path: root/views/controls/
diff options
mode: <>2009-05-08 00:34:05 +0000 <>2009-05-08 00:34:05 +0000
commit2362e4fe2905ab75d3230ebc3e307ae53e2b8362 (patch)
treee6d88357a2021811e0e354f618247217be8bb3da /views/controls/
parentdb23ac3e713dc17509b2b15d3ee634968da45715 (diff)
Move src/chrome/views to src/views. RS=darin
git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
Diffstat (limited to 'views/controls/')
1 files changed, 1192 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/views/controls/ b/views/controls/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2981282
--- /dev/null
+++ b/views/controls/
@@ -0,0 +1,1192 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "views/controls/text_field.h"
+#include <atlbase.h>
+#include <atlapp.h>
+#include <atlcrack.h>
+#include <atlctrls.h>
+#include <tom.h> // For ITextDocument, a COM interface to CRichEditCtrl
+#include <vsstyle.h>
+#include "app/gfx/insets.h"
+#include "app/l10n_util.h"
+#include "app/l10n_util_win.h"
+#include "base/clipboard.h"
+#include "base/gfx/native_theme.h"
+#include "base/scoped_clipboard_writer.h"
+#include "base/string_util.h"
+#include "base/win_util.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h"
+#include "chrome/common/win_util.h"
+#include "grit/generated_resources.h"
+#include "skia/ext/skia_utils_win.h"
+#include "views/controls/hwnd_view.h"
+#include "views/controls/menu/menu.h"
+#include "views/focus/focus_util_win.h"
+#include "views/widget/widget.h"
+using gfx::NativeTheme;
+namespace views {
+static const int kDefaultEditStyle = WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE;
+class TextField::Edit
+ : public CWindowImpl<TextField::Edit, CRichEditCtrl,
+ CWinTraits<kDefaultEditStyle> >,
+ public CRichEditCommands<TextField::Edit>,
+ public Menu::Delegate {
+ public:
+ DECLARE_WND_CLASS(L"ChromeViewsTextFieldEdit");
+ Edit(TextField* parent, bool draw_border);
+ ~Edit();
+ std::wstring GetText() const;
+ void SetText(const std::wstring& text);
+ void AppendText(const std::wstring& text);
+ std::wstring GetSelectedText() const;
+ // Selects all the text in the edit. Use this in place of SetSelAll() to
+ // avoid selecting the "phantom newline" at the end of the edit.
+ void SelectAll();
+ // Clears the selection within the edit field and sets the caret to the end.
+ void ClearSelection();
+ // Removes the border.
+ void RemoveBorder();
+ void SetEnabled(bool enabled);
+ void SetBackgroundColor(COLORREF bg_color);
+ // CWindowImpl
+ MSG_WM_SYSCHAR(OnSysChar) // WM_SYSxxx == WM_xxx with ALT down
+ // Menu::Delegate
+ virtual bool IsCommandEnabled(int id) const;
+ virtual void ExecuteCommand(int id);
+ private:
+ // This object freezes repainting of the edit until the object is destroyed.
+ // Some methods of the CRichEditCtrl draw synchronously to the screen. If we
+ // don't freeze, the user will see a rapid series of calls to these as
+ // flickers.
+ //
+ // Freezing the control while it is already frozen is permitted; the control
+ // will unfreeze once both freezes are released (the freezes stack).
+ class ScopedFreeze {
+ public:
+ ScopedFreeze(Edit* edit, ITextDocument* text_object_model);
+ ~ScopedFreeze();
+ private:
+ Edit* const edit_;
+ ITextDocument* const text_object_model_;
+ };
+ // message handlers
+ void OnChar(TCHAR key, UINT repeat_count, UINT flags);
+ void OnContextMenu(HWND window, const CPoint& point);
+ void OnCopy();
+ LRESULT OnCreate(CREATESTRUCT* create_struct);
+ void OnCut();
+ void OnDestroy();
+ LRESULT OnImeChar(UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam);
+ LRESULT OnImeStartComposition(UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam);
+ LRESULT OnImeComposition(UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam);
+ void OnKeyDown(TCHAR key, UINT repeat_count, UINT flags);
+ void OnLButtonDblClk(UINT keys, const CPoint& point);
+ void OnLButtonDown(UINT keys, const CPoint& point);
+ void OnLButtonUp(UINT keys, const CPoint& point);
+ void OnMouseLeave();
+ LRESULT OnMouseWheel(UINT message, WPARAM w_param, LPARAM l_param);
+ void OnMouseMove(UINT keys, const CPoint& point);
+ int OnNCCalcSize(BOOL w_param, LPARAM l_param);
+ void OnNCPaint(HRGN region);
+ void OnNonLButtonDown(UINT keys, const CPoint& point);
+ void OnPaste();
+ void OnSysChar(TCHAR ch, UINT repeat_count, UINT flags);
+ // Helper function for OnChar() and OnKeyDown() that handles keystrokes that
+ // could change the text in the edit.
+ void HandleKeystroke(UINT message, TCHAR key, UINT repeat_count, UINT flags);
+ // Every piece of code that can change the edit should call these functions
+ // before and after the change. These functions determine if anything
+ // meaningful changed, and do any necessary updating and notification.
+ void OnBeforePossibleChange();
+ void OnAfterPossibleChange();
+ // Given an X coordinate in client coordinates, returns that coordinate
+ // clipped to be within the horizontal bounds of the visible text.
