path: root/ceee/ie/plugin/toolband/toolband.idl
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Diffstat (limited to 'ceee/ie/plugin/toolband/toolband.idl')
1 files changed, 370 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ceee/ie/plugin/toolband/toolband.idl b/ceee/ie/plugin/toolband/toolband.idl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4164945
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ceee/ie/plugin/toolband/toolband.idl
@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// @file
+// Interface and object declarations for CEEE IE toolband.
+import "oaidl.idl";
+import "ocidl.idl";
+ object,
+ uuid(07995791-0923-4c4e-B861-AA3B933A31CC),
+ dual,
+ local, // no marshaling for this interface
+ nonextensible,
+ pointer_default(unique)
+// Native interface to content scripts. This interface is exposed to
+// ceee_boostrap.js, and is used to satisfy the same contract as
+// Chrome's native functions declared in event_bindings.js and
+// renderer_extension_bindings.js. Additionally this interface exposes
+// properties for the dispatch functions declared in the same files.
+// At any given time, this interface should to be synonymous with what you'd
+// see by searching the two above files for the strings "dispatchOn" and
+// "native function".
+interface ICeeeContentScriptNativeApi : IDispatch {
+ // Supports JS console.log and console.error.
+ HRESULT Log([in] BSTR level, [in] BSTR message);
+ // Port-related functions.
+ HRESULT OpenChannelToExtension([in] BSTR source_id,
+ [in] BSTR target_id,
+ [in] BSTR name,
+ [out, retval] long* port_id);
+ HRESULT CloseChannel([in] long port_id);
+ HRESULT PortAddRef([in] long port_id);
+ HRESULT PortRelease([in] long port_id);
+ HRESULT PostMessage([in] long port_id, [in] BSTR msg);
+ // Event-related functions.
+ HRESULT AttachEvent([in] BSTR event_name);
+ HRESULT DetachEvent([in] BSTR event_name);
+ // Event notification callbacks to script.
+ [propput] HRESULT onLoad(IDispatch* callback);
+ [propput] HRESULT onUnload(IDispatch* callback);
+ // Port notification callbacks.
+ [propput] HRESULT onPortConnect(IDispatch* callback);
+ [propput] HRESULT onPortDisconnect(IDispatch* callback);
+ [propput] HRESULT onPortMessage(IDispatch* callback);
+// An invalid tab Id. This is declared here so that both the BHO and the broker
+// knows about it.
+const int kInvalidChromeSessionId = -1;
+typedef long CeeeWindowHandle;
+typedef enum tagCeeeTabStatus {
+ kCeeeTabStatusLoading = 0,
+ kCeeeTabStatusComplete = 1,
+} CeeeTabStatus;
+// Information about a tab.
+typedef struct tagCeeeTabInfo {
+ BSTR url;
+ BSTR title;
+ CeeeTabStatus status;
+ BSTR fav_icon_url;
+} CeeeTabInfo;
+typedef enum tagCeeeTabCodeType {
+ kCeeeTabCodeTypeCss = 0,
+ kCeeeTabCodeTypeJs = 1,
+} CeeeTabCodeType;
+// Information about a window.
+typedef struct {
+ BOOL focused;
+ RECT rect;
+ // We use a BSTR to dynamically allocate a list of couple (HWND, index).
+ // These are stored as a JSON list of longs, the even indexes are for ids
+ // and their associated odd numbers are the tab index.
+ // This value can be NULL if the caller didn't request to populate tabs.
+ BSTR tab_list;
+} CeeeWindowInfo;
+// Information about an HTTP cookie.
+typedef struct {
+ BSTR name;
+ BSTR value;
+ BSTR domain;
+ BOOL host_only;
+ BSTR path;
+ BOOL secure;
+ BOOL http_only;
+ BOOL session;
+ double expiration_date;
+ BSTR store_id;
+} CeeeCookieInfo;
+ object,
+ uuid(8DEEECC5-7B49-482d-99F8-2109EA5F2618),
+ nonextensible,
+ helpstring("ICeeeWindowExecutor Interface"),
+ pointer_default(unique),
+ oleautomation
+// Object provided to the broker to execute code in a given window's thread.
+interface ICeeeWindowExecutor : IUnknown {
+ // Initializes the executor to work with the given CeeeWindowHandle.
+ //
+ // @param hwnd The HWND of the window the executor represents.
+ HRESULT Initialize([in] CeeeWindowHandle hwnd);
+ // Returns information about the window represented by this executor.
+ //
+ // @param populate_tabs Specifies whether we want to receive the list of tabs.
+ // @param window_info Where to return the info about the window. The
+ // @p tab_list field are only set if @p populate_tabs is
+ // true.
+ HRESULT GetWindow([in] BOOL populate_tabs,
+ [out, ref] CeeeWindowInfo* window_info);
+ // Returns the list of tabs of this window. We return both the tab HWND and
+ // the tab index (encoded in the @p tab_list BSTR) so that our callers don't
+ // need an extra IPC to get the tab index later on.
