diff options
5 files changed, 733 insertions, 114 deletions
diff --git a/base/scoped_vector.h b/base/scoped_vector.h
index 34620e6..ec152c9 100644
--- a/base/scoped_vector.h
+++ b/base/scoped_vector.h
@@ -56,6 +56,30 @@ class ScopedVector {
void reset() { STLDeleteElements(&v); }
void resize(size_t new_size) { v.resize(new_size); }
+ // Lets the ScopedVector take ownership of |x|.
+ iterator insert(iterator position, T* x) {
+ return v.insert(position, x);
+ }
+ iterator erase(iterator position) {
+ delete *position;
+ return v.erase(position);
+ }
+ iterator erase(iterator first, iterator last) {
+ STLDeleteContainerPointers(first, last);
+ return v.erase(first, last);
+ }
+ // Like |erase()|, but doesn't delete the element at |position|.
+ iterator weak_erase(iterator position) {
+ return v.erase(position);
+ }
+ // Like |erase()|, but doesn't delete the elements in [first, last).
+ iterator weak_erase(iterator first, iterator last) {
+ return v.erase(first, last);
+ }
std::vector<T*> v;
diff --git a/chrome/browser/cocoa/tab_strip_controller.h b/chrome/browser/cocoa/tab_strip_controller.h
index 1751a15..e03267b 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/cocoa/tab_strip_controller.h
+++ b/chrome/browser/cocoa/tab_strip_controller.h
@@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ class ToolbarModel;
BOOL verticalLayout_;
- TabContents* currentTab_; // weak, tab for which we're showing state
scoped_nsobject<TabStripView> tabStripView_;
NSView* switchView_; // weak
scoped_nsobject<NSView> dragBlockingView_; // avoid bad window server drags
diff --git a/chrome/browser/cocoa/tabpose_window.h b/chrome/browser/cocoa/tabpose_window.h
index 72acced..39958a2 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/cocoa/tabpose_window.h
+++ b/chrome/browser/cocoa/tabpose_window.h
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ enum WindowState {
} // namespace tabpose
class TabStripModel;
+class TabStripModelObserverBridge;
// A TabposeWindow shows an overview of open tabs and lets the user select a new
// active tab. The window blocks clicks on the tab strip and the download
@@ -65,6 +66,13 @@ class TabStripModel;
// Manages the state of all layers.
scoped_ptr<tabpose::TileSet> tileSet_;
+ // The rectangle of the window that contains all layers. This is the
+ // rectangle occupied by |bgLayer_|.
+ NSRect containingRect_;
+ // Informs us of added/removed/updated tabs.
+ scoped_ptr<TabStripModelObserverBridge> tabStripModelObserverBridge_;
// Shows a TabposeWindow on top of |parent|, with |rect| being the active area.
@@ -77,4 +85,10 @@ class TabStripModel;
+@interface TabposeWindow (TestingAPI)
+- (void)selectTileAtIndexWithoutAnimation:(int)newIndex;
+- (NSUInteger)thumbnailLayerCount;
+- (int)selectedIndex;
diff --git a/chrome/browser/cocoa/ b/chrome/browser/cocoa/
index f96d040..b74f9ca 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/cocoa/
+++ b/chrome/browser/cocoa/
@@ -8,12 +8,24 @@
#include "app/resource_bundle.h"
#include "base/mac_util.h"
+#include "base/scoped_callback_factory.h"
#include "base/sys_string_conversions.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h"
+#import "chrome/browser/cocoa/bookmark_bar_constants.h"
#import "chrome/browser/cocoa/browser_window_controller.h"
#import "chrome/browser/cocoa/tab_strip_controller.h"
+#import "chrome/browser/cocoa/tab_strip_model_observer_bridge.h"
+#import "chrome/browser/debugger/devtools_window.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/prefs/pref_service.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/renderer_host/backing_store_mac.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/renderer_host/render_view_host.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/renderer_host/render_widget_host_view_mac.h"
#include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/tab_contents.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/thumbnail_generator.h"
+#include "chrome/common/pref_names.h"
#include "grit/app_resources.h"
#include "skia/ext/skia_utils_mac.h"
+#include "third_party/skia/include/utils/mac/SkCGUtils.h"
const int kTopGradientHeight = 15;
@@ -23,6 +35,7 @@ NSString* const kAnimationIdFadeOut = @"FadeOut";
const CGFloat kDefaultAnimationDuration = 0.25; // In seconds.
const CGFloat kSlomoFactor = 4;
+const CGFloat kObserverChangeAnimationDuration = 0.75; // In seconds.
// CAGradientLayer is 10.6-only -- roll our own.
@interface DarkGradientLayer : CALayer
@@ -42,6 +55,247 @@ const CGFloat kSlomoFactor = 4;
+namespace tabpose {
+class ThumbnailLoader;
+// A CALayer that draws a thumbnail for a TabContents object. The layer tries
+// to draw the TabContents's backing store directly if possible, and requests
+// a thumbnail bitmap from the TabContents's renderer process if not.
+@interface ThumbnailLayer : CALayer {
+ // The TabContents the thumbnail is for.
+ TabContents* contents_; // weak
+ // The size the thumbnail is drawn at when zoomed in.
+ NSSize fullSize_;
+ // Used to load a thumbnail, if required.
+ scoped_refptr<tabpose::ThumbnailLoader> loader_;
+ // If the backing store couldn't be used and a thumbnail was returned from a
+ // renderer process, it's stored in |thumbnail_|.
+ scoped_cftyperef<CGImageRef> thumbnail_;
+ // True if the layer already sent a thumbnail request to a renderer.
