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+// Copyright 2008, Google Inc.
+// All rights reserved.
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+// met:
+// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+// distribution.
+// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+// this software without specific prior written permission.
+#include "base/condition_variable.h"
+#include <stack>
+#include "base/lock.h"
+#include "base/logging.h"
+ConditionVariable::ConditionVariable(Lock* user_lock)
+ : user_lock_(*user_lock),
+ run_state_(RUNNING),
+ allocation_counter_(0),
+ recycling_list_size_(0) {
+ DCHECK(user_lock);
+ConditionVariable::~ConditionVariable() {
+ AutoLock auto_lock(internal_lock_);
+ run_state_ = SHUTDOWN; // Prevent any more waiting.
+ DCHECK_EQ(recycling_list_size_, allocation_counter_);
+ if (recycling_list_size_ != allocation_counter_) { // Rare shutdown problem.
+ // There are threads of execution still in this->TimedWait() and yet the
+ // caller has instigated the destruction of this instance :-/.
+ // A common reason for such "overly hasty" destruction is that the caller
+ // was not willing to wait for all the threads to terminate. Such hasty
+ // actions are a violation of our usage contract, but we'll give the
+ // waiting thread(s) one last chance to exit gracefully (prior to our
+ // destruction).
+ // Note: waiting_list_ *might* be empty, but recycling is still pending.
+ AutoUnlock auto_unlock(internal_lock_);
+ Broadcast(); // Make sure all waiting threads have been signaled.
+ Sleep(10); // Give threads a chance to grab internal_lock_.
+ // All contained threads should be blocked on user_lock_ by now :-).
+ } // Reacquire internal_lock_.
+ DCHECK_EQ(recycling_list_size_, allocation_counter_);
+// Wait() atomically releases the caller's lock as it starts to Wait, and then
+// reacquires it when it is signaled.
+void ConditionVariable::TimedWait(const TimeDelta& max_time) {
+ Event* waiting_event;
+ HANDLE handle;
+ {
+ AutoLock auto_lock(internal_lock_);
+ if (RUNNING != run_state_) return; // Destruction in progress.
+ waiting_event = GetEventForWaiting();
+ handle = waiting_event->handle();
+ DCHECK(handle);
+ } // Release internal_lock.
+ {
+ AutoUnlock unlock(user_lock_); // Release caller's lock
+ WaitForSingleObject(handle, static_cast<DWORD>(max_time.InMilliseconds()));
+ // Minimize spurious signal creation window by recycling asap.
+ AutoLock auto_lock(internal_lock_);
+ RecycleEvent(waiting_event);
+ // Release internal_lock_
+ } // Reacquire callers lock to depth at entry.
+// Broadcast() is guaranteed to signal all threads that were waiting (i.e., had
+// a cv_event internally allocated for them) before Broadcast() was called.
+void ConditionVariable::Broadcast() {
+ std::stack<HANDLE> handles; // See FAQ-question-10.
+ {
+ AutoLock auto_lock(internal_lock_);
+ if (waiting_list_.IsEmpty())
+ return;
+ while (!waiting_list_.IsEmpty())
+ // This is not a leak from waiting_list_. See FAQ-question 12.
+ handles.push(waiting_list_.PopBack()->handle());
+ } // Release internal_lock_.
+ while (!handles.empty()) {
+ SetEvent(;
+ handles.pop();
+ }
+// Signal() will select one of the waiting threads, and signal it (signal its
+// cv_event). For better performance we signal the thread that went to sleep
+// most recently (LIFO). If we want fairness, then we wake the thread that has
+// been sleeping the longest (FIFO).
+void ConditionVariable::Signal() {
+ HANDLE handle;
+ {
+ AutoLock auto_lock(internal_lock_);
+ if (waiting_list_.IsEmpty())
+ return; // No one to signal.
+ // Only performance option should be used.
+ // This is not a leak from waiting_list. See FAQ-question 12.
+ handle = waiting_list_.PopBack()->handle(); // LIFO.
+ } // Release internal_lock_.
+ SetEvent(handle);
+// GetEventForWaiting() provides a unique cv_event for any caller that needs to
+// wait. This means that (worst case) we may over time create as many cv_event
+// objects as there are threads simultaneously using this instance's Wait()
+// functionality.
+ConditionVariable::Event* ConditionVariable::GetEventForWaiting() {
+ // We hold internal_lock, courtesy of Wait().
