path: root/ui/chromeos/
diff options
mode: <>2014-07-23 04:30:50 +0000 <>2014-07-23 04:30:50 +0000
commit6344f4206c189f03f90eb434cf2b28ba46c03f95 (patch)
tree131a0674b049df8045a48cb0ce4543e9a7ca3b77 /ui/chromeos/
parent4ac270015d7a4cd169b55cba12188e4e8f9be290 (diff)
Revert 284819 because it introduces leaks in TestingBoundaries and
EnterSlideGestureState tests in TouchExplorationTest: Direct leak of 24 byte(s) in 1 object(s) allocated from: #0 0x448b2b in operator new(unsigned long) /usr/local/google/work/chromium/src/third_party/llvm/projects/compiler-rt/lib/asan/ #1 0x14703f7 in ui::GestureProviderAura::GetAndResetPendingGestures() ui/events/gestures/ #2 0x9f4986 in ui::TouchExplorationController::InSlideGesture(ui::TouchEvent const&, scoped_ptr\u003Cui::Event, base::DefaultDeleter\u003Cui::Event> >*) ui/chromeos/ ... etc. > Added side slide gestures to touch exploration controller. > > The user can control settings that might be normally changed using sliders by sliding along the edge of the screen when ChromeVox is on. For example, the user can slide along the right edge of the screen and adjust the volume. > > If the user enters this mode and leaves the boundaries without releasing their touch, they will stop adjusting the setting, however, they will not enter touch exploration. If they return to the given boundaries, they will be able to modify the setting again. If the user does not touch a "hot edge" of the screen, they will not enter this state if they move to the an of the screen. > > BUG=393326 > > Review URL: Review URL: git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
Diffstat (limited to 'ui/chromeos/')
1 files changed, 4 insertions, 250 deletions
diff --git a/ui/chromeos/ b/ui/chromeos/
index d190578..70bac63 100644
--- a/ui/chromeos/
+++ b/ui/chromeos/
@@ -72,24 +72,6 @@ int Factorial(int n) {
return n * Factorial(n - 1);
-class MockTouchExplorationControllerDelegate
- : public ui::TouchExplorationControllerDelegate {
- public:
- virtual void PlayVolumeAdjustSound() OVERRIDE {
- ++num_times_adjust_sound_played_;
- }
- virtual void SetOutputLevel(int volume) OVERRIDE {
- volume_changes_.push_back(volume);
- }
- const std::vector<float> VolumeChanges() { return volume_changes_; }
- const size_t NumAdjustSounds() { return num_times_adjust_sound_played_; }
- private:
- std::vector<float> volume_changes_;
- size_t num_times_adjust_sound_played_ = 0;
} // namespace
class TouchExplorationControllerTestApi {
@@ -128,29 +110,12 @@ class TouchExplorationControllerTestApi {
- bool IsInSlideGestureStateForTesting() const {
- return touch_exploration_controller_->state_ ==
- touch_exploration_controller_->SLIDE_GESTURE;
- }
- gfx::Rect BoundsOfRootWindowInDIPForTesting() const {
- return touch_exploration_controller_->root_window_->GetBoundsInScreen();
- }
// VLOGs should be suppressed in tests that generate a lot of logs,
// for example permutations of nine touch events.
void SuppressVLOGsForTesting(bool suppress) {
touch_exploration_controller_->VLOG_on_ = !suppress;
- float GetMaxDistanceFromEdge() const {
- return touch_exploration_controller_->kMaxDistanceFromEdge;
- }
- float GetSlopDistanceFromEdge() const {
- return touch_exploration_controller_->kSlopDistanceFromEdge;
- }
scoped_ptr<TouchExplorationController> touch_exploration_controller_;
@@ -247,9 +212,8 @@ class TouchExplorationTest : public aura::test::AuraTestBase {
if (!on && touch_exploration_controller_.get()) {
} else if (on && !touch_exploration_controller_.get()) {
- touch_exploration_controller_.reset(
- new ui::TouchExplorationControllerTestApi(
- new TouchExplorationController(root_window(), &delegate_)));
+ touch_exploration_controller_.reset(new TouchExplorationControllerTestApi(
+ new ui::TouchExplorationController(root_window())));
@@ -292,22 +256,6 @@ class TouchExplorationTest : public aura::test::AuraTestBase {
- bool IsInSlideGestureState() {
- return touch_exploration_controller_->IsInSlideGestureStateForTesting();
- }
- gfx::Rect BoundsOfRootWindowInDIP() {
- return touch_exploration_controller_->BoundsOfRootWindowInDIPForTesting();
- }
- float GetMaxDistanceFromEdge() const{
- return touch_exploration_controller_->GetMaxDistanceFromEdge();
- }
- float GetSlopDistanceFromEdge() const{
- return touch_exploration_controller_->GetSlopDistanceFromEdge();
- }
base::TimeDelta Now() {
// This is the same as what EventTimeForNow() does, but here we do it
// with our simulated clock.
