path: root/chrome/browser/autocomplete
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Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/browser/autocomplete')
4 files changed, 191 insertions, 184 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/autocomplete/ b/chrome/browser/autocomplete/
index 439248d..d645296 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/autocomplete/
+++ b/chrome/browser/autocomplete/
@@ -12,8 +12,7 @@ HistoryMatch::HistoryMatch()
: url_info(),
- innermost_match(true),
- promoted(false) {
+ innermost_match(true) {
HistoryMatch::HistoryMatch(const URLRow& url_info,
@@ -23,8 +22,7 @@ HistoryMatch::HistoryMatch(const URLRow& url_info,
: url_info(url_info),
- innermost_match(innermost_match),
- promoted(false) {
+ innermost_match(innermost_match) {
bool HistoryMatch::EqualsGURL(const HistoryMatch& h, const GURL& url) {
diff --git a/chrome/browser/autocomplete/history_provider_util.h b/chrome/browser/autocomplete/history_provider_util.h
index d6b04da..866a477 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/autocomplete/history_provider_util.h
+++ b/chrome/browser/autocomplete/history_provider_util.h
@@ -50,10 +50,6 @@ struct HistoryMatch {
// "x", no scheme in our prefix list (or "www.") begins with x, so all
// matches are, vacuously, "innermost matches".
bool innermost_match;
- // When sorting, all promoted matches should appear before all non-promoted
- // matches, regardless of other properties of the match.
- bool promoted;
typedef std::deque<HistoryMatch> HistoryMatches;
diff --git a/chrome/browser/autocomplete/ b/chrome/browser/autocomplete/
index d60910b..8e78b36 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/autocomplete/
+++ b/chrome/browser/autocomplete/
@@ -49,10 +49,6 @@ namespace {
// Acts like the > operator for URLInfo classes.
bool CompareHistoryMatch(const history::HistoryMatch& a,
const history::HistoryMatch& b) {
- // A promoted match is better than non-promoted.
- if (a.promoted != b.promoted)
- return a.promoted;
// A URL that has been typed at all is better than one that has never been
// typed. (Note "!"s on each side)
if (!a.url_info.typed_count() != !b.url_info.typed_count())
@@ -150,7 +146,7 @@ double CalculateRelevanceUsingScoreBuckets(
// |old_relevance| score and |scoring_params|. The new relevance score is
// guaranteed to be less than or equal to |old_relevance|. In other words, this
// function can only demote a score, never boost it. Returns |old_relevance| if
-// experimental scoring is disabled or if |match.promoted| is true.
+// experimental scoring is disabled.
int CalculateRelevanceScoreUsingScoringParams(
const history::HistoryMatch& match,
int old_relevance,
@@ -232,16 +228,14 @@ bool CreateOrPromoteMatch(const history::URLRow& info,
// Returns whether |match| is suitable for inline autocompletion.
bool CanPromoteMatchForInlineAutocomplete(const history::HistoryMatch& match) {
- // We can promote this match if it's been marked for promotion or typed at
- // least n times, where n == 1 for "simple" (host-only) URLs and n == 2 for
- // others. We set a higher bar for these long URLs because it's less likely
- // that users will want to visit them again. Even though we don't increment
- // the typed_count for pasted-in URLs, if the user manually edits the URL or
- // types some long thing in by hand, we wouldn't want to immediately start
- // autocompleting it.
- return match.promoted ||
- (match.url_info.typed_count() &&
- ((match.url_info.typed_count() > 1) || match.IsHostOnly()));
+ // We can promote this match if it's been typed at least n times, where n == 1
+ // for "simple" (host-only) URLs and n == 2 for others. We set a higher bar
+ // for these long URLs because it's less likely that users will want to visit
+ // them again. Even though we don't increment the typed_count for pasted-in
+ // URLs, if the user manually edits the URL or types some long thing in by
+ // hand, we wouldn't want to immediately start autocompleting it.
