path: root/cc/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cc/')
1 files changed, 708 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cc/ b/cc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29ca7d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cc/
@@ -0,0 +1,708 @@
+// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "config.h"
+#include "CCResourceProvider.h"
+#ifdef LOG
+#undef LOG
+#include <limits.h>
+#include "base/debug/alias.h"
+#include "base/hash_tables.h"
+#include "base/stl_util.h"
+#include "base/string_split.h"
+#include "base/string_util.h"
+#include "CCProxy.h"
+#include "CCRendererGL.h" // For the GLC() macro.
+#include "Extensions3DChromium.h"
+#include "IntRect.h"
+#include "LayerTextureSubImage.h"
+#include "ThrottledTextureUploader.h"
+#include "UnthrottledTextureUploader.h"
+#include <public/WebGraphicsContext3D.h>
+using WebKit::WebGraphicsContext3D;
+namespace cc {
+static GC3Denum textureToStorageFormat(GC3Denum textureFormat)
+ GC3Denum storageFormat = Extensions3D::RGBA8_OES;
+ switch (textureFormat) {
+ case GraphicsContext3D::RGBA:
+ break;
+ case Extensions3D::BGRA_EXT:
+ storageFormat = Extensions3DChromium::BGRA8_EXT;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return storageFormat;
+static bool isTextureFormatSupportedForStorage(GC3Denum format)
+ return (format == GraphicsContext3D::RGBA || format == Extensions3D::BGRA_EXT);
+ : glId(0)
+ , pixels(0)
+ , pool(0)
+ , lockForReadCount(0)
+ , lockedForWrite(false)
+ , external(false)
+ , exported(false)
+ , size()
+ , format(0)
+ , type(static_cast<ResourceType>(0))
+CCResourceProvider::Resource::Resource(unsigned textureId, int pool, const IntSize& size, GC3Denum format)
+ : glId(textureId)
+ , pixels(0)
+ , pool(pool)
+ , lockForReadCount(0)
+ , lockedForWrite(false)
+ , external(false)
+ , exported(false)
+ , size(size)
+ , format(format)
+ , type(GLTexture)
+CCResourceProvider::Resource::Resource(uint8_t* pixels, int pool, const IntSize& size, GC3Denum format)
+ : glId(0)
+ , pixels(pixels)
+ , pool(pool)
+ , lockForReadCount(0)
+ , lockedForWrite(false)
+ , external(false)
+ , exported(false)
+ , size(size)
+ , format(format)
+ , type(Bitmap)
+PassOwnPtr<CCResourceProvider> CCResourceProvider::create(CCGraphicsContext* context)
+ OwnPtr<CCResourceProvider> resourceProvider(adoptPtr(new CCResourceProvider(context)));
+ if (!resourceProvider->initialize())
+ return nullptr;
+ return resourceProvider.release();
+ WebGraphicsContext3D* context3d = m_context->context3D();
+ if (!context3d || !context3d->makeContextCurrent())
+ return;
+ m_textureUploader.clear();
+ m_textureCopier.clear();
+WebGraphicsContext3D* CCResourceProvider::graphicsContext3D()
+ ASSERT(CCProxy::isImplThread());
+ return m_context->context3D();
+bool CCResourceProvider::inUseByConsumer(ResourceId id)
+ ASSERT(CCProxy::isImplThread());
+ ResourceMap::iterator it = m_resources.find(id);
+ CHECK(it != m_resources.end());
+ Resource* resource = &it->value;
+ Resource* resource = &it->second;
+ return !!resource->lockForReadCount || resource->exported;
+CCResourceProvider::ResourceId CCResourceProvider::createResource(int pool, const IntSize& size, GC3Denum format, TextureUsageHint hint)
+ switch (m_defaultResourceType) {
+ case GLTexture:
+ return createGLTexture(pool, size, format, hint);
+ case Bitmap:
+ ASSERT(format == GraphicsContext3D::RGBA);
+ return createBitmap(pool, size);
+ }
+ CRASH();
+ return 0;
+CCResourceProvider::ResourceId CCResourceProvider::createGLTexture(int pool, const IntSize& size, GC3Denum format, TextureUsageHint hint)
