diff options
13 files changed, 1644 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/build/android/ b/build/android/
index 622e5ef..27c1c3d 100755
--- a/build/android/
+++ b/build/android/
@@ -773,5 +773,4 @@ def main(argv):
if __name__ == '__main__':
- print os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
diff --git a/build/android/ b/build/android/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b136d8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/android/
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+import logging
+import os
+import android_commands
+from chrome_test_server_spawner import SpawningServer
+from flag_changer import FlagChanger
+import lighttpd_server
+import run_tests_helper
+FORWARDER_PATH = '/data/local/tmp/forwarder'
+# These ports must match up with the constants in net/test/
+class BaseTestRunner(object):
+ """Base class for running tests on a single device."""
+ def __init__(self, device):
+ """
+ Args:
+ device: Tests will run on the device of this ID.
+ """
+ self.device = device
+ self.adb = android_commands.AndroidCommands(device=device)
+ # Synchronize date/time between host and device. Otherwise same file on
+ # host and device may have different timestamp which may cause
+ # AndroidCommands.PushIfNeeded failed, or a test which may compare timestamp
+ # got from http head and local time could be failed.
+ self.adb.SynchronizeDateTime()
+ self._http_server = None
+ self._forwarder = None
+ self._spawning_server = None
+ self._spawner_forwarder = None
+ self._forwarder_device_port = 8000
+ self._forwarder_base_url = ('http://localhost:%d' %
+ self._forwarder_device_port)
+ self._flags = FlagChanger(self.adb)
+ def RunTests(self):
+ # TODO(bulach): this should actually do SetUp / RunTestsInternal / TearDown.
+ # Refactor the various subclasses to expose a RunTestsInternal without
+ # any params.
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def SetUp(self):
+ """Called before tests run."""
+ pass
+ def TearDown(self):
+ """Called when tests finish running."""
+ self.ShutdownHelperToolsForTestSuite()
+ def CopyTestData(self, test_data_paths, dest_dir):
+ """Copies |test_data_paths| list of files/directories to |dest_dir|.
+ Args:
+ test_data_paths: A list of files or directories relative to |dest_dir|
+ which should be copied to the device. The paths must exist in
+ dest_dir: Absolute path to copy to on the device.
+ """
+ for p in test_data_paths:
+ self.adb.PushIfNeeded(
+ os.path.join(run_tests_helper.CHROME_DIR, p),
+ os.path.join(dest_dir, p))
+ def LaunchTestHttpServer(self, document_root, extra_config_contents=None):
+ """Launches an HTTP server to serve HTTP tests.
+ Args:
+ document_root: Document root of the HTTP server.
+ extra_config_contents: Extra config contents for the HTTP server.
+ """
+ self._http_server = lighttpd_server.LighttpdServer(
+ document_root, extra_config_contents=extra_config_contents)
+ if self._http_server.StartupHttpServer():
+'http server started: http://localhost:%s',
+ self._http_server.port)
+ else:
+ logging.critical('Failed to start http server')
+ # Root access needed to make the forwarder executable work.
+ self.adb.EnableAdbRoot()
+ self.StartForwarderForHttpServer()
+ def StartForwarderForHttpServer(self):
+ """Starts a forwarder for the HTTP server.
+ The forwarder forwards HTTP requests and responses between host and device.
+ """
+ # Sometimes the forwarder device port may be already used. We have to kill
+ # all forwarder processes to ensure that the forwarder can be started since
+ # currently we can not associate the specified port to related pid.
+ # TODO(yfriedman/wangxianzhu): This doesn't work as most of the time the
+ # port is in use but the forwarder is already dead. Killing all forwarders
+ # is overly destructive and breaks other tests which make use of forwarders.
+ # if IsDevicePortUsed(self.adb, self._forwarder_device_port):
+ # self.adb.KillAll('forwarder')
+ self._forwarder = run_tests_helper.ForwardDevicePorts(
+ self.adb, [(self._forwarder_device_port, self._http_server.port)])
+ def RestartHttpServerForwarderIfNecessary(self):
+ """Restarts the forwarder if it's not open."""
+ # Checks to see if the http server port is being used. If not forwards the
+ # request.
+ # TODO(dtrainor): This is not always reliable because sometimes the port
+ # will be left open even after the forwarder has been killed.
+ if not run_tests_helper.IsDevicePortUsed(self.adb,
+ self._forwarder_device_port):
+ self.StartForwarderForHttpServer()
+ def ShutdownHelperToolsForTestSuite(self):
+ """Shuts down the server and the forwarder."""
+ # Forwarders should be killed before the actual servers they're forwarding
+ # to as they are clients potentially with open connections and to allow for
+ # proper hand-shake/shutdown.
+ if self._forwarder or self._spawner_forwarder:
+ # Kill all forwarders on the device and then kill the process on the host
+ # (if it exists)
+ self.adb.KillAll('forwarder')
+ if self._forwarder:
+ self._forwarder.kill()
+ if self._spawner_forwarder:
+ self._spawner_forwarder.kill()
+ if self._http_server:
+ self._http_server.ShutdownHttpServer()
+ if self._spawning_server:
+ self._spawning_server.Stop()
+ self._flags.Restore()
+ def LaunchChromeTestServerSpawner(self):
+ """Launches test server spawner."""
+ self._spawning_server = SpawningServer(TEST_SERVER_SPAWNER_PORT,
+ self._spawning_server.Start()
+ # TODO(yfriedman): Ideally we'll only try to start up a port forwarder if
+ # there isn't one already running but for now we just get an error message
+ # and the existing forwarder still works.
+ self._spawner_forwarder = run_tests_helper.ForwardDevicePorts(
diff --git a/build/android/ b/build/android/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85864dada
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/android/
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""A "Test Server Spawner" that handles killing/stopping per-test test servers.
+It's used to accept requests from the device to spawn and kill instances of the
+chrome test server on the host.
+import BaseHTTPServer
+import logging
+import os
+import sys
+import threading
+import time
+import urlparse
+# Path that are needed to import testserver
+cr_src = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), '..', '..')
+sys.path.append(os.path.join(cr_src, 'third_party'))
+sys.path.append(os.path.join(cr_src, 'third_party', 'tlslite'))
+sys.path.append(os.path.join(cr_src, 'third_party', 'pyftpdlib', 'src'))
+sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), '..',
+ '..', 'net', 'tools', 'testserver'))
+import testserver
+_test_servers = []
+class SpawningServerRequestHandler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
+ """A handler used to process http GET request.
+ """
+ def GetServerType(self, server_type):
+ """Returns the server type to use when starting the test server.
+ This function translate the command-line argument into the appropriate
+ numerical constant.
+ # TODO(yfriedman): Do that translation!
+ """
+ if server_type:
+ pass
+ return 0
+ def do_GET(self):
+ parsed_path = urlparse.urlparse(self.path)
+ action = parsed_path.path
+ params = urlparse.parse_qs(parsed_path.query, keep_blank_values=1)
+'Action is: %s' % action)
+ if action == '/killserver':
+ # There should only ever be one test server at a time. This may do the
+ # wrong thing if we try and start multiple test servers.
