diff options
4 files changed, 242 insertions, 231 deletions
diff --git a/webkit/port/platform/chromium/RenderThemeGtk.cpp b/webkit/port/platform/chromium/RenderThemeGtk.cpp
index ac5408d..3da24b0 100644
--- a/webkit/port/platform/chromium/RenderThemeGtk.cpp
+++ b/webkit/port/platform/chromium/RenderThemeGtk.cpp
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
#include "RenderThemeGtk.h"
#include "AffineTransform.h"
+#include "ChromiumBridge.h"
#include "CSSValueKeywords.h"
#include "GraphicsContext.h"
#include "NotImplemented.h"
@@ -41,20 +42,6 @@ static Color makeColor(const GdkColor& c)
return Color(makeRGB( >> 8, >> 8, >> 8));
-RenderTheme* theme()
- static RenderThemeGtk gtkTheme;
- return &gtkTheme;
- : m_gtkWindow(0)
- , m_gtkContainer(0)
- , m_gtkEntry(0)
- , m_gtkTreeView(0)
static bool supportsFocus(ControlPart appearance)
switch (appearance) {
@@ -72,25 +59,6 @@ static bool supportsFocus(ControlPart appearance)
-bool RenderThemeGtk::supportsFocusRing(const RenderStyle* style) const
- return supportsFocus(style->appearance());
-bool RenderThemeGtk::controlSupportsTints(const RenderObject* o) const
- return isEnabled(o);
-int RenderThemeGtk::baselinePosition(const RenderObject* o) const
- // FIXME: This strategy is possibly incorrect for the GTK+ port.
- if (o->style()->appearance() == CheckboxPart||
- o->style()->appearance() == RadioPart)
- return o->marginTop() + o->height() - 2;
- return RenderTheme::baselinePosition(o);
static GtkTextDirection gtkTextDirection(TextDirection direction)
switch (direction) {
@@ -190,16 +158,6 @@ static bool paintMozWidget(RenderTheme* theme, GtkThemeWidgetType type, RenderOb
return r;
-static void setButtonPadding(RenderStyle* style)
- // FIXME: This looks incorrect.
- const int padding = 8;
- style->setPaddingLeft(Length(padding, Fixed));
- style->setPaddingRight(Length(padding, Fixed));
- style->setPaddingTop(Length(padding / 2, Fixed));
- style->setPaddingBottom(Length(padding / 2, Fixed));
static void setToggleSize(RenderStyle* style, ControlPart appearance)
// The width and height are both specified, so we shouldn't change them.
@@ -232,135 +190,31 @@ static void setToggleSize(RenderStyle* style, ControlPart appearance)
style->setHeight(Length(length, Fixed));
-void RenderThemeGtk::setCheckboxSize(RenderStyle* style) const
- setToggleSize(style, RadioPart);
-bool RenderThemeGtk::paintCheckbox(RenderObject* o, const RenderObject::PaintInfo& i, const IntRect& rect)
- return paintMozWidget(this, MOZ_GTK_CHECKBUTTON, o, i, rect);
-void RenderThemeGtk::setRadioSize(RenderStyle* style) const
- setToggleSize(style, RadioPart);
-bool RenderThemeGtk::paintRadio(RenderObject* o, const RenderObject::PaintInfo& i, const IntRect& rect)
- return paintMozWidget(this, MOZ_GTK_RADIOBUTTON, o, i, rect);
-void RenderThemeGtk::adjustButtonStyle(CSSStyleSelector* selector, RenderStyle* style, WebCore::Element* e) const
- // FIXME: Is this condition necessary?
- if (style->appearance() == PushButtonPart) {
- style->resetBorder();
- style->setHeight(Length(Auto));
- style->setWhiteSpace(PRE);
- setButtonPadding(style);
- } else {
- // FIXME: This should not be hard-coded.
