path: root/chrome/browser/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/browser/')
1 files changed, 166 insertions, 171 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/ b/chrome/browser/
index d760b5a..e944de7 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/
+++ b/chrome/browser/
@@ -1,171 +1,166 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// NOTE: This class is currently unsed. The plan is to move bookmarks
-// out of the history db using this class and BookmarksCodec instead
-// (bug 1256202).
-#include "chrome/browser/bookmark_storage.h"
-#include "base/file_util.h"
-#include "base/json_writer.h"
-#include "base/message_loop.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/bookmark_bar_model.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/bookmark_codec.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/profile.h"
-#include "chrome/common/chrome_constants.h"
-#include "chrome/common/json_value_serializer.h"
-namespace {
-// Extension used for backup files (copy of main file created during startup).
-const wchar_t* const kBackupExtension = L"bak";
-// Extension for the temporary file. We write to the temp file than move to
-// kBookmarksFileName.
-const wchar_t* const kTmpExtension = L"tmp";
-// How often we save.
-const int kSaveDelayMS = 2500;
-} // namespace
-// BookmarkStorage -------------------------------------------------------------
-BookmarkStorage::BookmarkStorage(Profile* profile, BookmarkBarModel* model)
- : model_(model),
-#pragma warning(suppress: 4355) // Okay to pass "this" here.
- save_factory_(this),
- backend_thread_(g_browser_process->file_thread()) {
- std::wstring path = profile->GetPath();
- file_util::AppendToPath(&path, chrome::kBookmarksFileName);
- std::wstring tmp_history_path = profile->GetPath();
- file_util::AppendToPath(&tmp_history_path, chrome::kHistoryBookmarksFileName);
- backend_ = new BookmarkStorageBackend(path, tmp_history_path);
-void BookmarkStorage::LoadBookmarks(bool load_from_history) {
- if (!backend_thread()) {
- backend_->Read(scoped_refptr<BookmarkStorage>(this), NULL,
- load_from_history);
- } else {
- backend_thread()->message_loop()->PostTask(
- NewRunnableMethod(backend_.get(), &BookmarkStorageBackend::Read,
- scoped_refptr<BookmarkStorage>(this),
- MessageLoop::current(), load_from_history));
- }
-void BookmarkStorage::ScheduleSave() {
- if (save_factory_.empty()) {
- MessageLoop::current()->PostDelayedTask(
- FROM_HERE, save_factory_.NewRunnableMethod(&BookmarkStorage::SaveNow),
- kSaveDelayMS);
- }
-void BookmarkStorage::BookmarkModelDeleted() {
- if (!save_factory_.empty()) {
- // There's a pending save. We need to save now as otherwise by the time
- // SaveNow is invoked the model is gone.
- save_factory_.RevokeAll();
- SaveNow();
- }
- model_ = NULL;
-void BookmarkStorage::LoadedBookmarks(Value* root_value,
- bool bookmark_file_exists,
- bool loaded_from_history) {
- scoped_ptr<Value> value_ref(root_value);
- if (model_) {
- if (root_value) {
- BookmarkCodec codec;
- codec.Decode(model_, *root_value);
- }
- model_->OnBookmarkStorageLoadedBookmarks(bookmark_file_exists,
- loaded_from_history);
- }
-void BookmarkStorage::SaveNow() {
- if (!model_ || !model_->IsLoaded()) {
- // We should only get here if we have a valid model and it's finished
- // loading.
- return;
- }
- BookmarkCodec codec;
- Value* value = codec.Encode(model_);
- // The backend deletes value in write.
- if (!backend_thread()) {
- backend_->Write(value);
- } else {
- backend_thread()->message_loop()->PostTask(
- NewRunnableMethod(backend_.get(), &BookmarkStorageBackend::Write,
- value));
- }
-// BookmarkStorageBackend ------------------------------------------------------
- const std::wstring& path,
- const std::wstring& tmp_history_path)
- : path_(path),
- tmp_history_path_(tmp_history_path) {
- // Make a backup of the current file.
- std::wstring backup_path = path;
- file_util::ReplaceExtension(&backup_path, kBackupExtension);
- file_util::CopyFile(path, backup_path);
-void BookmarkStorageBackend::Write(Value* value) {
- DCHECK(value);
- // We own Value.
- scoped_ptr<Value> value_ref(value);
- std::string content;
- JSONWriter::Write(value, true, &content);
- // Write to a temp file, then rename.
- std::wstring tmp_file = path_;
- file_util::ReplaceExtension(&tmp_file, kTmpExtension);
- int bytes_written = file_util::WriteFile(tmp_file, content.c_str(),
- static_cast<int>(content.length()));
- if (bytes_written != -1) {
- MoveFileEx(tmp_file.c_str(), path_.c_str(),
- // Nuke the history file so that we don't attempt to load from it again.
- file_util::Delete(tmp_history_path_, false);
- }
-void BookmarkStorageBackend::Read(scoped_refptr<BookmarkStorage> service,
- MessageLoop* message_loop,
- bool load_from_history) {
- const std::wstring& path = load_from_history ? tmp_history_path_ : path_;
- bool bookmark_file_exists = file_util::PathExists(path);
- Value* root = NULL;
- if (bookmark_file_exists) {
- JSONFileValueSerializer serializer(path);
- serializer.Deserialize(&root);
- }
- // BookmarkStorage takes ownership of root.
