path: root/chrome/browser/autocomplete
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Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/browser/autocomplete')
2 files changed, 168 insertions, 51 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/autocomplete/ b/chrome/browser/autocomplete/
index 94a6343..a93e9ab 100755
--- a/chrome/browser/autocomplete/
+++ b/chrome/browser/autocomplete/
@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@
#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_popup_view_gtk.h"
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/gfx/gtk_util.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/string_util.h"
@@ -14,13 +17,67 @@
#include "chrome/browser/profile.h"
#include "chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url.h"
#include "chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url_model.h"
+#include "chrome/common/gfx/chrome_font.h"
#include "chrome/common/notification_service.h"
namespace {
-const GdkColor kPopupBorderColor = GDK_COLOR_RGB(0xc7, 0xca, 0xce);
-const GdkColor kPopupBackground = GDK_COLOR_RGB(0xff, 0xff, 0xff);
-const GdkColor kHighlightColor = GDK_COLOR_RGB(0xc1, 0xc8, 0xd9);
+const GdkColor kBorderColor = GDK_COLOR_RGB(0xc7, 0xca, 0xce);
+const GdkColor kBackgroundColor = GDK_COLOR_RGB(0xff, 0xff, 0xff);
+const GdkColor kSelectedBackgroundColor = GDK_COLOR_RGB(0xdf, 0xe6, 0xf6);
+const int kBorderThickness = 1;
+const int kHeightPerResult = 20;
+// Additional distance below the edit control.
+const int kTopMargin = 3;
+// Space between edge and the text. This includes the border, so the text
+// will be kLeftRightPadding - kBorderThickness away from the border.
+const int kLeftRightPadding = 3;
+// TODO(deanm): We should put this on ChromeFont so it can be shared.
+// Returns a new pango font, free with pango_font_description_free().
+PangoFontDescription* PangoFontFromChromeFont(const ChromeFont& chrome_font) {
+ ChromeFont font = chrome_font; // Copy so we can call non-const methods.
+ PangoFontDescription* pfd = pango_font_description_new();
+ pango_font_description_set_family(pfd, WideToUTF8(font.FontName()).c_str());
+ pango_font_description_set_size(pfd, font.FontSize() * PANGO_SCALE);
+ switch ( {
+ case ChromeFont::NORMAL:
+ // Nothing to do, should already be PANGO_STYLE_NORMAL.
+ break;
+ case ChromeFont::BOLD:
+ pango_font_description_set_weight(pfd, PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD);
+ break;
+ case ChromeFont::ITALIC:
+ pango_font_description_set_style(pfd, PANGO_STYLE_ITALIC);
+ break;
+ case ChromeFont::UNDERLINED:
+ // TODO(deanm): How to do underlined? Where do we use it? Probably have
+ // to paint it ourselves, see pango_font_metrics_get_underline_position.
+ break;
+ }
+ return pfd;
+// Return a GdkRectangle covering the whole area of |window|.
+GdkRectangle GetWindowRect(GdkWindow* window) {
+ gint width, height;
+ gdk_drawable_get_size(GDK_DRAWABLE(window), &width, &height);
+ GdkRectangle rect = {0, 0, width, height};
+ return rect;
+// Return a rectangle for the space for a result. This excludes the border,
+// but includes the padding. This is the area that is colored for a selection.
+GdkRectangle GetRectForLine(size_t line, int width) {
+ GdkRectangle rect = {kBorderThickness,
+ (line * kHeightPerResult) + kBorderThickness,
+ width - (kBorderThickness * 2),
+ kHeightPerResult};
+ return rect;
} // namespace
@@ -28,18 +85,29 @@ AutocompletePopupViewGtk::AutocompletePopupViewGtk(
AutocompleteEditViewGtk* edit_view,
AutocompleteEditModel* edit_model,
Profile* profile)
- : model_(new AutocompletePopupModel(this, edit_model, profile)),
+ : font_(NULL),
+ model_(new AutocompletePopupModel(this, edit_model, profile)),
- vbox_(NULL),
opened_(false) {
// Don't allow the window to be resized. This also forces the window to
// shrink down to the size of its child contents.
gtk_window_set_resizable(GTK_WINDOW(window_), FALSE);
- // Set up a 1 pixel border around the popup.
