path: root/base/field_trial.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'base/field_trial.h')
1 files changed, 17 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/base/field_trial.h b/base/field_trial.h
index 4d04d30..83cbcf6 100644
--- a/base/field_trial.h
+++ b/base/field_trial.h
@@ -75,6 +75,11 @@ class FieldTrial : public base::RefCounted<FieldTrial> {
static const int kNotParticipating;
+ // Define a separator charactor to use when creating a persistent form of an
+ // instance. This is intended for use as a command line argument, passed to a
+ // second process to mimic our state (i.e., provide the same group name).
+ static const char kPersistentStringSeparator; // Currently a slash.
typedef int Probability; // Use scaled up probability.
// The name is used to register the instance with the FieldTrialList class,
@@ -107,6 +112,18 @@ class FieldTrial : public base::RefCounted<FieldTrial> {
static std::string MakeName(const std::string& name_prefix,
const std::string& trial_name);
+ // Create a persistent representation of the instance that could be resurected
+ // in another process. This allows randomization to be done in one process,
+ // and secondary processes can by synchronized on the result.
+ // The resulting string contains only the name, the trial name, and a "/"
+ // separator.
+ std::string MakePersistentString() const;
+ // Using a string created by MakePersistentString(), construct a new instance
+ // that has the same state as the original instance. Currently only the
+ // group_name_ and name_ are restored.
+ static FieldTrial* RestorePersistentString(const std::string &persistent);
// The name of the field trial, as can be found via the FieldTrialList.
// This is empty of the trial is not in the experiment.