diff options
11 files changed, 1313 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/build/win/importlibs/create_import_lib.gypi b/build/win/importlibs/create_import_lib.gypi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad281fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/win/importlibs/create_import_lib.gypi
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+# This file is meant to be included into a target to provide a rule
+# to create import libraries from an import description file in a consistent
+# manner.
+# To use this, create a gyp target with the following form:
+# {
+# 'target_name': 'my_proto_lib',
+# 'type': 'none',
+# 'sources': [
+# 'foo.imports',
+# 'bar.imports',
+# ],
+# 'variables': {
+# # Optional, see below: 'proto_in_dir': '.'
+# 'create_importlib': 'path-to-script',
+# 'lib_dir': 'path-to-output-directory',
+# },
+# 'includes': ['path/to/this/gypi/file'],
+# }
+# This will generate import libraries named 'foo.lib' and 'bar.lib' in the
+# specified lib directory.
+ 'variables': {
+ 'create_importlib': '<(DEPTH)/build/win/importlibs/',
+ 'lib_dir': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/lib',
+ },
+ 'rules': [
+ {
+ 'rule_name': 'create_import_lib',
+ 'extension': 'imports',
+ 'inputs': [
+ '<(create_importlib)',
+ ],
+ 'outputs': [
+ '<(lib_dir)/<(RULE_INPUT_ROOT).lib',
+ ],
+ 'action': [
+ 'python',
+ '<(create_importlib)',
+ '--verbose',
+ '--output-file', '<@(_outputs)',
+ ],
+ 'msvs_cygwin_shell': 0,
+ 'message': 'Generating import library from <(RULE_INPUT_PATH)',
+ 'process_outputs_as_sources': 0,
+ },
+ ],
diff --git a/build/win/importlibs/ b/build/win/importlibs/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e71bfe4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/win/importlibs/
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Creates an import library from an import description file."""
+import ast
+import logging
+import optparse
+import os
+import os.path
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import tempfile
+_USAGE = """\
+Usage: %prog [options] [imports-file]
+Creates an import library from imports-file.
+Note: this script uses the microsoft assembler (ml.exe) and the library tool
+ (lib.exe), both of which must be in path.
+; This file is autogenerated by, do not edit.
+; Stubs to provide mangled names to lib.exe for the
+; correct generation of import libs.
+; This file is autogenerated by, do not edit.
+; Export declarations for generating import libs.
+_LOGGER = logging.getLogger()
+class _Error(Exception):
+ pass
+class _ImportLibraryGenerator(object):
+ def __init__(self, temp_dir):
+ self._temp_dir = temp_dir
+ def _Shell(self, cmd, **kw):
+ ret =, **kw)
+'Running "%s" returned %d.', cmd, ret)
+ if ret != 0:
+ raise _Error('Command "%s" returned %d.' % (cmd, ret))
+ def _ReadImportsFile(self, imports_file):
+ # Slurp the imports file.
+ return ast.literal_eval(open(imports_file).read())
+ def _WriteStubsFile(self, import_names, output_file):
+ output_file.write(_ASM_STUB_HEADER)
+ for name in import_names:
+ output_file.write('%s PROC\n' % name)
+ output_file.write('%s ENDP\n' % name)
+ output_file.write('END\n')
+ def _WriteDefFile(self, dll_name, import_names, output_file):
+ output_file.write(_DEF_STUB_HEADER)
+ output_file.write('NAME %s\n' % dll_name)
+ output_file.write('EXPORTS\n')
+ for name in import_names:
+ name = name.split('@')[0]
+ output_file.write(' %s\n' % name)
+ def _CreateObj(self, dll_name, imports):
+ """Writes an assembly file containing empty declarations.
+ For each imported function of the form:
+ AddClipboardFormatListener@4 PROC
+ AddClipboardFormatListener@4 ENDP
+ The resulting object file is then supplied to lib.exe with a .def file
+ declaring the corresponding non-adorned exports as they appear on the
+ exporting DLL, e.g.
+ AddClipboardFormatListener
+ In combination, the .def file and the .obj file cause lib.exe to generate
+ an x86 import lib with public symbols named like
+ "__imp__AddClipboardFormatListener@4", binding to exports named like
+ "AddClipboardFormatListener".
+ All of this is perpetrated in a temporary directory, as the intermediate
+ artifacts are quick and easy to produce, and of no interest to anyone
+ after the fact."""
+ # Create an .asm file to provide stdcall-like stub names to lib.exe.
+ asm_name = dll_name + '.asm'
+'Writing asm file "%s".', asm_name)
+ with open(os.path.join(self._temp_dir, asm_name), 'wb') as stubs_file:
+ self._WriteStubsFile(imports, stubs_file)
+ # Invoke on the assembler to compile it to .obj.
+ obj_name = dll_name + '.obj'
+ cmdline = ['ml.exe', '/nologo', '/c', asm_name, '/Fo', obj_name]
+ self._Shell(cmdline, cwd=self._temp_dir)
+ return obj_name
+ def _CreateImportLib(self, dll_name, imports, architecture, output_file):
+ """Creates an import lib binding imports to dll_name for architecture.
+ On success, writes the import library to output file.
+ """
+ obj_file = None
+ # For x86 architecture we have to provide an object file for correct
+ # name mangling between the import stubs and the exported functions.
+ if architecture == 'x86':
+ obj_file = self._CreateObj(dll_name, imports)
+ # Create the corresponding .def file. This file has the non stdcall-adorned
+ # names, as exported by the destination DLL.
+ def_name = dll_name + '.def'
+'Writing def file "%s".', def_name)
+ with open(os.path.join(self._temp_dir, def_name), 'wb') as def_file:
+ self._WriteDefFile(dll_name, imports, def_file)
+ # Invoke on lib.exe to create the import library.
+ # We generate everything into the temporary directory, as the .exp export
+ # files will be generated at the same path as the import library, and we
+ # don't want those files potentially gunking the works.
+ dll_base_name, ext = os.path.splitext(dll_name)
+ lib_name = dll_base_name + '.lib'
+ cmdline = ['lib.exe',
+ '/machine:%s' % architecture,
+ '/def:%s' % def_name,
+ '/out:%s' % lib_name]
+ if obj_file:
+ cmdline.append(obj_file)
+ self._Shell(cmdline, cwd=self._temp_dir)
+ # Copy the .lib file to the output directory.
+ shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(self._temp_dir, lib_name), output_file)
+'Created "%s".', output_file)
+ def CreateImportLib(self, imports_file, output_file):
+ # Read the imports file.
+ imports = self._ReadImportsFile(imports_file)
+ # Creates the requested import library in the output directory.
+ self._CreateImportLib(imports['dll_name'],
+ imports['imports'],
+ imports.get('architecture', 'x86'),
+ output_file)
+def main():
+ parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=_USAGE)
+ parser.add_option('-o', '--output-file',
+ help='Specifies the output file path.')
+ parser.add_option('-k', '--keep-temp-dir',
+ action='store_true',
+ help='Keep the temporary directory.')
+ parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose',
+ action='store_true',
+ help='Verbose logging.')
+ options, args = parser.parse_args()
+ print args
+ if len(args) != 1:
+ parser.error('You must provide an imports file.')
+ if not options.output_file:
+ parser.error('You must provide an output file.')
+ options.output_file = os.path.abspath(options.output_file)
+ if options.verbose:
+ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)
+ else:
+ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARN)
+ temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+'Created temporary directory "%s."', temp_dir)
+ try:
+ # Create a generator and create the import lib.
+ generator = _ImportLibraryGenerator(temp_dir)
+ ret = generator.CreateImportLib(args[0], options.output_file)
+ except Exception, e:
+ _LOGGER.exception('Failed to create imports.')
+ ret = 1
+ finally:
+ if not options.keep_temp_dir:
+ shutil.rmtree(temp_dir)
+'Deleted temporary directory "%s."', temp_dir)
+ return ret
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ sys.exit(main())
diff --git a/build/win/importlibs/ b/build/win/importlibs/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c2489a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/win/importlibs/
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Help maintaining DLL import lists."""
+import ast
+import optparse
+import re
+import sys
+_EXPORT_RE = re.compile(r"""
+ ^\s*(?P<ordinal>[0-9]+) # The ordinal field.
+ \s+(?P<hint>[0-9A-F]+) # The hint field.
+ \s(?P<rva>........) # The RVA field.
+ \s+(?P<name>[^ ]+) # And finally the name we're really after.
+""", re.VERBOSE)
+_USAGE = r"""\
+Usage: %prog [options] [master-file]
+This script filters a list of exports from a DLL, generated from something
+like the following command line:
+C:\> dumpbin /exports user32.dll
+against a master list of imports built from e.g.
+C:\> dumpbin /exports user32.lib
+The point of this is to trim non-public exports from the list, and to
+normalize the names to their stdcall-mangled form for the generation of
+import libraries.
+Note that the export names from the latter incanatation are stdcall-mangled,
+e.g. they are suffixed with "@" and the number of argument bytes to the
+def _ReadMasterFile(master_file):
+ # Slurp the master file.
+ with open(master_file) as f:
+ master_exports = ast.literal_eval(
+ master_mapping = {}
+ for export in master_exports:
+ name = export.split('@')[0]
+ master_mapping[name] = export
+ return master_mapping
+def main():
+ parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=_USAGE)
+ parser.add_option('-r', '--reverse',
+ action='store_true',
+ help='Reverse the matching, e.g. return the functions '
+ 'in the master list that aren\'t in the input.')
+ options, args = parser.parse_args()
+ if len(args) != 1:
+ parser.error('Must provide a master file.')
+ master_mapping = _ReadMasterFile(args[0])
+ found_exports = []
+ for line in sys.stdin:
+ match = _EXPORT_RE.match(line)
+ if match:
+ export_name = master_mapping.get('name'), None)
+ if export_name:
+ found_exports.append(export_name)
+ if options.reverse:
+ # Invert the found_exports list.
+ found_exports = set(master_mapping.values()) - set(found_exports)
+ # Sort the found exports for tidy output.
+ print '\n'.join(sorted(found_exports))
+ return 0
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ sys.exit(main())
diff --git a/build/win/importlibs/x86/user32.winxp.imports b/build/win/importlibs/x86/user32.winxp.imports
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24403a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/win/importlibs/x86/user32.winxp.imports
@@ -0,0 +1,670 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+# This file is used to create a custom import library for Chrome's use of
+# user32.dll exports. The set of exports defined below
+ 'architecture': 'x86',
+ # The DLL to bind to.
+ 'dll_name': 'user32.dll',
+ # Name of the generated import library.
+ 'importlib_name': 'user32.winxp.lib',
+ # This is the set of exports observed on a user32.dll from Windows XP SP2.
+ # The version of the DLL where these were observed is 5.1.2600.2180.
+ # Incidentally this set of exports also coincides with Windows XP SP3, where
+ # the version of the DLL is 5.1.2600.5512.
+ # Don't add new imports here unless and until the minimal supported
+ # Windows version has been bumped past Windows XP SP2+.
