path: root/cc/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cc/')
1 files changed, 253 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cc/ b/cc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f10c83b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cc/
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+// Copyright 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "config.h"
+#include "CCRenderSurface.h"
+#include "base/stringprintf.h"
+#include "CCDamageTracker.h"
+#include "CCDebugBorderDrawQuad.h"
+#include "CCDelegatedRendererLayerImpl.h"
+#include "CCLayerImpl.h"
+#include "CCMathUtil.h"
+#include "CCQuadSink.h"
+#include "CCRenderPass.h"
+#include "CCRenderPassDrawQuad.h"
+#include "CCRenderPassSink.h"
+#include "CCSharedQuadState.h"
+#include <public/WebTransformationMatrix.h>
+using WebKit::WebTransformationMatrix;
+namespace cc {
+static const int debugSurfaceBorderWidth = 2;
+static const int debugSurfaceBorderAlpha = 100;
+static const int debugSurfaceBorderColorRed = 0;
+static const int debugSurfaceBorderColorGreen = 0;
+static const int debugSurfaceBorderColorBlue = 255;
+static const int debugReplicaBorderColorRed = 160;
+static const int debugReplicaBorderColorGreen = 0;
+static const int debugReplicaBorderColorBlue = 255;
+CCRenderSurface::CCRenderSurface(CCLayerImpl* owningLayer)
+ : m_owningLayer(owningLayer)
+ , m_surfacePropertyChanged(false)
+ , m_drawOpacity(1)
+ , m_drawOpacityIsAnimating(false)
+ , m_targetSurfaceTransformsAreAnimating(false)
+ , m_screenSpaceTransformsAreAnimating(false)
+ , m_nearestAncestorThatMovesPixels(0)
+ , m_targetRenderSurfaceLayerIndexHistory(0)
+ , m_currentLayerIndexHistory(0)
+ m_damageTracker = CCDamageTracker::create();
+FloatRect CCRenderSurface::drawableContentRect() const
+ FloatRect drawableContentRect = CCMathUtil::mapClippedRect(m_drawTransform, m_contentRect);
+ if (m_owningLayer->hasReplica())
+ drawableContentRect.unite(CCMathUtil::mapClippedRect(m_replicaDrawTransform, m_contentRect));
+ return drawableContentRect;
+std::string CCRenderSurface::name() const
+ return base::StringPrintf("RenderSurface(id=%i,owner=%s)", m_owningLayer->id(), m_owningLayer->debugName().data());
+static std::string indentString(int indent)
+ std::string str;
+ for (int i = 0; i != indent; ++i)
+ str.append(" ");
+ return str;
+void CCRenderSurface::dumpSurface(std::string* str, int indent) const
+ std::string indentStr = indentString(indent);
+ str->append(indentStr);
+ base::StringAppendF(str, "%s\n", name().data());
+ indentStr.append(" ");
+ str->append(indentStr);
+ base::StringAppendF(str, "contentRect: (%d, %d, %d, %d)\n", m_contentRect.x(), m_contentRect.y(), m_contentRect.width(), m_contentRect.height());
+ str->append(indentStr);
+ base::StringAppendF(str, "drawTransform: %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f\n",
+ m_drawTransform.m11(), m_drawTransform.m12(), m_drawTransform.m13(), m_drawTransform.m14(),
+ m_drawTransform.m21(), m_drawTransform.m22(), m_drawTransform.m23(), m_drawTransform.m24(),
+ m_drawTransform.m31(), m_drawTransform.m32(), m_drawTransform.m33(), m_drawTransform.m34(),
+ m_drawTransform.m41(), m_drawTransform.m42(), m_drawTransform.m43(), m_drawTransform.m44());
+ str->append(indentStr);
+ base::StringAppendF(str, "damageRect is pos(%f, %f), size(%f, %f)\n",
+ m_damageTracker->currentDamageRect().x(), m_damageTracker->currentDamageRect().y(),
+ m_damageTracker->currentDamageRect().width(), m_damageTracker->currentDamageRect().height());
+int CCRenderSurface::owningLayerId() const
+ return m_owningLayer ? m_owningLayer->id() : 0;
+void CCRenderSurface::setClipRect(const IntRect& clipRect)
+ if (m_clipRect == clipRect)
+ return;
+ m_surfacePropertyChanged = true;
+ m_clipRect = clipRect;
+bool CCRenderSurface::contentsChanged() const
+ return !m_damageTracker->currentDamageRect().isEmpty();
+void CCRenderSurface::setContentRect(const IntRect& contentRect)
+ if (m_contentRect == contentRect)
+ return;
+ m_surfacePropertyChanged = true;
+ m_contentRect = contentRect;
+bool CCRenderSurface::surfacePropertyChanged() const
+ // Surface property changes are tracked as follows:
+ //
+ // - m_surfacePropertyChanged is flagged when the clipRect or contentRect change. As
+ // of now, these are the only two properties that can be affected by descendant layers.
