diff options
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 213 deletions
diff --git a/content/public/test/ b/content/public/test/
index bf7e3db..6efa0a6 100644
--- a/content/public/test/
+++ b/content/public/test/
@@ -424,155 +424,6 @@ void TitleWatcher::Observe(int type,
- : started_(false),
- port_(kDefaultWsPort),
- secure_(false) {
-#if defined(OS_POSIX)
- process_group_id_ = base::kNullProcessHandle;
-int TestWebSocketServer::UseRandomPort() {
- port_ = base::RandInt(1024, 65535);
- return port_;
-void TestWebSocketServer::UseTLS() {
- secure_ = true;
-bool TestWebSocketServer::Start(const FilePath& root_directory) {
- if (started_)
- return true;
- // Append CommandLine arguments after the server script, switches won't work.
- scoped_ptr<CommandLine> cmd_line(CreateWebSocketServerCommandLine());
- cmd_line->AppendArg("--server=start");
- cmd_line->AppendArg("--chromium");
- cmd_line->AppendArg("--register_cygwin");
- cmd_line->AppendArgNative(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("--root=") +
- root_directory.value());
- cmd_line->AppendArg("--port=" + base::IntToString(port_));
- if (secure_)
- cmd_line->AppendArg("--tls");
- if (!temp_dir_.CreateUniqueTempDir()) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to create a temporary directory.";
- return false;
- }
- cmd_line->AppendArgNative(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("--output-dir=") +
- temp_dir_.path().value());
- websocket_pid_file_ = temp_dir_.path().AppendASCII("");
- cmd_line->AppendArgNative(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("--pidfile=") +
- websocket_pid_file_.value());
- SetPythonPath();
- base::LaunchOptions options;
- base::ProcessHandle process_handle;
-#if defined(OS_POSIX)
- options.new_process_group = true;
-#elif defined(OS_WIN)
- job_handle_.Set(CreateJobObject(NULL, NULL));
- if (!job_handle_.IsValid()) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "Could not create JobObject.";
- return false;
- }
- if (!base::SetJobObjectAsKillOnJobClose(job_handle_.Get())) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "Could not SetInformationJobObject.";
- return false;
- }
- options.inherit_handles = true;
- options.job_handle = job_handle_.Get();
- // Launch a new WebSocket server process.
- if (!base::LaunchProcess(*cmd_line.get(), options, &process_handle)) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to launch websocket server:\n"
- << cmd_line.get()->GetCommandLineString();
- return false;
- }
-#if defined(OS_POSIX)
- process_group_id_ = process_handle;
- int exit_code;
- bool wait_success = base::WaitForExitCodeWithTimeout(
- process_handle,
- &exit_code,
- TestTimeouts::action_max_timeout());
- base::CloseProcessHandle(process_handle);
- if (!wait_success || exit_code != 0) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to run new-run-webkit-websocketserver: "
- << "wait_success = " << wait_success << ", "
- << "exit_code = " << exit_code << ", "
- << "command_line = " << cmd_line.get()->GetCommandLineString();
- return false;
- }
- started_ = true;
- return true;
-CommandLine* TestWebSocketServer::CreatePythonCommandLine() {
- // Note: Python's first argument must be the script; do not append CommandLine
- // switches, as they would precede the script path and break this CommandLine.
- CommandLine* cmd_line = new CommandLine(CommandLine::NO_PROGRAM);
- // TODO(phajdan.jr): Instead of CHECKing, return a boolean indicating success.
- CHECK(GetPythonCommand(cmd_line));
- return cmd_line;
-void TestWebSocketServer::SetPythonPath() {
- FilePath scripts_path;
- PathService::Get(base::DIR_SOURCE_ROOT, &scripts_path);
- scripts_path = scripts_path
- .Append(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("third_party"))
- .Append(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("WebKit"))
- .Append(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("Tools"))
- .Append(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("Scripts"));
- AppendToPythonPath(scripts_path);
-CommandLine* TestWebSocketServer::CreateWebSocketServerCommandLine() {
- FilePath src_path;
- // Get to 'src' dir.
- PathService::Get(base::DIR_SOURCE_ROOT, &src_path);
- FilePath script_path(src_path);
- script_path = script_path.AppendASCII("third_party");
- script_path = script_path.AppendASCII("WebKit");
- script_path = script_path.AppendASCII("Tools");
- script_path = script_path.AppendASCII("Scripts");
- script_path = script_path.AppendASCII("new-run-webkit-websocketserver");
- CommandLine* cmd_line = CreatePythonCommandLine();
- cmd_line->AppendArgPath(script_path);
- return cmd_line;
-TestWebSocketServer::~TestWebSocketServer() {
- if (!started_)
- return;
- // Append CommandLine arguments after the server script, switches won't work.
- scoped_ptr<CommandLine> cmd_line(CreateWebSocketServerCommandLine());
- cmd_line->AppendArg("--server=stop");
- cmd_line->AppendArg("--chromium");
- cmd_line->AppendArgNative(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("--pidfile=") +
- websocket_pid_file_.value());
- base::LaunchOptions options;
- options.wait = true;
- base::LaunchProcess(*cmd_line.get(), options, NULL);
-#if defined(OS_POSIX)
- // Just to make sure that the server process terminates certainly.
- if (process_group_id_ != base::kNullProcessHandle)
- base::KillProcessGroup(process_group_id_);
DOMMessageQueue::DOMMessageQueue() : waiting_for_message_(false) {
diff --git a/content/public/test/browser_test_utils.h b/content/public/test/browser_test_utils.h
index 09d84be..d86dff5 100644
--- a/content/public/test/browser_test_utils.h
+++ b/content/public/test/browser_test_utils.h
@@ -152,70 +152,6 @@ class TitleWatcher : public NotificationObserver {
-// This is a utility class for running a python websocket server
-// during tests. The server is started during the construction of the
-// object, and is stopped when the destructor is called. Note that
-// because of the underlying script that is used:
-// third_paty/WebKit/Tools/Scripts/new-run-webkit-websocketserver
-// Only * handlers found under "http/tests/websocket/tests" from the
-// |root_directory| will be found and active while running the test
-// server.
-class TestWebSocketServer {
- public:
- TestWebSocketServer();
- // Stops the python websocket server if it was already started.
- ~TestWebSocketServer();
- // Use a random port, useful for tests that are sharded. Returns the port.
- int UseRandomPort();
- // Serves with TLS.
- void UseTLS();
- // Starts the python websocket server using |root_directory|. Returns whether
- // the server was successfully started.
- bool Start(const FilePath& root_directory);
- private:
- // Sets up PYTHONPATH to run
- void SetPythonPath();
- // Creates a CommandLine for invoking the python interpreter.
- CommandLine* CreatePythonCommandLine();
- // Creates a CommandLine for invoking the python websocker server.
- CommandLine* CreateWebSocketServerCommandLine();
- // Has the server been started?
- bool started_;
- // A Scoped temporary directory for holding the python pid file.
- ScopedTempDir temp_dir_;
- // Used to close the same python interpreter when server falls out
- // scope.
- FilePath websocket_pid_file_;
-#if defined(OS_POSIX)
- // ProcessHandle used to terminate child process.
- base::ProcessHandle process_group_id_;
-#elif defined(OS_WIN)
- // JobObject used to clean up orphaned child process.
- base::win::ScopedHandle job_handle_;
- // Holds port number which the python websocket server uses.
- int port_;
- // If the python websocket server serves with TLS.
- bool secure_;
// Watches for responses from the DOMAutomationController and keeps them in a
// queue. Useful for waiting for a message to be received.
class DOMMessageQueue : public NotificationObserver {