diff options
8 files changed, 0 insertions, 1211 deletions
deleted file mode 100644
index 215e846..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
- \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/webkit/tools/merge/diff3-wrapper.bat b/webkit/tools/merge/diff3-wrapper.bat
deleted file mode 100644
index a818f4e..0000000
--- a/webkit/tools/merge/diff3-wrapper.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-@ECHO off
-:: Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-:: Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-:: found in the LICENSE file.
-:: Wrapper around so it can be called from svn.
-%~dp0\..\..\..\third_party\python_24\python %*
diff --git a/webkit/tools/merge/ b/webkit/tools/merge/
deleted file mode 100755
index 2d0f0e2..0000000
--- a/webkit/tools/merge/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/env python
-# Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Wrapper around BeyondCompare or kdiff3 so it can be used as svn's diff3-cmd
-The basic idea here is based heavily off of at:
-import optparse
-import os
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import traceback
-CYGDRIVE = '/cygdrive/'
-# TODO(ojan): Eventually make this a cross-platform script that makes it easy
-# to use different diffing tools (an enum of tools maybe?).
-# The difficulty is that each tool has its own supported arguments.
-def EnsureWindowsPath(path):
- """ Returns a Windows-style path given a Windows path or a cygwin path.
- """
- if path.startswith(CYGDRIVE):
- path = path[CYGLEN:CYGLEN + 1] + ':' + path[CYGLEN + 1:]
- path = path.replace('/', '\\')
- return path
-def GetPathToBinary(exe):
- """ Try to find a copy of the binary that exists. Search for the full path
- and then the basename.
- """
- if not os.path.exists(exe):
- exe = os.path.basename(exe)
- return exe
-def main(args):
- """ Provides a wrapper around 3rd-party diffing tools so they can be used as
- the diff3-cmd in svn merge.
- args: The arguments passed by svn merge to its diff3 tool.
- """
- # Grab the arguments from the end of the list since svn will add any other
- # arguments provided before these.
- # The titles of the files being diffed.
- title_mine = EnsureWindowsPath(args[-8])
- title_older = EnsureWindowsPath(args[-6])
- title_yours = EnsureWindowsPath(args[-4])
- # The paths to the files being diffed. These will be temp files.
- mine = EnsureWindowsPath(args[-3])
- older = EnsureWindowsPath(args[-2])
- yours = EnsureWindowsPath(args[-1])
- # The command for which diff3 tool to use.
- diff_tool = args[1]
- if diff_tool == "--use-beyondcompare":
- exe = GetPathToBinary("c:/Progra~1/Beyond~1/BComp.exe")
- if not os.path.exists(exe):
- exe = GetPathToBinary("c:/Progra~2/Beyond~1/BComp.exe")
- cmd = [exe,
- mine,
- yours,
- older,
- mine,
- '/reviewconflicts',
- '/automerge',
- '/leftreadonly',
- '/rightreadonly',
- '/ignoreunimportant',
- '/lefttitle', title_mine,
- '/righttitle', title_yours,
- '/centertitle', title_older,
- '/outputtitle', 'merged']
- elif diff_tool == "--use-kdiff3":
- exe = GetPathToBinary("c:/Progra~1/KDiff3/kdiff3.exe")
- if not os.path.exists(exe):
- exe = GetPathToBinary("c:/Progra~2/KDiff3/kdiff3.exe")
- cmd = [exe,
- older,
- mine,
- yours,
- "--merge",
- "--auto",
- "--output", mine]
- else:
- # TODO(ojan): Maybe fall back to diff3?
- raise Exception, "Must specify a diff tool to use."
- try:
- # Work around
- # by passing stderr and stdin as well since beyondcompare is a GUI app
- return_code =,
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
- stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
- stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
- shell=True)
- except Exception,e:
- print "Error running " + (" ".join(cmd))
- traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout)
- # After performing the merge, this script needs to print the contents
- # of the merged file to stdout.
- # Return an errorcode of 0 on successful merge, 1 if unresolved conflicts
- # remain in the result. Any other errorcode will be treated as fatal.
- merged_file_contents = open(mine).read()
- # For reasons I don't understand, an extra line break gets added at the end
- # of the file. Strip it.
- merged_file_contents = merged_file_contents[:-1]
- print merged_file_contents
- return return_code
-if '__main__' == __name__:
- try:
- return_code = main(sys.argv)
- except Exception,e:
- traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout)
- # diff3 uses '1' to mean "conflict" and 2 to mean "I barfed".
- sys.exit(2) # return "I barfed"
- sys.exit(return_code)
diff --git a/webkit/tools/merge/ b/webkit/tools/merge/
deleted file mode 100755
index 10aa0fb..0000000
--- a/webkit/tools/merge/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
-# All rights reserved.
-# This script expects to live in chrome/tools/branch/. If it's ever moved,
-# the value of |root| will need to be changed below.
-# Generate a helper script that does a 3-way diff on each forked WebKit file
-# you give it. The diff will be among:
-# base: original third_party file from a Chrome trunk checkout
-# diff1: updated third_party file from the merge branch
-# diff2: forked file in webkit/pending or wherever.