+ BOOL didSendLoad_;
+- (id)initWithTabContents:(TabContents*)contents fullSize:(NSSize)fullSize;
+- (void)drawInContext:(CGContextRef)context;
+- (void)setThumbnail:(const SkBitmap&)bitmap;
+namespace tabpose {
+// ThumbnailLoader talks to the renderer process to load a thumbnail of a given
+// RenderWidgetHost, and sends the thumbnail back to a ThumbnailLayer once it
+// comes back from the renderer.
+class ThumbnailLoader : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<ThumbnailLoader> {
+ public:
+ ThumbnailLoader(gfx::Size size, RenderWidgetHost* rwh, ThumbnailLayer* layer)
+ : size_(size), rwh_(rwh), layer_(layer), factory_(this) {}
+ // Starts the fetch.
+ void LoadThumbnail();
+ private:
+ friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<ThumbnailLoader>;
+ ~ThumbnailLoader() {
+ ResetPaintingObserver();
+ }
+ void DidReceiveBitmap(const SkBitmap& bitmap) {
+ DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::UI));
+ ResetPaintingObserver();
+ [layer_ setThumbnail:bitmap];
+ }
+ void ResetPaintingObserver() {
+ if (rwh_->painting_observer() != NULL) {
+ DCHECK(rwh_->painting_observer() ==
+ g_browser_process->GetThumbnailGenerator());
+ rwh_->set_painting_observer(NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ gfx::Size size_;
+ RenderWidgetHost* rwh_; // weak
+ ThumbnailLayer* layer_; // weak, owns us
+ base::ScopedCallbackFactory<ThumbnailLoader> factory_;
+void ThumbnailLoader::LoadThumbnail() {
+ DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::UI));
+ ThumbnailGenerator* generator = g_browser_process->GetThumbnailGenerator();
+ if (!generator) // In unit tests.
+ return;
+ // As mentioned in ThumbnailLayer's -drawInContext:, it's sufficient to have
+ // thumbnails at the zoomed-out pixel size for all but the thumbnail the user
+ // clicks on in the end. But we don't don't which thumbnail that will be, so
+ // keep it simple and request full thumbnails for everything.
+ // TODO(thakis): Request smaller thumbnails for users with many tabs.
+ gfx::Size page_size(size_); // Logical size the renderer renders at.
+ gfx::Size pixel_size(size_); // Physical pixel size the image is rendered at.
+ DCHECK(rwh_->painting_observer() == NULL ||
+ rwh_->painting_observer() == generator);
+ rwh_->set_painting_observer(generator);
+ // Will send an IPC to the renderer on the IO thread.
+ generator->AskForSnapshot(
+ rwh_,
+ /*prefer_backing_store=*/false,
+ factory_.NewCallback(&ThumbnailLoader::DidReceiveBitmap),
+ page_size,
+ pixel_size);
+} // namespace tabpose
+@implementation ThumbnailLayer
+- (id)initWithTabContents:(TabContents*)contents fullSize:(NSSize)fullSize {
+ CHECK(contents);
+ if ((self = [super init])) {
+ contents_ = contents;
+ fullSize_ = fullSize;
+ }
+ return self;
+- (void)setTabContents:(TabContents*)contents {
+ contents_ = contents;
+- (void)setThumbnail:(const SkBitmap&)bitmap {
+ // SkCreateCGImageRef() holds on to |bitmaps|'s memory, so this doesn't
+ // create a copy.
+ thumbnail_.reset(SkCreateCGImageRef(bitmap));
+ loader_ = NULL;
+ [self setNeedsDisplay];
+- (int)topOffset {
+ int topOffset = 0;
+ // Medium term, we want to show thumbs of the actual info bar views, which
+ // means I need to create InfoBarControllers here. At that point, we can get
+ // the height from that controller. Until then, hardcode. :-/
+ const int kInfoBarHeight = 31;
+ topOffset += contents_->infobar_delegate_count() * kInfoBarHeight;
+ bool always_show_bookmark_bar =
+ contents_->profile()->GetPrefs()->GetBoolean(prefs::kShowBookmarkBar);
+ bool has_detached_bookmark_bar =
+ contents_->ShouldShowBookmarkBar() && !always_show_bookmark_bar;
+ if (has_detached_bookmark_bar)
+ topOffset += bookmarks::kNTPBookmarkBarHeight;
+ return topOffset;
+- (int)bottomOffset {
+ int bottomOffset = 0;
+ TabContents* devToolsContents =
+ DevToolsWindow::GetDevToolsContents(contents_);
+ if (devToolsContents && devToolsContents->render_view_host() &&
+ devToolsContents->render_view_host()->view()) {
+ // The devtool's size might not be up-to-date, but since its height doesn't
+ // change on window resize, and since most users don't use devtools, this is
+ // good enough.
+ bottomOffset +=
+ devToolsContents->render_view_host()->view()->GetViewBounds().height();
+ bottomOffset += 1; // :-( Divider line between web contents and devtools.
+ }
+ return bottomOffset;
+- (void)drawBackingStore:(BackingStoreMac*)backing_store
+ inRect:(CGRect)destRect
+ context:(CGContextRef)context {
+ // TODO(thakis): Add a sublayer for each accelerated surface in the rwhv.
+ // Until then, accelerated layers (CoreAnimation NPAPI plugins, compositor)
+ // won't show up in tabpose.
+ if (backing_store->cg_layer()) {
+ CGContextDrawLayerInRect(context, destRect, backing_store->cg_layer());
+ } else {
+ scoped_cftyperef<CGImageRef> image(
+ CGBitmapContextCreateImage(backing_store->cg_bitmap()));
+ CGContextDrawImage(context, destRect, image);
+ }
+- (void)drawInContext:(CGContextRef)context {
+ RenderWidgetHost* rwh = contents_->render_view_host();
+ RenderWidgetHostView* rwhv = rwh->view(); // NULL if renderer crashed.
