diff options
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 369 deletions
diff --git a/net/http/ b/net/http/
index a1e4a5c..da6e5b9 100644
--- a/net/http/
+++ b/net/http/
@@ -174,149 +174,4 @@ TEST(HttpAuthHandlerFactoryTest, DefaultFactory) {
#endif // !defined(OS_WIN)
-TEST(HttpAuthHandlerFactoryTest, DefaultFactoryWithFilters) {
- std::string ntlm_server_whitelist = "*";
- std::string negotiate_server_whitelist = "*";
- std::string ntlm_server_whitelist2 = "*";
- std::string negotiate_server_whitelist2 = "*";
- HttpAuthHandlerRegistryFactory* http_auth_handler_registry_factory =
- HttpAuthHandlerFactory::CreateDefault();
- scoped_ptr<HttpAuthHandlerFactory> http_auth_handler_factory(
- http_auth_handler_registry_factory);
- HttpAuthFilterWhitelist* ntlm_whitelist = new HttpAuthFilterWhitelist;
- HttpAuthFilterWhitelist* negotiate_whitelist = new HttpAuthFilterWhitelist;
- ntlm_whitelist->SetWhitelist(ntlm_server_whitelist);
- negotiate_whitelist->SetWhitelist(negotiate_server_whitelist);
- http_auth_handler_registry_factory->SetFilter("ntlm", ntlm_whitelist);
- http_auth_handler_registry_factory->SetFilter("negotiate",
- negotiate_whitelist);
- GURL server_origin("");
- GURL proxy_origin("");
- {
- scoped_refptr<HttpAuthHandler> handler;
- int rv = http_auth_handler_factory->CreateAuthHandlerFromString(
- "Basic realm=\"FooBar\"",
- HttpAuth::AUTH_SERVER,
- server_origin,
- &handler);
- EXPECT_EQ(OK, rv);
- EXPECT_FALSE(handler.get() == NULL);
- EXPECT_STREQ("basic", handler->scheme().c_str());
- EXPECT_STREQ("FooBar", handler->realm().c_str());
- EXPECT_EQ(HttpAuth::AUTH_SERVER, handler->target());
- EXPECT_FALSE(handler->encrypts_identity());
- EXPECT_FALSE(handler->is_connection_based());
- }
- {
- scoped_refptr<HttpAuthHandler> handler;
- int rv = http_auth_handler_factory->CreateAuthHandlerFromString(
- "UNSUPPORTED realm=\"FooBar\"",
- HttpAuth::AUTH_SERVER,
- server_origin,
- &handler);
- EXPECT_TRUE(handler.get() == NULL);
- }
- {
- scoped_refptr<HttpAuthHandler> handler;
- int rv = http_auth_handler_factory->CreateAuthHandlerFromString(
- "Digest realm=\"FooBar\", nonce=\"xyz\"",
- HttpAuth::AUTH_PROXY,
- proxy_origin,
- &handler);
- EXPECT_EQ(OK, rv);
- EXPECT_FALSE(handler.get() == NULL);
- EXPECT_STREQ("digest", handler->scheme().c_str());
- EXPECT_STREQ("FooBar", handler->realm().c_str());
- EXPECT_EQ(HttpAuth::AUTH_PROXY, handler->target());
- EXPECT_TRUE(handler->encrypts_identity());
- EXPECT_FALSE(handler->is_connection_based());
- }
- {
- scoped_refptr<HttpAuthHandler> handler;
- int rv = http_auth_handler_factory->CreateAuthHandlerFromString(
- "NTLM",
- HttpAuth::AUTH_SERVER,
- server_origin,
- &handler);
- EXPECT_EQ(OK, rv);
- ASSERT_FALSE(handler.get() == NULL);
- EXPECT_STREQ("ntlm", handler->scheme().c_str());
- EXPECT_STREQ("", handler->realm().c_str());
- EXPECT_EQ(HttpAuth::AUTH_SERVER, handler->target());
- EXPECT_TRUE(handler->encrypts_identity());
- EXPECT_TRUE(handler->is_connection_based());
- }
-#if defined(OS_WIN)
- {
- scoped_refptr<HttpAuthHandler> handler;
- int rv = http_auth_handler_factory->CreateAuthHandlerFromString(
- "Negotiate",
- HttpAuth::AUTH_SERVER,
- server_origin,
- &handler);
- EXPECT_EQ(OK, rv);
- EXPECT_FALSE(handler.get() == NULL);
- EXPECT_STREQ("negotiate", handler->scheme().c_str());
- EXPECT_STREQ("", handler->realm().c_str());
- EXPECT_EQ(HttpAuth::AUTH_SERVER, handler->target());
- EXPECT_TRUE(handler->encrypts_identity());
- EXPECT_TRUE(handler->is_connection_based());
- }
-#else // !defined(OS_WIN)
- {
- scoped_refptr<HttpAuthHandler> handler;
- int rv = http_auth_handler_factory->CreateAuthHandlerFromString(
- "Negotiate",
- HttpAuth::AUTH_SERVER,
- server_origin,
- &handler);
- EXPECT_TRUE(handler.get() == NULL);
- }
-#endif // !defined(OS_WIN)
- // Now change the whitelist and expect failures.
