diff options
4 files changed, 92 insertions, 36 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/app/chromium_strings.grd b/chrome/app/chromium_strings.grd
index 50b70af..b7324e5 100644
--- a/chrome/app/chromium_strings.grd
+++ b/chrome/app/chromium_strings.grd
@@ -333,19 +333,27 @@ be available for now. -->
Continue running background apps when Chromium is closed
<message name="IDS_CANT_WRITE_USER_DIRECTORY_SUMMARY" desc="Summary of problem displayed in dialog when we can't create a directory for this user.">
- Chromium cannot read and write to its data directory:\n\n<ph name="USER_DATA_DIRECTORY">$1<ex>C:\Documents and Settings\devint\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome</ex></ph>
+Chromium cannot read and write to its data directory:
+<ph name="USER_DATA_DIRECTORY">$1<ex>C:\Documents and Settings\devint\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_EULA_CHECKBOX_ENABLE_LOGGING" desc="The label of the checkbox to enable/disable crash and user metrics logging">
Optional: Help make Chromium better by automatically sending usage statistics and crash reports to Google.
<message name="IDS_PROFILE_TOO_NEW_ERROR" desc="Error displayed on startup when the profile is from a newer version of the product and can not be read">
- Your profile can not be used because it is from a newer version of Chromium.\n\nSome features may be unavailable. Please specify a different profile directory or use a newer version of Chromium.
+Your profile can not be used because it is from a newer version of Chromium.
+Some features may be unavailable. Please specify a different profile directory or use a newer version of Chromium.
<message name="IDS_PREFERENCES_UNREADABLE_ERROR" desc="Error displayed on startup when user preferences file can not be read">
- Your preferences can not be read.\n\nSome features may be unavailable and changes to preferences won't be saved.
+Your preferences can not be read.
+Some features may be unavailable and changes to preferences won't be saved.
<message name="IDS_PREFERENCES_CORRUPT_ERROR" desc="Error displayed on startup when user preferences file can not be read">
- Your preferences file is corrupt or invalid.\n\nChromium is unable to recover your settings.
+Your preferences file is corrupt or invalid.
+Chromium is unable to recover your settings.
<!-- Crash Recovery Dialog -->
<message name="IDS_CRASH_RECOVERY_TITLE" desc="Title of dialog shown when the browser crashes.">
diff --git a/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd b/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd
index ce1f394..a5bf53e 100644
--- a/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd
+++ b/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd
@@ -2998,7 +2998,11 @@ are declared in build/common.gypi.
Subject's Public Key
<message name="IDS_CERT_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY_DUMP_FORMAT" desc="Format for displaying a textual dump of an RSA public key.">
- Modulus (<ph name="MODULUS_NUM_BITS">$1<ex>1024</ex></ph> bits):\n<ph name="MODULUS_HEX_DUMP">$2<ex>00 0A 38 CF ...</ex></ph>\n\nPublic Exponent (<ph name="PUBLIC_EXPONENT_NUM_BITS">$3<ex>24</ex></ph> bits):\n<ph name="EXPONENT_HEX_DUMP">$4<ex>01 00 01</ex></ph>
+Modulus (<ph name="MODULUS_NUM_BITS">$1<ex>1024</ex></ph> bits):
+<ph name="MODULUS_HEX_DUMP">$2<ex>00 0A 38 CF ...</ex></ph>
+Public Exponent (<ph name="PUBLIC_EXPONENT_NUM_BITS">$3<ex>24</ex></ph> bits):
+<ph name="EXPONENT_HEX_DUMP">$4<ex>01 00 01</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_CERT_DETAILS_EXTENSIONS" desc="The label of the Extensions element in the details page of the certificate info dialog.">
@@ -3833,19 +3837,22 @@ are declared in build/common.gypi.
Confirm Changes
<message name="IDS_EXTENSION_ALERT_ITEM_EXTERNAL" desc="A statement that an external extension has been newly installed. End users have no idea what an 'external' extension is, so we simply call them extensions.">
- The extension "<ph name="EXTENSION_NAME">$1<ex>Gmail Checker</ex></ph>" has been installed.\n
+The extension "<ph name="EXTENSION_NAME">$1<ex>Gmail Checker</ex></ph>" has been installed.