+ 'imports': [
+ 'ActivateKeyboardLayout@8',
+ 'AdjustWindowRect@12',
+ 'AdjustWindowRectEx@16',
+ 'AllowSetForegroundWindow@4',
+ 'AnimateWindow@12',
+ 'AnyPopup@0',
+ 'AppendMenuA@16',
+ 'AppendMenuW@16',
+ 'ArrangeIconicWindows@4',
+ 'AttachThreadInput@12',
+ 'BeginDeferWindowPos@4',
+ 'BeginPaint@8',
+ 'BlockInput@4',
+ 'BringWindowToTop@4',
+ 'BroadcastSystemMessage@20',
+ 'BroadcastSystemMessageA@20',
+ 'BroadcastSystemMessageExA@24',
+ 'BroadcastSystemMessageExW@24',
+ 'BroadcastSystemMessageW@20',
+ 'CallMsgFilter@8',
+ 'CallMsgFilterA@8',
+ 'CallMsgFilterW@8',
+ 'CallNextHookEx@16',
+ 'CallWindowProcA@20',
+ 'CallWindowProcW@20',
+ 'CascadeChildWindows@8',
+ 'CascadeWindows@20',
+ 'ChangeClipboardChain@8',
+ 'ChangeDisplaySettingsA@8',
+ 'ChangeDisplaySettingsExA@20',
+ 'ChangeDisplaySettingsExW@20',
+ 'ChangeDisplaySettingsW@8',
+ 'ChangeMenuA@20',
+ 'ChangeMenuW@20',
+ 'CharLowerA@4',
+ 'CharLowerBuffA@8',
+ 'CharLowerBuffW@8',
+ 'CharLowerW@4',
+ 'CharNextA@4',
+ 'CharNextExA@12',
+ 'CharNextW@4',
+ 'CharPrevA@8',
+ 'CharPrevExA@16',
+ 'CharPrevW@8',
+ 'CharToOemA@8',
+ 'CharToOemBuffA@12',
+ 'CharToOemBuffW@12',
+ 'CharToOemW@8',
+ 'CharUpperA@4',
+ 'CharUpperBuffA@8',
+ 'CharUpperBuffW@8',
+ 'CharUpperW@4',
+ 'CheckDlgButton@12',
+ 'CheckMenuItem@12',
+ 'CheckMenuRadioItem@20',
+ 'CheckRadioButton@16',
+ 'ChildWindowFromPoint@12',
+ 'ChildWindowFromPointEx@16',
+ 'ClientToScreen@8',
+ 'ClipCursor@4',
+ 'CloseClipboard@0',
+ 'CloseDesktop@4',
+ 'CloseWindow@4',
+ 'CloseWindowStation@4',
+ 'CopyAcceleratorTableA@12',
+ 'CopyAcceleratorTableW@12',
+ 'CopyIcon@4',
+ 'CopyImage@20',
+ 'CopyRect@8',
+ 'CountClipboardFormats@0',
+ 'CreateAcceleratorTableA@8',
+ 'CreateAcceleratorTableW@8',
+ 'CreateCaret@16',
+ 'CreateCursor@28',
+ 'CreateDesktopA@24',
+ 'CreateDesktopW@24',
+ 'CreateDialogIndirectParamA@20',
+ 'CreateDialogIndirectParamW@20',
+ 'CreateDialogParamA@20',
+ 'CreateDialogParamW@20',
+ 'CreateIcon@28',
+ 'CreateIconFromResource@16',
+ 'CreateIconFromResourceEx@28',
+ 'CreateIconIndirect@4',
+ 'CreateMDIWindowA@40',
+ 'CreateMDIWindowW@40',
+ 'CreateMenu@0',
+ 'CreatePopupMenu@0',
+ 'CreateWindowExA@48',
+ 'CreateWindowExW@48',
+ 'CreateWindowStationA@16',
+ 'CreateWindowStationW@16',
+ 'DdeAbandonTransaction@12',
+ 'DdeAccessData@8',
+ 'DdeAddData@16',
+ 'DdeClientTransaction@32',
+ 'DdeCmpStringHandles@8',
+ 'DdeConnect@16',
+ 'DdeConnectList@20',
+ 'DdeCreateDataHandle@28',
+ 'DdeCreateStringHandleA@12',
+ 'DdeCreateStringHandleW@12',
+ 'DdeDisconnect@4',
+ 'DdeDisconnectList@4',
+ 'DdeEnableCallback@12',
+ 'DdeFreeDataHandle@4',
+ 'DdeFreeStringHandle@8',
+ 'DdeGetData@16',
+ 'DdeGetLastError@4',
+ 'DdeImpersonateClient@4',
+ 'DdeInitializeA@16',
+ 'DdeInitializeW@16',
+ 'DdeKeepStringHandle@8',
+ 'DdeNameService@16',
+ 'DdePostAdvise@12',
+ 'DdeQueryConvInfo@12',
+ 'DdeQueryNextServer@8',
+ 'DdeQueryStringA@20',
+ 'DdeQueryStringW@20',
+ 'DdeReconnect@4',
+ 'DdeSetQualityOfService@12',
+ 'DdeSetUserHandle@12',
+ 'DdeUnaccessData@4',
+ 'DdeUninitialize@4',
+ 'DefDlgProcA@16',
+ 'DefDlgProcW@16',
+ 'DefFrameProcA@20',
+ 'DefFrameProcW@20',
+ 'DefMDIChildProcA@16',
+ 'DefMDIChildProcW@16',
+ 'DefRawInputProc@12',
+ 'DefWindowProcA@16',
+ 'DefWindowProcW@16',
+ 'DeferWindowPos@32',
+ 'DeleteMenu@12',
+ 'DeregisterShellHookWindow@4',
+ 'DestroyAcceleratorTable@4',
+ 'DestroyCaret@0',
+ 'DestroyCursor@4',
+ 'DestroyIcon@4',
+ 'DestroyMenu@4',
+ 'DestroyWindow@4',
+ 'DialogBoxIndirectParamA@20',
+ 'DialogBoxIndirectParamW@20',
+ 'DialogBoxParamA@20',
+ 'DialogBoxParamW@20',
+ 'DisableProcessWindowsGhosting@0',
+ 'DispatchMessageA@4',
+ 'DispatchMessageW@4',
+ 'DlgDirListA@20',
+ 'DlgDirListComboBoxA@20',
+ 'DlgDirListComboBoxW@20',
+ 'DlgDirListW@20',
+ 'DlgDirSelectComboBoxExA@16',
+ 'DlgDirSelectComboBoxExW@16',
+ 'DlgDirSelectExA@16',
+ 'DlgDirSelectExW@16',
+ 'DragDetect@12',
+ 'DragObject@20',
+ 'DrawAnimatedRects@16',
