeakHandle<JsEventHandler>& event_handler,
const std::string& sync_server_and_path,
@@ -862,10 +386,9 @@ bool SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::Init(
UnrecoverableErrorHandler* unrecoverable_error_handler,
ReportUnrecoverableErrorFunction report_unrecoverable_error_function) {
- DVLOG(1) << "Starting SyncInternal initialization.";
+ DCHECK(post_factory.get());
+ DVLOG(1) << "SyncManager starting Init...";
weak_handle_this_ = MakeWeakHandle(weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr());
@@ -905,7 +428,7 @@ bool SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::Init(
observing_ip_address_changes_ = true;
- connection_manager()->AddListener(this);
+ connection_manager_->AddListener(this);
// Build a SyncSessionContext and store the worker in it.
DVLOG(1) << "Sync is bringing up SyncSessionContext.";
@@ -922,14 +445,14 @@ bool SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::Init(
- session_context()->set_account_name(;
+ session_context_->set_account_name(;
scheduler_ = internal_components_factory->BuildScheduler(
- name_, session_context()).Pass();
+ name_, session_context_.get()).Pass();
bool success = SignIn(credentials);
if (success) {
- scheduler()->Start(syncer::SyncScheduler::CONFIGURATION_MODE);
+ scheduler_->Start(syncer::SyncScheduler::CONFIGURATION_MODE);
initialized_ = true;
@@ -973,20 +496,20 @@ bool SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::Init(
return success;
-void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::UpdateCryptographerAndNigori(
- const std::string& chrome_version,
- const base::Closure& done_callback) {
+void SyncManagerImpl::RefreshNigori(const std::string& chrome_version,
+ const base::Closure& done_callback) {
+ DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- &SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::UpdateCryptographerAndNigoriCallback,
+ &SyncManagerImpl::UpdateCryptographerAndNigoriCallback,
-void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::UpdateNigoriEncryptionState(
+void SyncManagerImpl::UpdateNigoriEncryptionState(
Cryptographer* cryptographer,
WriteNode* nigori_node) {
@@ -1020,7 +543,7 @@ void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::UpdateNigoriEncryptionState(
-void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::UpdateCryptographerAndNigoriCallback(
+void SyncManagerImpl::UpdateCryptographerAndNigoriCallback(
const std::string& chrome_version,
const base::Closure& done_callback,
const std::string& session_name) {
@@ -1100,8 +623,7 @@ void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::UpdateCryptographerAndNigoriCallback(
-void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::NotifyCryptographerState(
- Cryptographer * cryptographer) {
+void SyncManagerImpl::NotifyCryptographerState(Cryptographer * cryptographer) {
// TODO(lipalani): Explore the possibility of hooking this up to
// SyncManager::Observer and making |AllStatus| a listener for that.
@@ -1111,18 +633,27 @@ void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::NotifyCryptographerState(
-void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::StartSyncingNormally(
+void SyncManagerImpl::StartSyncingNormally(
const syncer::ModelSafeRoutingInfo& routing_info) {
// Start the sync scheduler.
// TODO(sync): We always want the newest set of routes when we switch back
// to normal mode. Figure out how to enforce set_routing_info is always
// appropriately set and that it's only modified when switching to normal
// mode.
- session_context()->set_routing_info(routing_info);
- scheduler()->Start(SyncScheduler::NORMAL_MODE);
+ DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
+ session_context_->set_routing_info(routing_info);
+ scheduler_->Start(SyncScheduler::NORMAL_MODE);
+syncable::Directory* SyncManagerImpl::directory() {
+ return;
-bool SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::OpenDirectory() {
+const SyncScheduler* SyncManagerImpl::scheduler() const {
+ return scheduler_.get();
+bool SyncManagerImpl::OpenDirectory() {
DCHECK(!initialized_) << "Should only happen once";
// Set before Open().
@@ -1139,11 +670,11 @@ bool SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::OpenDirectory() {
return false;
- connection_manager()->set_client_id(directory()->cache_guid());
+ connection_manager_->set_client_id(directory()->cache_guid());
return true;
-bool SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::SignIn(const SyncCredentials& credentials) {
+bool SyncManagerImpl::SignIn(const SyncCredentials& credentials) {
@@ -1172,7 +703,7 @@ bool SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::SignIn(const SyncCredentials& credentials) {
return true;
-bool SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::PurgePartiallySyncedTypes() {
+bool SyncManagerImpl::PurgePartiallySyncedTypes() {
syncer::ModelTypeSet partially_synced_types =
@@ -1186,7 +717,7 @@ bool SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::PurgePartiallySyncedTypes() {
return directory()->PurgeEntriesWithTypeIn(partially_synced_types);
-void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::UpdateCredentials(
+void SyncManagerImpl::UpdateCredentials(
const SyncCredentials& credentials) {
@@ -1194,24 +725,25 @@ void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::UpdateCredentials(
observing_ip_address_changes_ = true;
- if (connection_manager()->set_auth_token(credentials.sync_token)) {
+ if (connection_manager_->set_auth_token(credentials.sync_token)) {
sync_notifier_->UpdateCredentials(, credentials.sync_token);
- if (initialized_ && scheduler()) {
- scheduler()->OnCredentialsUpdated();
+ if (initialized_) {
+ scheduler_->OnCredentialsUpdated();
-void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::UpdateEnabledTypes(
+void SyncManagerImpl::UpdateEnabledTypes(
const ModelTypeSet& enabled_types) {
-void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::SetEncryptionPassphrase(
+void SyncManagerImpl::SetEncryptionPassphrase(
const std::string& passphrase,
bool is_explicit) {
+ DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
// We do not accept empty passphrases.