+ //
+ // This is used in our mouse handlers to work around quirky behaviors of the
+ // underlying CRichEditCtrl like not supporting triple-click when the user
+ // doesn't click on the text itself.
+ //
+ // |is_triple_click| should be true iff this is the third click of a triple
+ // click. Sadly, we need to clip slightly differently in this case.
+ LONG ClipXCoordToVisibleText(LONG x, bool is_triple_click) const;
+ // Sets whether the mouse is in the edit. As necessary this redraws the
+ // edit.
+ void SetContainsMouse(bool contains_mouse);
+ // Getter for the text_object_model_, used by the ScopedFreeze class. Note
+ // that the pointer returned here is only valid as long as the Edit is still
+ // alive.
+ ITextDocument* GetTextObjectModel() const;
+ // We need to know if the user triple-clicks, so track double click points
+ // and times so we can see if subsequent clicks are actually triple clicks.
+ bool tracking_double_click_;
+ CPoint double_click_point_;
+ DWORD double_click_time_;
+ // Used to discard unnecessary WM_MOUSEMOVE events after the first such
+ // unnecessary event. See detailed comments in OnMouseMove().
+ bool can_discard_mousemove_;
+ // The text of this control before a possible change.
+ std::wstring text_before_change_;
+ // If true, the mouse is over the edit.
+ bool contains_mouse_;
+ static bool did_load_library_;
+ TextField* parent_;
+ // The context menu for the edit.
+ scoped_ptr<Menu> context_menu_;
+ // Border insets.
+ gfx::Insets content_insets_;
+ // Whether the border is drawn.
+ bool draw_border_;
+ // This interface is useful for accessing the CRichEditCtrl at a low level.
+ mutable CComQIPtr<ITextDocument> text_object_model_;
+ // The position and the length of the ongoing composition string.
+ // These values are used for removing a composition string from a search
+ // text to emulate Firefox.
+ bool ime_discard_composition_;
+ int ime_composition_start_;
+ int ime_composition_length_;
+ COLORREF bg_color_;
+// Helper classes
+TextField::Edit::ScopedFreeze::ScopedFreeze(TextField::Edit* edit,
+ ITextDocument* text_object_model)
+ : edit_(edit),
+ text_object_model_(text_object_model) {
+ // Freeze the screen.
+ if (text_object_model_) {
+ long count;
+ text_object_model_->Freeze(&count);
+ }
+TextField::Edit::ScopedFreeze::~ScopedFreeze() {
+ // Unfreeze the screen.
+ if (text_object_model_) {
+ long count;
+ text_object_model_->Unfreeze(&count);
+ if (count == 0) {
+ // We need to UpdateWindow() here instead of InvalidateRect() because, as
+ // far as I can tell, the edit likes to synchronously erase its background
+ // when unfreezing, thus requiring us to synchronously redraw if we don't
+ // want flicker.
+ edit_->UpdateWindow();
+ }
+ }
+// TextField::Edit
+bool TextField::Edit::did_load_library_ = false;
+TextField::Edit::Edit(TextField* parent, bool draw_border)
+ : parent_(parent),
+ tracking_double_click_(false),
+ double_click_time_(0),
+ can_discard_mousemove_(false),
+ contains_mouse_(false),
+ draw_border_(draw_border),
+ ime_discard_composition_(false),
+ ime_composition_start_(0),
+ ime_composition_length_(0),
+ bg_color_(0) {
+ if (!did_load_library_)
+ did_load_library_ = !!LoadLibrary(L"riched20.dll");
+ DWORD style = kDefaultEditStyle;
+ if (parent->GetStyle() & TextField::STYLE_PASSWORD)
+ style |= ES_PASSWORD;
+ if (parent->read_only_)
+ style |= ES_READONLY;
+ if (parent->GetStyle() & TextField::STYLE_MULTILINE)
+ else
+ style |= ES_AUTOHSCROLL;
+ // Make sure we apply RTL related extended window styles if necessary.
+ DWORD ex_style = l10n_util::GetExtendedStyles();
+ RECT r = {0, 0, parent_->width(), parent_->height()};
+ Create(parent_->GetWidget()->GetNativeView(), r, NULL, style, ex_style);
+ if (parent->GetStyle() & TextField::STYLE_LOWERCASE) {
+ DCHECK((parent->GetStyle() & TextField::STYLE_PASSWORD) == 0);
+ }
+ // Set up the text_object_model_.
+ CComPtr<IRichEditOle> ole_interface;
+ ole_interface.Attach(GetOleInterface());
+ text_object_model_ = ole_interface;
+ context_menu_.reset(new Menu(this, Menu::TOPLEFT, m_hWnd));
+ context_menu_->AppendMenuItemWithLabel(IDS_UNDO,
+ l10n_util::GetString(IDS_UNDO));
+ context_menu_->AppendSeparator();
+ context_menu_->AppendMenuItemWithLabel(IDS_CUT,
+ l10n_util::GetString(IDS_CUT));
+ context_menu_->AppendMenuItemWithLabel(IDS_COPY,
+ l10n_util::GetString(IDS_COPY));
+ context_menu_->AppendMenuItemWithLabel(IDS_PASTE,
+ l10n_util::GetString(IDS_PASTE));
+ context_menu_->AppendSeparator();
+ context_menu_->AppendMenuItemWithLabel(IDS_SELECT_ALL,
+ l10n_util::GetString(IDS_SELECT_ALL));
+TextField::Edit::~Edit() {
+std::wstring TextField::Edit::GetText() const {
+ int len = GetTextLength() + 1;
+ std::wstring str;
+ GetWindowText(WriteInto(&str, len), len);
+ return str;
+void TextField::Edit::SetText(const std::wstring& text) {
+ // Adjusting the string direction before setting the text in order to make
+ // sure both RTL and LTR strings are displayed properly.