-# Run this script from the merge branch. Give it the path to the root of your
-# trunk checkout (the directory containing src and data directories) as the
-# first argument, and a list of forked files (e.g. from either copy of
-# webkit/pending/) as the second argument.
-# Example usage:
-# ./ /cygdrive/c/src/chrome/trunk webkit/pending/*.*
-# Once the helper script is generated, you can run it to do the 3-way diff.
-execdir=`dirname $0`
-if [[ $# -lt 1 || ! -d "$origroot/third_party" ]]; then
- echo "Usage: $0 <path-to-the-base-dir-of-chrome-trunk> [list-of-forked-files]"
- echo "Example: $0 /cygdrive/c/src/chrome/trunk webkit/pending/*.*"
- exit 1
-if which p4merge.exe >& /dev/null; then
- merge_exe=p4merge.exe
- merge_exe="/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Perforce/p4merge.exe"
- if [ ! -e "$merge_exe" ]; then
- echo "WARNING: It looks like you don't have p4merge installed."
- echo "You must edit and change the diff3way function to"
- echo "point at a valid merge tool."
- fi
-if [ -e $wkfilelist ]; then
- echo "Using cached file listing of third_party."
- echo "WARNING: If the cached file is not up to date, you should execute:"
- echo " rm $wkfilelist"
- echo "and run this script again."
- echo "Creating file listing of third_party..."
- (cd $root && find third_party -type f | grep -v '/\.svn' | grep -v 'ForwardingHeaders' | grep -v 'DerivedSources' > $wkfilelist)
-# Prepare the helper script.
-cat > <<EOF
-function diff3way {
- a=\`cygpath -wa \$1\`
- b=\`cygpath -wa \$2\`
- c=\`cygpath -wa \$3\`
- "$merge_exe" "\$a" "\$b" "\$c" "\$c"
-chmod +x
-# Now add all the diff commands to the helper script.
-for each in "$@"; do
- filename=`echo $each | sed -e "s,.*/,,g"`
- tpfile=`grep "/\<$filename\>" $wkfilelist`
- if [ "$tpfile" != "" ]; then
- # Only run the 3-way diff if the upstream file has changed
- ignored=`diff "$origroot/$tpfile" "$root/$tpfile"`
- if [ $? != 0 ]; then
- echo "diff3way \"$origroot/$tpfile\" \"$root/$tpfile\" \"$each\"" >>
- fi
- fi
-cat << EOF
-Please edit this file to make sure it is correct. Then run it with
diff --git a/webkit/tools/merge/merge.bat b/webkit/tools/merge/merge.bat
deleted file mode 100644
index 4168144..0000000
--- a/webkit/tools/merge/merge.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-@..\..\..\third_party\python_24\python.exe %*
diff --git a/webkit/tools/merge/ b/webkit/tools/merge/
deleted file mode 100755
index 2736253..0000000
--- a/webkit/tools/merge/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/env python
-# Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Does a webkit merge to tip of tree WebKit or a revision
-specified on the command line. Looks at trunk/src/WEBKIT_MERGE_REVISION
-to find the repository and revision to merge from.
-Example usage:
- --new_revision 12345
- --diff3-tool kdiff3
-import optparse
-import os
-import re
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import xml.dom.minidom
-import google.path_utils
-class Merger(object):
- """ Does svn merges. """
- DIFF3_WRAPPER_PATH = os.path.join('..', '..', 'webkit', 'tools', 'merge',
- 'diff3-wrapper.bat')
- def __init__(self, repository, webkit_root, old_revision,
- new_revision, is_dry_run, svn_path='svn', diff3_tool=None):
- """
- Args:
- repository: the repository that we are merging to/from.
- webkit_root: path to third_party/WebKit directory in which to run svn
- commands.
- old_revision: the revision we are currently merged to.
- new_revision: the revision we are merging to.
- is_dry_run: whether to actually make changes or just print intended
- changes.
- svn_path: the path to the svn executable (or find it in the user's path)
- diff3_tool: the tool for doing 3-way diffs.
- """
- self._repository = repository
- self._webkit_root = webkit_root
- self._old_revision = old_revision
- self._new_revision = new_revision
- self._is_dry_run = is_dry_run
- self._diff3_tool = diff3_tool
- self._svn = svn_path
- def MergeDirectory(self, directory):
- """ Merges the given directory in the repository into the same directory
- in the working copy.
- """
- command = [self._svn, "merge", "--accept", "edit", "-r",
- "%s:%s" % (self._old_revision, self._new_revision),
- "%s/%s" % (self._repository, directory), directory]
- if self._diff3_tool is not None:
- command.append("--diff3-cmd")
- command.append(self.DIFF3_WRAPPER_PATH)
- command.append("-x")
- command.append("--use-%s" % self._diff3_tool)
- print ' '.join(command)
- if not self._is_dry_run:
- returncode =, cwd=self._webkit_root, shell=True)
- if returncode != 0:
- raise "Are you sure you're running SVN 1.5? svn --version to check"
- # On Windows, find modified files and force them to LF. We trust dos2unix
- # not to change binary files.
