path: root/base/threading/sequenced_worker_pool.h
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1 files changed, 16 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/base/threading/sequenced_worker_pool.h b/base/threading/sequenced_worker_pool.h
index c6e0560..f5770a7 100644
--- a/base/threading/sequenced_worker_pool.h
+++ b/base/threading/sequenced_worker_pool.h
@@ -172,6 +172,12 @@ class BASE_EXPORT SequencedWorkerPool {
const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
const base::Closure& task);
+ // Like PostSequencedWorkerTask above, but allows you to specify a named
+ // token, which saves an extra call to GetNamedSequenceToken.
+ bool PostNamedSequencedWorkerTask(const std::string& token_name,
+ const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
+ const base::Closure& task);
// Same as PostSequencedWorkerTask but allows specification of the shutdown
// behavior.
bool PostSequencedWorkerTaskWithShutdownBehavior(
@@ -180,6 +186,16 @@ class BASE_EXPORT SequencedWorkerPool {
const base::Closure& task,
WorkerShutdown shutdown_behavior);
+ // Blocks until all pending tasks are complete. This should only be called in
+ // unit tests when you want to validate something that should have happened.
+ //
+ // Note that calling this will not prevent other threads from posting work to
+ // the queue while the calling thread is waiting on Flush(). In this case,
+ // Flush will return only when there's no more work in the queue. Normally,
+ // this doesn't come up sine in a test, all the work is being posted from
+ // the main thread.
+ void FlushForTesting();
// Implements the worker pool shutdown. This should be called during app
// shutdown, and will discard/join with appropriate tasks before returning.
// After this call, subsequent calls to post tasks will fail.