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1 files changed, 37 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/autocomplete/ b/chrome/browser/autocomplete/
index 02da78b..310b932 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/autocomplete/
+++ b/chrome/browser/autocomplete/
@@ -500,8 +500,14 @@ bool AutocompleteEditViewGtk::OnAfterPossibleChange() {
bool something_changed = model_->OnAfterPossibleChange(new_text,
selection_differs, text_changed_, just_deleted_text, at_end_of_edit);
+ // If only selection was changed, we don't need to call |controller_|'s
+ // OnChanged() method, which is called in TextChanged().
+ // But we still need to call EmphasizeURLComponents() to make sure the text
+ // attributes are updated correctly.
if (something_changed && text_changed_)
+ else if (selection_differs)
+ EmphasizeURLComponents();
return something_changed;
@@ -730,6 +736,10 @@ gboolean AutocompleteEditViewGtk::HandleViewButtonPress(GdkEventButton* event) {
button_1_pressed_ = true;
text_view_focused_before_button_press_ = GTK_WIDGET_HAS_FOCUS(text_view_);
text_selected_during_click_ = false;
+ // Button press event may change the selection, we need to record the change
+ // and report it to |model_| later when button is released.
+ OnBeforePossibleChange();
} else if (event->button == 2) {
// GtkTextView pastes PRIMARY selection with middle click.
// We can't call model_->on_paste_replacing_all() here, because the actual
@@ -765,6 +775,9 @@ gboolean AutocompleteEditViewGtk::HandleViewButtonRelease(
gtk_text_view_move_visually(GTK_TEXT_VIEW(text_view_), &start, -1);
+ // Inform |model_| about possible text selection change.
+ OnAfterPossibleChange();
return TRUE; // Don't continue, we called the default handler already.
@@ -790,23 +803,40 @@ void AutocompleteEditViewGtk::HandleViewMoveCursor(
GtkMovementStep step,
gint count,
gboolean extend_selection) {
+ GtkTextIter sel_start, sel_end;
+ gboolean has_selection =
+ gtk_text_buffer_get_selection_bounds(text_buffer_, &sel_start, &sel_end);
// We want the GtkEntry behavior when you move the cursor while you have a
// selection. GtkTextView just drops the selection and moves the cursor, but
// instead we want to move the cursor to the appropiate end of the selection.
- GtkTextIter sstart, send;
- !extend_selection &&
- (count == 1 || count == -1) &&
- gtk_text_buffer_get_selection_bounds(text_buffer_, &sstart, &send)) {
+ if (step == GTK_MOVEMENT_VISUAL_POSITIONS && !extend_selection &&
+ (count == 1 || count == -1) && has_selection) {
// We have a selection and start / end are in ascending order.
- gtk_text_buffer_place_cursor(text_buffer_, count == 1 ? &send : &sstart);
+ // Cursor placement will remove the selection, so we need inform |model_|
+ // about this change by calling On{Before|After}PossibleChange() methods.
+ OnBeforePossibleChange();
+ gtk_text_buffer_place_cursor(text_buffer_,
+ count == 1 ? &sel_end : &sel_start);
+ OnAfterPossibleChange();
} else if (step == GTK_MOVEMENT_PAGES) { // Page up and down.
// Multiply by count for the direction (if we move too much that's ok).
model_->OnUpOrDownKeyPressed(model_->result().size() * count);
} else if (step == GTK_MOVEMENT_DISPLAY_LINES) { // Arrow up and down.
} else {
- return; // Propagate into GtkTextView
+ // Cursor movement may change the selection, we need to record the change
+ // and report it to |model_|.
+ if (has_selection || extend_selection)
+ OnBeforePossibleChange();
+ // Propagate into GtkTextView
+ GtkTextViewClass* klass = GTK_TEXT_VIEW_GET_CLASS(text_view_);
+ klass->move_cursor(GTK_TEXT_VIEW(text_view_), step, count,
+ extend_selection);
+ if (has_selection || extend_selection)
+ OnAfterPossibleChange();
// move-cursor doesn't use a signal accumulator on the return value (it