+ Event* cv_event;
+ if (0 == recycling_list_size_) {
+ DCHECK(recycling_list_.IsEmpty());
+ cv_event = new Event();
+ cv_event->InitListElement();
+ allocation_counter_++;
+ // CHECK_NE is not defined in our codebase, so we have to use CHECK
+ CHECK(cv_event->handle());
+ } else {
+ cv_event = recycling_list_.PopFront();
+ recycling_list_size_--;
+ }
+ waiting_list_.PushBack(cv_event);
+ return cv_event;
+// RecycleEvent() takes a cv_event that was previously used for Wait()ing, and
+// recycles it for use in future Wait() calls for this or other threads.
+// Note that there is a tiny chance that the cv_event is still signaled when we
+// obtain it, and that can cause spurious signals (if/when we re-use the
+// cv_event), but such is quite rare (see FAQ-question-5).
+void ConditionVariable::RecycleEvent(Event* used_event) {
+ // We hold internal_lock, courtesy of Wait().
+ // If the cv_event timed out, then it is necessary to remove it from
+ // waiting_list_. If it was selected by Broadcast() or Signal(), then it is
+ // already gone.
+ used_event->Extract(); // Possibly redundant
+ recycling_list_.PushBack(used_event);
+ recycling_list_size_++;
+// The next section provides the implementation for the private Event class.
+// Event provides a doubly-linked-list of events for use exclusively by the
+// ConditionVariable class.
+// This custom container was crafted because no simple combination of STL
+// classes appeared to support the functionality required. The specific
+// unusual requirement for a linked-list-class is support for the Extract()
+// method, which can remove an element from a list, potentially for insertion
+// into a second list. Most critically, the Extract() method is idempotent,
+// turning the indicated element into an extracted singleton whether it was
+// contained in a list or not. This functionality allows one (or more) of
+// threads to do the extraction. The iterator that identifies this extractable
+// element (in this case, a pointer to the list element) can be used after
+// arbitrary manipulation of the (possibly) enclosing list container. In
+// general, STL containers do not provide iterators that can be used across
+// modifications (insertions/extractions) of the enclosing containers, and
+// certainly don't provide iterators that can be used if the identified
+// element is *deleted* (removed) from the container.
+// It is possible to use multiple redundant containers, such as an STL list,
+// and an STL map, to achieve similar container semantics. This container has
+// only O(1) methods, while the corresponding (multiple) STL container approach
+// would have more complex O(log(N)) methods (yeah... N isn't that large).
+// Multiple containers also makes correctness more difficult to assert, as
+// data is redundantly stored and maintained, which is generally evil.
+ConditionVariable::Event::Event() : handle_(0) {
+ next_ = prev_ = this; // Self referencing circular.
+ConditionVariable::Event::~Event() {
+ if (0 == handle_) {
+ // This is the list holder
+ while (!IsEmpty()) {
+ Event* cv_event = PopFront();
+ DCHECK(cv_event->ValidateAsItem());
+ delete cv_event;
+ }
+ }
+ DCHECK(IsSingleton());
+ if (0 != handle_) {
+ int ret_val = CloseHandle(handle_);
+ DCHECK(ret_val);
+ }
+// Change a container instance permanently into an element of a list.
+void ConditionVariable::Event::InitListElement() {
+ DCHECK(!handle_);
+ handle_ = CreateEvent(NULL, false, false, NULL);
+ CHECK(handle_);
+// Methods for use on lists.
+bool ConditionVariable::Event::IsEmpty() const {
+ DCHECK(ValidateAsList());
+ return IsSingleton();
+void ConditionVariable::Event::PushBack(Event* other) {
+ DCHECK(ValidateAsList());
+ DCHECK(other->ValidateAsItem());
+ DCHECK(other->IsSingleton());
+ // Prepare other for insertion.
+ other->prev_ = prev_;
+ other->next_ = this;
+ // Cut into list.
+ prev_->next_ = other;
+ prev_ = other;
+ DCHECK(ValidateAsDistinct(other));
+ConditionVariable::Event* ConditionVariable::Event::PopFront() {
+ DCHECK(ValidateAsList());
+ DCHECK(!IsSingleton());
+ return next_->Extract();
+ConditionVariable::Event* ConditionVariable::Event::PopBack() {
+ DCHECK(ValidateAsList());
+ DCHECK(!IsSingleton());
+ return prev_->Extract();
+// Methods for use on list elements.
+// Accessor method.
+HANDLE ConditionVariable::Event::handle() const {
+ DCHECK(ValidateAsItem());
+ return handle_;
+// Pull an element from a list (if it's in one).
+ConditionVariable::Event* ConditionVariable::Event::Extract() {
+ DCHECK(ValidateAsItem());
+ if (!IsSingleton()) {
+ // Stitch neighbors together.
