path: root/build/android/play_services/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'build/android/play_services/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 515 deletions
diff --git a/build/android/play_services/ b/build/android/play_services/
deleted file mode 100755
index 8a70325..0000000
--- a/build/android/play_services/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,515 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-Script to help uploading and downloading the Google Play services library to
-and from a Google Cloud storage.
-import argparse
-import logging
-import os
-import re
-import shutil
-import sys
-import tempfile
-import zipfile
-sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir))
-import devil_chromium
-from devil.utils import cmd_helper
-from play_services import utils
-from pylib import constants
-from pylib.constants import host_paths
-from pylib.utils import logging_utils
-sys.path.append(os.path.join(host_paths.DIR_SOURCE_ROOT, 'build'))
-import find_depot_tools # pylint: disable=import-error,unused-import
-import breakpad
-import download_from_google_storage
-import upload_to_google_storage
-# Directory where the SHA1 files for the zip and the license are stored
-# It should be managed by git to provided information about new versions.
-SHA1_DIRECTORY = os.path.join(host_paths.DIR_SOURCE_ROOT, 'build', 'android',
- 'play_services')
-# Default bucket used for storing the files.
-GMS_CLOUD_STORAGE = 'chromium-android-tools/play-services'
-# Path to the default configuration file. It exposes the currently installed
-# version of the library in a human readable way.
-CONFIG_DEFAULT_PATH = os.path.join(host_paths.DIR_SOURCE_ROOT, 'build',
- 'android', 'play_services', 'config.json')
-GMS_PACKAGE_ID = 'extra-google-google_play_services' # used by sdk manager
-LICENSE_PATTERN = re.compile(r'^Pkg\.License=(?P<text>.*)$', re.MULTILINE)
-def main(raw_args):
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
- description=__doc__ + 'Please see the subcommand help for more details.',
- formatter_class=utils.DefaultsRawHelpFormatter)
- subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title='commands')
- # Download arguments
- parser_download = subparsers.add_parser(
- 'download',
- help='download the library from the cloud storage',
- description=Download.__doc__,
- formatter_class=utils.DefaultsRawHelpFormatter)
- parser_download.set_defaults(func=Download)
- AddBasicArguments(parser_download)
- AddBucketArguments(parser_download)
- # SDK Update arguments
- parser_sdk = subparsers.add_parser(
- 'sdk',
- help='get the latest Google Play services SDK using Android SDK Manager',
- description=UpdateSdk.__doc__,
- formatter_class=utils.DefaultsRawHelpFormatter)
- parser_sdk.set_defaults(func=UpdateSdk)
- AddBasicArguments(parser_sdk)
- # Upload arguments
- parser_upload = subparsers.add_parser(
- 'upload',
- help='upload the library to the cloud storage',
- description=Upload.__doc__,
- formatter_class=utils.DefaultsRawHelpFormatter)
- parser_upload.add_argument('--skip-git',
- action='store_true',
- help="don't commit the changes at the end")
- parser_upload.set_defaults(func=Upload)
- AddBasicArguments(parser_upload)
- AddBucketArguments(parser_upload)
- args = parser.parse_args(raw_args)
- if args.verbose:
- logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
- logging_utils.ColorStreamHandler.MakeDefault(not _IsBotEnvironment())
- devil_chromium.Initialize()
- return args.func(args)
-def AddBasicArguments(parser):
- '''
- Defines the common arguments on subparser rather than the main one. This
- allows to put arguments after the command: ` upload --debug --force`
- instead of ` --debug upload --force`
- '''
- parser.add_argument('--sdk-root',
- help='base path to the Android SDK tools root',
- default=constants.ANDROID_SDK_ROOT)
- parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose',
- action='store_true',
- help='print debug information')
-def AddBucketArguments(parser):
- parser.add_argument('--bucket',
- help='name of the bucket where the files are stored',
- parser.add_argument('--config',
- help='JSON Configuration file',
- parser.add_argument('--dry-run',
- action='store_true',
- help=('run the script in dry run mode. Files will be '
- 'copied to a local directory instead of the '
- 'cloud storage. The bucket name will be as path '
- 'to that directory relative to the repository '
- 'root.'))
- parser.add_argument('-f', '--force',
- action='store_true',
- help='run even if the library is already up to date')
-def Download(args):
- '''
- Downloads the Google Play services library from a Google Cloud Storage bucket
- and installs it to
- //third_party/android_tools/sdk/extras/google/google_play_services.