+ ASSERT(CCProxy::isImplThread());
+ unsigned textureId = 0;
+ WebGraphicsContext3D* context3d = m_context->context3D();
+ ASSERT(context3d);
+ GLC(context3d, textureId = context3d->createTexture());
+ GLC(context3d, context3d->bindTexture(GraphicsContext3D::TEXTURE_2D, textureId));
+ GLC(context3d, context3d->texParameteri(GraphicsContext3D::TEXTURE_2D, GraphicsContext3D::TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GraphicsContext3D::LINEAR));
+ GLC(context3d, context3d->texParameteri(GraphicsContext3D::TEXTURE_2D, GraphicsContext3D::TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GraphicsContext3D::LINEAR));
+ GLC(context3d, context3d->texParameteri(GraphicsContext3D::TEXTURE_2D, GraphicsContext3D::TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GraphicsContext3D::CLAMP_TO_EDGE));
+ GLC(context3d, context3d->texParameteri(GraphicsContext3D::TEXTURE_2D, GraphicsContext3D::TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GraphicsContext3D::CLAMP_TO_EDGE));
+ if (m_useTextureUsageHint && hint == TextureUsageFramebuffer)
+ GLC(context3d, context3d->texParameteri(GraphicsContext3D::TEXTURE_2D, Extensions3DChromium::GL_TEXTURE_USAGE_ANGLE, Extensions3DChromium::GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_ANGLE));
+ if (m_useTextureStorageExt && isTextureFormatSupportedForStorage(format)) {
+ GC3Denum storageFormat = textureToStorageFormat(format);
+ GLC(context3d, context3d->texStorage2DEXT(GraphicsContext3D::TEXTURE_2D, 1, storageFormat, size.width(), size.height()));
+ } else
+ GLC(context3d, context3d->texImage2D(GraphicsContext3D::TEXTURE_2D, 0, format, size.width(), size.height(), 0, format, GraphicsContext3D::UNSIGNED_BYTE, 0));
+ ResourceId id = m_nextId++;
+ Resource resource(textureId, pool, size, format);
+ m_resources.add(id, resource);
+ return id;
+CCResourceProvider::ResourceId CCResourceProvider::createBitmap(int pool, const IntSize& size)
+ ASSERT(CCProxy::isImplThread());
+ uint8_t* pixels = new uint8_t[size.width() * size.height() * 4];
+ ResourceId id = m_nextId++;
+ Resource resource(pixels, pool, size, GraphicsContext3D::RGBA);
+ m_resources.add(id, resource);
+ return id;
+CCResourceProvider::ResourceId CCResourceProvider::createResourceFromExternalTexture(unsigned textureId)
+ ASSERT(CCProxy::isImplThread());
+ ASSERT(m_context->context3D());
+ ResourceId id = m_nextId++;
+ Resource resource(textureId, 0, IntSize(), 0);
+ resource.external = true;
+ m_resources.add(id, resource);
+ return id;
+void CCResourceProvider::deleteResource(ResourceId id)
+ ASSERT(CCProxy::isImplThread());
+ ResourceMap::iterator it = m_resources.find(id);
+ CHECK(it != m_resources.end());
+ Resource* resource = &it->value;
+ Resource* resource = &it->second;
+ ASSERT(!resource->lockedForWrite);
+ ASSERT(!resource->lockForReadCount);
+ if (resource->glId && !resource->external) {
+ WebGraphicsContext3D* context3d = m_context->context3D();
+ ASSERT(context3d);
+ GLC(context3d, context3d->deleteTexture(resource->glId));
+ }
+ if (resource->pixels)
+ delete resource->pixels;
+ m_resources.remove(it);
+void CCResourceProvider::deleteOwnedResources(int pool)
+ ASSERT(CCProxy::isImplThread());
+ ResourceIdArray toDelete;
+ for (ResourceMap::iterator it = m_resources.begin(); it != m_resources.end(); ++it) {
+ if (it->value.pool == pool && !it->value.external)
+ toDelete.append(it->key);
+ if (it->second.pool == pool && !it->second.external)
+ toDelete.append(it->first);
+ }