if (passphrase.empty()) {
NOTREACHED() << "Cannot encrypt with an empty passphrase.";
@@ -1324,8 +856,9 @@ void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::SetEncryptionPassphrase(
success, bootstrap_token, is_explicit, &trans, &node);
-void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::SetDecryptionPassphrase(
+void SyncManagerImpl::SetDecryptionPassphrase(
const std::string& passphrase) {
+ DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
// We do not accept empty passphrases.
if (passphrase.empty()) {
NOTREACHED() << "Cannot decrypt with an empty passphrase.";
@@ -1466,7 +999,7 @@ void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::SetDecryptionPassphrase(
-void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::FinishSetPassphrase(
+void SyncManagerImpl::FinishSetPassphrase(
bool success,
const std::string& bootstrap_token,
bool is_explicit,
@@ -1523,7 +1056,7 @@ void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::FinishSetPassphrase(
-bool SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::IsUsingExplicitPassphrase() {
+bool SyncManagerImpl::IsUsingExplicitPassphrase() {
ReadTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, &share_);
ReadNode node(&trans);
if (node.InitByTagLookup(kNigoriTag) != syncer::BaseNode::INIT_OK) {
@@ -1535,7 +1068,7 @@ bool SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::IsUsingExplicitPassphrase() {
return node.GetNigoriSpecifics().using_explicit_passphrase();
-void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::RefreshEncryption() {
+void SyncManagerImpl::RefreshEncryption() {
WriteTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, GetUserShare());
@@ -1575,7 +1108,7 @@ void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::RefreshEncryption() {
// which data for some or all types is not currently available. In that case,
// the lookup of the root node will fail and we will skip encryption for that
// type.
-void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::ReEncryptEverything(
+void SyncManagerImpl::ReEncryptEverything(
WriteTransaction* trans) {
Cryptographer* cryptographer = trans->GetCryptographer();
if (!cryptographer || !cryptographer->is_ready())
@@ -1641,40 +1174,25 @@ void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::ReEncryptEverything(
-SyncManagerImpl::~SyncManagerImpl() {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- delete data_;
void SyncManagerImpl::AddObserver(SyncManager::Observer* observer) {
- data_->AddObserver(observer);
+ observers_.AddObserver(observer);
void SyncManagerImpl::RemoveObserver(SyncManager::Observer* observer) {
- data_->RemoveObserver(observer);
+ observers_.RemoveObserver(observer);
void SyncManagerImpl::StopSyncingForShutdown(const base::Closure& callback) {
- data_->StopSyncingForShutdown(callback);
-void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::StopSyncingForShutdown(
- const base::Closure& callback) {
DVLOG(2) << "StopSyncingForShutdown";
- scheduler()->RequestStop(callback);
+ scheduler_->RequestStop(callback);
if (connection_manager_.get())
void SyncManagerImpl::ShutdownOnSyncThread() {
- data_->ShutdownOnSyncThread();
-void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::ShutdownOnSyncThread() {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
// Prevent any in-flight method calls from running. Also
// invalidates |weak_handle_this_| and |change_observer_|.
@@ -1724,7 +1242,7 @@ void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::ShutdownOnSyncThread() {
-void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::OnIPAddressChanged() {
+void SyncManagerImpl::OnIPAddressChanged() {
DVLOG(1) << "IP address change detected";
if (!observing_ip_address_changes_) {
DVLOG(1) << "IP address change dropped.";
@@ -1734,12 +1252,12 @@ void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::OnIPAddressChanged() {
-void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::OnIPAddressChangedImpl() {
+void SyncManagerImpl::OnIPAddressChangedImpl() {
- scheduler()->OnConnectionStatusChange();
+ scheduler_->OnConnectionStatusChange();
-void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::OnServerConnectionEvent(
+void SyncManagerImpl::OnServerConnectionEvent(
const ServerConnectionEvent& event) {
if (event.connection_code ==
@@ -1761,7 +1279,7 @@ void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::OnServerConnectionEvent(
-void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::HandleTransactionCompleteChangeEvent(
+void SyncManagerImpl::HandleTransactionCompleteChangeEvent(
ModelTypeSet models_with_changes) {
// This notification happens immediately after the transaction mutex is
// released. This allows work to be performed without blocking other threads
@@ -1781,9 +1299,9 @@ void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::HandleTransactionCompleteChangeEvent(
- SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::HandleTransactionEndingChangeEvent(
- const ImmutableWriteTransactionInfo& write_transaction_info,
- syncable::BaseTransaction* trans) {
+ const ImmutableWriteTransactionInfo& write_transaction_info,
+ syncable::BaseTransaction* trans) {
// This notification happens immediately before a syncable WriteTransaction
// falls out of scope. It happens while the channel mutex is still held,
// and while the transaction mutex is held, so it cannot be re-entrant.
@@ -1821,14 +1339,9 @@ ModelTypeSet
return models_with_changes;
-void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::
- HandleCalculateChangesChangeEventFromSyncApi(
+void SyncManagerImpl::HandleCalculateChangesChangeEventFromSyncApi(
const ImmutableWriteTransactionInfo& write_transaction_info,
syncable::BaseTransaction* trans) {
- if (!scheduler()) {
- return;
- }
// We have been notified about a user action changing a sync model.