+ _test_servers.pop().Stop()
+ elif action == '/start':
+'Handling request to spawn a test webserver')
+ for param in params:
+'%s=%s' % (param, params[param][0]))
+ s_type = 0
+ doc_root = None
+ if 'server_type' in params:
+ s_type = self.GetServerType(params['server_type'][0])
+ if 'doc_root' in params:
+ doc_root = params['doc_root'][0]
+ self.webserver_thread = threading.Thread(
+ target=self.SpawnTestWebServer, args=(s_type, doc_root))
+ self.webserver_thread.setDaemon(True)
+ self.webserver_thread.start()
+ self.send_response(200, 'OK')
+ self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/html')
+ self.end_headers()
+ self.wfile.write('<html><head><title>started</title></head></html>')
+'Returned OK!!!')
+ def SpawnTestWebServer(self, s_type, doc_root):
+ class Options(object):
+ log_to_console = True
+ server_type = s_type
+ port = self.server.test_server_port
+ data_dir = doc_root or 'chrome/test/data'
+ file_root_url = '/files/'
+ cert = False
+ policy_keys = None
+ policy_user = None
+ startup_pipe = None
+ options = Options()
+'Listening on %d, type %d, data_dir %s' % (options.port,
+ options.server_type, options.data_dir))
+ testserver.main(options, None, server_list=_test_servers)
+'Test-server has died.')
+class SpawningServer(object):
+ """The class used to start/stop a http server.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, test_server_spawner_port, test_server_port):
+'Creating new spawner %d', test_server_spawner_port)
+ self.server = testserver.StoppableHTTPServer(('', test_server_spawner_port),
+ SpawningServerRequestHandler)
+ self.port = test_server_spawner_port
+ self.server.test_server_port = test_server_port
+ def Listen(self):
+'Starting test server spawner')
+ self.server.serve_forever()
+ def Start(self):
+ listener_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.Listen)
+ listener_thread.setDaemon(True)
+ listener_thread.start()
+ time.sleep(1)
+ def Stop(self):
+ self.server.Stop()
diff --git a/build/android/ b/build/android/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..636022b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/android/
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+# Location where chrome reads command line flags from
+CHROME_COMMAND_FILE = '/data/local/chrome-command-line'
+class FlagChanger(object):
+ """Temporarily changes the flags Chrome runs with."""
+ def __init__(self, android_cmd):
+ self._android_cmd = android_cmd
+ self._old_flags = None
+ def Set(self, flags, append=False):
+ """Sets the command line flags used when chrome is started.
+ Args:
+ flags: A list of flags to set, eg. ['--single-process'].
+ append: Whether to append to existing flags or overwrite them.
+ """
+ if flags:
+ assert flags[0] != 'chrome'
+ if not self._old_flags:
+ self._old_flags = self._android_cmd.GetFileContents(CHROME_COMMAND_FILE)
+ if self._old_flags:
+ self._old_flags = self._old_flags[0].strip()
+ if append and self._old_flags:
+ # Avoid appending flags that are already present.
+ new_flags = filter(lambda flag: self._old_flags.find(flag) == -1, flags)
+ self._android_cmd.SetFileContents(CHROME_COMMAND_FILE,
+ self._old_flags + ' ' +
+ ' '.join(new_flags))
+ else:
+ self._android_cmd.SetFileContents(CHROME_COMMAND_FILE,
+ 'chrome ' + ' '.join(flags))
+ def Restore(self):
+ """Restores the flags to their original state."""
+ if self._old_flags == None:
+ return # Set() was never called.
+ elif self._old_flags:
+ self._android_cmd.SetFileContents(CHROME_COMMAND_FILE, self._old_flags)
+ else:
+ self._android_cmd.RunShellCommand('rm ' + CHROME_COMMAND_FILE)
diff --git a/build/android/gtest_filter/base_unittests_disabled b/build/android/gtest_filter/base_unittests_disabled
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ff27b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/android/gtest_filter/base_unittests_disabled
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# List of suppressions
+# Automatically generated by
diff --git a/build/android/gtest_filter/base_unittests_emulator_additional_disabled b/build/android/gtest_filter/base_unittests_emulator_additional_disabled
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85e8fd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/android/gtest_filter/base_unittests_emulator_additional_disabled
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Addtional list of suppressions from emulator
+# Automatically generated by
diff --git a/build/android/ b/build/android/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..45bfcd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/android/
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Provides a convenient wrapper for spawning a test lighttpd instance.
+ lighttpd_server PATH_TO_DOC_ROOT
+import codecs
+import contextlib
+import httplib
+import os
+import pexpect
+import random
+import shutil
+import socket
+import sys
+import tempfile
+class LighttpdServer(object):
+ """Wraps lighttpd server, providing robust startup.
+ Args:
+ document_root: Path to root of this server's hosted files.
+ port: TCP port on the _host_ machine that the server will listen on. If
+ ommitted it will attempt to use 9000, or if unavailable it will find
+ a free port from 8001 - 8999.
+ lighttpd_path, lighttpd_module_path: Optional paths to lighttpd binaries.
+ base_config_path: If supplied this file will replace the built-in default
+ lighttpd config file.
+ extra_config_contents: If specified, this string will be appended to the
+ base config (default built-in, or from base_config_path).
+ config_path, error_log, access_log: Optional paths where the class should
+ place temprary files for this session.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, document_root, port=None,
+ lighttpd_path=None, lighttpd_module_path=None,
+ base_config_path=None, extra_config_contents=None,
+ config_path=None, error_log=None, access_log=None):
+ self.temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='lighttpd_for_chrome_android')
+ self.document_root = os.path.abspath(document_root)
+ self.fixed_port = port
+ self.port = port or 9000
+ self.server_tag = 'LightTPD ' + str(random.randint(111111, 999999))
+ self.lighttpd_path = lighttpd_path or '/usr/sbin/lighttpd'
+ self.lighttpd_module_path = lighttpd_module_path or '/usr/lib/lighttpd'
+ self.base_config_path = base_config_path
+ self.extra_config_contents = extra_config_contents
+ self.config_path = config_path or self._Mktmp('config')
+ self.error_log = error_log or self._Mktmp('error_log')
+ self.access_log = access_log or self._Mktmp('access_log')
+ self.pid_file = self._Mktmp('pid_file')
+ self.process = None
+ def _Mktmp(self, name):
+ return os.path.join(self.temp_dir, name)
+ def _GetRandomPort(self):
+ # Ports 8001-8004 are reserved for other test servers. Ensure we don't
+ # collide with them.
+ return random.randint(8005, 8999)
+ def StartupHttpServer(self):
+ """Starts up a http server with specified document root and port."""
+ # Currently we use lighttpd as http sever in test.