+ return match.url_info.typed_count() &&
+ ((match.url_info.typed_count() > 1) || match.IsHostOnly());
// Given the user's |input| and a |match| created from it, reduce the match's
@@ -417,8 +411,9 @@ HistoryURLProviderParams::HistoryURLProviderParams(
+ exact_suggestion_is_in_history(false),
+ promote_type(NEITHER),
- dont_suggest_exact_input(false),
default_search_provider(default_search_provider ?
new TemplateURL(default_search_provider->data()) : NULL),
search_terms_data(new SearchTermsDataSnapshot(search_terms_data)) {
@@ -527,14 +522,12 @@ void HistoryURLProvider::Start(const AutocompleteInput& input,
// autocomplete behavior here.
if (url_db) {
DoAutocomplete(NULL, url_db, params.get());
- // params->matches now has the matches we should expose to the provider.
- // Pass 2 expects a "clean slate" set of matches.
- matches_.swap(params->matches);
+ PromoteMatchIfNecessary(*params);
- // Reset the WYT match in |params| so that both passes get the same input
- // state, since DoAutocomplete() may have modified it.
- params->what_you_typed_match = what_you_typed_match;
+ // NOTE: We don't reset |params| here since at least the |promote_type|
+ // field on it will be read by the second pass -- see comments in
+ // DoAutocomplete().
// Pass 2: Ask the history service to call us back on the history thread,
@@ -689,9 +682,8 @@ void HistoryURLProvider::DoAutocomplete(history::HistoryBackend* backend,
history::URLDatabase* db,
HistoryURLProviderParams* params) {
// Get the matching URLs from the DB.
+ params->matches.clear();
history::URLRows url_matches;
- history::HistoryMatches history_matches;
const URLPrefixes& prefixes = URLPrefix::GetURLPrefixes();
for (URLPrefixes::const_iterator i(prefixes.begin()); i != prefixes.end();
++i) {
@@ -712,15 +704,15 @@ void HistoryURLProvider::DoAutocomplete(history::HistoryBackend* backend,
const URLPrefix* best_prefix = URLPrefix::BestURLPrefix(
base::UTF8ToUTF16(j->url().spec()), base::string16());
- history_matches.push_back(history::HistoryMatch(
+ params->matches.push_back(history::HistoryMatch(
*j, i->prefix.length(), !i->num_components,
i->num_components >= best_prefix->num_components));
// Create sorted list of suggestions.
- CullPoorMatches(*params, &history_matches);
- SortAndDedupMatches(&history_matches);
+ CullPoorMatches(params);
+ SortAndDedupMatches(&params->matches);
// Try to create a shorter suggestion from the best match.
// We allow the what you typed match to be displayed when there's a reasonable
@@ -737,77 +729,68 @@ void HistoryURLProvider::DoAutocomplete(history::HistoryBackend* backend,
(classifier.type() == VisitClassifier::UNVISITED_INTRANET) ||
!params->trim_http ||
(AutocompleteInput::NumNonHostComponents(params-> > 0));
- PromoteOrCreateShorterSuggestion(db, *params, have_what_you_typed_match,
- &history_matches);
- // Try to promote a match as an exact/inline autocomplete match. This also
- // moves it to the front of |history_matches|, so skip over it when
- // converting the rest of the matches.
- size_t first_match = 1;
- size_t exact_suggestion = 0;
- // Checking params->what_you_typed_match.is_history_what_you_typed_match tells
- // us whether SuggestExactInput() succeeded in constructing a valid match.
- if (params->what_you_typed_match.is_history_what_you_typed_match &&
- (!backend || !params->dont_suggest_exact_input) &&
- FixupExactSuggestion(db, classifier, params, &history_matches)) {
- // Got an exact match for the user's input. Treat it as the best match
- // regardless of the input type.
- exact_suggestion = 1;
- params->matches.push_back(params->what_you_typed_match);
- } else if (params->prevent_inline_autocomplete ||
- history_matches.empty() ||
- !PromoteMatchForInlineAutocomplete(history_matches.front(), params)) {
- // Failed to promote any URLs for inline autocompletion. Use the What You
- // Typed match, if we have it.
- first_match = 0;
- if (have_what_you_typed_match)
- params->matches.push_back(params->what_you_typed_match);
- }
- // This is the end of the synchronous pass.
- if (!backend)
- return;
- // Determine relevancy of highest scoring match, if any.
