path: root/ceee/ie/plugin/bho/webrequest_notifier.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'ceee/ie/plugin/bho/webrequest_notifier.h')
1 files changed, 453 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ceee/ie/plugin/bho/webrequest_notifier.h b/ceee/ie/plugin/bho/webrequest_notifier.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2529c42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ceee/ie/plugin/bho/webrequest_notifier.h
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+// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// Web request notifier implementation.
+#include <atlbase.h>
+#include <wininet.h>
+#include <map>
+#include <string>
+#include "app/win/iat_patch_function.h"
+#include "base/singleton.h"
+#include "ceee/ie/plugin/bho/webrequest_events_funnel.h"
+#include "toolband.h"
+struct FunctionStub;
+// WebRequestNotifier monitors HTTP request/response events via WinINet hooks,
+// and sends the events to the broker.
+class WebRequestNotifier {
+ public:
+ // Starts the service if it hasn't been started.
+ // @return Returns true if the service is being initialized or has been
+ // successfully initialized.
+ bool RequestToStart();
+ // Stops the service if it is currently running and nobody is interested in
+ // the service any more. Every call to RequestToStart (even if it failed)
+ // should be paired with a call to RequestToStop.
+ void RequestToStop();
+ protected:
+ // Information related to an Internet connection.
+ struct ServerInfo {
+ ServerInfo() : server_port(INTERNET_INVALID_PORT_NUMBER) {}
+ // The host name of the server.
+ std::wstring server_name;
+ // The port number on the server.
+ INTERNET_PORT server_port;
+ };
+ // Information related to a HTTP request.
+ struct RequestInfo {
+ RequestInfo()
+ : server_handle(NULL),
+ id(-1),
+ tab_handle(reinterpret_cast<CeeeWindowHandle>(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)),
+ status_code(0),
+ state(BEGIN),
+ content_length(0),
+ read_progress(0),
+ }
+ enum State {
+ // The start state.
+ // Possible next state: WILL_NOTIFY_BEFORE_REQUEST;
+ BEGIN = 0,
+ // We are about to fire webRequest.onBeforeRequest.
+ // Possible next state: NOTIFIED_BEFORE_REQUEST;
+ // The last event fired is webRequest.onBeforeRequest.
+ // Possible next state: NOTIFIED_REQUEST_SENT;
+ // The last event fired is webRequest.onRequestSent.
+ // Possible next state: NOTIFIED_HEADERS_RECEIVED;
+ // The last event fired is webRequest.onHeadersReceived.
+ // Possible next state: NOTIFIED_BEFORE_REDIRECT;
+ // The last event fired is webRequest.onBeforeRedirect.
+ // Possible next state: NOTIFIED_REQUEST_SENT;
+ // One of the two stop states.
+ // The last event fired is webRequest.onCompleted.
+ // Possible next state: NOTIFIED_COMPLETED.
+ // One of the two stop states.
+ // Some error has occurred.
+ // Possible next state: ERROR_OCCURRED.
+ };
+ // How the length of a message body is decided.
+ enum MessageLengthType {
+ // There is no message body.
+ // The length is decided by Content-Length header.
+ // Including:
+ // (1) a Transfer-Encoding header field is present and has any value
+ // other than "identity";
+ // (2) the message uses the media type "multipart/byteranges";
+ // (3) the length should be decided by the server closing the connection.
+ };
+ // The handle of the connection to the server.
+ HINTERNET server_handle;
+ // The request ID, which is unique within a browser session.
+ int id;
+ // The window handle of the tab which sent the request.
+ CeeeWindowHandle tab_handle;
+ // The standard HTTP method, such as "GET" or "POST".
+ std::string method;
+ // The URL to retrieve.
+ std::wstring url;
+ // The URL before redirection.
+ std::wstring original_url;
+ // The server IP.
+ std::string ip;
+ // The standard HTTP status code returned by the server.
+ DWORD status_code;
+ // The request state to help decide what event should be sent next.
+ State state;
+ // When the browser was about to make the request.