+ for (ResourceIdArray::iterator it = toDelete.begin(); it != toDelete.end(); ++it)
+ deleteResource(*it);
+CCResourceProvider::ResourceType CCResourceProvider::resourceType(ResourceId id)
+ ResourceMap::iterator it = m_resources.find(id);
+ CHECK(it != m_resources.end());
+ Resource* resource = &it->value;
+ Resource* resource = &it->second;
+ return resource->type;
+void CCResourceProvider::upload(ResourceId id, const uint8_t* image, const IntRect& imageRect, const IntRect& sourceRect, const IntSize& destOffset)
+ ASSERT(CCProxy::isImplThread());
+ ResourceMap::iterator it = m_resources.find(id);
+ CHECK(it != m_resources.end());
+ Resource* resource = &it->value;
+ Resource* resource = &it->second;
+ ASSERT(!resource->lockedForWrite);
+ ASSERT(!resource->lockForReadCount);
+ ASSERT(!resource->external);
+ if (resource->glId) {
+ WebGraphicsContext3D* context3d = m_context->context3D();
+ ASSERT(context3d);
+ ASSERT(m_texSubImage.get());
+ context3d->bindTexture(GraphicsContext3D::TEXTURE_2D, resource->glId);
+ m_texSubImage->upload(image, imageRect, sourceRect, destOffset, resource->format, context3d);
+ }
+ if (resource->pixels) {
+ SkBitmap srcFull;
+ srcFull.setConfig(SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config, imageRect.width(), imageRect.height());
+ srcFull.setPixels(const_cast<uint8_t*>(image));
+ SkBitmap srcSubset;
+ SkIRect skSourceRect = SkIRect::MakeXYWH(sourceRect.x(), sourceRect.y(), sourceRect.width(), sourceRect.height());
+ skSourceRect.offset(-imageRect.x(), -imageRect.y());
+ srcFull.extractSubset(&srcSubset, skSourceRect);
+ ScopedWriteLockSoftware lock(this, id);
+ SkCanvas* dest = lock.skCanvas();
+ dest->writePixels(srcSubset, destOffset.width(), destOffset.height());
+ }
+void CCResourceProvider::flush()
+ ASSERT(CCProxy::isImplThread());
+ WebGraphicsContext3D* context3d = m_context->context3D();
+ if (context3d)
+ context3d->flush();
+bool CCResourceProvider::shallowFlushIfSupported()
+ ASSERT(CCProxy::isImplThread());
+ WebGraphicsContext3D* context3d = m_context->context3D();
+ if (!context3d || !m_useShallowFlush)
+ return false;
+ context3d->shallowFlushCHROMIUM();
+ return true;
+const CCResourceProvider::Resource* CCResourceProvider::lockForRead(ResourceId id)
+ ASSERT(CCProxy::isImplThread());
+ ResourceMap::iterator it = m_resources.find(id);
+ CHECK(it != m_resources.end());
+ Resource* resource = &it->value;
+ Resource* resource = &it->second;
+ ASSERT(!resource->lockedForWrite);
+ resource->lockForReadCount++;
+ return resource;
+void CCResourceProvider::unlockForRead(ResourceId id)
+ ASSERT(CCProxy::isImplThread());
+ ResourceMap::iterator it = m_resources.find(id);
+ CHECK(it != m_resources.end());
+ Resource* resource = &it->value;
+ Resource* resource = &it->second;
+ ASSERT(resource->lockForReadCount > 0);
+ resource->lockForReadCount--;
+const CCResourceProvider::Resource* CCResourceProvider::lockForWrite(ResourceId id)
+ ASSERT(CCProxy::isImplThread());
+ ResourceMap::iterator it = m_resources.find(id);
+ CHECK(it != m_resources.end());
+ Resource* resource = &it->value;
+ Resource* resource = &it->second;
+ ASSERT(!resource->lockedForWrite);
+ ASSERT(!resource->lockForReadCount);
+ ASSERT(!resource->external);
+ resource->lockedForWrite = true;
+ return resource;
+void CCResourceProvider::unlockForWrite(ResourceId id)
+ ASSERT(CCProxy::isImplThread());
+ ResourceMap::iterator it = m_resources.find(id);
+ CHECK(it != m_resources.end());
+ Resource* resource = &it->value;
+ Resource* resource = &it->second;