<message name="IDS_EXTENSION_ALERT_ITEM_BLACKLISTED" desc="A statement that an extension has been newly blacklisted.;answer=1210215 contains the language on which we're basing the phrasing.">
- The extension "<ph name="EXTENSION_NAME">$1<ex>Gmail Checker</ex></ph>" was automatically removed.\n
+The extension "<ph name="EXTENSION_NAME">$1<ex>Gmail Checker</ex></ph>" was automatically removed.
<message name="IDS_EXTENSION_ALERT_ITEM_ORPHANED" desc="A statement that an extension formerly live in the App Store has been delisted.">
- Update checks have repeatedly failed for the extension "<ph name="EXTENSION_NAME">$1<ex>Gmail Checker</ex></ph>."\n
+Update checks have repeatedly failed for the extension "<ph name="EXTENSION_NAME">$1<ex>Gmail Checker</ex></ph>."
<message name="IDS_EXTENSION_ALERT_ITEM_OK" desc="The title of the default button acknowledging the information presented.">
- OK
+ OK
<message name="IDS_EXTENSION_ALERT_ITEM_DETAILS" desc="The title of the button asking for more information.">
- Details
+ Details
<!-- Extension/App install dialog strings -->
@@ -4922,7 +4929,10 @@ Keep your key file in a safe place. You will need it to create new versions of y
Enable Instant for faster searching?
<message name="IDS_INSTANT_OPT_IN_MESSAGE" desc="Message shown in the instant opt-in dialog">
- With Instant enabled and if supported by your default search engine, search results appear instantly as you type queries in the omnibox, and in-line predictions help guide your search.\n\nBecause search results are requested even while you're typing your query, your default search engine may be logging these as search queries.\n
+With Instant enabled and if supported by your default search engine, search results appear instantly as you type queries in the omnibox, and in-line predictions help guide your search.
+Because search results are requested even while you're typing your query, your default search engine may be logging these as search queries.
<message name="IDS_INSTANT_PREF" desc="Preference for enabling instant">
Enable Instant for faster searching
@@ -5388,7 +5398,9 @@ Keep your key file in a safe place. You will need it to create new versions of y
Plug-in Unresponsive
<message name="IDS_BROWSER_HANGMONITOR" desc="A plugin on a page has hung">
- The following plug-in is unresponsive: <ph name="PLUGIN_NAME">$1\n<ex>Shockwave\n</ex></ph>Would you like to stop it?
+The following plug-in is unresponsive: <ph name="PLUGIN_NAME">$1
+</ex></ph>Would you like to stop it?
<message name="IDS_BROWSER_HANGMONITOR_RENDERER_TITLE" desc="The title of the 'A renderer has hung' dialog">
Page(s) Unresponsive
@@ -7844,12 +7856,16 @@ Keep your key file in a safe place. You will need it to create new versions of y
Send feedback to help improve Chrome
<message name="IDS_KILLED_TAB_FEEDBACK_MESSAGE" desc="The text to auto-populate the feedback page with.">
- Chrome ran out of memory.\n
+Chrome ran out of memory.
<!-- Default Browser related messages -->
<message name="IDS_HIDE_ICONS_NOT_SUPPORTED" desc="Message to explain we only support uninstall and not hide-icons.">
- To hide access to this program, you need to uninstall it by using\n<ph name="CONTROL_PANEL_APPLET_NAME">$1<ex>Add/Remove Programs</ex></ph> in Control Panel.\n\nWould you like to start <ph name="CONTROL_PANEL_APPLET_NAME">$1<ex>Add/Remove Programs</ex></ph>?
+To hide access to this program, you need to uninstall it by using
+<ph name="CONTROL_PANEL_APPLET_NAME">$1<ex>Add/Remove Programs</ex></ph> in Control Panel.
+Would you like to start <ph name="CONTROL_PANEL_APPLET_NAME">$1<ex>Add/Remove Programs</ex></ph>?