- if sys.platform == 'win32':
- command = [self._svn, "status", "--xml", directory]
- print ' '.join(command)
- info = subprocess.Popen(command, cwd=self._webkit_root, shell=True,
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
- dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(info)
- for entry in dom.getElementsByTagName("entry"):
- file_path = entry.getAttribute("path")
- type = os.path.splitext(file_path)[-1]
- status = (entry.getElementsByTagName('wc-status')[0]
- .getAttribute('item'))
- # TODO(pamg): Is this the same in non-English svn?
- if status == "modified":
- command = ["dos2unix.exe", file_path]
- if self._is_dry_run:
- print ' '.join(command)
- else:
-, cwd=self._webkit_root, shell=True)
-def GetCurrentRepositoryAndRevision(webkit_merge_revision_path):
- """ Gets the repository and revision we're currently merged to according to
- the WEBKIT_MERGE_REVISION file checked in.
- Args:
- webkit_merge_revision_path: path to WEBKIT_MERGE_REVISION file.
- """
- contents = open(webkit_merge_revision_path).read().strip()
- split_contents = contents.split("@")
- return {'repository': split_contents[0], 'old_revision': split_contents[1]}
-def GetTipOfTreeRevision(svn, repository):
- """ Gets the tip-of-tree revision for the repository.
- """
- info = subprocess.Popen([svn, "info", "--xml", repository],
- shell=True,
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
- dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(info)
- return dom.getElementsByTagName('entry')[0].getAttribute('revision')
-def UpdateWebKitMergeRevision(webkit_merge_revision_path, repository,
- new_revision, is_dry_run):
- """ Updates the checked in WEBKIT_MERGE_REVISION file with the repository
- and revision we just merged to.
- Args:
- webkit_merge_revision_path: path to WEBKIT_MERGE_REVISION file.
- repository: repository we've merged to.
- new_revision: revision we've merged to.
- is_dry_run: whether to update the file or just print out the update that
- would be done.
- """
- new_merge_revision = "%s@%s" % (repository, new_revision)
- if is_dry_run:
- print "%s=%s" % (webkit_merge_revision_path, new_merge_revision)
- else:
- print "Updating %s" % webkit_merge_revision_path
- #TODO(ojan): Check that the write suceeded.
- open(webkit_merge_revision_path, "w").write(new_merge_revision)
-def UpdateDeps(deps_path, new_revision, is_dry_run):
- contents = open(deps_path).read()
- path = '"webkit_revision": "'
- pattern = re.compile(path + "\d+")
- contents = pattern.sub(path + str(new_revision), contents)
- if is_dry_run:
- print "%s=%s" % (deps_path, contents)
- else:
- print "Updating %s" % deps_path
- open(deps_path, "w").write(contents)
-def Sync(is_dry_run):
- sync_command = ["gclient", "sync"]
- if is_dry_run:
- print ' '.join(sync_command)
- else:
- returncode =, shell=True)
- if returncode != 0:
- raise "gclient sync failed, go beat darin with a squishy bat."
-def main(options, args):
- """ Does the merge and updates WEBKIT_MERGE_REVISION.
- Args:
- options: a dictionary of commandline arguments.
- args: currently unused.
- """
- Sync(options.dry_run)
- webkit_merge_revision_path = google.path_utils.FindUpward(
- google.path_utils.ScriptDir(), 'WEBKIT_MERGE_REVISION')
- repository_and_revision = GetCurrentRepositoryAndRevision(
- webkit_merge_revision_path)
- repository = repository_and_revision['repository']
- old_revision = repository_and_revision['old_revision']
- if options.new_revision:
- new_revision = options.new_revision
- else:
- new_revision = GetTipOfTreeRevision(options.svn, repository)
- webkit_root = google.path_utils.FindUpward(google.path_utils.ScriptDir(),
- 'third_party', 'WebKit')
- merger = Merger(repository, webkit_root, old_revision, new_revision,
- options.dry_run, options.svn, options.diff3_tool)
- merger.MergeDirectory("WebCore")
- merger.MergeDirectory("JavaScriptCore")
- UpdateWebKitMergeRevision(webkit_merge_revision_path, repository,
- new_revision, options.dry_run)
- deps_path = google.path_utils.FindUpward(
- google.path_utils.ScriptDir(), 'src', 'DEPS')
- UpdateDeps(deps_path, new_revision, options.dry_run)
- Sync(options.dry_run)
-if '__main__' == __name__:
- option_parser = optparse.OptionParser()
- option_parser.add_option("", "--diff3-tool", default=None,
- help="Optional. diff3 tool to use. Can be 'kdiff3' or 'beyondcompare'")
- option_parser.add_option("", "--new-revision", default=None,
- help="Optional. Revision to merge to. Tip of tree "
- "revision will be used if omitted.")
- option_parser.add_option("", "--dry-run", action="store_true", default=False,
- help="Print out actions the merge would take, but "
- "don't actually do them.")
- option_parser.add_option("", "--svn", default="svn",
- help="Path to svn executable, if it's not in your "
- "PATH.")