LOG_IF(WARNING, !ChangeBuffersAreEmpty()) <<
"CALCULATE_CHANGES called with unapplied old changes.";
@@ -1862,7 +1375,7 @@ void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::
if (!mutated_model_types.Empty()) {
if (weak_handle_this_.IsInitialized()) {
- &SyncInternal::RequestNudgeForDataTypes,
+ &SyncManagerImpl::RequestNudgeForDataTypes,
} else {
@@ -1871,7 +1384,7 @@ void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::
-void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::SetExtraChangeRecordData(int64 id,
+void SyncManagerImpl::SetExtraChangeRecordData(int64 id,
syncer::ModelType type, ChangeReorderBuffer* buffer,
Cryptographer* cryptographer, const syncable::EntryKernel& original,
bool existed_before, bool exists_now) {
@@ -1901,7 +1414,7 @@ void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::SetExtraChangeRecordData(int64 id,
-void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::HandleCalculateChangesChangeEventFromSyncer(
+void SyncManagerImpl::HandleCalculateChangesChangeEventFromSyncer(
const ImmutableWriteTransactionInfo& write_transaction_info,
syncable::BaseTransaction* trans) {
// We only expect one notification per sync step, so change_buffers_ should
@@ -1940,44 +1453,27 @@ void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::HandleCalculateChangesChangeEventFromSyncer(
-SyncStatus SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::GetStatus() {
- return allstatus_.status();
-void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::RequestNudge(
- const tracked_objects::Location& location) {
- scheduler()->ScheduleNudgeAsync(
- TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(0), syncer::NUDGE_SOURCE_LOCAL,
- ModelTypeSet(), location);
-TimeDelta SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::GetNudgeDelayTimeDelta(
+TimeDelta SyncManagerImpl::GetNudgeDelayTimeDelta(
const ModelType& model_type) {
return NudgeStrategy::GetNudgeDelayTimeDelta(model_type, this);
-void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::RequestNudgeForDataTypes(
+void SyncManagerImpl::RequestNudgeForDataTypes(
const tracked_objects::Location& nudge_location,
ModelTypeSet types) {
- if (!scheduler()) {
- return;
- }
// TODO(lipalani) : Calculate the nudge delay based on all types.
base::TimeDelta nudge_delay = NudgeStrategy::GetNudgeDelayTimeDelta(
- scheduler()->ScheduleNudgeAsync(nudge_delay,
- types,
- nudge_location);
+ scheduler_->ScheduleNudgeAsync(nudge_delay,
+ types,
+ nudge_location);
-void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::OnSyncEngineEvent(
- const SyncEngineEvent& event) {
+void SyncManagerImpl::OnSyncEngineEvent(const SyncEngineEvent& event) {
// Only send an event if this is due to a cycle ending and this cycle
// concludes a canonical "sync" process; that is, based on what is known
@@ -2075,14 +1571,14 @@ void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::OnSyncEngineEvent(
-void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::SetJsEventHandler(
+void SyncManagerImpl::SetJsEventHandler(
const WeakHandle<JsEventHandler>& event_handler) {
js_event_handler_ = event_handler;
-void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::ProcessJsMessage(
+void SyncManagerImpl::ProcessJsMessage(
const std::string& name, const JsArgList& args,
const WeakHandle<JsReplyHandler>& reply_handler) {
if (!initialized_) {
@@ -2108,14 +1604,14 @@ void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::ProcessJsMessage(
name, js_message_handler.Run(args));
-void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::BindJsMessageHandler(
+void SyncManagerImpl::BindJsMessageHandler(
const std::string& name,
UnboundJsMessageHandler unbound_message_handler) {
js_message_handlers_[name] =
base::Bind(unbound_message_handler, base::Unretained(this));
-DictionaryValue* SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::NotificationInfoToValue(
+DictionaryValue* SyncManagerImpl::NotificationInfoToValue(
const NotificationInfoMap& notification_info) {
DictionaryValue* value = new DictionaryValue();
@@ -2129,7 +1625,7 @@ DictionaryValue* SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::NotificationInfoToValue(
return value;
-JsArgList SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::GetNotificationState(
+JsArgList SyncManagerImpl::GetNotificationState(
const JsArgList& args) {
bool notifications_enabled = allstatus_.status().notifications_enabled;
ListValue return_args;
@@ -2137,14 +1633,14 @@ JsArgList SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::GetNotificationState(
return JsArgList(&return_args);
-JsArgList SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::GetNotificationInfo(
+JsArgList SyncManagerImpl::GetNotificationInfo(
const JsArgList& args) {
ListValue return_args;
return JsArgList(&return_args);
-JsArgList SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::GetRootNodeDetails(
+JsArgList SyncManagerImpl::GetRootNodeDetails(
const JsArgList& args) {
ReadTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, GetUserShare());
ReadNode root(&trans);
@@ -2154,7 +1650,7 @@ JsArgList SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::GetRootNodeDetails(
return JsArgList(&return_args);
-JsArgList SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::GetClientServerTraffic(
+JsArgList SyncManagerImpl::GetClientServerTraffic(
const JsArgList& args) {
ListValue return_args;
ListValue* value = traffic_recorder_.ToValue();
@@ -2205,18 +1701,15 @@ JsArgList GetNodeInfoById(const JsArgList& args,
} // namespace
-JsArgList SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::GetNodeSummariesById(
- const JsArgList& args) {
+JsArgList SyncManagerImpl::GetNodeSummariesById(const JsArgList& args) {
return GetNodeInfoById(args, GetUserShare(), &BaseNode::GetSummaryAsValue);
-JsArgList SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::GetNodeDetailsById(
- const JsArgList& args) {
+JsArgList SyncManagerImpl::GetNodeDetailsById(const JsArgList& args) {
return GetNodeInfoById(args, GetUserShare(), &BaseNode::GetDetailsAsValue);
-JsArgList SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::GetAllNodes(
- const JsArgList& args) {
+JsArgList SyncManagerImpl::GetAllNodes(const JsArgList& args) {
ListValue return_args;
ListValue* result = new ListValue();
@@ -2234,8 +1727,7 @@ JsArgList SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::GetAllNodes(
return JsArgList(&return_args);
-JsArgList SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::GetChildNodeIds(
- const JsArgList& args) {
+JsArgList SyncManagerImpl::GetChildNodeIds(const JsArgList& args) {
ListValue return_args;
ListValue* child_ids = new ListValue();
@@ -2254,7 +1746,7 @@ JsArgList SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::GetChildNodeIds(
return JsArgList(&return_args);
-void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::OnEncryptedTypesChanged(
+void SyncManagerImpl::OnEncryptedTypesChanged(
syncer::ModelTypeSet encrypted_types,
bool encrypt_everything) {
// NOTE: We're in a transaction.