- style->setMinHeight(Length(14, Fixed));
- style->resetBorderTop();
- style->resetBorderBottom();
- }
-bool RenderThemeGtk::paintButton(RenderObject* o, const RenderObject::PaintInfo& i, const IntRect& rect)
- return paintMozWidget(this, MOZ_GTK_BUTTON, o, i, rect);
-void RenderThemeGtk::adjustMenuListStyle(CSSStyleSelector* selector, RenderStyle* style, WebCore::Element* e) const
- style->resetBorder();
- style->resetPadding();
- style->setHeight(Length(Auto));
- style->setWhiteSpace(PRE);
- adjustMozStyle(style, MOZ_GTK_DROPDOWN);
-bool RenderThemeGtk::paintMenuList(RenderObject* o, const RenderObject::PaintInfo& i, const IntRect& rect)
- return paintMozWidget(this, MOZ_GTK_DROPDOWN, o, i, rect);
-void RenderThemeGtk::adjustTextFieldStyle(CSSStyleSelector* selector, RenderStyle* style, Element* e) const
- style->resetBorder();
- style->resetPadding();
- style->setHeight(Length(Auto));
- style->setWhiteSpace(PRE);
- adjustMozStyle(style, MOZ_GTK_ENTRY);
-bool RenderThemeGtk::paintTextField(RenderObject* o, const RenderObject::PaintInfo& i, const IntRect& rect)
- return paintMozWidget(this, MOZ_GTK_ENTRY, o, i, rect);
-void RenderThemeGtk::adjustTextAreaStyle(CSSStyleSelector* selector, RenderStyle* style, Element* e) const
- adjustTextFieldStyle(selector, style, e);
-bool RenderThemeGtk::paintTextArea(RenderObject* o, const RenderObject::PaintInfo& i, const IntRect& r)
- return paintTextField(o, i, r);
-void RenderThemeGtk::adjustSearchFieldResultsButtonStyle(CSSStyleSelector* selector, RenderStyle* style, Element* e) const
- adjustSearchFieldCancelButtonStyle(selector, style, e);
-bool RenderThemeGtk::paintSearchFieldResultsButton(RenderObject* o, const RenderObject::PaintInfo& i, const IntRect& rect)
- return paintMozWidget(this, MOZ_GTK_DROPDOWN_ARROW, o, i, rect);
-void RenderThemeGtk::adjustSearchFieldResultsDecorationStyle(CSSStyleSelector* selector, RenderStyle* style, Element* e) const
- style->resetBorder();
- style->resetPadding();
- // FIXME: This should not be hard-coded.
- IntSize size = IntSize(14, 14);
- style->setWidth(Length(size.width(), Fixed));
- style->setHeight(Length(size.height(), Fixed));
-bool RenderThemeGtk::paintSearchFieldResultsDecoration(RenderObject* o, const RenderObject::PaintInfo& i, const IntRect& rect)
+static void gtkStyleSetCallback(GtkWidget* widget, GtkStyle* previous, RenderTheme* renderTheme)
- return paintMozWidget(this, MOZ_GTK_CHECKMENUITEM, o, i, rect);
+ // FIXME: Make sure this function doesn't get called many times for a single GTK+ style change signal.
+ renderTheme->platformColorsDidChange();
-void RenderThemeGtk::adjustSearchFieldCancelButtonStyle(CSSStyleSelector* selector, RenderStyle* style, Element* e) const
- style->resetBorder();
- style->resetPadding();
- // FIXME: This should not be hard-coded.
- IntSize size = IntSize(14, 14);
- style->setWidth(Length(size.width(), Fixed));
- style->setHeight(Length(size.height(), Fixed));
-bool RenderThemeGtk::paintSearchFieldCancelButton(RenderObject* o, const RenderObject::PaintInfo& i, const IntRect& rect)
+// Implement WebCore::theme() for getting the global RenderTheme.
