path: root/ceee/ie/plugin/bho/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ceee/ie/plugin/bho/')
1 files changed, 811 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ceee/ie/plugin/bho/ b/ceee/ie/plugin/bho/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0449e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ceee/ie/plugin/bho/
@@ -0,0 +1,811 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// Web request notifier implementation.
+#include "ceee/ie/plugin/bho/webrequest_notifier.h"
+#include "base/logging.h"
+#include "base/scoped_ptr.h"
+#include "chrome_frame/function_stub.h"
+#include "chrome_frame/utils.h"
+namespace {
+const wchar_t kUrlMonModuleName[] = L"urlmon.dll";
+const char kWinINetModuleName[] = "wininet.dll";
+const char kInternetSetStatusCallbackAFunctionName[] =
+ "InternetSetStatusCallbackA";
+const char kInternetSetStatusCallbackWFunctionName[] =
+ "InternetSetStatusCallbackW";
+const char kInternetConnectAFunctionName[] = "InternetConnectA";
+const char kInternetConnectWFunctionName[] = "InternetConnectW";
+const char kHttpOpenRequestAFunctionName[] = "HttpOpenRequestA";
+const char kHttpOpenRequestWFunctionName[] = "HttpOpenRequestW";
+const char kHttpSendRequestAFunctionName[] = "HttpSendRequestA";
+const char kHttpSendRequestWFunctionName[] = "HttpSendRequestW";
+const char kInternetReadFileFunctionName[] = "InternetReadFile";
+} // namespace
+ : internet_status_callback_stub_(NULL),
+ start_count_(0),
+ initialize_state_(NOT_INITIALIZED) {
+WebRequestNotifier::~WebRequestNotifier() {
+ DCHECK_EQ(start_count_, 0);
+bool WebRequestNotifier::RequestToStart() {
+ {
+ CComCritSecLock<CComAutoCriticalSection> lock(critical_section_);
+ start_count_++;
+ if (initialize_state_ != NOT_INITIALIZED)
+ return initialize_state_ != FAILED_TO_INITIALIZE;
+ initialize_state_ = INITIALIZING;
+ }
+ bool success = false;
+ do {
+ // We are not going to unpatch any of the patched WinINet functions or the
+ // status callback function. Instead, we pin our DLL in memory so that all
+ // the patched functions can be accessed until the process goes away.
+ PinModule();
+ PatchWinINetFunction(kInternetSetStatusCallbackAFunctionName,
+ &internet_set_status_callback_a_patch_,
+ InternetSetStatusCallbackAPatch);
+ PatchWinINetFunction(kInternetSetStatusCallbackWFunctionName,
+ &internet_set_status_callback_w_patch_,
+ InternetSetStatusCallbackWPatch);
+ if (!HasPatchedOneVersion(internet_set_status_callback_a_patch_,
+ internet_set_status_callback_w_patch_)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ PatchWinINetFunction(kInternetConnectAFunctionName,
+ &internet_connect_a_patch_,
+ InternetConnectAPatch);
+ PatchWinINetFunction(kInternetConnectWFunctionName,
+ &internet_connect_w_patch_,
+ InternetConnectWPatch);
+ if (!HasPatchedOneVersion(internet_connect_a_patch_,
+ internet_connect_w_patch_)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ PatchWinINetFunction(kHttpOpenRequestAFunctionName,
+ &http_open_request_a_patch_,
+ HttpOpenRequestAPatch);
+ PatchWinINetFunction(kHttpOpenRequestWFunctionName,
+ &http_open_request_w_patch_,
+ HttpOpenRequestWPatch);
+ if (!HasPatchedOneVersion(http_open_request_a_patch_,
+ http_open_request_w_patch_)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ PatchWinINetFunction(kHttpSendRequestAFunctionName,
+ &http_send_request_a_patch_,
+ HttpSendRequestAPatch);
+ PatchWinINetFunction(kHttpSendRequestWFunctionName,
+ &http_send_request_w_patch_,
+ HttpSendRequestWPatch);
+ if (!HasPatchedOneVersion(http_send_request_a_patch_,
+ http_send_request_w_patch_)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ PatchWinINetFunction(kInternetReadFileFunctionName,
+ &internet_read_file_patch_,
+ InternetReadFilePatch);
+ if (!internet_read_file_patch_.is_patched())
+ break;
+ success = true;
+ } while (false);
+ {
+ CComCritSecLock<CComAutoCriticalSection> lock(critical_section_);
+ initialize_state_ = success ? SUCCEEDED_TO_INITIALIZE :
+ }
+ return success;
+void WebRequestNotifier::RequestToStop() {
+ CComCritSecLock<CComAutoCriticalSection> lock(critical_section_);
+ if (start_count_ <= 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ start_count_--;
+ if (start_count_ == 0) {
+ // It is supposed that every handle must be closed using
+ // InternetCloseHandle(). However, IE seems to leak handles in some (rare)
+ // cases. For example, when the current page is a JPG or GIF image and the
+ // user refreshes the page.
