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1 files changed, 93 insertions, 40 deletions
diff --git a/webkit/port/bindings/v8/npruntime.cpp b/webkit/port/bindings/v8/npruntime.cpp
index 1ecb68c..427ea0c 100644
--- a/webkit/port/bindings/v8/npruntime.cpp
+++ b/webkit/port/bindings/v8/npruntime.cpp
@@ -26,21 +26,14 @@
#include "config.h"
-#include <map>
-#include <set>
-#include <string>
-#include <v8.h>
-#include "bindings/npruntime.h"
#include "NPV8Object.h"
#include "npruntime_priv.h"
#include "V8NPObject.h"
+#include <wtf/HashMap.h>
+#include <wtf/HashSet.h>
#include <wtf/Assertions.h>
-using namespace v8;
// FIXME: Consider removing locks if we're singlethreaded already.
// The static initializer here should work okay, but we want to avoid
// static initialization in general.
@@ -53,25 +46,85 @@ namespace {
// We use StringKey here as the key-type to avoid a string copy to
// construct the map key and for faster comparisons than strcmp.
-struct StringKey {
- StringKey(const char* str) : string(str), length(strlen(str)) {}
- const char* string;
- const size_t length;
+class StringKey {
+ public:
+ explicit StringKey(const char* str) : _string(str), _length(strlen(str)) {}
+ StringKey() : _string(0), _length(0) {}
+ explicit StringKey(WTF::HashTableDeletedValueType)
+ : _string(hashTableDeletedValue()), _length(0) { }
+ StringKey& operator=(const StringKey& other) {
+ this->_string = other._string;
+ this->_length = other._length;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ bool isHashTableDeletedValue() const {
+ return _string == hashTableDeletedValue();
+ }
+ const char* _string;
+ size_t _length;
+ private:
+ const char* hashTableDeletedValue() const {
+ return reinterpret_cast<const char*>(-1);
+ }
-inline bool operator<(const StringKey& x, const StringKey& y) {
- // Shorter strings are less than longer strings, memcmp breaks ties.
- if (x.length < y.length)
- return true;
- else if (x.length > y.length)
+inline bool operator==(const StringKey& x, const StringKey& y) {
+ if (x._length != y._length) {
return false;
- else
- return memcmp(x.string, y.string, y.length) < 0;
+ } else if (x._string == y._string) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ ASSERT(!x.isHashTableDeletedValue() && !y.isHashTableDeletedValue());
+ return memcmp(x._string, y._string, y._length) == 0;
+ }
+// Implement WTF::DefaultHash<StringKey>::Hash interface.
+struct StringKeyHash {
+ static unsigned hash(const StringKey& key) {
+ // Use the same string hash function as in V8.
+ unsigned hash = 0;
+ size_t len = key._length;
+ const char* str = key._string;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ char c = str[i];
+ hash += c;
+ hash += (hash << 10);
+ hash ^= (hash >> 6);
+ }
+ hash += (hash << 3);
+ hash ^= (hash >> 11);
+ hash += (hash << 15);
+ if (hash == 0) {
+ hash = 27;
+ }
+ return hash;
+ }
+ static bool equal(const StringKey& x, const StringKey& y) {
+ return x == y;
+ }
+ static const bool safeToCompareToEmptyOrDeleted = true;
} // namespace
-typedef std::map<const StringKey, PrivateIdentifier*> StringIdentifierMap;
+// Implement HashTraits<StringKey>
+struct StringKeyHashTraits : WTF::GenericHashTraits<StringKey> {
+ static void constructDeletedValue(StringKey& slot) {
+ new (&slot) StringKey(WTF::HashTableDeletedValue);
+ }
+ static bool isDeletedValue(const StringKey& value) {
+ return value.isHashTableDeletedValue();
+ }
+typedef WTF::HashMap<StringKey, PrivateIdentifier*, \
+ StringKeyHash, StringKeyHashTraits> StringIdentifierMap;
static StringIdentifierMap* getStringIdentifierMap() {
static StringIdentifierMap* stringIdentifierMap = 0;
@@ -83,7 +136,7 @@ static StringIdentifierMap* getStringIdentifierMap() {
// FIXME: Consider removing locks if we're singlethreaded already.