- options, args = option_parser.parse_args()
- main(options, args)
diff --git a/webkit/tools/merge/ b/webkit/tools/merge/
deleted file mode 100755
index c0e6a30..0000000
--- a/webkit/tools/merge/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-exec_dir=$(dirname $0)
-if [ "$OSTYPE" = "cygwin" ]; then
- system_root=`cygpath "$SYSTEMROOT"`
- PATH="/usr/bin:$system_root/system32:$system_root:$system_root/system32/WBEM:$PATH"
- export PATH
- PYTHON_PROG="$exec_dir/../../../third_party/python_24/python.exe"
- PYTHON_PROG=python
- # When not using the included python, we don't get automatic paths.
- # Specifically, run_webkit_tests needs the paths in:
- # third_party/python_24/Lib/site-packages/google.pth
- PYTHONPATH="$(readlink -f ${exec_dir}/../../../tools/python):$PYTHONPATH"
-"$PYTHON_PROG" "$exec_dir/" "$@"
diff --git a/webkit/tools/merge/ b/webkit/tools/merge/
deleted file mode 100755
index 09fbd63..0000000
--- a/webkit/tools/merge/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,750 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-Update a copy of WebKit to a given version, issuing the necessary gvn commands.
-This script is intended for internal use only, by knowledgeable users, and
-therefore does not taint-check user-supplied values.
-Cygwin is required to run this script, for 'cygpath'.
-Only tested on Windows, running in Cygwin. Most of this script should
-be compatible with Linux as well. The paths may not be correct for
-running in a Windows cmd shell.
-TODO(pamg): Test in Windows cmd shell and fix problems.
-Usage notes:
- In normal usage, it's expected that the user will first run svn manually
- to update a local copy of the WebKit trunk to a known (or head) revision.
- The svn checkout is prone to odd failures (network timeouts, etc.), so
- it's safer to run it by hand so you can more easily notice and recover
- from any problems. Note that if you're running svn more than once, to
- update more than one directory, you'll want to specify a --revision (-r)
- on any calls after the first, just in case someone's landed something
- while you were checking out the first directory.
- For example:
- cd /tmp/webkit-branch-merge/WebKit
- svn co WebCore
- [...Checked out revision 19776.]
- svn co -r 19776 \
- \
- JavaScriptCore
- cd /path/to/webkit/tools/merge
- python ./ --diff --real \
- --old /path/to/mergebranch/ 19776
- Here the --old parameter points to the root of your merge branch checkout,
- containing the src/ and data/ directories. You can also append
- --new [directory name] to point to the directory where you've checked out
- the latest webkit files (if you checked them out to somewhere other than
- /tmp/webkit-branch-merge/WebKit as depicted above). The --new parameter
- should be a "WebKit" directory that corresponds to the webkit svn trunk.
- If you want to see what the script will do before doing it, remove the
- --real option. When you're satisfied that it's doing the right thing, you
- can restore --real and run it one more time. In that case, you can also
- leave off --diff on each run after the first, allowing the script to use a
- cached file of diffs rather than re-generating it each time. Other options
- are available as well; see 'update-branch-webkit --help' for a full list.
- Directories may be specified with Windows-style paths, but the slashes
- must be forward-slashes, not backslashes, or the Cygwin shell will remove
- them.
-import errno
-import logging
-import optparse
-import os
-import re
-import shutil
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import traceback
-# Whether to produce additional debugging information.
-# The filename holding the new WebKit Subversion revision number.
-# The URL from which to checkout the new revision if needed.
-SVN_URL = ''
-# The files in which to save lists of added, deleted, and edited files.
-SAVE_ADDED_FILES = 'merge-add-files.txt'
-SAVE_DELETED_FILES = 'merge-delete-files.txt'
-SAVE_EDITED_FILES = 'merge-edit-files.txt'
-SAVE_OBSOLETE_FILES = 'merge-obsolete-files.txt'
-# Executable names, found in the system PATH.
-SVN = 'svn.exe'
-DIFF = 'diff.exe'
-CYGPATH = 'cygpath.exe'
-# Directories to be entirely ignored when updating the merge branch.
-IGNORE_DIRS = ['.svn', 'DerivedSources']
-# Global cygpath process.
-_cygpath_proc = None
-# Error classes
-class LocalError(Exception):
- """Base class for local errors."""
- stack_trace = True
- code = 1
-class ArgumentError(LocalError):
- """Exception raised for errors in parsed script arguments."""
- stack_trace = False
- code = 2
-class CannotFindError(LocalError):
- """Exception raised for an expected file or directory that does not exist."""
- def __init__(self, description, path):
- LocalError.__init__(self, "Can't find %s '%s'" % (description, path))
- stack_trace = False
- code = 3
-class CannotWriteError(LocalError):
- """Exception raised when writing to a necessary file fails."""
- def __init__(self, path):
- LocalError.__init__(self, "Can't write to '%s'" % path)
- stack_trace = False
- code = 4
-class CommandError(LocalError):
- """Exception raised when an external command fails."""
- def __init__(self, prefix, value):
- """
- Build a descriptive error message using available information.
- Args:
- prefix: Descriptive text prepended to the error message.
- value: Error value as provided in the exception, if any. May be None.
- """
- if value is not None:
- (errnum, message) = value
- LocalError.__init__(self, "%s: %s (%s)" % (prefix, message, errnum))
- else:
- LocalError.__init__(self, prefix)
- stack_trace = False
- code = 5
-# Utility functions
-def GetAbsolutePath(path):
- """Convert an unknown-style path to an absolute, mixed-style Windows path.