+ if (!rwhv) {
+ // TODO(thakis): Maybe draw a sad tab layer?
+ [super drawInContext:context];
+ return;
+ }
+ // The size of the TabContent's RenderWidgetHost might not fit to the
+ // current browser window at all, for example if the window was resized while
+ // this TabContents object was not an active tab.
+ // Compute the required size ourselves. Leave room for eventual infobars and
+ // a detached bookmarks bar on the top, and for the devtools on the bottom.
+ // Download shelf is not included in the |fullSize| rect, so no need to
+ // correct for it here.
+ // TODO(thakis): This is not resolution-independent.
+ int topOffset = [self topOffset];
+ int bottomOffset = [self bottomOffset];
+ gfx::Size desiredThumbSize(fullSize_.width,
+ fullSize_.height - topOffset - bottomOffset);
+ // We need to ask the renderer for a thumbnail if
+ // a) there's no backing store or
+ // b) the backing store's size doesn't match our required size and
+ // c) we didn't already send a thumbnail request to the renderer.
+ BackingStoreMac* backing_store =
+ (BackingStoreMac*)rwh->GetBackingStore(/*force_create=*/false);
+ bool draw_backing_store =
+ backing_store && backing_store->size() == desiredThumbSize;
+ // Next weirdness: The destination rect. If the layer is |fullSize_| big, the
+ // destination rect is (0, bottomOffset), (fullSize_.width, topOffset). But we
+ // might be amidst an animation, so interpolate that rect.
+ CGRect destRect = [self bounds];
+ CGFloat scale = destRect.size.width / fullSize_.width;
+ destRect.origin.y += bottomOffset * scale;
+ destRect.size.height -= (bottomOffset + topOffset) * scale;
+ // TODO(thakis): Draw infobars, detached bookmark bar as well.
+ // If we haven't already, sent a thumbnail request to the renderer.
+ if (!draw_backing_store && !didSendLoad_) {
+ // Either the tab was never visible, or its backing store got evicted, or
+ // the size of the backing store is wrong.
+ // We only need a thumbnail the size of the zoomed-out layer for all
+ // layers except the one the user clicks on. But since we can't know which
+ // layer that is, request full-resolution layers for all tabs. This is
+ // simple and seems to work in practice.
+ loader_ = new tabpose::ThumbnailLoader(desiredThumbSize, rwh, self);
+ loader_->LoadThumbnail();
+ didSendLoad_ = YES;
+ // Fill with bg color.
+ [super drawInContext:context];
+ }
+ if (draw_backing_store) {
+ // Backing store 'cache' hit!
+ [self drawBackingStore:backing_store inRect:destRect context:context];
+ } else if (thumbnail_) {
+ // No cache hit, but the renderer returned a thumbnail to us.
+ CGContextDrawImage(context, destRect, thumbnail_.get());
+ }
namespace {
class ScopedCAActionDisabler {
@@ -106,9 +360,10 @@ namespace tabpose {
// A tile is what is shown for a single tab in tabpose mode. It consists of a
// title, favicon, thumbnail image, and pre- and postanimation rects.
-// TODO(thakis): Right now, it only consists of a thumb rect.
class Tile {
+ Tile() {}
// Returns the rectangle this thumbnail is at at the beginning of the zoom-in
// animation. |tile| is the rectangle that's covering the whole tab area when
// the animation starts.
@@ -133,6 +388,10 @@ class Tile {
// Returns an unelided title. The view logic is responsible for eliding.
const string16& title() const { return contents_->GetTitle(); }
+ TabContents* tab_contents() const { return contents_; }
+ void set_tab_contents(TabContents* new_contents) { contents_ = new_contents; }
friend class TileSet;
@@ -147,6 +406,8 @@ class Tile {
NSRect title_rect_;
TabContents* contents_; // weak
NSRect Tile::GetStartRectRelativeTo(const Tile& tile) const {
@@ -185,6 +446,8 @@ void Tile::set_font_metrics(CGFloat ascender, CGFloat descender) {
// tabpose window.
class TileSet {
+ TileSet() {}
// Fills in |tiles_|.
void Build(TabStripModel* source_model);
@@ -193,21 +456,33 @@ class TileSet {
int selected_index() const { return selected_index_; }
void set_selected_index(int index);
- void ResetSelectedIndex() { selected_index_ = initial_index_; }
const Tile& selected_tile() const { return *tiles_[selected_index()]; }
Tile& tile_at(int index) { return *tiles_[index]; }
const Tile& tile_at(int index) const { return *tiles_[index]; }
+ // Inserts a new Tile object containing |contents| at |index|. Does no
+ // relayout.
+ void InsertTileAt(int index, TabContents* contents);
+ // Removes the Tile object at |index|. Does no relayout.
+ void RemoveTileAt(int index);
+ // Moves the Tile object at |from_index| to |to_index|. Since this doesn't
+ // change the number of tiles, relayout can be done just by swapping the
+ // tile rectangles in the index interval [from_index, to_index], so this does
+ // layout.
+ void MoveTileFromTo(int from_index, int to_index);
ScopedVector<Tile> tiles_;
int selected_index_;
- int initial_index_;
void TileSet::Build(TabStripModel* source_model) {
- selected_index_ = initial_index_ = source_model->selected_index();
+ selected_index_ = source_model->selected_index();
for (size_t i = 0; i < tiles_.size(); ++i) {
tiles_[i] = new Tile;
@@ -217,6 +492,8 @@ void TileSet::Build(TabStripModel* source_model) {
void TileSet::Layout(NSRect containing_rect) {
int tile_count = tiles_.size();
+ if (tile_count == 0) // Happens e.g. during test shutdown.