+ while True:
+ if self.base_config_path:
+ # Read the config
+ with, 'r', 'utf-8') as f:
+ config_contents =
+ else:
+ config_contents = self._GetDefaultBaseConfig()
+ if self.extra_config_contents:
+ config_contents += self.extra_config_contents
+ # Write out the config, filling in placeholders from the members of |self|
+ with, 'w', 'utf-8') as f:
+ f.write(config_contents % self.__dict__)
+ if (not os.path.exists(self.lighttpd_path) or
+ not os.access(self.lighttpd_path, os.X_OK)):
+ raise EnvironmentError(
+ 'Could not find lighttpd at %s.\n'
+ 'It may need to be installed (e.g. sudo apt-get install lighttpd)'
+ % self.lighttpd_path)
+ self.process = pexpect.spawn(self.lighttpd_path,
+ ['-D', '-f', self.config_path,
+ '-m', self.lighttpd_module_path],
+ cwd=self.temp_dir)
+ client_error, server_error = self._TestServerConnection()
+ if not client_error:
+ assert int(open(self.pid_file, 'r').read()) ==
+ break
+ self.process.close()
+ if self.fixed_port or not 'in use' in server_error:
+ print 'Client error:', client_error
+ print 'Server error:', server_error
+ return False
+ self.port = self._GetRandomPort()
+ return True
+ def ShutdownHttpServer(self):
+ """Shuts down our lighttpd processes."""
+ if self.process:
+ self.process.terminate()
+ shutil.rmtree(self.temp_dir, ignore_errors=True)
+ def _TestServerConnection(self):
+ # Wait for server to start
+ server_msg = ''
+ for timeout in xrange(1, 5):
+ client_error = None
+ try:
+ with contextlib.closing(httplib.HTTPConnection(
+ '', self.port, timeout=timeout)) as http:
+ http.set_debuglevel(timeout > 3)
+ http.request('HEAD', '/')
+ r = http.getresponse()
+ if (r.status == 200 and r.reason == 'OK' and
+ r.getheader('Server') == self.server_tag):
+ return (None, server_msg)
+ client_error = ('Bad response: %s %s version %s\n ' %
+ (r.status, r.reason, r.version) +
+ '\n '.join([': '.join(h) for h in r.getheaders()]))
+ except (httplib.HTTPException, socket.error) as client_error:
+ pass # Probably too quick connecting: try again
+ # Check for server startup error messages
+ ix = self.process.expect([pexpect.TIMEOUT, pexpect.EOF, '.+'],
+ timeout=timeout)
+ if ix == 2: # stdout spew from the server
+ server_msg +=
+ elif ix == 1: # EOF -- server has quit so giveup.
+ client_error = client_error or 'Server exited'
+ break
+ return (client_error or 'Timeout', server_msg)
+ def _GetDefaultBaseConfig(self):
+ return """server.tag = "%(server_tag)s"
+server.modules = ( "mod_access",
+ "mod_accesslog",
+ "mod_alias",
+ "mod_cgi",
+ "mod_rewrite" )
+# default document root required
+#server.document-root = "."
+# files to check for if .../ is requested
+index-file.names = ( "index.php", "", "index.cgi",
+ "index.html", "index.htm", "default.htm" )
+# mimetype mapping
+mimetype.assign = (
+ ".gif" => "image/gif",
+ ".jpg" => "image/jpeg",
+ ".jpeg" => "image/jpeg",
+ ".png" => "image/png",
+ ".svg" => "image/svg+xml",
+ ".css" => "text/css",
+ ".html" => "text/html",
+ ".htm" => "text/html",
+ ".xhtml" => "application/xhtml+xml",
+ ".xhtmlmp" => "application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml",
+ ".js" => "application/x-javascript",
+ ".log" => "text/plain",
+ ".conf" => "text/plain",
+ ".text" => "text/plain",
+ ".txt" => "text/plain",
+ ".dtd" => "text/xml",
+ ".xml" => "text/xml",
+ ".manifest" => "text/cache-manifest",
+ )
+# Use the "Content-Type" extended attribute to obtain mime type if possible
+mimetype.use-xattr = "enable"
+# which extensions should not be handle via static-file transfer
+# .php, .pl, .fcgi are most often handled by mod_fastcgi or mod_cgi
+static-file.exclude-extensions = ( ".php", ".pl", ".cgi" )
+server.bind = ""
+server.port = %(port)s
+## virtual directory listings
+dir-listing.activate = "enable"
+#dir-listing.encoding = "iso-8859-2"
+#dir-listing.external-css = "style/oldstyle.css"
+## enable debugging
+#debug.log-request-header = "enable"
+#debug.log-response-header = "enable"
+#debug.log-request-handling = "enable"
+#debug.log-file-not-found = "enable"
+#### SSL engine
+#ssl.engine = "enable"
+#ssl.pemfile = "server.pem"
+# Autogenerated test-specific config follows.
+cgi.assign = ( ".cgi" => "/usr/bin/env",
+ ".pl" => "/usr/bin/env",
+ ".asis" => "/bin/cat",
+ ".php" => "/usr/bin/php-cgi" )
+server.errorlog = "%(error_log)s"
+accesslog.filename = "%(access_log)s"
+server.upload-dirs = ( "/tmp" ) = "%(pid_file)s"
+server.document-root = "%(document_root)s"
+def main(argv):
+ server = LighttpdServer(*argv[1:])
+ try:
+ if server.StartupHttpServer():
+ raw_input('Server running at -'
+ ' press Enter to exit it.' % server.port)
+ else:
+ print 'Server exit code:', server.process.exitstatus
+ finally:
+ server.ShutdownHttpServer()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ sys.exit(main(sys.argv))
diff --git a/build/android/ b/build/android/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1425240
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/android/
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Runs all the native unit tests.
+1. Copy over test binary to /data/local on device.
+2. Resources: chrome/unit_tests requires resources (chrome.pak and en-US.pak)
+ to be deployed to the device (in /data/local/tmp).
+3. Environment:
+3.1. chrome/unit_tests requires (via a directory named:
+ /data/local/tmp/chrome/test/data
+3.2. page_cycler_tests have following requirements,
+3.2.1 the following data on host:
+ <chrome_src_dir>/tools/page_cycler
+ <chrome_src_dir>/data/page_cycler
+3.2.2. two data directories to store above test data on device named:
+ /data/local/tmp/tools/ (for database perf test)
+ /data/local/tmp/data/ (for other perf tests)
+3.2.3. a http server to serve http perf tests.
+ The http root is host's <chrome_src_dir>/data/page_cycler/, port 8000.
+3.2.4 a tool named forwarder is also required to run on device to
+ forward the http request/response between host and device.
+3.2.5 Chrome is installed on device.
+4. Run the binary in the device and stream the log to the host.
+4.1. Optionally, filter specific tests.
+4.2. Optionally, rebaseline: run the available tests and update the
+ suppressions file for failures.
+4.3. If we're running a single test suite and we have multiple devices
+ connected, we'll shard the tests.
+5. Clean up the device.
+Individual tests in a test binary can be suppressed by listing it in
+the gtest_filter directory in a file of the same name as the test binary,
+one test per line. Here is an example:
+ $ cat gtest_filter/base_unittests_disabled
+ DataPackTest.Load
+ ReadOnlyFileUtilTest.ContentsEqual
+This file is generated by the tests running on devices. If running on emulator,
+additonal filter file which lists the tests only failed in emulator will be
+loaded. We don't care about the rare testcases which succeeded on emuatlor, but
+failed on device.
+import logging
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import android_commands
+import cmd_helper
+import debug_info
+import emulator
+import run_tests_helper
+from single_test_runner import SingleTestRunner
+from test_package_executable import TestPackageExecutable
+from test_result import BaseTestResult, TestResults
+_TEST_SUITES = ['base_unittests',]
+def RunTests(device, test_suite, gtest_filter, test_arguments, rebaseline,
+ timeout, performance_test, cleanup_test_files, tool,
+ log_dump_name):
+ """Runs the tests.
