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7 files changed, 362 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/renderer_host/render_widget_host_view_mac.h b/chrome/browser/renderer_host/render_widget_host_view_mac.h
index a693377..7c6ece5 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/renderer_host/render_widget_host_view_mac.h
+++ b/chrome/browser/renderer_host/render_widget_host_view_mac.h
@@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ class RWHVMEditCommandHelper;
// but that means that the view needs to own the delegate and will dispose of it
// when it's removed from the view system.
-@interface RenderWidgetHostViewCocoa : BaseView <RenderWidgetHostViewMacOwner> {
+@interface RenderWidgetHostViewCocoa
+ : BaseView <RenderWidgetHostViewMacOwner, NSTextInput> {
RenderWidgetHostViewMac* renderWidgetHostView_;
BOOL canBeKeyView_;
@@ -130,6 +131,49 @@ class RenderWidgetHostViewMac : public RenderWidgetHostView {
// value returns true for is_null() if we are not recording whiteout times.
base::TimeTicks whiteout_start_time_;
+ // Variables used by our implementaion of the NSTextInput protocol.
+ // An input method of Mac calls the methods of this protocol not only to
+ // notify an application of its status, but also to retrieve the status of
+ // the application. That is, an application cannot control an input method
+ // directly.
+ // This object keeps the status of a composition of the renderer and returns
+ // it when an input method asks for it.
+ // We need to implement Objective-C methods for the NSTextInput protocol. On
+ // the other hand, we need to implement a C++ method for an IPC-message
+ // handler which receives input-method events from the renderer.
+ // To avoid fragmentation of variables used by our input-method
+ // implementation, we define all variables as public member variables of
+ // this C++ class so both the C++ methods and the Objective-C methods can
+ // access them.
+ // Represents the input-method attributes supported by this object.
+ NSArray* im_attributes_;
+ // Represents whether or not an input method is composing a text.
+ bool im_composing_;
+ // Represents the range of the composition string (i.e. a text being
+ // composed by an input method), and the range of the selected text of the
+ // composition string.
+ // TODO(hbono): need to save the composition string itself for the
+ // attributedSubstringFromRange method?
+ NSRange im_marked_range_;
+ NSRange im_selected_range_;
+ // Represents the state of modifier keys.
+ // An input method doesn't notify the state of modifier keys. On the other
+ // hand, the state of modifier keys are required by Char events because they
+ // are dispatched to onkeypress() event handlers of JavaScript.
+ // To create a Char event in NSTextInput methods, we save the latest state
+ // of modifier keys when we receive it.
+ int im_modifiers_;
+ // Represents the cursor position in this view coordinate.
+ // The renderer sends the cursor position through an IPC message.
+ // We save the latest cursor position here and return it when an input
+ // methods needs it.
+ NSRect im_caret_rect_;
// Updates the display cursor to the current cursor if the cursor is over this
// render view.
diff --git a/chrome/browser/renderer_host/ b/chrome/browser/renderer_host/
index 6a8c60b..ea3bf8f 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/renderer_host/
+++ b/chrome/browser/renderer_host/
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
#include "chrome/browser/renderer_host/render_widget_host_view_mac.h"
#include "base/histogram.h"
+#include "base/string_util.h"
#include "base/sys_string_conversions.h"
#include "chrome/browser/browser_trial.h"
#import "chrome/browser/cocoa/rwhvm_editcommand_helper.h"
@@ -47,6 +48,8 @@ RenderWidgetHostView* RenderWidgetHostView::CreateViewForWidget(
RenderWidgetHostViewMac::RenderWidgetHostViewMac(RenderWidgetHost* widget)
: render_widget_host_(widget),
+ im_attributes_(NULL),
+ im_composing_(false),
@@ -208,7 +211,19 @@ void RenderWidgetHostViewMac::SetIsLoading(bool is_loading) {
void RenderWidgetHostViewMac::IMEUpdateStatus(int control,
const gfx::Rect& caret_rect) {
+ // The renderer updates its IME status.
+ // We need to control the input method according to the given message.
+ // We need to convert the coordinate of the cursor rectangle sent from the
+ // renderer and save it. Our IME backend uses a coordinate system whose
+ // origin is the upper-left corner of this view. On the other hand, Cocoa
+ // uses a coordinate system whose origin is the lower-left corner of this
+ // view. So, we convert the cursor rectangle and save it.