+ std::wstring text_to_set;
+ if (!l10n_util::AdjustStringForLocaleDirection(text, &text_to_set))
+ text_to_set = text;
+ if (parent_->GetStyle() & STYLE_LOWERCASE)
+ text_to_set = l10n_util::ToLower(text_to_set);
+ SetWindowText(text_to_set.c_str());
+void TextField::Edit::AppendText(const std::wstring& text) {
+ int text_length = GetWindowTextLength();
+ ::SendMessage(m_hWnd, TBM_SETSEL, true, MAKELPARAM(text_length, text_length));
+ ::SendMessage(m_hWnd, EM_REPLACESEL, false,
+ reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(text.c_str()));
+std::wstring TextField::Edit::GetSelectedText() const {
+ // Figure out the length of the selection.
+ long start;
+ long end;
+ GetSel(start, end);
+ // Grab the selected text.
+ std::wstring str;
+ GetSelText(WriteInto(&str, end - start + 1));
+ return str;
+void TextField::Edit::SelectAll() {
+ // Select from the end to the front so that the first part of the text is
+ // always visible.
+ SetSel(GetTextLength(), 0);
+void TextField::Edit::ClearSelection() {
+ SetSel(GetTextLength(), GetTextLength());
+void TextField::Edit::RemoveBorder() {
+ if (!draw_border_)
+ return;
+ draw_border_ = false;
+ SetWindowPos(NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+void TextField::Edit::SetEnabled(bool enabled) {
+ SendMessage(parent_->GetNativeComponent(), WM_ENABLE,
+ static_cast<WPARAM>(enabled), 0);
+void TextField::Edit::SetBackgroundColor(COLORREF bg_color) {
+ CRichEditCtrl::SetBackgroundColor(bg_color);
+ bg_color_ = bg_color;
+bool TextField::Edit::IsCommandEnabled(int id) const {
+ switch (id) {
+ case IDS_UNDO: return !parent_->IsReadOnly() && !!CanUndo();
+ case IDS_CUT: return !parent_->IsReadOnly() &&
+ !parent_->IsPassword() && !!CanCut();
+ case IDS_COPY: return !!CanCopy() && !parent_->IsPassword();
+ case IDS_PASTE: return !parent_->IsReadOnly() && !!CanPaste();
+ case IDS_SELECT_ALL: return !!CanSelectAll();
+ default: NOTREACHED();
+ return false;
+ }
+void TextField::Edit::ExecuteCommand(int id) {
+ ScopedFreeze freeze(this, GetTextObjectModel());
+ OnBeforePossibleChange();
+ switch (id) {
+ case IDS_UNDO: Undo(); break;
+ case IDS_CUT: Cut(); break;
+ case IDS_COPY: Copy(); break;
+ case IDS_PASTE: Paste(); break;
+ case IDS_SELECT_ALL: SelectAll(); break;
+ default: NOTREACHED(); break;
+ }
+ OnAfterPossibleChange();
+void TextField::Edit::OnChar(TCHAR ch, UINT repeat_count, UINT flags) {
+ HandleKeystroke(GetCurrentMessage()->message, ch, repeat_count, flags);
+void TextField::Edit::OnContextMenu(HWND window, const CPoint& point) {
+ CPoint p(point);
+ if (point.x == -1 || point.y == -1) {
+ GetCaretPos(&p);
+ MapWindowPoints(HWND_DESKTOP, &p, 1);
+ }
+ context_menu_->RunMenuAt(p.x, p.y);
+void TextField::Edit::OnCopy() {
+ if (parent_->IsPassword())
+ return;
+ const std::wstring text(GetSelectedText());
+ if (!text.empty()) {
+ ScopedClipboardWriter scw(g_browser_process->clipboard());
+ scw.WriteText(text);
+ }
+LRESULT TextField::Edit::OnCreate(CREATESTRUCT* create_struct) {
+ SetMsgHandled(FALSE);
+ return 0;
+void TextField::Edit::OnCut() {
+ if (parent_->IsReadOnly() || parent_->IsPassword())
+ return;
+ OnCopy();
+ // This replace selection will have no effect (even on the undo stack) if the
+ // current selection is empty.
+ ReplaceSel(L"", true);
+void TextField::Edit::OnDestroy() {
+LRESULT TextField::Edit::OnImeChar(UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) {
+ // a rich-edit control may crash when it receives a
+ // WM_IME_CHAR message while it is processing a WM_IME_COMPOSITION message.
+ // Since view controls don't need WM_IME_CHAR messages, we prevent WM_IME_CHAR
+ // messages from being dispatched to view controls via the CallWindowProc()
+ // call.