+ // If that happens, the server_map_ and request_map_ won't be empty.
+ LOG_IF(WARNING, !server_map_.empty() || !request_map_.empty())
+ << "There are Internet handles that haven't been closed when "
+ << "WebRequestNotifier stops.";
+ for (RequestMap::iterator iter = request_map_.begin();
+ iter != request_map_.end(); ++iter) {
+ TransitRequestToNextState(RequestInfo::ERROR_OCCURRED, &iter->second);
+ }
+ server_map_.clear();
+ request_map_.clear();
+ }
+void WebRequestNotifier::PatchWinINetFunction(
+ const char* name,
+ app::win::IATPatchFunction* patch_function,
+ void* handler) {
+ DWORD error = patch_function->Patch(kUrlMonModuleName, kWinINetModuleName,
+ name, handler);
+ // The patching operation is either successful, or failed cleanly.
+ DCHECK(error == NO_ERROR || !patch_function->is_patched());
+ WebRequestNotifier::InternetSetStatusCallbackAPatch(
+ HINTERNET internet,
+ WebRequestNotifier* instance = ProductionWebRequestNotifier::get();
+ instance->HandleBeforeInternetSetStatusCallback(internet, callback);
+ return ::InternetSetStatusCallbackA(internet, new_callback);
+ WebRequestNotifier::InternetSetStatusCallbackWPatch(
+ HINTERNET internet,
+ WebRequestNotifier* instance = ProductionWebRequestNotifier::get();
+ instance->HandleBeforeInternetSetStatusCallback(internet, callback);
+ return ::InternetSetStatusCallbackW(internet, new_callback);
+HINTERNET STDAPICALLTYPE WebRequestNotifier::InternetConnectAPatch(
+ HINTERNET internet,
+ LPCSTR server_name,
+ INTERNET_PORT server_port,
+ LPCSTR user_name,
+ LPCSTR password,
+ DWORD service,
+ DWORD flags,
+ DWORD_PTR context) {
+ WebRequestNotifier* instance = ProductionWebRequestNotifier::get();
+ instance->HandleBeforeInternetConnect(internet);
+ HINTERNET server = ::InternetConnectA(internet, server_name, server_port,
+ user_name, password, service, flags,
+ context);
+ instance->HandleAfterInternetConnect(server, CA2W(server_name), server_port,
+ service);
+ return server;
+HINTERNET STDAPICALLTYPE WebRequestNotifier::InternetConnectWPatch(
+ HINTERNET internet,
+ LPCWSTR server_name,
+ INTERNET_PORT server_port,
+ LPCWSTR user_name,
+ LPCWSTR password,
+ DWORD service,
+ DWORD flags,
+ DWORD_PTR context) {
+ WebRequestNotifier* instance = ProductionWebRequestNotifier::get();
+ instance->HandleBeforeInternetConnect(internet);
+ HINTERNET server = ::InternetConnectW(internet, server_name, server_port,
+ user_name, password, service, flags,
+ context);
+ instance->HandleAfterInternetConnect(server, server_name, server_port,
+ service);
+ return server;
+HINTERNET STDAPICALLTYPE WebRequestNotifier::HttpOpenRequestAPatch(
+ HINTERNET connect,
+ LPCSTR verb,
+ LPCSTR object_name,
+ LPCSTR version,
+ LPCSTR referrer,
+ LPCSTR* accept_types,
+ DWORD flags,
+ DWORD_PTR context) {
+ HINTERNET request = ::HttpOpenRequestA(connect, verb, object_name, version,
+ referrer, accept_types, flags,
+ context);
+ WebRequestNotifier* instance = ProductionWebRequestNotifier::get();
+ instance->HandleAfterHttpOpenRequest(connect, request, verb,
+ CA2W(object_name), flags);
+ return request;
+HINTERNET STDAPICALLTYPE WebRequestNotifier::HttpOpenRequestWPatch(
+ HINTERNET connect,
+ LPCWSTR verb,
+ LPCWSTR object_name,
+ LPCWSTR version,
+ LPCWSTR referrer,
+ LPCWSTR* accept_types,
+ DWORD flags,
+ DWORD_PTR context) {