+ next_->prev_ = prev_;
+ prev_->next_ = next_;
+ // Make extractee into a singleton.
+ prev_ = next_ = this;
+ }
+ DCHECK(IsSingleton());
+ return this;
+// Method for use on a list element or on a list.
+bool ConditionVariable::Event::IsSingleton() const {
+ DCHECK(ValidateLinks());
+ return next_ == this;
+// Provide pre/post conditions to validate correct manipulations.
+bool ConditionVariable::Event::ValidateAsDistinct(Event* other) const {
+ return ValidateLinks() && other->ValidateLinks() && (this != other);
+bool ConditionVariable::Event::ValidateAsItem() const {
+ return (0 != handle_) && ValidateLinks();
+bool ConditionVariable::Event::ValidateAsList() const {
+ return (0 == handle_) && ValidateLinks();
+bool ConditionVariable::Event::ValidateLinks() const {
+ // Make sure both of our neighbors have links that point back to us.
+ // We don't do the O(n) check and traverse the whole loop, and instead only
+ // do a local check to (and returning from) our immediate neighbors.
+ return (next_->prev_ == this) && (prev_->next_ == this);
+FAQ On subtle implementation details:
+1) What makes this problem subtle? Please take a look at "Strategies
+for Implementing POSIX Condition Variables on Win32" by Douglas
+C. Schmidt and Irfan Pyarali.
+ It includes
+discussions of numerous flawed strategies for implementing this
+functionality. I'm not convinced that even the final proposed
+implementation has semantics that are as nice as this implementation
+(especially with regard to Broadcast() and the impact on threads that
+try to Wait() after a Broadcast() has been called, but before all the
+original waiting threads have been signaled).
+2) Why can't you use a single wait_event for all threads that call
+Wait()? See FAQ-question-1, or consider the following: If a single
+event were used, then numerous threads calling Wait() could release
+their cs locks, and be preempted just before calling
+WaitForSingleObject(). If a call to Broadcast() was then presented on
+a second thread, it would be impossible to actually signal all
+waiting(?) threads. Some number of SetEvent() calls *could* be made,
+but there could be no guarantee that those led to to more than one
+signaled thread (SetEvent()'s may be discarded after the first!), and
+there could be no guarantee that the SetEvent() calls didn't just
+awaken "other" threads that hadn't even started waiting yet (oops).
+Without any limit on the number of requisite SetEvent() calls, the
+system would be forced to do many such calls, allowing many new waits
+to receive spurious signals.
+3) How does this implementation cause spurious signal events? The
+cause in this implementation involves a race between a signal via
+time-out and a signal via Signal() or Broadcast(). The series of
+actions leading to this are:
+a) Timer fires, and a waiting thread exits the line of code:
+ WaitForSingleObject(waiting_event, max_time.InMilliseconds());
+b) That thread (in (a)) is randomly pre-empted after the above line,
+leaving the waiting_event reset (unsignaled) and still in the
+c) A call to Signal() (or Broadcast()) on a second thread proceeds, and
+selects the waiting cv_event (identified in step (b)) as the event to revive
+via a call to SetEvent().
+d) The Signal() method (step c) calls SetEvent() on waiting_event (step b).
+e) The waiting cv_event (step b) is now signaled, but no thread is
+waiting on it.
+f) When that waiting_event (step b) is reused, it will immediately
+be signaled (spuriously).
+4) Why do you recycle events, and cause spurious signals? First off,
+the spurious events are very rare. They can only (I think) appear
+when the race described in FAQ-question-3 takes place. This should be
+very rare. Most(?) uses will involve only timer expiration, or only
+Signal/Broadcast() actions. When both are used, it will be rare that
+the race will appear, and it would require MANY Wait() and signaling
+activities. If this implementation did not recycle events, then it
+would have to create and destroy events for every call to Wait().
+That allocation/deallocation and associated construction/destruction
+would be costly (per wait), and would only be a rare benefit (when the
+race was "lost" and a spurious signal took place). That would be bad
+(IMO) optimization trade-off. Finally, such spurious events are
+allowed by the specification of condition variables (such as
+implemented in Vista), and hence it is better if any user accommodates
+such spurious events (see usage note in condition_variable.h).
+5) Why don't you reset events when you are about to recycle them, or
+about to reuse them, so that the spurious signals don't take place?
+The thread described in FAQ-question-3 step c may be pre-empted for an
+arbitrary length of time before proceeding to step d. As a result,
+the wait_event may actually be re-used *before* step (e) is reached.