+ return;
// Room around the tiles insde of |containing_rect|.
const int kSmallPaddingTop = 30;
@@ -370,6 +647,41 @@ void TileSet::set_selected_index(int index) {
selected_index_ = index;
+void TileSet::InsertTileAt(int index, TabContents* contents) {
+ tiles_.insert(tiles_.begin() + index, new Tile);
+ tiles_[index]->contents_ = contents;
+void TileSet::RemoveTileAt(int index) {
+ tiles_.erase(tiles_.begin() + index);
+// Moves the Tile object at |from_index| to |to_index|. Also updates rectangles
+// so that the tiles stay in a left-to-right, top-to-bottom layout when walked
+// in sequential order.
+void TileSet::MoveTileFromTo(int from_index, int to_index) {
+ NSRect thumb = tiles_[from_index]->thumb_rect_;
+ NSRect start_thumb = tiles_[from_index]->start_thumb_rect_;
+ NSRect favicon = tiles_[from_index]->favicon_rect_;
+ NSRect title = tiles_[from_index]->title_rect_;
+ scoped_ptr<Tile> tile(tiles_[from_index]);
+ tiles_.weak_erase(tiles_.begin() + from_index);
+ tiles_.insert(tiles_.begin() + to_index, tile.release());
+ int step = from_index < to_index ? -1 : 1;
+ for (int i = to_index; (i - from_index) * step < 0; i += step) {
+ tiles_[i]->thumb_rect_ = tiles_[i + step]->thumb_rect_;
+ tiles_[i]->start_thumb_rect_ = tiles_[i + step]->start_thumb_rect_;
+ tiles_[i]->favicon_rect_ = tiles_[i + step]->favicon_rect_;
+ tiles_[i]->title_rect_ = tiles_[i + step]->title_rect_;
+ }
+ tiles_[from_index]->thumb_rect_ = thumb;
+ tiles_[from_index]->start_thumb_rect_ = start_thumb;
+ tiles_[from_index]->favicon_rect_ = favicon;
+ tiles_[from_index]->title_rect_ = title;
} // namespace tabpose
void AnimateCALayerFrameFromTo(
@@ -423,7 +735,7 @@ void AnimateCALayerFrameFromTo(
-- (void)setUpLayers:(NSRect)bgLayerRect slomo:(BOOL)slomo;
+- (void)setUpLayersInSlomo:(BOOL)slomo;
- (void)fadeAway:(BOOL)slomo;
- (void)selectTileAtIndex:(int)newIndex;
@@ -448,14 +760,16 @@ void AnimateCALayerFrameFromTo(
defer:NO])) {
- // TODO(thakis): Add a TabStripModelObserver to |tabStripModel_|.
+ containingRect_ = rect;
tabStripModel_ = tabStripModel;
state_ = tabpose::kFadingIn;
tileSet_.reset(new tabpose::TileSet);
+ tabStripModelObserverBridge_.reset(
+ new TabStripModelObserverBridge(tabStripModel_, self));
[self setReleasedWhenClosed:YES];
[self setOpaque:NO];
[self setBackgroundColor:[NSColor clearColor]];
- [self setUpLayers:rect slomo:slomo];
+ [self setUpLayersInSlomo:slomo];
[self setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents:YES];
[parent addChildWindow:self ordered:NSWindowAbove];
[self makeKeyAndOrderFront:self];
@@ -468,120 +782,152 @@ void AnimateCALayerFrameFromTo(
- (void)selectTileAtIndex:(int)newIndex {
- ScopedCAActionDisabler disabler;
const tabpose::Tile& tile = tileSet_->tile_at(newIndex);
selectionHighlight_.frame =
NSRectToCGRect(NSInsetRect(tile.thumb_rect(), -5, -5));
-- (void)setUpLayers:(NSRect)bgLayerRect slomo:(BOOL)slomo {
+- (void)selectTileAtIndexWithoutAnimation:(int)newIndex {
+ ScopedCAActionDisabler disabler;
+ [self selectTileAtIndex:newIndex];
+- (void)addLayersForTile:(tabpose::Tile&)tile
+ showZoom:(BOOL)showZoom
+ slomo:(BOOL)slomo
+ animationDelegate:(id)animationDelegate {
+ scoped_nsobject<CALayer> layer([[ThumbnailLayer alloc]
+ initWithTabContents:tile.tab_contents()
+ fullSize:tile.GetStartRectRelativeTo(
+ tileSet_->selected_tile()).size]);
+ [layer setNeedsDisplay];
+ // Background color as placeholder for now.
+ layer.get().backgroundColor = CGColorGetConstantColor(kCGColorWhite);
+ if (showZoom) {
+ AnimateCALayerFrameFromTo(
+ layer,
+ tile.GetStartRectRelativeTo(tileSet_->selected_tile()),
+ tile.thumb_rect(),
+ kDefaultAnimationDuration * (slomo ? kSlomoFactor : 1),
+ animationDelegate);
+ } else {
+ layer.get().frame = NSRectToCGRect(tile.thumb_rect());
+ }
+ layer.get().shadowRadius = 10;
+ layer.get().shadowOffset = CGSizeMake(0, -10);
+ if (state_ == tabpose::kFadedIn)
+ layer.get().shadowOpacity = 0.5;
+ [bgLayer_ addSublayer:layer];
+ [allThumbnailLayers_ addObject:layer];
+ // Favicon and title.
+ NSFont* font = [NSFont systemFontOfSize:tile.title_font_size()];
+ tile.set_font_metrics([font ascender], -[font descender]);
+ NSImage* nsFavicon = gfx::SkBitmapToNSImage(tile.favicon());
+ // Either we don't have a valid favicon or there was some issue converting
+ // it from an SkBitmap. Either way, just show the default.
