diff options
7 files changed, 419 insertions, 616 deletions
diff --git a/tools/valgrind/memcheck/suppressions.txt b/tools/valgrind/memcheck/suppressions.txt
index 499dafc..763a6f6 100644
--- a/tools/valgrind/memcheck/suppressions.txt
+++ b/tools/valgrind/memcheck/suppressions.txt
@@ -4546,18 +4546,10 @@
- bug_100914a
+ bug_100914
- fun:_ZN12webkit_media18BufferedDataSource24HttpInitialStartCallbackEi
- bug_100914b
- Memcheck:Leak
- fun:_Znw*
- fun:_ZN12webkit_media18BufferedDataSource20CreateResourceLoaderEll
- fun:_ZN12webkit_media18BufferedDataSource14InitializeTaskEv
diff --git a/webkit/media/buffered_data_source.h b/webkit/media/buffered_data_source.h
index 7987d09..d7dc37f 100644
--- a/webkit/media/buffered_data_source.h
+++ b/webkit/media/buffered_data_source.h
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ class BufferedDataSource : public WebDataSource {
int64 first_byte_position, int64 last_byte_position);
- friend class BufferedDataSourceTest2;
+ friend class BufferedDataSourceTest;
// Posted to perform initialization on render thread and start resource
// loading.
diff --git a/webkit/media/ b/webkit/media/
index ce14c7a..2bcae64 100644
--- a/webkit/media/
+++ b/webkit/media/
@@ -2,41 +2,27 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <algorithm>
#include "base/bind.h"
-#include "base/test/test_timeouts.h"
#include "media/base/media_log.h"
#include "media/base/mock_callback.h"
#include "media/base/mock_filter_host.h"
#include "media/base/mock_filters.h"
-#include "net/base/net_errors.h"
-#include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebString.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebURLResponse.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebView.h"
#include "webkit/media/buffered_data_source.h"
#include "webkit/mocks/mock_webframeclient.h"
#include "webkit/mocks/mock_weburlloader.h"
+#include "webkit/media/test_response_generator.h"
using ::testing::_;
using ::testing::Assign;
-using ::testing::AtLeast;
-using ::testing::DeleteArg;
-using ::testing::DoAll;
-using ::testing::InSequence;
using ::testing::Invoke;
-using ::testing::InvokeWithoutArgs;
-using ::testing::NotNull;
-using ::testing::Return;
-using ::testing::ReturnRef;
-using ::testing::SetArgumentPointee;
+using ::testing::Mock;
using ::testing::StrictMock;
using ::testing::NiceMock;
-using ::testing::WithArgs;
using WebKit::WebFrame;
-using WebKit::WebString;
-using WebKit::WebURLError;
+using WebKit::WebURLLoader;
using WebKit::WebURLResponse;
using WebKit::WebView;
@@ -45,487 +31,325 @@ using webkit_glue::MockWebURLLoader;
namespace webkit_media {
-static const char* kHttpUrl = "http://test";
-static const char* kFileUrl = "file://test";
-static const int kDataSize = 1024;
-static const int kMaxCacheMissesBeforeFailTest = 20;
-enum NetworkState {
-// A mock BufferedDataSource to inject mock BufferedResourceLoader through
-// CreateResourceLoader() method.
+// Overrides CreateResourceLoader() to permit injecting a MockWebURLLoader.
+// Also keeps track of whether said MockWebURLLoader is actively loading.
class MockBufferedDataSource : public BufferedDataSource {
MockBufferedDataSource(MessageLoop* message_loop, WebFrame* frame)
- : BufferedDataSource(message_loop, frame, new media::MediaLog()) {
+ : BufferedDataSource(message_loop, frame, new media::MediaLog()),
+ loading_(false) {
- virtual base::TimeDelta GetTimeoutMilliseconds() {
- return base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(
- TestTimeouts::tiny_timeout_ms());
+ MOCK_METHOD2(CreateResourceLoader, BufferedResourceLoader*(int64, int64));
+ BufferedResourceLoader* CreateMockResourceLoader(int64 first_byte_position,
+ int64 last_byte_position) {
+ CHECK(!loading_) << "Previous resource load wasn't cancelled";
+ BufferedResourceLoader* loader =
+ BufferedDataSource::CreateResourceLoader(first_byte_position,
+ last_byte_position);
+ // Keep track of active loading state via loadAsynchronously() and cancel().
+ NiceMock<MockWebURLLoader>* url_loader = new NiceMock<MockWebURLLoader>();
+ ON_CALL(*url_loader, loadAsynchronously(_, _))
+ .WillByDefault(Assign(&loading_, true));
+ ON_CALL(*url_loader, cancel())
+ .WillByDefault(Assign(&loading_, false));
+ // TODO(scherkus): this is a real leak detected by
+ // but the fix will have to wait for a more invasive follow up patch.
+ //
+ // If you're curious what the fix is, we no longer need the reference
+ // counting added to BufferedResourceLoader in r23274 since we started
+ // using WebURLLoader in r69429.
+ Mock::AllowLeak(url_loader);
+ loader->SetURLLoaderForTest(url_loader);
+ return loader;
- MOCK_METHOD2(CreateResourceLoader,
- BufferedResourceLoader*(int64 first_position,
- int64 last_position));
+ bool loading() { return loading_; }
+ void set_loading(bool loading) { loading_ = loading; }
+ // Whether the resource load has starting loading but yet to been cancelled.