+ NSRect view_rect = [cocoa_view_ bounds];
+ const int y_offset = static_cast<int>(view_rect.size.height);
+ im_caret_rect_ = NSMakeRect(caret_rect.x(),
+ y_offset - caret_rect.y() - caret_rect.height(),
+ caret_rect.width(), caret_rect.height());
void RenderWidgetHostViewMac::DidPaintRect(const gfx::Rect& rect) {
@@ -458,8 +473,28 @@ void RenderWidgetHostViewMac::SetActive(bool active) {
// the popup in the first place.
NativeWebKeyboardEvent event(theEvent);
+ // Save the modifier keys so the insertText method can use it when it sends
+ // a Char event, which is dispatched as an onkeypress() event of JavaScript.
+ renderWidgetHostView_->im_modifiers_ = event.modifiers;
+ // To emulate Windows, over-write |event.windowsKeyCode| to VK_PROCESSKEY
+ // while an input method is composing a text.
+ // Gmail checks this code in its onkeydown handler to stop auto-completing
+ // e-mail addresses while composing a CJK text.
+ if ([theEvent type] == NSKeyDown && renderWidgetHostView_->im_composing_)
+ event.windowsKeyCode = 0xE5;
+ // Dispatch this keyboard event to the renderer.
if (renderWidgetHostView_->render_widget_host_)
+ // Dispatch a NSKeyDown event to an input method.
+ // To send an onkeydown() event before an onkeypress() event, we should
+ // dispatch this NSKeyDown event AFTER sending it to the renderer.
+ // (See <>).
+ if ([theEvent type] == NSKeyDown)
+ [self interpretKeyEvents:[NSArray arrayWithObject:theEvent]];
- (void)scrollWheel:(NSEvent *)theEvent {
@@ -819,5 +854,227 @@ static const NSTrackingRectTag kTrackingRectTag = 0xBADFACE;
return [[toolTip_ copy] autorelease];
+// Below is our NSTextInput implementation.
+// When WebHTMLView receives a NSKeyDown event, WebHTMLView calls the following
+// functions to process this event.
+// [WebHTMLView keyDown] ->
+// EventHandler::keyEvent() ->
+// ...
+// [WebEditorClient handleKeyboardEvent] ->
+// [WebHTMLView _interceptEditingKeyEvent] ->
+// [NSResponder interpretKeyEvents] ->
+// [WebHTMLView insertText] ->
+// Editor::insertText()
+// Unfortunately, it is hard for Chromium to use this implementation because
+// it causes key-typing jank.
+// RenderWidgetHostViewMac is running in a browser process. On the other
+// hand, Editor and EventHandler are running in a renderer process.
+// So, if we used this implementation, a NSKeyDown event is dispatched to
+// the following functions of Chromium.
+// [RenderWidgetHostViewMac keyEvent] (browser) ->
+// |Sync IPC (KeyDown)| (*1) ->
+// EventHandler::keyEvent() (renderer) ->
+// ...
+// EditorClientImpl::handleKeyboardEvent() (renderer) ->
+// |Sync IPC| (*2) ->
+// [RenderWidgetHostViewMac _interceptEditingKeyEvent] (browser) ->
+// [self interpretKeyEvents] ->
+// [RenderWidgetHostViewMac insertText] (browser) ->
+// |Async IPC| ->
+// Editor::insertText() (renderer)
+// (*1) we need to wait until this call finishes since WebHTMLView uses the
+// result of EventHandler::keyEvent().
+// (*2) we need to wait until this call finishes since WebEditorClient uses
+// the result of [WebHTMLView _interceptEditingKeyEvent].
+// This needs many sync IPC messages sent between a browser and a renderer for
+// each key event, which would probably result in key-typing jank.
+// To avoid this problem, this implementation processes key events (and IME
+// events) totally in a browser process and sends asynchronous input events,
+// almost same as KeyboardEvents (and TextEvents) of DOM Level 3, to a
+// renderer process.
+// [RenderWidgetHostViewMac keyEvent] (browser) ->
+// |Async IPC (RawKeyDown)| ->
+// [self interpretKeyEvents] ->
+// [RenderWidgetHostViewMac insertText] (browser) ->
+// |Async IPC (Char)| ->
+// Editor::insertText() (renderer)
+// Since this implementation doesn't have to wait any IPC calls, this doesn't
+// make any key-typing jank. --hbono 7/23/09
+extern "C" {
+extern NSString *NSTextInputReplacementRangeAttributeName;
+- (NSArray *)validAttributesForMarkedText {
+ // This code is just copied from WebKit except renaming variables.