+ if (!nsFavicon) {
+ NSImage* defaultFavIcon =
+ ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance().GetNSImageNamed(
+ nsFavicon = defaultFavIcon;
+ }
+ scoped_cftyperef<CGImageRef> favicon(
+ mac_util::CopyNSImageToCGImage(nsFavicon));
+ CALayer* faviconLayer = [CALayer layer];
+ faviconLayer.frame = NSRectToCGRect(tile.favicon_rect());
+ faviconLayer.contents = (id)favicon.get();
+ faviconLayer.zPosition = 1; // On top of the thumb shadow.
+ if (state_ == tabpose::kFadingIn)
+ faviconLayer.hidden = YES;
+ [bgLayer_ addSublayer:faviconLayer];
+ [allFaviconLayers_ addObject:faviconLayer];
+ CATextLayer* titleLayer = [CATextLayer layer];
+ titleLayer.frame = NSRectToCGRect(tile.title_rect());
+ titleLayer.string = base::SysUTF16ToNSString(tile.title());
+ titleLayer.fontSize = [font pointSize];
+ titleLayer.truncationMode = kCATruncationEnd;
+ titleLayer.font = font;
+ titleLayer.zPosition = 1; // On top of the thumb shadow.
+ if (state_ == tabpose::kFadingIn)
+ titleLayer.hidden = YES;
+ [bgLayer_ addSublayer:titleLayer];
+ [allTitleLayers_ addObject:titleLayer];
+- (void)setUpLayersInSlomo:(BOOL)slomo {
// Root layer -- covers whole window.
rootLayer_ = [CALayer layer];
- [[self contentView] setLayer:rootLayer_];
- [[self contentView] setWantsLayer:YES];
- // Background layer -- the visible part of the window.
- gray_.reset(CGColorCreateGenericGray(0.39, 1.0));
- bgLayer_ = [CALayer layer];
- bgLayer_.backgroundColor = gray_;
- bgLayer_.frame = NSRectToCGRect(bgLayerRect);
- bgLayer_.masksToBounds = YES;
- [rootLayer_ addSublayer:bgLayer_];
- // Selection highlight layer.
- darkBlue_.reset(CGColorCreateGenericRGB(0.25, 0.34, 0.86, 1.0));
- selectionHighlight_ = [CALayer layer];
- selectionHighlight_.backgroundColor = darkBlue_;
- selectionHighlight_.cornerRadius = 5.0;
- selectionHighlight_.zPosition = -1; // Behind other layers.
- selectionHighlight_.hidden = YES;
- [bgLayer_ addSublayer:selectionHighlight_];
- // Top gradient.
- CALayer* gradientLayer = [DarkGradientLayer layer];
- gradientLayer.frame = CGRectMake(
- 0,
- NSHeight(bgLayerRect) - kTopGradientHeight,
- NSWidth(bgLayerRect),
- kTopGradientHeight);
- [gradientLayer setNeedsDisplay]; // Draw once.
- [bgLayer_ addSublayer:gradientLayer];
+ // In a block so that the layers don't fade in.
+ {
+ ScopedCAActionDisabler disabler;
+ // Background layer -- the visible part of the window.
+ gray_.reset(CGColorCreateGenericGray(0.39, 1.0));
+ bgLayer_ = [CALayer layer];
+ bgLayer_.backgroundColor = gray_;
+ bgLayer_.frame = NSRectToCGRect(containingRect_);
+ bgLayer_.masksToBounds = YES;
+ [rootLayer_ addSublayer:bgLayer_];
+ // Selection highlight layer.
+ darkBlue_.reset(CGColorCreateGenericRGB(0.25, 0.34, 0.86, 1.0));
+ selectionHighlight_ = [CALayer layer];
+ selectionHighlight_.backgroundColor = darkBlue_;
+ selectionHighlight_.cornerRadius = 5.0;
+ selectionHighlight_.zPosition = -1; // Behind other layers.
+ selectionHighlight_.hidden = YES;
+ [bgLayer_ addSublayer:selectionHighlight_];
+ // Top gradient.
+ CALayer* gradientLayer = [DarkGradientLayer layer];
+ gradientLayer.frame = CGRectMake(
+ 0,
+ NSHeight(containingRect_) - kTopGradientHeight,
+ NSWidth(containingRect_),
+ kTopGradientHeight);
+ [gradientLayer setNeedsDisplay]; // Draw once.
+ [bgLayer_ addSublayer:gradientLayer];
+ }
// Layers for the tab thumbnails.
- tileSet_->Layout(bgLayerRect);
- NSImage* defaultFavIcon = ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance().GetNSImageNamed(
+ tileSet_->Layout(containingRect_);
[[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:tabStripModel_->count()]);
[[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:tabStripModel_->count()]);
[[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:tabStripModel_->count()]);
- for (int i = 0; i < tabStripModel_->count(); ++i) {
- const tabpose::Tile& tile = tileSet_->tile_at(i);
- CALayer* layer = [CALayer layer];
- // Background color as placeholder for now.
- layer.backgroundColor = CGColorGetConstantColor(kCGColorWhite);
- AnimateCALayerFrameFromTo(
- layer,
- tile.GetStartRectRelativeTo(tileSet_->selected_tile()),
- tile.thumb_rect(),
- kDefaultAnimationDuration * (slomo ? kSlomoFactor : 1),
- i == tileSet_->selected_index() ? self : nil);
+ for (int i = 0; i < tabStripModel_->count(); ++i) {
// Add a delegate to one of the animations to get a notification once the
// animations are done.