- We use an external cygpath binary to do the conversion. For performance
- reasons, we use a single cygpath process.
- """
- global _cygpath_proc
- if not _cygpath_proc:
- _cygpath_proc = subprocess.Popen([CYGPATH, '-a', '-m', '-f', '-'],
- stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
- _cygpath_proc.stdin.write(path + '\n')
- return _cygpath_proc.stdout.readline().rstrip()
-def PathFromChromeRoot(subdir):
- """Return the path of the given WebKit path relative to the Chrome merge dir.
- We could get fancy and search for these, but it's so much simpler to just
- set them, it's arguably even easier to maintain that way.
- Args:
- subdir: The relative path to be converted. It may be a directory or a
- filename, and it should be specified relative to the WebKit checkout
- (e.g., 'WebCore').
- Returns:
- The path to the given subdirectory dir in the Chrome webkit tree, starting
- from the src directory.
- """
- return os.path.join('third_party', subdir)
-def NewDir(subdir=''):
- """Return an absolute path to the subdirectory within the WebKit checkout.
- The subdir is specified relative to the WebKit checkout (e.g., 'WebCore').
- """
- return GetAbsolutePath(os.path.join(, subdir))
-def OldDir(subdir=''):
- """Return an absolute path to the given subdirectory within the merge branch.
- The subdir is specified relative to the WebKit checkout (e.g., 'WebCore').
- """
- reldir = PathFromChromeRoot(subdir)
- return GetAbsolutePath(os.path.join(options.old, reldir))
-def TempDir(relative_path=''):
- """Return an absolute path to the given location in the temp directory."""
- return GetAbsolutePath(os.path.join(options.temp_dir, relative_path))
-def CollectFileList(search_dir, old):
- """Recursively collect a set of files within the given directory.
- FIXME(pamg): This function assumes that there are no instances of the string
- given by the search_dir argument in either of the source paths (old and
- new). That is, if dir is 'WebCore', the --old and --new options must not
- contain the string 'WebCore'.
- Args:
- search_dir: The directory within which to search. It should be specified
- relative to the WebKit checkout (e.g., 'WebCore').
- old: Boolean value indicating whether to look for files in the old
- directory (i.e., the Chrome merge branch) or the new one (the WebKit
- checkout).
- Returns:
- A set of file paths relative to (and including) the given dir, with no
- leading slash.
- """
- # FIXME(pamg): This replacement is why --old and --new can't contain
- # search_dir.
- if old:
- path = OldDir(search_dir)
- basedir = path.replace(search_dir, '')
- else:
- path = NewDir(search_dir)
- basedir = path.replace(search_dir, '')
- result = set()
- for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
- # We want the directory from search_dir onward, and we need '/' separators
- # to match what diff returns.
- relative_dir = root.replace(basedir, '', 1).replace('\\', '/')
- for filename in files:
- if not IgnoreFile(root):
- result.add('/'.join([relative_dir, filename]))
- return result
-def MakeDirectory(path):
- """Create a path and its parents, returning a set of the paths created."""
- logging.debug('Making directory %s' % path)
- add = set()
- (basepath, subdir) = os.path.split(path)
- if not os.path.exists(basepath):
- add = add.union(MakeDirectory(basepath))
- if options.real:
- os.mkdir(path)
- add.add(path)
- return add
-def IsAvailable(executable):
- """Return True if the given executable can be found.
- An executable is deemed available if it exists (for an absolute or relative
- path) or is in the system path (for a simple filename). This is a naive
- implementation that assumes that if a file with the given name exists, it is
- accessible and executable.
- """
- if os.path.dirname(executable) != '':
- # This is a pathname, either relative or absolute.
- return os.path.exists(executable)
- paths = os.environ['PATH'].split(os.pathsep)
- for path_dir in paths:
- if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path_dir, executable)):
- return True
- return False
-def IgnoreFile(path):
- """Return True if the path is in the list of directories to be ignored."""
- for ignore_dir in IGNORE_DIRS:
- path = path.replace('\\', '/')
- path = '/' + path + '/'
- if '/' + ignore_dir + '/' in path:
- return True
- return False
-def WriteFile(path, data):
- """Write the given data to the path.
- Args:
- path: The absolute filename to be written.
- data: The string data to be written to the file.
- Raises:
- CannotWriteError if the write fails.
- """
- logging.debug('Writing file to %s' % path)
- try:
- f = open(path, 'w')
- f.write(data)
- f.close()
- except IOError, e:
- raise CannotWriteError(path)
-def WriteAbsoluteFileList(filename, file_list):
- """Write a file containing a sorted list of absolute paths in the branch.
- Args:
- filename: The file to write.
- file_list: An unsorted list of file paths, given relative to the WebKit
- checkout (e.g., 'WebCore/ChangeLog').
- """
-'Saving %s' % filename)
- file_paths = [OldDir(x) for x in file_list]
- # Sort after converting to absolute paths, in case some of the incoming paths
- # were already absolute.
- file_paths.sort()
- WriteFile(filename, '\n'.join(file_paths))
-def RunShellCommand(command, description, run=True):
- """Run a command in the shell, waiting for completion.