+ HINTERNET request = ::HttpOpenRequestW(connect, verb, object_name, version,
+ referrer, accept_types, flags,
+ context);
+ WebRequestNotifier* instance = ProductionWebRequestNotifier::get();
+ instance->HandleAfterHttpOpenRequest(connect, request, CW2A(verb),
+ object_name, flags);
+ return request;
+BOOL STDAPICALLTYPE WebRequestNotifier::HttpSendRequestAPatch(
+ HINTERNET request,
+ LPCSTR headers,
+ DWORD headers_length,
+ LPVOID optional,
+ DWORD optional_length) {
+ WebRequestNotifier* instance = ProductionWebRequestNotifier::get();
+ instance->HandleBeforeHttpSendRequest(request);
+ return ::HttpSendRequestA(request, headers, headers_length, optional,
+ optional_length);
+BOOL STDAPICALLTYPE WebRequestNotifier::HttpSendRequestWPatch(
+ HINTERNET request,
+ LPCWSTR headers,
+ DWORD headers_length,
+ LPVOID optional,
+ DWORD optional_length) {
+ WebRequestNotifier* instance = ProductionWebRequestNotifier::get();
+ instance->HandleBeforeHttpSendRequest(request);
+ return ::HttpSendRequestW(request, headers, headers_length, optional,
+ optional_length);
+void CALLBACK WebRequestNotifier::InternetStatusCallbackPatch(
+ HINTERNET internet,
+ DWORD_PTR context,
+ DWORD internet_status,
+ LPVOID status_information,
+ DWORD status_information_length) {
+ WebRequestNotifier* instance = ProductionWebRequestNotifier::get();
+ instance->HandleBeforeInternetStatusCallback(original, internet, context,
+ internet_status,
+ status_information,
+ status_information_length);
+ original(internet, context, internet_status, status_information,
+ status_information_length);
+BOOL STDAPICALLTYPE WebRequestNotifier::InternetReadFilePatch(
+ LPVOID buffer,
+ DWORD number_of_bytes_to_read,
+ LPDWORD number_of_bytes_read) {
+ BOOL result = ::InternetReadFile(file, buffer, number_of_bytes_to_read,
+ number_of_bytes_read);
+ WebRequestNotifier* instance = ProductionWebRequestNotifier::get();
+ instance->HandleAfterInternetReadFile(file, result, number_of_bytes_read);
+ return result;
+ WebRequestNotifier::HandleBeforeInternetSetStatusCallback(
+ HINTERNET internet,
+ INTERNET_STATUS_CALLBACK internet_callback) {
+ CComCritSecLock<CComAutoCriticalSection> lock(critical_section_);
+ if (IsNotRunning())
+ return internet_callback;
+ if (internet_callback == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ if (internet_status_callback_stub_ == NULL) {
+ return CreateInternetStatusCallbackStub(internet_callback);
+ } else {
+ if (internet_status_callback_stub_->argument() !=
+ reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(internet_callback)) {
+ return CreateInternetStatusCallbackStub(internet_callback);
+ } else {
+ return reinterpret_cast<INTERNET_STATUS_CALLBACK>(
+ internet_status_callback_stub_->code());
+ }
+ }
+void WebRequestNotifier::HandleBeforeInternetConnect(HINTERNET internet) {
+ CComCritSecLock<CComAutoCriticalSection> lock(critical_section_);
+ if (IsNotRunning())
+ return;
+ if (internet_status_callback_stub_ == NULL) {
+ INTERNET_STATUS_CALLBACK original_callback =
+ ::InternetSetStatusCallbackA(internet, NULL);
+ if (original_callback != NULL) {
+ INTERNET_STATUS_CALLBACK new_callback = CreateInternetStatusCallbackStub(
+ original_callback);
+ ::InternetSetStatusCallbackA(internet, new_callback);
+ }
+ }
+// NOTE: this method must be called within a lock.
