path: root/build/android/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'build/android/')
1 files changed, 208 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/build/android/ b/build/android/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1425240
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/android/
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Runs all the native unit tests.
+1. Copy over test binary to /data/local on device.
+2. Resources: chrome/unit_tests requires resources (chrome.pak and en-US.pak)
+ to be deployed to the device (in /data/local/tmp).
+3. Environment:
+3.1. chrome/unit_tests requires (via a directory named:
+ /data/local/tmp/chrome/test/data
+3.2. page_cycler_tests have following requirements,
+3.2.1 the following data on host:
+ <chrome_src_dir>/tools/page_cycler
+ <chrome_src_dir>/data/page_cycler
+3.2.2. two data directories to store above test data on device named:
+ /data/local/tmp/tools/ (for database perf test)
+ /data/local/tmp/data/ (for other perf tests)
+3.2.3. a http server to serve http perf tests.
+ The http root is host's <chrome_src_dir>/data/page_cycler/, port 8000.
+3.2.4 a tool named forwarder is also required to run on device to
+ forward the http request/response between host and device.
+3.2.5 Chrome is installed on device.
+4. Run the binary in the device and stream the log to the host.
+4.1. Optionally, filter specific tests.
+4.2. Optionally, rebaseline: run the available tests and update the
+ suppressions file for failures.
+4.3. If we're running a single test suite and we have multiple devices
+ connected, we'll shard the tests.
+5. Clean up the device.
+Individual tests in a test binary can be suppressed by listing it in
+the gtest_filter directory in a file of the same name as the test binary,
+one test per line. Here is an example:
+ $ cat gtest_filter/base_unittests_disabled
+ DataPackTest.Load
+ ReadOnlyFileUtilTest.ContentsEqual
+This file is generated by the tests running on devices. If running on emulator,
+additonal filter file which lists the tests only failed in emulator will be
+loaded. We don't care about the rare testcases which succeeded on emuatlor, but
+failed on device.
+import logging
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import android_commands
+import cmd_helper
+import debug_info
+import emulator
+import run_tests_helper
+from single_test_runner import SingleTestRunner
+from test_package_executable import TestPackageExecutable
+from test_result import BaseTestResult, TestResults
+_TEST_SUITES = ['base_unittests',]
+def RunTests(device, test_suite, gtest_filter, test_arguments, rebaseline,
+ timeout, performance_test, cleanup_test_files, tool,
+ log_dump_name):
+ """Runs the tests.
+ Args:
+ device: Device to run the tests.
+ test_suite: A specific test suite to run, empty to run all.
+ gtest_filter: A gtest_filter flag.
+ test_arguments: Additional arguments to pass to the test binary.
+ rebaseline: Whether or not to run tests in isolation and update the filter.
+ timeout: Timeout for each test.
+ performance_test: Whether or not performance test(s).
+ cleanup_test_files: Whether or not to cleanup test files on device.
+ tool: Name of the Valgrind tool.
+ log_dump_name: Name of log dump file.
+ Returns:
+ A TestResults object.
+ """
+ results = []
+ if test_suite:
+ global _TEST_SUITES
+ if not os.path.exists(test_suite):
+ logging.critical('Unrecognized test suite, supported: %s' %
+ if test_suite in _TEST_SUITES:
+ logging.critical('(Remember to include the path: out/Release/%s)',
+ test_suite)
+ return TestResults.FromOkAndFailed([], [BaseTestResult(test_suite, '')])
+ _TEST_SUITES = [test_suite]
+ else:
+ # If not specified, assume the test suites are in out/Release
+ test_suite_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(run_tests_helper.CHROME_DIR,
+ 'out', 'Release'))
+ _TEST_SUITES = [os.path.join(test_suite_dir, t) for t in _TEST_SUITES]
+ debug_info_list = []
+ for t in _TEST_SUITES:
+ test = SingleTestRunner(device, t, gtest_filter, test_arguments,
+ timeout, rebaseline, performance_test,
+ cleanup_test_files, tool, not not log_dump_name)
+ test.RunTests()
+ results += [test.test_results]
+ # Collect debug info.
+ debug_info_list += [test.dump_debug_info]
+ if rebaseline:
+ test.UpdateFilter(test.test_results.failed)
+ elif test.test_results.failed:
+ # Stop running test if encountering failed test.
+ test.test_results.LogFull()
+ break
+ # Zip all debug info outputs into a file named by log_dump_name.
+ debug_info.GTestDebugInfo.ZipAndCleanResults(
+ os.path.join(run_tests_helper.CHROME_DIR, 'out', 'Release',
+ 'debug_info_dumps'),
+ log_dump_name, [d for d in debug_info_list if d])
+ return TestResults.FromTestResults(results)
+def Dispatch(options):
+ """Dispatches the tests, sharding if possible.
+ If options.use_emulator is True, all tests will be run in a new emulator
+ instance.
+ Args:
+ options: options for running the tests.
+ Returns:
+ 0 if successful, number of failing tests otherwise.
+ """
+ if options.test_suite == 'help':
+ ListTestSuites()
+ return 0
+ buildbot_emulator = None
+ attached_devices = []
+ if options.use_emulator:
+ buildbot_emulator = emulator.Emulator()
+ buildbot_emulator.Launch()
+ attached_devices.append(buildbot_emulator.device)
+ else:
+ attached_devices = android_commands.GetAttachedDevices()
+ if not attached_devices:
+ logging.critical('A device must be attached and online.')
+ return 1
+ test_results = RunTests(attached_devices[0], options.test_suite,
+ options.gtest_filter, options.test_arguments,
+ options.rebaseline, options.timeout,
+ options.performance_test,
+ options.cleanup_test_files, options.tool,
+ options.log_dump)
+ if buildbot_emulator:
+ buildbot_emulator.Shutdown()
+ return len(test_results.failed)
+def ListTestSuites():
+ """Display a list of available test suites
+ """
+ print 'Available test suites are:'
+ for test_suite in _TEST_SUITES:
+ print test_suite
+def main(argv):
+ option_parser = run_tests_helper.CreateTestRunnerOptionParser(None,
+ default_timeout=0)
+ option_parser.add_option('-s', dest='test_suite',
+ help='Executable name of the test suite to run '
+ '(use -s help to list them)')
+ option_parser.add_option('-r', dest='rebaseline',
+ help='Rebaseline and update *testsuite_disabled',
+ action='store_true',
+ default=False)
+ option_parser.add_option('-f', dest='gtest_filter',
+ help='gtest filter')
+ option_parser.add_option('-a', '--test_arguments', dest='test_arguments',
+ help='Additional arguments to pass to the test')
+ option_parser.add_option('-p', dest='performance_test',
+ help='Indicator of performance test',
+ action='store_true',
+ default=False)
+ option_parser.add_option('-L', dest='log_dump',
+ help='file name of log dump, which will be put in'
+ 'subfolder debug_info_dumps under the same directory'
+ 'in where the test_suite exists.')
+ option_parser.add_option('-e', '--emulator', dest='use_emulator',
+ help='Run tests in a new instance of emulator',
+ action='store_true',
+ default=False)
+ options, args = option_parser.parse_args(argv)
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ print 'Unknown argument:', args[1:]
+ option_parser.print_usage()
+ sys.exit(1)
+ run_tests_helper.SetLogLevel(options.verbose_count)
+ return Dispatch(options)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ sys.exit(main(sys.argv))