+ Args:
+ device: Device to run the tests.
+ test_suite: A specific test suite to run, empty to run all.
+ gtest_filter: A gtest_filter flag.
+ test_arguments: Additional arguments to pass to the test binary.
+ rebaseline: Whether or not to run tests in isolation and update the filter.
+ timeout: Timeout for each test.
+ performance_test: Whether or not performance test(s).
+ cleanup_test_files: Whether or not to cleanup test files on device.
+ tool: Name of the Valgrind tool.
+ log_dump_name: Name of log dump file.
+ Returns:
+ A TestResults object.
+ """
+ results = []
+ if test_suite:
+ global _TEST_SUITES
+ if not os.path.exists(test_suite):
+ logging.critical('Unrecognized test suite, supported: %s' %
+ if test_suite in _TEST_SUITES:
+ logging.critical('(Remember to include the path: out/Release/%s)',
+ test_suite)
+ return TestResults.FromOkAndFailed([], [BaseTestResult(test_suite, '')])
+ _TEST_SUITES = [test_suite]
+ else:
+ # If not specified, assume the test suites are in out/Release
+ test_suite_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(run_tests_helper.CHROME_DIR,
+ 'out', 'Release'))
+ _TEST_SUITES = [os.path.join(test_suite_dir, t) for t in _TEST_SUITES]
+ debug_info_list = []
+ for t in _TEST_SUITES:
+ test = SingleTestRunner(device, t, gtest_filter, test_arguments,
+ timeout, rebaseline, performance_test,
+ cleanup_test_files, tool, not not log_dump_name)
+ test.RunTests()
+ results += [test.test_results]
+ # Collect debug info.
+ debug_info_list += [test.dump_debug_info]
+ if rebaseline:
+ test.UpdateFilter(test.test_results.failed)
+ elif test.test_results.failed:
+ # Stop running test if encountering failed test.
+ test.test_results.LogFull()
+ break
+ # Zip all debug info outputs into a file named by log_dump_name.
+ debug_info.GTestDebugInfo.ZipAndCleanResults(
+ os.path.join(run_tests_helper.CHROME_DIR, 'out', 'Release',
+ 'debug_info_dumps'),
+ log_dump_name, [d for d in debug_info_list if d])
+ return TestResults.FromTestResults(results)
+def Dispatch(options):
+ """Dispatches the tests, sharding if possible.
+ If options.use_emulator is True, all tests will be run in a new emulator
+ instance.
+ Args:
+ options: options for running the tests.
+ Returns:
+ 0 if successful, number of failing tests otherwise.
+ """
+ if options.test_suite == 'help':
+ ListTestSuites()
+ return 0
+ buildbot_emulator = None
+ attached_devices = []
+ if options.use_emulator:
+ buildbot_emulator = emulator.Emulator()
+ buildbot_emulator.Launch()
+ attached_devices.append(buildbot_emulator.device)
+ else:
+ attached_devices = android_commands.GetAttachedDevices()
+ if not attached_devices:
+ logging.critical('A device must be attached and online.')
+ return 1
+ test_results = RunTests(attached_devices[0], options.test_suite,
+ options.gtest_filter, options.test_arguments,
+ options.rebaseline, options.timeout,
+ options.performance_test,
+ options.cleanup_test_files, options.tool,
+ options.log_dump)
+ if buildbot_emulator:
+ buildbot_emulator.Shutdown()
+ return len(test_results.failed)
+def ListTestSuites():
+ """Display a list of available test suites
+ """
+ print 'Available test suites are:'
+ for test_suite in _TEST_SUITES:
+ print test_suite
+def main(argv):
+ option_parser = run_tests_helper.CreateTestRunnerOptionParser(None,
+ default_timeout=0)
+ option_parser.add_option('-s', dest='test_suite',
+ help='Executable name of the test suite to run '
+ '(use -s help to list them)')
+ option_parser.add_option('-r', dest='rebaseline',
+ help='Rebaseline and update *testsuite_disabled',
+ action='store_true',
+ default=False)
+ option_parser.add_option('-f', dest='gtest_filter',
+ help='gtest filter')
+ option_parser.add_option('-a', '--test_arguments', dest='test_arguments',
+ help='Additional arguments to pass to the test')
+ option_parser.add_option('-p', dest='performance_test',
+ help='Indicator of performance test',
+ action='store_true',
+ default=False)
+ option_parser.add_option('-L', dest='log_dump',
+ help='file name of log dump, which will be put in'
+ 'subfolder debug_info_dumps under the same directory'
+ 'in where the test_suite exists.')
+ option_parser.add_option('-e', '--emulator', dest='use_emulator',
+ help='Run tests in a new instance of emulator',
+ action='store_true',
+ default=False)
+ options, args = option_parser.parse_args(argv)
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ print 'Unknown argument:', args[1:]
+ option_parser.print_usage()
+ sys.exit(1)
+ run_tests_helper.SetLogLevel(options.verbose_count)
+ return Dispatch(options)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ sys.exit(main(sys.argv))
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new file mode 100644
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+# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Helper functions common to native test runners."""
+import logging
+import optparse
+import os
+import subprocess
+import sys
+# TODO(michaelbai): Move constant definitions like below to a common file.
+FORWARDER_PATH = '/data/local/tmp/forwarder'
+CHROME_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(sys.path[0], '..', '..'))
+def IsRunningAsBuildbot():
+ """Returns True if we are currently running on buildbot; False otherwise."""
+ return bool(os.getenv('BUILDBOT_BUILDERNAME'))
+def ReportBuildbotLink(label, url):
+ """Adds a link with name |label| linking to |url| to current buildbot step.
+ Args:
+ label: A string with the name of the label.
+ url: A string of the URL.
+ """
+ if IsRunningAsBuildbot():
+ print '@@@STEP_LINK@%s@%s@@@' % (label, url)
+def ReportBuildbotMsg(msg):
+ """Appends |msg| to the current buildbot step text.
+ Args:
+ msg: String to be appended.
+ """
+ if IsRunningAsBuildbot():
+ print '@@@STEP_TEXT@%s@@@' % msg
+def ReportBuildbotError():
+ """Marks the current step as failed."""
+ if IsRunningAsBuildbot():
+ print '@@@STEP_FAILURE@@@'
+def GetExpectations(file_name):
+ """Returns a list of test names in the |file_name| test expectations file."""
+ if not file_name or not os.path.exists(file_name):
+ return []
+ return [x for x in [x.strip() for x in file(file_name).readlines()]
+ if x and x[0] != '#']
+def SetLogLevel(verbose_count):
+ """Sets log level as |verbose_count|."""
+ log_level = logging.WARNING # Default.
+ if verbose_count == 1:
+ log_level = logging.INFO
+ elif verbose_count >= 2:
+ log_level = logging.DEBUG
+ logging.getLogger().setLevel(log_level)
+def CreateTestRunnerOptionParser(usage=None, default_timeout=60):
+ """Returns a new OptionParser with arguments applicable to all tests."""