<if expr="pp_ifdef('chromeos')">
@@ -8404,7 +8420,11 @@ Keep your key file in a safe place. You will need it to create new versions of y
<message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_SHOW_PREDICTIONS_TITLE" desc="The title for form elements when annotated with Autofill predictions.">
- heuristic type: <ph name="HEURISTIC_TYPE">$1<ex>NAME_FIRST</ex></ph>\nserver type: <ph name="SERVER_TYPE">$2<ex>NAME_FIRST</ex></ph>\nfield signature: <ph name="FIELD_SIGNATURE">$3<ex>12345678</ex></ph>\nform signature: <ph name="FORM_SIGNATURE">$4<ex>1234567812345678</ex></ph>\nexperiment id: "<ph name="EXPERIMENT_ID">$5<ex>ar1</ex></ph>"
+heuristic type: <ph name="HEURISTIC_TYPE">$1<ex>NAME_FIRST</ex></ph>
+server type: <ph name="SERVER_TYPE">$2<ex>NAME_FIRST</ex></ph>
+field signature: <ph name="FIELD_SIGNATURE">$3<ex>12345678</ex></ph>
+form signature: <ph name="FORM_SIGNATURE">$4<ex>1234567812345678</ex></ph>
+experiment id: "<ph name="EXPERIMENT_ID">$5<ex>ar1</ex></ph>"
<message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_FEEDBACK_INFOBAR_TEXT" desc="Description text for the Autofill feedback infobar.">
@@ -9368,7 +9388,9 @@ Keep your key file in a safe place. You will need it to create new versions of y
Do Nothing
<message name="IDS_EXTERNAL_PROTOCOL_APPLICATION_TO_LAUNCH" desc="Information about the application being launched by the external protocol">
- The following application will be launched if you accept this request:\n\n <ph name="APPLICATION">$1<ex>C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 8.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe /u "%1"</ex></ph>
+The following application will be launched if you accept this request:
+ <ph name="APPLICATION">$1<ex>C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 8.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe /u "%1"</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_EXTERNAL_PROTOCOL_WARNING" desc="Warn user about external protocols.">
If you did not initiate this request, it may represent an attempted attack on your system. Unless you took an explicit action to initiate this request, you should press Do Nothing.
@@ -9526,7 +9548,9 @@ Keep your key file in a safe place. You will need it to create new versions of y
<!-- General app failure messages -->
<message name="IDS_COULDNT_OPEN_PROFILE_ERROR" desc="Error displayed on startup when the profile can not be opened correctly due to problems reading or writing files in it">
- Your profile could not be opened correctly.\n\nSome features may be unavailable. Please check that the profile exists and you have permission to read and write its contents.
+Your profile could not be opened correctly.
+Some features may be unavailable. Please check that the profile exists and you have permission to read and write its contents.
<message name="IDS_REFUSE_TO_RUN_AS_ROOT" desc="Short error message in displayed in an error dialog on startup if the user tries to run chrome as root">
<ph name="PRODUCT_NAME">$1<ex>Google Chrome</ex></ph> can not be run as root.
@@ -11692,10 +11716,13 @@ Keep your key file in a safe place. You will need it to create new versions of y
Your Google Account password has changed since the last time you signed in on this computer.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_PASSWORD_CHANGED_RESET" desc="Reset option of the password changed dialog">
- Synchronize all settings and data\n(may take some time)
+Synchronize all settings and data
+(may take some time)
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_PASSWORD_CHANGED_MIGRATE" desc="Migrate option of the password changed dialog">
- Only synchronize settings and data that have\nchanged since last sign in\n(requires your previous password)
+Only synchronize settings and data that have
+changed since last sign in
+(requires your previous password)
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_PREVIOUS_PASSWORD" desc="Password field text on the password changed dialog">
Previous password
@@ -13045,7 +13072,8 @@ Keep your key file in a safe place. You will need it to create new versions of y
Accessibility features are enabled.
<message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_ACCESSIBILITY_TURNED_ON_BUBBLE" desc="The message shown on a bubble when accessibility is turned on">
- Accessibility features are enabled.\nPress Ctrl+Alt+Z to cancel.
+Accessibility features are enabled.
+Press Ctrl+Alt+Z to cancel.