+ if (!renderWidgetHostView_->im_attributes_) {
+ renderWidgetHostView_->im_attributes_ = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:
+ NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName,
+ NSUnderlineColorAttributeName,
+ NSMarkedClauseSegmentAttributeName,
+ NSTextInputReplacementRangeAttributeName,
+ nil];
+ }
+ return renderWidgetHostView_->im_attributes_;
+- (NSUInteger)characterIndexForPoint:(NSPoint)thePoint {
+ return NSNotFound;
+- (NSRect)firstRectForCharacterRange:(NSRange)theRange {
+ // An input method requests a cursor rectangle to display its candidate
+ // window.
+ // Calculate the screen coordinate of the cursor rectangle saved in
+ // RenderWidgetHostViewMac::IMEUpdateStatus() and send it to the IME.
+ // Since this window may be moved since we receive the cursor rectangle last
+ // time we sent the cursor rectangle to the IME, so we should map from the
+ // view coordinate to the screen coordinate every time when an IME need it.
+ NSRect resultRect = renderWidgetHostView_->im_caret_rect_;
+ resultRect = [self convertRect:resultRect toView:nil];
+ NSWindow* window = [self window];
+ if (window)
+ resultRect.origin = [window convertBaseToScreen:resultRect.origin];
+ return resultRect;
+- (NSRange)selectedRange {
+ // Return the selected range saved in the setMarkedText method.
+ return renderWidgetHostView_->im_selected_range_;
+- (NSRange)markedRange {
+ // An input method calls this method to check if an application really has
+ // a text being composed when hasMarkedText call returns true.
+ // Returns the range saved in the setMarkedText method so the input method
+ // calls the setMarkedText method and we can update the composition node
+ // there. (When this method returns an empty range, the input method doesn't
+ // call the setMarkedText method.)
+ return renderWidgetHostView_->im_marked_range_;
+- (NSAttributedString *)attributedSubstringFromRange:(NSRange)nsRange {
+ // TODO(hbono): Even though many input method works without implementing
+ // this method, we need to save a copy of the string in the setMarkedText
+ // method and create a NSAttributedString with the given range.
+ return nil;
+- (NSInteger)conversationIdentifier {
+ return reinterpret_cast<NSInteger>(self);
+- (BOOL)hasMarkedText {
+ // An input method calls this function to figure out whether or not an
+ // application is really composing a text. If it is composing, it calls
+ // the markedRange method, and maybe calls the setMarkedTest method.
+ // It seems an input method usually calls this function when it is about to
+ // cancel an ongoing composition. If an application has a non-empty marked
+ // range, it calls the setMarkedText method to delete the range.
+ return renderWidgetHostView_->im_composing_ ? YES : NO;
+- (void)unmarkText {
+ // Delete the composition node of the renderer and finish an ongoing
+ // composition.
+ // It seems an input method calls the setMarkedText method and set an empty
+ // text when it cancels an ongoing composition, i.e. I have never seen an
+ // input method calls this method.
+ renderWidgetHostView_->render_widget_host_->ImeCancelComposition();
+ renderWidgetHostView_->im_composing_ = false;
+- (void)setMarkedText:(id)string selectedRange:(NSRange)newSelRange {
+ // An input method updates the composition string.
+ // We send the given text and range to the renderer so it can update the
+ // composition node of WebKit.
+ BOOL isAttributedString = [string isKindOfClass:[NSAttributedString class]];
+ NSString* im_text = isAttributedString ? [string string] : string;
+ int length = [im_text length];
+ int cursor;
+ int target_start;
+ int target_end;
+ if (!newSelRange.length) {
+ // The given text doesn't have any range to be highlighted.
+ // Put the cursor to the end of this text and clear the selection range.
+ cursor = length;
+ target_start = 0;
+ target_end = 0;
+ } else {
+ // The given text has a range to be highlighted.
+ // Set the selection range to the given one and put the cursor at the
+ // beginning of the selection range.
+ cursor = newSelRange.location;
+ target_start = newSelRange.location;
+ target_end = newSelRange.location + newSelRange.length;
+ }
+ // Dispatch this IME event to the renderer and update the IME state of this
+ // object.
+ // Input methods of Mac use setMarkedText calls with an empty text to cancel
+ // an ongoing composition. So, we should check whether or not the given text
+ // is empty to update the IME state. (Our IME backend can automatically
+ // cancels an ongoing composition when we send an empty text. So, it is OK
+ // to send an empty text to the renderer.)