+RenderTheme* theme()
- return paintMozWidget(this, MOZ_GTK_CHECKMENUITEM, o, i, rect);
+ static RenderThemeGtk gtkTheme;
+ return &gtkTheme;
-void RenderThemeGtk::adjustSearchFieldStyle(CSSStyleSelector* selector, RenderStyle* style, Element* e) const
+ : m_gtkWindow(0)
+ , m_gtkContainer(0)
+ , m_gtkEntry(0)
+ , m_gtkTreeView(0)
- adjustTextFieldStyle(selector, style, e);
-bool RenderThemeGtk::paintSearchField(RenderObject* o, const RenderObject::PaintInfo& i, const IntRect& rect)
+bool RenderThemeGtk::supportsFocusRing(const RenderStyle* style) const
- return paintTextField(o, i, rect);
+ return supportsFocus(style->appearance());
Color RenderThemeGtk::platformActiveSelectionBackgroundColor() const
@@ -387,32 +241,13 @@ Color RenderThemeGtk::platformInactiveSelectionForegroundColor() const
return makeColor(widget->style->text[GTK_STATE_ACTIVE]);
-Color RenderThemeGtk::activeListBoxSelectionBackgroundColor() const
- GtkWidget* widget = gtkTreeView();
- return makeColor(widget->style->base[GTK_STATE_SELECTED]);
-Color RenderThemeGtk::inactiveListBoxSelectionBackgroundColor() const
- GtkWidget* widget = gtkTreeView();
- return makeColor(widget->style->base[GTK_STATE_ACTIVE]);
-Color RenderThemeGtk::activeListBoxSelectionForegroundColor() const
- GtkWidget* widget = gtkTreeView();
- return makeColor(widget->style->text[GTK_STATE_SELECTED]);
-Color RenderThemeGtk::inactiveListBoxSelectionForegroundColor() const
- GtkWidget* widget = gtkTreeView();
- return makeColor(widget->style->text[GTK_STATE_ACTIVE]);
double RenderThemeGtk::caretBlinkFrequency() const
+ // Disable the blinking caret in layout test mode, as it introduces
+ // a race condition for the pixel tests. http://b/1198440
+ if (ChromiumBridge::layoutTestMode())
+ return 0;
GtkSettings* settings = gtk_settings_get_default();
gboolean shouldBlink;
@@ -464,10 +299,21 @@ void RenderThemeGtk::systemFont(int propId, Document*, FontDescription& fontDesc
// Only update if we can determine the right size.
if (pixelscale && size) {
- fontDescription.firstFamily().setFamily(
- pango_font_description_get_family(pangoFontDesc));
- fontDescription.setSpecifiedSize((float)size * pixelscale);
+ // NOTE(deanm): Windows hardcodes to Lucida Grande when in
+ // layout test mode, but this is a mac font so really it
+ // falls back on Times New Roman.
+ if (ChromiumBridge::layoutTestMode()) {
+ fontDescription.firstFamily().setFamily("Times New Roman");
+ fontDescription.setSpecifiedSize(11);
+ } else {
+ fontDescription.firstFamily().setFamily(
+ pango_font_description_get_family(pangoFontDesc));
+ fontDescription.setSpecifiedSize((float)size * pixelscale);
+ }
+ fontDescription.setGenericFamily(FontDescription::NoFamily);
+ fontDescription.setWeight(FontWeightNormal);
+ fontDescription.setItalic(false);
@@ -496,23 +342,166 @@ void RenderThemeGtk::systemFont(int propId, Document*, FontDescription& fontDesc
-static void gtkStyleSetCallback(GtkWidget* widget, GtkStyle* previous, RenderTheme* renderTheme)
+bool RenderThemeGtk::paintCheckbox(RenderObject* o, const RenderObject::PaintInfo& i, const IntRect& rect)
- // FIXME: Make sure this function doesn't get called many times for a single GTK+ style change signal.
- renderTheme->platformColorsDidChange();
+ return paintMozWidget(this, MOZ_GTK_CHECKBUTTON, o, i, rect);
-GtkContainer* RenderThemeGtk::gtkContainer() const
+void RenderThemeGtk::setCheckboxSize(RenderStyle* style) const
- if (m_gtkContainer)
- return m_gtkContainer;
+ setToggleSize(style, RadioPart);
- m_gtkWindow = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_POPUP);
- m_gtkContainer = GTK_CONTAINER(gtk_fixed_new());
- gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(m_gtkWindow), GTK_WIDGET(m_gtkContainer));
- gtk_widget_realize(m_gtkWindow);
+bool RenderThemeGtk::paintRadio(RenderObject* o, const RenderObject::PaintInfo& i, const IntRect& rect)
