path: root/cc/thread_proxy.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'cc/thread_proxy.h')
1 files changed, 183 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/cc/thread_proxy.h b/cc/thread_proxy.h
index 638cbb2..a6ea6ac 100644
--- a/cc/thread_proxy.h
+++ b/cc/thread_proxy.h
@@ -1,3 +1,185 @@
-// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Copyright 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
+#ifndef CCThreadProxy_h
+#define CCThreadProxy_h
+#include "CCAnimationEvents.h"
+#include "CCCompletionEvent.h"
+#include "CCLayerTreeHostImpl.h"
+#include "CCProxy.h"
+#include "CCScheduler.h"
+#include "CCTextureUpdateController.h"
+#include <base/time.h>
+#include <wtf/OwnPtr.h>
+namespace cc {
+class CCInputHandler;
+class CCLayerTreeHost;
+class CCScheduler;
+class CCScopedThreadProxy;
+class CCTextureUpdateQueue;
+class CCThread;
+class CCThreadProxyContextRecreationTimer;
+class CCThreadProxy : public CCProxy, CCLayerTreeHostImplClient, CCSchedulerClient, CCTextureUpdateControllerClient {
+ static scoped_ptr<CCProxy> create(CCLayerTreeHost*);
+ virtual ~CCThreadProxy();
+ // CCProxy implementation
+ virtual bool compositeAndReadback(void *pixels, const IntRect&) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void startPageScaleAnimation(const IntSize& targetPosition, bool useAnchor, float scale, double duration) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void finishAllRendering() OVERRIDE;
+ virtual bool isStarted() const OVERRIDE;
+ virtual bool initializeContext() OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void setSurfaceReady() OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void setVisible(bool) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual bool initializeRenderer() OVERRIDE;
+ virtual bool recreateContext() OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void renderingStats(CCRenderingStats*) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual const RendererCapabilities& rendererCapabilities() const OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void loseContext() OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void setNeedsAnimate() OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void setNeedsCommit() OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void setNeedsRedraw() OVERRIDE;
+ virtual bool commitRequested() const OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void didAddAnimation() OVERRIDE { }
+ virtual void start() OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void stop() OVERRIDE;
+ virtual size_t maxPartialTextureUpdates() const OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void acquireLayerTextures() OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void forceSerializeOnSwapBuffers() OVERRIDE;
+ // CCLayerTreeHostImplClient implementation
+ virtual void didLoseContextOnImplThread() OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void onSwapBuffersCompleteOnImplThread() OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void onVSyncParametersChanged(double monotonicTimebase, double intervalInSeconds) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void onCanDrawStateChanged(bool canDraw) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void setNeedsRedrawOnImplThread() OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void setNeedsCommitOnImplThread() OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void postAnimationEventsToMainThreadOnImplThread(scoped_ptr<CCAnimationEventsVector>, double wallClockTime) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void releaseContentsTexturesOnImplThread() OVERRIDE;
+ // CCSchedulerClient implementation
+ virtual void scheduledActionBeginFrame() OVERRIDE;
+ virtual CCScheduledActionDrawAndSwapResult scheduledActionDrawAndSwapIfPossible() OVERRIDE;
+ virtual CCScheduledActionDrawAndSwapResult scheduledActionDrawAndSwapForced() OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void scheduledActionCommit() OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void scheduledActionBeginContextRecreation() OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void scheduledActionAcquireLayerTexturesForMainThread() OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void didAnticipatedDrawTimeChange(base::TimeTicks) OVERRIDE;
+ // CCTextureUpdateControllerClient implementation
+ virtual void readyToFinalizeTextureUpdates() OVERRIDE;
+ explicit CCThreadProxy(CCLayerTreeHost*);
+ friend class CCThreadProxyContextRecreationTimer;
+ // Set on impl thread, read on main thread.