+ //
+ // - all other property changes come from the owning layer (or some ancestor layer
+ // that propagates its change to the owning layer).
+ //
+ ASSERT(m_owningLayer);
+ return m_surfacePropertyChanged || m_owningLayer->layerPropertyChanged();
+bool CCRenderSurface::surfacePropertyChangedOnlyFromDescendant() const
+ return m_surfacePropertyChanged && !m_owningLayer->layerPropertyChanged();
+void CCRenderSurface::addContributingDelegatedRenderPassLayer(CCLayerImpl* layer)
+ ASSERT(std::find(m_layerList.begin(), m_layerList.end(), layer) != m_layerList.end());
+ CCDelegatedRendererLayerImpl* delegatedRendererLayer = static_cast<CCDelegatedRendererLayerImpl*>(layer);
+ m_contributingDelegatedRenderPassLayerList.push_back(delegatedRendererLayer);
+void CCRenderSurface::clearLayerLists()
+ m_layerList.clear();
+ m_contributingDelegatedRenderPassLayerList.clear();
+static inline IntRect computeClippedRectInTarget(const CCLayerImpl* owningLayer)
+ ASSERT(owningLayer->parent());
+ const CCLayerImpl* renderTarget = owningLayer->parent()->renderTarget();
+ const CCRenderSurface* self = owningLayer->renderSurface();
+ IntRect clippedRectInTarget = self->clipRect();
+ if (owningLayer->backgroundFilters().hasFilterThatMovesPixels()) {
+ // If the layer has background filters that move pixels, we cannot scissor as tightly.
+ // FIXME: this should be able to be a tighter scissor, perhaps expanded by the filter outsets?
+ clippedRectInTarget = renderTarget->renderSurface()->contentRect();
+ } else if (clippedRectInTarget.isEmpty()) {
+ // For surfaces, empty clipRect means that the surface does not clip anything.