- int relevance = -1;
- for (ACMatches::const_iterator it = params->matches.begin();
- it != params->matches.end(); ++it) {
- relevance = std::max(relevance, it->relevance);
+ const bool have_shorter_suggestion_suitable_for_inline_autocomplete =
+ PromoteOrCreateShorterSuggestion(db, have_what_you_typed_match, params);
+ // Check whether what the user typed appears in history.
+ const bool can_check_history_for_exact_match =
+ // Checking what_you_typed_match.is_history_what_you_typed_match tells us
+ // whether SuggestExactInput() succeeded in constructing a valid match.
+ params->what_you_typed_match.is_history_what_you_typed_match &&
+ // Additionally, in the case where the user has typed "" and
+ // visited (but not typed) "foo/", and the input is "foo", the first pass
+ // will fall into the FRONT_HISTORY_MATCH case for "" but the
+ // second pass can suggest the exact input as a better URL. Since we need
+ // both passes to agree, and since during the first pass there's no way to
+ // know about "foo/", ensure that if the promote type was set to
+ // FRONT_HISTORY_MATCH during the first pass, the second pass will not
+ // consider the exact suggestion to be in history and therefore will not
+ // suggest the exact input as a better match. (Note that during the first
+ // pass, this conditional will always succeed since |promote_type| is
+ // initialized to NEITHER.)
+ (params->promote_type != HistoryURLProviderParams::FRONT_HISTORY_MATCH);
+ params->exact_suggestion_is_in_history = can_check_history_for_exact_match &&
+ FixupExactSuggestion(db, classifier, params);
+ // If we succeeded in fixing up the exact match based on the user's history,
+ // we should treat it as the best match regardless of input type. If not,
+ // then we check whether there's an inline autocompletion we can create from
+ // this input, so we can promote that as the best match.
+ if (params->exact_suggestion_is_in_history) {
+ params->promote_type = HistoryURLProviderParams::WHAT_YOU_TYPED_MATCH;
+ } else if (!params->prevent_inline_autocomplete && !params->matches.empty() &&
+ (have_shorter_suggestion_suitable_for_inline_autocomplete ||
+ CanPromoteMatchForInlineAutocomplete(params->matches[0]))) {
+ params->promote_type = HistoryURLProviderParams::FRONT_HISTORY_MATCH;
+ } else {
+ // Failed to promote any URLs. Use the What You Typed match, if we have it.
+ params->promote_type = have_what_you_typed_match ?
+ HistoryURLProviderParams::WHAT_YOU_TYPED_MATCH :
+ HistoryURLProviderParams::NEITHER;
- if (cull_redirects_) {
+ const size_t max_results =
+ kMaxMatches + (params->exact_suggestion_is_in_history ? 1 : 0);
+ if (backend && cull_redirects_) {
// Remove redirects and trim list to size. We want to provide up to
// kMaxMatches results plus the What You Typed result, if it was added to
- // |history_matches| above.
- CullRedirects(backend, &history_matches, kMaxMatches + exact_suggestion);
- } else {
+ // params->matches above.
+ CullRedirects(backend, &params->matches, max_results);
+ } else if (params->matches.size() > max_results) {
// Simply trim the list to size.
- if (history_matches.size() > kMaxMatches + exact_suggestion)
- history_matches.resize(kMaxMatches + exact_suggestion);
+ params->matches.resize(max_results);
- // Convert the history matches to autocomplete matches.
- for (size_t i = first_match; i < history_matches.size(); ++i) {
- const history::HistoryMatch& match = history_matches[i];
- DCHECK(!have_what_you_typed_match ||
- (match.url_info.url() !=
- GURL(params->matches.front().destination_url)));
- // If we've assigned a score already, all later matches score one
- // less than the previous match.
- relevance = (relevance > 0) ?
- (relevance - 1) :
- CalculateRelevance(NORMAL,
- static_cast<int>(history_matches.size() - 1 - i));
- AutocompleteMatch ac_match = HistoryMatchToACMatch(*params, match,
- NORMAL, relevance);
- // The experimental scoring must not change the top result's score.
