path: root/ceee/ie/plugin/toolband/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ceee/ie/plugin/toolband/')
1 files changed, 363 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ceee/ie/plugin/toolband/ b/ceee/ie/plugin/toolband/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc8c3ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ceee/ie/plugin/toolband/
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// IE toolband unit tests.
+#include "ceee/ie/plugin/toolband/tool_band.h"
+#include <exdisp.h>
+#include <shlguid.h>
+#include "ceee/common/initializing_coclass.h"
+#include "ceee/ie/common/mock_ceee_module_util.h"
+#include "ceee/ie/testing/mock_browser_and_friends.h"
+#include "ceee/testing/utils/dispex_mocks.h"
+#include "ceee/testing/utils/instance_count_mixin.h"
+#include "ceee/testing/utils/test_utils.h"
+#include "gmock/gmock.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "broker_lib.h" // NOLINT
+namespace {
+using testing::GetConnectionCount;
+using testing::InstanceCountMixin;
+using testing::MockDispatchEx;
+using testing::Return;
+using testing::StrictMock;
+using testing::TestBrowser;
+using testing::TestBrowserSite;
+// Makes ToolBand testable - circumvents InitializeAndShowWindow.
+class TestingToolBand
+ : public ToolBand,
+ public InstanceCountMixin<TestingToolBand>,
+ public InitializingCoClass<TestingToolBand> {
+ public:
+ HRESULT Initialize(TestingToolBand** self) {
+ *self = this;
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ private:
+ virtual HRESULT InitializeAndShowWindow(IUnknown* site) {
+ return S_OK; // This aspect is not tested.
+ }
+class ToolBandTest: public testing::Test {
+ public:
+ ToolBandTest() : tool_band_(NULL), site_(NULL), browser_(NULL) {
+ }
+ ~ToolBandTest() {
+ }
+ virtual void SetUp() {
+ // Create the instance to test.
+ TestingToolBand::CreateInitialized(&tool_band_, &tool_band_with_site_));
+ tool_band_with_site_ = tool_band_;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tool_band_with_site_ != NULL);
+ }
+ virtual void TearDown() {
+ tool_band_ = NULL;
+ tool_band_with_site_.Release();
+ site_ = NULL;
+ site_keeper_.Release();
+ browser_ = NULL;
+ browser_keeper_.Release();
+ // Everything should have been relinquished.
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, testing::InstanceCountMixinBase::all_instance_count());
+ }
+ void CreateSite() {
+ TestBrowserSite::CreateInitialized(&site_, &site_keeper_));
+ }
+ void CreateBrowser() {
+ TestBrowser::CreateInitialized(&browser_, &browser_keeper_));
+ if (site_)
+ site_->browser_ = browser_keeper_;
+ }
+ bool ToolbandHasSite() {
+ // Check whether ToolBand has a site set.
+ CComPtr<IUnknown> site;
+ if (SUCCEEDED(tool_band_with_site_->GetSite(
+ IID_IUnknown, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&site)))) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // If GetSite failed and site != NULL, we are seeing things.
+ DCHECK(site == NULL);
+ return false;
+ }
+ static void PrepareDeskBandInfo(DESKBANDINFO* pdinfo_for_test) {
+ memset(pdinfo_for_test, 0, sizeof(*pdinfo_for_test));
+ // What I really care in this test is DBIM_MODEFLAGS, but if there
+ // are weird interactions here, we want to be warned.
+ pdinfo_for_test->dwMask = DBIM_MODEFLAGS | DBIM_MAXSIZE | DBIM_MINSIZE |
+ }
+ static const wchar_t* kUrl1;
+ testing::TestBrowserSite* site_;
+ CComPtr<IUnknown> site_keeper_;
+ TestBrowser* browser_;
+ CComPtr<IWebBrowser2> browser_keeper_;
+ TestingToolBand* tool_band_;
+ CComPtr<IObjectWithSite> tool_band_with_site_;
+ // the purpose of this mock is to redirect registry calls
+ StrictMock<testing::MockCeeeModuleUtils> ceee_module_utils_;
+const wchar_t* ToolBandTest::kUrl1 = L"";
+// Setting the ToolBand site with a non-service provider fails.
+TEST_F(ToolBandTest, SetSiteWithNoServiceProviderFails) {
+ testing::LogDisabler no_dchecks;
+ // Create an object that doesn't implement IServiceProvider.
+ MockDispatchEx* site = NULL;
+ CComPtr<IUnknown> site_keeper;
+ InitializingCoClass<MockDispatchEx>::CreateInitialized(&site,
+ &site_keeper));
+ // Setting a site that doesn't implement IServiceProvider fails.