+ 'DrawCaption@16',
+ 'DrawEdge@16',
+ 'DrawFocusRect@8',
+ 'DrawFrame@16',
+ 'DrawFrameControl@16',
+ 'DrawIcon@16',
+ 'DrawIconEx@36',
+ 'DrawMenuBar@4',
+ 'DrawStateA@40',
+ 'DrawStateW@40',
+ 'DrawTextA@20',
+ 'DrawTextExA@24',
+ 'DrawTextExW@24',
+ 'DrawTextW@20',
+ 'EditWndProc@16',
+ 'EmptyClipboard@0',
+ 'EnableMenuItem@12',
+ 'EnableScrollBar@12',
+ 'EnableWindow@8',
+ 'EndDeferWindowPos@4',
+ 'EndDialog@8',
+ 'EndMenu@0',
+ 'EndPaint@8',
+ 'EndTask@12',
+ 'EnumChildWindows@12',
+ 'EnumClipboardFormats@4',
+ 'EnumDesktopWindows@12',
+ 'EnumDesktopsA@12',
+ 'EnumDesktopsW@12',
+ 'EnumDisplayDevicesA@16',
+ 'EnumDisplayDevicesW@16',
+ 'EnumDisplayMonitors@16',
+ 'EnumDisplaySettingsA@12',
+ 'EnumDisplaySettingsExA@16',
+ 'EnumDisplaySettingsExW@16',
+ 'EnumDisplaySettingsW@12',
+ 'EnumPropsA@8',
+ 'EnumPropsExA@12',
+ 'EnumPropsExW@12',
+ 'EnumPropsW@8',
+ 'EnumThreadWindows@12',
+ 'EnumWindowStationsA@8',
+ 'EnumWindowStationsW@8',
+ 'EnumWindows@8',
+ 'EqualRect@8',
+ 'ExcludeUpdateRgn@8',
+ 'ExitWindowsEx@8',
+ 'FillRect@12',
+ 'FindWindowA@8',
+ 'FindWindowExA@16',
+ 'FindWindowExW@16',
+ 'FindWindowW@8',
+ 'FlashWindow@8',
+ 'FlashWindowEx@4',
+ 'FrameRect@12',
+ 'FreeDDElParam@8',
+ 'GetActiveWindow@0',
+ 'GetAltTabInfo@20',
+ 'GetAltTabInfoA@20',
+ 'GetAltTabInfoW@20',
+ 'GetAncestor@8',
+ 'GetAsyncKeyState@4',
+ 'GetCapture@0',
+ 'GetCaretBlinkTime@0',
+ 'GetCaretPos@4',
+ 'GetClassInfoA@12',
+ 'GetClassInfoExA@12',
+ 'GetClassInfoExW@12',
+ 'GetClassInfoW@12',
+ 'GetClassLongA@8',
+ 'GetClassLongW@8',
+ 'GetClassNameA@12',
+ 'GetClassNameW@12',
+ 'GetClassWord@8',
+ 'GetClientRect@8',
+ 'GetClipCursor@4',
+ 'GetClipboardData@4',
+ 'GetClipboardFormatNameA@12',
+ 'GetClipboardFormatNameW@12',
+ 'GetClipboardOwner@0',
+ 'GetClipboardSequenceNumber@0',
+ 'GetClipboardViewer@0',
+ 'GetComboBoxInfo@8',
+ 'GetCursor@0',
+ 'GetCursorInfo@4',
+ 'GetCursorPos@4',
+ 'GetDC@4',
+ 'GetDCEx@12',
+ 'GetDesktopWindow@0',
+ 'GetDialogBaseUnits@0',
+ 'GetDlgCtrlID@4',
+ 'GetDlgItem@8',
+ 'GetDlgItemInt@16',
+ 'GetDlgItemTextA@16',
+ 'GetDlgItemTextW@16',
+ 'GetDoubleClickTime@0',
+ 'GetFocus@0',
+ 'GetForegroundWindow@0',
+ 'GetGUIThreadInfo@8',
+ 'GetGuiResources@8',
+ 'GetIconInfo@8',
+ 'GetInputDesktop@0',
+ 'GetInputState@0',
+ 'GetKBCodePage@0',
+ 'GetKeyNameTextA@12',
+ 'GetKeyNameTextW@12',
+ 'GetKeyState@4',
+ 'GetKeyboardLayout@4',
+ 'GetKeyboardLayoutList@8',
+ 'GetKeyboardLayoutNameA@4',
+ 'GetKeyboardLayoutNameW@4',
+ 'GetKeyboardState@4',
+ 'GetKeyboardType@4',
+ 'GetLastActivePopup@4',
+ 'GetLastInputInfo@4',
+ 'GetLayeredWindowAttributes@16',
+ 'GetListBoxInfo@4',
+ 'GetMenu@4',
+ 'GetMenuBarInfo@16',
+ 'GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions@0',
+ 'GetMenuContextHelpId@4',
+ 'GetMenuDefaultItem@12',
+ 'GetMenuInfo@8',
+ 'GetMenuItemCount@4',
+ 'GetMenuItemID@8',
+ 'GetMenuItemInfoA@16',
+ 'GetMenuItemInfoW@16',
+ 'GetMenuItemRect@16',
+ 'GetMenuState@12',
+ 'GetMenuStringA@20',
+ 'GetMenuStringW@20',
+ 'GetMessageA@16',
+ 'GetMessageExtraInfo@0',
+ 'GetMessagePos@0',
+ 'GetMessageTime@0',
+ 'GetMessageW@16',
+ 'GetMonitorInfoA@8',
+ 'GetMonitorInfoW@8',
+ 'GetMouseMovePointsEx@20',
+ 'GetNextDlgGroupItem@12',
+ 'GetNextDlgTabItem@12',
+ 'GetOpenClipboardWindow@0',
+ 'GetParent@4',
+ 'GetPriorityClipboardFormat@8',
+ 'GetProcessDefaultLayout@4',
+ 'GetProcessWindowStation@0',
+ 'GetPropA@8',
+ 'GetPropW@8',
+ 'GetQueueStatus@4',
+ 'GetRawInputBuffer@12',
+ 'GetRawInputData@20',
+ 'GetRawInputDeviceInfoA@16',
+ 'GetRawInputDeviceInfoW@16',
+ 'GetRawInputDeviceList@12',
+ 'GetRegisteredRawInputDevices@12',
+ 'GetScrollBarInfo@12',
+ 'GetScrollInfo@12',
+ 'GetScrollPos@8',
+ 'GetScrollRange@16',
+ 'GetShellWindow@0',
+ 'GetSubMenu@8',
+ 'GetSysColor@4',
+ 'GetSysColorBrush@4',
+ 'GetSystemMenu@8',
+ 'GetSystemMetrics@4',
+ 'GetTabbedTextExtentA@20',
+ 'GetTabbedTextExtentW@20',
+ 'GetThreadDesktop@4',
