path: root/cc/layer_tree_host.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cc/layer_tree_host.h')
1 files changed, 295 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/cc/layer_tree_host.h b/cc/layer_tree_host.h
index 638cbb2..277b1f0 100644
--- a/cc/layer_tree_host.h
+++ b/cc/layer_tree_host.h
@@ -1,3 +1,297 @@
-// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Copyright 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
+#ifndef CCLayerTreeHost_h
+#define CCLayerTreeHost_h
+#include "base/basictypes.h"
+#include "base/hash_tables.h"
+#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
+#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
+#include "CCAnimationEvents.h"
+#include "CCGraphicsContext.h"
+#include "CCLayerTreeHostClient.h"
+#include "CCLayerTreeHostCommon.h"
+#include "CCOcclusionTracker.h"
+#include "CCPrioritizedTextureManager.h"
+#include "CCProxy.h"
+#include "CCRenderingStats.h"
+#include "IntRect.h"
+#include "RateLimiter.h"
+#include "scoped_ptr_vector.h"
+#include "SkColor.h"
+#include <limits>
+#if defined(COMPILER_GCC)
+struct hash<WebKit::WebGraphicsContext3D*> {
+ size_t operator()(WebKit::WebGraphicsContext3D* ptr) const {
+ return hash<size_t>()(reinterpret_cast<size_t>(ptr));
+ }
+} // namespace BASE_HASH_NAMESPACE
+#endif // COMPILER
+namespace cc {
+class CCFontAtlas;
+class CCLayerChromium;
+class CCLayerTreeHostImpl;
+class CCLayerTreeHostImplClient;
+class CCPrioritizedTextureManager;
+class CCTextureUpdateQueue;
+class HeadsUpDisplayLayerChromium;
+class Region;
+struct CCScrollAndScaleSet;
+struct CCLayerTreeSettings {
+ CCLayerTreeSettings();
+ ~CCLayerTreeSettings();
+ bool acceleratePainting;
+ bool showFPSCounter;
+ bool showPlatformLayerTree;
+ bool showPaintRects;
+ bool showPropertyChangedRects;
+ bool showSurfaceDamageRects;
+ bool showScreenSpaceRects;
+ bool showReplicaScreenSpaceRects;
+ bool showOccludingRects;
+ bool renderVSyncEnabled;
+ double refreshRate;
+ size_t maxPartialTextureUpdates;
+ IntSize defaultTileSize;
+ IntSize maxUntiledLayerSize;
+ IntSize minimumOcclusionTrackingSize;
+ bool showDebugInfo() const { return showPlatformLayerTree || showFPSCounter || showDebugRects(); }
+ bool showDebugRects() const { return showPaintRects || showPropertyChangedRects || showSurfaceDamageRects || showScreenSpaceRects || showReplicaScreenSpaceRects || showOccludingRects; }
+// Provides information on an Impl's rendering capabilities back to the CCLayerTreeHost
+struct RendererCapabilities {
+ RendererCapabilities();
+ ~RendererCapabilities();
+ GC3Denum bestTextureFormat;
+ bool contextHasCachedFrontBuffer;
+ bool usingPartialSwap;
+ bool usingAcceleratedPainting;
+ bool usingSetVisibility;
+ bool usingSwapCompleteCallback;
+ bool usingGpuMemoryManager;
+ bool usingDiscardFramebuffer;
+ bool usingEglImage;
+ int maxTextureSize;
+class CCLayerTreeHost : public RateLimiterClient {
+ static scoped_ptr<CCLayerTreeHost> create(CCLayerTreeHostClient*, const CCLayerTreeSettings&);
+ virtual ~CCLayerTreeHost();
+ void setSurfaceReady();
+ // Returns true if any CCLayerTreeHost is alive.
+ static bool anyLayerTreeHostInstanceExists();
+ static bool needsFilterContext() { return s_needsFilterContext; }
+ static void setNeedsFilterContext(bool needsFilterContext) { s_needsFilterContext = needsFilterContext; }
+ bool needsSharedContext() const { return needsFilterContext() || settings().acceleratePainting; }
+ // CCLayerTreeHost interface to CCProxy.