- ntlm_whitelist->SetWhitelist(ntlm_server_whitelist2);
- negotiate_whitelist->SetWhitelist(negotiate_server_whitelist2);
- {
- scoped_refptr<HttpAuthHandler> handler;
- int rv = http_auth_handler_factory->CreateAuthHandlerFromString(
- "NTLM",
- HttpAuth::AUTH_SERVER,
- server_origin,
- &handler);
- ASSERT_TRUE(handler.get() == NULL);
- }
-#if defined(OS_WIN)
- {
- scoped_refptr<HttpAuthHandler> handler;
- int rv = http_auth_handler_factory->CreateAuthHandlerFromString(
- "Negotiate",
- HttpAuth::AUTH_SERVER,
- server_origin,
- &handler);
- ASSERT_TRUE(handler.get() == NULL);
- }
-#else // !defined(OS_WIN)
- {
- scoped_refptr<HttpAuthHandler> handler;
- int rv = http_auth_handler_factory->CreateAuthHandlerFromString(
- "Negotiate",
- HttpAuth::AUTH_SERVER,
- server_origin,
- &handler);
- EXPECT_TRUE(handler.get() == NULL);
- }
-#endif // !defined(OS_WIN)
} // namespace net
diff --git a/net/http/ b/net/http/
index d710c69..fb849d4 100644
--- a/net/http/
+++ b/net/http/
@@ -85,14 +85,6 @@ int HttpAuthHandlerNegotiate::Factory::CreateAuthHandler(
scoped_refptr<HttpAuthHandler>* handler) {
if (is_unsupported_)
- if (filter() && !filter()->IsValid(origin, target)) {
- LOG(INFO) << "URL " << origin
- << "fails filter validation for authentication method "
- << "Negotiate";
- }
if (max_token_length_ == 0) {
int rv = DetermineMaxTokenLength(sspi_library_, NEGOSSP_NAME,
diff --git a/net/http/ b/net/http/
index 2aa9c0d..baa7f86 100644
--- a/net/http/
+++ b/net/http/
@@ -70,13 +70,6 @@ int HttpAuthHandlerNTLM::Factory::CreateAuthHandler(
scoped_refptr<HttpAuthHandler>* handler) {
if (is_unsupported_)
- if (filter() && !filter()->IsValid(origin, target)) {
- LOG(INFO) << "URL " << origin
- << "fails filter validation for authentication method "
- << "NTLM";
- }
if (max_token_length_ == 0) {
int rv = DetermineMaxTokenLength(sspi_library_, NTLMSP_NAME,
diff --git a/net/http/ b/net/http/
index 799dcec..2859e07 100644
--- a/net/http/
+++ b/net/http/
@@ -161,215 +161,6 @@ TEST(HttpAuthTest, ChooseBestChallengeConnectionBased) {
-TEST(HttpAuthTest, ChooseBestChallengeFiltered) {
- static const struct {
- const char* filter_string;
- const char* headers;
- const char* challenge_scheme;
- const char* challenge_realm;
- } tests[] = {
- {
- // Test that the filter does not affect Basic.
- "*",
- "Y: Digest realm=\"X\", nonce=\"aaaaaaaaaa\"\n"
- "www-authenticate: Basic realm=\"BasicRealm\"\n",
- // Basic is the only challenge type, pick it.
- "basic",
- "BasicRealm",
- },
- {
- // Test that the filter does not affect Fake.
- "*",
- "Y: Digest realm=\"FooBar\", nonce=\"aaaaaaaaaa\"\n"
- "www-authenticate: Fake realm=\"FooBar\"\n",
- // Fake is the only challenge type, but it is unsupported.
- "",
- "",
- },
- {
- // Test that the filter does not affect Digest vs. Basic.
- "*",
- "www-authenticate: Basic realm=\"FooBar\"\n"
- "www-authenticate: Fake realm=\"FooBar\"\n"
- "www-authenticate: nonce=\"aaaaaaaaaa\"\n"
- "www-authenticate: Digest realm=\"DigestRealm\", nonce=\"aaaaaaaaaa\"\n",
- // Pick Digest over Basic.
- "digest",
- "DigestRealm",
- },
- {
- // Test that the filter does not affect null header.
- "*",
- "Y: Digest realm=\"X\", nonce=\"aaaaaaaaaa\"\n"
- "www-authenticate:\n",
- // Handle null header value.
- "",
- "",
- },
- {
- // Test that the filter works with a valid whitelist.
- "*",
- "WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate\n"
- "WWW-Authenticate: NTLM\n",
- // Negotiate is not currently support on non-Windows platforms, so
- // the choice varies depending on platform.
-#if defined(OS_WIN)
- "negotiate",
- "",
- "ntlm",
- "",
- },
- {
- // Test that fall back does not occur if NTLM is allowed by whitelist.
- "*",
- "WWW-Authenticate: NTLM\n"
- "www-authenticate: Digest realm=\"DigestRealm\", nonce=\"aaaaaaaaaa\"\n",
- "ntlm",
- "",
- },
- {
- // Test that the filter prevents access if URL is not in whitelist.
