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3 files changed, 138 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/net/spdy/ b/net/spdy/
index b00e938..a360c52 100644
--- a/net/spdy/
+++ b/net/spdy/
@@ -362,7 +362,11 @@ void SpdySession::ProcessPendingCreateStreams() {
- pending_create.callback->Run(error);
+ MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(
+ method_factory_.NewRunnableMethod(
+ &SpdySession::InvokeUserStreamCreationCallback,
+ pending_create.callback, error));
@@ -1298,4 +1302,9 @@ void SpdySession::RecordHistograms() {
+void SpdySession::InvokeUserStreamCreationCallback(
+ CompletionCallback* callback, int rv) {
+ callback->Run(rv);
} // namespace net
diff --git a/net/spdy/spdy_session.h b/net/spdy/spdy_session.h
index 8ef6543..de5f0e2 100644
--- a/net/spdy/spdy_session.h
+++ b/net/spdy/spdy_session.h
@@ -295,6 +295,10 @@ class SpdySession : public base::RefCounted<SpdySession>,
// Closes all streams. Used as part of shutdown.
void CloseAllStreams(net::Error status);
+ // Invokes a user callback for stream creation. We provide this method so it
+ // can be deferred to the MessageLoop, so we avoid re-entrancy problems.
+ void InvokeUserStreamCreationCallback(CompletionCallback* callback, int rv);
// Callbacks for the Spdy session.
CompletionCallbackImpl<SpdySession> read_callback_;
CompletionCallbackImpl<SpdySession> write_callback_;
@@ -311,7 +315,7 @@ class SpdySession : public base::RefCounted<SpdySession>,
// |spdy_session_pool_| owns us, therefore its lifetime must exceed ours. We
// set this to NULL after we are removed from the pool.
SpdySessionPool* spdy_session_pool_;
- SpdySettingsStorage* spdy_settings_;
+ SpdySettingsStorage* const spdy_settings_;
// The socket handle for this session.
scoped_ptr<ClientSocketHandle> connection_;
diff --git a/net/spdy/ b/net/spdy/
index 38de37a..4a66406 100644
--- a/net/spdy/
+++ b/net/spdy/
@@ -2,8 +2,9 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "net/spdy/spdy_io_buffer.h"
#include "net/spdy/spdy_session.h"
+#include "net/spdy/spdy_io_buffer.h"
#include "net/spdy/spdy_stream.h"
#include "net/spdy/spdy_test_util.h"
#include "testing/platform_test.h"
@@ -20,6 +21,7 @@ class SpdySessionTest : public PlatformTest {
namespace {
// Test the SpdyIOBuffer class.
TEST_F(SpdySessionTest, SpdyIOBuffer) {
std::priority_queue<SpdyIOBuffer> queue_;
@@ -115,5 +117,125 @@ TEST_F(SpdySessionTest, GoAway) {
session2 = NULL;
+class StreamReleaserCallback : public CallbackRunner<Tuple1<int> > {
+ public:
+ StreamReleaserCallback(SpdySession* session,
+ SpdyStream* first_stream)
+ : session_(session), first_stream_(first_stream) {}
+ ~StreamReleaserCallback() {}
+ int WaitForResult() { return callback_.WaitForResult(); }
+ virtual void RunWithParams(const Tuple1<int>& params) {
+ session_->CloseSessionOnError(ERR_FAILED, false);
+ session_ = NULL;
+ first_stream_->Cancel();
+ first_stream_ = NULL;
+ stream_->Cancel();
+ stream_ = NULL;
+ callback_.RunWithParams(params);
+ }
+ scoped_refptr<SpdyStream>* stream() { return &stream_; }
+ private:
+ scoped_refptr<SpdySession> session_;
+ scoped_refptr<SpdyStream> first_stream_;
+ scoped_refptr<SpdyStream> stream_;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback_;
+// Start with max concurrent streams set to 1. Request two streams. Receive a
+// settings frame setting max concurrent streams to 2. Have the callback
+// release the stream, which releases its reference (the last) to the session.
+// Make sure nothing blows up.
+TEST_F(SpdySessionTest, OnSettings) {
+ SpdySessionDependencies session_deps;
+ session_deps.host_resolver->set_synchronous_mode(true);
+ spdy::SpdySettings new_settings;
+ spdy::SettingsFlagsAndId id(spdy::SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS);
+ const size_t max_concurrent_streams = 2;
+ new_settings.push_back(spdy::SpdySetting(id, max_concurrent_streams));
+ // Set up the socket so we read a SETTINGS frame that raises max concurrent
+ // streams to 2.
+ MockConnect connect_data(false, OK);
+ scoped_ptr<spdy::SpdyFrame> settings_frame(
+ ConstructSpdySettings(new_settings));
+ MockRead reads[] = {
+ CreateMockRead(*settings_frame),
+ MockRead(false, 0, 0) // EOF
+ };
+ StaticSocketDataProvider data(reads, arraysize(reads), NULL, 0);
+ data.set_connect_data(connect_data);
+ session_deps.socket_factory->AddSocketDataProvider(&data);
+ SSLSocketDataProvider ssl(false, OK);
+ session_deps.socket_factory->AddSSLSocketDataProvider(&ssl);
+ scoped_refptr<HttpNetworkSession> http_session(
+ SpdySessionDependencies::SpdyCreateSession(&session_deps));
+ const std::string kTestHost("");
+ const int kTestPort = 80;
+ HostPortPair test_host_port_pair(kTestHost, kTestPort);
+ HostPortProxyPair pair(test_host_port_pair, ProxyServer::Direct());
+ // Initialize the SpdySettingsStorage with 1 max concurrent streams.
+ spdy::SpdySettings old_settings;
+ id.set_flags(spdy::SETTINGS_FLAG_PLEASE_PERSIST);
+ old_settings.push_back(spdy::SpdySetting(id, 1));
+ http_session->mutable_spdy_settings()->Set(
+ test_host_port_pair, old_settings);
+ // Create a session.
+ SpdySessionPool* spdy_session_pool(http_session->spdy_session_pool());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(spdy_session_pool->HasSession(pair));
+ scoped_refptr<SpdySession> session =
+ spdy_session_pool->Get(pair, http_session->mutable_spdy_settings(),
+ BoundNetLog());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(spdy_session_pool->HasSession(pair));
+ scoped_refptr<TCPSocketParams> tcp_params =
+ new TCPSocketParams(kTestHost, kTestPort, MEDIUM, GURL(), false);
+ scoped_ptr<ClientSocketHandle> connection(new ClientSocketHandle);
+ connection->Init(test_host_port_pair.ToString(), tcp_params, MEDIUM,
+ NULL, http_session->tcp_socket_pool(),
+ BoundNetLog()));
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, session->InitializeWithSocket(connection.release(), false, OK));
+ // Create 2 streams. First will succeed. Second will be pending.
+ scoped_refptr<SpdyStream> spdy_stream1;
+ TestCompletionCallback callback1;
+ GURL url("");
+ session->CreateStream(url,
+ MEDIUM, /* priority, not important */
+ &spdy_stream1,
+ BoundNetLog(),
+ &callback1));
+ StreamReleaserCallback stream_releaser(session, spdy_stream1);
+ session->CreateStream(url,
+ MEDIUM, /* priority, not important */
+ BoundNetLog(),
+ &stream_releaser));
+ // Make sure |stream_releaser| holds the last refs.
+ session = NULL;
+ spdy_stream1 = NULL;
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, stream_releaser.WaitForResult());
} // namespace
} // namespace net