+ ASSERT(resource->lockedForWrite);
+ ASSERT(!resource->external);
+ resource->lockedForWrite = false;
+CCResourceProvider::ScopedReadLockGL::ScopedReadLockGL(CCResourceProvider* resourceProvider, CCResourceProvider::ResourceId resourceId)
+ : m_resourceProvider(resourceProvider)
+ , m_resourceId(resourceId)
+ , m_textureId(resourceProvider->lockForRead(resourceId)->glId)
+ ASSERT(m_textureId);
+ m_resourceProvider->unlockForRead(m_resourceId);
+CCResourceProvider::ScopedWriteLockGL::ScopedWriteLockGL(CCResourceProvider* resourceProvider, CCResourceProvider::ResourceId resourceId)
+ : m_resourceProvider(resourceProvider)
+ , m_resourceId(resourceId)
+ , m_textureId(resourceProvider->lockForWrite(resourceId)->glId)
+ ASSERT(m_textureId);
+ m_resourceProvider->unlockForWrite(m_resourceId);
+void CCResourceProvider::populateSkBitmapWithResource(SkBitmap* skBitmap, const Resource* resource)
+ ASSERT(resource->pixels);
+ ASSERT(resource->format == GraphicsContext3D::RGBA);
+ skBitmap->setConfig(SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config, resource->size.width(), resource->size.height());
+ skBitmap->setPixels(resource->pixels);
+CCResourceProvider::ScopedReadLockSoftware::ScopedReadLockSoftware(CCResourceProvider* resourceProvider, CCResourceProvider::ResourceId resourceId)
+ : m_resourceProvider(resourceProvider)
+ , m_resourceId(resourceId)
+ CCResourceProvider::populateSkBitmapWithResource(&m_skBitmap, resourceProvider->lockForRead(resourceId));
+ m_resourceProvider->unlockForRead(m_resourceId);
+CCResourceProvider::ScopedWriteLockSoftware::ScopedWriteLockSoftware(CCResourceProvider* resourceProvider, CCResourceProvider::ResourceId resourceId)
+ : m_resourceProvider(resourceProvider)
+ , m_resourceId(resourceId)
+ CCResourceProvider::populateSkBitmapWithResource(&m_skBitmap, resourceProvider->lockForWrite(resourceId));
+ m_skCanvas = adoptPtr(new SkCanvas(m_skBitmap));
+ m_resourceProvider->unlockForWrite(m_resourceId);
+CCResourceProvider::CCResourceProvider(CCGraphicsContext* context)
+ : m_context(context)
+ , m_nextId(1)
+ , m_nextChild(1)
+ , m_defaultResourceType(GLTexture)
+ , m_useTextureStorageExt(false)
+ , m_useTextureUsageHint(false)
+ , m_useShallowFlush(false)
+ , m_maxTextureSize(0)
+bool CCResourceProvider::initialize()
+ ASSERT(CCProxy::isImplThread());
+ WebGraphicsContext3D* context3d = m_context->context3D();
+ if (!context3d) {
+ m_maxTextureSize = INT_MAX / 2;
+ m_textureUploader = UnthrottledTextureUploader::create();
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (!context3d->makeContextCurrent())
+ return false;
+ std::string extensionsString = UTF16ToASCII(context3d->getString(GraphicsContext3D::EXTENSIONS));
+ std::vector<std::string> extensions;
+ base::SplitString(extensionsString, ' ', &extensions);
+ bool useMapSub = false;
+ bool useBindUniform = false;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < extensions.size(); ++i) {
+ if (extensions[i] == "GL_EXT_texture_storage")
+ m_useTextureStorageExt = true;
+ else if (extensions[i] == "GL_ANGLE_texture_usage")
+ m_useTextureUsageHint = true;
+ else if (extensions[i] == "GL_CHROMIUM_map_sub")
+ useMapSub = true;
+ else if (extensions[i] == "GL_CHROMIUM_shallow_flush")
+ m_useShallowFlush = true;
+ else if (extensions[i] == "GL_CHROMIUM_bind_uniform_location")
+ useBindUniform = true;
+ }
+ m_texSubImage = adoptPtr(new LayerTextureSubImage(useMapSub));
+ m_textureCopier = AcceleratedTextureCopier::create(context3d, useBindUniform);