+ return 0;
+LRESULT TextField::Edit::OnImeStartComposition(UINT message,
+ WPARAM wparam,
+ LPARAM lparam) {
+ // Users may press alt+shift or control+shift keys to change their keyboard
+ // layouts. So, we retrieve the input locale identifier everytime we start
+ // an IME composition.
+ int language_id = PRIMARYLANGID(GetKeyboardLayout(0));
+ ime_discard_composition_ =
+ language_id == LANG_JAPANESE || language_id == LANG_CHINESE;
+ ime_composition_start_ = 0;
+ ime_composition_length_ = 0;
+ return DefWindowProc(message, wparam, lparam);
+LRESULT TextField::Edit::OnImeComposition(UINT message,
+ WPARAM wparam,
+ LPARAM lparam) {
+ text_before_change_.clear();
+ LRESULT result = DefWindowProc(message, wparam, lparam);
+ ime_composition_start_ = 0;
+ ime_composition_length_ = 0;
+ if (ime_discard_composition_) {
+ // Call IMM32 functions to retrieve the position and the length of the
+ // ongoing composition string and notify the OnAfterPossibleChange()
+ // function that it should discard the composition string from a search
+ // string. We should not call IMM32 functions in the function because it
+ // is called when an IME is not composing a string.
+ HIMC imm_context = ImmGetContext(m_hWnd);
+ if (imm_context) {
+ CHARRANGE selection;
+ GetSel(selection);
+ const int cursor_position =
+ ImmGetCompositionString(imm_context, GCS_CURSORPOS, NULL, 0);
+ if (cursor_position >= 0)
+ ime_composition_start_ = selection.cpMin - cursor_position;
+ const int composition_size =
+ ImmGetCompositionString(imm_context, GCS_COMPSTR, NULL, 0);
+ if (composition_size >= 0)
+ ime_composition_length_ = composition_size / sizeof(wchar_t);
+ ImmReleaseContext(m_hWnd, imm_context);
+ }
+ }
+ OnAfterPossibleChange();
+ return result;
+void TextField::Edit::OnKeyDown(TCHAR key, UINT repeat_count, UINT flags) {
+ // NOTE: Annoyingly, ctrl-alt-<key> generates WM_KEYDOWN rather than
+ // WM_SYSKEYDOWN, so we need to check (flags & KF_ALTDOWN) in various places
+ // in this function even with a WM_SYSKEYDOWN handler.
+ switch (key) {
+ case VK_RETURN:
+ // If we are multi-line, we want to let returns through so they start a
+ // new line.
+ if (parent_->IsMultiLine())
+ break;
+ else
+ return;
+ // Hijacking Editing Commands
+ //
+ // We hijack the keyboard short-cuts for Cut, Copy, and Paste here so that
+ // they go through our clipboard routines. This allows us to be smarter
+ // about how we interact with the clipboard and avoid bugs in the
+ // CRichEditCtrl. If we didn't hijack here, the edit control would handle
+ // these internally with sending the WM_CUT, WM_COPY, or WM_PASTE messages.
+ //
+ // Cut: Shift-Delete and Ctrl-x are treated as cut. Ctrl-Shift-Delete and
+ // Ctrl-Shift-x are not treated as cut even though the underlying
+ // CRichTextEdit would treat them as such.
+ // Copy: Ctrl-v is treated as copy. Shift-Ctrl-v is not.
+ // Paste: Shift-Insert and Ctrl-v are tread as paste. Ctrl-Shift-Insert and
+ // Ctrl-Shift-v are not.
+ //
+ // This behavior matches most, but not all Windows programs, and largely
+ // conforms to what users expect.
+ case VK_DELETE:
+ case 'X':
+ if ((flags & KF_ALTDOWN) ||
+ (GetKeyState((key == 'X') ? VK_CONTROL : VK_SHIFT) >= 0))
+ break;
+ if (GetKeyState((key == 'X') ? VK_SHIFT : VK_CONTROL) >= 0) {
+ ScopedFreeze freeze(this, GetTextObjectModel());
+ OnBeforePossibleChange();
+ Cut();
+ OnAfterPossibleChange();
+ }
+ return;
+ case 'C':
+ if ((flags & KF_ALTDOWN) || (GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) >= 0))
+ break;
+ if (GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) >= 0)
+ Copy();
+ return;
+ case VK_INSERT:
+ case 'V':
+ if ((flags & KF_ALTDOWN) ||
+ (GetKeyState((key == 'V') ? VK_CONTROL : VK_SHIFT) >= 0))
+ break;
+ if (GetKeyState((key == 'V') ? VK_SHIFT : VK_CONTROL) >= 0) {
+ ScopedFreeze freeze(this, GetTextObjectModel());
+ OnBeforePossibleChange();
+ Paste();
+ OnAfterPossibleChange();
+ }
+ return;
+ case 0xbb: // Ctrl-'='. Triggers subscripting, even in plain text mode.
+ return;
+ // This key event is consumed by an IME.
+ // We ignore this event because an IME sends WM_IME_COMPOSITION messages
+ // when it updates the CRichEditCtrl text.
+ return;
+ }
+ // CRichEditCtrl changes its text on WM_KEYDOWN instead of WM_CHAR for many
+ // different keys (backspace, ctrl-v, ...), so we call this in both cases.
+ HandleKeystroke(GetCurrentMessage()->message, key, repeat_count, flags);
+void TextField::Edit::OnLButtonDblClk(UINT keys, const CPoint& point) {
+ // Save the double click info for later triple-click detection.