+ bool loading_;
-class MockBufferedResourceLoader : public BufferedResourceLoader {
- public:
- MockBufferedResourceLoader()
- : BufferedResourceLoader(GURL(), 0, 0, kThresholdDefer,
- 0, 0, new media::MediaLog()) {
- }
- MOCK_METHOD3(Start, void(net::OldCompletionCallback* read_callback,
- const base::Closure& network_callback,
- WebFrame* frame));
- MOCK_METHOD0(Stop, void());
- MOCK_METHOD4(Read, void(int64 position, int read_size, uint8* buffer,
- net::OldCompletionCallback* callback));
- MOCK_METHOD0(content_length, int64());
- MOCK_METHOD0(instance_size, int64());
- MOCK_METHOD0(range_supported, bool());
- MOCK_METHOD0(network_activity, bool());
- MOCK_METHOD0(url, const GURL&());
- MOCK_METHOD0(GetBufferedFirstBytePosition, int64());
- MOCK_METHOD0(GetBufferedLastBytePosition, int64());
- protected:
- ~MockBufferedResourceLoader() {}
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(MockBufferedResourceLoader);
+static const int64 kFileSize = 5000000;
+static const int64 kFarReadPosition = 4000000;
+static const size_t kDataSize = 1024;
class BufferedDataSourceTest : public testing::Test {
- : view_(WebView::create(NULL)) {
+ : response_generator_(GURL("http://localhost/foo.webm"), kFileSize),
+ view_(WebView::create(NULL)),
+ message_loop_(MessageLoop::current()) {
- message_loop_ = MessageLoop::current();
- for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(data_); ++i) {
- data_[i] = i;
- }
+ data_source_ = new MockBufferedDataSource(message_loop_,
+ view_->mainFrame());
+ data_source_->set_host(&host_);
virtual ~BufferedDataSourceTest() {
- void ExpectCreateAndStartResourceLoader(int start_error) {
- EXPECT_CALL(*data_source_, CreateResourceLoader(_, _))
- .WillOnce(Return(loader_.get()));
- EXPECT_CALL(*loader_, Start(NotNull(), _, NotNull()))
- .WillOnce(
- DoAll(Assign(&error_, start_error),
- Invoke(this,
- &BufferedDataSourceTest::InvokeStartCallback)));
+ void Initialize(media::PipelineStatus expected) {
+ ExpectCreateResourceLoader();
+ data_source_->Initialize(response_generator_.gurl().spec(),
+ media::NewExpectedStatusCB(expected));
+ message_loop_->RunAllPending();
- void InitializeDataSource(const char* url, int error,
- bool partial_response, int64 instance_size,
- NetworkState networkState) {
- // Saves the url first.
- gurl_ = GURL(url);
- data_source_ = new MockBufferedDataSource(MessageLoop::current(),
- view_->mainFrame());
- data_source_->set_host(&host_);
- scoped_refptr<NiceMock<MockBufferedResourceLoader> > first_loader(
- new NiceMock<MockBufferedResourceLoader>());
- // Creates the mock loader to be injected.
- loader_ = first_loader;
- bool initialized_ok = (error == net::OK);
- bool loaded = networkState == LOADED;
- {
- InSequence s;
- ExpectCreateAndStartResourceLoader(error);
- // In the case of an invalid partial response we expect a second loader
- // to be created.
- if (partial_response && (error == net::ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE)) {
- // Verify that the initial loader is stopped.
- EXPECT_CALL(*loader_, url())
- .WillRepeatedly(ReturnRef(gurl_));
- EXPECT_CALL(*loader_, Stop());
+ // Helper to initialize tests with a valid 206 response.
+ void InitializeWith206Response() {
+ Initialize(media::PIPELINE_OK);
- // Replace loader_ with a new instance.
- loader_ = new NiceMock<MockBufferedResourceLoader>();
- // Create and start. Make sure Start() is called on the new loader.
- ExpectCreateAndStartResourceLoader(net::OK);
- // Update initialization variable since we know the second loader will
- // return OK.
- initialized_ok = true;
- }
- }
- // Attach a static function that deletes the memory referred by the
- // "callback" parameter.
- ON_CALL(*loader_, Read(_, _, _ , _))
- .WillByDefault(DeleteArg<3>());
- ON_CALL(*loader_, instance_size())
- .WillByDefault(Return(instance_size));
- // range_supported() return true if we expect to get a partial response.
- ON_CALL(*loader_, range_supported())
- .WillByDefault(Return(partial_response));
- ON_CALL(*loader_, url())
- .WillByDefault(ReturnRef(gurl_));
- media::PipelineStatus expected_init_status = media::PIPELINE_OK;
- if (initialized_ok) {
- // Expected loaded or not.
- EXPECT_CALL(host_, SetLoaded(loaded));
- if (instance_size != -1)
- EXPECT_CALL(host_, SetTotalBytes(instance_size));
- if (loaded)
- EXPECT_CALL(host_, SetBufferedBytes(instance_size));
- else
- EXPECT_CALL(host_, SetBufferedBytes(0));
- if (!partial_response || instance_size == -1)
- EXPECT_CALL(host_, SetStreaming(true));
- } else {
- expected_init_status = media::PIPELINE_ERROR_NETWORK;
- EXPECT_CALL(*loader_, Stop());
- }
- // Actual initialization of the data source.
- data_source_->Initialize(url,
- media::NewExpectedStatusCB(expected_init_status));
- message_loop_->RunAllPending();
- if (initialized_ok) {
- // Verify the size of the data source.
- int64 size;
- if (instance_size != -1 && (loaded || partial_response)) {
- EXPECT_TRUE(data_source_->GetSize(&size));
- EXPECT_EQ(instance_size, size);
- } else {
- EXPECT_TRUE(data_source_->IsStreaming());
- }
- }
+ EXPECT_CALL(host_, SetLoaded(false));
+ EXPECT_CALL(host_, SetTotalBytes(response_generator_.content_length()));
+ EXPECT_CALL(host_, SetBufferedBytes(0));
+ Respond(response_generator_.Generate206(0));
- void StopDataSource() {
- if (loader_) {
- InSequence s;
- EXPECT_CALL(*loader_, Stop());
+ // Stops any active loaders and shuts down the data source.