+ base::Time before_request_time;
+ // The length of the response body. It is meaningful only when length_type
+ DWORD content_length;
+ // The progress of reading the response body.
+ DWORD read_progress;
+ // How the length of the response body is decided.
+ MessageLengthType length_type;
+ };
+ WebRequestNotifier();
+ virtual ~WebRequestNotifier();
+ // Accessor so that we can mock it in unit tests.
+ // Currently this method is always called within a lock.
+ virtual WebRequestEventsFunnel& webrequest_events_funnel() {
+ return webrequest_events_funnel_;
+ }
+ // Gets called before calling InternetSetStatusCallback.
+ // @param internet The handle for which the callback is set.
+ // @param callback The real callback function.
+ // @return A patch for the callback function.
+ INTERNET_STATUS_CALLBACK HandleBeforeInternetSetStatusCallback(
+ HINTERNET internet,
+ // Gets called before calling InternetConnect.
+ // @param internet Handle returned by InternetOpen.
+ void HandleBeforeInternetConnect(HINTERNET internet);
+ // Gets called after calling InternetConnect.
+ // @param server The sever handle returned by InternetConnect.
+ // @param server_name The host name of the server.
+ // @param server_port The port number on the server.
+ // @param service Type of service to access.
+ void HandleAfterInternetConnect(HINTERNET server,
+ const wchar_t* server_name,
+ INTERNET_PORT server_port,
+ DWORD service);
+ // Gets called after calling HttpOpenRequest.
+ // @param server The server handle.
+ // @param request The request handle.
+ // @param method Standard HTTP method, such as "GET" or "POST".
+ // @param path The path to the target object.
+ // @param flags Internet options that are passed into HttpOpenRequest.
+ void HandleAfterHttpOpenRequest(HINTERNET server,
+ HINTERNET request,
+ const char* method,
+ const wchar_t* path,
+ DWORD flags);
+ // Gets called before calling HttpSendRequest.
+ // @param request The request handle.
+ void HandleBeforeHttpSendRequest(HINTERNET request);
+ // Gets called before calling InternetStatusCallback.
+ // @param original The original status callback function.
+ // @param internet The handle for which the callback function is called.
+ // @param context The application-defined context value associated with
+ // the internet parameter.
+ // @param internet_status A status code that indicates why the callback
+ // function is called.
+ // @param status_information A pointer to additional status information.
+ // @param status_information_length The size, in bytes, of the additional
+ // status information.
+ void HandleBeforeInternetStatusCallback(INTERNET_STATUS_CALLBACK original,
+ HINTERNET internet,
+ DWORD_PTR context,
+ DWORD internet_status,
+ LPVOID status_information,
+ DWORD status_information_length);
+ // Gets called after calling InternetReadFile.
+ // @param request The request handle.
+ // @param result Whether the read operation is successful or not.
+ // @param number_of_bytes_read How many bytes have been read.
+ void HandleAfterInternetReadFile(HINTERNET request,
+ BOOL result,
+ LPDWORD number_of_bytes_read);
+ // InternetSetStatusCallback function patches.
+ // InternetSetStatusCallback documentation can be found at:
+ //
+ InternetSetStatusCallbackAPatch(
+ HINTERNET internet,
+ INTERNET_STATUS_CALLBACK internet_callback);
+ InternetSetStatusCallbackWPatch(
+ HINTERNET internet,
+ INTERNET_STATUS_CALLBACK internet_callback);
+ // InternetConnect function patches.
+ // InternetConnect documentation can be found at:
+ //
+ static HINTERNET STDAPICALLTYPE InternetConnectAPatch(
+ HINTERNET internet,
+ LPCSTR server_name,
+ INTERNET_PORT server_port,
+ LPCSTR user_name,
+ LPCSTR password,
+ DWORD service,
+ DWORD flags,
+ DWORD_PTR context);
+ static HINTERNET STDAPICALLTYPE InternetConnectWPatch(
+ HINTERNET internet,
+ LPCWSTR server_name,
+ INTERNET_PORT server_port,
+ LPCWSTR user_name,
+ LPCWSTR password,
+ DWORD service,
+ DWORD flags,
+ DWORD_PTR context);
+ // HttpOpenRequest function patches.