@@ -2263,7 +1755,7 @@ void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::OnEncryptedTypesChanged(
OnEncryptedTypesChanged(encrypted_types, encrypt_everything));
-void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::UpdateNotificationInfo(
+void SyncManagerImpl::UpdateNotificationInfo(
const syncer::ModelTypePayloadMap& type_payloads) {
for (syncer::ModelTypePayloadMap::const_iterator it = type_payloads.begin();
it != type_payloads.end(); ++it) {
@@ -2273,10 +1765,10 @@ void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::UpdateNotificationInfo(
-void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::OnNotificationsEnabled() {
+void SyncManagerImpl::OnNotificationsEnabled() {
DVLOG(1) << "Notifications enabled";
- scheduler()->SetNotificationsEnabled(true);
+ scheduler_->SetNotificationsEnabled(true);
// TODO(akalin): Separate onNotificationStateChange into
// enabled/disabled events.
@@ -2290,12 +1782,12 @@ void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::OnNotificationsEnabled() {
-void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::OnNotificationsDisabled(
+void SyncManagerImpl::OnNotificationsDisabled(
syncer::NotificationsDisabledReason reason) {
DVLOG(1) << "Notifications disabled with reason "
<< syncer::NotificationsDisabledReasonToString(reason);
- scheduler()->SetNotificationsEnabled(false);
+ scheduler_->SetNotificationsEnabled(false);
if (js_event_handler_.IsInitialized()) {
DictionaryValue details;
details.Set("enabled", Value::CreateBooleanValue(false));
@@ -2308,17 +1800,17 @@ void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::OnNotificationsDisabled(
// error.
-void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::OnIncomingNotification(
+void SyncManagerImpl::OnIncomingNotification(
const syncer::ModelTypePayloadMap& type_payloads,
syncer::IncomingNotificationSource source) {
if (source == syncer::LOCAL_NOTIFICATION) {
- scheduler()->ScheduleNudgeWithPayloadsAsync(
+ scheduler_->ScheduleNudgeWithPayloadsAsync(
type_payloads, FROM_HERE);
} else if (!type_payloads.empty()) {
- scheduler()->ScheduleNudgeWithPayloadsAsync(
+ scheduler_->ScheduleNudgeWithPayloadsAsync(
type_payloads, FROM_HERE);
@@ -2349,53 +1841,29 @@ void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::OnIncomingNotification(
-void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::AddObserver(
- SyncManager::Observer* observer) {
- observers_.AddObserver(observer);
-void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::RemoveObserver(
- SyncManager::Observer* observer) {
- observers_.RemoveObserver(observer);
SyncStatus SyncManagerImpl::GetDetailedStatus() const {
- return data_->GetStatus();
+ return allstatus_.status();
void SyncManagerImpl::SaveChanges() {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- data_->SaveChanges();
-void SyncManagerImpl::SyncInternal::SaveChanges() {
-UserShare* SyncManagerImpl::GetUserShare() const {
- return data_->GetUserShare();
-void SyncManagerImpl::RefreshNigori(const std::string& chrome_version,
- const base::Closure& done_callback) {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- data_->UpdateCryptographerAndNigori(
- chrome_version,
- done_callback);
+const std::string& SyncManagerImpl::username_for_share() const {
+ return;
-TimeDelta SyncManagerImpl::GetNudgeDelayTimeDelta(
- const ModelType& model_type) {
- return data_->GetNudgeDelayTimeDelta(model_type);
+UserShare* SyncManagerImpl::GetUserShare() {
+ DCHECK(initialized_);
+ return &share_;
-syncer::ModelTypeSet SyncManagerImpl::GetEncryptedDataTypesForTest() const {
+syncer::ModelTypeSet SyncManagerImpl::GetEncryptedDataTypesForTest() {
ReadTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, GetUserShare());
return GetEncryptedTypes(&trans);
-bool SyncManagerImpl::ReceivedExperiment(
- syncer::Experiments* experiments) const {
+bool SyncManagerImpl::ReceivedExperiment(syncer::Experiments* experiments) {
ReadTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, GetUserShare());
ReadNode node(&trans);
if (node.InitByTagLookup(kNigoriTag) != syncer::BaseNode::INIT_OK) {
@@ -2410,19 +1878,19 @@ bool SyncManagerImpl::ReceivedExperiment(
return found_experiment;
-bool SyncManagerImpl::HasUnsyncedItems() const {
+bool SyncManagerImpl::HasUnsyncedItems() {
syncer::ReadTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, GetUserShare());
return (trans.GetWrappedTrans()->directory()->unsynced_entity_count() != 0);
void SyncManagerImpl::SimulateEnableNotificationsForTest() {
- data_->OnNotificationsEnabled();
+ OnNotificationsEnabled();
void SyncManagerImpl::SimulateDisableNotificationsForTest(int reason) {
- data_->OnNotificationsDisabled(
+ OnNotificationsDisabled(
@@ -2433,8 +1901,8 @@ void SyncManagerImpl::TriggerOnIncomingNotificationForTest(
- data_->OnIncomingNotification(model_types_with_payloads,
+ OnIncomingNotification(model_types_with_payloads,
// static.