- if (!params->matches.empty()) {
- relevance = CalculateRelevanceScoreUsingScoringParams(match, relevance,
- scoring_params_);
- ac_match.relevance = relevance;
- }
- params->matches.push_back(ac_match);
- }
+void HistoryURLProvider::PromoteMatchIfNecessary(
+ const HistoryURLProviderParams& params) {
+ if (params.promote_type == HistoryURLProviderParams::NEITHER)
+ return;
+ matches_.push_back(
+ (params.promote_type == HistoryURLProviderParams::WHAT_YOU_TYPED_MATCH) ?
+ params.what_you_typed_match :
+ HistoryMatchToACMatch(params, 0, INLINE_AUTOCOMPLETE,
+ CalculateRelevance(INLINE_AUTOCOMPLETE, 0)));
void HistoryURLProvider::QueryComplete(
@@ -827,7 +810,32 @@ void HistoryURLProvider::QueryComplete(
// Don't modify |matches_| if the query failed, since it might have a default
// match in it, whereas |params->matches| will be empty.
if (!params->failed) {
- matches_.swap(params->matches);
+ matches_.clear();
+ PromoteMatchIfNecessary(*params);
+ // Determine relevance of highest scoring match, if any.
+ int relevance = matches_.empty() ?
+ CalculateRelevance(NORMAL,
+ static_cast<int>(params->matches.size() - 1)) :
+ matches_[0].relevance;
+ // Convert the history matches to autocomplete matches. If we promoted the
+ // first match, skip over it.
+ const size_t first_match =
+ (params->exact_suggestion_is_in_history ||
+ (params->promote_type ==
+ HistoryURLProviderParams::FRONT_HISTORY_MATCH)) ? 1 : 0;
+ for (size_t i = first_match; i < params->matches.size(); ++i) {
+ // All matches score one less than the previous match.
+ --relevance;
+ // The experimental scoring must not change the top result's score.
+ if (!matches_.empty()) {
+ relevance = CalculateRelevanceScoreUsingScoringParams(
+ params->matches[i], relevance, scoring_params_);
+ }
+ matches_.push_back(HistoryMatchToACMatch(*params, i, NORMAL, relevance));
+ }
@@ -838,10 +846,7 @@ void HistoryURLProvider::QueryComplete(
bool HistoryURLProvider::FixupExactSuggestion(
history::URLDatabase* db,
const VisitClassifier& classifier,
- HistoryURLProviderParams* params,
- history::HistoryMatches* matches) const {
- DCHECK(matches != NULL);
+ HistoryURLProviderParams* params) const {
switch (classifier.type()) {
case VisitClassifier::INVALID:
@@ -904,12 +909,12 @@ bool HistoryURLProvider::FixupExactSuggestion(
// DoAutocomplete() will fall back on this match if inline autocompletion
// fails. This matches how we react to never-visited URL inputs in the non-
// intranet case.
- if (type == UNVISITED_INTRANET && !matches->empty())
+ if (type == UNVISITED_INTRANET && !params->matches.empty())
return false;
// Put it on the front of the HistoryMatches for redirect culling.
CreateOrPromoteMatch(classifier.url_row(), base::string16::npos, false,
- matches, true, true);
+ &params->matches, true, true);
return true;
@@ -934,38 +939,18 @@ bool HistoryURLProvider::CanFindIntranetURL(
return registry_length == 0 && db->IsTypedHost(host);
-bool HistoryURLProvider::PromoteMatchForInlineAutocomplete(
- const history::HistoryMatch& match,
- HistoryURLProviderParams* params) {
- if (!CanPromoteMatchForInlineAutocomplete(match))
- return false;
- // In the case where the user has typed "" and visited (but not typed)
- // "foo/", and the input is "foo", we can reach here for "" during the
- // first pass but have the second pass suggest the exact input as a better
- // URL. Since we need both passes to agree, and since during the first pass
- // there's no way to know about "foo/", make reaching this point prevent any
- // future pass from suggesting the exact input as a better match.