// static Lock IntIdentifierMapLock;
-typedef std::map<int, PrivateIdentifier*> IntIdentifierMap;
+typedef WTF::HashMap<int, PrivateIdentifier*> IntIdentifierMap;
static IntIdentifierMap* getIntIdentifierMap() {
static IntIdentifierMap* intIdentifierMap = 0;
@@ -106,7 +159,7 @@ NPIdentifier NPN_GetStringIdentifier(const NPUTF8* name) {
if (iter != identMap->end())
return static_cast<NPIdentifier>(iter->second);
- size_t nameLen = key.length;
+ size_t nameLen = key._length;
// We never release identifiers, so this dictionary will grow.
PrivateIdentifier* identifier = static_cast<PrivateIdentifier*>(
@@ -115,8 +168,8 @@ NPIdentifier NPN_GetStringIdentifier(const NPUTF8* name) {
memcpy(nameStorage, name, nameLen + 1);
identifier->isString = true;
identifier->value.string = reinterpret_cast<NPUTF8*>(nameStorage);
- key.string = nameStorage;
- (*identMap)[key] = identifier;
+ key._string = nameStorage;
+ identMap->set(key, identifier);
return (NPIdentifier)identifier;
@@ -146,7 +199,7 @@ NPIdentifier NPN_GetIntIdentifier(int32_t intid) {
identifier->isString = false;
identifier->value.number = intid;
- (*identMap)[intid] = identifier;
+ identMap->set(intid, identifier);
return (NPIdentifier)identifier;
@@ -276,9 +329,9 @@ void _NPN_InitializeVariantWithStringCopy(NPVariant* variant,
// Frame teardown to deactivate all objects associated
// with a particular plugin.
-typedef std::set<NPObject*> NPObjectSet;
-typedef std::map<NPObject*, NPObject*> NPObjectMap;
-typedef std::map<NPObject*, NPObjectSet*> NPRootObjectMap;
+typedef WTF::HashSet<NPObject*> NPObjectSet;
+typedef WTF::HashMap<NPObject*, NPObject*> NPObjectMap;
+typedef WTF::HashMap<NPObject*, NPObjectSet*> NPRootObjectMap;
// A map of live NPObjects with pointers to their Roots.
NPObjectMap g_live_objects;
@@ -298,7 +351,7 @@ void _NPN_RegisterObject(NPObject* obj, NPObject* owner) {
if (!owner) {
// Registering a new owner object.
ASSERT(g_root_objects.find(obj) == g_root_objects.end());
- g_root_objects[obj] = new NPObjectSet();
+ g_root_objects.set(obj, new NPObjectSet());
} else {
// Always associate this object with it's top-most parent.
// Since we always flatten, we only have to look up one level.
@@ -308,15 +361,15 @@ void _NPN_RegisterObject(NPObject* obj, NPObject* owner) {
parent = owner_entry->second;
if (parent) {
- owner = parent;
+ owner = parent;
ASSERT(g_root_objects.find(obj) == g_root_objects.end());
if (g_root_objects.find(owner) != g_root_objects.end())
- (g_root_objects[owner])->insert(obj);
+ g_root_objects.get(owner)->add(obj);
ASSERT(g_live_objects.find(obj) == g_live_objects.end());
- g_live_objects[obj] = owner;
+ g_live_objects.set(obj, owner);
void _NPN_UnregisterObject(NPObject* obj) {
@@ -330,18 +383,18 @@ void _NPN_UnregisterObject(NPObject* obj) {
if (owner == NULL) {
// Unregistering a owner object; also unregister it's descendants.
ASSERT(g_root_objects.find(obj) != g_root_objects.end());
- NPObjectSet* set = g_root_objects[obj];
+ NPObjectSet* set = g_root_objects.get(obj);
while (set->size() > 0) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
- size_t size = set->size();
+ int size = set->size();
NPObject* sub_object = *(set->begin());
// The sub-object should not be a owner!
ASSERT(g_root_objects.find(sub_object) == g_root_objects.end());
// First, unregister the object.
- set->erase(sub_object);
- g_live_objects.erase(sub_object);
+ set->remove(sub_object);
+ g_live_objects.remove(sub_object);
// Remove the JS references to the object.
@@ -349,18 +402,18 @@ void _NPN_UnregisterObject(NPObject* obj) {
ASSERT(set->size() < size);
delete set;
- g_root_objects.erase(obj);
+ g_root_objects.remove(obj);
} else {
NPRootObjectMap::iterator owner_entry = g_root_objects.find(owner);
if (owner_entry != g_root_objects.end()) {
NPObjectSet* list = owner_entry->second;
ASSERT(list->find(obj) != list->end());
- list->erase(obj);
+ list->remove(obj);
- g_live_objects.erase(obj);
+ g_live_objects.remove(obj);
bool _NPN_IsAlive(NPObject* obj) {