- gtk_container_set_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(window_), 1);
- gtk_widget_modify_bg(window_, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, &kPopupBorderColor);
+ gtk_widget_set_app_paintable(window_, TRUE);
+ // Have GTK double buffer around the expose signal.
+ gtk_widget_set_double_buffered(window_, TRUE);
+ // Set the background color, so we don't need to paint it manually.
+ gtk_widget_modify_bg(window_, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, &kBackgroundColor);
+ // TODO(deanm): We might want to eventually follow what Windows does and
+ // plumb a ChromeFont through. This is because popup windows have a
+ // different font size, although we could just derive that font here.
+ ChromeFont default_font;
+ font_ = PangoFontFromChromeFont(default_font);
+ g_signal_connect(window_, "expose-event",
+ G_CALLBACK(&HandleExposeThunk), this);
AutocompletePopupViewGtk::~AutocompletePopupViewGtk() {
@@ -47,13 +115,14 @@ AutocompletePopupViewGtk::~AutocompletePopupViewGtk() {
// This is because the model destructor can call back into us, and we need
// to make sure everything is still valid when it does.
- if (vbox_)
- gtk_widget_destroy(vbox_);
+ pango_font_description_free(font_);
void AutocompletePopupViewGtk::InvalidateLine(size_t line) {
- UpdatePopupAppearance();
+ GdkRectangle rect = GetWindowRect(window_->window);
+ rect = GetRectForLine(line, rect.width);
+ gdk_window_invalidate_rect(window_->window, &rect, FALSE);
void AutocompletePopupViewGtk::UpdatePopupAppearance() {
@@ -63,39 +132,8 @@ void AutocompletePopupViewGtk::UpdatePopupAppearance() {
- // TODO(deanm): This could be done better, but the code is temporary
- // and will need to be replaced with custom drawing and not widgets.
- if (vbox_)
- gtk_widget_destroy(vbox_);
- vbox_ = gtk_vbox_new(FALSE, 0);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < result.size(); ++i) {
- GtkWidget* label = gtk_label_new(NULL);
- char* markup = g_markup_printf_escaped(
- "%s <span weight=\"light\" size=\"small\">%s</span>",
- WideToUTF8(result.match_at(i).contents).c_str(),
- WideToUTF8(result.match_at(i).description).c_str());
- gtk_label_set_markup(GTK_LABEL(label), markup);
- g_free (markup);
- // We need to put the labels in an event box for background painting.
- GtkWidget* ebox = gtk_event_box_new();
- gtk_misc_set_alignment(GTK_MISC(label), 0, 0);
- gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(ebox), label);
- gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox_), ebox, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
- gtk_widget_show(label);
- gtk_widget_show(ebox);
- if (i == model_->selected_line()) {
- gtk_widget_modify_bg(ebox, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, &kHighlightColor);
- } else {
- gtk_widget_modify_bg(ebox, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, &kPopupBackground);
- }
- }
- gtk_widget_show(vbox_);
- gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(window_), vbox_);
- Show();
+ Show(result.size());
+ gtk_widget_queue_draw(window_);
void AutocompletePopupViewGtk::OnHoverEnabledOrDisabled(bool disabled) {
@@ -103,14 +141,16 @@ void AutocompletePopupViewGtk::OnHoverEnabledOrDisabled(bool disabled) {
void AutocompletePopupViewGtk::PaintUpdatesNow() {
- UpdatePopupAppearance();
+ // Paint our queued invalidations now, synchronously.
+ gdk_window_process_updates(window_->window, FALSE);
-void AutocompletePopupViewGtk::Show() {
+void AutocompletePopupViewGtk::Show(size_t num_results) {
gint x, y, width;
edit_view_->BottomLeftPosWidth(&x, &y, &width);
- gtk_window_move(GTK_WINDOW(window_), x, y);
- gtk_widget_set_size_request(window_, width, -1);
+ gtk_window_move(GTK_WINDOW(window_), x, y + kTopMargin);
+ gtk_widget_set_size_request(window_, width,
+ (num_results * kHeightPerResult) + (kBorderThickness * 2));
opened_ = true;
@@ -119,3 +159,71 @@ void AutocompletePopupViewGtk::Hide() {
opened_ = false;
+gboolean AutocompletePopupViewGtk::HandleExpose(GtkWidget* widget,
+ GdkEventExpose* event) {
+ const AutocompleteResult& result = model_->result();
+ GdkRectangle window_rect = GetWindowRect(event->window);
+ // Handle when our window is super narrow. A bunch of the calculations
+ // below would go negative, and really we're not going to fit anything
+ // useful in such a small window anyway. Just don't paint anything.