+ [self addLayersForTile:tileSet_->tile_at(i)
+ showZoom:YES
+ slomo:slomo
+ animationDelegate:i == tileSet_->selected_index() ? self : nil];
if (i == tileSet_->selected_index()) {
+ CALayer* layer = [allThumbnailLayers_ objectAtIndex:i];
CAAnimation* animation = [layer animationForKey:@"bounds"];
[animation setValue:kAnimationIdFadeIn forKey:kAnimationIdKey];
- layer.shadowRadius = 10;
- layer.shadowOffset = CGSizeMake(0, -10);
- [bgLayer_ addSublayer:layer];
- [allThumbnailLayers_ addObject:layer];
- // Favicon and title.
- NSFont* font = [NSFont systemFontOfSize:tile.title_font_size()];
- tileSet_->tile_at(i).set_font_metrics([font ascender], -[font descender]);
- NSImage* ns_favicon = gfx::SkBitmapToNSImage(tile.favicon());
- // Either we don't have a valid favicon or there was some issue converting
- // it from an SkBitmap. Either way, just show the default.
- if (!ns_favicon)
- ns_favicon = defaultFavIcon;
- scoped_cftyperef<CGImageRef> favicon(
- mac_util::CopyNSImageToCGImage(ns_favicon));
- CALayer* faviconLayer = [CALayer layer];
- faviconLayer.frame = NSRectToCGRect(tile.favicon_rect());
- faviconLayer.contents = (id)favicon.get();
- faviconLayer.zPosition = 1; // On top of the thumb shadow.
- faviconLayer.hidden = YES;
- [bgLayer_ addSublayer:faviconLayer];
- [allFaviconLayers_ addObject:faviconLayer];
- CATextLayer* titleLayer = [CATextLayer layer];
- titleLayer.frame = NSRectToCGRect(tile.title_rect());
- titleLayer.string = base::SysUTF16ToNSString(tile.title());
- titleLayer.fontSize = [font pointSize];
- titleLayer.truncationMode = kCATruncationEnd;
- titleLayer.font = font;
- titleLayer.zPosition = 1; // On top of the thumb shadow.
- titleLayer.hidden = YES;
- [bgLayer_ addSublayer:titleLayer];
- [allTitleLayers_ addObject:titleLayer];
- [self selectTileAtIndex:tileSet_->selected_index()];
+ [self selectTileAtIndexWithoutAnimation:tileSet_->selected_index()];
+ // Needs to happen after all layers have been added to |rootLayer_|, else
+ // there's a one frame flash of grey at the beginning of the animation
+ // (|bgLayer_| showing through with none of its children visible yet).
+ [[self contentView] setLayer:rootLayer_];
+ [[self contentView] setWantsLayer:YES];
- (BOOL)canBecomeKeyWindow {
@@ -609,7 +955,7 @@ void AnimateCALayerFrameFromTo(
[self fadeAway:([event modifierFlags] & NSShiftKeyMask) != 0];
case '\e': // Escape
- tileSet_->ResetSelectedIndex();
+ tileSet_->set_selected_index(tabStripModel_->selected_index());
[self fadeAway:([event modifierFlags] & NSShiftKeyMask) != 0];
// TODO(thakis): Support moving the selection via arrow keys.
@@ -626,7 +972,7 @@ void AnimateCALayerFrameFromTo(
newIndex = i;
if (newIndex >= 0)
- [self selectTileAtIndex:newIndex];
+ [self selectTileAtIndexWithoutAnimation:newIndex];
- (void)mouseDown:(NSEvent*)event {
@@ -661,8 +1007,12 @@ void AnimateCALayerFrameFromTo(
[self setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents:NO];
// Select chosen tab.
- tabStripModel_->SelectTabContentsAt(tileSet_->selected_index(),
- /*user_gesture=*/true);
+ if (tileSet_->selected_index() < tabStripModel_->count()) {
+ tabStripModel_->SelectTabContentsAt(tileSet_->selected_index(),
+ /*user_gesture=*/true);
+ } else {
+ DCHECK_EQ(tileSet_->selected_index(), 0);
+ }
ScopedCAActionDisabler disableCAActions;
@@ -683,13 +1033,13 @@ void AnimateCALayerFrameFromTo(
// Animate layers out, all in one transaction.
- CGFloat duration = kDefaultAnimationDuration * (slomo ? kSlomoFactor : 1);
+ CGFloat duration = 2 * kDefaultAnimationDuration * (slomo ? kSlomoFactor : 1);
ScopedCAActionSetDuration durationSetter(duration);
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < [allThumbnailLayers_ count]; ++i) {
CALayer* layer = [allThumbnailLayers_ objectAtIndex:i];
- // |start_thumb_rect_| was relative to |initial_index_|, now this needs to
+ // |start_thumb_rect_| was relative to the initial index, now this needs to
// be relative to |selectedIndex_| (whose start rect was relative to
- // |initial_index_| too)
+ // the initial index, too).
CGRect newFrame = NSRectToCGRect(
@@ -703,6 +1053,11 @@ void AnimateCALayerFrameFromTo(
layer.frame = newFrame;
+ if (static_cast<int>(i) == tileSet_->selected_index()) {
+ // Redraw layer at big resolution, so that zoom-in isn't blocky.