+ ASSERT_HRESULT_FAILED(tool_band_with_site_->SetSite(site_keeper));
+ ASSERT_FALSE(ToolbandHasSite());
+// Setting the ToolBand site with no browser fails.
+TEST_F(ToolBandTest, SetSiteWithNullBrowserFails) {
+ testing::LogDisabler no_dchecks;
+ CreateSite();
+ ASSERT_HRESULT_FAILED(tool_band_with_site_->SetSite(site_keeper_));
+ ASSERT_FALSE(ToolbandHasSite());
+// Setting the ToolBand site with a non-browser fails.
+TEST_F(ToolBandTest, SetSiteWithNonBrowserFails) {
+ testing::LogDisabler no_dchecks;
+ CreateSite();
+ // Endow the site with a non-browser service.
+ MockDispatchEx* mock_non_browser = NULL;
+ InitializingCoClass<MockDispatchEx>::CreateInitialized(&mock_non_browser,
+ &site_->browser_));
+ ASSERT_HRESULT_FAILED(tool_band_with_site_->SetSite(site_keeper_));
+ ASSERT_FALSE(ToolbandHasSite());
+// Setting the ToolBand site with a browser that doesn't implement the
+// DIID_DWebBrowserEvents2 still works.
+TEST_F(ToolBandTest, SetSiteWithNoEventsWorksAnyway) {
+ // We need to quash dcheck here, too (see: ToolBand::Initialize).
+ testing::LogDisabler no_dchecks;
+ CreateSite();
+ CreateBrowser();
+ // Disable the connection point.
+ browser_->no_events_ = true;
+ // Successful SetSite always calls GetOptionToolbandForceReposition
+ EXPECT_CALL(ceee_module_utils_, GetOptionToolbandForceReposition())
+ .WillOnce(Return(false));
+ ASSERT_HRESULT_SUCCEEDED(tool_band_with_site_->SetSite(site_keeper_));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(ToolbandHasSite());
+TEST_F(ToolBandTest, SetSiteWithBrowserSucceeds) {
+ CreateSite();
+ CreateBrowser();
+ size_t num_connections = 0;
+ ASSERT_HRESULT_SUCCEEDED(GetConnectionCount(browser_keeper_,
+ DIID_DWebBrowserEvents2,
+ &num_connections));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, num_connections);
+ EXPECT_CALL(ceee_module_utils_, GetOptionToolbandForceReposition())
+ .WillOnce(Return(false));
+ ASSERT_HRESULT_SUCCEEDED(tool_band_with_site_->SetSite(site_keeper_));
+ // Check that the we have not set the connection if not strictly required.
+ ASSERT_HRESULT_SUCCEEDED(GetConnectionCount(browser_keeper_,
+ DIID_DWebBrowserEvents2,
+ &num_connections));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, num_connections);
+ // Check the site's retained.
+ CComPtr<IUnknown> set_site;
+ ASSERT_HRESULT_SUCCEEDED(tool_band_with_site_->GetSite(
+ IID_IUnknown, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&set_site)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(set_site.IsEqualObject(site_keeper_));
+ ASSERT_HRESULT_SUCCEEDED(tool_band_with_site_->SetSite(NULL));
+TEST_F(ToolBandTest, SetSiteEstablishesConnectionWhenRequired) {
+ CreateSite();
+ CreateBrowser();
+ size_t num_connections = 0;
+ ASSERT_HRESULT_SUCCEEDED(GetConnectionCount(browser_keeper_,
+ DIID_DWebBrowserEvents2,
+ &num_connections));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, num_connections);
+ EXPECT_CALL(ceee_module_utils_, GetOptionToolbandForceReposition())
+ .WillOnce(Return(true));
+ ASSERT_HRESULT_SUCCEEDED(tool_band_with_site_->SetSite(site_keeper_));
+ // Check that the we have not set the connection if not strictly required.
+ ASSERT_HRESULT_SUCCEEDED(GetConnectionCount(browser_keeper_,
+ DIID_DWebBrowserEvents2,
+ &num_connections));
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, num_connections);
+ // Check the site's retained.
+ CComPtr<IUnknown> set_site;
+ ASSERT_HRESULT_SUCCEEDED(tool_band_with_site_->GetSite(
+ IID_IUnknown, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&set_site)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(set_site.IsEqualObject(site_keeper_));
+ ASSERT_HRESULT_SUCCEEDED(tool_band_with_site_->SetSite(NULL));
+ // And check that the connection was severed.