+INTERNET_STATUS_CALLBACK WebRequestNotifier::CreateInternetStatusCallbackStub(
+ INTERNET_STATUS_CALLBACK original_callback) {
+ DCHECK(original_callback != NULL);
+ internet_status_callback_stub_ = FunctionStub::Create(
+ reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(original_callback),
+ InternetStatusCallbackPatch);
+ // internet_status_callback_stub_ is not NULL if the function stub is
+ // successfully created.
+ if (internet_status_callback_stub_ != NULL) {
+ return reinterpret_cast<INTERNET_STATUS_CALLBACK>(
+ internet_status_callback_stub_->code());
+ } else {
+ return original_callback;
+ }
+void WebRequestNotifier::HandleAfterInternetConnect(HINTERNET server,
+ const wchar_t* server_name,
+ INTERNET_PORT server_port,
+ DWORD service) {
+ if (service != INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP || server == NULL ||
+ IS_INTRESOURCE(server_name) || wcslen(server_name) == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ CComCritSecLock<CComAutoCriticalSection> lock(critical_section_);
+ if (IsNotRunning())
+ return;
+ // It is not possible that the same connection handle is opened more than
+ // once.
+ DCHECK(server_map_.find(server) == server_map_.end());
+ ServerInfo server_info;
+ server_info.server_name = server_name;
+ server_info.server_port = server_port;
+ server_map_.insert(
+ std::make_pair<HINTERNET, ServerInfo>(server, server_info));
+void WebRequestNotifier::HandleAfterHttpOpenRequest(HINTERNET server,
+ HINTERNET request,
+ const char* method,
+ const wchar_t* path,
+ DWORD flags) {
+ if (server == NULL || request == NULL)
+ return;
+ CComCritSecLock<CComAutoCriticalSection> lock(critical_section_);
+ if (IsNotRunning())
+ return;
+ // It is not possible that the same request handle is opened more than once.
+ DCHECK(request_map_.find(request) == request_map_.end());
+ ServerMap::iterator server_iter = server_map_.find(server);
+ // It is possible to find that we haven't recorded the connection handle to
+ // the server, if we patch WinINet functions after the InternetConnect call.
+ // In that case, we will ignore all events related to requests happening on
+ // that connection.
+ if (server_iter == server_map_.end())
+ return;
+ RequestInfo request_info;
+ // TODO( create the request ID.
+ request_info.server_handle = server;
+ request_info.method = method == NULL ? "GET" : method;
+ if (!ConstructUrl((flags & INTERNET_FLAG_SECURE) != 0,
+ server_iter->second.server_name.c_str(),
+ server_iter->second.server_port,
+ path,
+ &request_info.url)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ request_map_.insert(
+ std::make_pair<HINTERNET, RequestInfo>(request, request_info));
+void WebRequestNotifier::HandleBeforeHttpSendRequest(HINTERNET request) {
+ CComCritSecLock<CComAutoCriticalSection> lock(critical_section_);
+ if (IsNotRunning())
+ return;
+ RequestMap::iterator request_iter = request_map_.find(request);
+ if (request_iter != request_map_.end()) {
+ request_iter->second.before_request_time = base::Time::Now();
+ TransitRequestToNextState(RequestInfo::WILL_NOTIFY_BEFORE_REQUEST,
+ &request_iter->second);
+ }
+void WebRequestNotifier::HandleBeforeInternetStatusCallback(
+ HINTERNET internet,
+ DWORD_PTR context,
+ DWORD internet_status,
+ LPVOID status_information,
+ DWORD status_information_length) {
+ switch (internet_status) {
+ CComCritSecLock<CComAutoCriticalSection> lock(critical_section_);
+ if (IsNotRunning())
+ return;
+ // We don't know whether we are closing a server or a request handle. As a
+ // result, we have to test both server_map_ and request_map_.
