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1 files changed, 10 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/installer/setup/ b/chrome/installer/setup/
index 9db35e0..3341a06 100644
--- a/chrome/installer/setup/
+++ b/chrome/installer/setup/
@@ -486,13 +486,19 @@ installer_util::InstallStatus UninstallChrome(const CommandLine& cmd_line,
*version, remove_all, force);
-installer_util::InstallStatus ShowEULADialog() {
+installer_util::InstallStatus ShowEULADialog(const std::wstring& inner_frame) {
LOG(INFO) << "About to show EULA";
std::wstring eula_path = installer_util::GetLocalizedEulaResource();
if (eula_path.empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "No EULA path available";
return installer_util::EULA_REJECTED;
+ // Newer versions of the caller pass an inner frame parameter that must
+ // be given to the html page being launched.
+ if (!inner_frame.empty()) {
+ eula_path += L"?innerframe=";
+ eula_path += inner_frame;
+ }
installer::EulaHTMLDialog dlg(eula_path);
installer::EulaHTMLDialog::Outcome outcome = dlg.ShowModal();
if (installer::EulaHTMLDialog::REJECTED == outcome) {
@@ -545,7 +551,9 @@ int WINAPI wWinMain(HINSTANCE instance, HINSTANCE prev_instance,
// Check if we need to show the EULA. If it is passed as a command line
// then the dialog is shown and regardless of the outcome setup exits here.
if (parsed_command_line.HasSwitch(installer_util::switches::kShowEula)) {
- installer_util::InstallStatus eula = ShowEULADialog();
+ std::wstring inner_frame =
+ parsed_command_line.GetSwitchValue(installer_util::switches::kShowEula);
+ installer_util::InstallStatus eula = ShowEULADialog(inner_frame);
if (installer_util::EULA_REJECTED != eula)
return eula;