+ m_textureUploader = ThrottledTextureUploader::create(context3d);
+ GLC(context3d, context3d->getIntegerv(GraphicsContext3D::MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, &m_maxTextureSize));
+ return true;
+int CCResourceProvider::createChild(int pool)
+ ASSERT(CCProxy::isImplThread());
+ Child childInfo;
+ childInfo.pool = pool;
+ int child = m_nextChild++;
+ m_children.add(child, childInfo);
+ return child;
+void CCResourceProvider::destroyChild(int child)
+ ASSERT(CCProxy::isImplThread());
+ ChildMap::iterator it = m_children.find(child);
+ ASSERT(it != m_children.end());
+ deleteOwnedResources(it->value.pool);
+ deleteOwnedResources(it->second.pool);
+ m_children.remove(it);
+ trimMailboxDeque();
+const CCResourceProvider::ResourceIdMap& CCResourceProvider::getChildToParentMap(int child) const
+ ASSERT(CCProxy::isImplThread());
+ ChildMap::const_iterator it = m_children.find(child);
+ ASSERT(it != m_children.end());
+ return it->value.childToParentMap;
+ return it->second.childToParentMap;
+CCResourceProvider::TransferableResourceList CCResourceProvider::prepareSendToParent(const ResourceIdArray& resources)
+ ASSERT(CCProxy::isImplThread());
+ TransferableResourceList list;
+ list.syncPoint = 0;
+ WebGraphicsContext3D* context3d = m_context->context3D();
+ if (!context3d || !context3d->makeContextCurrent()) {
+ // FIXME: Implement this path for software compositing.
+ return list;
+ }
+ for (ResourceIdArray::const_iterator it = resources.begin(); it != resources.end(); ++it) {
+ TransferableResource resource;
+ if (transferResource(context3d, *it, &resource)) {
+ m_resources.find(*it)->value.exported = true;
+ m_resources.find(*it)->second.exported = true;
+ list.resources.append(resource);
+ }
+ }
+ if (list.resources.size())
+ list.syncPoint = context3d->insertSyncPoint();
+ return list;
+CCResourceProvider::TransferableResourceList CCResourceProvider::prepareSendToChild(int child, const ResourceIdArray& resources)
+ ASSERT(CCProxy::isImplThread());
+ TransferableResourceList list;
+ list.syncPoint = 0;
+ WebGraphicsContext3D* context3d = m_context->context3D();
+ if (!context3d || !context3d->makeContextCurrent()) {
+ // FIXME: Implement this path for software compositing.
+ return list;
+ }
+ Child& childInfo = m_children.find(child)->value;
+ Child& childInfo = m_children.find(child)->second;
+ for (ResourceIdArray::const_iterator it = resources.begin(); it != resources.end(); ++it) {
+ TransferableResource resource;
+ if (!transferResource(context3d, *it, &resource))
+ = childInfo.parentToChildMap.get(*it);
+ childInfo.parentToChildMap.remove(*it);
+ childInfo.childToParentMap.remove(;
+ list.resources.append(resource);
+ deleteResource(*it);
+ }
+ if (list.resources.size())
+ list.syncPoint = context3d->insertSyncPoint();
+ return list;
+void CCResourceProvider::receiveFromChild(int child, const TransferableResourceList& resources)
+ ASSERT(CCProxy::isImplThread());
+ WebGraphicsContext3D* context3d = m_context->context3D();
+ if (!context3d || !context3d->makeContextCurrent()) {
+ // FIXME: Implement this path for software compositing.
+ return;
+ }
+ if (resources.syncPoint) {
+ // NOTE: If the parent is a browser and the child a renderer, the parent
+ // is not supposed to have its context wait, because that could induce
+ // deadlocks and/or security issues. The caller is responsible for
+ // waiting asynchronously, and resetting syncPoint before calling this.
+ // However if the parent is a renderer (e.g. browser tag), it may be ok
+ // (and is simpler) to wait.