+ return paintMozWidget(this, MOZ_GTK_RADIOBUTTON, o, i, rect);
- return m_gtkContainer;
+void RenderThemeGtk::setRadioSize(RenderStyle* style) const
+ setToggleSize(style, RadioPart);
+bool RenderThemeGtk::paintButton(RenderObject* o, const RenderObject::PaintInfo& i, const IntRect& rect)
+ return paintMozWidget(this, MOZ_GTK_BUTTON, o, i, rect);
+void RenderThemeGtk::adjustTextFieldStyle(CSSStyleSelector* selector, RenderStyle* style, Element* e) const
+ style->resetBorder();
+ style->resetPadding();
+ style->setHeight(Length(Auto));
+ style->setWhiteSpace(PRE);
+ adjustMozStyle(style, MOZ_GTK_ENTRY);
+bool RenderThemeGtk::paintTextField(RenderObject* o, const RenderObject::PaintInfo& i, const IntRect& rect)
+ return paintMozWidget(this, MOZ_GTK_ENTRY, o, i, rect);
+void RenderThemeGtk::adjustTextAreaStyle(CSSStyleSelector* selector, RenderStyle* style, Element* e) const
+ adjustTextFieldStyle(selector, style, e);
+bool RenderThemeGtk::paintTextArea(RenderObject* o, const RenderObject::PaintInfo& i, const IntRect& r)
+ return paintTextField(o, i, r);
+bool RenderThemeGtk::paintSearchField(RenderObject* o, const RenderObject::PaintInfo& i, const IntRect& rect)
+ return paintTextField(o, i, rect);
+bool RenderThemeGtk::paintSearchFieldResultsDecoration(RenderObject* o, const RenderObject::PaintInfo& i, const IntRect& rect)
+ return paintMozWidget(this, MOZ_GTK_CHECKMENUITEM, o, i, rect);
+bool RenderThemeGtk::paintSearchFieldResultsButton(RenderObject* o, const RenderObject::PaintInfo& i, const IntRect& rect)
+ return paintMozWidget(this, MOZ_GTK_DROPDOWN_ARROW, o, i, rect);
+bool RenderThemeGtk::paintSearchFieldCancelButton(RenderObject* o, const RenderObject::PaintInfo& i, const IntRect& rect)
+ return paintMozWidget(this, MOZ_GTK_CHECKMENUITEM, o, i, rect);
+void RenderThemeGtk::adjustMenuListStyle(CSSStyleSelector* selector, RenderStyle* style, WebCore::Element* e) const
+ style->resetBorder();
+ style->resetPadding();
+ style->setHeight(Length(Auto));
+ style->setWhiteSpace(PRE);
+ adjustMozStyle(style, MOZ_GTK_DROPDOWN);
+bool RenderThemeGtk::paintMenuList(RenderObject* o, const RenderObject::PaintInfo& i, const IntRect& rect)
+ return paintMozWidget(this, MOZ_GTK_DROPDOWN, o, i, rect);
+void RenderThemeGtk::adjustButtonInnerStyle(RenderStyle* style) const
+ // This inner padding matches Firefox.
+ style->setPaddingTop(Length(1, Fixed));
+ style->setPaddingRight(Length(3, Fixed));
+ style->setPaddingBottom(Length(1, Fixed));
+ style->setPaddingLeft(Length(3, Fixed));
+void RenderThemeGtk::adjustSearchFieldStyle(CSSStyleSelector* selector, RenderStyle* style, Element* e) const
+ adjustTextFieldStyle(selector, style, e);
+void RenderThemeGtk::adjustSearchFieldCancelButtonStyle(CSSStyleSelector* selector, RenderStyle* style, Element* e) const
+ style->resetBorder();
+ style->resetPadding();
+ // FIXME: This should not be hard-coded.
+ IntSize size = IntSize(14, 14);
+ style->setWidth(Length(size.width(), Fixed));
+ style->setHeight(Length(size.height(), Fixed));
+void RenderThemeGtk::adjustSearchFieldResultsDecorationStyle(CSSStyleSelector* selector, RenderStyle* style, Element* e) const
+ style->resetBorder();
+ style->resetPadding();
+ // FIXME: This should not be hard-coded.
+ IntSize size = IntSize(14, 14);
+ style->setWidth(Length(size.width(), Fixed));
+ style->setHeight(Length(size.height(), Fixed));
+void RenderThemeGtk::adjustSearchFieldResultsButtonStyle(CSSStyleSelector* selector, RenderStyle* style, Element* e) const
+ adjustSearchFieldCancelButtonStyle(selector, style, e);
+bool RenderThemeGtk::controlSupportsTints(const RenderObject* o) const
+ return isEnabled(o);
+int RenderThemeGtk::baselinePosition(const RenderObject* o) const
+ // FIXME: This strategy is possibly incorrect for the GTK+ port.
