path: root/ceee/ie/plugin/bho/infobar_browser_window.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'ceee/ie/plugin/bho/infobar_browser_window.h')
1 files changed, 156 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ceee/ie/plugin/bho/infobar_browser_window.h b/ceee/ie/plugin/bho/infobar_browser_window.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd6c975
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ceee/ie/plugin/bho/infobar_browser_window.h
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+// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// @file
+// Infobar browser window. This is the window that hosts CF and navigates it
+// to the infobar URL.
+#include <atlbase.h>
+#include <atlapp.h> // Must be included AFTER base.
+#include <atlcrack.h>
+#include <atlgdi.h>
+#include <atlmisc.h>
+#include "base/scoped_ptr.h"
+#include "base/singleton.h"
+#include "ceee/common/initializing_coclass.h"
+#include "ceee/ie/plugin/bho/infobar_events_funnel.h"
+#include "chrome_tab.h" // NOLINT
+#include "toolband.h" // NOLINT
+namespace infobar_api {
+class InfobarBrowserWindow;
+typedef IDispEventSimpleImpl<0, InfobarBrowserWindow, &DIID_DIChromeFrameEvents>
+ ChromeFrameEvents;
+// The window that hosts CF where infobar URL is loaded. It implements a limited
+// site functionality needed for CF as well as handles sink events from CF.
+// TODO( Refactor this class, ChromeFrameHost and ToolBand
+// to have a common functionality supported in a common base class.
+class ATL_NO_VTABLE InfobarBrowserWindow
+ : public CComObjectRootEx<CComSingleThreadModel>,
+ public IObjectWithSiteImpl<InfobarBrowserWindow>,
+ public IServiceProviderImpl<InfobarBrowserWindow>,
+ public IChromeFramePrivileged,
+ public ChromeFrameEvents,
+ public CWindowImpl<InfobarBrowserWindow> {
+ public:
+ // Class to connect this an instance of InfobarBrowserWindow with a hosting
+ // object who should inherit from InfobarBrowserWindow::Delegate and set it
+ // with set_delegate() functions.
+ class Delegate {
+ public:
+ virtual ~Delegate() {}
+ // Informs about window.close() event.
+ virtual void OnWindowClose() = 0;
+ };
+ InfobarBrowserWindow();
+ ~InfobarBrowserWindow();
+ BEGIN_COM_MAP(InfobarBrowserWindow)
+ COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IChromeFramePrivileged)
+ BEGIN_SERVICE_MAP(InfobarBrowserWindow)
+ SERVICE_ENTRY(SID_ChromeFramePrivileged)
+ BEGIN_SINK_MAP(InfobarBrowserWindow)
+ SINK_ENTRY_INFO(0, DIID_DIChromeFrameEvents,
+ OnCfReadyStateChanged, &handler_type_long_)
+ SINK_ENTRY_INFO(0, DIID_DIChromeFrameEvents,
+ OnCfExtensionReady, &handler_type_bstr_i4_)
+ SINK_ENTRY_INFO(0, DIID_DIChromeFrameEvents,
+ OnCfClose, &handler_type_void_)
+ BEGIN_MSG_MAP(InfobarBrowserWindow)
+ // @name IChromeFramePrivileged implementation.
+ // @{
+ STDMETHOD(GetWantsPrivileged)(boolean *wants_privileged);
+ STDMETHOD(GetChromeExtraArguments)(BSTR *args);
+ STDMETHOD(GetChromeProfileName)(BSTR *args);
+ STDMETHOD(GetExtensionApisToAutomate)(BSTR *args);
+ // @}
+ // @name ChromeFrame event handlers.
+ // @{
+ STDMETHOD_(void, OnCfReadyStateChanged)(LONG state);
+ STDMETHOD_(void, OnCfExtensionReady)(BSTR path, int response);
+ STDMETHOD_(void, OnCfClose)();
+ // @}
+ // Initializes the browser window to the given site.
+ HRESULT Initialize(HWND parent);
+ // Tears down an initialized browser window.
+ HRESULT Teardown();
+ // Navigates the browser to the given URL if the browser has already been
+ // created, otherwise stores the URL to navigate later on.
+ void SetUrl(const std::wstring& url);
+ // Set the delegate to be informed about window.close() events.
+ void set_delegate(Delegate* delegate) { delegate_ = delegate; }
+ // Unit test seam.
+ virtual InfobarEventsFunnel& infobar_events_funnel() {
+ return infobar_events_funnel_;
+ }
+ protected:
+ // @name Message handlers.
+ // @{
+ LRESULT OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct);
+ void OnDestroy();
+ // @}
+ private:
+ // The funnel for sending infobar events to the broker.
+ InfobarEventsFunnel infobar_events_funnel_;
+ // Our Chrome frame instance.
+ CComPtr<IChromeFrame> chrome_frame_;
+ // Url to navigate infobar to.
+ std::wstring url_;
+ // Filesystem path to the .crx we will install, or the empty string, or
+ // (if not ending in .crx) the path to an exploded extension directory to
+ // load.
+ std::wstring extension_path_;
+ // Delegate. Not owned by the instance of this object.
+ Delegate* delegate_;
+ static _ATL_FUNC_INFO handler_type_long_;
+ static _ATL_FUNC_INFO handler_type_bstr_i4_;
+ static _ATL_FUNC_INFO handler_type_void_;
+ // Subroutine of general initialization. Extracted to make testable.
+ virtual HRESULT InitializeAndShowWindow(HWND parent);
+ // Navigate the browser to url_ if the browser has been created.
+ void Navigate();
+ DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(InfobarBrowserWindow);
+} // namespace infobar_api