path: root/ash
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Diffstat (limited to 'ash')
2 files changed, 42 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/ash/wm/ b/ash/wm/
index 4df054d..c8b070e 100644
--- a/ash/wm/
+++ b/ash/wm/
@@ -359,27 +359,40 @@ void ShelfLayoutManager::CompleteGestureDrag(const ui::GestureEvent& gesture) {
bool horizontal = alignment() == SHELF_ALIGNMENT_BOTTOM;
bool should_change = false;
if (gesture.type() == ui::ET_GESTURE_SCROLL_END) {
- // If the shelf was dragged X% towards the correct direction, then it is
- // hidden/shown.
+ // The visibility of the shelf changes only if the shelf was dragged X%
+ // along the correct axis. If the shelf was already visible, then the
+ // direction of the drag does not matter.
const float kDragHideThreshold = 0.4f;
gfx::Rect bounds = GetIdealBounds();
- float drag_amount = gesture_drag_auto_hide_state_ == AUTO_HIDE_SHOWN ?
- gesture_drag_amount_ : -gesture_drag_amount_;
- if (horizontal)
- should_change = drag_amount > kDragHideThreshold * bounds.height();
- else if (alignment() == SHELF_ALIGNMENT_LEFT)
- should_change = -drag_amount > kDragHideThreshold * bounds.width();
- else
- should_change = drag_amount > kDragHideThreshold * bounds.width();
+ float drag_ratio = fabs(gesture_drag_amount_) /
+ (horizontal ? bounds.height() : bounds.width());
+ if (gesture_drag_auto_hide_state_ == AUTO_HIDE_SHOWN) {
+ should_change = drag_ratio > kDragHideThreshold;
+ } else {
+ bool correct_direction = false;
+ switch (alignment()) {
+ correct_direction = gesture_drag_amount_ < 0;
+ break;
+ correct_direction = gesture_drag_amount_ > 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ should_change = correct_direction && drag_ratio > kDragHideThreshold;
+ }
} else if (gesture.type() == ui::ET_SCROLL_FLING_START) {
- if (horizontal)
- should_change = gesture.details().velocity_y() > 0;
- else if (alignment() == SHELF_ALIGNMENT_LEFT)
- should_change = gesture.details().velocity_x() < 0;
- else
- should_change = gesture.details().velocity_x() > 0;
- if (gesture_drag_auto_hide_state_ == AUTO_HIDE_HIDDEN)
- should_change = !should_change;
+ if (gesture_drag_auto_hide_state_ == AUTO_HIDE_SHOWN) {
+ should_change = horizontal ? fabs(gesture.details().velocity_y()) > 0 :
+ fabs(gesture.details().velocity_x()) > 0;
+ } else {
+ if (horizontal)
+ should_change = gesture.details().velocity_y() < 0;
+ else if (alignment() == SHELF_ALIGNMENT_LEFT)
+ should_change = gesture.details().velocity_x() > 0;
+ else
+ should_change = gesture.details().velocity_x() < 0;
+ }
} else {
diff --git a/ash/wm/ b/ash/wm/
index 2c031d9..e0a6158 100644
--- a/ash/wm/
+++ b/ash/wm/
@@ -695,14 +695,7 @@ TEST_F(ShelfLayoutManagerTest, GestureDrag) {
// Swipe up on the shelf. This should not change any state.
gfx::Point start =
- gfx::Point end(start.x(), start.y() - 100);
- generator.GestureScrollSequence(start, end,
- base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(10), 1);
- EXPECT_EQ(ShelfLayoutManager::VISIBLE, shelf->visibility_state());
- EXPECT_EQ(SHELF_AUTO_HIDE_BEHAVIOR_NEVER, shelf->auto_hide_behavior());
- EXPECT_EQ(bounds_shelf.ToString(), window->bounds().ToString());
- EXPECT_EQ(shelf_shown.ToString(),
- shelf->launcher_widget()->GetWindowBoundsInScreen().ToString());
+ gfx::Point end(start.x(), start.y() + 100);
// Swipe down on the shelf to hide it.
end.set_y(start.y() + 100);
@@ -727,16 +720,21 @@ TEST_F(ShelfLayoutManagerTest, GestureDrag) {
- // Swipe up again. This should not change any state.
+ // Swipe up again. The shelf should hide.
end.set_y(start.y() - 100);
generator.GestureScrollSequence(start, end,
base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(10), 1);
- EXPECT_EQ(ShelfLayoutManager::VISIBLE, shelf->visibility_state());
- EXPECT_EQ(SHELF_AUTO_HIDE_BEHAVIOR_NEVER, shelf->auto_hide_behavior());
- EXPECT_EQ(bounds_shelf.ToString(), window->bounds().ToString());
- EXPECT_EQ(shelf_shown.ToString(),
+ EXPECT_EQ(ShelfLayoutManager::AUTO_HIDE, shelf->visibility_state());
+ EXPECT_EQ(ShelfLayoutManager::AUTO_HIDE_HIDDEN, shelf->auto_hide_state());
+ EXPECT_EQ(SHELF_AUTO_HIDE_BEHAVIOR_ALWAYS, shelf->auto_hide_behavior());
+ EXPECT_EQ(shelf_hidden.ToString(),
+ // Swipe up yet again to show it.
+ end.set_y(start.y() + 100);
+ generator.GestureScrollSequence(end, start,
+ base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(10), 1);
// Swipe down very little. It shouldn't change any state.
end.set_y(start.y() + shelf_shown.height() * 3 / 10);
generator.GestureScrollSequence(start, end,