+ // This means we won't draw the border, but, yeah, whatever.
+ if (window_rect.width < (kLeftRightPadding * 3))
+ return TRUE;
+ GdkDrawable* drawable = GDK_DRAWABLE(event->window);
+ GdkGC* gc = gdk_gc_new(drawable);
+ GdkGCValues default_gc_values;
+ gdk_gc_get_values(gc, &default_gc_values);
+ // kBorderColor is unallocated, so use the GdkRGB routine.
+ gdk_gc_set_rgb_fg_color(gc, &kBorderColor);
+ // This assert is kinda ugly, but it would be more currently unneeded work
+ // to support painting a border that isn't 1 pixel thick. There is no point
+ // in writing that code now, and explode if that day ever comes.
+ COMPILE_ASSERT(kBorderThickness == 1, border_1px_implied);
+ // Draw the 1px border around the entire window.
+ gdk_draw_rectangle(drawable, gc, FALSE,
+ 0, 0,
+ window_rect.width - 1, window_rect.height - 1);
+ // Draw the background for the selected result line.
+ size_t selected = model_->selected_line();
+ if (selected != AutocompletePopupModel::kNoMatch) {
+ gdk_gc_set_rgb_fg_color(gc, &kSelectedBackgroundColor);
+ GdkRectangle rect = GetRectForLine(selected, window_rect.width);
+ gdk_draw_rectangle(drawable, gc, TRUE,
+ rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);
+ }
+ // Restore the original GC foreground color.
+ gdk_gc_set_foreground(gc, &default_gc_values.foreground);
+ // TODO(deanm): Cache the layout? How expensive is it to create?
+ PangoLayout* layout = gtk_widget_create_pango_layout(window_, NULL);
+ pango_layout_set_ellipsize(layout, PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_END);
+ pango_layout_set_width(layout,
+ (window_rect.width - (kLeftRightPadding * 2)) * PANGO_SCALE);
+ pango_layout_set_height(layout, kHeightPerResult * PANGO_SCALE);
+ pango_layout_set_font_description(layout, font_);
+ // TODO(deanm): Intersect the line and damage rects, and only repaint and
+ // layout the lines that are actually damaged. For now paint everything.
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < result.size(); ++i) {
+ std::string contents_utf8 = WideToUTF8(result.match_at(i).contents);
+ pango_layout_set_text(layout,, contents_utf8.size());
+ // TODO(deanm): Should probably try harder to vertically align the text.
+ gdk_draw_layout(drawable, gc,
+ kLeftRightPadding, i * kHeightPerResult + 1,
+ layout);
+ // TODO(deanm): Draw the "description" on the right of the contents.
+ }
+ g_object_unref(gc);
+ return TRUE;
diff --git a/chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_popup_view_gtk.h b/chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_popup_view_gtk.h
index 3c4fcc8..c1bd5ef 100755
--- a/chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_popup_view_gtk.h
+++ b/chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_popup_view_gtk.h
@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_popup_view.h"
#include "webkit/glue/window_open_disposition.h"
-class AutocompletePopupModel;
class AutocompleteEditModel;
class AutocompleteEditViewGtk;
+class AutocompletePopupModel;
class Profile;
class SkBitmap;
@@ -38,14 +38,23 @@ class AutocompletePopupViewGtk : public AutocompletePopupView {
AutocompletePopupModel* model() { return model_.get(); }
- void Show();
+ void Show(size_t num_results);
void Hide();
+ static gboolean HandleExposeThunk(GtkWidget* widget, GdkEventExpose* event,
+ gpointer userdata) {
+ return reinterpret_cast<AutocompletePopupViewGtk*>(userdata)->
+ HandleExpose(widget, event);
+ }
+ gboolean HandleExpose(GtkWidget* widget, GdkEventExpose* event);
+ PangoFontDescription* font_;
scoped_ptr<AutocompletePopupModel> model_;
AutocompleteEditViewGtk* edit_view_;
GtkWidget* window_;
- GtkWidget* vbox_;
bool opened_;