+ //
+ // This typically happens when the page is closed and for our purposes is
+ // appropriate to do when tearing down a test.
+ void Stop() {
+ if (data_source_->loading()) {
+ loader()->didFail(url_loader(), response_generator_.GenerateError());
+ message_loop_->RunAllPending();
- void InvokeStartCallback(
- net::OldCompletionCallback* callback,
- const base::Closure& network_callback,
- WebFrame* frame) {
- callback->RunWithParams(Tuple1<int>(error_));
- delete callback;
- // TODO(hclam): Save network_callback.
+ void ExpectCreateResourceLoader() {
+ EXPECT_CALL(*data_source_, CreateResourceLoader(_, _))
+ .WillOnce(Invoke(data_source_.get(),
+ &MockBufferedDataSource::CreateMockResourceLoader));
+ message_loop_->RunAllPending();
- void InvokeReadCallback(int64 position, int size, uint8* buffer,
- net::OldCompletionCallback* callback) {
- if (error_ > 0)
- memcpy(buffer, data_ + static_cast<int>(position), error_);
- callback->RunWithParams(Tuple1<int>(error_));
- delete callback;
+ void Respond(const WebURLResponse& response) {
+ loader()->didReceiveResponse(url_loader(), response);
+ message_loop_->RunAllPending();
- void ReadDataSourceHit(int64 position, int size, int read_size) {
- EXPECT_TRUE(loader_);
- InSequence s;
- // Expect the read is delegated to the resource loader.
- EXPECT_CALL(*loader_, Read(position, size, NotNull(), NotNull()))
- .WillOnce(DoAll(Assign(&error_, read_size),
- Invoke(this,
- &BufferedDataSourceTest::InvokeReadCallback)));
- // The read has succeeded, so read callback will be called.
- EXPECT_CALL(*this, ReadCallback(read_size));
- data_source_->Read(
- position, size, buffer_,
- base::Bind(&BufferedDataSourceTest::ReadCallback,
- base::Unretained(this)));
+ void FinishRead() {
+ loader()->didReceiveData(url_loader(), data_, kDataSize, kDataSize);
+ }
- // Make sure data is correct.
- memcmp(buffer_, data_ + static_cast<int>(position), read_size));
+ void FinishLoading() {
+ data_source_->set_loading(false);
+ loader()->didFinishLoading(url_loader(), 0);
+ message_loop_->RunAllPending();
- void ReadDataSourceHang(int64 position, int size) {
- EXPECT_TRUE(loader_);
+ MOCK_METHOD1(ReadCallback, void(size_t size));
- // Expect a call to read, but the call never returns.
- EXPECT_CALL(*loader_, Read(position, size, NotNull(), NotNull()));
- data_source_->Read(
- position, size, buffer_,
- base::Bind(&BufferedDataSourceTest::ReadCallback,
- base::Unretained(this)));
+ void ReadAt(int64 position) {
+ data_source_->Read(position, kDataSize, buffer_,
+ base::Bind(&BufferedDataSourceTest::ReadCallback,
+ base::Unretained(this)));
+ }
- // Now expect the read to return after aborting the data source.
- EXPECT_CALL(*this, ReadCallback(_));
- EXPECT_CALL(*loader_, Stop());
- data_source_->Abort();
- message_loop_->RunAllPending();
+ // Accessors for private variables on |data_source_|.
+ BufferedResourceLoader* loader() { return data_source_->loader_.get(); }
+ WebURLLoader* url_loader() { return loader()->url_loader_.get(); }
- // The loader has now been stopped. Set this to null so that when the
- // DataSource is stopped, it does not expect a call to stop the loader.
- loader_ = NULL;
+ media::Preload preload() { return data_source_->preload_; }
+ BufferedResourceLoader::DeferStrategy defer_strategy() {
+ return loader()->defer_strategy_;
+ int data_source_bitrate() { return data_source_->bitrate_; }
+ int data_source_playback_rate() { return data_source_->playback_rate_; }
+ int loader_bitrate() { return loader()->bitrate_; }
+ int loader_playback_rate() { return loader()->playback_rate_; }
- void ReadDataSourceMiss(int64 position, int size, int start_error) {
- EXPECT_TRUE(loader_);
- // 1. Reply with a cache miss for the read.
- {
- InSequence s;
- EXPECT_CALL(*loader_, Read(position, size, NotNull(), NotNull()))
- .WillOnce(DoAll(Assign(&error_, net::ERR_CACHE_MISS),
- Invoke(this,
- &BufferedDataSourceTest::InvokeReadCallback)));
- EXPECT_CALL(*loader_, Stop());
- }
- // 2. Then the current loader will be stop and destroyed.
- NiceMock<MockBufferedResourceLoader> *new_loader =
- new NiceMock<MockBufferedResourceLoader>();
- EXPECT_CALL(*data_source_, CreateResourceLoader(position, -1))
- .WillOnce(Return(new_loader));
- // 3. Then the new loader will be started.
- EXPECT_CALL(*new_loader, Start(NotNull(), _, NotNull()))
- .WillOnce(DoAll(Assign(&error_, start_error),
- Invoke(this,
- &BufferedDataSourceTest::InvokeStartCallback)));
- if (start_error == net::OK) {
- EXPECT_CALL(*new_loader, range_supported())
- .WillRepeatedly(Return(loader_->range_supported()));
- // 4a. Then again a read request is made to the new loader.
- EXPECT_CALL(*new_loader, Read(position, size, NotNull(), NotNull()))
- .WillOnce(DoAll(Assign(&error_, size),
- Invoke(this,
- &BufferedDataSourceTest::InvokeReadCallback)));
- EXPECT_CALL(*this, ReadCallback(size));
- } else {
- // 4b. The read callback is called with an error because Start() on the
- // new loader returned an error.