- params->dont_suggest_exact_input = true;
- params->matches.push_back(HistoryMatchToACMatch(
- *params, match, INLINE_AUTOCOMPLETE,
- CalculateRelevance(INLINE_AUTOCOMPLETE, 0)));
- return true;
-void HistoryURLProvider::PromoteOrCreateShorterSuggestion(
+bool HistoryURLProvider::PromoteOrCreateShorterSuggestion(
history::URLDatabase* db,
- const HistoryURLProviderParams& params,
bool have_what_you_typed_match,
- history::HistoryMatches* matches) {
- if (matches->empty())
- return; // No matches, nothing to do.
+ HistoryURLProviderParams* params) {
+ if (params->matches.empty())
+ return false; // No matches, nothing to do.
// Determine the base URL from which to search, and whether that URL could
// itself be added as a match. We can add the base iff it's not "effectively
// the same" as any "what you typed" match.
- const history::HistoryMatch& match = matches->front();
- GURL search_base = ConvertToHostOnly(match, params.input.text());
+ const history::HistoryMatch& match = params->matches[0];
+ GURL search_base = ConvertToHostOnly(match, params->input.text());
bool can_add_search_base_to_matches = !have_what_you_typed_match;
if (search_base.is_empty()) {
// Search from what the user typed when we couldn't reduce the best match
@@ -976,16 +961,16 @@ void HistoryURLProvider::PromoteOrCreateShorterSuggestion(
// "".
// TODO: this should be cleaned up, and is probably incorrect for IDN.
std::string new_match = match.url_info.url().possibly_invalid_spec().
- substr(0, match.input_location + params.input.text().length());
+ substr(0, match.input_location + params->input.text().length());
search_base = GURL(new_match);
if (search_base.is_empty())
- return; // Can't construct a valid URL from which to start a search.
+ return false; // Can't construct a URL from which to start a search.
} else if (!can_add_search_base_to_matches) {
can_add_search_base_to_matches =
- (search_base != params.what_you_typed_match.destination_url);
+ (search_base != params->what_you_typed_match.destination_url);
if (search_base == match.url_info.url())
- return; // Couldn't shorten |match|, so no range of URLs to search over.
+ return false; // Couldn't shorten |match|, so no URLs to search over.
// Search the DB for short URLs between our base and |match|.
history::URLRow info(search_base);
@@ -1004,7 +989,7 @@ void HistoryURLProvider::PromoteOrCreateShorterSuggestion(
match.url_info.url().possibly_invalid_spec(), min_visit_count,
min_typed_count, can_add_search_base_to_matches, &info)) {
if (!can_add_search_base_to_matches)
- return; // Couldn't find anything and can't add the search base, bail.
+ return false; // Couldn't find anything and can't add the search base.
// Try to get info on the search base itself. Promote it to the top if the
// original best match isn't good enough to autocomplete.
@@ -1013,27 +998,26 @@ void HistoryURLProvider::PromoteOrCreateShorterSuggestion(
// Promote or add the desired URL to the list of matches.
- bool ensure_can_inline =
+ const bool ensure_can_inline =
promote && CanPromoteMatchForInlineAutocomplete(match);
- ensure_can_inline &= CreateOrPromoteMatch(info, match.input_location,
- match.match_in_scheme, matches, create_shorter_match_, promote);
- if (ensure_can_inline)
- matches->front().promoted = true;
+ return CreateOrPromoteMatch(info, match.input_location, match.match_in_scheme,
+ &params->matches, create_shorter_match_,
+ promote) &&
+ ensure_can_inline;
void HistoryURLProvider::CullPoorMatches(
- const HistoryURLProviderParams& params,
- history::HistoryMatches* matches) const {
+ HistoryURLProviderParams* params) const {
const base::Time& threshold(history::AutocompleteAgeThreshold());
- for (history::HistoryMatches::iterator i(matches->begin());
- i != matches->end(); ) {
+ for (history::HistoryMatches::iterator i(params->matches.begin());
+ i != params->matches.end(); ) {
if (RowQualifiesAsSignificant(i->url_info, threshold) &&
- !(params.default_search_provider &&
- params.default_search_provider->IsSearchURL(
- i->url_info.url(), *params.search_terms_data.get()))) {
+ (!params->default_search_provider ||
+ !params->default_search_provider->IsSearchURL(
+ i->url_info.url(), *params->search_terms_data))) {
} else {
- i = matches->erase(i);
+ i = params->matches.erase(i);
@@ -1100,9 +1084,15 @@ size_t HistoryURLProvider::RemoveSubsequentMatchesOf(
AutocompleteMatch HistoryURLProvider::HistoryMatchToACMatch(
const HistoryURLProviderParams& params,
- const history::HistoryMatch& history_match,
+ size_t match_number,
MatchType match_type,
int relevance) {
+ // The FormattedStringWithEquivalentMeaning() call below requires callers to
+ // be on the UI thread.