+ // HttpOpenRequest documentation can be found at:
+ //
+ static HINTERNET STDAPICALLTYPE HttpOpenRequestAPatch(HINTERNET connect,
+ LPCSTR verb,
+ LPCSTR object_name,
+ LPCSTR version,
+ LPCSTR referrer,
+ LPCSTR* accept_types,
+ DWORD flags,
+ DWORD_PTR context);
+ static HINTERNET STDAPICALLTYPE HttpOpenRequestWPatch(HINTERNET connect,
+ LPCWSTR verb,
+ LPCWSTR object_name,
+ LPCWSTR version,
+ LPCWSTR referrer,
+ LPCWSTR* accept_types,
+ DWORD flags,
+ DWORD_PTR context);
+ // HttpSendRequest function patches.
+ // HttpSendRequest documentation can be found at:
+ //
+ static BOOL STDAPICALLTYPE HttpSendRequestAPatch(HINTERNET request,
+ LPCSTR headers,
+ DWORD headers_length,
+ LPVOID optional,
+ DWORD optional_length);
+ static BOOL STDAPICALLTYPE HttpSendRequestWPatch(HINTERNET request,
+ LPCWSTR headers,
+ DWORD headers_length,
+ LPVOID optional,
+ DWORD optional_length);
+ // InternetStatusCallback function patch.
+ // InternetStatusCallback function documentation can be found at:
+ //
+ static void CALLBACK InternetStatusCallbackPatch(
+ HINTERNET internet,
+ DWORD_PTR context,
+ DWORD internet_status,
+ LPVOID status_information,
+ DWORD status_information_length);
+ // InternetReadFile function patch.
+ // InternetReadFile documentation can be found at:
+ //
+ static BOOL STDAPICALLTYPE InternetReadFilePatch(
+ LPVOID buffer,
+ DWORD number_of_bytes_to_read,
+ LPDWORD number_of_bytes_read);
+ // Patches a WinINet function.
+ // @param name The name of the function to be intercepted.
+ // @param patch_function The patching helper. You could check the is_patched
+ // member of this object to see whether the patching operation is
+ // successful or not.
+ // @param handler The new function implementation.
+ void PatchWinINetFunction(const char* name,
+ app::win::IATPatchFunction* patch_function,
+ void* handler);
+ // Constructs a URL. The method omits the port number if it is the default
+ // number for the protocol, or it is INTERNET_INVALID_PORT_NUMBER.
+ // Currently this method is always called within a lock.
+ // @param https Is it http or https?
+ // @param server_name The host name of the server.
+ // @param server_port The port number on the server.
+ // @param path The path to the target object.
+ // @param url The returned URL.
+ // @return Whether the operation is successful or not.
+ bool ConstructUrl(bool https,
+ const wchar_t* server_name,
+ INTERNET_PORT server_port,
+ const wchar_t* path,
+ std::wstring* url);
+ // Retrieves header information as a number.
+ // Make the method virtual so that we could mock it for unit tests.
+ // @param request The request handle.
+ // @param info_flag Query info flags could be found on:
+ //
+ // @param value The returned value.
+ // @return Whether the operation is successful or not.
+ virtual bool QueryHttpInfoNumber(HINTERNET request,
+ DWORD info_flag,
+ DWORD* value);
+ // Retrieves header information as a string.
+ // Make the method virtual so that we could mock it for unit tests.
+ // @param request The request handle.
+ // @param info_flag Query info flags could be found on:
+ //
+ // @param value The returned value.
+ // @return Whether the operation is successful or not.
+ virtual bool QueryHttpInfoString(HINTERNET request,
+ DWORD info_flag,
+ std::wstring* value);
+ // Determines the length of the response body.
+ // @param request The request handle.
+ // @param status_code Standard HTTP status code.
+ // @param length Returns the length of the response body. It is meaningful
+ // only when type is set to CONTENT_LENGTH_HEADER.