+ 'GetTitleBarInfo@8',
+ 'GetTopWindow@4',
+ 'GetUpdateRect@12',
+ 'GetUpdateRgn@12',
+ 'GetUserObjectInformationA@20',
+ 'GetUserObjectInformationW@20',
+ 'GetUserObjectSecurity@20',
+ 'GetWindow@8',
+ 'GetWindowContextHelpId@4',
+ 'GetWindowDC@4',
+ 'GetWindowInfo@8',
+ 'GetWindowLongA@8',
+ 'GetWindowLongW@8',
+ 'GetWindowModuleFileName@12',
+ 'GetWindowModuleFileNameA@12',
+ 'GetWindowModuleFileNameW@12',
+ 'GetWindowPlacement@8',
+ 'GetWindowRect@8',
+ 'GetWindowRgn@8',
+ 'GetWindowRgnBox@8',
+ 'GetWindowTextA@12',
+ 'GetWindowTextLengthA@4',
+ 'GetWindowTextLengthW@4',
+ 'GetWindowTextW@12',
+ 'GetWindowThreadProcessId@8',
+ 'GetWindowWord@8',
+ 'GrayStringA@36',
+ 'GrayStringW@36',
+ 'HideCaret@4',
+ 'HiliteMenuItem@16',
+ 'IMPGetIMEA@8',
+ 'IMPGetIMEW@8',
+ 'IMPQueryIMEA@4',
+ 'IMPQueryIMEW@4',
+ 'IMPSetIMEA@8',
+ 'IMPSetIMEW@8',
+ 'ImpersonateDdeClientWindow@8',
+ 'InSendMessage@0',
+ 'InSendMessageEx@4',
+ 'InflateRect@12',
+ 'InsertMenuA@20',
+ 'InsertMenuItemA@16',
+ 'InsertMenuItemW@16',
+ 'InsertMenuW@20',
+ 'InternalGetWindowText@12',
+ 'IntersectRect@12',
+ 'InvalidateRect@12',
+ 'InvalidateRgn@12',
+ 'InvertRect@8',
+ 'IsCharAlphaA@4',
+ 'IsCharAlphaNumericA@4',
+ 'IsCharAlphaNumericW@4',
+ 'IsCharAlphaW@4',
+ 'IsCharLowerA@4',
+ 'IsCharLowerW@4',
+ 'IsCharUpperA@4',
+ 'IsCharUpperW@4',
+ 'IsChild@8',
+ 'IsClipboardFormatAvailable@4',
+ 'IsDialogMessage@8',
+ 'IsDialogMessageA@8',
+ 'IsDialogMessageW@8',
+ 'IsDlgButtonChecked@8',
+ 'IsGUIThread@4',
+ 'IsHungAppWindow@4',
+ 'IsIconic@4',
+ 'IsMenu@4',
+ 'IsRectEmpty@4',
+ 'IsWinEventHookInstalled@4',
+ 'IsWindow@4',
+ 'IsWindowEnabled@4',
+ 'IsWindowUnicode@4',
+ 'IsWindowVisible@4',
+ 'IsZoomed@4',
+ 'KillTimer@8',
+ 'LoadAcceleratorsA@8',
+ 'LoadAcceleratorsW@8',
+ 'LoadBitmapA@8',
+ 'LoadBitmapW@8',
+ 'LoadCursorA@8',
+ 'LoadCursorFromFileA@4',
+ 'LoadCursorFromFileW@4',
+ 'LoadCursorW@8',
+ 'LoadIconA@8',
+ 'LoadIconW@8',
+ 'LoadImageA@24',
+ 'LoadImageW@24',
+ 'LoadKeyboardLayoutA@8',
+ 'LoadKeyboardLayoutW@8',
+ 'LoadMenuA@8',
+ 'LoadMenuIndirectA@4',
+ 'LoadMenuIndirectW@4',
+ 'LoadMenuW@8',
+ 'LoadStringA@16',
+ 'LoadStringW@16',
+ 'LockSetForegroundWindow@4',
+ 'LockWindowUpdate@4',
+ 'LockWorkStation@0',
+ 'LookupIconIdFromDirectory@8',
+ 'LookupIconIdFromDirectoryEx@20',
+ 'MapDialogRect@8',
+ 'MapVirtualKeyA@8',
+ 'MapVirtualKeyExA@12',
+ 'MapVirtualKeyExW@12',
+ 'MapVirtualKeyW@8',
+ 'MapWindowPoints@16',
+ 'MenuItemFromPoint@16',
+ 'MessageBeep@4',
+ 'MessageBoxA@16',
+ 'MessageBoxExA@20',
+ 'MessageBoxExW@20',
+ 'MessageBoxIndirectA@4',
+ 'MessageBoxIndirectW@4',
+ 'MessageBoxTimeoutA@24',
+ 'MessageBoxTimeoutW@24',
+ 'MessageBoxW@16',
+ 'ModifyMenuA@20',
+ 'ModifyMenuW@20',
+ 'MonitorFromPoint@12',
+ 'MonitorFromRect@8',
+ 'MonitorFromWindow@8',
+ 'MoveWindow@24',
+ 'MsgWaitForMultipleObjects@20',
+ 'MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx@20',
+ 'NotifyWinEvent@16',
+ 'OemKeyScan@4',
+ 'OemToCharA@8',
+ 'OemToCharBuffA@12',
+ 'OemToCharBuffW@12',
+ 'OemToCharW@8',
+ 'OffsetRect@12',
+ 'OpenClipboard@4',
+ 'OpenDesktopA@16',
+ 'OpenDesktopW@16',
+ 'OpenIcon@4',
+ 'OpenInputDesktop@12',
+ 'OpenWindowStationA@12',
+ 'OpenWindowStationW@12',
+ 'PackDDElParam@12',
+ 'PaintDesktop@4',
+ 'PeekMessageA@20',
+ 'PeekMessageW@20',
+ 'PostMessageA@16',
+ 'PostMessageW@16',
+ 'PostQuitMessage@4',
+ 'PostThreadMessageA@16',
+ 'PostThreadMessageW@16',
+ 'PrintWindow@12',
+ 'PrivateExtractIconsA@32',
+ 'PrivateExtractIconsW@32',
+ 'PtInRect@12',
+ 'RealChildWindowFromPoint@12',
+ 'RealGetWindowClass@12',
+ 'RealGetWindowClassA@12',
+ 'RealGetWindowClassW@12',
+ 'RedrawWindow@16',
+ 'RegisterClassA@4',
+ 'RegisterClassExA@4',
+ 'RegisterClassExW@4',
+ 'RegisterClassW@4',
+ 'RegisterClipboardFormatA@4',
+ 'RegisterClipboardFormatW@4',
+ 'RegisterDeviceNotificationA@12',
+ 'RegisterDeviceNotificationW@12',
+ 'RegisterHotKey@16',
+ 'RegisterRawInputDevices@12',