+ ServerMap::iterator server_iter = server_map_.find(internet);
+ if (server_iter != server_map_.end()) {
+ server_map_.erase(server_iter);
+ } else {
+ RequestMap::iterator request_iter = request_map_.find(internet);
+ if (request_iter != request_map_.end()) {
+ // TODO( For now, we don't bother
+ // checking whether the content of the response has
+ // completed downloading in this case. Have to make
+ // improvement if the requirement for more accurate
+ // webRequest.onCompleted notifications emerges.
+ TransitRequestToNextState(RequestInfo::NOTIFIED_COMPLETED,
+ &request_iter->second);
+ request_map_.erase(request_iter);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ CComCritSecLock<CComAutoCriticalSection> lock(critical_section_);
+ if (IsNotRunning())
+ return;
+ RequestMap::iterator request_iter = request_map_.find(internet);
+ if (request_iter != request_map_.end()) {
+ TransitRequestToNextState(RequestInfo::NOTIFIED_REQUEST_SENT,
+ &request_iter->second);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ DWORD status_code = 0;
+ bool result = QueryHttpInfoNumber(internet, HTTP_QUERY_STATUS_CODE,
+ &status_code);
+ {
+ CComCritSecLock<CComAutoCriticalSection> lock(critical_section_);
+ if (IsNotRunning())
+ return;
+ RequestMap::iterator request_iter = request_map_.find(internet);
+ if (request_iter != request_map_.end()) {
+ RequestInfo& info = request_iter->second;
+ if (result) {
+ info.status_code = status_code;
+ TransitRequestToNextState(RequestInfo::NOTIFIED_HEADERS_RECEIVED,
+ &info);
+ info.original_url = info.url;
+ info.url = CA2W(reinterpret_cast<PCSTR>(status_information));
+ TransitRequestToNextState(RequestInfo::NOTIFIED_BEFORE_REDIRECT,
+ &info);
+ } else {
+ TransitRequestToNextState(RequestInfo::ERROR_OCCURRED, &info);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ DWORD status_code = 0;
+ DWORD content_length = 0;
+ RequestInfo::MessageLengthType length_type =
+ bool result = QueryHttpInfoNumber(internet, HTTP_QUERY_STATUS_CODE,
+ &status_code) &&
+ DetermineMessageLength(internet, status_code,
+ &content_length, &length_type);
+ {
+ CComCritSecLock<CComAutoCriticalSection> lock(critical_section_);
+ if (IsNotRunning())
+ return;
+ RequestMap::iterator request_iter = request_map_.find(internet);
+ if (request_iter != request_map_.end() &&
+ request_iter->second.state == RequestInfo::NOTIFIED_REQUEST_SENT) {
+ RequestInfo& info = request_iter->second;
+ if (result) {
+ info.status_code = status_code;
+ info.content_length = content_length;
+ info.length_type = length_type;
+ TransitRequestToNextState(RequestInfo::NOTIFIED_HEADERS_RECEIVED,
+ &info);
+ if (info.length_type == RequestInfo::NO_MESSAGE_BODY)
+ TransitRequestToNextState(RequestInfo::NOTIFIED_COMPLETED, &info);
+ } else {
+ TransitRequestToNextState(RequestInfo::ERROR_OCCURRED, &info);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // TODO( get IP information.
+ break;
+ }
+ CComCritSecLock<CComAutoCriticalSection> lock(critical_section_);
+ if (IsNotRunning())
+ return;
+ // Some HttpSendRequest() calls don't actually make HTTP requests, and the
+ // corresponding request handles are closed right after the calls.
+ // In that case, we ignore them totally, and don't send
+ // webRequest.onBeforeRequest notifications.
+ RequestMap::iterator request_iter = request_map_.find(internet);
+ if (request_iter != request_map_.end() &&
+ request_iter->second.state ==
+ TransitRequestToNextState(RequestInfo::NOTIFIED_BEFORE_REQUEST,
+ &request_iter->second);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default: {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void WebRequestNotifier::HandleAfterInternetReadFile(
+ HINTERNET request,
+ BOOL result,
+ LPDWORD number_of_bytes_read) {
+ if (!result || number_of_bytes_read == NULL)
+ return;
+ CComCritSecLock<CComAutoCriticalSection> lock(critical_section_);
+ if (IsNotRunning())
+ return;
+ RequestMap::iterator iter = request_map_.find(request);
+ if (iter != request_map_.end()) {
+ RequestInfo& info = iter->second;
+ // We don't update the length_type field until we reach the last request
+ // of the redirection chain. As a result, the check below also prevents us
+ // from firing webRequest.onCompleted before the last request in the
+ // chain.