@@ -319,7 +267,6 @@ class TouchExplorationTest : public aura::test::AuraTestBase {
ui::GestureDetector::Config gesture_detector_config_;
// Owned by |generator_|.
base::SimpleTestTickClock* simulated_clock_;
- MockTouchExplorationControllerDelegate delegate_;
EventCapturer event_capturer_;
@@ -562,9 +509,6 @@ TEST_F(TouchExplorationTest, TurnOnMidTouch) {
TEST_F(TouchExplorationTest, TimerFiresLateDuringTouchExploration) {
- // Make sure the touch is not in a corner of the screen.
- generator_->MoveTouch(gfx::Point(100, 200));
// Send a press, then add another finger after the double-tap timeout.
@@ -1413,11 +1357,10 @@ TEST_F(TouchExplorationTest, FromGestureToPassthrough) {
float distance = gesture_detector_config_.touch_slop + 1;
- ui::TouchEvent first_press(
- ui::ET_TOUCH_PRESSED, gfx::Point(100, 200), 0, Now());
+ ui::TouchEvent first_press(ui::ET_TOUCH_PRESSED, gfx::Point(0, 1), 0, Now());
- gfx::Point second_location(100 + distance, 200);
+ gfx::Point second_location(distance, 1);
@@ -1445,193 +1388,4 @@ TEST_F(TouchExplorationTest, FromGestureToPassthrough) {
ASSERT_EQ(0U, captured_events.size());
-TEST_F(TouchExplorationTest, EnterSlideGestureState) {
- SwitchTouchExplorationMode(true);
- EXPECT_FALSE(IsInTouchToMouseMode());
- EXPECT_FALSE(IsInGestureInProgressState());
- gfx::Rect window = BoundsOfRootWindowInDIP();
- float distance = gesture_detector_config_.touch_slop + 1;
- ui::TouchEvent first_press(
- ui::ET_TOUCH_PRESSED, gfx::Point(window.right(), 1), 0, Now());
- gfx::Point second_location(window.right(), 1 + distance / 2);
- gfx::Point third_location(window.right(), 1 + distance);
- generator_->Dispatch(&first_press);
- simulated_clock_->Advance(base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(10));
- // Since we haven't moved past slop yet, we should not be in slide gesture.
- generator_->MoveTouch(second_location);
- EXPECT_FALSE(IsInTouchToMouseMode());
- EXPECT_FALSE(IsInGestureInProgressState());
- EXPECT_FALSE(IsInSlideGestureState());
- simulated_clock_->Advance(base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(10));
- // Once we are out of slop, we should be in slide gesture since we are along
- // the edge of the screen.
- generator_->MoveTouch(third_location);
- EXPECT_FALSE(IsInGestureInProgressState());
- EXPECT_TRUE(IsInSlideGestureState());
- EXPECT_FALSE(IsInTouchToMouseMode());
- const ScopedVector<ui::Event>& captured_events = GetCapturedEvents();
- ASSERT_EQ(0U, captured_events.size());
- // Since we are at the right edge of the screen, but the sound timer has not
- // elapsed, there should have two sounds that fired and two volume
- // changes (one for each movement).
- size_t num_adjust_sounds = delegate_.NumAdjustSounds();
- ASSERT_EQ(2U, num_adjust_sounds);
- ASSERT_EQ(2U, delegate_.VolumeChanges().size());
- // Exit out of slide gesture once touch is lifted, but not before even if the
- // grace period is over.
- AdvanceSimulatedTimePastPotentialTapDelay();
- ASSERT_EQ(0U, captured_events.size());
- EXPECT_FALSE(IsInTouchToMouseMode());
- EXPECT_FALSE(IsInGestureInProgressState());
- EXPECT_TRUE(IsInSlideGestureState());
- generator_->ReleaseTouch();
- ASSERT_EQ(0U, captured_events.size());
- EXPECT_FALSE(IsInTouchToMouseMode());
- EXPECT_FALSE(IsInGestureInProgressState());
- EXPECT_FALSE(IsInSlideGestureState());
-// If a press + move occurred outside the boundaries, but within the slop
-// boundaries and then moved into the boundaries of an edge, there still should
-// not be a slide gesture.
-TEST_F(TouchExplorationTest, AvoidEnteringSlideGesture) {
- SwitchTouchExplorationMode(true);
- gfx::Rect window = BoundsOfRootWindowInDIP();
- float distance = gesture_detector_config_.touch_slop + 1;
- ui::TouchEvent first_press(
- gfx::Point(window.right() - GetSlopDistanceFromEdge(), 1),
- 0,
- Now());
- gfx::Point out_of_slop(window.right() - GetSlopDistanceFromEdge() + distance,
- 1);
- gfx::Point into_boundaries(window.right() - GetMaxDistanceFromEdge() / 2, 1);
- generator_->Dispatch(&first_press);
- simulated_clock_->Advance(base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(10));
- generator_->MoveTouch(out_of_slop);
- EXPECT_FALSE(IsInTouchToMouseMode());
- EXPECT_TRUE(IsInGestureInProgressState());
- EXPECT_FALSE(IsInSlideGestureState());
- simulated_clock_->Advance(base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(10));
- // Since we did not start moving while in the boundaries, we should not be in
- // slide gestures.