+ 'RegisterShellHookWindow@4',
+ 'RegisterWindowMessageA@4',
+ 'RegisterWindowMessageW@4',
+ 'ReleaseCapture@0',
+ 'ReleaseDC@8',
+ 'RemoveMenu@12',
+ 'RemovePropA@8',
+ 'RemovePropW@8',
+ 'ReplyMessage@4',
+ 'ReuseDDElParam@20',
+ 'ScreenToClient@8',
+ 'ScrollDC@28',
+ 'ScrollWindow@20',
+ 'ScrollWindowEx@32',
+ 'SendDlgItemMessageA@20',
+ 'SendDlgItemMessageW@20',
+ 'SendIMEMessageExA@8',
+ 'SendIMEMessageExW@8',
+ 'SendInput@12',
+ 'SendMessageA@16',
+ 'SendMessageCallbackA@24',
+ 'SendMessageCallbackW@24',
+ 'SendMessageTimeoutA@28',
+ 'SendMessageTimeoutW@28',
+ 'SendMessageW@16',
+ 'SendNotifyMessageA@16',
+ 'SendNotifyMessageW@16',
+ 'SetActiveWindow@4',
+ 'SetCapture@4',
+ 'SetCaretBlinkTime@4',
+ 'SetCaretPos@8',
+ 'SetClassLongA@12',
+ 'SetClassLongW@12',
+ 'SetClassWord@12',
+ 'SetClipboardData@8',
+ 'SetClipboardViewer@4',
+ 'SetCursor@4',
+ 'SetCursorPos@8',
+ 'SetDebugErrorLevel@4',
+ 'SetDeskWallpaper@4',
+ 'SetDlgItemInt@16',
+ 'SetDlgItemTextA@12',
+ 'SetDlgItemTextW@12',
+ 'SetDoubleClickTime@4',
+ 'SetFocus@4',
+ 'SetForegroundWindow@4',
+ 'SetKeyboardState@4',
+ 'SetLastErrorEx@8',
+ 'SetLayeredWindowAttributes@16',
+ 'SetMenu@8',
+ 'SetMenuContextHelpId@8',
+ 'SetMenuDefaultItem@12',
+ 'SetMenuInfo@8',
+ 'SetMenuItemBitmaps@20',
+ 'SetMenuItemInfoA@16',
+ 'SetMenuItemInfoW@16',
+ 'SetMessageExtraInfo@4',
+ 'SetMessageQueue@4',
+ 'SetParent@8',
+ 'SetProcessDefaultLayout@4',
+ 'SetProcessWindowStation@4',
+ 'SetPropA@12',
+ 'SetPropW@12',
+ 'SetRect@20',
+ 'SetRectEmpty@4',
+ 'SetScrollInfo@16',
+ 'SetScrollPos@16',
+ 'SetScrollRange@20',
+ 'SetShellWindow@4',
+ 'SetSysColors@12',
+ 'SetSystemCursor@8',
+ 'SetThreadDesktop@4',
+ 'SetTimer@16',
+ 'SetUserObjectInformationA@16',
+ 'SetUserObjectInformationW@16',
+ 'SetUserObjectSecurity@12',
+ 'SetWinEventHook@28',
+ 'SetWindowContextHelpId@8',
+ 'SetWindowLongA@12',
+ 'SetWindowLongW@12',
+ 'SetWindowPlacement@8',
+ 'SetWindowPos@28',
+ 'SetWindowRgn@12',
+ 'SetWindowTextA@8',
+ 'SetWindowTextW@8',
+ 'SetWindowWord@12',
+ 'SetWindowsHookA@8',
+ 'SetWindowsHookExA@16',
+ 'SetWindowsHookExW@16',
+ 'SetWindowsHookW@8',
+ 'ShowCaret@4',
+ 'ShowCursor@4',
+ 'ShowOwnedPopups@8',
+ 'ShowScrollBar@12',
+ 'ShowWindow@8',
+ 'ShowWindowAsync@8',
+ 'SubtractRect@12',
+ 'SwapMouseButton@4',
+ 'SwitchDesktop@4',
+ 'SwitchToThisWindow@8',
+ 'SystemParametersInfoA@16',
+ 'SystemParametersInfoW@16',
+ 'TabbedTextOutA@32',
+ 'TabbedTextOutW@32',
+ 'TileChildWindows@8',
+ 'TileWindows@20',
+ 'ToAscii@20',
+ 'ToAsciiEx@24',
+ 'ToUnicode@24',
+ 'ToUnicodeEx@28',
+ 'TrackMouseEvent@4',
+ 'TrackPopupMenu@28',
+ 'TrackPopupMenuEx@24',
+ 'TranslateAccelerator@12',
+ 'TranslateAcceleratorA@12',
+ 'TranslateAcceleratorW@12',
+ 'TranslateMDISysAccel@8',
+ 'TranslateMessage@4',
+ 'UnhookWinEvent@4',
+ 'UnhookWindowsHook@8',
+ 'UnhookWindowsHookEx@4',
+ 'UnionRect@12',
+ 'UnloadKeyboardLayout@4',
+ 'UnpackDDElParam@16',
+ 'UnregisterClassA@8',
+ 'UnregisterClassW@8',
+ 'UnregisterDeviceNotification@4',
+ 'UnregisterHotKey@8',
+ 'UpdateLayeredWindow@36',
+ 'UpdateWindow@4',
+ 'UserHandleGrantAccess@12',
+ 'ValidateRect@8',
+ 'ValidateRgn@8',
+ 'VkKeyScanA@4',
+ 'VkKeyScanExA@8',
+ 'VkKeyScanExW@8',
+ 'VkKeyScanW@4',
+ 'WINNLSEnableIME@8',
+ 'WINNLSGetEnableStatus@4',
+ 'WINNLSGetIMEHotkey@4',
+ 'WaitForInputIdle@8',
+ 'WaitMessage@0',
+ 'WinHelpA@16',
+ 'WinHelpW@16',
+ 'WindowFromDC@4',
+ 'WindowFromPoint@8',
+ 'keybd_event@16',
+ 'mouse_event@20',
+ 'wsprintfA',
+ 'wsprintfW',
+ 'wvsprintfA@12',
+ 'wvsprintfW@12',
+ ]
diff --git a/chrome/app/ b/chrome/app/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e599e79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/app/
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <windows.h>
+#if defined(_WIN32_WINNT_WIN8) && _MSC_VER < 1700
+// The Windows 8 SDK defines FACILITY_VISUALCPP in winerror.h, and in
+// delayimp.h previous to VS2012.