+ tracking_double_click_ = true;
+ double_click_point_ = point;
+ double_click_time_ = GetCurrentMessage()->time;
+ ScopedFreeze freeze(this, GetTextObjectModel());
+ OnBeforePossibleChange();
+ DefWindowProc(WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK, keys,
+ MAKELPARAM(ClipXCoordToVisibleText(point.x, false), point.y));
+ OnAfterPossibleChange();
+void TextField::Edit::OnLButtonDown(UINT keys, const CPoint& point) {
+ // Check for triple click, then reset tracker. Should be safe to subtract
+ // double_click_time_ from the current message's time even if the timer has
+ // wrapped in between.
+ const bool is_triple_click = tracking_double_click_ &&
+ win_util::IsDoubleClick(double_click_point_, point,
+ GetCurrentMessage()->time - double_click_time_);
+ tracking_double_click_ = false;
+ ScopedFreeze freeze(this, GetTextObjectModel());
+ OnBeforePossibleChange();
+ DefWindowProc(WM_LBUTTONDOWN, keys,
+ MAKELPARAM(ClipXCoordToVisibleText(point.x, is_triple_click),
+ point.y));
+ OnAfterPossibleChange();
+void TextField::Edit::OnLButtonUp(UINT keys, const CPoint& point) {
+ ScopedFreeze freeze(this, GetTextObjectModel());
+ OnBeforePossibleChange();
+ DefWindowProc(WM_LBUTTONUP, keys,
+ MAKELPARAM(ClipXCoordToVisibleText(point.x, false), point.y));
+ OnAfterPossibleChange();
+void TextField::Edit::OnMouseLeave() {
+ SetContainsMouse(false);
+LRESULT TextField::Edit::OnMouseWheel(UINT message,
+ WPARAM w_param, LPARAM l_param) {
+ // Reroute the mouse-wheel to the window under the mouse pointer if
+ // applicable.
+ if (views::RerouteMouseWheel(m_hWnd, w_param, l_param))
+ return 0;
+ return DefWindowProc(message, w_param, l_param);;
+void TextField::Edit::OnMouseMove(UINT keys, const CPoint& point) {
+ SetContainsMouse(true);
+ // Clamp the selection to the visible text so the user can't drag to select
+ // the "phantom newline". In theory we could achieve this by clipping the X
+ // coordinate, but in practice the edit seems to behave nondeterministically
+ // with similar sequences of clipped input coordinates fed to it. Maybe it's
+ // reading the mouse cursor position directly?
+ //
+ // This solution has a minor visual flaw, however: if there's a visible
+ // cursor at the edge of the text (only true when there's no selection),
+ // dragging the mouse around outside that edge repaints the cursor on every
+ // WM_MOUSEMOVE instead of allowing it to blink normally. To fix this, we
+ // special-case this exact case and discard the WM_MOUSEMOVE messages instead
+ // of passing them along.
+ //
+ // But even this solution has a flaw! (Argh.) In the case where the user
+ // has a selection that starts at the edge of the edit, and proceeds to the
+ // middle of the edit, and the user is dragging back past the start edge to
+ // remove the selection, there's a redraw problem where the change between
+ // having the last few bits of text still selected and having nothing
+ // selected can be slow to repaint (which feels noticeably strange). This
+ // occurs if you only let the edit receive a single WM_MOUSEMOVE past the
+ // edge of the text. I think on each WM_MOUSEMOVE the edit is repainting its
+ // previous state, then updating its internal variables to the new state but
+ // not repainting. To fix this, we allow one more WM_MOUSEMOVE through after
+ // the selection has supposedly been shrunk to nothing; this makes the edit
+ // redraw the selection quickly so it feels smooth.
+ CHARRANGE selection;
+ GetSel(selection);
+ const bool possibly_can_discard_mousemove =
+ (selection.cpMin == selection.cpMax) &&
+ (((selection.cpMin == 0) &&
+ (ClipXCoordToVisibleText(point.x, false) > point.x)) ||
+ ((selection.cpMin == GetTextLength()) &&
+ (ClipXCoordToVisibleText(point.x, false) < point.x)));
+ if (!can_discard_mousemove_ || !possibly_can_discard_mousemove) {
+ can_discard_mousemove_ = possibly_can_discard_mousemove;
+ ScopedFreeze freeze(this, GetTextObjectModel());
+ OnBeforePossibleChange();
+ // Force the Y coordinate to the center of the clip rect. The edit
+ // behaves strangely when the cursor is dragged vertically: if the cursor
+ // is in the middle of the text, drags inside the clip rect do nothing,
+ // and drags outside the clip rect act as if the cursor jumped to the
+ // left edge of the text. When the cursor is at the right edge, drags of
+ // just a few pixels vertically end up selecting the "phantom newline"...
+ // sometimes.
