path: root/ceee/tools
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Diffstat (limited to 'ceee/tools')
2 files changed, 515 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ceee/tools/ b/ceee/tools/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ad5e3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ceee/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+'''This scripts builds and runs the CEEE unittests and medium tests that
+make our smoke tests.
+It exits with a non-zero exit status on error.
+ import ctypes
+ import pythoncom
+ import win32com.client
+except ImportError:
+ print "This script requires Python 2.6 with PyWin32 installed."
+ raise
+import datetime
+import os.path
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import time
+import verifier
+# The top-level source directory.
+# All other paths in this file are relative to this directory.
+_SRC_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
+ os.path.dirname(__file__), '../..'))
+def _AbsolutePath(path):
+ '''Convert path to an absolute path.
+ Args:
+ path: a path relative to _SRC_DIR.
+ Returns: Path as an absolute, normalized path.
+ '''
+ return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(_SRC_DIR, path))
+_CHROME_SOLUTION = _AbsolutePath('chrome/chrome.sln')
+# List of project files to build.
+ # Common unittest
+ _AbsolutePath('ceee/common/ceee_common_unittests.vcproj'),
+ # IE unittests and medium tests.
+ _AbsolutePath('ceee/ie/ie_unittests.vcproj'),
+ _AbsolutePath('ceee/ie/mediumtest_ie.vcproj'),
+# List of test executables to run.
+ 'ceee_common_unittests',
+ 'ie_unittests',
+ 'mediumtest_ie',
+# A list of configurations we build and run.
+ 'Debug',
+ 'Release',
+class TestRunner(object):
+ def __init__(self, solution, projects, tests):
+ self._projects = projects
+ self._tests = tests
+ self._saved_autohides = None
+ self._solution = win32com.client.GetObject(solution)
+ self._dte = self._GetDte(self._solution)
+ self._EnsureVisible()
+ def __del__(self):
+ self._RestoreVisibility()
+ def _EnsureVisible(self):
+ dte = self._dte
+ # Make sure the UI is visible.
+ dte.MainWindow.Visible = True
+ # Get the output window, disable its autohide and give it focus.
+ self._output = dte.Windows['Output']
+ self._saved_autohides = self._output.AutoHides
+ self._output.AutoHides = False
+ self._output.SetFocus()
+ def _RestoreVisibility(self):
+ if self._saved_autohides != None:
+ self._output.AutoHides = self._saved_autohides
+ def _GetDte(self, solution):
+ '''Sometimes invoking solution.DTE will fail with an exception during
+ Visual Studio initialization. To work around this, we try a couple of
+ times with an intervening sleep to give VS time to settle.'''
+ # Attempt ten times under a try block.
+ for i in range(0, 10):
+ try:
+ return solution.DTE
+ except pythoncom.com_error, e:
+ # Sleep for 2 seconds
+ print 'Exception from solution.DTE "%s", retrying: ' % str(e)
+ time.sleep(2.0)
+ # Final try, pass the exception to the caller on failure here.
+ return solution.DTE
+ def BuildConfig(self, config):
+ '''Builds all projects for a given config.
+ Args:
+ config: the name of the build configuration to build projecs for.
+ Returns:
+ The number of failures.
+ '''
+ builder = self._solution.SolutionBuild
+ for project in self._projects:
+ print 'Building project "%s" in "%s" configuration' % (project, config)
+ wait_for_build = True
+ # See for documentation on this method.
+ builder.BuildProject(config, project, wait_for_build)
+ errors = builder.LastBuildInfo
+ if errors != 0:
+ return errors
+ return 0
+ def RunConfigTests(self, config):
+ '''Runs all tests for a given config and writes success files.
+ For each succeeding test '<path>/foo.exe', this function writes a
+ corresponding success file '<path>/foo.success'. If the corresponding
+ success file is newer than the test executable, the test executable will
+ not run again.
+ If all tests succeed, this function writes an overall success file
+ named 'ceee.success'.
+ Args:
+ config: the name of the build configuration to run tests for.
+ Returns:
+ The number of failures.
+ '''
+ failures = 0
+ for test in self._tests:
+ test_exe = os.path.join(_SRC_DIR,
+ 'chrome',
+ config,
+ test) + '.exe'
+ success_file = os.path.join(_SRC_DIR,
+ 'chrome',
+ config,
+ test) + '.success'
+ if (os.path.exists(success_file) and
+ os.stat(test_exe).st_mtime <= os.stat(success_file).st_mtime):
+ print '"%s" is unchanged since last successful run' % test_exe
+ else:
+ if verifier.HasAppVerifier():
+ (exit, errors) = verifier.RunTestWithVerifier(test_exe)
+ else:
+ exit =
+ # Create a success file if the test succeded.