diff --git a/sync/internal_api/sync_manager_impl.h b/sync/internal_api/sync_manager_impl.h
index 3b8dd1ea..7f9691f 100644
--- a/sync/internal_api/sync_manager_impl.h
+++ b/sync/internal_api/sync_manager_impl.h
@@ -8,10 +8,33 @@
#include <string>
#include <vector>
+#include "net/base/network_change_notifier.h"
+#include "sync/engine/all_status.h"
+#include "sync/engine/net/server_connection_manager.h"
+#include "sync/engine/sync_engine_event.h"
+#include "sync/engine/throttled_data_type_tracker.h"
+#include "sync/engine/traffic_recorder.h"
+#include "sync/internal_api/change_reorder_buffer.h"
+#include "sync/internal_api/debug_info_event_listener.h"
+#include "sync/internal_api/js_mutation_event_observer.h"
+#include "sync/internal_api/js_sync_manager_observer.h"
#include "sync/internal_api/public/sync_manager.h"
+#include "sync/js/js_backend.h"
+#include "sync/notifier/sync_notifier_observer.h"
+#include "sync/syncable/directory_change_delegate.h"
+#include "sync/util/cryptographer.h"
+#include "sync/util/time.h"
namespace syncer {
+class SyncAPIServerConnectionManager;
+class WriteNode;
+class WriteTransaction;
+namespace sessions {
+class SyncSessionContext;
// SyncManager encapsulates syncable::Directory and serves as the parent of all
// other objects in the sync API. If multiple threads interact with the same
// local sync repository (i.e. the same sqlite database), they should share a
@@ -20,12 +43,15 @@ namespace syncer {
// Unless stated otherwise, all methods of SyncManager should be called on the
// same thread.
-class SyncManagerImpl : public SyncManager {
+class SyncManagerImpl : public SyncManager,
+ public net::NetworkChangeNotifier::IPAddressObserver,
+ public Cryptographer::Observer,
+ public SyncNotifierObserver,
+ public JsBackend,
+ public SyncEngineEventListener,
+ public ServerConnectionEventListener,
+ public syncable::DirectoryChangeDelegate {
- // SyncInternal contains the implementation of SyncManager, while abstracting
- // internal types from clients of the interface.
- class SyncInternal;
// Create an uninitialized SyncManager. Callers must Init() before using.
explicit SyncManagerImpl(const std::string& name);
virtual ~SyncManagerImpl();
@@ -70,30 +96,43 @@ class SyncManagerImpl : public SyncManager {
const syncer::ModelSafeRoutingInfo& new_routing_info,
const base::Closure& ready_task,
const base::Closure& retry_task) OVERRIDE;
- virtual void AddObserver(Observer* observer) OVERRIDE;
- virtual void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void AddObserver(SyncManager::Observer* observer) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void RemoveObserver(SyncManager::Observer* observer) OVERRIDE;
virtual SyncStatus GetDetailedStatus() const OVERRIDE;
virtual bool IsUsingExplicitPassphrase() OVERRIDE;
virtual void SaveChanges() OVERRIDE;
virtual void StopSyncingForShutdown(const base::Closure& callback) OVERRIDE;
virtual void ShutdownOnSyncThread() OVERRIDE;
- virtual UserShare* GetUserShare() const OVERRIDE;
+ virtual UserShare* GetUserShare() OVERRIDE;
+ // Update the Cryptographer from the current nigori node and write back any
+ // necessary changes to the nigori node. We also detect missing encryption
+ // keys and write them into the nigori node.
+ // Also updates or adds the device information into the nigori node.
+ // Note: opens a transaction and can trigger an ON_PASSPHRASE_REQUIRED, so
+ // should only be called after syncapi is fully initialized.