+ struct BeginFrameAndCommitState {
+ BeginFrameAndCommitState();
+ ~BeginFrameAndCommitState();
+ double monotonicFrameBeginTime;
+ scoped_ptr<CCScrollAndScaleSet> scrollInfo;
+ WebKit::WebTransformationMatrix implTransform;
+ CCPrioritizedTextureManager::BackingVector evictedContentsTexturesBackings;
+ size_t memoryAllocationLimitBytes;
+ };
+ OwnPtr<BeginFrameAndCommitState> m_pendingBeginFrameRequest;
+ // Called on main thread
+ void beginFrame();
+ void didCommitAndDrawFrame();
+ void didCompleteSwapBuffers();
+ void setAnimationEvents(CCAnimationEventsVector*, double wallClockTime);
+ void beginContextRecreation();
+ void tryToRecreateContext();
+ // Called on impl thread
+ struct ReadbackRequest {
+ CCCompletionEvent completion;
+ bool success;
+ void* pixels;
+ IntRect rect;
+ };
+ void forceBeginFrameOnImplThread(CCCompletionEvent*);
+ void beginFrameCompleteOnImplThread(CCCompletionEvent*, PassOwnPtr<CCTextureUpdateQueue>);
+ void beginFrameAbortedOnImplThread();
+ void requestReadbackOnImplThread(ReadbackRequest*);
+ void requestStartPageScaleAnimationOnImplThread(IntSize targetPosition, bool useAnchor, float scale, double durationSec);
+ void finishAllRenderingOnImplThread(CCCompletionEvent*);
+ void initializeImplOnImplThread(CCCompletionEvent*, CCInputHandler*);
+ void setSurfaceReadyOnImplThread();
+ void setVisibleOnImplThread(CCCompletionEvent*, bool);
+ void initializeContextOnImplThread(CCGraphicsContext*);
+ void initializeRendererOnImplThread(CCCompletionEvent*, bool* initializeSucceeded, RendererCapabilities*);
+ void layerTreeHostClosedOnImplThread(CCCompletionEvent*);
+ void setFullRootLayerDamageOnImplThread();
+ void acquireLayerTexturesForMainThreadOnImplThread(CCCompletionEvent*);
+ void recreateContextOnImplThread(CCCompletionEvent*, CCGraphicsContext*, bool* recreateSucceeded, RendererCapabilities*);
+ void renderingStatsOnImplThread(CCCompletionEvent*, CCRenderingStats*);
+ CCScheduledActionDrawAndSwapResult scheduledActionDrawAndSwapInternal(bool forcedDraw);
+ void forceSerializeOnSwapBuffersOnImplThread(CCCompletionEvent*);
+ void setNeedsForcedCommitOnImplThread();
+ // Accessed on main thread only.
+ bool m_animateRequested; // Set only when setNeedsAnimate is called.
+ bool m_commitRequested; // Set only when setNeedsCommit is called.
+ bool m_commitRequestSentToImplThread; // Set by setNeedsCommit and setNeedsAnimate.
+ bool m_forcedCommitRequested;
+ OwnPtr<CCThreadProxyContextRecreationTimer> m_contextRecreationTimer;
+ CCLayerTreeHost* m_layerTreeHost;
+ bool m_rendererInitialized;
+ RendererCapabilities m_RendererCapabilitiesMainThreadCopy;
+ bool m_started;
+ bool m_texturesAcquired;
+ bool m_inCompositeAndReadback;
+ scoped_ptr<CCLayerTreeHostImpl> m_layerTreeHostImpl;
+ scoped_ptr<CCInputHandler> m_inputHandlerOnImplThread;
+ OwnPtr<CCScheduler> m_schedulerOnImplThread;
+ RefPtr<CCScopedThreadProxy> m_mainThreadProxy;
+ // Holds on to the context we might use for compositing in between initializeContext()
+ // and initializeRenderer() calls.
+ scoped_ptr<CCGraphicsContext> m_contextBeforeInitializationOnImplThread;
+ // Set when the main thread is waiting on a scheduledActionBeginFrame to be issued.
+ CCCompletionEvent* m_beginFrameCompletionEventOnImplThread;
+ // Set when the main thread is waiting on a readback.
+ ReadbackRequest* m_readbackRequestOnImplThread;
+ // Set when the main thread is waiting on a commit to complete.
+ CCCompletionEvent* m_commitCompletionEventOnImplThread;
+ // Set when the main thread is waiting on layers to be drawn.
+ CCCompletionEvent* m_textureAcquisitionCompletionEventOnImplThread;
+ OwnPtr<CCTextureUpdateController> m_currentTextureUpdateControllerOnImplThread;
+ // Set when we need to reset the contentsTexturesPurged flag after the
+ // commit.
+ bool m_resetContentsTexturesPurgedAfterCommitOnImplThread;
+ // Set when the next draw should post didCommitAndDrawFrame to the main thread.
+ bool m_nextFrameIsNewlyCommittedFrameOnImplThread;
+ bool m_renderVSyncEnabled;
+ base::TimeDelta m_totalCommitTime;
+ size_t m_totalCommitCount;