+ if exit == 0:
+ open(success_file, 'w').write(str(
+ else:
+ failures = failures + 1
+ print '"%s" failed with exit status %d' % (test_exe, exit)
+ # Create the overall success file if everything succeded.
+ if failures == 0:
+ success_file = os.path.join(_SRC_DIR,
+ 'chrome',
+ config,
+ 'ceee') + '.success'
+ open(success_file, 'w').write(str(
+ return failures
+def Main():
+ if not ctypes.windll.shell32.IsUserAnAdmin():
+ print ("Please run the smoke tests in an admin prompt "
+ "(or AppVerifier won't work).")
+ return 1
+ failures = 0
+ for config in _CONFIGURATIONS:
+ failures += runner.BuildConfig(config)
+ if failures != 0:
+ print '%d build errors' % failures
+ return failures
+ for config in _CONFIGURATIONS:
+ failures += runner.RunConfigTests(config)
+ if failures != 0:
+ print '%d unittests failed' % failures
+ return failures
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ sys.exit(Main())
diff --git a/ceee/tools/ b/ceee/tools/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31fc6d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ceee/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+'''Utilities to automate running tests under app verifier.'''
+import os
+import os.path
+import re
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import win32com.client.gencache as gencache
+import xml.sax
+import xml.sax.handler
+TRACE_RE_ = re.compile('(?P<module>\w+)' # Module
+ '(?:'
+ '!' # Separator
+ '(?P<symbol>[^\+]+)' # Symbol
+ '(?:\+(?P<offset>[0-9a-f]+))?' # Optional hex offset
+ ')?' # Sometimes we only get a module
+ '(?:\s+\(' # Optional file and line
+ '(?P<file>[^@]*)' # file
+ '\s+@\s*'
+ '(?P<line>\d+)' # line
+ '\))?'
+ , re.I)
+# This is application verifier's automation library id.
+LIBID_AppVerifier = '{DAB52BCB-6990-464A-AC61-F60C8EF60E24}'
+ VerifierLib = gencache.EnsureModule(LIBID_AppVerifier, 0, 1, 0)
+ VerifierLib = None
+class LogTrace:
+ def __init__(self, text):
+ d = TRACE_RE_.match(text).groupdict()
+ self.module = d['module']
+ self.symbol = d['symbol']
+ self.offset = d['offset']
+ self.file = d['file']
+ self.line = d['line']
+ def __str__(self):
+ ret = ''
+ if self.file and self.line:
+ ret = '%s (%s): AppVerifier warning C1: ' % (self.file, self.line)
+ ret = '%s%s!%s' % (ret, self.module, self.symbol)
+ if self.offset:
+ ret = "%s+%s" % (ret, self.offset)
+ return ret
+class LogEntry:
+ def __init__(self, stopcode, layer, severity):
+ self.stopcode = stopcode
+ self.layer = layer
+ self.severity = severity
+ self.message = ''
+ self.trace = []
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "%s: %s\n\t%s" % (self.severity,
+ self.message,
+ '\n\t'.join(map(str,self.trace)))
+class VerifierSaxHandler(xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler):
+ '''Sax event handler to parse the verifier log file.
+ The XML generated by verifier appears not to be standards compliant, so
+ e.g. xml.dom.minidom falls down while parsing it, hence this tedious
+ implementation.
+ '''
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.log_entry = None
+ self.stack = []
+ self.element = None
+ self.errors = 0
+ self.text = ''
+ self.log_entries = []
+ def startElement(self, name, attrs):
+ self.stack.append((self.element, self.text))
+ self.element = name
+ self.text = []
+ if name == 'avrf:logEntry':
+ self.log_entry = LogEntry(attrs.getValue('StopCode'),
+ attrs.getValue('LayerName'),
+ attrs.getValue('Severity'))
+ self.errors += 1
+ def endElement(self, name):
+ if name == 'avrf:logEntry':
+ self.log_entries.append(self.log_entry)
+ self.log_entry = None
+ elif name == 'avrf:message':
+ self.log_entry.message = ''.join(self.text)
+ elif name == 'avrf:trace':
+ self.log_entry.trace.append(LogTrace(''.join(self.text)))
+ (self.element, self.text) = self.stack.pop()
+ def characters(self, content):
+ self.text.append(content)
+class AppverifierTestRunner:
+ '''Encapsulates logic to run an executable under app verifier.
+ Interacts with application verifiers automation library to set default
+ verifier settings for a given target, process logs etc.
+ '''
+ # Checks we want enabled.