- if (message_loop) {
- message_loop->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(
- service.get(), &BookmarkStorage::LoadedBookmarks, root,
- bookmark_file_exists, load_from_history));
- } else {
- service->LoadedBookmarks(root, bookmark_file_exists, load_from_history);
- }
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "chrome/browser/bookmark_storage.h"
+#include "base/file_util.h"
+#include "base/json_writer.h"
+#include "base/message_loop.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/bookmark_bar_model.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/bookmark_codec.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/profile.h"
+#include "chrome/common/chrome_constants.h"
+#include "chrome/common/json_value_serializer.h"
+namespace {
+// Extension used for backup files (copy of main file created during startup).
+const wchar_t* const kBackupExtension = L"bak";
+// Extension for the temporary file. We write to the temp file than move to
+// kBookmarksFileName.
+const wchar_t* const kTmpExtension = L"tmp";
+// How often we save.
+const int kSaveDelayMS = 2500;
+} // namespace
+// BookmarkStorage -------------------------------------------------------------
+BookmarkStorage::BookmarkStorage(Profile* profile, BookmarkBarModel* model)
+ : model_(model),
+#pragma warning(suppress: 4355) // Okay to pass "this" here.
+ save_factory_(this),
+ backend_thread_(g_browser_process->file_thread()) {
+ std::wstring path = profile->GetPath();
+ file_util::AppendToPath(&path, chrome::kBookmarksFileName);
+ std::wstring tmp_history_path = profile->GetPath();
+ file_util::AppendToPath(&tmp_history_path, chrome::kHistoryBookmarksFileName);
+ backend_ = new BookmarkStorageBackend(path, tmp_history_path);
+void BookmarkStorage::LoadBookmarks(bool load_from_history) {
+ if (!backend_thread()) {
+ backend_->Read(scoped_refptr<BookmarkStorage>(this), NULL,
+ load_from_history);
+ } else {
+ backend_thread()->message_loop()->PostTask(
+ NewRunnableMethod(backend_.get(), &BookmarkStorageBackend::Read,
+ scoped_refptr<BookmarkStorage>(this),
+ MessageLoop::current(), load_from_history));
+ }
+void BookmarkStorage::ScheduleSave() {
+ if (save_factory_.empty()) {
+ MessageLoop::current()->PostDelayedTask(
+ FROM_HERE, save_factory_.NewRunnableMethod(&BookmarkStorage::SaveNow),
+ kSaveDelayMS);
+ }
+void BookmarkStorage::BookmarkModelDeleted() {
+ if (!save_factory_.empty()) {
+ // There's a pending save. We need to save now as otherwise by the time
+ // SaveNow is invoked the model is gone.
+ save_factory_.RevokeAll();
+ SaveNow();
+ }
+ model_ = NULL;
+void BookmarkStorage::LoadedBookmarks(Value* root_value,
+ bool bookmark_file_exists,
+ bool loaded_from_history) {
+ scoped_ptr<Value> value_ref(root_value);
+ if (model_) {
+ if (root_value) {
+ BookmarkCodec codec;
+ codec.Decode(model_, *root_value);
+ }
+ model_->OnBookmarkStorageLoadedBookmarks(bookmark_file_exists,
+ loaded_from_history);
+ }
+void BookmarkStorage::SaveNow() {
+ if (!model_ || !model_->IsLoaded()) {
+ // We should only get here if we have a valid model and it's finished
+ // loading.
+ return;
+ }
+ BookmarkCodec codec;
+ Value* value = codec.Encode(model_);
+ // The backend deletes value in write.
+ if (!backend_thread()) {
+ backend_->Write(value);
+ } else {
+ backend_thread()->message_loop()->PostTask(
+ NewRunnableMethod(backend_.get(), &BookmarkStorageBackend::Write,
+ value));
+ }
+// BookmarkStorageBackend ------------------------------------------------------
+ const std::wstring& path,
+ const std::wstring& tmp_history_path)
+ : path_(path),
+ tmp_history_path_(tmp_history_path) {
+ // Make a backup of the current file.
+ std::wstring backup_path = path;
+ file_util::ReplaceExtension(&backup_path, kBackupExtension);
+ file_util::CopyFile(path, backup_path);
+void BookmarkStorageBackend::Write(Value* value) {
+ DCHECK(value);
+ // We own Value.
+ scoped_ptr<Value> value_ref(value);
+ std::string content;
+ JSONWriter::Write(value, true, &content);
+ // Write to a temp file, then rename.
+ std::wstring tmp_file = path_;
+ file_util::ReplaceExtension(&tmp_file, kTmpExtension);
+ int bytes_written = file_util::WriteFile(tmp_file, content.c_str(),
+ static_cast<int>(content.length()));
+ if (bytes_written != -1) {
+ MoveFileEx(tmp_file.c_str(), path_.c_str(),
+ // Nuke the history file so that we don't attempt to load from it again.
+ file_util::Delete(tmp_history_path_, false);
+ }
+void BookmarkStorageBackend::Read(scoped_refptr<BookmarkStorage> service,
+ MessageLoop* message_loop,
+ bool load_from_history) {
+ const std::wstring& path = load_from_history ? tmp_history_path_ : path_;
+ bool bookmark_file_exists = file_util::PathExists(path);
+ Value* root = NULL;
+ if (bookmark_file_exists) {
+ JSONFileValueSerializer serializer(path);
+ serializer.Deserialize(&root);
+ }
+ // BookmarkStorage takes ownership of root.
+ if (message_loop) {
+ message_loop->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(
+ service.get(), &BookmarkStorage::LoadedBookmarks, root,
+ bookmark_file_exists, load_from_history));
+ } else {
+ service->LoadedBookmarks(root, bookmark_file_exists, load_from_history);
+ }