path: root/chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_popup_view_win.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_popup_view_win.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 210 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_popup_view_win.h b/chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_popup_view_win.h
deleted file mode 100644
index fbab53a..0000000
--- a/chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_popup_view_win.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <atlbase.h>
-#include <atlapp.h>
-#include <atlcrack.h>
-#include <atlmisc.h>
-#include <string>
-#include "app/gfx/font.h"
-#include "base/scoped_ptr.h"
-#include "base/win_util.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_popup_view.h"
-#include "webkit/glue/window_open_disposition.h"
-class AutocompletePopupModel;
-class AutocompleteEditModel;
-class AutocompleteEditViewWin;
-class Profile;
-class SkBitmap;
-#define AUTOCOMPLETEPOPUPVIEW_CLASSNAME L"Chrome_AutocompletePopupView"
-// This class implements a popup window used to display autocomplete results.
-class AutocompletePopupViewWin
- : public CWindowImpl<AutocompletePopupViewWin, CWindow, CControlWinTraits>,
- public AutocompletePopupView {
- public:
- ((win_util::GetWinVersion() < win_util::WINVERSION_XP) ?
- BEGIN_MSG_MAP(AutocompletePopupViewWin)
- AutocompletePopupViewWin(const gfx::Font& font,
- AutocompleteEditViewWin* edit_view,
- AutocompleteEditModel* edit_model,
- Profile* profile);
- // Returns true if the popup is currently open.
- virtual bool IsOpen() const { return m_hWnd != NULL; }
- // Invalidates one line of the autocomplete popup.
- virtual void InvalidateLine(size_t line);
- // Redraws the popup window to match any changes in the result set; this may
- // mean opening or closing the window.
- virtual void UpdatePopupAppearance();
- // Called by the model when hover is enabled or disabled.
- virtual void OnHoverEnabledOrDisabled(bool disabled);
- virtual void PaintUpdatesNow() { UpdateWindow(); }
- virtual AutocompletePopupModel* GetModel() { return model_.get(); }
- private:
- class MirroringContext;
- // Caches GDI objects and information for drawing.
- struct DrawLineInfo {
- enum LineStatus {
- NORMAL = 0,
- };
- explicit DrawLineInfo(const gfx::Font& font);
- ~DrawLineInfo();
- static COLORREF AlphaBlend(COLORREF foreground,
- COLORREF background,
- BYTE alpha);
- static const wchar_t ellipsis_str[];
- gfx::Font regular_font; // Fonts used for rendering AutocompleteMatches.
- gfx::Font bold_font;
- int font_height; // Height (in pixels) of a line of text w/o
- // padding.
- int line_height; // Height (in pixels) of a line of text w/padding.
- int ave_char_width; // Width (in pixels) of an average character of
- // the regular font.
- int ellipsis_width; // Width (in pixels) of the ellipsis_str.
- // colors
- COLORREF background_colors[MAX_STATUS_ENTRIES];
- // brushes
- private:
- static double LuminosityContrast(COLORREF color1, COLORREF color2);
- static double Luminosity(COLORREF color);
- };
- // message handlers
- LRESULT OnEraseBkgnd(HDC hdc) {
- // We do all needed erasing ourselves in OnPaint, so the only thing that
- // WM_ERASEBKGND will do is cause flicker. Disable it by just returning
- // nonzero here ("erase completed") without doing anything.
- return 1;
- }
- void OnLButtonDown(UINT keys, const CPoint& point);
- void OnMButtonDown(UINT keys, const CPoint& point);
- void OnLButtonUp(UINT keys, const CPoint& point);
- void OnMButtonUp(UINT keys, const CPoint& point);
- LRESULT OnMouseActivate(HWND window, UINT hit_test, UINT mouse_message);
- void OnMouseLeave();
- void OnMouseMove(UINT keys, const CPoint& point);
- void OnPaint(HDC hdc);
- // Called by On*ButtonUp() to do the actual work of handling a button
- // release. Opens the item at the given coordinate, using the supplied
- // disposition.
- void OnButtonUp(const CPoint& point, WindowOpenDisposition disposition);
- // Gives the topmost y coordinate within |line|, which should be within the
- // range of valid lines.
- int LineTopPixel(size_t line) const;
- // Converts the given y-coordinate to a line. Due to drawing slop (window
- // borders, etc.), |y| might be within the window but outside the range of
- // pixels which correspond to lines; in this case the result will be clamped,
- // i.e., the top and bottom lines will be treated as extending to the top and
- // bottom edges of the window, respectively.
- size_t PixelToLine(int y) const;
- // Draws a light border around the inside of the window with the given client
- // rectangle and DC.
- void DrawBorder(const RECT& rc, HDC dc);
- // Draws a single run of text with a particular style. Handles both LTR and
- // RTL text as well as eliding. Returns the width, in pixels, of the string
- // as it was actually displayed.
- int DrawString(HDC dc,
- int x,
- int y,
- int max_x,
- const wchar_t* text,
- int length,
- int style,
- const DrawLineInfo::LineStatus status,
- const MirroringContext* context,
- bool text_direction_is_rtl) const;
- // Draws a string from the autocomplete controller which can have specially
- // marked "match" portions.
- void DrawMatchFragments(HDC dc,
- const std::wstring& text,
- const ACMatchClassifications& classifications,
- int x,
- int y,
- int max_x,
- DrawLineInfo::LineStatus status) const;
- // Draws one line of the text in the box.
- void DrawEntry(HDC dc,
- const RECT& client_rect,
- size_t line,
- DrawLineInfo::LineStatus status,
- bool all_descriptions_empty,
- bool starred) const;
- // Draws the star at the specified location
- void DrawStar(HDC dc, int x, int y) const;
- scoped_ptr<AutocompletePopupModel> model_;
- AutocompleteEditViewWin* edit_view_;
- // Cached GDI information for drawing.
- DrawLineInfo line_info_;
- // Bitmap for the star. This is owned by the ResourceBundle.
- SkBitmap* star_;
- // A context used for mirroring regions.
- scoped_ptr<MirroringContext> mirroring_context_;
- // When hovered_line_ is kNoMatch, this holds the screen coordinates of the
- // mouse position when hover tracking was turned off. If the mouse moves to a
- // point over the popup that has different coordinates, hover tracking will be
- // re-enabled. When hovered_line_ is a valid line, the value here is
- // out-of-date and should be ignored.
- CPoint last_hover_coordinates_;
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(AutocompletePopupViewWin);