+ // Calls the callback argument with true if cryptographer is ready, false
+ // otherwise.
virtual void RefreshNigori(const std::string& chrome_version,
const base::Closure& done_callback) OVERRIDE;
virtual void EnableEncryptEverything() OVERRIDE;
- virtual bool ReceivedExperiment(
- syncer::Experiments* experiments) const OVERRIDE;
- virtual bool HasUnsyncedItems() const OVERRIDE;
+ virtual bool ReceivedExperiment(syncer::Experiments* experiments) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual bool HasUnsyncedItems() OVERRIDE;
+ // Return the currently active (validated) username for use with syncable
+ // types.
+ const std::string& username_for_share() const;
// Functions used for testing.
// Returns true if we are currently encrypting all sync data. May
// be called on any thread.
- bool EncryptEverythingEnabledForTest() const;
+ bool EncryptEverythingEnabledForTest();
// Gets the set of encrypted types from the cryptographer
// Note: opens a transaction. May be called from any thread.
- syncer::ModelTypeSet GetEncryptedDataTypesForTest() const;
+ syncer::ModelTypeSet GetEncryptedDataTypesForTest();
void SimulateEnableNotificationsForTest();
void SimulateDisableNotificationsForTest(int reason);
@@ -102,18 +141,280 @@ class SyncManagerImpl : public SyncManager {
static int GetDefaultNudgeDelay();
static int GetPreferencesNudgeDelay();
+ // SyncEngineEventListener implementation.
+ virtual void OnSyncEngineEvent(const SyncEngineEvent& event) OVERRIDE;
+ // ServerConnectionEventListener implementation.
+ virtual void OnServerConnectionEvent(
+ const ServerConnectionEvent& event) OVERRIDE;
+ // JsBackend implementation.
+ virtual void SetJsEventHandler(
+ const WeakHandle<JsEventHandler>& event_handler) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void ProcessJsMessage(
+ const std::string& name, const JsArgList& args,
+ const WeakHandle<JsReplyHandler>& reply_handler) OVERRIDE;
+ // DirectoryChangeDelegate implementation.
+ // This listener is called upon completion of a syncable transaction, and
+ // builds the list of sync-engine initiated changes that will be forwarded to
+ // the SyncManager's Observers.
+ virtual void HandleTransactionCompleteChangeEvent(
+ ModelTypeSet models_with_changes) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual ModelTypeSet HandleTransactionEndingChangeEvent(
+ const syncable::ImmutableWriteTransactionInfo& write_transaction_info,
+ syncable::BaseTransaction* trans) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void HandleCalculateChangesChangeEventFromSyncApi(
+ const syncable::ImmutableWriteTransactionInfo& write_transaction_info,
+ syncable::BaseTransaction* trans) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void HandleCalculateChangesChangeEventFromSyncer(
+ const syncable::ImmutableWriteTransactionInfo& write_transaction_info,
+ syncable::BaseTransaction* trans) OVERRIDE;
+ // Cryptographer::Observer implementation.
+ virtual void OnEncryptedTypesChanged(
+ syncer::ModelTypeSet encrypted_types,
+ bool encrypt_everything) OVERRIDE;
+ // SyncNotifierObserver implementation.
+ virtual void OnNotificationsEnabled() OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void OnNotificationsDisabled(
+ syncer::NotificationsDisabledReason reason) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void OnIncomingNotification(
+ const syncer::ModelTypePayloadMap& type_payloads,
+ syncer::IncomingNotificationSource source) OVERRIDE;
+ // Called only by our NetworkChangeNotifier.
+ virtual void OnIPAddressChanged() OVERRIDE;
+ const SyncScheduler* scheduler() const;
friend class SyncManagerTest;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SyncManagerTest, NudgeDelayTest);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SyncManagerTest, OnNotificationStateChange);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SyncManagerTest, OnIncomingNotification);
+ struct NotificationInfo {
+ NotificationInfo();
+ ~NotificationInfo();
+ int total_count;
+ std::string payload;
+ // Returned pointer owned by the caller.
+ DictionaryValue* ToValue() const;
+ };
base::TimeDelta GetNudgeDelayTimeDelta(const syncer::ModelType& model_type);
+ typedef std::map<syncer::ModelType, NotificationInfo> NotificationInfoMap;
+ typedef JsArgList (SyncManagerImpl::*UnboundJsMessageHandler)(
+ const JsArgList&);
+ typedef base::Callback<JsArgList(const JsArgList&)> JsMessageHandler;
+ typedef std::map<std::string, JsMessageHandler> JsMessageHandlerMap;
+ // Determine if the parents or predecessors differ between the old and new
+ // versions of an entry stored in |a| and |b|. Note that a node's index may
+ // change without its NEXT_ID changing if the node at NEXT_ID also moved (but
+ // the relative order is unchanged). To handle such cases, we rely on the
+ // caller to treat a position update on any sibling as updating the positions
+ // of all siblings.
+ bool VisiblePositionsDiffer(
+ const syncable::EntryKernelMutation& mutation) const;
+ // Determine if any of the fields made visible to clients of the Sync API
+ // differ between the versions of an entry stored in |a| and |b|. A return
+ // value of false means that it should be OK to ignore this change.
+ bool VisiblePropertiesDiffer(
+ const syncable::EntryKernelMutation& mutation,
+ Cryptographer* cryptographer) const;
+ bool ChangeBuffersAreEmpty();
+ // Open the directory named with username_for_share
+ bool OpenDirectory();
+ // Sign into sync with given credentials.
+ // We do not verify the tokens given. After this call, the tokens are set
+ // and the sync DB is open. True if successful, false if something
+ // went wrong.