+ if (info.length_type == RequestInfo::CONTENT_LENGTH_HEADER) {
+ info.read_progress += *number_of_bytes_read;
+ if (info.read_progress >= info.content_length &&
+ info.state == RequestInfo::NOTIFIED_HEADERS_RECEIVED) {
+ DCHECK(info.read_progress == info.content_length);
+ TransitRequestToNextState(RequestInfo::NOTIFIED_COMPLETED, &info);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Currently this method is always called within a lock.
+bool WebRequestNotifier::ConstructUrl(bool https,
+ const wchar_t* server_name,
+ INTERNET_PORT server_port,
+ const wchar_t* path,
+ std::wstring* url) {
+ if (url == NULL || server_name == NULL || wcslen(server_name) == 0)
+ return false;
+ url->clear();
+ url->append(https ? L"https://" : L"http://");
+ url->append(server_name);
+ bool need_port = server_port != INTERNET_INVALID_PORT_NUMBER &&
+ (https ? server_port != INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTPS_PORT :
+ if (need_port) {
+ static const int kMaxPortLength = 10;
+ wchar_t buffer[kMaxPortLength];
+ if (swprintf(buffer, kMaxPortLength, L":%d", server_port) == -1)
+ return false;
+ url->append(buffer);
+ }
+ url->append(path);
+ return true;
+bool WebRequestNotifier::QueryHttpInfoNumber(HINTERNET request,
+ DWORD info_flag,
+ DWORD* value) {
+ DCHECK(value != NULL);
+ *value = 0;
+ DWORD size = sizeof(info_flag);
+ return ::HttpQueryInfo(request, info_flag | HTTP_QUERY_FLAG_NUMBER, value,
+ &size, NULL) ? true : false;
+bool WebRequestNotifier::DetermineMessageLength(
+ HINTERNET request,
+ DWORD status_code,
+ DWORD* length,
+ RequestInfo::MessageLengthType* type) {
+ // Please see
+ // for how the length of a message is determined.
+ DCHECK(length != NULL && type != NULL);
+ *length = 0;
+ std::wstring method;
+ // Request methods are case-sensitive.
+ if ((status_code >= 100 && status_code < 200) ||
+ status_code == 204 ||
+ status_code == 304 ||
+ (QueryHttpInfoString(request, HTTP_QUERY_REQUEST_METHOD, &method) &&
+ method == L"HEAD")) {
+ *type = RequestInfo::NO_MESSAGE_BODY;
+ return true;
+ }
+ std::wstring transfer_encoding;
+ // All transfer-coding values are case-insensitive.
+ if (QueryHttpInfoString(request, HTTP_QUERY_TRANSFER_ENCODING,
+ &transfer_encoding) &&
+ _wcsicmp(transfer_encoding.c_str(), L"entity") != 0) {
+ *type = RequestInfo::VARIABLE_MESSAGE_LENGTH;
+ return true;
+ }
+ DWORD content_length = 0;
+ if (QueryHttpInfoNumber(request, HTTP_QUERY_CONTENT_LENGTH,
+ &content_length)) {
+ *type = RequestInfo::CONTENT_LENGTH_HEADER;
+ *length = content_length;
+ return true;
+ }
+ *type = RequestInfo::VARIABLE_MESSAGE_LENGTH;
+ return true;
+bool WebRequestNotifier::QueryHttpInfoString(HINTERNET request,
+ DWORD info_flag,
+ std::wstring* value) {
+ DCHECK(value != NULL);
+ value->clear();
+ DWORD size = 20;
+ scoped_array<wchar_t> buffer(new wchar_t[size]);
+ BOOL result = ::HttpQueryInfo(request, info_flag,
+ reinterpret_cast<LPVOID>(buffer.get()), &size,
+ NULL);
+ if (!result && GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) {
+ buffer.reset(new wchar_t[size]);
+ result = ::HttpQueryInfo(request, info_flag,
+ reinterpret_cast<LPVOID>(buffer.get()), &size,
+ NULL);
+ }
+ if (!result)
+ return false;
+ *value = buffer.get();
+ return true;
+// NOTE: this method must be called within a lock.