+ option_parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage)
+ option_parser.add_option('-t', dest='timeout',
+ help='Timeout to wait for each test',
+ type='int',
+ default=default_timeout)
+ option_parser.add_option('-c', dest='cleanup_test_files',
+ help='Cleanup test files on the device after run',
+ action='store_true',
+ default=False)
+ option_parser.add_option('-v',
+ '--verbose',
+ dest='verbose_count',
+ default=0,
+ action='count',
+ help='Verbose level (multiple times for more)')
+ option_parser.add_option('--tool',
+ dest='tool',
+ help='Run the test under a tool '
+ '(use --tool help to list them)')
+ return option_parser
+def ForwardDevicePorts(adb, ports, host_name=''):
+ """Forwards a TCP port on the device back to the host.
+ Works like adb forward, but in reverse.
+ Args:
+ adb: Instance of AndroidCommands for talking to the device.
+ ports: A list of tuples (device_port, host_port) to forward.
+ host_name: Optional. Address to forward to, must be addressable from the
+ host machine. Usually this is omitted and loopback is used.
+ Returns:
+ subprocess instance connected to the forwarder process on the device.
+ """
+ adb.PushIfNeeded(
+ os.path.join(CHROME_DIR, 'out', 'Release', 'forwarder'), FORWARDER_PATH)
+ forward_string = ['%d:%d:%s' %
+ (device, host, host_name) for device, host in ports]
+"Forwarding ports: %s" % (forward_string))
+ return subprocess.Popen(
+ ['adb', '-s', adb._adb.GetSerialNumber(),
+ 'shell', '%s -D %s' % (FORWARDER_PATH, ' '.join(forward_string))])
+def IsDevicePortUsed(adb, device_port):
+ """Checks whether the specified device port is used or not.
+ Args:
+ adb: Instance of AndroidCommands for talking to the device.
+ device_port: Port on device we want to check.
+ Returns:
+ True if the port on device is already used, otherwise returns False.
+ """
+ base_url = '' % device_port
+ netstat_results = adb.RunShellCommand('netstat')
+ for single_connect in netstat_results:
+ # Column 3 is the local address which we want to check with.
+ if single_connect.split()[3] == base_url:
+ return True
+ return False
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c238f5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/android/
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+import logging
+import os
+import sys
+from base_test_runner import BaseTestRunner
+import debug_info
+import run_tests_helper
+from test_package_executable import TestPackageExecutable
+from test_result import TestResults
+class SingleTestRunner(BaseTestRunner):
+ """Single test suite attached to a single device.
+ Args:
+ device: Device to run the tests.
+ test_suite: A specific test suite to run, empty to run all.
+ gtest_filter: A gtest_filter flag.
+ test_arguments: Additional arguments to pass to the test binary.
+ timeout: Timeout for each test.
+ rebaseline: Whether or not to run tests in isolation and update the filter.
+ performance_test: Whether or not performance test(s).
+ cleanup_test_files: Whether or not to cleanup test files on device.
+ tool: Name of the Valgrind tool.
+ dump_debug_info: Whether or not to dump debug information.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, device, test_suite, gtest_filter, test_arguments, timeout,
+ rebaseline, performance_test, cleanup_test_files, tool,
+ dump_debug_info=False):
+ BaseTestRunner.__init__(self, device)
+ self._running_on_emulator = self.device.startswith('emulator')
+ self._gtest_filter = gtest_filter
+ self._test_arguments = test_arguments
+ self.test_results = TestResults()
+ if dump_debug_info:
+ self.dump_debug_info = debug_info.GTestDebugInfo(self.adb, device,
+ os.path.basename(test_suite), gtest_filter)
+ else:
+ self.dump_debug_info = None
+ self.test_package = TestPackageExecutable(self.adb, device,
+ test_suite, timeout, rebaseline, performance_test, cleanup_test_files,
+ tool, self.dump_debug_info)
+ def _GetHttpServerDocumentRootForTestSuite(self):
+ """Returns the document root needed by the test suite."""
+ if self.test_package.test_suite_basename == 'page_cycler_tests':
+ return os.path.join(run_tests_helper.CHROME_DIR, 'data', 'page_cycler')
+ return None
+ def _TestSuiteRequiresMockTestServer(self):
+ """Returns True if the test suite requires mock test server."""
+ return False
+ # TODO(yfriedman): Disabled because of flakiness.
+ # (self.test_package.test_suite_basename == 'unit_tests' or
+ # self.test_package.test_suite_basename == 'net_unittests' or
+ # False)
+ def _GetFilterFileName(self):
+ """Returns the filename of gtest filter."""
+ filter_dir = os.path.join(sys.path[0], 'gtest_filter')
+ filter_name = self.test_package.test_suite_basename + '_disabled'
+ disabled_filter = os.path.join(filter_dir, filter_name)
+ return disabled_filter
+ def _GetAdditionalEmulatorFilterName(self):
+ """Returns the filename of additional gtest filter for emulator."""
+ filter_dir = os.path.join(sys.path[0], 'gtest_filter')
+ filter_name = '%s%s' % (self.test_package.test_suite_basename,
+ '_emulator_additional_disabled')
+ disabled_filter = os.path.join(filter_dir, filter_name)
+ return disabled_filter
+ def GetDisabledTests(self):
+ """Returns a list of disabled tests.
+ Returns:
+ A list of disabled tests obtained from gtest_filter/test_suite_disabled.
+ """
+ disabled_tests = run_tests_helper.GetExpectations(self._GetFilterFileName())
+ if self._running_on_emulator:
+ # Append emulator's filter file.
+ disabled_tests.extend(run_tests_helper.GetExpectations(
+ self._GetAdditionalEmulatorFilterName()))
+ return disabled_tests
+ def UpdateFilter(self, failed_tests):
+ """Updates test_suite_disabled file with the new filter (deletes if empty).
+ If running in Emulator, only the failed tests which are not in the normal
+ filter returned by _GetFilterFileName() are written to emulator's
+ additional filter file.
+ Args:
+ failed_tests: A sorted list of failed tests.
+ """
+ disabled_tests = []
+ if not self._running_on_emulator:
+ filter_file_name = self._GetFilterFileName()
+ else:
+ filter_file_name = self._GetAdditionalEmulatorFilterName()
+ disabled_tests.extend(
+ run_tests_helper.GetExpectations(self._GetFilterFileName()))
+'About to update emulator\'s addtional filter (%s).'
+ % filter_file_name)
+ new_failed_tests = []
+ if failed_tests:
+ for test in failed_tests:
+ if not in disabled_tests:
+ new_failed_tests.append(
+ if not new_failed_tests:
+ if os.path.exists(filter_file_name):
+ os.unlink(filter_file_name)
+ return
+ filter_file = file(filter_file_name, 'w')
+ if self._running_on_emulator:
+ filter_file.write('# Addtional list of suppressions from emulator\n')
+ else:
+ filter_file.write('# List of suppressions\n')
+ filter_file.write("""This file was automatically generated by
+ """)
+ filter_file.write('\n'.join(sorted(new_failed_tests)))
+ filter_file.write('\n')
+ filter_file.close()
+ def GetDataFilesForTestSuite(self):
+ """Returns a list of data files/dirs needed by the test suite."""
+ # Ideally, we'd just push all test data. However, it has >100MB, and a lot
+ # of the files are not relevant (some are used for browser_tests, others for
+ # features not supported, etc..).