+ renderWidgetHostView_->render_widget_host_->ImeSetComposition(
+ UTF8ToUTF16([im_text UTF8String]), cursor, target_start, target_end);
+ renderWidgetHostView_->GetRenderWidgetHost()->ImeSetInputMode(true);
+ renderWidgetHostView_->im_composing_ = length > 0;
+ renderWidgetHostView_->im_marked_range_.location = 0;
+ renderWidgetHostView_->im_marked_range_.length = length;
+ renderWidgetHostView_->im_selected_range_.location = newSelRange.location;
+ renderWidgetHostView_->im_selected_range_.length = newSelRange.length;
+- (void)doCommandBySelector:(SEL)selector {
+ // An input method calls this function to dispatch an editing command to be
+ // handled by this view.
+ // Even though most editing commands has been already handled by the
+ // RWHVMEditCommandHelper object, we need to handle an insertNewline: command
+ // and send a '\r' character to WebKit so that WebKit dispatches this
+ // character to onkeypress() event handlers.
+ // TODO(hbono): need to handle more commands?
+ if (selector == @selector(insertNewline:)) {
+ NativeWebKeyboardEvent event('\r', renderWidgetHostView_->im_modifiers_,
+ base::Time::Now().ToDoubleT());
+ renderWidgetHostView_->render_widget_host_->ForwardKeyboardEvent(event);
+ }
+- (void)insertText:(id)string {
+ // An input method has characters to be inserted.
+ // Same as Linux, Mac calls this method not only:
+ // * when an input method finishs composing text, but also;
+ // * when we type an ASCII character (without using input methods).
+ // When we aren't using input methods, we should send the given character as
+ // a Char event so it is dispatched to an onkeypress() event handler of
+ // JavaScript.
+ // On the other hand, when we are using input methods, we should send the
+ // given characters as an IME event and prevent the characters from being
+ // dispatched to onkeypress() event handlers.
+ BOOL isAttributedString = [string isKindOfClass:[NSAttributedString class]];
+ NSString* im_text = isAttributedString ? [string string] : string;
+ if (!renderWidgetHostView_->im_composing_ && [im_text length] == 1) {
+ NativeWebKeyboardEvent event([im_text characterAtIndex:0],
+ renderWidgetHostView_->im_modifiers_,
+ base::Time::Now().ToDoubleT());
+ renderWidgetHostView_->render_widget_host_->ForwardKeyboardEvent(event);
+ } else {
+ renderWidgetHostView_->render_widget_host_->ImeConfirmComposition(
+ UTF8ToUTF16([im_text UTF8String]));
+ }
+ renderWidgetHostView_->im_composing_ = false;
diff --git a/chrome/common/native_web_keyboard_event.h b/chrome/common/native_web_keyboard_event.h
index 021d061..87f5a90 100644
--- a/chrome/common/native_web_keyboard_event.h
+++ b/chrome/common/native_web_keyboard_event.h
@@ -29,6 +29,9 @@ struct NativeWebKeyboardEvent : public WebKit::WebKeyboardEvent {
NativeWebKeyboardEvent(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam);
#elif defined(OS_MACOSX)
explicit NativeWebKeyboardEvent(NSEvent *event);
+ NativeWebKeyboardEvent(wchar_t character,
+ int state,
+ double time_stamp_seconds);
#elif defined(OS_LINUX)
explicit NativeWebKeyboardEvent(const GdkEventKey* event);
NativeWebKeyboardEvent(wchar_t character,
diff --git a/chrome/common/ b/chrome/common/
index 04e2b46..b9922bb 100644
--- a/chrome/common/
+++ b/chrome/common/
@@ -19,6 +19,15 @@ NativeWebKeyboardEvent::NativeWebKeyboardEvent(NSEvent* event)
os_event([event retain]) {
+NativeWebKeyboardEvent::NativeWebKeyboardEvent(wchar_t character,
+ int modifiers,
+ double time_stamp_seconds)
+ : WebKeyboardEvent(WebInputEventFactory::keyboardEvent(character,
+ modifiers,
+ time_stamp_seconds)),
+ os_event(NULL) {
const NativeWebKeyboardEvent& other)
: WebKeyboardEvent(other),
diff --git a/webkit/api/public/WebInputEvent.h b/webkit/api/public/WebInputEvent.h
index dbb6602..a09cd37 100644
--- a/webkit/api/public/WebInputEvent.h
+++ b/webkit/api/public/WebInputEvent.h
@@ -55,18 +55,29 @@ namespace WebKit {
, modifiers(0)
, timeStampSeconds(0.0) { }
- // There are two schemes used for keyboard input. On Windows (and,
- // interestingly enough, on Mac Carbon) there are two events for a
- // keypress. One is a raw keydown, which provides the keycode only.