+#include <DelayIMP.h>
+#include "base/basictypes.h"
+#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
+#include "base/scoped_native_library.h"
+#include "chrome/app/delay_load_hook_win.h"
+#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
+namespace {
+class ChromeDelayLoadHookTest : public testing::Test {
+ public:
+ ChromeDelayLoadHookTest() : proc_ptr_(NULL) {
+ }
+ virtual void SetUp() OVERRIDE {
+ SetupInfo("kernel32.dll");
+ }
+ void SetupInfo(const char* dll_name) {
+ info_.cb = sizeof(info_);
+ info_.pidd = NULL;
+ info_.ppfn = &proc_ptr_;
+ info_.szDll = dll_name;
+ info_.dlp.fImportByName = TRUE;
+ info_.dlp.szProcName = "CreateFileA";
+ info_.hmodCur = NULL;
+ info_.pfnCur = NULL;
+ info_.dwLastError = 0;
+ }
+ FARPROC proc_ptr_;
+ DelayLoadInfo info_;
+} // namespace
+TEST_F(ChromeDelayLoadHookTest, HooksAreSetAtLinkTime) {
+ // This test verifies that referencing the ChromeDelayLoadHook at link
+ // time results in overriding the delay loader's hook instances in the CRT
+ // ropriately.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(__pfnDliNotifyHook2 == ChromeDelayLoadHook);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(__pfnDliFailureHook2 == ChromeDelayLoadHook);
+TEST_F(ChromeDelayLoadHookTest, NonSuffixedDllsAreNotHandled) {
+ // The hook should ignore non-suffixed DLLs.
+ SetupInfo("kernel32.dll");
+ HMODULE none = reinterpret_cast<HMODULE>(
+ ChromeDelayLoadHook(dliNotePreLoadLibrary, &info_));
+ // Make sure the library is released on exit.
+ base::ScopedNativeLibrary lib_holder(none);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(none == NULL);
+TEST_F(ChromeDelayLoadHookTest, SuffixedDllsAreRedirected) {
+ // Check that a DLL name of the form "foo-delay.dll" gets redirected to
+ // the "foo.dll".
+ SetupInfo("kernel32-delay.dll");
+ HMODULE kernel32 = reinterpret_cast<HMODULE>(
+ ChromeDelayLoadHook(dliNotePreLoadLibrary, &info_));
+ // Make sure the library is released on exit.
+ base::ScopedNativeLibrary lib_holder(kernel32);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(kernel32 == ::GetModuleHandle(L"kernel32.dll"));
+TEST_F(ChromeDelayLoadHookTest, IgnoresUnhandledNotifications) {
+ SetupInfo("kernel32-delay.dll");
+ // The hook should ignore all notifications but the preload notifications.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ChromeDelayLoadHook(dliNoteStartProcessing, &info_) == NULL);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ChromeDelayLoadHook(dliNotePreGetProcAddress, &info_) == NULL);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ChromeDelayLoadHook(dliNoteEndProcessing, &info_) == NULL);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ChromeDelayLoadHook(dliFailLoadLib, &info_) == NULL);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ChromeDelayLoadHook(dliFailGetProc, &info_) == NULL);
diff --git a/chrome/app/ b/chrome/app/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0f9930
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/app/
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "chrome/app/delay_load_hook_win.h"
+#if defined(_WIN32_WINNT_WIN8) && _MSC_VER < 1700
+// The Windows 8 SDK defines FACILITY_VISUALCPP in winerror.h, and in
+// delayimp.h previous to VS2012.
+#include <DelayIMP.h>
+#include "base/logging.h"
+#include "base/string_util.h"
+#include "base/stringprintf.h"
+// So long as these symbols are supplied to the final binary through an
+// object file (as opposed to indirectly through a library), these pointers
+// will override the CRT's symbols and direct the notifications to our hook.
+// Alternatively referencing the ChromeDelayLoadHook function somehow will
+// cause this declaration of these variables to take preference to the delay
+// load runtime's defaults (in delayimp.lib).
+PfnDliHook __pfnDliNotifyHook2 = ChromeDelayLoadHook;
+PfnDliHook __pfnDliFailureHook2 = ChromeDelayLoadHook;
+namespace {
+FARPROC OnPreLoadLibrary(DelayLoadInfo* info) {
+ // If the DLL name ends with "-delay.dll", this call is about one of our
+ // custom import libraries. In this case we need to snip the suffix off,
+ // and bind to the real DLL.
+ std::string dll_name(info->szDll);
+ const char kDelaySuffix[] = "-delay.dll";
+ if (EndsWith(dll_name, kDelaySuffix, false)) {
+ // Trim the "-delay.dll" suffix from the string.