+ if self.test_package.test_suite_basename in ['base_unittests',
+ 'sql_unittests',
+ 'unit_tests']:
+ return [
+ 'net/data/cache_tests/insert_load1',
+ 'net/data/cache_tests/dirty_entry5',
+ 'ui/base/test/data/data_pack_unittest',
+ 'chrome/test/data/bookmarks/History_with_empty_starred',
+ 'chrome/test/data/bookmarks/History_with_starred',
+ 'chrome/test/data/extensions/json_schema_test.js',
+ 'chrome/test/data/History/',
+ 'chrome/test/data/json_schema_validator/',
+ 'chrome/test/data/serializer_nested_test.js',
+ 'chrome/test/data/serializer_test.js',
+ 'chrome/test/data/serializer_test_nowhitespace.js',
+ 'chrome/test/data/top_sites/',
+ 'chrome/test/data/web_database',
+ 'chrome/test/data/zip',
+ ]
+ elif self.test_package.test_suite_basename == 'net_unittests':
+ return [
+ 'net/data/cache_tests',
+ 'net/data/filter_unittests',
+ 'net/data/ftp',
+ 'net/data/proxy_resolver_v8_unittest',
+ 'net/data/ssl/certificates',
+ ]
+ elif self.test_package.test_suite_basename == 'ui_tests':
+ return [
+ 'chrome/test/data/dromaeo',
+ 'chrome/test/data/json2.js',
+ 'chrome/test/data/sunspider',
+ 'chrome/test/data/v8_benchmark',
+ 'chrome/test/ui/sunspider_uitest.js',
+ 'chrome/test/ui/v8_benchmark_uitest.js',
+ ]
+ elif self.test_package.test_suite_basename == 'page_cycler_tests':
+ data = [
+ 'tools/page_cycler',
+ 'data/page_cycler',
+ ]
+ for d in data:
+ if not os.path.exists(d):
+ raise Exception('Page cycler data not found.')
+ return data
+ elif self.test_package.test_suite_basename == 'webkit_unit_tests':
+ return [
+ 'third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/tests/data',
+ ]
+ return []
+ def LaunchHelperToolsForTestSuite(self):
+ """Launches helper tools for the test suite.
+ Sometimes one test may need to run some helper tools first in order to
+ successfully complete the test.
+ """
+ document_root = self._GetHttpServerDocumentRootForTestSuite()
+ if document_root:
+ self.LaunchTestHttpServer(document_root)
+ if self._TestSuiteRequiresMockTestServer():
+ self.LaunchChromeTestServerSpawner()
+ def StripAndCopyFiles(self):
+ """Strips and copies the required data files for the test suite."""
+ self.test_package.StripAndCopyExecutable()
+ self.test_package.tool.CopyFiles()
+ test_data = self.GetDataFilesForTestSuite()
+ if test_data:
+ if self.test_package.test_suite_basename == 'page_cycler_tests':
+ # Since the test data for page cycler are huge (around 200M), we use
+ # sdcard to store the data and create symbol links to map them to
+ # data/local/tmp/ later.
+ self.CopyTestData(test_data, '/sdcard/')
+ for p in [os.path.dirname(d) for d in test_data if os.path.isdir(d)]:
+ mapped_device_path = '/data/local/tmp/' + p
+ # Unlink the mapped_device_path at first in case it was mapped to
+ # a wrong path. Add option '-r' becuase the old path could be a dir.
+ self.adb.RunShellCommand('rm -r %s' % mapped_device_path)
+ self.adb.RunShellCommand(
+ 'ln -s /sdcard/%s %s' % (p, mapped_device_path))
+ else:
+ self.CopyTestData(test_data, '/data/local/tmp/')
+ def RunTestsWithFilter(self):
+ """Runs a tests via a small, temporary shell script."""
+ self.test_package.CreateTestRunnerScript(self._gtest_filter,
+ self._test_arguments)
+ self.test_results = self.test_package.RunTestsAndListResults()
+ def RebaselineTests(self):
+ """Runs all available tests, restarting in case of failures."""
+ if self._gtest_filter:
+ all_tests = set(self._gtest_filter.split(':'))
+ else:
+ all_tests = set(self.test_package.GetAllTests())
+ failed_results = set()
+ executed_results = set()
+ while True:
+ executed_names = set([ for f in executed_results])
+ self._gtest_filter = ':'.join(all_tests - executed_names)
+ self.RunTestsWithFilter()
+ failed_results.update(self.test_results.crashed,
+ self.test_results.failed)
+ executed_results.update(self.test_results.crashed,
+ self.test_results.failed,
+ self.test_results.ok)
+ executed_names = set([ for f in executed_results])
+'*' * 80)
+'Executed: ' + str(len(executed_names)) + ' of ' +
+ str(len(all_tests)))
+'Failed so far: ' + str(len(failed_results)) + ' ' +
+ str([ for f in failed_results]))
+'Remaining: ' + str(len(all_tests - executed_names)) + ' ' +
+ str(all_tests - executed_names))
+'*' * 80)
+ if executed_names == all_tests:
+ break
+ self.test_results = TestResults.FromOkAndFailed(list(executed_results -
+ failed_results),
+ list(failed_results))
+ def _RunTestsForSuiteInternal(self):
+ """Runs all tests (in rebaseline mode, run each test in isolation).
+ Returns:
+ A TestResults object.
+ """
+ if self.test_package.rebaseline:
+ self.RebaselineTests()
+ else:
+ if not self._gtest_filter:
+ self._gtest_filter = ('-' + ':'.join(self.GetDisabledTests()) + ':' +
+ ':'.join(['*.' + x + '*' for x in
+ self.test_package.GetDisabledPrefixes()]))
+ self.RunTestsWithFilter()
+ def SetUp(self):
+ """Sets up necessary test enviroment for the test suite."""
+ super(SingleTestRunner, self).SetUp()
+ if self.test_package.performance_test:
+ if run_tests_helper.IsRunningAsBuildbot():
+ self.adb.SetJavaAssertsEnabled(enable=False)
+ self.adb.Reboot(full_reboot=False)
+ self.adb.SetupPerformanceTest()
+ if self.dump_debug_info:
+ self.dump_debug_info.StartRecordingLog(True)
+ self.StripAndCopyFiles()
+ self.LaunchHelperToolsForTestSuite()
+ self.test_package.tool.SetupEnvironment()
+ def TearDown(self):
+ """Cleans up the test enviroment for the test suite."""
+ super(SingleTestRunner, self).TearDown()
+ self.test_package.tool.CleanUpEnvironment()
+ if self.test_package.cleanup_test_files:
+ self.adb.RemovePushedFiles()
+ if self.dump_debug_info:
+ self.dump_debug_info.StopRecordingLog()
+ if self.test_package.performance_test:
+ self.adb.TearDownPerformanceTest()
+ def RunTests(self):
+ """Runs the tests and cleans up the files once finished.
+ Returns:
+ A TestResults object.
+ """
+ self.SetUp()
+ try:
+ self._RunTestsForSuiteInternal()
+ finally:
+ self.TearDown()
+ return self.test_results
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc35a0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/android/
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+import logging
+import re
+import os
+import pexpect
+from perf_tests_helper import PrintPerfResult
+from test_result import BaseTestResult, TestResults
+from valgrind_tools import CreateTool
+# TODO(bulach): TestPackage, TestPackageExecutable and
+# TestPackageApk are a work in progress related to making the native tests
+# run as a NDK-app from an APK rather than a stand-alone executable.