+ bool SignIn(const SyncCredentials& credentials);
+ void RequestNudgeForDataTypes(
+ const tracked_objects::Location& nudge_location,
+ ModelTypeSet type);
+ void NotifyCryptographerState(Cryptographer* cryptographer);
+ // If this is a deletion for a password, sets the legacy
+ // ExtraPasswordChangeRecordData field of |buffer|. Otherwise sets
+ // |buffer|'s specifics field to contain the unencrypted data.
+ void SetExtraChangeRecordData(int64 id,
+ syncer::ModelType type,
+ ChangeReorderBuffer* buffer,
+ Cryptographer* cryptographer,
+ const syncable::EntryKernel& original,
+ bool existed_before,
+ bool exists_now);
+ // Stores the current set of encryption keys (if the cryptographer is ready)
+ // and encrypted types into the nigori node.
+ void UpdateNigoriEncryptionState(Cryptographer* cryptographer,
+ WriteNode* nigori_node);
+ // Internal callback of UpdateCryptographerAndNigoriCallback.
+ void UpdateCryptographerAndNigoriCallback(
+ const std::string& chrome_version,
+ const base::Closure& done_callback,
+ const std::string& session_name);
+ // Updates the nigori node with any new encrypted types and then
+ // encrypts the nodes for those new data types as well as other
+ // nodes that should be encrypted but aren't. Triggers
+ // OnPassphraseRequired if the cryptographer isn't ready.
+ void RefreshEncryption();
+ void ReEncryptEverything(WriteTransaction* trans);
+ // The final step of SetEncryptionPassphrase and SetDecryptionPassphrase that
+ // notifies observers of the result of the set passphrase operation, updates
+ // the nigori node, and does re-encryption.
+ // |success|: true if the operation was successful and false otherwise. If
+ // success == false, we send an OnPassphraseRequired notification.
+ // |bootstrap_token|: used to inform observers if the cryptographer's
+ // bootstrap token was updated.
+ // |is_explicit|: used to differentiate between a custom passphrase (true) and
+ // a GAIA passphrase that is implicitly used for encryption
+ // (false).
+ // |trans| and |nigori_node|: used to access data in the cryptographer.
+ void FinishSetPassphrase(
+ bool success,
+ const std::string& bootstrap_token,
+ bool is_explicit,
+ WriteTransaction* trans,
+ WriteNode* nigori_node);
+ // Called for every notification. This updates the notification statistics
+ // to be displayed in about:sync.
+ void UpdateNotificationInfo(
+ const syncer::ModelTypePayloadMap& type_payloads);
+ // Checks for server reachabilty and requests a nudge.
+ void OnIPAddressChangedImpl();
+ // Helper function used only by the constructor.
+ void BindJsMessageHandler(
+ const std::string& name, UnboundJsMessageHandler unbound_message_handler);
+ // Returned pointer is owned by the caller.
+ static DictionaryValue* NotificationInfoToValue(
+ const NotificationInfoMap& notification_info);
+ // JS message handlers.
+ JsArgList GetNotificationState(const JsArgList& args);
+ JsArgList GetNotificationInfo(const JsArgList& args);
+ JsArgList GetRootNodeDetails(const JsArgList& args);
+ JsArgList GetAllNodes(const JsArgList& args);
+ JsArgList GetNodeSummariesById(const JsArgList& args);
+ JsArgList GetNodeDetailsById(const JsArgList& args);
+ JsArgList GetChildNodeIds(const JsArgList& args);
+ JsArgList GetClientServerTraffic(const JsArgList& args);
+ syncable::Directory* directory();
+ FilePath database_path_;
+ const std::string name_;
base::ThreadChecker thread_checker_;
- // An opaque pointer to the nested private class.
- SyncInternal* data_;
+ base::WeakPtrFactory<SyncManagerImpl> weak_ptr_factory_;
+ // Thread-safe handle used by
+ // HandleCalculateChangesChangeEventFromSyncApi(), which can be
+ // called from any thread. Valid only between between calls to
+ // Init() and Shutdown().
+ //
+ // TODO(akalin): Ideally, we wouldn't need to store this; instead,
+ // we'd have another worker class which implements
+ // HandleCalculateChangesChangeEventFromSyncApi() and we'd pass it a
+ // WeakHandle when we construct it.
+ WeakHandle<SyncManagerImpl> weak_handle_this_;
+ // |blocking_task_runner| is a TaskRunner to be used for tasks that
+ // may block on disk I/O.
+ scoped_refptr<base::TaskRunner> blocking_task_runner_;
+ // We give a handle to share_ to clients of the API for use when constructing
+ // any transaction type.
+ UserShare share_;
+ // This can be called from any thread, but only between calls to
+ // OpenDirectory() and ShutdownOnSyncThread().
+ syncer::WeakHandle<SyncManager::ChangeObserver> change_observer_;
+ ObserverList<SyncManager::Observer> observers_;
+ // The ServerConnectionManager used to abstract communication between the
+ // client (the Syncer) and the sync server.
+ scoped_ptr<SyncAPIServerConnectionManager> connection_manager_;
+ // A container of various bits of information used by the SyncScheduler to
+ // create SyncSessions. Must outlive the SyncScheduler.
+ scoped_ptr<sessions::SyncSessionContext> session_context_;
+ // The scheduler that runs the Syncer. Needs to be explicitly
+ // Start()ed.