- EXPECT_CALL(*this, ReadCallback(media::DataSource::kReadError));
- }
+ scoped_refptr<MockBufferedDataSource> data_source_;
- data_source_->Read(
- position, size, buffer_,
- base::Bind(&BufferedDataSourceTest::ReadCallback,
- base::Unretained(this)));
- message_loop_->RunAllPending();
+ TestResponseGenerator response_generator_;
+ MockWebFrameClient client_;
+ WebView* view_;
- // Make sure data is correct.
- if (start_error == net::OK)
- EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(buffer_, data_ + static_cast<int>(position), size));
+ StrictMock<media::MockFilterHost> host_;
+ MessageLoop* message_loop_;
- loader_ = new_loader;
- }
+ private:
+ // Used for calling BufferedDataSource::Read().
+ uint8 buffer_[kDataSize];
- void ReadDataSourceFailed(int64 position, int size, int error) {
- EXPECT_TRUE(loader_);
+ // Used for calling BufferedResourceLoader::didReceiveData().
+ char data_[kDataSize];
- // 1. Expect the read is delegated to the resource loader.
- EXPECT_CALL(*loader_, Read(position, size, NotNull(), NotNull()))
- .WillOnce(DoAll(Assign(&error_, error),
- Invoke(this,
- &BufferedDataSourceTest::InvokeReadCallback)));
+ DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(BufferedDataSourceTest);
- // 2. Host will then receive an error.
- EXPECT_CALL(*loader_, Stop());
+TEST_F(BufferedDataSourceTest, Range_Supported) {
+ Initialize(media::PIPELINE_OK);
- // 3. The read has failed, so read callback will be called.
- EXPECT_CALL(*this, ReadCallback(media::DataSource::kReadError));
+ EXPECT_CALL(host_, SetLoaded(false));
+ EXPECT_CALL(host_, SetTotalBytes(response_generator_.content_length()));
+ EXPECT_CALL(host_, SetBufferedBytes(0));
+ Respond(response_generator_.Generate206(0));
- data_source_->Read(
- position, size, buffer_,
- base::Bind(&BufferedDataSourceTest::ReadCallback,
- base::Unretained(this)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(data_source_->loading());
+ Stop();
- message_loop_->RunAllPending();
- }
+TEST_F(BufferedDataSourceTest, Range_NotFound) {
+ Initialize(media::PIPELINE_ERROR_NETWORK);
- BufferedResourceLoader* InvokeCacheMissCreateResourceLoader(int64 start,
- int64 end) {
- NiceMock<MockBufferedResourceLoader>* new_loader =
- new NiceMock<MockBufferedResourceLoader>();
+ // It'll try again.
+ //
+ // TODO(scherkus): don't try again on errors
+ ExpectCreateResourceLoader();
+ Respond(response_generator_.Generate404());
- EXPECT_CALL(*new_loader, Start(NotNull(), _, NotNull()))
- .WillOnce(DoAll(Assign(&error_, net::OK),
- Invoke(this,
- &BufferedDataSourceTest::InvokeStartCallback)));
+ // Now it's done and will fail.
+ Respond(response_generator_.Generate404());
- EXPECT_CALL(*new_loader, range_supported())
- .WillRepeatedly(Return(loader_->range_supported()));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(data_source_->loading());
+ Stop();
- int error = net::ERR_FAILED;
- if (cache_miss_count_ < kMaxCacheMissesBeforeFailTest) {
- cache_miss_count_++;
- error = net::ERR_CACHE_MISS;
- }
+TEST_F(BufferedDataSourceTest, Range_NotSupported) {
+ Initialize(media::PIPELINE_OK);
- EXPECT_CALL(*new_loader, Read(start, _, NotNull(), NotNull()))
- .WillOnce(DoAll(Assign(&error_, error),
- Invoke(this,
- &BufferedDataSourceTest::InvokeReadCallback)));
+ // It'll try again.
+ //
+ // TODO(scherkus): try to reuse existing connection
+ ExpectCreateResourceLoader();
+ Respond(response_generator_.Generate200());
- loader_ = new_loader;
- return new_loader;
- }
+ // Now it'll succeed.
+ EXPECT_CALL(host_, SetLoaded(false));
+ EXPECT_CALL(host_, SetTotalBytes(response_generator_.content_length()));
+ EXPECT_CALL(host_, SetBufferedBytes(0));
+ EXPECT_CALL(host_, SetStreaming(true));
+ Respond(response_generator_.Generate200());
- void ReadDataSourceAlwaysCacheMiss(int64 position, int size) {
- cache_miss_count_ = 0;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(data_source_->loading());
+ Stop();
- EXPECT_CALL(*data_source_, CreateResourceLoader(position, -1))
- .WillRepeatedly(Invoke(
- this,
- &BufferedDataSourceTest::InvokeCacheMissCreateResourceLoader));
+TEST_F(BufferedDataSourceTest, Range_MissingContentRange) {
+ Initialize(media::PIPELINE_ERROR_NETWORK);
- EXPECT_CALL(*loader_, Read(position, size, NotNull(), NotNull()))
- .WillOnce(DoAll(Assign(&error_, net::ERR_CACHE_MISS),
- Invoke(this,
- &BufferedDataSourceTest::InvokeReadCallback)));
+ // It'll try again.
+ //
+ // TODO(scherkus): don't try again on errors
+ ExpectCreateResourceLoader();
+ Respond(response_generator_.Generate206(
+ 0, TestResponseGenerator::kNoContentRange));
- EXPECT_CALL(*this, ReadCallback(media::DataSource::kReadError));
+ // Now it's done and will fail.