- "*",
- "WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate\n"
- "WWW-Authenticate: NTLM\n",
- // Negotiate is not currently support on non-Windows platforms, so
- // the choice varies depending on platform.
- "",
- "",
- },
- {
- // Test that fall back occurs if NTLM is not allowed by whitelist.
- "*",
- "WWW-Authenticate: NTLM\n"
- "www-authenticate: Digest realm=\"DigestRealm\", nonce=\"aaaaaaaaaa\"\n",
- "digest",
- "DigestRealm",
- }
- };
- GURL origin("");
- HttpAuthHandlerRegistryFactory* http_auth_handler_registry_factory =
- HttpAuthHandlerFactory::CreateDefault();
- scoped_ptr<HttpAuthHandlerFactory> http_auth_handler_factory(
- http_auth_handler_registry_factory);
- HttpAuthFilterWhitelist* ntlm_whitelist = new HttpAuthFilterWhitelist;
- HttpAuthFilterWhitelist* negotiate_whitelist = new HttpAuthFilterWhitelist;
- http_auth_handler_registry_factory->SetFilter("ntlm", ntlm_whitelist);
- http_auth_handler_registry_factory->SetFilter("negotiate",
- negotiate_whitelist);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(tests); ++i) {
- ntlm_whitelist->SetWhitelist(tests[i].filter_string);
- negotiate_whitelist->SetWhitelist(tests[i].filter_string);
- // Make a HttpResponseHeaders object.
- std::string headers_with_status_line("HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized\n");
- headers_with_status_line += tests[i].headers;
- scoped_refptr<net::HttpResponseHeaders> headers(
- new net::HttpResponseHeaders(
- net::HttpUtil::AssembleRawHeaders(
- headers_with_status_line.c_str(),
- headers_with_status_line.length())));
- scoped_refptr<HttpAuthHandler> handler;
- HttpAuth::ChooseBestChallenge(http_auth_handler_factory.get(),
- headers.get(),
- HttpAuth::AUTH_SERVER,
- origin,
- &handler);
- if (handler) {
- EXPECT_STREQ(tests[i].challenge_scheme, handler->scheme().c_str());
- EXPECT_STREQ(tests[i].challenge_realm, handler->realm().c_str());
- } else {
- EXPECT_STREQ("", tests[i].challenge_scheme);
- EXPECT_STREQ("", tests[i].challenge_realm);
- }
- }
-TEST(HttpAuthTest, ChooseBestChallengeConnectionBasedFiltered) {
- static const struct {
- const char* headers;
- const char* challenge_realm;
- } tests[] = {
- {
- "WWW-Authenticate: NTLM\r\n",
- "",
- },
- {
- "WWW-Authenticate: NTLM "
- "BtAAAAAAA=\r\n",
- // Realm is empty.
- "",
- }
- };
- GURL origin("");
- scoped_refptr<HttpAuthHandler> handler;
- std::string ntlm_server_whitelist = "*";
- std::string negotiate_server_whitelist = "*";
- HttpAuthHandlerRegistryFactory* http_auth_handler_registry_factory =
- HttpAuthHandlerFactory::CreateDefault();
- scoped_ptr<HttpAuthHandlerFactory> http_auth_handler_factory(
- http_auth_handler_registry_factory);
- HttpAuthFilterWhitelist* ntlm_whitelist = new HttpAuthFilterWhitelist;
- HttpAuthFilterWhitelist* negotiate_whitelist = new HttpAuthFilterWhitelist;
- ntlm_whitelist->SetWhitelist(ntlm_server_whitelist);
- negotiate_whitelist->SetWhitelist(negotiate_server_whitelist);
- http_auth_handler_registry_factory->SetFilter("ntlm", ntlm_whitelist);
- http_auth_handler_registry_factory->SetFilter("negotiate",
- negotiate_whitelist);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(tests); ++i) {
- // Make a HttpResponseHeaders object.
- std::string headers_with_status_line("HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized\n");
- headers_with_status_line += tests[i].headers;
- scoped_refptr<net::HttpResponseHeaders> headers(
- new net::HttpResponseHeaders(
- net::HttpUtil::AssembleRawHeaders(
- headers_with_status_line.c_str(),
- headers_with_status_line.length())));
- scoped_refptr<HttpAuthHandler> old_handler = handler;
- HttpAuth::ChooseBestChallenge(http_auth_handler_factory.get(),
- headers.get(),
- HttpAuth::AUTH_SERVER,
- origin,
- &handler);
- EXPECT_TRUE(handler != NULL);
- // Since NTLM is connection-based, we should continue to use the existing
- // handler rather than creating a new one.
- if (i != 0)
- EXPECT_EQ(old_handler, handler);
- ASSERT_NE(reinterpret_cast<net::HttpAuthHandler *>(NULL), handler.get());
- EXPECT_STREQ(tests[i].challenge_realm, handler->realm().c_str());
- }
TEST(HttpAuthTest, ChallengeTokenizer) {
std::string challenge_str = "Basic realm=\"foobar\"";
HttpAuth::ChallengeTokenizer challenge(challenge_str.begin(),