+ DCHECK(content::BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(content::BrowserThread::UI) ||
+ !content::BrowserThread::IsThreadInitialized(content::BrowserThread::UI));
+ const history::HistoryMatch& history_match = params.matches[match_number];
const history::URLRow& info = history_match.url_info;
AutocompleteMatch match(this, relevance,
!!info.visit_count(), AutocompleteMatchType::HISTORY_URL);
diff --git a/chrome/browser/autocomplete/history_url_provider.h b/chrome/browser/autocomplete/history_url_provider.h
index 47d01d9..7591462 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/autocomplete/history_url_provider.h
+++ b/chrome/browser/autocomplete/history_url_provider.h
@@ -88,6 +88,13 @@ class URLDatabase;
// Used to communicate autocomplete parameters between threads via the history
// service.
struct HistoryURLProviderParams {
+ // See comments on |promote_type| below.
+ enum PromoteType {
+ };
HistoryURLProviderParams(const AutocompleteInput& input,
bool trim_http,
const AutocompleteMatch& what_you_typed_match,
@@ -125,18 +132,33 @@ struct HistoryURLProviderParams {
// |matches_| at all, so it won't delete the default match Start() creates.
bool failed;
- // List of matches written by the history thread. We keep this separate list
- // to avoid having the main thread read the provider's matches while the
- // history thread is manipulating them. The provider copies this list back
- // to matches_ on the main thread in QueryComplete().
- ACMatches matches;
+ // List of matches written by DoAutocomplete(). Upon its return the provider
+ // converts this list to ACMatches and places them in |matches_|.
+ history::HistoryMatches matches;
+ // True if the suggestion for exactly what the user typed appears as a known
+ // URL in the user's history. In this case, this will also be the first match
+ // in |matches|.
+ //
+ // NOTE: There are some complications related to keeping things consistent
+ // between passes and how we deal with intranet URLs, which are too complex to
+ // explain here; see the implementations of DoAutocomplete() and
+ // FixupExactSuggestion() for specific comments.
+ bool exact_suggestion_is_in_history;
+ // Tells the provider whether to promote the what you typed match, the first
+ // element of |matches|, or neither as the first AutocompleteMatch. If
+ // |exact_suggestion_is_in_history| is true (and thus "the what you typed
+ // match" and "the first element of |matches|" represent the same thing), this
+ // will be set to WHAT_YOU_TYPED_MATCH.
+ //
+ // NOTE: The second pass of DoAutocomplete() checks what the first pass set
+ // this to. See comments in DoAutocomplete().
+ PromoteType promote_type;
// Languages we should pass to gfx::GetCleanStringFromUrl.
std::string languages;
- // When true, we should avoid calling SuggestExactInput().
- bool dont_suggest_exact_input;
// The default search provider and search terms data necessary to cull results
// that correspond to searches (on the default engine). These can only be
// obtained on the UI thread, so we have to copy them into here to pass them
@@ -173,8 +195,9 @@ class HistoryURLProvider : public HistoryProvider {
// input of |text|. |trim_http| controls whether the match's |fill_into_edit|
// and |contents| should have any HTTP scheme stripped off, and should not be
// set to true if |text| contains an http prefix.
- // NOTE: This does not set the relevance of the returned match, as different
- // callers want different behavior. Callers must set this manually.
+ // NOTES: This does not set the relevance of the returned match, as different
+ // callers want different behavior. Callers must set this manually.
+ // This function should only be called on the UI thread.