+ Respond(response_generator_.Generate206(
+ 0, TestResponseGenerator::kNoContentRange));
- data_source_->Read(
- position, size, buffer_,
- base::Bind(&BufferedDataSourceTest::ReadCallback,
- base::Unretained(this)));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(data_source_->loading());
+ Stop();
- message_loop_->RunAllPending();
+TEST_F(BufferedDataSourceTest, Range_MissingContentLength) {
+ Initialize(media::PIPELINE_OK);
- EXPECT_LT(cache_miss_count_, kMaxCacheMissesBeforeFailTest);
- }
+ // It'll manage without a Content-Length response.
+ EXPECT_CALL(host_, SetLoaded(false));
+ EXPECT_CALL(host_, SetTotalBytes(response_generator_.content_length()));
+ EXPECT_CALL(host_, SetBufferedBytes(0));
+ Respond(response_generator_.Generate206(
+ 0, TestResponseGenerator::kNoContentLength));
- MOCK_METHOD1(ReadCallback, void(size_t size));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(data_source_->loading());
+ Stop();
- scoped_refptr<NiceMock<MockBufferedResourceLoader> > loader_;
- scoped_refptr<MockBufferedDataSource> data_source_;
+TEST_F(BufferedDataSourceTest, Range_WrongContentRange) {
+ Initialize(media::PIPELINE_ERROR_NETWORK);
- MockWebFrameClient client_;
- WebView* view_;
+ // It'll try again.
+ //
+ // TODO(scherkus): don't try again on errors
+ ExpectCreateResourceLoader();
+ Respond(response_generator_.Generate206(1337));
- StrictMock<media::MockFilterHost> host_;
- GURL gurl_;
- MessageLoop* message_loop_;
+ // Now it's done and will fail.
+ Respond(response_generator_.Generate206(1337));
- int error_;
- uint8 buffer_[1024];
- uint8 data_[1024];
+ EXPECT_FALSE(data_source_->loading());
+ Stop();
- int cache_miss_count_;
+// Test the case where the initial response from the server indicates that
+// Range requests are supported, but a later request prove otherwise.
+TEST_F(BufferedDataSourceTest, Range_ServerLied) {
+ InitializeWith206Response();
- private:
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(BufferedDataSourceTest);
+ // Read causing a new request to be made -- we'll expect it to error.
+ ExpectCreateResourceLoader();
+ ReadAt(kFarReadPosition);
-TEST_F(BufferedDataSourceTest, InitializationSuccess) {
- InitializeDataSource(kHttpUrl, net::OK, true, 1024, LOADING);
- StopDataSource();
+ // Return a 200 in response to a range request.
+ EXPECT_CALL(*this, ReadCallback(media::DataSource::kReadError));
+ Respond(response_generator_.Generate200());
-TEST_F(BufferedDataSourceTest, InitiailizationFailed) {
- InitializeDataSource(kHttpUrl, net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, false, 0, NONE);
- StopDataSource();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(data_source_->loading());
+ Stop();
-TEST_F(BufferedDataSourceTest, MissingContentLength) {
- InitializeDataSource(kHttpUrl, net::OK, true, -1, LOADING);
- StopDataSource();
+TEST_F(BufferedDataSourceTest, Range_AbortWhileReading) {
+ InitializeWith206Response();
-TEST_F(BufferedDataSourceTest, RangeRequestNotSupported) {
- InitializeDataSource(kHttpUrl, net::OK, false, 1024, LOADING);
- StopDataSource();
+ // Make sure there's a pending read -- we'll expect it to error.
+ ReadAt(0);
-// Test the case where we get a 206 response, but no Content-Range header.
-TEST_F(BufferedDataSourceTest, MissingContentRange) {
- InitializeDataSource(kHttpUrl, net::ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE, true, 1024,
- StopDataSource();
+ // Abort!!!
+ EXPECT_CALL(*this, ReadCallback(media::DataSource::kReadError));
+ data_source_->Abort();
+ message_loop_->RunAllPending();
- MissingContentLengthAndRangeRequestNotSupported) {
- InitializeDataSource(kHttpUrl, net::OK, false, -1, LOADING);
- StopDataSource();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(data_source_->loading());
+ Stop();
-TEST_F(BufferedDataSourceTest, ReadCacheHit) {
- InitializeDataSource(kHttpUrl, net::OK, true, 25, LOADING);
- // Performs read with cache hit.
- ReadDataSourceHit(10, 10, 10);
+TEST_F(BufferedDataSourceTest, Range_TooManyRetries) {
+ InitializeWith206Response();
- // Performs read with cache hit but partially filled.
- ReadDataSourceHit(20, 10, 5);
+ // Make sure there's a pending read -- we'll expect it to error.
+ ReadAt(0);
- StopDataSource();
+ // It'll try three times.
+ ExpectCreateResourceLoader();
+ FinishLoading();
+ Respond(response_generator_.Generate206(0));
-TEST_F(BufferedDataSourceTest, ReadCacheMiss) {
- InitializeDataSource(kHttpUrl, net::OK, true, 1024, LOADING);
- ReadDataSourceMiss(1000, 10, net::OK);
- ReadDataSourceMiss(20, 10, net::OK);
- StopDataSource();
+ ExpectCreateResourceLoader();
+ FinishLoading();
+ Respond(response_generator_.Generate206(0));
-// Test the case where the initial response from the server indicates that
-// Range requests are supported, but a later request prove otherwise.
-TEST_F(BufferedDataSourceTest, ServerLiesAboutRangeSupport) {
- InitializeDataSource(kHttpUrl, net::OK, true, 1024, LOADING);
- ReadDataSourceHit(10, 10, 10);
- ReadDataSourceMiss(1000, 10, net::ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE);
- StopDataSource();
+ ExpectCreateResourceLoader();
+ FinishLoading();
+ Respond(response_generator_.Generate206(0));
-TEST_F(BufferedDataSourceTest, ReadHang) {
- InitializeDataSource(kHttpUrl, net::OK, true, 25, LOADING);
- ReadDataSourceHang(10, 10);
- StopDataSource();
+ // It'll error after this.
