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2 files changed, 31 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/views/ b/chrome/browser/views/
index a6d29f3..9ef3feb 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/views/
+++ b/chrome/browser/views/
@@ -61,13 +61,28 @@ BrowserActionButton::BrowserActionButton(Extension* extension,
registrar_.Add(this, NotificationType::EXTENSION_BROWSER_ACTION_UPDATED,
+ // The Browser Action API does not allow the default icon path to be changed
+ // at runtime, so we can load this now and cache it.
+ std::string relative_path = browser_action_->default_icon_path();
+ if (relative_path.empty())
+ return;
+ // This is a bit sketchy because if ImageLoadingTracker calls
+ // ::OnImageLoaded() before our creator appends up to the view heirarchy, we
+ // will crash. But since we know that ImageLoadingTracker is asynchronous,
+ // this should be OK. And doing this in the constructor means that we don't
+ // have to protect against it getting done multiple times.
+ tracker_ = new ImageLoadingTracker(this, 1);
+ tracker_->PostLoadImageTask(
+ extension->GetResource(relative_path),
+ gfx::Size(Extension::kBrowserActionIconMaxSize,
+ Extension::kBrowserActionIconMaxSize));
BrowserActionButton::~BrowserActionButton() {
- if (tracker_) {
+ if (tracker_)
- tracker_ = NULL; // The tracker object will be deleted when we return.
- }
gfx::Insets BrowserActionButton::GetInsets() const {
@@ -80,30 +95,15 @@ void BrowserActionButton::ButtonPressed(
-void BrowserActionButton::LoadImage() {
- // Load the default image from the browser action asynchronously on the file
- // thread. We'll get a call back into OnImageLoaded if the image loads
- // successfully.
- std::string relative_path = browser_action()->default_icon_path();
- if (relative_path.empty())
- return;
- // Cancel old image trackers. We can only track one at a time.
- if (tracker_)
- tracker_->StopTrackingImageLoad();
- tracker_ = new ImageLoadingTracker(this, 1);
- tracker_->PostLoadImageTask(
- extension()->GetResource(relative_path),
- gfx::Size(Extension::kBrowserActionIconMaxSize,
- Extension::kBrowserActionIconMaxSize));
void BrowserActionButton::OnImageLoaded(SkBitmap* image, size_t index) {
if (image)
- SetIcon(*image);
+ default_icon_ = *image;
tracker_ = NULL; // The tracker object will delete itself when we return.
- GetParent()->SchedulePaint();
+ // Call back to UpdateState() because a more specific icon might have been set
+ // while the load was outstanding.
+ UpdateState();
void BrowserActionButton::UpdateState() {
@@ -112,10 +112,10 @@ void BrowserActionButton::UpdateState() {
SkBitmap image = browser_action()->GetIcon(tab_id);
- if (image.isNull())
- LoadImage();
- else
+ if (!image.isNull())
+ else if (!default_icon_.isNull())
+ SetIcon(default_icon_);
diff --git a/chrome/browser/views/browser_actions_container.h b/chrome/browser/views/browser_actions_container.h
index cd308c2..f133515 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/views/browser_actions_container.h
+++ b/chrome/browser/views/browser_actions_container.h
@@ -76,9 +76,6 @@ class BrowserActionButton : public views::MenuButton,
virtual void PopupDidHide();
- // If the image from the browser action needs to be loaded, load it.
- void LoadImage();
// The browser action this view represents. The ExtensionAction is not owned
// by this class.
ExtensionAction* browser_action_;
@@ -86,14 +83,15 @@ class BrowserActionButton : public views::MenuButton,
// The extension associated with the browser action we're displaying.
Extension* extension_;
- // The icons representing different states for the browser action.
- std::vector<SkBitmap> browser_action_icons_;
// The object that is waiting for the image loading to complete
// asynchronously. This object can potentially outlive the BrowserActionView,
// and takes care of deleting itself.
ImageLoadingTracker* tracker_;
+ // The default icon for our browser action. This might be non-empty if the
+ // browser action had a value for default_icon in the manifest.
+ SkBitmap default_icon_;
// The browser action shelf.
BrowserActionsContainer* panel_;