- A license check will be made, and the user might have to accept the license
- if that has not been done before.
- '''
- if not os.path.isdir(args.sdk_root):
- logging.debug('Did not find the Android SDK root directory at "%s".',
- args.sdk_root)
- if not args.force:
-'Skipping, not on an android checkout.')
- return 0
- config = utils.ConfigParser(args.config)
- paths = PlayServicesPaths(args.sdk_root, config.version_xml_path)
- if os.path.isdir(paths.package) and not os.access(paths.package, os.W_OK):
- logging.error('Failed updating the Google Play Services library. '
- 'The location is not writable. Please remove the '
- 'directory (%s) and try again.', paths.package)
- return -2
- new_lib_zip_sha1 = os.path.join(SHA1_DIRECTORY, ZIP_FILE_NAME + '.sha1')
- logging.debug('Comparing zip hashes: %s and %s', new_lib_zip_sha1,
- paths.lib_zip_sha1)
- if utils.FileEquals(new_lib_zip_sha1, paths.lib_zip_sha1) and not args.force:
-'Skipping, the Google Play services library is up to date.')
- return 0
- bucket_path = _VerifyBucketPathFormat(args.bucket,
- config.version_number,
- args.dry_run)
- tmp_root = tempfile.mkdtemp()
- try:
- # setup the destination directory
- if not os.path.isdir(paths.package):
- os.makedirs(paths.package)
- # download license file from bucket/{version_number}/license.sha1
- new_license = os.path.join(tmp_root, LICENSE_FILE_NAME)
- license_sha1 = os.path.join(SHA1_DIRECTORY, LICENSE_FILE_NAME + '.sha1')
- _DownloadFromBucket(bucket_path, license_sha1, new_license,
- args.verbose, args.dry_run)
- if (not _IsBotEnvironment() and
- not _CheckLicenseAgreement(new_license, paths.license,
- config.version_number)):
- logging.warning('Your version of the Google Play services library is '
- 'not up to date. You might run into issues building '
- 'or running the app. Please run `%s download` to '
- 'retry downloading it.', __file__)
- return 0
- new_lib_zip = os.path.join(tmp_root, ZIP_FILE_NAME)
- _DownloadFromBucket(bucket_path, new_lib_zip_sha1, new_lib_zip,
- args.verbose, args.dry_run)
- try:
- # We remove the current version of the Google Play services SDK.
- if os.path.exists(paths.package):
- shutil.rmtree(paths.package)
- os.makedirs(paths.package)
- logging.debug('Extracting the library to %s', paths.lib)
- with zipfile.ZipFile(new_lib_zip, "r") as new_lib_zip_file:
- new_lib_zip_file.extractall(paths.lib)
- logging.debug('Copying %s to %s', new_license, paths.license)
- shutil.copy(new_license, paths.license)
- logging.debug('Copying %s to %s', new_lib_zip_sha1, paths.lib_zip_sha1)
- shutil.copy(new_lib_zip_sha1, paths.lib_zip_sha1)
-'Update complete.')
- except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except
- logging.error('Failed updating the Google Play Services library. '
- 'An error occurred while installing the new version in '
- 'the SDK directory: %s ', e)
- return -3
- finally:
- shutil.rmtree(tmp_root)
- return 0
-def UpdateSdk(args):
- '''
- Uses the Android SDK Manager to download the latest Google Play services SDK
- locally. Its usual installation path is
- //third_party/android_tools/sdk/extras/google/google_play_services
- '''
- # This should function should not run on bots and could fail for many user
- # and setup related reasons. Also, exceptions here are not caught, so we
- # disable breakpad to avoid spamming the logs.
- breakpad.IS_ENABLED = False
- sdk_manager = os.path.join(args.sdk_root, 'tools', 'android')
- cmd = [sdk_manager, 'update', 'sdk', '--no-ui', '--filter', GMS_PACKAGE_ID]
- cmd_helper.Call(cmd)
- # If no update is needed, it still returns successfully so we just do nothing
- return 0
-def Upload(args):
- '''
- Uploads the library from the local Google Play services SDK to a Google Cloud
- storage bucket.
- By default, a local commit will be made at the end of the operation.
- '''
- # This should function should not run on bots and could fail for many user
- # and setup related reasons. Also, exceptions here are not caught, so we
- # disable breakpad to avoid spamming the logs.