+ EXPECT_CALL(*this, ReadCallback(media::DataSource::kReadError));
+ FinishLoading();
-TEST_F(BufferedDataSourceTest, ReadFailed) {
- InitializeDataSource(kHttpUrl, net::OK, true, 1024, LOADING);
- ReadDataSourceHit(10, 10, 10);
- ReadDataSourceFailed(10, 10, net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET);
- StopDataSource();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(data_source_->loading());
+ Stop();
-// Helper that sets |*value| to true. Useful for binding into a Closure.
static void SetTrue(bool* value) {
*value = true;
@@ -537,199 +361,22 @@ static void SetTrue(bool* value) {
// object runs on the render message loop, Stop() will not complete if it
// requires a task to run on the the message loop that is being blocked.
TEST_F(BufferedDataSourceTest, StopDoesNotUseMessageLoopForCallback) {
- InitializeDataSource(kFileUrl, net::OK, true, 1024, LOADED);
+ InitializeWith206Response();
// Stop() the data source, using a callback that lets us verify that it was
// called before Stop() returns. This is to make sure that the callback does
// not require |message_loop_| to execute tasks before being called.
bool stop_done_called = false;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(data_source_->loading());
data_source_->Stop(base::Bind(&SetTrue, &stop_done_called));
// Verify that the callback was called inside the Stop() call.
-TEST_F(BufferedDataSourceTest, AbortDuringPendingRead) {
- InitializeDataSource(kFileUrl, net::OK, true, 1024, LOADED);
- // Setup a way to verify that Read() is not called on the loader.
- // We are doing this to make sure that the ReadTask() is still on
- // the message loop queue when Abort() is called.
- bool read_called = false;
- ON_CALL(*loader_, Read(_, _, _ , _))
- .WillByDefault(DoAll(Assign(&read_called, true),
- DeleteArg<3>()));
- // Initiate a Read() on the data source, but don't allow the
- // message loop to run.
- data_source_->Read(
- 0, 10, buffer_,
- base::Bind(&BufferedDataSourceTest::ReadCallback,
- base::Unretained(static_cast<BufferedDataSourceTest*>(this))));
- // Call Abort() with the read pending.
- EXPECT_CALL(*this, ReadCallback(-1));
- EXPECT_CALL(*loader_, Stop());
- data_source_->Abort();
- // Verify that Read()'s after the Abort() issue callback with an error.
- EXPECT_CALL(*this, ReadCallback(-1));
- data_source_->Read(
- 0, 10, buffer_,
- base::Bind(&BufferedDataSourceTest::ReadCallback,
- base::Unretained(static_cast<BufferedDataSourceTest*>(this))));
- // Stop() the data source like normal.
- data_source_->Stop(media::NewExpectedClosure());
- // Allow cleanup task to run.
- message_loop_->RunAllPending();
- // Verify that Read() was not called on the loader.
- EXPECT_FALSE(read_called);
-// Test that we only allow a limited number of cache misses for a
-// single Read() request.
-TEST_F(BufferedDataSourceTest, BoundedCacheMisses) {
- InitializeDataSource(kHttpUrl, net::OK, true, 1024, LOADING);
- ReadDataSourceAlwaysCacheMiss(0, 10);
- StopDataSource();
-// TODO(scherkus): de-dupe from
-ACTION_P(RequestCanceled, loader) {
- WebURLError error;
- error.reason = net::ERR_ABORTED;
- error.domain = WebString::fromUTF8(net::kErrorDomain);
- loader->didFail(NULL, error);
-// A more realistic BufferedDataSource that uses BufferedResourceLoader instead
-// of a mocked version but injects a MockWebURLLoader.
-// TODO(scherkus): re-write these tests to use this class then drop the "2"
-// suffix.
-class MockBufferedDataSource2 : public BufferedDataSource {
- public:
- MockBufferedDataSource2(MessageLoop* message_loop, WebFrame* frame)
- : BufferedDataSource(message_loop, frame, new media::MediaLog()),
- url_loader_(NULL) {
- }
- virtual base::TimeDelta GetTimeoutMilliseconds() {
- return base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(
- TestTimeouts::tiny_timeout_ms());
- }
- virtual BufferedResourceLoader* CreateResourceLoader(int64 first_position,
- int64 last_position) {
- loader_ = BufferedDataSource::CreateResourceLoader(first_position,
- last_position);
- url_loader_ = new NiceMock<MockWebURLLoader>();
- ON_CALL(*url_loader_, cancel())
- .WillByDefault(RequestCanceled(loader_));
- loader_->SetURLLoaderForTest(url_loader_);
- return loader_;
- }
- const scoped_refptr<BufferedResourceLoader>& loader() { return loader_; }
- NiceMock<MockWebURLLoader>* url_loader() { return url_loader_; }
- private:
- scoped_refptr<BufferedResourceLoader> loader_;
- NiceMock<MockWebURLLoader>* url_loader_;
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(MockBufferedDataSource2);
-class BufferedDataSourceTest2 : public testing::Test {
- public:
- BufferedDataSourceTest2()
- : view_(WebView::create(NULL)),
- message_loop_(MessageLoop::current()) {
- view_->initializeMainFrame(&client_);
- }
- virtual ~BufferedDataSourceTest2() {
- view_->close();
- }
- void InitializeDataSource(const char* url) {
- gurl_ = GURL(url);
- data_source_ = new MockBufferedDataSource2(message_loop_,
- view_->mainFrame());
- data_source_->set_host(&host_);
- data_source_->Initialize(url,
- media::NewExpectedStatusCB(media::PIPELINE_OK));
- message_loop_->RunAllPending();
- // Simulate 206 response for a 5,000,000 byte length file.