+ default_checks_ = [
+ # Basics group
+ "Core",
+ "Exceptions",
+ "Handles",
+ "Heaps",
+ "InputOutput",
+ "Locks",
+ "Memory",
+ "TLS",
+ # Misc group
+ "DangerousAPIs",
+ "DirtyStacks",
+ "TimeRollOver",
+ ]
+ def __init__(self, break_on_stop):
+ self.manager = VerifierLib.AppVerifierManager()
+ self.break_on_stop = break_on_stop
+ def SetStopBreaks(self, check):
+ '''Configures all the stops for check to log only.
+ Arguments:
+ check: an app verifier check
+ '''
+ error_reporting = VerifierLib.constants.VerifierErrorReportingNoBreak
+ error_flags = (VerifierLib.constants.VerifierErrorFlagLogToFile |
+ VerifierLib.constants.VerifierErrorFlagLogStackTrace)
+ if self.break_on_stop:
+ error_reporting = VerifierLib.constants.VerifierErrorReportingBreakpoint
+ try:
+ for stop in check.Stops:
+ stop.ErrorReporting = error_reporting
+ stop.ErrorFlags = error_flags
+ except:
+ # Accessing or enumerating Stops fails for some checks.
+ print 'Exception setting options for check', check.Name
+ def ResetImage(self, image_name):
+ '''Removes all verifier settings for image_name.
+ '''
+ # Reset the settings for our image
+ try:
+ self.manager.Images.Remove(image_name)
+ except:
+ # this fails if verifier had no settings for the image
+ pass
+ def SetImageDefaults(self, image_name):
+ '''Configures a default set of tests for image_name
+ Arguments:
+ image_name: the basename of a test, e.g. 'common_unittest.exe'
+ '''
+ self.ResetImage(image_name)
+ image = self.manager.Images.Add(image_name)
+ for check in image.Checks:
+ if check.Name in self.default_checks_:
+ check.Enabled = True
+ self.SetStopBreaks(check)
+ def ClearImageLogs(self, image_name):
+ '''Deletes all app verifier logs for image_name.'''
+ logs = self.manager.Logs(image_name)
+ if logs:
+ while logs.Count:
+ logs.Remove(0)
+ def ProcessLog(self, log_path):
+ '''Process the verifier log at log_path.
+ Returns: a list of the log entries in the log.
+ '''
+ handler = VerifierSaxHandler()
+ doc = xml.sax.parse(open(log_path, 'rb'), handler)
+ return handler.log_entries
+ def SaveLog(self, log):
+ '''Saves log to an XML file and returns the path to the file.
+ '''
+ (fd, path) = tempfile.mkstemp('.xml', 'verifier_log')
+ os.close(fd)
+ try:
+ log.SaveAsXML(path, '')
+ except:
+ os.remove(path)
+ return None
+ return path
+ def ProcessLogs(self, test_name):
+ '''Processes all logs for image test_name.
+ Arguments:
+ test_name: the base name of the test executable.
+ Returns: A list of LogEntry instances for each error logged.
+ '''
+ logs = self.manager.Logs(test_name)
+ if not logs or not logs.Count:
+ return 0
+ errors = []
+ for log in logs:
+ path = self.SaveLog(log)
+ if path:
+ errors.extend(self.ProcessLog(path))
+ os.remove(path)
+ return errors
+ def RunTestWithVerifier(self, test_path):
+ '''Run a single test under verifier.
+ Arguments:
+ test_path: full or relative path to the test to run.
+ Returns:
+ A tuple with the test exit code and a list of verifier errors,
+ example:
+ (0, [error1, error2, ...])
+ '''
+ test_name = os.path.basename(test_path)
+ # Set up the verifier configuration
+ self.SetImageDefaults(test_name)
+ self.ClearImageLogs(test_name)
+ # run the test.
+ exit =
+ # Clear the verifier settings for the image.
+ self.ResetImage(test_name)
+ # And process the logs.
+ errors = self.ProcessLogs(test_name)
+ return (exit, errors)
+ def DumpImages_(self):
+ for image in self.manager.Images:
+ print image.Name
+ for check in image.Checks:
+ print '\t', check.Name, check.Enabled
+ def DumpLogs_(self, image_name):
+ for l in self.manager.Logs(image_name):
+ print l
+def RunTestWithVerifier(test_path, break_on_stop = False):
+ '''Runs test_path under app verifier.
+ Returns: a tuple of the exit code and list of errors
+ '''
+ runner = AppverifierTestRunner(break_on_stop)
+ return runner.RunTestWithVerifier(test_path)
+def HasAppVerifier():
+ '''Returns true iff application verifier is installed.'''
+ if VerifierLib:
+ return True
+ return False
+def Main():
+ '''Runs all tests on command line under verifier with stops disabled.'''
+ for test in sys.argv[1:]:
+ (exit_code, errors) = RunTestWithVerifier(test)
+ for error in errors:
+ print error
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ Main()