<message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_DISABLE_SPOKEN_FEEDBACK" desc="The menu option to disable spoken feedback accessibility feature.">
Disable Spoken Feedback
@@ -13126,10 +13154,12 @@ Keep your key file in a safe place. You will need it to create new versions of y
Searching for Wi-Fi networks...
<message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_CAPS_LOCK_ENABLED_PRESS_SHIFT_KEYS" desc="The tooltip for the caps lock indicator button.">
- CAPS LOCK is on.\nPress both Shift keys to cancel
+CAPS LOCK is on.
+Press both Shift keys to cancel
<message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_CAPS_LOCK_ENABLED_PRESS_SEARCH" desc="The tooltip for the caps lock indicator button.">
- CAPS LOCK is on.\nPress Search key to cancel
+CAPS LOCK is on.
+Press Search key to cancel
<message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_BATTERY_CHARGING_PERCENTAGE" desc="In the power menu button, this shows what percentage of battery is left when power supply is connected.">
Charging battery: <ph name="PRECENTAGE">$1<ex>100</ex></ph>%
@@ -13141,19 +13171,24 @@ Keep your key file in a safe place. You will need it to create new versions of y
No battery
<message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_BATTERY_TIME_UNTIL_FULL" desc="In the power menu button, this shows how much time until fully charged.">
- Charging\n<ph name="HOUR">$1<ex>2</ex></ph>:<ph name="MINUTE">$2<ex>30</ex></ph> until full
+<ph name="HOUR">$1<ex>2</ex></ph>:<ph name="MINUTE">$2<ex>30</ex></ph> until full
<message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_BATTERY_TIME_UNTIL_EMPTY" desc="In the power menu button, this shows how much time until empty.">
- Battery\n<ph name="HOUR">$1<ex>2</ex></ph>:<ph name="MINUTE">$2<ex>30</ex></ph> remaining
+<ph name="HOUR">$1<ex>2</ex></ph>:<ph name="MINUTE">$2<ex>30</ex></ph> remaining
<message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_BATTERY_CALCULATING_TIME_UNTIL_FULL" desc="In the power menu button, this is the message the shows when we are calculating time until full.">
- Charging\nCalculating time until full
+Calculating time until full
<message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_BATTERY_CALCULATING_TIME_UNTIL_EMPTY" desc="In the power menu button, this is the message the shows when we are calculating time until empty.">
- Battery\nCalculating remaining time
+Calculating remaining time
<message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_BATTERY_IS_CHARGED" desc="In the power menu button, the battery is charged message.">
- Charging\nBattery full
+Battery full
<message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_FEEDBACK_TOOLTIP" desc="Tooltip for the feedback status bar icon.">
Report a bug
diff --git a/chrome/app/google_chrome_strings.grd b/chrome/app/google_chrome_strings.grd
index d838b5b..c9a7f01 100644
--- a/chrome/app/google_chrome_strings.grd
+++ b/chrome/app/google_chrome_strings.grd
@@ -307,19 +307,27 @@ Chrome supports. -->
Continue running background apps when Google Chrome is closed
<message name="IDS_CANT_WRITE_USER_DIRECTORY_SUMMARY" desc="Summary of problem displayed in dialog when we can't create a directory for this user.">
- Google Chrome cannot read and write to its data directory:\n\n<ph name="USER_DATA_DIRECTORY">$1<ex>C:\Documents and Settings\devint\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome</ex></ph>
+Google Chrome cannot read and write to its data directory:
+<ph name="USER_DATA_DIRECTORY">$1<ex>C:\Documents and Settings\devint\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_EULA_CHECKBOX_ENABLE_LOGGING" desc="The label of the checkbox to enable/disable crash and user metrics logging on EULA screen.">
Optional: Help make Chrome OS better by automatically sending usage statistics and crash reports to Google.
<message name="IDS_PROFILE_TOO_NEW_ERROR" desc="Error displayed on startup when the profile is from a newer version of the product and can not be read">
- Your profile can not be used because it is from a newer version of Google Chrome.\n\nSome features may be unavailable. Please specify a different profile directory or use a newer version of Chrome.
+Your profile can not be used because it is from a newer version of Google Chrome.