+class TestPackage(object):
+ """A helper base class for both APK and stand-alone executables.
+ Args:
+ adb: ADB interface the tests are using.
+ device: Device to run the tests.
+ test_suite: A specific test suite to run, empty to run all.
+ timeout: Timeout for each test.
+ rebaseline: Whether or not to run tests in isolation and update the filter.
+ performance_test: Whether or not performance test(s).
+ cleanup_test_files: Whether or not to cleanup test files on device.
+ tool: Name of the Valgrind tool.
+ dump_debug_info: A debug_info object.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, adb, device, test_suite, timeout, rebaseline,
+ performance_test, cleanup_test_files, tool, dump_debug_info):
+ self.adb = adb
+ self.device = device
+ self.test_suite = os.path.splitext(test_suite)[0]
+ self.test_suite_basename = os.path.basename(self.test_suite)
+ self.test_suite_dirname = os.path.dirname(self.test_suite)
+ self.rebaseline = rebaseline
+ self._performance_test = performance_test
+ self.cleanup_test_files = cleanup_test_files
+ self.tool = CreateTool(tool, self.adb)
+ if timeout == 0:
+ if self.test_suite_basename == 'page_cycler_tests':
+ timeout = 900
+ else:
+ timeout = 60
+ self.timeout = timeout * self.tool.GetTimeoutScale()
+ self.dump_debug_info = dump_debug_info
+ def _BeginGetIOStats(self):
+ """Gets I/O statistics before running test.
+ Return:
+ Tuple of (I/O stats object, flag of ready to continue). When encountering
+ error, ready-to-continue flag is False, True otherwise. The I/O stats
+ object may be None if the test is not performance test.
+ """
+ initial_io_stats = None
+ # Try to get the disk I/O statistics for all performance tests.
+ if self._performance_test and not self.rebaseline:
+ initial_io_stats = self.adb.GetIoStats()
+ # Get rid of the noise introduced by launching Chrome for page cycler.
+ if self.test_suite_basename == 'page_cycler_tests':
+ try:
+ chrome_launch_done_re = re.compile(
+ re.escape('Finish waiting for browser launch!'))
+ self.adb.WaitForLogMatch(chrome_launch_done_re)
+ initial_io_stats = self.adb.GetIoStats()
+ except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
+ logging.error('Test terminated because Chrome launcher has no'
+ 'response after 120 second.')
+ return (None, False)
+ finally:
+ if self.dump_debug_info:
+ self.dump_debug_info.TakeScreenshot('_Launch_Chrome_')
+ return (initial_io_stats, True)
+ def _EndGetIOStats(self, initial_io_stats):
+ """Gets I/O statistics after running test and calcuate the I/O delta.
+ Args:
+ initial_io_stats: I/O stats object got from _BeginGetIOStats.
+ Return:
+ String for formated diso I/O statistics.
+ """
+ disk_io = ''
+ if self._performance_test and initial_io_stats:
+ final_io_stats = self.adb.GetIoStats()
+ for stat in final_io_stats:
+ disk_io += '\n' + PrintPerfResult(stat, stat,
+ [final_io_stats[stat] -
+ initial_io_stats[stat]],
+ stat.split('_')[1], True, False)
+ return disk_io
+ def GetDisabledPrefixes(self):
+ return ['DISABLED_', 'FLAKY_', 'FAILS_']
+ def _ParseGTestListTests(self, all_tests):
+ ret = []
+ current = ''
+ disabled_prefixes = self.GetDisabledPrefixes()
+ for test in all_tests:
+ if not test:
+ continue
+ if test[0] != ' ':
+ current = test
+ continue
+ if 'YOU HAVE' in test:
+ break
+ test_name = test[2:]
+ if not any([test_name.startswith(x) for x in disabled_prefixes]):
+ ret += [current + test_name]
+ return ret
+ def _WatchTestOutput(self, p):
+ """Watches the test output.
+ Args:
+ p: the process generating output as created by pexpect.spawn.
+ """
+ ok_tests = []
+ failed_tests = []
+ re_run = re.compile('\[ RUN \] ?(.*)\r\n')
+ re_fail = re.compile('\[ FAILED \] ?(.*)\r\n')
+ re_ok = re.compile('\[ OK \] ?(.*)\r\n')
+ (io_stats_before, ready_to_continue) = self._BeginGetIOStats()
+ while ready_to_continue:
+ found = p.expect([re_run, pexpect.EOF], timeout=self.timeout)
+ if found == 1: # matched pexpect.EOF
+ break
+ if self.dump_debug_info:
+ self.dump_debug_info.TakeScreenshot('_Test_Start_Run_')
+ full_test_name =
+ found = p.expect([re_ok, re_fail, pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT],
+ timeout=self.timeout)
+ if found == 0: # re_ok
+ ok_tests += [BaseTestResult(full_test_name.replace('\r', ''),
+ p.before)]
+ continue
+ failed_tests += [BaseTestResult(full_test_name.replace('\r', ''),
+ p.before)]
+ if found >= 2:
+ # The test crashed / bailed out (i.e., didn't print OK or FAIL).
+ if found == 3: # pexpect.TIMEOUT
+ logging.error('Test terminated after %d second timeout.',
+ self.timeout)
+ break
+ p.close()
+ if not self.rebaseline and ready_to_continue:
+ ok_tests += self._EndGetIOStats(io_stats_before)
+ ret_code = self._GetGTestReturnCode()
+ if ret_code:
+ failed_tests += [BaseTestResult('gtest exit code: %d' % ret_code,
+ 'pexpect.before: %s'
+ '\npexpect.after: %s'
+ % (p.before,
+ p.after))]
+ return TestResults.FromOkAndFailed(ok_tests, failed_tests)
diff --git a/build/android/ b/build/android/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6390735
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/android/
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+import logging
+import os
+import pexpect
+import shutil
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import cmd_helper
+from test_package import TestPackage
+class TestPackageExecutable(TestPackage):
+ """A helper class for running stand-alone executables."""
+ _TEST_RUNNER_RET_VAL_FILE = '/data/local/tmp/gtest_retval'
+ def __init__(self, adb, device, test_suite, timeout, rebaseline,
+ performance_test, cleanup_test_files, tool, dump_debug_info,
+ symbols_dir=None):
+ """
+ Args:
+ adb: ADB interface the tests are using.
+ device: Device to run the tests.
+ test_suite: A specific test suite to run, empty to run all.
+ timeout: Timeout for each test.
+ rebaseline: Whether or not to run tests in isolation and update the
+ filter.
+ performance_test: Whether or not performance test(s).
+ cleanup_test_files: Whether or not to cleanup test files on device.
+ tool: Name of the Valgrind tool.
+ dump_debug_info: A debug_info object.
+ symbols_dir: Directory to put the stripped binaries.