+ if (o->style()->appearance() == CheckboxPart||
+ o->style()->appearance() == RadioPart)
+ return o->marginTop() + o->height() - 2;
+ return RenderTheme::baselinePosition(o);
+Color RenderThemeGtk::activeListBoxSelectionBackgroundColor() const
+ GtkWidget* widget = gtkTreeView();
+ return makeColor(widget->style->base[GTK_STATE_SELECTED]);
+Color RenderThemeGtk::activeListBoxSelectionForegroundColor() const
+ GtkWidget* widget = gtkTreeView();
+ return makeColor(widget->style->text[GTK_STATE_SELECTED]);
+Color RenderThemeGtk::inactiveListBoxSelectionBackgroundColor() const
+ GtkWidget* widget = gtkTreeView();
+ return makeColor(widget->style->base[GTK_STATE_ACTIVE]);
+Color RenderThemeGtk::inactiveListBoxSelectionForegroundColor() const
+ GtkWidget* widget = gtkTreeView();
+ return makeColor(widget->style->text[GTK_STATE_ACTIVE]);
GtkWidget* RenderThemeGtk::gtkEntry() const
@@ -541,4 +530,17 @@ GtkWidget* RenderThemeGtk::gtkTreeView() const
return m_gtkTreeView;
+GtkContainer* RenderThemeGtk::gtkContainer() const
+ if (m_gtkContainer)
+ return m_gtkContainer;
+ m_gtkWindow = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_POPUP);
+ m_gtkContainer = GTK_CONTAINER(gtk_fixed_new());
+ gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(m_gtkWindow), GTK_WIDGET(m_gtkContainer));
+ gtk_widget_realize(m_gtkWindow);
+ return m_gtkContainer;
+} // namespace WebCore
diff --git a/webkit/port/platform/chromium/RenderThemeGtk.h b/webkit/port/platform/chromium/RenderThemeGtk.h
index 39247b3..2f69d48 100644
--- a/webkit/port/platform/chromium/RenderThemeGtk.h
+++ b/webkit/port/platform/chromium/RenderThemeGtk.h
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ namespace WebCore {
class RenderThemeGtk : public RenderTheme {
+ ~RenderThemeGtk() { }
// A method asking if the theme's controls actually care about redrawing when hovered.
virtual bool supportsHover(const RenderStyle*) const { return true; }
@@ -44,29 +45,12 @@ public:
// A method asking if the theme is able to draw the focus ring.
virtual bool supportsFocusRing(const RenderStyle*) const;
- // A method asking if the control changes its tint when the window has focus or not.
- virtual bool controlSupportsTints(const RenderObject*) const;
- // A general method asking if any control tinting is supported at all.
- virtual bool supportsControlTints() const { return true; }
- // A method to obtain the baseline position for a "leaf" control. This will only be used if a baseline
- // position cannot be determined by examining child content. Checkboxes and radio buttons are examples of
- // controls that need to do this.
- virtual int baselinePosition(const RenderObject*) const;
// The platform selection color.
virtual Color platformActiveSelectionBackgroundColor() const;
virtual Color platformInactiveSelectionBackgroundColor() const;
virtual Color platformActiveSelectionForegroundColor() const;
virtual Color platformInactiveSelectionForegroundColor() const;
- // List Box selection color
- virtual Color activeListBoxSelectionBackgroundColor() const;
- virtual Color activeListBoxSelectionForegroundColor() const;
- virtual Color inactiveListBoxSelectionBackgroundColor() const;
- virtual Color inactiveListBoxSelectionForegroundColor() const;
virtual double caretBlinkFrequency() const;
// System fonts.
@@ -78,7 +62,6 @@ public:
virtual bool paintRadio(RenderObject* o, const RenderObject::PaintInfo& i, const IntRect& r);
virtual void setRadioSize(RenderStyle* style) const;
- virtual void adjustButtonStyle(CSSStyleSelector*, RenderStyle*, Element*) const;
virtual bool paintButton(RenderObject*, const RenderObject::PaintInfo&, const IntRect&);
virtual void adjustTextFieldStyle(CSSStyleSelector*, RenderStyle*, Element*) const;
@@ -87,21 +70,47 @@ public:
virtual void adjustTextAreaStyle(CSSStyleSelector*, RenderStyle*, Element*) const;
virtual bool paintTextArea(RenderObject*, const RenderObject::PaintInfo&, const IntRect&);
+ virtual bool paintSearchField(RenderObject*, const RenderObject::PaintInfo&, const IntRect&);
+ virtual bool paintSearchFieldResultsDecoration(RenderObject*, const RenderObject::PaintInfo&, const IntRect&);
+ virtual bool paintSearchFieldResultsButton(RenderObject*, const RenderObject::PaintInfo&, const IntRect&);
+ virtual bool paintSearchFieldCancelButton(RenderObject*, const RenderObject::PaintInfo&, const IntRect&);
+ // MenuList refers to an unstyled menulist (meaning a menulist without
+ // background-color or border set) and MenuListButton refers to a styled
+ // menulist (a menulist with background-color or border set). They have
+ // this distinction to support showing aqua style themes whenever they
+ // possibly can, which is something we don't want to replicate.