+Some features may be unavailable. Please specify a different profile directory or use a newer version of Chrome.
<message name="IDS_PREFERENCES_UNREADABLE_ERROR" desc="Error displayed on startup when user preferences file can not be read">
- Your preferences can not be read.\n\nSome features may be unavailable and changes to preferences won't be saved.
+Your preferences can not be read.
+Some features may be unavailable and changes to preferences won't be saved.
<message name="IDS_PREFERENCES_CORRUPT_ERROR" desc="Error displayed on startup when user preferences file can not be read">
- Your preferences file is corrupt or invalid.\n\nGoogle Chrome is unable to recover your settings.
+Your preferences file is corrupt or invalid.
+Google Chrome is unable to recover your settings.
<!-- Crash Recovery Dialog -->
<message name="IDS_CRASH_RECOVERY_TITLE" desc="Title of dialog shown when the browser crashes.">
diff --git a/webkit/glue/inspector_strings.grd b/webkit/glue/inspector_strings.grd
index 7138098..78c5584 100644
--- a/webkit/glue/inspector_strings.grd
+++ b/webkit/glue/inspector_strings.grd
@@ -378,7 +378,8 @@ so we include the original license below:
Always enable
<message name="IDS_ERROR_MESSAGE_DISPLAYED_ON_FAILURE_TO_READ_A_DATABASE_TABLE" desc="Error message displayed on failure to read a database table.">
- An error occurred trying to\nread the “<ph name="TABLE_NAME">%s<ex>CLIENTS</ex></ph>” table.
+An error occurred trying to
+read the “<ph name="TABLE_NAME">%s<ex>CLIENTS</ex></ph>” table.
<message name="IDS_ERROR_MESSAGE_DISPLAYED_WHEN_AN_UNEXPECTED_ERROR_OCCURS_DURING_DATABASE_QUERY" desc="Error message displayed when an unexpected error occurs during database query.">
An unexpected error <ph name="ERROR">%s<ex>No memory</ex></ph> occurred.
@@ -549,7 +550,8 @@ so we include the original license below:
<message name="IDS_NO_PAUSE_ON_EXCEPTIONS" desc="The current state: don't pause on exception, after LF: a hint for a button that changes the state.">
- Don't pause on exceptions.\nClick to Pause on all exceptions.
+Don't pause on exceptions.
+Click to Pause on all exceptions.
<message name="IDS_TOGGLE_URL_FORMAT" desc="A hint on how to toggle between URL formats.">
Double-Click to toggle between URL encoded and decoded formats
@@ -864,10 +866,12 @@ so we include the original license below:
<message name="IDS_PAUSE_ON_ALL_EXCEPTIONS" desc="Current state: pause on all exceptions. After the \n separator: a hint on how to switch the state.">
- Pause on all exceptions.\nClick to Pause on uncaught exceptions.
+Pause on all exceptions.
+Click to Pause on uncaught exceptions.
<message name="IDS_PAUSE_ON_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTIONS" desc="Current state: pause on unhandled exceptions. After the \n separator: a hint on how to switch the state.">
- Pause on uncaught exceptions.\nClick to Not pause on exceptions.
+Pause on uncaught exceptions.
+Click to Not pause on exceptions.
<message name="IDS_HINT_FOR_A_BUTTON_THAT_PAUSES_SCRIPT_EXECUTION" desc="Hint for a button that pauses script execution.">
Pause script execution.
@@ -1158,7 +1162,8 @@ so we include the original license below:
The breakpoint on line <ph name="LINE_NUMBER">%d<ex>15</ex></ph> will stop only if this expression is true:
<message name="IDS_MESSAGE_INDICATING_THAT_DATABASE_TABLE_IS_EMPTY" desc="Message indicating that database table is empty.">
- The “<ph name="TABLE_NAME">%s<ex>foo</ex></ph>”\ntable is empty.
+The “<ph name="TABLE_NAME">%s<ex>foo</ex></ph>”
+table is empty.
<message name="IDS_MESSAGE_INDICATING_THAT_CURRENT_SITE_DOES_NOT_HAVE_COOKIES" desc="Message indicating that current site doesn't have cookies.">
This site has no cookies.