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3 files changed, 21 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/ppapi/native_client/src/trusted/plugin/ b/ppapi/native_client/src/trusted/plugin/
index 7c6c045..ccddfe8 100644
--- a/ppapi/native_client/src/trusted/plugin/
+++ b/ppapi/native_client/src/trusted/plugin/
@@ -20,12 +20,12 @@
namespace plugin {
-void FileDownloader::Initialize(Plugin* instance) {
- PLUGIN_PRINTF(("FileDownloader::FileDownloader (this=%p)\n",
- static_cast<void*>(this)));
- CHECK(instance != NULL);
- CHECK(instance_ == NULL); // Can only initialize once.
- instance_ = instance;
+FileDownloader::FileDownloader(Plugin* instance)
+ : instance_(instance),
+ file_open_notify_callback_(pp::BlockUntilComplete()),
+ stream_finish_callback_(pp::BlockUntilComplete()),
+ data_stream_callback_source_(NULL) {
@@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ bool FileDownloader::OpenStream(
return false;
status_code_ = -1;
- url_ = url;
file_open_notify_callback_ = callback;
pp::URLRequestInfo url_request(instance_);
@@ -63,7 +62,7 @@ bool FileDownloader::OpenStream(
// Prepare the url request.
- url_request.SetURL(url_);
+ url_request.SetURL(url);
// Request asynchronous download of the url providing an on-load callback.
// As long as this step is guaranteed to be asynchronous, we can call
@@ -117,7 +116,7 @@ void FileDownloader::URLLoadStartNotify(int32_t pp_error) {
-void FileDownloader::FinishStreaming(
+void FileDownloader::BeginStreaming(
const pp::CompletionCallback& callback) {
stream_finish_callback_ = callback;
diff --git a/ppapi/native_client/src/trusted/plugin/file_downloader.h b/ppapi/native_client/src/trusted/plugin/file_downloader.h
index 80b34cd..4a1a71a 100644
--- a/ppapi/native_client/src/trusted/plugin/file_downloader.h
+++ b/ppapi/native_client/src/trusted/plugin/file_downloader.h
@@ -35,25 +35,15 @@ typedef pp::CompletionCallbackWithOutput<FileStreamData> StreamCallback;
// the url into a file and providing an open file descriptor.
class FileDownloader {
- // Ctor initializes |instance_| to NULL, be sure to call Initialize() before
- // calling Open(), or Open() will fail.
- FileDownloader()
- : instance_(NULL),
- file_open_notify_callback_(pp::BlockUntilComplete()),
- stream_finish_callback_(pp::BlockUntilComplete()),
- data_stream_callback_source_(NULL) {}
+ explicit FileDownloader(Plugin* instance);
~FileDownloader() {}
- // Initialize() can only be called once during the lifetime of this instance.
- void Initialize(Plugin* instance);
// Issues a GET on |url| to start downloading the response into a file,
// and finish streaming it. |callback| will be run after streaming is
// done or if an error prevents streaming from completing.
// Returns true when callback is scheduled to be called on success or failure.
- // Returns false if callback is NULL, Initialize() has not been called or if
- // the PPB_FileIO_Trusted interface is not available.
+ // Returns false if callback is NULL, or if the PPB_FileIO_Trusted interface
+ // is not available.
// If |record_progress| is true, then download progress will be recorded,
// and can be polled through GetDownloadProgress().
// If |progress_callback| is not NULL and |record_progress| is true,
@@ -64,17 +54,14 @@ class FileDownloader {
// caller without writing to a temporary file. The callbacks provided by
// |stream_callback_source| are expected to copy the data before returning.
// |callback| is called once the response headers are received,
- // and streaming must be completed separately via FinishStreaming().
+ // and streaming must be completed separately via BeginStreaming().
bool OpenStream(const nacl::string& url,
const pp::CompletionCallback& callback,
StreamCallbackSource* stream_callback_source);
// Finish streaming the response body for a URL request started by either
// OpenStream(). Runs the given |callback| when streaming is done.
- void FinishStreaming(const pp::CompletionCallback& callback);
- // Returns the url passed to Open().
- const nacl::string& url() const { return url_; }
+ void BeginStreaming(const pp::CompletionCallback& callback);
// Once the GET request has finished, and the contents of the file
// represented by |url_| are available, |full_url_| is the full URL including
@@ -82,9 +69,6 @@ class FileDownloader {
// Returns an empty string before the GET request has finished.
const nacl::string& full_url() const { return full_url_; }
- // Returns the PP_Resource of the active URL loader, or kInvalidResource.
- PP_Resource url_loader() const { return url_loader_.pp_resource(); }
// GetDownloadProgress() returns the current download progress, which is
// meaningful after Open() has been called. Progress only refers to the
// response body and does not include the headers.
@@ -105,23 +89,22 @@ class FileDownloader {
extra_request_headers_ = extra_request_headers;
// For DOWNLOAD_TO_BUFFER_AND_STREAM, the process is very similar:
// 1) Ask the browser to start streaming |url_| to an internal buffer.
// 2) Ask the browser to finish streaming to |temp_buffer_| on success.
// 3) Wait for streaming to finish, passing the data directly to the user.
// Each step is done asynchronously using callbacks. We create callbacks
// through a factory to take advantage of ref-counting.
- // The public Open*() functions start step 1), and the public FinishStreaming
+ // The public Open*() functions start step 1), and the public BeginStreaming
// function proceeds to step 2) and 3).
bool InitialResponseIsValid();
void URLLoadStartNotify(int32_t pp_error);
void URLReadBodyNotify(int32_t pp_error);
Plugin* instance_;
- nacl::string url_;
nacl::string full_url_;
nacl::string extra_request_headers_;
@@ -136,5 +119,7 @@ class FileDownloader {
std::vector<char> temp_buffer_;
StreamCallbackSource* data_stream_callback_source_;
-} // namespace plugin;
+} // namespace plugin
diff --git a/ppapi/native_client/src/trusted/plugin/ b/ppapi/native_client/src/trusted/plugin/
index 691bc7b..92740d9 100644
--- a/ppapi/native_client/src/trusted/plugin/
+++ b/ppapi/native_client/src/trusted/plugin/
@@ -336,8 +336,7 @@ void PnaclCoordinator::NexeReadDidOpen(int32_t pp_error) {
void PnaclCoordinator::OpenBitcodeStream() {
// Now open the pexe stream.
- streaming_downloader_.reset(new FileDownloader());
- streaming_downloader_->Initialize(plugin_);
+ streaming_downloader_.reset(new FileDownloader(plugin_));
// Mark the request as requesting a PNaCl bitcode file,
// so that component updater can detect this user action.
@@ -474,12 +473,12 @@ void PnaclCoordinator::NexeFdDidOpen(int32_t pp_error) {
// Meanwhile, a miss means we know we need to stream the bitcode, so stream
- // the rest of it now. (Calling FinishStreaming means that the downloader
+ // the rest of it now. (Calling BeginStreaming means that the downloader
// will begin handing data to the coordinator, which is safe any time after
// the translate_thread_ object has been initialized).
pp::CompletionCallback finish_cb = callback_factory_.NewCallback(
- streaming_downloader_->FinishStreaming(finish_cb);
+ streaming_downloader_->BeginStreaming(finish_cb);
if (num_object_files_opened_ == split_module_count_) {
// Open the nexe file for connecting ld and sel_ldr.