+ //
+ // In short, we either go down the MenuList code path or the MenuListButton
+ // codepath. We never go down both. And in both cases, they render the
+ // entire menulist.
virtual void adjustMenuListStyle(CSSStyleSelector* selector, RenderStyle* style, Element* e) const;
virtual bool paintMenuList(RenderObject*, const RenderObject::PaintInfo&, const IntRect&);
- virtual void adjustSearchFieldResultsDecorationStyle(CSSStyleSelector*, RenderStyle*, Element*) const;
- virtual bool paintSearchFieldResultsDecoration(RenderObject*, const RenderObject::PaintInfo&, const IntRect&);
+ virtual void adjustButtonInnerStyle(RenderStyle* style) const;
virtual void adjustSearchFieldStyle(CSSStyleSelector*, RenderStyle*, Element*) const;
- virtual bool paintSearchField(RenderObject*, const RenderObject::PaintInfo&, const IntRect&);
+ virtual void adjustSearchFieldCancelButtonStyle(CSSStyleSelector*, RenderStyle*, Element*) const;
+ virtual void adjustSearchFieldResultsDecorationStyle(CSSStyleSelector*, RenderStyle*, Element*) const;
virtual void adjustSearchFieldResultsButtonStyle(CSSStyleSelector*, RenderStyle*, Element*) const;
- virtual bool paintSearchFieldResultsButton(RenderObject*, const RenderObject::PaintInfo&, const IntRect&);
- virtual void adjustSearchFieldCancelButtonStyle(CSSStyleSelector*, RenderStyle*, Element*) const;
- virtual bool paintSearchFieldCancelButton(RenderObject*, const RenderObject::PaintInfo&, const IntRect&);
+ // A method asking if the control changes its tint when the window has focus or not.
+ virtual bool controlSupportsTints(const RenderObject*) const;
+ // A general method asking if any control tinting is supported at all.
+ virtual bool supportsControlTints() const { return true; }
+ // A method to obtain the baseline position for a "leaf" control. This will only be used if a baseline
+ // position cannot be determined by examining child content. Checkboxes and radio buttons are examples of
+ // controls that need to do this.
+ virtual int baselinePosition(const RenderObject*) const;
+ // List Box selection color
+ virtual Color activeListBoxSelectionBackgroundColor() const;
+ virtual Color activeListBoxSelectionForegroundColor() const;
+ virtual Color inactiveListBoxSelectionBackgroundColor() const;
+ virtual Color inactiveListBoxSelectionForegroundColor() const;
diff --git a/webkit/tools/test_shell/ b/webkit/tools/test_shell/
index 4776a79..52cf2a0 100644
--- a/webkit/tools/test_shell/
+++ b/webkit/tools/test_shell/
@@ -78,19 +78,19 @@ void TestShell::InitializeTestShell(bool interactive) {
static const char *const fonts[] = {
- "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/Arial_Italic.ttf",
+ "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/Arial_Italic.ttf",
+ "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/Comic_Sans_MS.ttf",
+ "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/Comic_Sans_MS_Bold.ttf",
- "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/Courier_New_Italic.ttf",
+ "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/Courier_New_Italic.ttf",
+ "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/Impact.ttf",
- "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/Times_New_Roman_Italic.ttf",
- "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/Comic_Sans_MS.ttf",
- "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/Comic_Sans_MS_Bold.ttf",
- "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/Impact.ttf",
+ "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/Times_New_Roman_Italic.ttf",
for (size_t i = 0; fonts[i]; ++i) {
diff --git a/webkit/tools/test_shell/ b/webkit/tools/test_shell/
index 9d619ef..42e16fb 100644
--- a/webkit/tools/test_shell/
+++ b/webkit/tools/test_shell/
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
// 1) currently don't support GTK themes that use the GDK drawing APIs, and
// 2) need to use a unified theme for layout tests anyway.
- "gtk-theme-name", "ClearlooksClassic",
+ "gtk-theme-name", "Mist",