+ RECT r;
+ GetRect(&r);
+ DefWindowProc(WM_MOUSEMOVE, keys,
+ MAKELPARAM(point.x, (r.bottom - / 2));
+ OnAfterPossibleChange();
+ }
+int TextField::Edit::OnNCCalcSize(BOOL w_param, LPARAM l_param) {
+ content_insets_.Set(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ parent_->CalculateInsets(&content_insets_);
+ if (w_param) {
+ NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS* nc_params =
+ reinterpret_cast<NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS*>(l_param);
+ nc_params->rgrc[0].left += content_insets_.left();
+ nc_params->rgrc[0].right -= content_insets_.right();
+ nc_params->rgrc[0].top +=;
+ nc_params->rgrc[0].bottom -= content_insets_.bottom();
+ } else {
+ RECT* rect = reinterpret_cast<RECT*>(l_param);
+ rect->left += content_insets_.left();
+ rect->right -= content_insets_.right();
+ rect->top +=;
+ rect->bottom -= content_insets_.bottom();
+ }
+ return 0;
+void TextField::Edit::OnNCPaint(HRGN region) {
+ if (!draw_border_)
+ return;
+ HDC hdc = GetWindowDC();
+ CRect window_rect;
+ GetWindowRect(&window_rect);
+ // Convert to be relative to 0x0.
+ window_rect.MoveToXY(0, 0);
+ ExcludeClipRect(hdc,
+ window_rect.left + content_insets_.left(),
+ +,
+ window_rect.right - content_insets_.right(),
+ window_rect.bottom - content_insets_.bottom());
+ HBRUSH brush = CreateSolidBrush(bg_color_);
+ FillRect(hdc, &window_rect, brush);
+ DeleteObject(brush);
+ int part;
+ int state;
+ if (win_util::GetWinVersion() < win_util::WINVERSION_VISTA) {
+ part = EP_EDITTEXT;
+ if (!parent_->IsEnabled())
+ state = ETS_DISABLED;
+ else if (parent_->IsReadOnly())
+ state = ETS_READONLY;
+ else if (!contains_mouse_)
+ state = ETS_NORMAL;
+ else
+ state = ETS_HOT;
+ } else {
+ if (!parent_->IsEnabled())
+ else if (GetFocus() == m_hWnd)
+ state = EPSHV_FOCUSED;
+ else if (contains_mouse_)
+ state = EPSHV_HOT;
+ else
+ state = EPSHV_NORMAL;
+ // Vista doesn't appear to have a unique state for readonly.
+ }
+ int classic_state =
+ (!parent_->IsEnabled() || parent_->IsReadOnly()) ? DFCS_INACTIVE : 0;
+ NativeTheme::instance()->PaintTextField(hdc, part, state, classic_state,
+ &window_rect, bg_color_, false,
+ true);
+ // NOTE: I tried checking the transparent property of the theme and invoking
+ // drawParentBackground, but it didn't seem to make a difference.
+ ReleaseDC(hdc);
+void TextField::Edit::OnNonLButtonDown(UINT keys, const CPoint& point) {
+ // Interestingly, the edit doesn't seem to cancel triple clicking when the
+ // x-buttons (which usually means "thumb buttons") are pressed, so we only
+ // call this for M and R down.
+ tracking_double_click_ = false;
+ SetMsgHandled(false);
+void TextField::Edit::OnPaste() {
+ if (parent_->IsReadOnly())
+ return;
+ Clipboard* clipboard = g_browser_process->clipboard();
+ if (!clipboard->IsFormatAvailable(Clipboard::GetPlainTextWFormatType()))
+ return;
+ std::wstring clipboard_str;
+ clipboard->ReadText(&clipboard_str);
+ if (!clipboard_str.empty()) {
+ std::wstring collapsed(CollapseWhitespace(clipboard_str, false));
+ if (parent_->GetStyle() & STYLE_LOWERCASE)
+ collapsed = l10n_util::ToLower(collapsed);
+ // Force a Paste operation to trigger OnContentsChanged, even if identical
+ // contents are pasted into the text box.
+ text_before_change_.clear();
+ ReplaceSel(collapsed.c_str(), true);
+ }
+void TextField::Edit::OnSysChar(TCHAR ch, UINT repeat_count, UINT flags) {
+ // Nearly all alt-<xxx> combos result in beeping rather than doing something
+ // useful, so we discard most. Exceptions:
+ // * ctrl-alt-<xxx>, which is sometimes important, generates WM_CHAR instead
+ // of WM_SYSCHAR, so it doesn't need to be handled here.
+ // * alt-space gets translated by the default WM_SYSCHAR handler to a
+ // WM_SYSCOMMAND to open the application context menu, so we need to allow
+ // it through.
+ if (ch == VK_SPACE)
+ SetMsgHandled(false);
+void TextField::Edit::HandleKeystroke(UINT message,
+ TCHAR key,
+ UINT repeat_count,
+ UINT flags) {
+ ScopedFreeze freeze(this, GetTextObjectModel());
+ TextField::Controller* controller = parent_->GetController();
+ bool handled = false;
+ if (controller) {
+ handled =
+ controller->HandleKeystroke(parent_, message, key, repeat_count, flags);
+ }
+ if (!handled) {
+ OnBeforePossibleChange();
+ DefWindowProc(message, key, MAKELPARAM(repeat_count, flags));
+ OnAfterPossibleChange();
+ }
+void TextField::Edit::OnBeforePossibleChange() {
+ // Record our state.
+ text_before_change_ = GetText();
+void TextField::Edit::OnAfterPossibleChange() {
+ // Prevent the user from selecting the "phantom newline" at the end of the
+ // edit. If they try, we just silently move the end of the selection back to
+ // the end of the real text.