+ ASSERT_HRESULT_SUCCEEDED(GetConnectionCount(browser_keeper_,
+ DIID_DWebBrowserEvents2,
+ &num_connections));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, num_connections);
+TEST_F(ToolBandTest, NavigationCompleteResetsFlagAndUnadvises) {
+ CreateSite();
+ CreateBrowser();
+ size_t num_connections = 0;
+ ASSERT_HRESULT_SUCCEEDED(GetConnectionCount(browser_keeper_,
+ DIID_DWebBrowserEvents2,
+ &num_connections));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, num_connections);
+ EXPECT_CALL(ceee_module_utils_, GetOptionToolbandForceReposition())
+ .WillOnce(Return(true));
+ ASSERT_HRESULT_SUCCEEDED(tool_band_with_site_->SetSite(site_keeper_));
+ // Check that the we have not set the connection if not strictly required.
+ ASSERT_HRESULT_SUCCEEDED(GetConnectionCount(browser_keeper_,
+ DIID_DWebBrowserEvents2,
+ &num_connections));
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, num_connections);
+ EXPECT_CALL(ceee_module_utils_,
+ SetOptionToolbandForceReposition(false)).Times(1);
+ // First navigation triggers (single) registry check and unadivising.
+ // After that things stay quiet.
+ browser_->FireOnNavigateComplete(browser_, &CComVariant(kUrl1));
+ ASSERT_HRESULT_SUCCEEDED(GetConnectionCount(browser_keeper_,
+ DIID_DWebBrowserEvents2,
+ &num_connections));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, num_connections);
+ browser_->FireOnNavigateComplete(browser_, &CComVariant(kUrl1));
+ ASSERT_HRESULT_SUCCEEDED(tool_band_with_site_->SetSite(NULL));
+TEST_F(ToolBandTest, NormalRunDoesntTriggerLineBreak) {
+ CreateSite();
+ CreateBrowser();
+ // Expected sequence of actions:
+ // 1) initialization will trigger registry check
+ // 2) invocations if GetBandInfo do not trigger registry check
+ // 3) since spoofed registry says 'do not reposition', there should be no
+ // DBIMF_BREAK flag set in the structure.
+ EXPECT_CALL(ceee_module_utils_, GetOptionToolbandForceReposition())
+ .WillOnce(Return(false));
+ ASSERT_HRESULT_SUCCEEDED(tool_band_with_site_->SetSite(site_keeper_));
+ DESKBANDINFO dinfo_for_test;
+ PrepareDeskBandInfo(&dinfo_for_test);
+ &dinfo_for_test));
+ ASSERT_FALSE(dinfo_for_test.dwModeFlags & DBIMF_BREAK);
+ // Take another pass and result should be the same.
+ PrepareDeskBandInfo(&dinfo_for_test);
+ &dinfo_for_test));
+ ASSERT_FALSE(dinfo_for_test.dwModeFlags & DBIMF_BREAK);
+ ASSERT_HRESULT_SUCCEEDED(tool_band_with_site_->SetSite(NULL));
+TEST_F(ToolBandTest, NewInstallationTriggersLineBreak) {
+ CreateSite();
+ CreateBrowser();
+ EXPECT_CALL(ceee_module_utils_, GetOptionToolbandForceReposition())
+ .WillOnce(Return(true));
+ ASSERT_HRESULT_SUCCEEDED(tool_band_with_site_->SetSite(site_keeper_));
+ DESKBANDINFO dinfo_for_test;
+ // Expected sequence of actions:
+ // 1) invocation of 'GetBandInfo' will trigger registry check.
+ // 2) subsequent invocations do not trigger registry check, but the answer
+ // should also be 'line break' until navigation is completed;
+ // navigation completed is emulated by a call to FireOnNavigateComplete
+ // after that, the break flag is not returned.
+ PrepareDeskBandInfo(&dinfo_for_test);
+ &dinfo_for_test));
+ EXPECT_CALL(ceee_module_utils_,
+ SetOptionToolbandForceReposition(false)).Times(1);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(dinfo_for_test.dwModeFlags & DBIMF_BREAK);
+ browser_->FireOnNavigateComplete(browser_, &CComVariant(kUrl1));
+ PrepareDeskBandInfo(&dinfo_for_test);
+ &dinfo_for_test));
+ ASSERT_FALSE(dinfo_for_test.dwModeFlags & DBIMF_BREAK);
+ ASSERT_HRESULT_SUCCEEDED(tool_band_with_site_->SetSite(NULL));
+} // namespace