+ scoped_ptr<SyncScheduler> scheduler_;
+ // The SyncNotifier which notifies us when updates need to be downloaded.
+ scoped_ptr<syncer::SyncNotifier> sync_notifier_;
+ // A multi-purpose status watch object that aggregates stats from various
+ // sync components.
+ AllStatus allstatus_;
+ // Each element of this array is a store of change records produced by
+ // HandleChangeEvent during the CALCULATE_CHANGES step. The changes are
+ // segregated by model type, and are stored here to be processed and
+ // forwarded to the observer slightly later, at the TRANSACTION_ENDING
+ // step by HandleTransactionEndingChangeEvent. The list is cleared in the
+ // TRANSACTION_COMPLETE step by HandleTransactionCompleteChangeEvent.
+ ChangeReorderBuffer change_buffers_[syncer::MODEL_TYPE_COUNT];
+ SyncManager::ChangeDelegate* change_delegate_;
+ // Set to true once Init has been called.
+ bool initialized_;
+ bool observing_ip_address_changes_;
+ // Map used to store the notification info to be displayed in
+ // about:sync page.
+ NotificationInfoMap notification_info_map_;
+ // These are for interacting with chrome://sync-internals.
+ JsMessageHandlerMap js_message_handlers_;
+ WeakHandle<JsEventHandler> js_event_handler_;
+ JsSyncManagerObserver js_sync_manager_observer_;
+ JsMutationEventObserver js_mutation_event_observer_;
+ syncer::ThrottledDataTypeTracker throttled_data_type_tracker_;
+ // This is for keeping track of client events to send to the server.
+ DebugInfoEventListener debug_info_event_listener_;
+ syncer::TrafficRecorder traffic_recorder_;
+ Encryptor* encryptor_;
+ UnrecoverableErrorHandler* unrecoverable_error_handler_;
+ ReportUnrecoverableErrorFunction report_unrecoverable_error_function_;
+ // The number of times we've automatically (i.e. not via SetPassphrase or
+ // conflict resolver) updated the nigori's encryption keys in this chrome
+ // instantiation.
+ int nigori_overwrite_count_;
diff --git a/sync/internal_api/ b/sync/internal_api/
index ecc3b59..3fd67a6 100644
--- a/sync/internal_api/
+++ b/sync/internal_api/
@@ -995,7 +995,7 @@ TEST_F(SyncManagerTest, ProcessJsMessageGetRootNodeDetails) {
-void CheckGetNodesByIdReturnArgs(const SyncManager& sync_manager,
+void CheckGetNodesByIdReturnArgs(SyncManager* sync_manager,
const JsArgList& return_args,
int64 id,
bool is_detailed) {
@@ -1007,7 +1007,7 @@ void CheckGetNodesByIdReturnArgs(const SyncManager& sync_manager,
DictionaryValue* node_info = NULL;
EXPECT_TRUE(nodes->GetDictionary(0, &node_info));
- ReadTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, sync_manager.GetUserShare());
+ ReadTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, sync_manager->GetUserShare());
ReadNode node(&trans);
EXPECT_EQ(BaseNode::INIT_OK, node.InitByIdLookup(id));
CheckNodeValue(node, *node_info, is_detailed);
@@ -1047,7 +1047,7 @@ class SyncManagerGetNodesByIdTest : public SyncManagerTest {
JsArgList(&args), reply_handler.AsWeakHandle());
- CheckGetNodesByIdReturnArgs(sync_manager_, return_args,
+ CheckGetNodesByIdReturnArgs(&sync_manager_, return_args,
ids[i], is_detailed);
diff --git a/sync/internal_api/test/ b/sync/internal_api/test/
index fbad007..85a0a69 100644
--- a/sync/internal_api/test/
+++ b/sync/internal_api/test/
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ void FakeSyncManager::ShutdownOnSyncThread() {
// Do nothing.
-UserShare* FakeSyncManager::GetUserShare() const {
+UserShare* FakeSyncManager::GetUserShare() {
return NULL;
@@ -198,12 +198,11 @@ void FakeSyncManager::EnableEncryptEverything() {
-bool FakeSyncManager::ReceivedExperiment(
- syncer::Experiments* experiments) const {
+bool FakeSyncManager::ReceivedExperiment(syncer::Experiments* experiments) {
return false;
-bool FakeSyncManager::HasUnsyncedItems() const {
+bool FakeSyncManager::HasUnsyncedItems() {
return false;
diff --git a/sync/tools/ b/sync/tools/
index ce2aabd..51d1c68 100644
--- a/sync/tools/
+++ b/sync/tools/
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
"[--%s=host:port] [--%s] [--%s]\n"
"Run chrome and set a breakpoint on\n"
- "syncer::SyncManager::SyncInternal::UpdateCredentials() "
+ "syncer::SyncManagerImpl::UpdateCredentials() "
"after logging into\n"
"sync to get the token to pass into this utility.\n",
diff --git a/sync/tools/ b/sync/tools/
index cab1cd6..95b4251 100644
--- a/sync/tools/
+++ b/sync/tools/
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
"[--%s=host:port] [--%s] [--%s]\n"
"Run chrome and set a breakpoint on\n"
- "syncer::SyncManager::SyncInternal::UpdateCredentials() "
+ "syncer::SyncManagerImpl::UpdateCredentials() "
"after logging into\n"
"sync to get the token to pass into this utility.\n",