- Args:
- command: The shell command to be run, as a string.
- description: A brief description of the command, to be used in an error
- message if needed.
- run: If false, the command will be logged, but it won't actually be
- executed.
- Raises:
- CommandError if the command runs but exits with a nonzero status.
- """
- logging.debug(command)
- if run:
- result =, shell=True)
- if result:
- raise CommandError(description, None)
-# Task functions.
-def ValidateArguments():
- """Validate incoming options.
- Canonicalize paths and make sure that they exist, make sure a diff file
- exists if one is being used, and check for all required executables.
- """
- if options.revision is None:
- raise ArgumentError('Please specify a --revision.')
- try:
- # We need the revision as a string, but we want to make sure it's numeric.
- options.revision = str(int(options.revision))
- except ValueError:
- raise ArgumentError('Revision must be a number.')
- if options.revision < 1:
- raise ArgumentError('Revision must be at least 1.')
- options.dir_list = options.directories.split(',')
- if not len(options.dir_list):
- raise ArgumentError('Please list at least one directory.')
- options.old = GetAbsolutePath(options.old)
- = GetAbsolutePath(
- options.temp_dir = GetAbsolutePath(options.temp_dir)
- if not os.path.exists(options.old):
- raise CannotFindError('old dir', options.old)
- if not os.path.exists(
- raise CannotFindError('new dir',
- for dir_name in options.dir_list:
- if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(options.old, 'third_party', dir_name)):
- raise CannotFindError('old %s' % dir_name, '')
- if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(, dir_name)):
- raise CannotFindError('new %s' % dir_name, '')
- if not os.path.exists(options.temp_dir):
-'Creating temp directory %s' % options.temp_dir)
- os.makedirs(options.temp_dir)
- saved_diff_path = TempDir(SAVE_EDITED_FILES)
- if not options.diff and not os.path.exists(saved_diff_path):
- logging.warning("No saved diff file at '%s'. Running diff again." %
- saved_diff_path)
- options.diff = True
- if options.svn_checkout:
- if not IsAvailable(SVN):
- raise CannotFindError('executable', SVN)
- else:
- checkout_dir = NewDir()
- if not IsAvailable(checkout_dir):
- raise CannotFindError('new WebKit checkout', checkout_dir)
- if options.diff:
- if not IsAvailable(DIFF):
- raise CannotFindError('executable', DIFF)
- if not IsAvailable('gvn.bat'):
- raise CannotFindError('batch file', 'gvn.bat')
-def RunSvnCheckout(revision):
- """Use svn to checkout a new WebKit from SVN_URL into the temp dir."""
-'Checking out revision %s', revision)
- for checkout_dir in options.dir_list:
- new_dir = NewDir(checkout_dir)
- url = SVN_URL + '/' + checkout_dir
- command = '%s checkout -r %s %s %s' % (SVN, revision, url, new_dir)
- RunShellCommand(command, 'Running svn')
-def UpdateBaseRevision(revision):
- """Update the merge branch BASE_REVISION file."""
- new_baserev_file = NewDir(BASE_REV_FILE)
- try:
- existing_revision = open(new_baserev_file, 'r').read().rstrip()
- except IOError, e:
- if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
- existing_revision = -1
- else:
- raise
- if revision != existing_revision:
-'Updating %s to %s' % (new_baserev_file, revision))
- WriteFile(new_baserev_file, revision)
-def RunDiff(saved_file):
- """Collect a set of files that differ between the WebKit and Chrome trees.
- Run a recursive diff for each of the relevant directories, collecting a set
- of files that differ between them. Save the resulting list in a file, and
- also return the set.
- Args:
- saved_file: The file in which to save the list of differing files.
- Returns:
- A set of paths to files that differ between the two trees. Paths are
- given relative to the WebKit checkout (e.g., 'WebCore/ChangeLog').
- Raises:
- CommandError if the diff command returns an error or produces unrecognized
- output.
- """
- # Regular expressions for parsing the output of the diff.
- add_delete_re = re.compile("^Only in [^ ]+")
- edit_re = re.compile("^Files ([^ ]+) and [^ ]+ differ")
- # Generate a set of the possible leading directory strings, to be removed
- # from the file paths reported by diff.
- dir_replacements = set()
- for checkout_dir in options.dir_list:
- # FIXME(pamg): This assumes that the name of the dir being processed is
- # not a substring of See the FIXME for CollectFileList.
- base_dir = NewDir(checkout_dir).replace(checkout_dir, '')
- dir_replacements.add(base_dir)
- # Collect the set of edited files.
- edited = set()
- for diff_dir in options.dir_list:
-'Generating diffs for %s' % diff_dir)
- command = [DIFF, '--recursive', '--ignore-space-change', '--brief',
- NewDir(diff_dir), OldDir(diff_dir)]
- logging.debug(command)
- try:
- p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
- diff_text ='\r', '')
- rc = p.wait()
- except OSError, e:
- raise CommandError('Running diff ' + command, e)
- # Diff exit status is 0 if the directories compared are the same, 1 if
- # they differ, or 2 if an error was encountered.
- if rc < 0 or rc > 1:
- raise CommandError('Error running diff command', None)
- # Examine this directory's diff result and build a list of changed files.