+ CHARRANGE new_sel;
+ GetSel(new_sel);
+ const int length = GetTextLength();
+ if (new_sel.cpMax > length) {
+ new_sel.cpMax = length;
+ if (new_sel.cpMin > length)
+ new_sel.cpMin = length;
+ SetSel(new_sel);
+ }
+ std::wstring new_text(GetText());
+ if (new_text != text_before_change_) {
+ if (ime_discard_composition_ && ime_composition_start_ >= 0 &&
+ ime_composition_length_ > 0) {
+ // A string retrieved with a GetText() call contains a string being
+ // composed by an IME. We remove the composition string from this search
+ // string.
+ new_text.erase(ime_composition_start_, ime_composition_length_);
+ ime_composition_start_ = 0;
+ ime_composition_length_ = 0;
+ if (new_text.empty())
+ return;
+ }
+ parent_->SyncText();
+ if (parent_->GetController())
+ parent_->GetController()->ContentsChanged(parent_, new_text);
+ }
+LONG TextField::Edit::ClipXCoordToVisibleText(LONG x,
+ bool is_triple_click) const {
+ // Clip the X coordinate to the left edge of the text. Careful:
+ // PosFromChar(0) may return a negative X coordinate if the beginning of the
+ // text has scrolled off the edit, so don't go past the clip rect's edge.
+ GetParaFormat(pf2);
+ // Calculation of the clipped coordinate is more complicated if the paragraph
+ // layout is RTL layout, or if there is RTL characters inside the LTR layout
+ // paragraph.
+ bool ltr_text_in_ltr_layout = true;
+ if ((pf2.wEffects & PFE_RTLPARA) ||
+ l10n_util::StringContainsStrongRTLChars(GetText())) {
+ ltr_text_in_ltr_layout = false;
+ }
+ const int length = GetTextLength();
+ RECT r;
+ GetRect(&r);
+ // The values returned by PosFromChar() seem to refer always
+ // to the left edge of the character's bounding box.
+ const LONG first_position_x = PosFromChar(0).x;
+ LONG min_x = first_position_x;
+ if (!ltr_text_in_ltr_layout) {
+ for (int i = 1; i < length; ++i)
+ min_x = std::min(min_x, PosFromChar(i).x);
+ }
+ const LONG left_bound = std::max(r.left, min_x);
+ // PosFromChar(length) is a phantom character past the end of the text. It is
+ // not necessarily a right bound; in RTL controls it may be a left bound. So
+ // treat it as a right bound only if it is to the right of the first
+ // character.
+ LONG right_bound = r.right;
+ LONG end_position_x = PosFromChar(length).x;
+ if (end_position_x >= first_position_x) {
+ right_bound = std::min(right_bound, end_position_x); // LTR case.
+ }
+ // For trailing characters that are 2 pixels wide of less (like "l" in some
+ // fonts), we have a problem:
+ // * Clicks on any pixel within the character will place the cursor before
+ // the character.
+ // * Clicks on the pixel just after the character will not allow triple-
+ // click to work properly (true for any last character width).
+ // So, we move to the last pixel of the character when this is a
+ // triple-click, and moving to one past the last pixel in all other
+ // scenarios. This way, all clicks that can move the cursor will place it at
+ // the end of the text, but triple-click will still work.
+ if (x < left_bound) {
+ return (is_triple_click && ltr_text_in_ltr_layout) ? left_bound - 1 :
+ left_bound;
+ }
+ if ((length == 0) || (x < right_bound))
+ return x;
+ return is_triple_click ? (right_bound - 1) : right_bound;
+void TextField::Edit::SetContainsMouse(bool contains_mouse) {
+ if (contains_mouse == contains_mouse_)
+ return;
+ contains_mouse_ = contains_mouse;
+ if (!draw_border_)
+ return;
+ if (contains_mouse_) {
+ // Register for notification when the mouse leaves. Need to do this so
+ // that we can reset contains mouse properly.
+ tme.cbSize = sizeof(tme);
+ tme.dwFlags = TME_LEAVE;
+ tme.hwndTrack = m_hWnd;
+ tme.dwHoverTime = 0;
+ TrackMouseEvent(&tme);
+ }
+ITextDocument* TextField::Edit::GetTextObjectModel() const {
+ if (!text_object_model_) {
+ CComPtr<IRichEditOle> ole_interface;
+ ole_interface.Attach(GetOleInterface());
+ text_object_model_ = ole_interface;
+ }
+ return text_object_model_;
+// TextField
+TextField::~TextField() {
+ if (edit_) {
+ // If the edit hwnd still exists, we need to destroy it explicitly.
+ if (*edit_)
+ edit_->DestroyWindow();
+ delete edit_;
+ }
+void TextField::ViewHierarchyChanged(bool is_add, View* parent, View* child) {
+ Widget* widget;
+ if (is_add && (widget = GetWidget())) {
+ // This notification is called from the AddChildView call below. Ignore it.
+ if (native_view_ && !edit_)
+ return;
+ if (!native_view_) {
+ native_view_ = new HWNDView(); // Deleted from our superclass destructor
+ AddChildView(native_view_);
+ // Maps the focus of the native control to the focus of this view.
+ native_view_->SetAssociatedFocusView(this);
+ }
+ // If edit_ is invalid from a previous use. Reset it.