+ [layer setNeedsDisplay];
+ }
@@ -733,4 +1088,165 @@ void AnimateCALayerFrameFromTo(
+- (NSUInteger)thumbnailLayerCount {
+ return [allThumbnailLayers_ count];
+- (int)selectedIndex {
+ return tileSet_->selected_index();
+#pragma mark TabStripModelBridge
+- (void)refreshLayerFramesAtIndex:(int)i {
+ const tabpose::Tile& tile = tileSet_->tile_at(i);
+ CALayer* faviconLayer = [allFaviconLayers_ objectAtIndex:i];
+ faviconLayer.frame = NSRectToCGRect(tile.favicon_rect());
+ CALayer* titleLayer = [allTitleLayers_ objectAtIndex:i];
+ titleLayer.frame = NSRectToCGRect(tile.title_rect());
+ CALayer* thumbLayer = [allThumbnailLayers_ objectAtIndex:i];
+ thumbLayer.frame = NSRectToCGRect(tile.thumb_rect());
+- (void)insertTabWithContents:(TabContents*)contents
+ atIndex:(NSInteger)index
+ inForeground:(bool)inForeground {
+ // This happens if you cmd-click a link and then immediately open tabpose
+ // on a slowish machine.
+ ScopedCAActionSetDuration durationSetter(kObserverChangeAnimationDuration);
+ // Insert new layer and relayout.
+ tileSet_->InsertTileAt(index, contents);
+ tileSet_->Layout(containingRect_);
+ [self addLayersForTile:tileSet_->tile_at(index)
+ showZoom:NO
+ slomo:NO
+ animationDelegate:nil];
+ // Update old layers.
+ DCHECK_EQ(tabStripModel_->count(),
+ static_cast<int>([allThumbnailLayers_ count]));
+ DCHECK_EQ(tabStripModel_->count(),
+ static_cast<int>([allTitleLayers_ count]));
+ DCHECK_EQ(tabStripModel_->count(),
+ static_cast<int>([allFaviconLayers_ count]));
+ for (int i = 0; i < tabStripModel_->count(); ++i) {
+ if (i == index) // The new layer.
+ continue;
+ [self refreshLayerFramesAtIndex:i];
+ }
+ // Update selection.
+ int selectedIndex = tileSet_->selected_index();
+ if (selectedIndex >= index)
+ selectedIndex++;
+ [self selectTileAtIndex:selectedIndex];
+- (void)tabClosingWithContents:(TabContents*)contents
+ atIndex:(NSInteger)index {
+ // We will also get a -tabDetachedWithContents:atIndex: notification for
+ // closing tabs, so do nothing here.
+- (void)tabDetachedWithContents:(TabContents*)contents
+ atIndex:(NSInteger)index {
+ ScopedCAActionSetDuration durationSetter(kObserverChangeAnimationDuration);
+ // Remove layer and relayout.
+ tileSet_->RemoveTileAt(index);
+ tileSet_->Layout(containingRect_);
+ [[allThumbnailLayers_ objectAtIndex:index] removeFromSuperlayer];
+ [allThumbnailLayers_ removeObjectAtIndex:index];
+ [[allTitleLayers_ objectAtIndex:index] removeFromSuperlayer];
+ [allTitleLayers_ removeObjectAtIndex:index];
+ [[allFaviconLayers_ objectAtIndex:index] removeFromSuperlayer];
+ [allFaviconLayers_ removeObjectAtIndex:index];
+ // Update old layers.
+ DCHECK_EQ(tabStripModel_->count(),
+ static_cast<int>([allThumbnailLayers_ count]));
+ DCHECK_EQ(tabStripModel_->count(),
+ static_cast<int>([allTitleLayers_ count]));
+ DCHECK_EQ(tabStripModel_->count(),
+ static_cast<int>([allFaviconLayers_ count]));
+ if (tabStripModel_->count() == 0)
+ [self close];
+ for (int i = 0; i < tabStripModel_->count(); ++i)
+ [self refreshLayerFramesAtIndex:i];
+ // Update selection.
+ int selectedIndex = tileSet_->selected_index();
+ if (selectedIndex >= index)
+ selectedIndex--;
+ if (selectedIndex >= 0)
+ [self selectTileAtIndex:selectedIndex];
+- (void)tabMovedWithContents:(TabContents*)contents
+ fromIndex:(NSInteger)from
+ toIndex:(NSInteger)to {
+ ScopedCAActionSetDuration durationSetter(kObserverChangeAnimationDuration);
+ // Move tile from |from| to |to|.
+ tileSet_->MoveTileFromTo(from, to);
+ // Move corresponding layers from |from| to |to|.
+ scoped_nsobject<CALayer> thumbLayer(
+ [[allThumbnailLayers_ objectAtIndex:from] retain]);
+ [allThumbnailLayers_ removeObjectAtIndex:from];
+ [allThumbnailLayers_ insertObject:thumbLayer.get() atIndex:to];
+ scoped_nsobject<CALayer> faviconLayer(
+ [[allFaviconLayers_ objectAtIndex:from] retain]);
+ [allFaviconLayers_ removeObjectAtIndex:from];
+ [allFaviconLayers_ insertObject:faviconLayer.get() atIndex:to];
+ scoped_nsobject<CALayer> titleLayer(
+ [[allTitleLayers_ objectAtIndex:from] retain]);
+ [allTitleLayers_ removeObjectAtIndex:from];
+ [allTitleLayers_ insertObject:titleLayer.get() atIndex:to];
+ // Update frames of the layers.
+ for (int i = std::min(from, to); i <= std::max(from, to); ++i)
+ [self refreshLayerFramesAtIndex:i];
+ // Update selection.
+ int selectedIndex = tileSet_->selected_index();
+ if (from == selectedIndex)
+ selectedIndex = to;
+ else if (from < selectedIndex && selectedIndex <= to)
+ selectedIndex--;
+ else if (to <= selectedIndex && selectedIndex < from)
+ selectedIndex++;
+ [self selectTileAtIndex:selectedIndex];
+- (void)tabChangedWithContents:(TabContents*)contents
+ atIndex:(NSInteger)index
+ changeType:(TabStripModelObserver::TabChangeType)change {
+ // Tell the window to update text, title, and thumb layers at |index| to get
+ // their data from |contents|. |contents| can be different from the old
+ // contents at that index!