- breakpad.IS_ENABLED = False
- config = utils.ConfigParser(args.config)
- paths = PlayServicesPaths(args.sdk_root, config.version_xml_path)
- if not args.skip_git and utils.IsRepoDirty(host_paths.DIR_SOURCE_ROOT):
- logging.error('The repo is dirty. Please commit or stash your changes.')
- return -1
- new_version_number = utils.GetVersionNumberFromLibraryResources(
- paths.version_xml)
- logging.debug('comparing versions: new=%d, old=%s',
- new_version_number, config.version_number)
- if new_version_number <= config.version_number and not args.force:
-'The checked in version of the library is already the latest '
- 'one. No update is needed. Please rerun with --force to skip '
- 'this check.')
- return 0
- tmp_root = tempfile.mkdtemp()
- try:
- new_lib_zip = os.path.join(tmp_root, ZIP_FILE_NAME)
- new_license = os.path.join(tmp_root, LICENSE_FILE_NAME)
- # need to strip '.zip' from the file name here
- shutil.make_archive(new_lib_zip[:-4], 'zip', paths.lib)
- _ExtractLicenseFile(new_license, paths.source_prop)
- bucket_path = _VerifyBucketPathFormat(args.bucket, new_version_number,
- args.dry_run)
- files_to_upload = [new_lib_zip, new_license]
- logging.debug('Uploading %s to %s', files_to_upload, bucket_path)
- _UploadToBucket(bucket_path, files_to_upload, args.dry_run)
- new_lib_zip_sha1 = os.path.join(SHA1_DIRECTORY,
- ZIP_FILE_NAME + '.sha1')
- new_license_sha1 = os.path.join(SHA1_DIRECTORY,
- LICENSE_FILE_NAME + '.sha1')
- shutil.copy(new_lib_zip + '.sha1', new_lib_zip_sha1)
- shutil.copy(new_license + '.sha1', new_license_sha1)
- finally:
- shutil.rmtree(tmp_root)
- config.UpdateVersionNumber(new_version_number)
- if not args.skip_git:
- commit_message = ('Update the Google Play services dependency to %s\n'
- '\n') % new_version_number
- utils.MakeLocalCommit(host_paths.DIR_SOURCE_ROOT,
- [new_lib_zip_sha1, new_license_sha1, config.path],
- commit_message)
- return 0
-def _DownloadFromBucket(bucket_path, sha1_file, destination, verbose,
- is_dry_run):
- '''Downloads the file designated by the provided sha1 from a cloud bucket.'''
- download_from_google_storage.download_from_google_storage(
- input_filename=sha1_file,
- base_url=bucket_path,
- gsutil=_InitGsutil(is_dry_run),
- num_threads=1,
- directory=None,
- recursive=False,
- force=False,
- output=destination,
- ignore_errors=False,
- sha1_file=sha1_file,
- verbose=verbose,
- auto_platform=True,
- extract=False)
-def _UploadToBucket(bucket_path, files_to_upload, is_dry_run):
- '''Uploads the files designated by the provided paths to a cloud bucket. '''
- upload_to_google_storage.upload_to_google_storage(
- input_filenames=files_to_upload,
- base_url=bucket_path,
- gsutil=_InitGsutil(is_dry_run),
- force=False,
- use_md5=False,
- num_threads=1,
- skip_hashing=False,
- gzip=None)
-def _InitGsutil(is_dry_run):
- '''Initialize the Gsutil object as regular or dummy version for dry runs. '''
- if is_dry_run:
- return DummyGsutil()
- else:
- return download_from_google_storage.Gsutil(
- download_from_google_storage.GSUTIL_DEFAULT_PATH)
-def _ExtractLicenseFile(license_path, prop_file_path):
- with open(prop_file_path, 'r') as prop_file:
- prop_file_content =
- match =
- if not match:
- raise AttributeError('The license was not found in ' +
- os.path.abspath(prop_file_path))
- with open(license_path, 'w') as license_file:
- license_file.write('text'))
-def _CheckLicenseAgreement(expected_license_path, actual_license_path,
- version_number):
- '''
- Checks that the new license is the one already accepted by the user. If it
- isn't, it prompts the user to accept it. Returns whether the expected license
- has been accepted.
- '''
- if utils.FileEquals(expected_license_path, actual_license_path):
- return True
- with open(expected_license_path) as license_file:
- # Uses plain print rather than logging to make sure this is not formatted
- # by the logger.