+ dll_name.resize(dll_name.length() - (sizeof(kDelaySuffix) - 1));
+ dll_name.append(".dll");
+ return reinterpret_cast<FARPROC>(::LoadLibraryA(dll_name.c_str()));
+ }
+ return NULL;
+} // namespace
+// This function is a delay load notification hook. It is invoked by the
+// delay load support in the visual studio runtime.
+// See for
+// details.
+extern "C" FARPROC WINAPI ChromeDelayLoadHook(unsigned reason,
+ DelayLoadInfo* info) {
+ switch (reason) {
+ case dliNoteStartProcessing:
+ case dliNoteEndProcessing:
+ // Nothing to do here.
+ break;
+ case dliNotePreLoadLibrary:
+ return OnPreLoadLibrary(info);
+ break;
+ case dliNotePreGetProcAddress:
+ // Nothing to do here.
+ break;
+ case dliFailLoadLib:
+ case dliFailGetProc:
+ // Returning NULL from error notifications will cause the delay load
+ // runtime to raise a VcppException structured exception, that some code
+ // might want to handle.
+ return NULL;
+ break;
+ default:
+ NOTREACHED() << "Impossible delay load notification.";
+ break;
+ }
+ // Returning NULL causes the delay load machinery to perform default
+ // processing for this notification.
+ return NULL;
diff --git a/chrome/app/delay_load_hook_win.h b/chrome/app/delay_load_hook_win.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38c406a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/app/delay_load_hook_win.h
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <windows.h>
+// Fowd.
+struct DelayLoadInfo;
+// In release builds, the delay load hook redirects import entries to DLLs
+// named "FOO-delay.dll" to "FOO.dll".
+extern "C" FARPROC WINAPI ChromeDelayLoadHook(unsigned reason,
+ DelayLoadInfo* info);
diff --git a/chrome/chrome.gyp b/chrome/chrome.gyp
index f181d4d..be44f74 100644
--- a/chrome/chrome.gyp
+++ b/chrome/chrome.gyp
@@ -1040,6 +1040,27 @@
['OS=="win" and target_arch=="ia32"',
{ 'targets': [
+ 'target_name': 'chrome_user32_delay_imports',
+ 'type': 'none',
+ 'variables': {
+ 'lib_dir': '<(INTERMEDIATE_DIR)',
+ },
+ 'sources': [
+ 'chrome.user32.delay.imports'
+ ],
+ 'includes': [
+ '../build/win/importlibs/create_import_lib.gypi',
+ ],
+ 'direct_dependent_settings': {
+ 'msvs_settings': {
+ 'VCLinkerTool': {
+ 'AdditionalLibraryDirectories': ['<(lib_dir)', ],
+ 'AdditionalDependencies': ['chrome.user32.delay.lib', ],
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
'target_name': 'crash_service_win64',
'type': 'executable',
'product_name': 'crash_service64',
diff --git a/chrome/chrome.user32.delay.imports b/chrome/chrome.user32.delay.imports
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..baa1231
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/chrome.user32.delay.imports
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+# This file is used to create a custom import library for Chrome.dll's use of
+# user32.dll APIs added post-Windows XP to obviate the need for delay loading
+# all of user32.dll.
+ 'architecture': 'x86',
+ # The DLL to bind to - we delay load these imports.
+ 'dll_name': 'user32-delay.dll',
+ # Name of the generated import library.
+ 'importlib_name': 'chrome.user32.delay.lib',
+ # Chrome.dll uses these post-Windows XP (SP2) exports, and so they must be
+ # delay loaded for Chrome.dll to load on Windows XP computers.
+ 'imports': [
+ 'CloseGestureInfoHandle@4',
+ 'CloseTouchInputHandle@4',
+ 'GetGestureInfo@8',
+ 'GetTouchInputInfo@16',
+ 'IsTouchWindow@8',
+ 'RegisterTouchWindow@8',
+ 'SetGestureConfig@20',
+ 'UnregisterTouchWindow@4',
+ ],
diff --git a/chrome/chrome_dll.gypi b/chrome/chrome_dll.gypi
index 8f5aab4..3d4119a 100644
--- a/chrome/chrome_dll.gypi
+++ b/chrome/chrome_dll.gypi
@@ -88,6 +88,13 @@
+ ['OS=="win" and target_arch=="ia32"', {
+ # Add a dependency to custom import library for user32 delay
+ # imports only in x86 builds.
+ 'dependencies': [
+ 'chrome_user32_delay_imports',
+ ],
+ },],
['OS=="win"', {
'product_name': 'chrome',
'dependencies': [
@@ -112,6 +119,8 @@
+ 'app/',
+ 'app/delay_load_hook_win.h',
@@ -169,6 +178,36 @@
'OutputFile': '$(OutDir)\\initial\\chrome.dll',
'UseLibraryDependencyInputs': "true",
+ ['target_arch=="ia32"', {
+ # Link against the XP-constrained user32 import library
+ # instead of the platform-SDK provided one to avoid
+ # inadvertently taking dependencies on post-XP user32
+ # exports.
+ 'AdditionalDependencies!': [
+ 'user32.lib',
+ ],
+ 'IgnoreDefaultLibraryNames': [
+ 'user32.lib',
+ ],
+ # Remove user32 delay load for chrome.dll.
+ 'DelayLoadDLLs!': [
+ 'user32.dll',
+ ],
+ 'AdditionalDependencies': [
+ 'user32.winxp.lib',
+ ],
+ 'DelayLoadDLLs': [
+ 'user32-delay.dll',
+ ],
+ 'AdditionalLibraryDirectories': [
+ '<(DEPTH)/build/win/importlibs/x86',
+ ],
+ 'ForceSymbolReferences': [
+ # Force the inclusion of the delay load hook in this
+ # binary.
+ '_ChromeDelayLoadHook@8',
+ ],
+ }],
'DelayLoadDLLs': [
diff --git a/chrome/chrome_tests_unit.gypi b/chrome/chrome_tests_unit.gypi
index 7c4a151..e370914 100644
--- a/chrome/chrome_tests_unit.gypi
+++ b/chrome/chrome_tests_unit.gypi
@@ -2339,6 +2339,9 @@
+ 'app/',
+ 'app/delay_load_hook_win.h',
+ 'app/',