+ """
+ TestPackage.__init__(self, adb, device, test_suite, timeout,
+ rebaseline, performance_test, cleanup_test_files,
+ tool, dump_debug_info)
+ self.symbols_dir = symbols_dir
+ def _GetGTestReturnCode(self):
+ ret = None
+ ret_code_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
+ try:
+ if not self.adb.Adb().Pull(
+ TestPackageExecutable._TEST_RUNNER_RET_VAL_FILE,
+ logging.critical('Unable to pull gtest ret val file %s',
+ raise ValueError
+ ret_code = file(
+ ret = int(ret_code)
+ except ValueError:
+ logging.critical('Error reading gtest ret val file %s [%s]',
+, ret_code)
+ ret = 1
+ return ret
+ def _AddNativeCoverageExports(self):
+ # export GCOV_PREFIX set the path for native coverage results
+ # export GCOV_PREFIX_STRIP indicates how many initial directory
+ # names to strip off the hardwired absolute paths.
+ # This value is calculated in and
+ # depends on where the tree is built.
+ # Ex: /usr/local/google/code/chrome will become
+ # /code/chrome if GCOV_PREFIX_STRIP=3
+ try:
+ depth = os.environ['NATIVE_COVERAGE_DEPTH_STRIP']
+ except KeyError:
+ 'No native coverage.')
+ return ''
+ export_string = 'export GCOV_PREFIX="/data/local/gcov"\n'
+ export_string += 'export GCOV_PREFIX_STRIP=%s\n' % depth
+ return export_string
+ def GetAllTests(self):
+ """Returns a list of all tests available in the test suite."""
+ all_tests = self.adb.RunShellCommand(
+ '/data/local/%s --gtest_list_tests' % self.test_suite_basename)
+ return self._ParseGTestListTests(all_tests)
+ def CreateTestRunnerScript(self, gtest_filter, test_arguments):
+ """Creates a test runner script and pushes to the device.
+ Args:
+ gtest_filter: A gtest_filter flag.
+ test_arguments: Additional arguments to pass to the test binary.
+ """
+ tool_wrapper = self.tool.GetTestWrapper()
+ sh_script_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
+ # We need to capture the exit status from the script since adb shell won't
+ # propagate to us.
+ sh_script_file.write('cd /data/local\n'
+ '%s'
+ '%s /data/local/%s --gtest_filter=%s %s\n'
+ 'echo $? > %s' %
+ (self._AddNativeCoverageExports(),
+ tool_wrapper, self.test_suite_basename,
+ gtest_filter, test_arguments,
+ TestPackageExecutable._TEST_RUNNER_RET_VAL_FILE))
+ sh_script_file.flush()
+ cmd_helper.RunCmd(['chmod', '+x',])
+ self.adb.PushIfNeeded(,
+ '/data/local/')
+ def RunTestsAndListResults(self):
+ """Runs all the tests and checks for failures.
+ Returns:
+ A TestResults object.
+ """
+ args = ['adb', '-s', self.device, 'shell', 'sh',
+ '/data/local/']
+ p = pexpect.spawn(args[0], args[1:], logfile=sys.stdout)
+ return self._WatchTestOutput(p)
+ def StripAndCopyExecutable(self):
+ """Strips and copies the executable to the device."""
+ if self.tool.NeedsDebugInfo():
+ target_name = self.test_suite
+ elif self.test_suite_basename == 'webkit_unit_tests':
+ # webkit_unit_tests has been stripped in build step.
+ target_name = self.test_suite
+ else:
+ target_name = self.test_suite + '_' + self.device + '_stripped'
+ should_strip = True
+ if os.path.isfile(target_name):
+'Found target file %s' % target_name)
+ target_mtime = os.stat(target_name).st_mtime
+ source_mtime = os.stat(self.test_suite).st_mtime
+ if target_mtime > source_mtime:
+'Target mtime (%d) is newer than source (%d), assuming '
+ 'no change.' % (target_mtime, source_mtime))
+ should_strip = False
+ if should_strip:
+'Did not find up-to-date stripped binary. Generating a '
+ 'new one (%s).' % target_name)
+ # Whenever we generate a stripped binary, copy to the symbols dir. If we
+ # aren't stripping a new binary, assume it's there.
+ if self.symbols_dir:
+ if not os.path.exists(self.symbols_dir):
+ os.makedirs(self.symbols_dir)
+ shutil.copy(self.test_suite, self.symbols_dir)
+ strip = os.environ['STRIP']
+ cmd_helper.RunCmd([strip, self.test_suite, '-o', target_name])
+ test_binary = '/data/local/' + self.test_suite_basename
+ self.adb.PushIfNeeded(target_name, test_binary)
diff --git a/build/android/ b/build/android/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5b0dc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/android/
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+import logging
+# Language values match constants in Sponge protocol buffer (sponge.proto).
+JAVA = 5
+class BaseTestResult(object):
+ """A single result from a unit test."""
+ def __init__(self, name, log):
+ = name
+ self.log = log
+class SingleTestResult(BaseTestResult):
+ """Result information for a single test.
+ Args:
+ full_name: Full name of the test.
+ start_date: Date in milliseconds when the test began running.
+ dur: Duration of the test run in milliseconds.
+ lang: Language of the test (JAVA or PYTHON).
+ log: An optional string listing any errors.
+ error: A tuple of a short error message and a longer version used by Sponge
+ if test resulted in a fail or error. An empty tuple implies a pass.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, full_name, start_date, dur, lang, log='', error=()):
+ BaseTestResult.__init__(self, full_name, log)
+ name_pieces = full_name.rsplit('#')
+ if len(name_pieces) > 0:
+ self.test_name = name_pieces[1]
+ self.class_name = name_pieces[0]
+ else:
+ self.class_name = full_name
+ self.test_name = full_name
+ self.start_date = start_date
+ self.dur = dur
+ self.error = error
+ self.lang = lang
+class TestResults(object):
+ """Results of a test run."""
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.ok = []
+ self.failed = []
+ self.crashed = []
+ self.unknown = []
+ self.disabled = []
+ self.unexpected_pass = []
+ @staticmethod
+ def FromOkAndFailed(ok, failed):
+ ret = TestResults()
+ ret.ok = ok
+ ret.failed = failed
+ return ret
+ @staticmethod
+ def FromTestResults(results):
+ """Combines a list of results in a single TestResults object."""
+ ret = TestResults()
+ for t in results:
+ ret.ok += t.ok
+ ret.failed += t.failed
+ ret.crashed += t.crashed
+ ret.unknown += t.unknown
+ ret.disabled += t.disabled
+ ret.unexpected_pass += t.unexpected_pass
+ return ret
+ def _Log(self, sorted_list):
+ for t in sorted_list:
+ logging.critical(
+ if t.log:
+ logging.critical(t.log)
+ def GetAllBroken(self):
+ """Returns the all broken tests including failed, crashed, unknown."""
+ return self.failed + self.crashed + self.unknown
+ def LogFull(self):
+ """Output all broken tests or 'passed' if none broken"""
+ logging.critical('*' * 80)
+ logging.critical('Final result')
+ if self.failed:
+ logging.critical('Failed:')
+ self._Log(sorted(self.failed))
+ if self.crashed:
+ logging.critical('Crashed:')
+ self._Log(sorted(self.crashed))
+ if self.unknown:
+ logging.critical('Unknown:')
+ self._Log(sorted(self.unknown))
+ if not self.GetAllBroken():
+ logging.critical('Passed')
+ logging.critical('*' * 80)