+ // While a tab is loading, this is unfortunately called quite often for
+ // both the "loading" and the "all" change types, so we don't really want to
+ // send thumb requests to the corresponding renderer when this is called.
+ // For now, just make sure that we don't hold on to an invalid TabContents
+ // object.
+ tabpose::Tile& tile = tileSet_->tile_at(index);
+ if (contents == tile.tab_contents()) {
+ // TODO(thakis): Install a timer to send a thumb request/update title/update
+ // favicon after 20ms or so, and reset the timer every time this is called
+ // to make sure we get an updated thumb, without requesting them all over.
+ return;
+ }
+ tile.set_tab_contents(contents);
+ ThumbnailLayer* thumbLayer = [allThumbnailLayers_ objectAtIndex:index];
+ [thumbLayer setTabContents:contents];
diff --git a/chrome/browser/cocoa/ b/chrome/browser/cocoa/
index ad10250..e9ed441 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/cocoa/
+++ b/chrome/browser/cocoa/
@@ -13,12 +13,24 @@
class TabposeWindowTest : public CocoaTest {
+ TabposeWindowTest() {
+ site_instance_ =
+ SiteInstance::CreateSiteInstance(browser_helper_.profile());
+ }
+ void AppendTabToStrip() {
+ TabContents* tab_contents = new TabContents(
+ browser_helper_.profile(), site_instance_, MSG_ROUTING_NONE, NULL);
+ browser_helper_.browser()->tabstrip_model()->AppendTabContents(
+ tab_contents, /*foreground=*/true);
+ }
BrowserTestHelper browser_helper_;
+ scoped_refptr<SiteInstance> site_instance_;
// Check that this doesn't leak.
TEST_F(TabposeWindowTest, TestShow) {
- Browser* browser = browser_helper_.browser();
BrowserWindow* browser_window = browser_helper_.CreateBrowserWindow();
NSWindow* parent = browser_window->GetNativeHandle();
@@ -26,22 +38,76 @@ TEST_F(TabposeWindowTest, TestShow) {
EXPECT_TRUE([parent isVisible]);
// Add a few tabs to the tab strip model.
- TabStripModel* model = browser->tabstrip_model();
- SiteInstance* instance =
- SiteInstance::CreateSiteInstance(browser_helper_.profile());
- for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
- TabContents* tab_contents =
- new TabContents(browser_helper_.profile(), instance, MSG_ROUTING_NONE,
- NULL);
- model->AppendTabContents(tab_contents, /*foreground=*/true);
- }
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
+ AppendTabToStrip();
base::ScopedNSAutoreleasePool pool;
TabposeWindow* window =
[TabposeWindow openTabposeFor:parent
rect:NSMakeRect(10, 20, 250, 160)
- tabStripModel:model];
+ tabStripModel:browser_helper_.browser()->tabstrip_model()];
+ // Should release the window.
+ [window mouseDown:nil];
+ browser_helper_.CloseBrowserWindow();
+TEST_F(TabposeWindowTest, TestModelObserver) {
+ BrowserWindow* browser_window = browser_helper_.CreateBrowserWindow();
+ NSWindow* parent = browser_window->GetNativeHandle();
+ [parent orderFront:nil];
+ // Add a few tabs to the tab strip model.
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
+ AppendTabToStrip();
+ base::ScopedNSAutoreleasePool pool;
+ TabposeWindow* window =
+ [TabposeWindow openTabposeFor:parent
+ rect:NSMakeRect(10, 20, 250, 160)
+ slomo:NO
+ tabStripModel:browser_helper_.browser()->tabstrip_model()];
+ // Exercise all the model change events.
+ TabStripModel* model = browser_helper_.browser()->tabstrip_model();
+ DCHECK_EQ([window thumbnailLayerCount], 3u);
+ DCHECK_EQ([window selectedIndex], 2);
+ model->MoveTabContentsAt(0, 2, /*select_after_move=*/false);
+ DCHECK_EQ([window thumbnailLayerCount], 3u);
+ DCHECK_EQ([window selectedIndex], 1);
+ model->MoveTabContentsAt(2, 0, /*select_after_move=*/false);
+ DCHECK_EQ([window thumbnailLayerCount], 3u);
+ DCHECK_EQ([window selectedIndex], 2);
+ [window selectTileAtIndexWithoutAnimation:0];
+ DCHECK_EQ([window selectedIndex], 0);
+ model->MoveTabContentsAt(0, 2, /*select_after_move=*/false);
+ DCHECK_EQ([window selectedIndex], 2);
+ model->MoveTabContentsAt(2, 0, /*select_after_move=*/false);
+ DCHECK_EQ([window selectedIndex], 0);
+ delete model->DetachTabContentsAt(0);
+ DCHECK_EQ([window thumbnailLayerCount], 2u);
+ DCHECK_EQ([window selectedIndex], 0);
+ AppendTabToStrip();
+ DCHECK_EQ([window thumbnailLayerCount], 3u);
+ DCHECK_EQ([window selectedIndex], 0);
+ model->CloseTabContentsAt(0, TabStripModel::CLOSE_NONE);
+ DCHECK_EQ([window thumbnailLayerCount], 2u);
+ DCHECK_EQ([window selectedIndex], 0);
+ [window selectTileAtIndexWithoutAnimation:1];
+ model->CloseTabContentsAt(0, TabStripModel::CLOSE_NONE);
+ DCHECK_EQ([window thumbnailLayerCount], 1u);
+ DCHECK_EQ([window selectedIndex], 0);
// Should release the window.
[window mouseDown:nil];