- # Although we're not interested in added or deleted files, we parse the
- # "Only in..." lines to catch any errors.
- # Files C:/new/directory/file.h and C:/old/directory/file.h differ
- # (ignored) Only in C:/new/directory: new_filename.h
- # (ignored) Only in C:/old/directory: old_filename.h
-'Analyzing %s diff results' % diff_dir)
- for diff_line in diff_text.split('\n'):
- if IgnoreFile(diff_line):
- continue
- if is not None:
- filename = re.sub(edit_re, r'\1', diff_line)
- for replace in dir_replacements:
- filename = filename.replace(replace, '', 1)
- edited.add(filename)
- elif is not None:
- # Do nothing, but don't complain about an error.
- pass
- elif diff_line != '':
- raise CommandError("Unknown diff result '%s'" % diff_line, None)
- WriteFile(saved_file, '\n'.join(sorted(edited)))
- return edited
-def CopyFiles(files):
- """Copy files from WebKit to the merge branch, collecting added directories.
- If options.real is False, collect the directories that would be added, but
- don't actually make the directories or perform the copies.
- Args:
- files: The set of files to be copied, with paths given relative to the
- WebKit checkout (e.g., 'WebCore/ChangeLog').
- Returns:
- A set of absolute directory paths that were created in the merge branch
- in order to copy the files.
- Raises:
- CommandError if the file copy fails.
- """
-'Copying files from %s to %s' % (, options.old))
- added = set()
- for file in files:
- # Create the directory if it doesn't exist.
- # TODO(pamg): This has a lot of redundancy and could probably be made
- # faster.
- dirname = os.path.dirname(file)
- old_dir = OldDir(dirname)
- if not os.path.exists(old_dir):
- # We need to handle each new directory level individually, for gvn add.
- added = added.union(MakeDirectory(old_dir))
- new_path = NewDir(file)
- old_path = OldDir(file)
- if options.real:
- try:
- shutil.copyfile(new_path, old_path)
- except IOError, e:
- raise CommandError('Copying file', e)
- return added
-def CopyObsoleteFiles(files):
- """Copy new versions of obsolete header files into .obsolete names.
- If options.real is False, log the copy but do not actually perform it.
- Args:
- files: The set of header files to be copied, with paths given relative to
- the WebKit checkout and not including '.obsolete' (e.g.,
- 'WebCore/html/HTMLElement.h'). Their directories should already exist.
- Raises:
- CommandError if the file copy fails.
- """
- for file in files:
- # The directory should already exist.
- new_path = NewDir(file)
- old_path = OldDir(file + '.obsolete')
- logging.debug('Copying %s to %s' % (new_path, old_path))
- if options.real:
- try:
- shutil.copyfile(new_path, old_path)
- except IOError, e:
- raise CommandError('Copying obsolete file', e)
-def CopyBaseRevisionFile():
- """Copy the BASE_REV_FILE from the WebKit checkout to the merge branch.
- If options.real is False, log the copy but do not actually perform it.
- Raises:
- CommandError if the file copy fails.
- """
-'Copying %s to %s' % (BASE_REV_FILE, OldDir()))
- if options.real:
- try:
- shutil.copyfile(NewDir(BASE_REV_FILE), OldDir(BASE_REV_FILE))
- except IOError, e:
- raise CommandError('Copying %s' % BASE_REV_FILE, e)
-def main(options, args):
- """Perform the merge."""
- ValidateArguments()
- # Report configuration.
-'Updating to revision %s' % options.revision)
-'Updating into old directory %s' % options.old)
-'Using WebKit from new directory %s' %
-'Using temp directory %s' % options.temp_dir)
- if not options.real:
- logging.warning('DEBUGGING: Not issuing mkdir, cp, or gvn commands')
- if options.svn_checkout:
- RunSvnCheckout(options.revision)
- UpdateBaseRevision(options.revision)
- # Make sure desired directories are in the checkout.
- for checkout_dir in options.dir_list:
- if not os.path.exists(NewDir(checkout_dir)):
- raise CannotFindError('webkit checkout dir', NewDir(checkout_dir))
- # Generate or load diffs between relevant directories in the two trees.
- saved_diff_path = TempDir(SAVE_EDITED_FILES)
- if options.diff:
- edit_files = RunDiff(saved_diff_path)
- else:
-'Reading diffs from %s' % saved_diff_path)
- diff_text = open(saved_diff_path, 'r').read()
- edit_files = set(diff_text.split('\n'))
- # Collect filenames in each directory.
- old_files = set()
- new_files = set()
-'Collecting lists of old and new files')
- for collect_dir in options.dir_list:
- logging.debug('Collecting old files in %s' % collect_dir)
- old_files = old_files.union(CollectFileList(collect_dir, old=True))
- logging.debug('Collecting new files in %s' % collect_dir)
- new_files = new_files.union(CollectFileList(collect_dir, old=False))
- add_files = new_files - old_files
- delete_files = old_files - new_files
- WriteFile(TempDir('old.txt'), '\n'.join(sorted(old_files)))
- WriteFile(TempDir('new.txt'), '\n'.join(sorted(new_files)))
- # Find any obsolete files ostensibly to be deleted, and rename (rather than
- # re-adding) their corresponding new .h files. We trust that no filename
- # that ends with '.obsolete' will also contain another '.obsolete' in its
- # name.