- WebURLResponse response(gurl_);
- response.setHTTPHeaderField(WebString::fromUTF8("Accept-Ranges"),
- WebString::fromUTF8("bytes"));
- response.setHTTPHeaderField(WebString::fromUTF8("Content-Range"),
- WebString::fromUTF8("bytes 0-4999999/5000000"));
- response.setHTTPHeaderField(WebString::fromUTF8("Content-Length"),
- WebString::fromUTF8("5000000"));
- response.setExpectedContentLength(5000000);
- response.setHTTPStatusCode(206);
- // We should receive corresponding information about the media resource.
- EXPECT_CALL(host_, SetLoaded(false));
- EXPECT_CALL(host_, SetTotalBytes(5000000));
- EXPECT_CALL(host_, SetBufferedBytes(0));
- data_source_->loader()->didReceiveResponse(data_source_->url_loader(),
- response);
- message_loop_->RunAllPending();
- }
- void StopDataSource() {
- data_source_->Stop(media::NewExpectedClosure());
- message_loop_->RunAllPending();
- }
- MOCK_METHOD1(ReadCallback, void(size_t size));
- media::DataSource::ReadCallback NewReadCallback(size_t size) {
- EXPECT_CALL(*this, ReadCallback(size));
- return base::Bind(&BufferedDataSourceTest2::ReadCallback,
- base::Unretained(this));
- }
- // Accessors for private variables on |data_source_|.
- media::Preload preload() { return data_source_->preload_; }
- BufferedResourceLoader::DeferStrategy defer_strategy() {
- return data_source_->loader()->defer_strategy_;
- }
- int data_source_bitrate() { return data_source_->bitrate_; }
- int data_source_playback_rate() { return data_source_->playback_rate_; }
- int loader_bitrate() { return data_source_->loader()->bitrate_; }
- int loader_playback_rate() { return data_source_->loader()->playback_rate_; }
- scoped_refptr<MockBufferedDataSource2> data_source_;
- GURL gurl_;
- MockWebFrameClient client_;
- WebView* view_;
- StrictMock<media::MockFilterHost> host_;
- MessageLoop* message_loop_;
- private:
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(BufferedDataSourceTest2);
-TEST_F(BufferedDataSourceTest2, Default) {
- InitializeDataSource("http://localhost/foo.webm");
+TEST_F(BufferedDataSourceTest, DefaultValues) {
+ InitializeWith206Response();
// Ensure we have sane values for default loading scenario.
EXPECT_EQ(media::AUTO, preload());
@@ -740,11 +387,12 @@ TEST_F(BufferedDataSourceTest2, Default) {
EXPECT_EQ(0, loader_bitrate());
EXPECT_EQ(0.0f, loader_playback_rate());
- StopDataSource();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(data_source_->loading());
+ Stop();
-TEST_F(BufferedDataSourceTest2, SetBitrate) {
- InitializeDataSource("http://localhost/foo.webm");
+TEST_F(BufferedDataSourceTest, SetBitrate) {
+ InitializeWith206Response();
@@ -752,22 +400,22 @@ TEST_F(BufferedDataSourceTest2, SetBitrate) {
EXPECT_EQ(1234, loader_bitrate());
// Read so far ahead to cause the loader to get recreated.
- BufferedResourceLoader* old_loader = data_source_->loader();
- uint8 buffer[1024];
- data_source_->Read(4000000, 1024, buffer,
- NewReadCallback(media::DataSource::kReadError));
- message_loop_->RunAllPending();
+ BufferedResourceLoader* old_loader = loader();
+ ExpectCreateResourceLoader();
+ ReadAt(kFarReadPosition);
+ Respond(response_generator_.Generate206(kFarReadPosition));
// Verify loader changed but still has same bitrate.
- EXPECT_NE(old_loader, data_source_->loader().get());
+ EXPECT_NE(old_loader, loader());
EXPECT_EQ(1234, loader_bitrate());
- StopDataSource();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(data_source_->loading());
+ EXPECT_CALL(*this, ReadCallback(media::DataSource::kReadError));
+ Stop();
-TEST_F(BufferedDataSourceTest2, SetPlaybackRate) {
- InitializeDataSource("http://localhost/foo.webm");
+TEST_F(BufferedDataSourceTest, SetPlaybackRate) {
+ InitializeWith206Response();
@@ -775,18 +423,36 @@ TEST_F(BufferedDataSourceTest2, SetPlaybackRate) {
EXPECT_EQ(2.0f, loader_playback_rate());
// Read so far ahead to cause the loader to get recreated.
- BufferedResourceLoader* old_loader = data_source_->loader();
+ BufferedResourceLoader* old_loader = loader();
+ ExpectCreateResourceLoader();
+ ReadAt(kFarReadPosition);
+ Respond(response_generator_.Generate206(kFarReadPosition));
- uint8 buffer[1024];
- data_source_->Read(4000000, 1024, buffer,
- NewReadCallback(media::DataSource::kReadError));
- message_loop_->RunAllPending();
+ // Verify loader changed but still has same playback rate.
+ EXPECT_NE(old_loader, loader());
- // Verify loader changed but still has same bitrate.
- EXPECT_NE(old_loader, data_source_->loader().get());
- EXPECT_EQ(2.0f, loader_playback_rate());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(data_source_->loading());
+ EXPECT_CALL(*this, ReadCallback(media::DataSource::kReadError));
+ Stop();
+TEST_F(BufferedDataSourceTest, Read) {
+ InitializeWith206Response();
+ ReadAt(0);
+ // When the read completes we'll update our network status.
+ EXPECT_CALL(host_, SetBufferedBytes(kDataSize));
+ EXPECT_CALL(host_, SetNetworkActivity(true));
+ EXPECT_CALL(*this, ReadCallback(kDataSize));
+ FinishRead();
+ // During teardown we'll also report our final network status.