+ // @param type Returns how the length of the response body is decided.
+ // @return Whether the operation is successful or not.
+ bool DetermineMessageLength(HINTERNET request,
+ DWORD status_code,
+ DWORD* length,
+ RequestInfo::MessageLengthType* type);
+ // Performs state transition on a request.
+ // NOTE: this method must be called within a lock.
+ // @param state The target state. Please note that if it is not a valid
+ // transition, the request may end up with a state other than the
+ // target state.
+ // @param info Information about the request.
+ void TransitRequestToNextState(RequestInfo::State state, RequestInfo* info);
+ // Creates a function stub for the status callback function.
+ // NOTE: this method must be called within a lock.
+ // @param original_callback The original callback function.
+ // @return A patch for the callback function.
+ INTERNET_STATUS_CALLBACK CreateInternetStatusCallbackStub(
+ INTERNET_STATUS_CALLBACK original_callback);
+ // NOTE: this method must be called within a lock.
+ // @return Returns true if the service is not functioning, either because
+ // nobody is interested in the service or because the initialization
+ // has failed.
+ bool IsNotRunning() const {
+ return start_count_ == 0 || initialize_state_ != SUCCEEDED_TO_INITIALIZE;
+ }
+ // Returns true if exactly one (but not both) of the patches has been
+ // successfully applied.
+ // @param patch_function_1 A function patch.
+ // @param patch_function_2 Another function patch.
+ // @return Returns true if exactly one of them has been successfully applied.
+ bool HasPatchedOneVersion(
+ const app::win::IATPatchFunction& patch_function_1,
+ const app::win::IATPatchFunction& patch_function_2) const {
+ return (patch_function_1.is_patched() && !patch_function_2.is_patched()) ||
+ (!patch_function_1.is_patched() && patch_function_2.is_patched());
+ }
+ // Function patches that allow us to intercept WinINet functions.
+ app::win::IATPatchFunction internet_set_status_callback_a_patch_;
+ app::win::IATPatchFunction internet_set_status_callback_w_patch_;
+ app::win::IATPatchFunction internet_connect_a_patch_;
+ app::win::IATPatchFunction internet_connect_w_patch_;
+ app::win::IATPatchFunction http_open_request_a_patch_;
+ app::win::IATPatchFunction http_open_request_w_patch_;
+ app::win::IATPatchFunction http_send_request_a_patch_;
+ app::win::IATPatchFunction http_send_request_w_patch_;
+ app::win::IATPatchFunction internet_read_file_patch_;
+ // The funnel for sending webRequest events to the broker.
+ WebRequestEventsFunnel webrequest_events_funnel_;
+ // Used to protect the access to all the following data members.
+ CComAutoCriticalSection critical_section_;
+ // Used to intercept InternetStatusCallback function, which is defined by a
+ // WinINet client to observe status changes.
+ FunctionStub* internet_status_callback_stub_;
+ // Maps Internet connection handles to ServerInfo instances.
+ typedef std::map<HINTERNET, ServerInfo> ServerMap;
+ ServerMap server_map_;
+ // Maps HTTP request handles to RequestInfo instances.
+ typedef std::map<HINTERNET, RequestInfo> RequestMap;
+ RequestMap request_map_;
+ // The number of RequestToStart calls minus the number of RequestToStop calls.
+ // If the number drops to 0, then the service will be stopped.
+ int start_count_;
+ // Indicates the progress of initialization.
+ enum InitializeState {
+ // Initialization hasn't been started.
+ // Initialization is happening.
+ // Initialization has failed.
+ // Initialization has succeeded.
+ };
+ InitializeState initialize_state_;
+ private:
+// A singleton that keeps the WebRequestNotifier used by production code.
+class ProductionWebRequestNotifier
+ : public WebRequestNotifier,
+ public Singleton<ProductionWebRequestNotifier> {
+ private:
+ ProductionWebRequestNotifier() {}
+ friend struct DefaultSingletonTraits<ProductionWebRequestNotifier>;
+ DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ProductionWebRequestNotifier);