+void WebRequestNotifier::TransitRequestToNextState(
+ RequestInfo::State next_state,
+ RequestInfo* info) {
+ // TODO( generate and fill in missing parameters
+ // for notifications.
+ DCHECK(info != NULL);
+ bool fire_on_error_occurred = false;
+ switch (info->state) {
+ case RequestInfo::BEGIN:
+ if (next_state != RequestInfo::WILL_NOTIFY_BEFORE_REQUEST &&
+ next_state != RequestInfo::ERROR_OCCURRED) {
+ next_state = RequestInfo::ERROR_OCCURRED;
+ // We don't fire webRequest.onErrorOccurred in this case, since the
+ // first event for any request has to be webRequest.onBeforeRequest.
+ }
+ break;
+ if (next_state == RequestInfo::NOTIFIED_BEFORE_REQUEST) {
+ webrequest_events_funnel().OnBeforeRequest(
+ info->id, info->url.c_str(), info->method.c_str(), info->tab_handle,
+ "other", info->before_request_time);
+ } else if (next_state != RequestInfo::ERROR_OCCURRED) {
+ next_state = RequestInfo::ERROR_OCCURRED;
+ // We don't fire webRequest.onErrorOccurred in this case, since the
+ // first event for any request has to be webRequest.onBeforeRequest.
+ }
+ break;
+ if (next_state == RequestInfo::NOTIFIED_REQUEST_SENT) {
+ webrequest_events_funnel().OnRequestSent(
+ info->id, info->url.c_str(), info->ip.c_str(), base::Time::Now());
+ } else {
+ if (next_state != RequestInfo::ERROR_OCCURRED)
+ next_state = RequestInfo::ERROR_OCCURRED;
+ fire_on_error_occurred = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ case RequestInfo::NOTIFIED_REQUEST_SENT:
+ if (next_state == RequestInfo::NOTIFIED_HEADERS_RECEIVED) {
+ webrequest_events_funnel().OnHeadersReceived(
+ info->id, info->url.c_str(), info->status_code, base::Time::Now());
+ } else {
+ if (next_state != RequestInfo::ERROR_OCCURRED)
+ next_state = RequestInfo::ERROR_OCCURRED;
+ fire_on_error_occurred = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ if (next_state == RequestInfo::NOTIFIED_BEFORE_REDIRECT) {
+ webrequest_events_funnel().OnBeforeRedirect(
+ info->id, info->original_url.c_str(), info->status_code,
+ info->url.c_str(), base::Time::Now());
+ } else if (next_state == RequestInfo::NOTIFIED_COMPLETED) {
+ webrequest_events_funnel().OnCompleted(
+ info->id, info->url.c_str(), info->status_code, base::Time::Now());
+ } else {
+ if (next_state != RequestInfo::ERROR_OCCURRED)
+ next_state = RequestInfo::ERROR_OCCURRED;
+ fire_on_error_occurred = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ case RequestInfo::NOTIFIED_COMPLETED:
+ // The webRequest.onCompleted notification is supposed to be the last
+ // event sent for a given request. As a result, if the request is already
+ // in the NOTIFIED_COMPLETED state, we just keep it in that state without
+ // sending any further notification.
+ //
+ // When a request handle is closed, we consider transiting the state to
+ // NOTIFIED_COMPLETED. If there is no response body or we have completed
+ // reading the response body, the request has already been in this state.
+ // In that case, we will hit this code path.
+ next_state = RequestInfo::NOTIFIED_COMPLETED;
+ break;
+ case RequestInfo::ERROR_OCCURRED:
+ next_state = RequestInfo::ERROR_OCCURRED;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (fire_on_error_occurred) {
+ webrequest_events_funnel().OnErrorOccurred(
+ info->id, info->url.c_str(), L"", base::Time::Now());
+ }
+ info->state = next_state;