- obsolete_files = set()
- # Iterate through a copy of the deleted set since we'll be changing it.
- delete_files_copy = delete_files.copy()
- for deleted in delete_files_copy:
- if deleted.endswith('.obsolete'):
- try:
- # Only the add_files.remove() should be able to raise a KeyError.
- # If we have no original file to rename, don't delete the .obsolete
- # one either.
- delete_files.remove(deleted)
- deleted = deleted.replace('.obsolete', '')
- add_files.remove(deleted)
- obsolete_files.add(deleted)
- except KeyError, e:
- logging.warning('No new file found for old %s.obsolete.' % deleted)
- # Save the list of obsolete files for future reference.
- WriteFile(TempDir(SAVE_OBSOLETE_FILES), '\n'.join(sorted(obsolete_files)))
- # Save the list of deleted files, converted to absolute paths, for use by
- # gvn.
- WriteAbsoluteFileList(TempDir(SAVE_DELETED_FILES), delete_files)
- # Issue gvn deletes. We do this before copying over the added files so that
- # an apparently new file that only differs from an old one in the case of
- # its filename will be copied with the right name even though Windows
- # filenames are case-insensitive. (Otherwise, if the file cppparser.h
- # already existed in the Chrome branch but was renamed to CPPParser.h in the
- # WebKit checkout, the "added" file CPPParser.h would be copied into
- # cppparser.h rather than using its new name.)
- if len(delete_files):
-'Issuing gvn delete')
- command = 'gvn --targets %s delete' % TempDir(SAVE_DELETED_FILES)
- RunShellCommand(command, 'Running gvn delete', options.real)
- # Copy added and edited files from the svn checkout, collecting added
- # directories in the process.
- if not options.deletes_only:
- add_dirs = CopyFiles(add_files | edit_files)
- for dir_name in add_dirs:
- # We want relative paths, so truncate the path.
- add_files.add(dir_name[len(OldDir()) + 1:])
- CopyObsoleteFiles(obsolete_files)
- CopyBaseRevisionFile()
- # Save the sorted list of added files, converted to absolute paths, for use
- # by gvn. Sorting ensures that new directories are added before their
- # contents are.
- WriteAbsoluteFileList(TempDir(SAVE_ADDED_FILES), add_files)
- # Issue gvn adds.
- os.chdir(OldDir())
- if len(add_files) and not options.deletes_only:
-'Issuing gvn add')
- command = 'gvn --targets %s add' % TempDir(SAVE_ADDED_FILES)
- RunShellCommand(command, 'Running gvn add', options.real)
- # Print statistics.
-'Edited: %s' % len(edit_files))
-'Added: %s' % len(add_files))
-'Deleted: %s' % len(delete_files))
-'Renamed (obsoletes): %s' % len(obsolete_files))
- return 0
-if '__main__' == __name__:
- # Set up logging.
- loglevel = logging.DEBUG
- else:
- loglevel = logging.INFO
- logging.basicConfig(level=loglevel,
- format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)-7s: %(message)s',
- datefmt='%H:%M:%S')
- # We need cygpath to convert our default paths.
- try:
- if not IsAvailable(CYGPATH):
- raise CannotFindError('cygpath', CYGPATH)
- except LocalError, e:
- if e.stack_trace or DEBUGGING:
- traceback.print_exc()
- logging.error(e)
- sys.exit(e.code)
- # Set up option parsing.
- opt = optparse.OptionParser()
- opt.add_option('-r', '--revision', default=None,
- help='(REQUIRED): New WebKit revision (already checked out, or to be)')
- opt.add_option('', '--directories',
- default='JavaScriptCore,WebCore',
- help='Comma-separated list of directories to update')
- opt.add_option('', '--old',
- default=GetAbsolutePath('/cygdrive/c/src/merge/'),
- help='Path to top of branch checkout, holding src/ and data/')
- opt.add_option('', '--new',
- default=GetAbsolutePath('/tmp/webkit-branch-merge/WebKit'),
- help='Directory containing new WebKit checkout')
- opt.add_option('', '--temp-dir',
- default=GetAbsolutePath('/tmp/webkit-branch-merge'),
- help='Temp directory available for use (will be created)')
- opt.add_option('', '--svn-checkout', action='store_true',
- default=False,
- help='Run a new svn checkout into the new dir')
- opt.add_option('', '--diff', action='store_true',
- default=False,
- help='Run a fresh diff rather than using a saved diff file')
- opt.add_option('', '--deletes-only', action='store_true',
- default=False,
- help='Only issue gvn commands for deletes (this is useful'
- 'when the case of a filename has changed)')
- opt.add_option('', '--real', action='store_true',
- default=False,
- help="I'm ready: do the mkdir, cp, and gvn commands for real")
- (options, args) = opt.parse_args()
- # Run.
- try:
- exit_value = main(options, args)
- except LocalError, e:
- if e.stack_trace or DEBUGGING:
- traceback.print_exc()
- logging.error(e)
- exit_value = e.code
- sys.exit(exit_value)