- print ('Updating the Google Play services SDK to '
- 'version %d.' % version_number)
- # The output is buffered when running as part of gclient hooks. We split
- # the text here and flush is explicitly to avoid having part of it dropped
- # out.
- # Note: text contains *escaped* new lines, so we split by '\\n', not '\n'.
- for license_part in'\\n'):
- print license_part
- sys.stdout.flush()
- # Need to put the prompt on a separate line otherwise the gclient hook buffer
- # only prints it after we received an input.
- print 'Do you accept the license? [y/n]: '
- sys.stdout.flush()
- return raw_input('> ') in ('Y', 'y')
-def _IsBotEnvironment():
- return bool(os.environ.get('CHROME_HEADLESS'))
-def _VerifyBucketPathFormat(bucket_name, version_number, is_dry_run):
- '''
- Formats and checks the download/upload path depending on whether we are
- running in dry run mode or not. Returns a supposedly safe path to use with
- Gsutil.
- '''
- if is_dry_run:
- bucket_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(bucket_name,
- str(version_number)))
- if not os.path.isdir(bucket_path):
- os.makedirs(bucket_path)
- else:
- if bucket_name.startswith('gs://'):
- # We enforce the syntax without gs:// for consistency with the standalone
- # download/upload scripts and to make dry run transition easier.
- raise AttributeError('Please provide the bucket name without the gs:// '
- 'prefix (e.g. %s)' % GMS_CLOUD_STORAGE)
- bucket_path = 'gs://%s/%d' % (bucket_name, version_number)
- return bucket_path
-class PlayServicesPaths(object):
- '''
- Describes the different paths to be used in the update process.
- Filesystem hierarchy | Exposed property / notes
- ---------------------------------------------------|-------------------------
- [sdk_root] | sdk_root / (1)
- +- extras |
- +- google |
- +- google_play_services | package / (2)
- +- | source_prop / (3)
- +- LICENSE | license / (4)
- +- | lib_zip_sha1 / (5)
- +- libproject |
- +- google-play-services_lib | lib / (6)
- +- res |
- +- values |
- +- version.xml | version_xml (7)
- Notes:
- 1. sdk_root: Path provided as a parameter to the script (--sdk_root)
- 2. package: This directory contains the Google Play services SDK itself.
- When downloaded via the Android SDK manager, it will contain,
- documentation, samples and other files in addition to the library. When
- the update script downloads the library from our cloud storage, it is
- cleared.
- 3. source_prop: File created by the Android SDK manager that contains
- the package information, such as the version info and the license.
- 4. license: File created by the update script. Contains the license accepted
- by the user.
- 5. lib_zip_sha1: sha1 of the library zip that has been installed by the
- update script. It is compared with the one required by the config file to
- check if an update is necessary.
- 6. lib: Contains the library itself: jar and resources. This is what is
- downloaded from the cloud storage.
- 7. version_xml: File that contains the exact Google Play services library
- version, the one that we track. The version looks like 811500, is used in
- the code and the on-device APK, as opposed to the SDK package version
- which looks like 27.0.0 and is used only by the Android SDK manager.
- '''
- def __init__(self, sdk_root, version_xml_path):
- relative_package = os.path.join('extras', 'google', 'google_play_services')
- relative_lib = os.path.join(relative_package, 'libproject',
- 'google-play-services_lib')
- self.sdk_root = sdk_root
- self.package = os.path.join(sdk_root, relative_package)
- self.lib_zip_sha1 = os.path.join(self.package, ZIP_FILE_NAME + '.sha1')
- self.license = os.path.join(self.package, LICENSE_FILE_NAME)
- self.source_prop = os.path.join(self.package, '')
- self.lib = os.path.join(sdk_root, relative_lib)
- self.version_xml = os.path.join(self.lib, version_xml_path)
-class DummyGsutil(download_from_google_storage.Gsutil):
- '''
- Class that replaces Gsutil to use a local directory instead of an online
- bucket. It relies on the fact that Gsutil commands are very similar to shell
- ones, so for the ones used here (ls, cp), it works to just use them with a
- local directory.
- '''
- def __init__(self):
- super(DummyGsutil, self).__init__(
- download_from_google_storage.GSUTIL_DEFAULT_PATH)
- def call(self, *args):
- logging.debug('Calling command "%s"', str(args))
- return cmd_helper.GetCmdStatusOutputAndError(args)
- def check_call(self, *args):
- logging.debug('Calling command "%s"', str(args))
- return cmd_helper.GetCmdStatusOutputAndError(args)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))