+ void willBeginFrame() { m_client->willBeginFrame(); }
+ void didBeginFrame() { m_client->didBeginFrame(); }
+ void updateAnimations(double monotonicFrameBeginTime);
+ void layout();
+ void beginCommitOnImplThread(CCLayerTreeHostImpl*);
+ void finishCommitOnImplThread(CCLayerTreeHostImpl*);
+ void willCommit();
+ void commitComplete();
+ scoped_ptr<CCGraphicsContext> createContext();
+ scoped_ptr<CCInputHandler> createInputHandler();
+ virtual scoped_ptr<CCLayerTreeHostImpl> createLayerTreeHostImpl(CCLayerTreeHostImplClient*);
+ void didLoseContext();
+ enum RecreateResult {
+ RecreateSucceeded,
+ RecreateFailedButTryAgain,
+ RecreateFailedAndGaveUp,
+ };
+ RecreateResult recreateContext();
+ void didCommitAndDrawFrame() { m_client->didCommitAndDrawFrame(); }
+ void didCompleteSwapBuffers() { m_client->didCompleteSwapBuffers(); }
+ void deleteContentsTexturesOnImplThread(CCResourceProvider*);
+ virtual void acquireLayerTextures();
+ // Returns false if we should abort this frame due to initialization failure.
+ bool initializeRendererIfNeeded();
+ void updateLayers(CCTextureUpdateQueue&, size_t contentsMemoryLimitBytes);
+ CCLayerTreeHostClient* client() { return m_client; }
+ // Only used when compositing on the main thread.
+ void composite();
+ void scheduleComposite();
+ // Composites and attempts to read back the result into the provided
+ // buffer. If it wasn't possible, e.g. due to context lost, will return
+ // false.
+ bool compositeAndReadback(void *pixels, const IntRect&);
+ void finishAllRendering();
+ int commitNumber() const { return m_commitNumber; }
+ void renderingStats(CCRenderingStats*) const;
+ const RendererCapabilities& rendererCapabilities() const;
+ // Test only hook
+ void loseContext(int numTimes);
+ void setNeedsAnimate();
+ // virtual for testing
+ virtual void setNeedsCommit();
+ void setNeedsRedraw();
+ bool commitRequested() const;
+ void setAnimationEvents(scoped_ptr<CCAnimationEventsVector>, double wallClockTime);
+ virtual void didAddAnimation();
+ LayerChromium* rootLayer() { return m_rootLayer.get(); }
+ const LayerChromium* rootLayer() const { return m_rootLayer.get(); }
+ void setRootLayer(scoped_refptr<LayerChromium>);
+ const CCLayerTreeSettings& settings() const { return m_settings; }
+ void setViewportSize(const IntSize& layoutViewportSize, const IntSize& deviceViewportSize);
+ const IntSize& layoutViewportSize() const { return m_layoutViewportSize; }
+ const IntSize& deviceViewportSize() const { return m_deviceViewportSize; }
+ void setPageScaleFactorAndLimits(float pageScaleFactor, float minPageScaleFactor, float maxPageScaleFactor);
+ void setBackgroundColor(SkColor color) { m_backgroundColor = color; }
+ void setHasTransparentBackground(bool transparent) { m_hasTransparentBackground = transparent; }
+ CCPrioritizedTextureManager* contentsTextureManager() const;
+ // Delete contents textures' backing resources until they use only bytesLimit bytes. This may
+ // be called on the impl thread while the main thread is running.
+ void reduceContentsTexturesMemoryOnImplThread(size_t bytesLimit, CCResourceProvider*);
+ // Returns true if there any evicted backing textures that have not been deleted.
+ bool evictedContentsTexturesBackingsExist() const;
+ // Retrieve the list of all contents textures' backings that have been evicted, to pass to the
+ // main thread to unlink them from their owning textures.
+ void getEvictedContentTexturesBackings(CCPrioritizedTextureManager::BackingVector&);
+ // Unlink the list of contents textures' backings from their owning textures on the main thread
+ // before updating layers.
+ void unlinkEvictedContentTexturesBackings(const CCPrioritizedTextureManager::BackingVector&);
+ // Deletes all evicted backings, unlinking them from their owning textures if needed.