+ //
+ // @param tab_list Where to return the tab identifiers in the same format as
+ // described for tagCeeeWindowInfo::tab_ids.
+ HRESULT GetTabs([out, retval] BSTR* tab_list);
+ // Updates the window with the given set of parameters.
+ //
+ // @param left The new left position of the window. -1 to leave unchanged.
+ // @param top The new top position of the window. -1 to leave unchanged.
+ // @param width The new width of the window. -1 to leave unchanged.
+ // @param height The new height of the window. -1 to leave unchanged.
+ // @param window_info Where to return the new info about the updated window.
+ HRESULT UpdateWindow(
+ [in] long left, [in] long top, [in] long width, [in] long height,
+ [out, ref] CeeeWindowInfo* window_info);
+ // Close the window represented by our FrameExecutor.
+ //
+ // @retval S_OK We could successfully and silently removed the window.
+ // @retval S_FALSE We failed to <b>silently</b> remove the window,
+ // so the caller should try other alternatives (e.g.,
+ // posting WM_CLOSE to the window).
+ HRESULT RemoveWindow();
+ // Returns the index of the given tab.
+ //
+ // @param tab The window handle (HWND) of the tab we want the index of.
+ // @param index Where to return the index.
+ HRESULT GetTabIndex([in] CeeeWindowHandle tab, [out, ref] long* index);
+ // Moves the tab specified by @p tab to the index identified by @p index.
+ //
+ // @param tab The window handle (HWND) of the tab to move.
+ // @param index Where to move the tab.
+ HRESULT MoveTab([in] CeeeWindowHandle tab, [in] long index);
+ // Removes the specified tab.
+ //
+ // @param tab The window handle (HWND) of the tab to be removed.
+ HRESULT RemoveTab([in] CeeeWindowHandle tab);
+ // Selects the specified tab.
+ //
+ // @param tab The window handle (HWND) of the tab to be selected.
+ HRESULT SelectTab([in] CeeeWindowHandle tab);
+ object,
+ uuid(C7FF41BA-72D5-4086-8B5A-2EF4FD12E0FE),
+ nonextensible,
+ helpstring("ICeeeTabExecutor Interface"),
+ pointer_default(unique),
+ oleautomation
+// Object provided to the broker to execute code in a given window's thread.
+interface ICeeeTabExecutor : IUnknown {
+ // Initializes the executor to work with the given CeeeWindowHandle.
+ //
+ // @param hwnd The HWND of the tab the executor represents.
+ HRESULT Initialize([in] CeeeWindowHandle hwnd);
+ // Returns information about the tab represented by the TabExecutor in
+ // @p tab_info structure used to return the information.
+ //
+ // @param tab_info Where to return the tab information.
+ //
+ // @rvalue S_OK Success
+ // @return Other failure HRESULTs may also be returned in case of cascading
+ // errors.
+ HRESULT GetTabInfo([out, ref] CeeeTabInfo* tab_info);
+ // Navigate to the given url from the given properties.
+ //
+ // @param url The URL where to navigate the tab to. Can NOT be NULL.
+ // @param flags Specifies the type of navigation based on the
+ // BrowserNavConstants enum values.
+ // @param target Specifies the navigation target (e.g., _top or _blank).
+ //
+ // @rvalue S_OK Success
+ // S_FALSE Nothing needed to be done since the URL was already set.
+ // @return Other failure HRESULTs may also be returned in case of cascading
+ // errors.
+ HRESULT Navigate([in] BSTR url, [in] long flags, [in] BSTR target);
+ // Execute or insert code inside a tab.
+ //
+ // @param code The code to execute or insert.
+ // @param file A path to the file that contains the script to execute.
+ // This path is relative to the extension root.
+ // @param all_frames If true, applies to the top level frame as well as
+ // contained iframes. Otherwise, applies onlt to the
+ // top level frame.
+ HRESULT InsertCode([in] BSTR code,
+ [in] BSTR file,
+ [in] BOOL all_frames,
+ [in] CeeeTabCodeType type);
+ object,
+ uuid(07630967-D7FB-4745-992F-28614930D9A3),
+ nonextensible,
+ helpstring("ICeeeCookieExecutor Interface"),
+ pointer_default(unique),
+ oleautomation
+// Object provided to the broker to execute code in a given window's thread.
+interface ICeeeCookieExecutor : IUnknown {
+ // Returns information about the cookie identified by the @c name field of
+ // the @p cookie_info structure used to return the information.
+ //
+ // @param url The URL with which the cookie to retrieve is associated.
+ // @param name The name of the cookie to retrieve.
+ // @param cookie_info Where to return the cookie information.