AutocompleteMatch SuggestExactInput(const base::string16& text,
const GURL& destination_url,
bool trim_http);
@@ -220,6 +243,11 @@ class HistoryURLProvider : public HistoryProvider {
history::URLDatabase* db,
HistoryURLProviderParams* params);
+ // May promote either the what you typed match or first history match in
+ // params->matches to the front of |matches_|, depending on the value of
+ // params->promote_type.
+ void PromoteMatchIfNecessary(const HistoryURLProviderParams& params);
// Dispatches the results to the autocomplete controller. Called on the
// main thread by ExecuteWithDB when the results are available.
// Frees params_gets_deleted on exit.
@@ -228,12 +256,11 @@ class HistoryURLProvider : public HistoryProvider {
// Looks up the info for params->what_you_typed_match in the DB. If found,
// fills in the title, promotes the match's priority to that of an inline
// autocomplete match (maybe it should be slightly better?), and places it on
- // the front of |matches| (so we pick the right matches to throw away when
- // culling redirects to/from it). Returns whether a match was promoted.
+ // the front of params->matches (so we pick the right matches to throw away
+ // when culling redirects to/from it). Returns whether a match was promoted.
bool FixupExactSuggestion(history::URLDatabase* db,
const VisitClassifier& classifier,
- HistoryURLProviderParams* params,
- history::HistoryMatches* matches) const;
+ HistoryURLProviderParams* params) const;
// Helper function for FixupExactSuggestion, this returns true if the input
// corresponds to some intranet URL where the user has previously visited the
@@ -241,22 +268,18 @@ class HistoryURLProvider : public HistoryProvider {
bool CanFindIntranetURL(history::URLDatabase* db,
const AutocompleteInput& input) const;
- // Determines if |match| is suitable for inline autocomplete. If so, promotes
- // the match. Returns whether |match| was promoted.
- bool PromoteMatchForInlineAutocomplete(const history::HistoryMatch& match,
- HistoryURLProviderParams* params);
// Sees if a shorter version of the best match should be created, and if so
- // places it at the front of |matches|. This can suggest history URLs that
- // are prefixes of the best match (if they've been visited enough, compared to
- // the best match), or create host-only suggestions even when they haven't
- // been visited before: if the user visited once,
- // we'll suggest even if they've never been to it.
- void PromoteOrCreateShorterSuggestion(
+ // places it at the front of params->matches. This can suggest history URLs
+ // that are prefixes of the best match (if they've been visited enough,
+ // compared to the best match), or create host-only suggestions even when they
+ // haven't been visited before: if the user visited
+ // once, we'll suggest even if they've never been to it.
+ // Returns true if a match was successfully created/promoted that we're
+ // willing to inline autocomplete.
+ bool PromoteOrCreateShorterSuggestion(
history::URLDatabase* db,
- const HistoryURLProviderParams& params,
bool have_what_you_typed_match,
- history::HistoryMatches* matches);
+ HistoryURLProviderParams* params);
// Removes results that have been rarely typed or visited, and not any time
// recently. The exact parameters for this heuristic can be found in the
@@ -264,8 +287,7 @@ class HistoryURLProvider : public HistoryProvider {
// search engine. These are low-quality, difficult-to-understand matches for
// users, and the SearchProvider should surface past queries in a better way
// anyway.
- void CullPoorMatches(const HistoryURLProviderParams& params,
- history::HistoryMatches* matches) const;
+ void CullPoorMatches(HistoryURLProviderParams* params) const;
// Removes results that redirect to each other, leaving at most |max_results|
// results.
@@ -285,12 +307,13 @@ class HistoryURLProvider : public HistoryProvider {
size_t source_index,
const std::vector<GURL>& remove) const;
- // Converts a line from the database into an autocomplete match for display.
- // If experimental scoring is enabled, the final relevance score might be
- // different from the given |relevance|.
+ // Converts a specified |match_number| from params.matches into an
+ // autocomplete match for display. If experimental scoring is enabled, the
+ // final relevance score might be different from the given |relevance|.
+ // NOTE: This function should only be called on the UI thread.
AutocompleteMatch HistoryMatchToACMatch(
const HistoryURLProviderParams& params,
- const history::HistoryMatch& history_match,
+ size_t match_number,
MatchType match_type,
int relevance);