+ EXPECT_CALL(host_, SetBufferedBytes(kDataSize));
+ EXPECT_CALL(host_, SetNetworkActivity(false));
- StopDataSource();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(data_source_->loading());
+ Stop();
} // namespace webkit_media
diff --git a/webkit/media/buffered_resource_loader.h b/webkit/media/buffered_resource_loader.h
index e92eb37..4399d00 100644
--- a/webkit/media/buffered_resource_loader.h
+++ b/webkit/media/buffered_resource_loader.h
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ class BufferedResourceLoader
virtual ~BufferedResourceLoader();
- friend class BufferedDataSourceTest2;
+ friend class BufferedDataSourceTest;
friend class BufferedResourceLoaderTest;
// Updates the |buffer_|'s forward and backward capacities.
diff --git a/webkit/media/ b/webkit/media/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3138c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webkit/media/
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "webkit/media/test_response_generator.h"
+#include "base/format_macros.h"
+#include "base/string_number_conversions.h"
+#include "base/stringprintf.h"
+#include "net/base/net_errors.h"
+#include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebString.h"
+#include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebURLResponse.h"
+using WebKit::WebString;
+using WebKit::WebURLError;
+using WebKit::WebURLResponse;
+namespace webkit_media {
+TestResponseGenerator::TestResponseGenerator(const GURL& gurl,
+ int64 content_length)
+ : gurl_(gurl),
+ content_length_(content_length) {
+WebURLError TestResponseGenerator::GenerateError() {
+ WebURLError error;
+ error.reason = net::ERR_ABORTED;
+ error.domain = WebString::fromUTF8(net::kErrorDomain);
+ return error;
+WebURLResponse TestResponseGenerator::Generate200() {
+ WebURLResponse response(gurl_);
+ response.setHTTPStatusCode(200);
+ response.setHTTPHeaderField(
+ WebString::fromUTF8("Content-Length"),
+ WebString::fromUTF8(base::Int64ToString(content_length_)));
+ response.setExpectedContentLength(content_length_);
+ return response;
+WebURLResponse TestResponseGenerator::Generate206(int64 first_byte_offset) {
+ return Generate206(first_byte_offset, kNormal);
+WebURLResponse TestResponseGenerator::Generate206(int64 first_byte_offset,
+ Flags flags) {
+ int64 range_content_length = content_length_ - first_byte_offset;
+ int64 last_byte_offset = content_length_ - 1;
+ WebURLResponse response(gurl_);
+ response.setHTTPStatusCode(206);
+ if ((flags & kNoAcceptRanges) == 0) {
+ response.setHTTPHeaderField(WebString::fromUTF8("Accept-Ranges"),
+ WebString::fromUTF8("bytes"));
+ }
+ if ((flags & kNoContentRange) == 0) {
+ std::string content_range = base::StringPrintf(
+ "bytes %" PRId64 "-%" PRId64 "/%" PRId64,
+ first_byte_offset, last_byte_offset, content_length_);
+ response.setHTTPHeaderField(WebString::fromUTF8("Content-Range"),
+ WebString::fromUTF8(content_range));
+ }
+ if ((flags & kNoContentLength) == 0) {
+ response.setHTTPHeaderField(
+ WebString::fromUTF8("Content-Length"),
+ WebString::fromUTF8(base::Int64ToString(range_content_length)));
+ response.setExpectedContentLength(range_content_length);
+ }
+ return response;
+WebURLResponse TestResponseGenerator::Generate404() {
+ WebURLResponse response(gurl_);
+ response.setHTTPStatusCode(404);
+ return response;
+} // namespace webkit_media
diff --git a/webkit/media/test_response_generator.h b/webkit/media/test_response_generator.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fbdf5a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webkit/media/test_response_generator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "base/basictypes.h"
+#include "googleurl/src/gurl.h"
+#include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebURLError.h"
+#include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebURLResponse.h"
+namespace webkit_media {
+// Generates WebURLErrors and WebURLResponses suitable for testing purposes.
+class TestResponseGenerator {
+ public:
+ enum Flags {
+ kNormal = 0,
+ kNoAcceptRanges = 1 << 0, // Don't include Accept-Ranges in 206 response.
+ kNoContentRange = 1 << 1, // Don't include Content-Range in 206 response.
+ kNoContentLength = 1 << 2, // Don't include Content-Length in 206 response.
+ };
+ // Build an HTTP response generator for the given URL. |content_length| is
+ // used to generate Content-Length and Content-Range headers.
+ TestResponseGenerator(const GURL& gurl, int64 content_length);
+ // Generates a WebURLError object.
+ WebKit::WebURLError GenerateError();
+ // Generates a regular HTTP 200 response.
+ WebKit::WebURLResponse Generate200();
+ // Generates a regular HTTP 206 response starting from |first_byte_offset|
+ // until the end of the resource.
+ WebKit::WebURLResponse Generate206(int64 first_byte_offset);
+ // Generates a custom HTTP 206 response starting from |first_byte_offset|
+ // until the end of the resource. You can tweak what gets included in the
+ // headers via |flags|.
+ WebKit::WebURLResponse Generate206(int64 first_byte_offset, Flags flags);
+ // Generates a regular HTTP 404 response.
+ WebKit::WebURLResponse Generate404();
+ const GURL& gurl() { return gurl_; }
+ int64 content_length() { return content_length_; }
+ private:
+ GURL gurl_;
+ int64 content_length_;
+ DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(TestResponseGenerator);
+} // namespace webkit_media
diff --git a/webkit/tools/test_shell/test_shell.gypi b/webkit/tools/test_shell/test_shell.gypi
index 01f5b10..21e1314 100644
--- a/webkit/tools/test_shell/test_shell.gypi
+++ b/webkit/tools/test_shell/test_shell.gypi
@@ -427,6 +427,8 @@
+ '../../media/',
+ '../../media/test_response_generator.h',