- generator_->MoveTouch(into_boundaries);
- EXPECT_TRUE(IsInGestureInProgressState());
- EXPECT_FALSE(IsInSlideGestureState());
- EXPECT_FALSE(IsInTouchToMouseMode());
- const ScopedVector<ui::Event>& captured_events = GetCapturedEvents();
- ASSERT_EQ(0U, captured_events.size());
- generator_->ReleaseTouch();
-// If the slide gesture begins within the boundaries and then moves
-// SlopDistanceFromEdge there should still be a sound change. If the finger
-// moves into the center screen, there should no longer be a sound change but it
-// should still be in slide gesture. If the finger moves back into the edges
-// without lifting, it should start changing sound again.
-TEST_F(TouchExplorationTest, TestingBoundaries) {
- SwitchTouchExplorationMode(true);
- gfx::Rect window = BoundsOfRootWindowInDIP();
- gfx::Point initial_press(window.right() - GetMaxDistanceFromEdge() / 2, 1);
- ui::TouchEvent first_press(ui::ET_TOUCH_PRESSED, initial_press, 0, Now());
- gfx::Point touch_move(initial_press.x() + gesture_detector_config_.touch_slop,
- 1);
- gfx::Point into_slop_boundaries(
- window.right() - GetSlopDistanceFromEdge() / 2, 1);
- gfx::Point center_screen(window.right() / 2, window.bottom() / 2);
- generator_->Dispatch(&first_press);
- simulated_clock_->Advance(base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(10));
- generator_->MoveTouch(touch_move);
- EXPECT_FALSE(IsInTouchToMouseMode());
- EXPECT_FALSE(IsInGestureInProgressState());
- EXPECT_FALSE(IsInSlideGestureState());
- simulated_clock_->Advance(base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(10));
- // Move the touch into slop boundaries. It should stil be in slide gestures
- // and adjust the volume.
- generator_->MoveTouch(into_slop_boundaries);
- EXPECT_FALSE(IsInGestureInProgressState());
- EXPECT_TRUE(IsInSlideGestureState());
- EXPECT_FALSE(IsInTouchToMouseMode());
- // The sound is rate limiting so it only activates every 150ms.
- simulated_clock_->Advance(base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(200));
- size_t num_adjust_sounds = delegate_.NumAdjustSounds();
- ASSERT_EQ(2U, num_adjust_sounds);
- ASSERT_EQ(2U, delegate_.VolumeChanges().size());
- // Move the touch into the center of the window. It should still be in slide
- // gestures, but there should not be anymore volume adjustments.
- generator_->MoveTouch(center_screen);
- EXPECT_FALSE(IsInGestureInProgressState());
- EXPECT_TRUE(IsInSlideGestureState());
- EXPECT_FALSE(IsInTouchToMouseMode());
- simulated_clock_->Advance(base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(200));
- num_adjust_sounds = delegate_.NumAdjustSounds();
- ASSERT_EQ(2U, num_adjust_sounds);
- ASSERT_EQ(2U, delegate_.VolumeChanges().size());
- // Move the touch back into slop edge distance and volume should be changing
- // again.
- generator_->MoveTouch(into_slop_boundaries);
- EXPECT_FALSE(IsInGestureInProgressState());
- EXPECT_TRUE(IsInSlideGestureState());
- EXPECT_FALSE(IsInTouchToMouseMode());
- generator_->MoveTouch(
- gfx::Point(into_slop_boundaries.x() + gesture_detector_config_.touch_slop,
- into_slop_boundaries.y()));
- simulated_clock_->Advance(base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(200));
- num_adjust_sounds = delegate_.NumAdjustSounds();
- ASSERT_EQ(3U, num_adjust_sounds);
- ASSERT_EQ(3U, delegate_.VolumeChanges().size());
- const ScopedVector<ui::Event>& captured_events = GetCapturedEvents();
- ASSERT_EQ(0U, captured_events.size());
- generator_->ReleaseTouch();
-// Even if the gesture starts within bounds, if it has not moved past slop
-// within the grace period, it should go to touch exploration.
-TEST_F(TouchExplorationTest, InBoundariesTouchExploration) {
- SwitchTouchExplorationMode(true);
- gfx::Rect window = BoundsOfRootWindowInDIP();
- gfx::Point initial_press(window.right() - GetMaxDistanceFromEdge() / 2, 1);
- ui::TouchEvent first_press(
- initial_press,
- 0,
- Now());
- generator_->Dispatch(&first_press);
- EXPECT_FALSE(IsInGestureInProgressState());
- EXPECT_FALSE(IsInSlideGestureState());
- EXPECT_FALSE(IsInTouchToMouseMode());
- AdvanceSimulatedTimePastTapDelay();
- EXPECT_FALSE(IsInGestureInProgressState());
- EXPECT_FALSE(IsInSlideGestureState());
- EXPECT_TRUE(IsInTouchToMouseMode());
} // namespace ui