+ clippedRectInTarget = enclosingIntRect(intersection(renderTarget->renderSurface()->contentRect(), self->drawableContentRect()));
+ } else
+ clippedRectInTarget.intersect(enclosingIntRect(self->drawableContentRect()));
+ return clippedRectInTarget;
+CCRenderPass::Id CCRenderSurface::renderPassId()
+ int layerId = m_owningLayer->id();
+ int subId = 0;
+ ASSERT(layerId > 0);
+ return CCRenderPass::Id(layerId, subId);
+void CCRenderSurface::appendRenderPasses(CCRenderPassSink& passSink)
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < m_contributingDelegatedRenderPassLayerList.size(); ++i)
+ m_contributingDelegatedRenderPassLayerList[i]->appendContributingRenderPasses(passSink);
+ scoped_ptr<CCRenderPass> pass = CCRenderPass::create(renderPassId(), m_contentRect, m_screenSpaceTransform);
+ pass->setDamageRect(m_damageTracker->currentDamageRect());
+ pass->setFilters(m_owningLayer->filters());
+ pass->setBackgroundFilters(m_owningLayer->backgroundFilters());
+ passSink.appendRenderPass(pass.Pass());
+void CCRenderSurface::appendQuads(CCQuadSink& quadSink, CCAppendQuadsData& appendQuadsData, bool forReplica, CCRenderPass::Id renderPassId)
+ ASSERT(!forReplica || m_owningLayer->hasReplica());
+ IntRect clippedRectInTarget = computeClippedRectInTarget(m_owningLayer);
+ bool isOpaque = false;
+ const WebTransformationMatrix& drawTransform = forReplica ? m_replicaDrawTransform : m_drawTransform;
+ CCSharedQuadState* sharedQuadState = quadSink.useSharedQuadState(CCSharedQuadState::create(drawTransform, m_contentRect, clippedRectInTarget, m_drawOpacity, isOpaque).Pass());
+ if (m_owningLayer->hasDebugBorders()) {
+ int red = forReplica ? debugReplicaBorderColorRed : debugSurfaceBorderColorRed;
+ int green = forReplica ? debugReplicaBorderColorGreen : debugSurfaceBorderColorGreen;
+ int blue = forReplica ? debugReplicaBorderColorBlue : debugSurfaceBorderColorBlue;
+ SkColor color = SkColorSetARGB(debugSurfaceBorderAlpha, red, green, blue);
+ quadSink.append(CCDebugBorderDrawQuad::create(sharedQuadState, contentRect(), color, debugSurfaceBorderWidth).PassAs<CCDrawQuad>(), appendQuadsData);
+ }
+ // FIXME: By using the same RenderSurface for both the content and its reflection,
+ // it's currently not possible to apply a separate mask to the reflection layer
+ // or correctly handle opacity in reflections (opacity must be applied after drawing
+ // both the layer and its reflection). The solution is to introduce yet another RenderSurface
+ // to draw the layer and its reflection in. For now we only apply a separate reflection
+ // mask if the contents don't have a mask of their own.
+ CCLayerImpl* maskLayer = m_owningLayer->maskLayer();
+ if (maskLayer && (!maskLayer->drawsContent() || maskLayer->bounds().isEmpty()))
+ maskLayer = 0;
+ if (!maskLayer && forReplica) {
+ maskLayer = m_owningLayer->replicaLayer()->maskLayer();
+ if (maskLayer && (!maskLayer->drawsContent() || maskLayer->bounds().isEmpty()))
+ maskLayer = 0;
+ }
+ float maskTexCoordScaleX = 1;
+ float maskTexCoordScaleY = 1;
+ float maskTexCoordOffsetX = 1;
+ float maskTexCoordOffsetY = 1;
+ if (maskLayer) {
+ maskTexCoordScaleX = static_cast<float>(contentRect().width()) / maskLayer->contentBounds().width();
+ maskTexCoordScaleY = static_cast<float>(contentRect().height()) / maskLayer->contentBounds().height();
+ maskTexCoordOffsetX = static_cast<float>(contentRect().x()) / contentRect().width() * maskTexCoordScaleX;
+ maskTexCoordOffsetY = static_cast<float>(contentRect().y()) / contentRect().height() * maskTexCoordScaleY;
+ }
+ CCResourceProvider::ResourceId maskResourceId = maskLayer ? maskLayer->contentsResourceId() : 0;
+ IntRect contentsChangedSinceLastFrame = contentsChanged() ? m_contentRect : IntRect();
+ quadSink.append(CCRenderPassDrawQuad::create(sharedQuadState, contentRect(), renderPassId, forReplica, maskResourceId, contentsChangedSinceLastFrame,
+ maskTexCoordScaleX, maskTexCoordScaleY, maskTexCoordOffsetX, maskTexCoordOffsetY).PassAs<CCDrawQuad>(), appendQuadsData);