+As a result, calling reset would not help significantly.
+6) How is it that the callers lock is released atomically with the
+entry into a wait state? We commit to the wait activity when we
+allocate the wait_event for use in a given call to Wait(). This
+allocation takes place before the caller's lock is released (and
+actually before our internal_lock_ is released). That allocation is
+the defining moment when "the wait state has been entered," as that
+thread *can* now be signaled by a call to Broadcast() or Signal().
+Hence we actually "commit to wait" before releasing the lock, making
+the pair effectively atomic.
+8) Why do you need to lock your data structures during waiting, as the
+caller is already in possession of a lock? We need to Acquire() and
+Release() our internal lock during Signal() and Broadcast(). If we tried
+to use a callers lock for this purpose, we might conflict with their
+external use of the lock. For example, the caller may use to consistently
+hold a lock on one thread while calling Signal() on another, and that would
+block Signal().
+9) Couldn't a more efficient implementation be provided if you
+preclude using more than one external lock in conjunction with a
+single ConditionVariable instance? Yes, at least it could be viewed
+as a simpler API (since you don't have to reiterate the lock argument
+in each Wait() call). One of the constructors now takes a specific
+lock as an argument, and a there are corresponding Wait() calls that
+don't specify a lock now. It turns that the resulting implmentation
+can't be made more efficient, as the internal lock needs to be used by
+Signal() and Broadcast(), to access internal data structures. As a
+result, I was not able to utilize the user supplied lock (which is
+being used by the user elsewhere presumably) to protect the private
+member access.
+9) Since you have a second lock, how can be be sure that there is no
+possible deadlock scenario? Our internal_lock_ is always the last
+lock acquired, and the first one released, and hence a deadlock (due
+to critical section problems) is impossible as a consequence of our
+10) When doing a Broadcast(), why did you copy all the events into
+an STL queue, rather than making a linked-loop, and iterating over it?
+The iterating during Broadcast() is done so outside the protection
+of the internal lock. As a result, other threads, such as the thread
+wherein a related event is waiting, could asynchronously manipulate
+the links around a cv_event. As a result, the link structure cannot
+be used outside a lock. Broadcast() could iterate over waiting
+events by cycling in-and-out of the protection of the internal_lock,
+but that appears more expensive than copying the list into an STL
+11) Why did the lock.h file need to be modified so much for this
+change? Central to a Condition Variable is the atomic release of a
+lock during a Wait(). This places Wait() functionality exactly
+mid-way between the two classes, Lock and Condition Variable. Given
+that there can be nested Acquire()'s of locks, and Wait() had to
+Release() completely a held lock, it was necessary to augment the Lock
+class with a recursion counter. Even more subtle is the fact that the
+recursion counter (in a Lock) must be protected, as many threads can
+access it asynchronously. As a positive fallout of this, there are
+now some DCHECKS to be sure no one Release()s a Lock more than they
+Acquire()ed it, and there is ifdef'ed functionality that can detect
+nested locks (legal under windows, but not under Posix).
+12) Why is it that the cv_events removed from list in Broadcast() and Signal()
+are not leaked? How are they recovered?? The cv_events that appear to leak are
+taken from the waiting_list_. For each element in that list, there is currently
+a thread in or around the WaitForSingleObject() call of Wait(), and those
+threads have references to these otherwise leaked events. They are passed as
+arguments to be recycled just aftre returning from WaitForSingleObject().
+13) Why did you use a custom container class (the linked list), when STL has
+perfectly good containers, such as an STL list? The STL list, as with any
+container, does not guarantee the utility of an iterator across manipulation
+(such as insertions and deletions) of the underlying container. The custom
+double-linked-list container provided that assurance. I don't believe any
+combination of STL containers provided the services that were needed at the same
+O(1) efficiency as the custom linked list. The unusual requirement
+for the container class is that a reference to an item within a container (an
+iterator) needed to be maintained across an arbitrary manipulation of the
+container. This requirement exposes itself in the Wait() method, where a
+waiting_event must be selected prior to the WaitForSingleObject(), and then it
+must be used as part of recycling to remove the related instance from the
+waiting_list. A hash table (STL map) could be used, but I was embarrased to
+use a complex and relatively low efficiency container when a doubly linked list
+provided O(1) performance in all required operations. Since other operations
+to provide performance-and/or-fairness required queue (FIFO) and list (LIFO)
+containers, I would also have needed to use an STL list/queue as well as an STL
+map. In the end I decided it would be "fun" to just do it right, and I
+put so many assertions (DCHECKs) into the container class that it is trivial to
+code review and validate its correctness.