+ GLC(context3d, context3d->waitSyncPoint(resources.syncPoint));
+ }
+ Child& childInfo = m_children.find(child)->value;
+ Child& childInfo = m_children.find(child)->second;
+ for (Vector<TransferableResource>::const_iterator it = resources.resources.begin(); it != resources.resources.end(); ++it) {
+ unsigned textureId;
+ GLC(context3d, textureId = context3d->createTexture());
+ GLC(context3d, context3d->bindTexture(GraphicsContext3D::TEXTURE_2D, textureId));
+ GLC(context3d, context3d->consumeTextureCHROMIUM(GraphicsContext3D::TEXTURE_2D, it->;
+ ResourceId id = m_nextId++;
+ Resource resource(textureId, childInfo.pool, it->size, it->format);
+ m_resources.add(id, resource);
+ m_mailboxes.append(it->mailbox);
+ childInfo.parentToChildMap.add(id, it->id);
+ childInfo.childToParentMap.add(it->id, id);
+ }
+void CCResourceProvider::receiveFromParent(const TransferableResourceList& resources)
+ ASSERT(CCProxy::isImplThread());
+ WebGraphicsContext3D* context3d = m_context->context3D();
+ if (!context3d || !context3d->makeContextCurrent()) {
+ // FIXME: Implement this path for software compositing.
+ return;
+ }
+ if (resources.syncPoint)
+ GLC(context3d, context3d->waitSyncPoint(resources.syncPoint));
+ for (Vector<TransferableResource>::const_iterator it = resources.resources.begin(); it != resources.resources.end(); ++it) {
+ Resource* resource = &m_resources.find(it->id)->value;
+ Resource* resource = &m_resources.find(it->id)->second;
+ ASSERT(resource->exported);
+ resource->exported = false;
+ GLC(context3d, context3d->bindTexture(GraphicsContext3D::TEXTURE_2D, resource->glId));
+ GLC(context3d, context3d->consumeTextureCHROMIUM(GraphicsContext3D::TEXTURE_2D, it->;
+ m_mailboxes.append(it->mailbox);
+ }
+bool CCResourceProvider::transferResource(WebGraphicsContext3D* context, ResourceId id, TransferableResource* resource)
+ ASSERT(CCProxy::isImplThread());
+ ResourceMap::const_iterator it = m_resources.find(id);
+ CHECK(it != m_resources.end());
+ const Resource* source = &it->value;
+ const Resource* source = &it->second;
+ ASSERT(!source->lockedForWrite);
+ ASSERT(!source->lockForReadCount);
+ ASSERT(!source->external);
+ if (source->exported)
+ return false;
+ resource->id = id;
+ resource->format = source->format;
+ resource->size = source->size;
+ if (!m_mailboxes.isEmpty())
+ resource->mailbox = m_mailboxes.takeFirst();
+ else
+ GLC(context, context->genMailboxCHROMIUM(resource->;
+ GLC(context, context->bindTexture(GraphicsContext3D::TEXTURE_2D, source->glId));
+ GLC(context, context->produceTextureCHROMIUM(GraphicsContext3D::TEXTURE_2D, resource->;
+ return true;
+void CCResourceProvider::trimMailboxDeque()
+ // Trim the mailbox deque to the maximum number of resources we may need to
+ // send.
+ // If we have a parent, any non-external resource not already transfered is
+ // eligible to be sent to the parent. Otherwise, all resources belonging to
+ // a child might need to be sent back to the child.
+ size_t maxMailboxCount = 0;
+ if (m_context->capabilities().hasParentCompositor) {
+ for (ResourceMap::iterator it = m_resources.begin(); it != m_resources.end(); ++it) {
+ if (!it->value.exported && !it->value.external)
+ if (!it->second.exported && !it->second.external)
+ ++maxMailboxCount;
+ }
+ } else {
+ base::hash_set<int> childPoolSet;
+ for (ChildMap::iterator it = m_children.begin(); it != m_children.end(); ++it)
+ childPoolSet.insert(it->value.pool);
+ childPoolSet.insert(it->second.pool);
+ for (ResourceMap::iterator it = m_resources.begin(); it != m_resources.end(); ++it) {
+ if (ContainsKey(childPoolSet, it->value.pool))
+ if (ContainsKey(childPoolSet, it->second.pool))
+ ++maxMailboxCount;
+ }
+ }
+ while (m_mailboxes.size() > maxMailboxCount)
+ m_mailboxes.removeFirst();