+ if (edit_ && !IsWindow(edit_->m_hWnd)) {
+ native_view_->Detach();
+ delete edit_;
+ edit_ = NULL;
+ }
+ if (!edit_) {
+ edit_ = new Edit(this, draw_border_);
+ edit_->SetFont(font_.hfont());
+ native_view_->Attach(*edit_);
+ if (!text_.empty())
+ edit_->SetText(text_);
+ UpdateEditBackgroundColor();
+ Layout();
+ }
+ } else if (!is_add && edit_ && IsWindow(edit_->m_hWnd)) {
+ edit_->SetParent(NULL);
+ }
+void TextField::Layout() {
+ if (native_view_) {
+ native_view_->SetBounds(GetLocalBounds(true));
+ native_view_->Layout();
+ }
+gfx::Size TextField::GetPreferredSize() {
+ gfx::Insets insets;
+ CalculateInsets(&insets);
+ return gfx::Size(font_.GetExpectedTextWidth(default_width_in_chars_) +
+ insets.width(),
+ num_lines_ * font_.height() + insets.height());
+std::wstring TextField::GetText() const {
+ return text_;
+void TextField::SetText(const std::wstring& text) {
+ text_ = text;
+ if (edit_)
+ edit_->SetText(text);
+void TextField::AppendText(const std::wstring& text) {
+ text_ += text;
+ if (edit_)
+ edit_->AppendText(text);
+void TextField::CalculateInsets(gfx::Insets* insets) {
+ DCHECK(insets);
+ if (!draw_border_)
+ return;
+ // NOTE: One would think GetThemeMargins would return the insets we should
+ // use, but it doesn't. The margins returned by GetThemeMargins are always
+ // 0.
+ // This appears to be the insets used by Windows.
+ insets->Set(3, 3, 3, 3);
+void TextField::SyncText() {
+ if (edit_)
+ text_ = edit_->GetText();
+void TextField::SetController(Controller* controller) {
+ controller_ = controller;
+TextField::Controller* TextField::GetController() const {
+ return controller_;
+bool TextField::IsReadOnly() const {
+ return edit_ ? ((edit_->GetStyle() & ES_READONLY) != 0) : read_only_;
+bool TextField::IsPassword() const {
+ return GetStyle() & TextField::STYLE_PASSWORD;
+bool TextField::IsMultiLine() const {
+ return (style_ & STYLE_MULTILINE) != 0;
+void TextField::SetReadOnly(bool read_only) {
+ read_only_ = read_only;
+ if (edit_) {
+ edit_->SetReadOnly(read_only);
+ UpdateEditBackgroundColor();
+ }
+void TextField::Focus() {
+ ::SetFocus(native_view_->GetHWND());
+void TextField::SelectAll() {
+ if (edit_)
+ edit_->SelectAll();
+void TextField::ClearSelection() const {
+ if (edit_)
+ edit_->ClearSelection();
+HWND TextField::GetNativeComponent() {
+ return native_view_->GetHWND();
+void TextField::SetBackgroundColor(SkColor color) {
+ background_color_ = color;
+ use_default_background_color_ = false;
+ UpdateEditBackgroundColor();
+void TextField::SetDefaultBackgroundColor() {
+ use_default_background_color_ = true;
+ UpdateEditBackgroundColor();
+void TextField::SetFont(const ChromeFont& font) {
+ font_ = font;
+ if (edit_)
+ edit_->SetFont(font.hfont());
+ChromeFont TextField::GetFont() const {
+ return font_;
+bool TextField::SetHorizontalMargins(int left, int right) {
+ // SendMessage expects the two values to be packed into one using MAKELONG
+ // so we truncate to 16 bits if necessary.
+ return ERROR_SUCCESS == SendMessage(GetNativeComponent(),
+ right & 0xFFFF));
+void TextField::SetHeightInLines(int num_lines) {
+ DCHECK(IsMultiLine());
+ num_lines_ = num_lines;
+void TextField::RemoveBorder() {
+ if (!draw_border_)
+ return;
+ draw_border_ = false;
+ if (edit_)
+ edit_->RemoveBorder();
+void TextField::SetEnabled(bool enabled) {
+ View::SetEnabled(enabled);
+ edit_->SetEnabled(enabled);
+bool TextField::IsFocusable() const {
+ return IsEnabled() && !IsReadOnly();
+void TextField::AboutToRequestFocusFromTabTraversal(bool reverse) {
+ SelectAll();
+bool TextField::ShouldLookupAccelerators(const KeyEvent& e) {
+ // TODO(hamaji): Figure out which keyboard combinations we need to add here,
+ // similar to LocationBarView::ShouldLookupAccelerators.
+ if (e.GetCharacter() == VK_BACK)
+ return false; // We'll handle BackSpace ourselves.
+ // We don't translate accelerators for ALT + NumPad digit, they are used for
+ // entering special characters.
+ if (!e.IsAltDown())
+ return true;
+ return !win_util::IsNumPadDigit(e.GetCharacter(), e.IsExtendedKey());
+void TextField::UpdateEditBackgroundColor() {
+ if (!edit_)
+ return;
+ COLORREF bg_color;
+ if (!use_default_background_color_)
+ bg_color = skia::SkColorToCOLORREF(background_color_);
+ else
+ bg_color = GetSysColor(read_only_ ? COLOR_3DFACE : COLOR_WINDOW);
+ edit_->SetBackgroundColor(bg_color);
+} // namespace views