+ HRESULT GetCookie([in] BSTR url, [in] BSTR name,
+ [out, ref] CeeeCookieInfo* cookie_info);
+ // Registers the executor's process as a known cookie store; used to indicate
+ // that the cookie store ID has been issued for this process and may be used
+ // in other cookie APIs.
+ // This API is used to ensure that stale cookie store IDs don't inadvertently
+ // match new cookie store processes. This may happen because IE derives the
+ // cookie store ID from the IE process ID, which may be recycled by Windows.
+ // The first time a cookie store ID is issued for an IE process, this
+ // RegisterCookieStore function should be called to indicate that the IE
+ // process may now be selected by a user-provided store ID. All cookie APIs
+ // should verify that CookieStoreIsRegistered() returns S_OK before matching
+ // a user-provided cookie store ID to an IE process.
+ HRESULT RegisterCookieStore();
+ // Returns S_OK if the executor's process has been registered as a cookie
+ // store, S_FALSE if not. All cookie API implementations must ensure this
+ // call returns S_OK before accessing a cookie store via a user-provided
+ // cookie store ID; if it doesn't, the store ID is stale.
+ HRESULT CookieStoreIsRegistered();
+ object,
+ uuid(276D47E8-1692-4a21-907D-948D170E4330),
+ nonextensible,
+ helpstring("ICeeeInfobarExecutor Interface"),
+ pointer_default(unique),
+ oleautomation
+// Object provided to the broker to execute code in a given window's thread.
+interface ICeeeInfobarExecutor : IUnknown {
+ // Stores the id of our extension.
+ // @param extension_id The id of the extension.
+ HRESULT SetExtensionId([in] BSTR extension_id);
+ // Creates infobar and opens @p url in it. Translates relative path to the
+ // absolute path using "chrome-extension://extension_id" prefix where
+ // extension_id is the id set by SetExtensionId() call.
+ // @param url The URL the infobar window should be navigated to.
+ // @param window_handle Where to return the handle of the window in which
+ // this infobar was created.
+ HRESULT ShowInfobar([in] BSTR url,
+ [out, ref] CeeeWindowHandle* window_handle);
+ // Notifies infobar about OnBeforeNavigate2 event for the browser top frame.
+ // @param url The URL the top frame is about to navigate to.
+ HRESULT OnTopFrameBeforeNavigate([in] BSTR url);
+ object,
+ uuid(BBB10A7B-DB0D-4f1a-8669-65378DAD0C99),
+ nonextensible,
+ helpstring("ICeeeExecutorCreator Interface"),
+ pointer_default(unique),
+ local
+// Creates an executor in a destination thread, and registers it in the
+// CeeeBroker.
+// Used to instantiate a CeeeExecutor.
+interface ICeeeExecutorCreator : IUnknown {
+ // Creates a CeeeExecutor for the given @p thread_id.
+ //
+ // @param thread_id The identifier of the destination thread where we want
+ // an executor to be creared.
+ // @param window The window handle (HWND) the new executor represents.
+ HRESULT CreateWindowExecutor([in] long thread_id,
+ [in] CeeeWindowHandle window);
+ // Teardown what was left hanging while waiting for the
+ // new executor to be registered for the given @p thread_id.
+ //
+ // @param thread_id The identifier of the destination thread for which we want
+ // to tear down our infrastructure.
+ HRESULT Teardown([in] long thread_id);
+ uuid(7C09079D-F9CB-4E9E-9293-D224B071D8BA),
+ version(1.0),
+ helpstring("Google CEEE 1.0 Type Library")
+library ToolbandLib {
+ importlib("stdole2.tlb");
+ // include type info in .tlb
+ interface ICEEEContentScriptNativeApi;
+ interface ICeeeTabExecutor;
+ interface ICeeeWindowExecutor;
+ [
+ uuid(E49EBDB7-CEC9-4014-A5F5-8D3C8F5997DC),
+ helpstring("BrowserHelperObject Class")
+ ]
+ coclass BrowserHelperObject {
+ [default] interface IUnknown;
+ };
+ [
+ uuid(2F1A2D6B-55F6-4B63-8C37-F698D28FDC2B),
+ helpstring("ToolBand Class")
+ ]
+ coclass ToolBand {
+ [default] interface IUnknown;
+ };
+ [
+ uuid(4A562910-2D54-4e98-B87F-D4A7F5F5D0B9),
+ helpstring("CEEE Executor Creator Class")
+ ]
+ coclass CeeeExecutorCreator {
+ [default] interface IUnknown;
+ };
+ [
+ uuid(057FCFE3-F872-483d-86B0-0430E375E41F),
+ helpstring("CEEE Executor Class")
+ ]
+ coclass CeeeExecutor {
+ [default] interface IUnknown;
+ interface ICeeeTabExecutor;
+ interface ICeeeWindowExecutor;
+ interface ICeeeCookieExecutor;
+ interface ICeeeInfobarExecutor;
+ };