- // If the app doesn't handle that, then the system runs key translation
- // to create an event containing the generated character and pumps that
- // event. In such a scheme, those two events are translated to
- // RAW_KEY_DOWN and CHAR events respectively. In Cocoa and Gtk, key
- // events contain both the keycode and any translation into actual
- // text. In such a case, WebCore will eventually need to split the
- // events (see disambiguateKeyDownEvent and its callers) but we don't
- // worry about that here. We just use a different type (KEY_DOWN) to
- // indicate this.
+ // When we use an input method (or an input method editor), we receive
+ // two events for a keypress. The former event is a keydown, which
+ // provides a keycode, and the latter is a textinput, which provides
+ // a character processed by an input method. (The mapping from a
+ // keycode to a character code is not trivial for non-English
+ // keyboards.)
+ // To support input methods, Safari sends keydown events to WebKit for
+ // filtering. WebKit sends filtered keydown events back to Safari,
+ // which sends them to input methods.
+ // Unfortunately, it is hard to apply this design to Chrome because of
+ // our multiprocess architecture. An input method is running in a
+ // browser process. On the other hand, WebKit is running in a renderer
+ // process. So, this design results in increasing IPC messages.
+ // To support input methods without increasing IPC messages, Chrome
+ // handles keyboard events in a browser process and send asynchronous
+ // input events (to be translated to DOM events) to a renderer
+ // process.
+ // This design is mostly the same as the one of Windows and Mac Carbon.
+ // So, for what it's worth, our Linux and Mac front-ends emulate our
+ // Windows front-end. To emulate our Windows front-end, we can share
+ // our back-end code among Windows, Linux, and Mac.
+ // TODO(hbono): Issue 18064: remove the KeyDown type since it isn't
+ // used in Chrome any longer.
enum Type {
Undefined = -1,
diff --git a/webkit/api/public/mac/WebInputEventFactory.h b/webkit/api/public/mac/WebInputEventFactory.h
index 5b55613c..bb02e38 100644
--- a/webkit/api/public/mac/WebInputEventFactory.h
+++ b/webkit/api/public/mac/WebInputEventFactory.h
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
* Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
+ *
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
* met:
- *
+ *
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
* * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
* contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
* this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
+ *
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ namespace WebKit {
class WebInputEventFactory {
WEBKIT_API static WebKeyboardEvent keyboardEvent(NSEvent*);
+ WEBKIT_API static WebKeyboardEvent keyboardEvent(wchar_t character, int modifiers, double timeStampSeconds);
WEBKIT_API static WebMouseEvent mouseEvent(NSEvent*, NSView*);
WEBKIT_API static WebMouseWheelEvent mouseWheelEvent(NSEvent*, NSView*);
diff --git a/webkit/api/src/mac/ b/webkit/api/src/mac/
index 02a85d2..b549c5f 100644
--- a/webkit/api/src/mac/
+++ b/webkit/api/src/mac/
@@ -846,7 +846,7 @@ WebKeyboardEvent WebInputEventFactory::keyboardEvent(NSEvent* event)
WebKeyboardEvent result;
result.type =
- isKeyUpEvent(event) ? WebInputEvent::KeyUp : WebInputEvent::KeyDown;
+ isKeyUpEvent(event) ? WebInputEvent::KeyUp : WebInputEvent::RawKeyDown;
result.modifiers = modifiersFromEvent(event);
@@ -905,6 +905,25 @@ WebKeyboardEvent WebInputEventFactory::keyboardEvent(NSEvent* event)
return result;
+WebKeyboardEvent WebInputEventFactory::keyboardEvent(wchar_t character,
+ int modifiers,
+ double timeStampSeconds)
+ // keyboardEvent(NSEvent*) depends on the NSEvent object and
+ // it is hard to use it from methods of the NSTextInput protocol. For
+ // such methods, this function creates a WebInputEvent::Char event without
+ // using a NSEvent object.
+ WebKeyboardEvent result;
+ result.type = WebKit::WebInputEvent::Char;
+ result.timeStampSeconds = timeStampSeconds;
+ result.modifiers = modifiers;
+ result.windowsKeyCode = character;
+ result.nativeKeyCode = character;
+ result.text[0] = character;
+ result.unmodifiedText[0] = character;
+ return result;
// WebMouseEvent --------------------------------------------------------------
WebMouseEvent WebInputEventFactory::mouseEvent(NSEvent* event, NSView* view)