+ // Returns true if this function had to unlink any backings from their owning texture when
+ // destroying them. If this was the case, the impl layer tree may contain invalid resources.
+ bool deleteEvictedContentTexturesBackings();
+ bool visible() const { return m_visible; }
+ void setVisible(bool);
+ void startPageScaleAnimation(const IntSize& targetPosition, bool useAnchor, float scale, double durationSec);
+ void applyScrollAndScale(const CCScrollAndScaleSet&);
+ void setImplTransform(const WebKit::WebTransformationMatrix&);
+ void startRateLimiter(WebKit::WebGraphicsContext3D*);
+ void stopRateLimiter(WebKit::WebGraphicsContext3D*);
+ // RateLimitClient implementation
+ virtual void rateLimit() OVERRIDE;
+ bool bufferedUpdates();
+ bool requestPartialTextureUpdate();
+ void deleteTextureAfterCommit(scoped_ptr<CCPrioritizedTexture>);
+ void setDeviceScaleFactor(float);
+ float deviceScaleFactor() const { return m_deviceScaleFactor; }
+ void setFontAtlas(scoped_ptr<CCFontAtlas>);
+ HeadsUpDisplayLayerChromium* hudLayer() const { return m_hudLayer.get(); }
+ CCLayerTreeHost(CCLayerTreeHostClient*, const CCLayerTreeSettings&);
+ bool initialize();
+ typedef std::vector<scoped_refptr<LayerChromium> > LayerList;
+ void initializeRenderer();
+ void update(LayerChromium*, CCTextureUpdateQueue&, const CCOcclusionTracker*);
+ bool paintLayerContents(const LayerList&, CCTextureUpdateQueue&);
+ bool paintMasksForRenderSurface(LayerChromium*, CCTextureUpdateQueue&);
+ void updateLayers(LayerChromium*, CCTextureUpdateQueue&);
+ void prioritizeTextures(const LayerList&, CCOverdrawMetrics&);
+ void setPrioritiesForSurfaces(size_t surfaceMemoryBytes);
+ void setPrioritiesForLayers(const LayerList&);
+ size_t calculateMemoryForRenderSurfaces(const LayerList& updateList);
+ void animateLayers(double monotonicTime);
+ bool animateLayersRecursive(LayerChromium* current, double monotonicTime);
+ void setAnimationEventsRecursive(const CCAnimationEventsVector&, LayerChromium*, double wallClockTime);
+ bool m_animating;
+ bool m_needsAnimateLayers;
+ CCLayerTreeHostClient* m_client;
+ int m_commitNumber;
+ CCRenderingStats m_renderingStats;
+ scoped_ptr<CCProxy> m_proxy;
+ bool m_rendererInitialized;
+ bool m_contextLost;
+ int m_numTimesRecreateShouldFail;
+ int m_numFailedRecreateAttempts;
+ scoped_refptr<LayerChromium> m_rootLayer;
+ scoped_refptr<HeadsUpDisplayLayerChromium> m_hudLayer;
+ scoped_ptr<CCFontAtlas> m_fontAtlas;
+ scoped_ptr<CCPrioritizedTextureManager> m_contentsTextureManager;
+ scoped_ptr<CCPrioritizedTexture> m_surfaceMemoryPlaceholder;
+ CCLayerTreeSettings m_settings;
+ IntSize m_layoutViewportSize;
+ IntSize m_deviceViewportSize;
+ float m_deviceScaleFactor;
+ bool m_visible;
+ typedef base::hash_map<WebKit::WebGraphicsContext3D*, scoped_refptr<RateLimiter> > RateLimiterMap;
+ RateLimiterMap m_rateLimiters;
+ float m_pageScaleFactor;
+ float m_minPageScaleFactor, m_maxPageScaleFactor;
+ WebKit::WebTransformationMatrix m_implTransform;
+ bool m_triggerIdleUpdates;
+ SkColor m_backgroundColor;
+ bool m_hasTransparentBackground;
+ typedef ScopedPtrVector<CCPrioritizedTexture> TextureList;
+ TextureList m_deleteTextureAfterCommitList;
+ size_t m_partialTextureUpdateRequests;
+ static bool s_needsFilterContext;
+} // namespace cc