path: root/chrome/browser/browser.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/browser/browser.h')
1 files changed, 633 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/browser.h b/chrome/browser/browser.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aaf892b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/browser/browser.h
@@ -0,0 +1,633 @@
+// Copyright 2008, Google Inc.
+// All rights reserved.
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+// met:
+// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+// distribution.
+// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+// this software without specific prior written permission.
+#include "chrome/app/chrome_dll_resource.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/browser_type.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/hang_monitor/hung_plugin_action.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/hang_monitor/hung_window_detector.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/render_process_host.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/shell_dialogs.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/debugger/debugger_window.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/tab_contents_delegate.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/tab_contents_type.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/tabs/tab_strip_model.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/tabs/tab.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/toolbar_model.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/views/html_dialog_view.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/views/toolbar_view.h"
+#include "chrome/common/notification_service.h"
+#include "chrome/common/pref_member.h"
+class BookmarkBarView;
+class ChromeFrame;
+class GoButton;
+class LocationBarView;
+class PrefService;
+class Profile;
+class StatusBubble;
+class WebContents;
+class BrowserIdleTask;
+class WebApp;
+class Browser : public TabStripModelDelegate,
+ public TabStripModelObserver,
+ public TabContentsDelegate,
+ public CommandHandler,
+ public NotificationObserver,
+ public SelectFileDialog::Listener {
+ public:
+ // TODO(beng): (Cleanup) This is a hack. Right now the |initial_bounds|
+ // parameter to Browser's ctor specifies the size of the frame, not the size
+ // of the contents that will be displayed within it. So this flag exists,
+ // which can be passed instead of a typical value for |show_command| that
+ // tells the Browser to create its window, and then use the |initial_bounds|
+ // parameter as the size of the contents, resizing the frame to fit. See
+ // SizeToContents method on chrome_frame.h
+ enum {
+ };
+ // Creates a new browser with the given bounds. If the bounds are empty, the
+ // system will try to find a saved size from a previous session, if none
+ // exists, the operating system will be allowed to size the window.
+ // |type| defines the kind of browser to create.
+ //
+ // Creating a browser does NOT show the window. You must manually call Show()
+ // to display the window.
+ Browser(const gfx::Rect& initial_bounds,
+ int show_command,
+ Profile* profile,
+ BrowserType::Type browser_type,
+ const std::wstring& app_name);
+ ~Browser();
+ // Shows the browser window. It is initially created hidden. It will be shown
+ // with the show command passed to the constructor, or possibly another state
+ // if it was overridden in the preferences.
+ //
+ // Ideally, this function is called after everything in the window is
+ // initialized so that we do not have to repaint again.
+ void Show() { ShowAndFit(false); }
+ // Like Show, but the window is optionally resized and moved to be on the
+ // default screen.
+ void ShowAndFit(bool resize_to_fit);
+ // Returns the Browser which contains the tab with the given
+ // NavigationController, also filling in |index| (if valid) with the tab's
+ // index in the tab strip.
+ // Returns NULL if not found.
+ // This call is O(N) in the number of tabs.
+ static Browser* GetBrowserForController(
+ const NavigationController* controller, int* index);
+ static void OpenNewBrowserWindow(Profile* profile, int show_command);
+ static void RegisterPrefs(PrefService* prefs);
+ static void RegisterUserPrefs(PrefService* prefs);
+ // Initialize the receiver with the provided bounds which
+ // is in the screen coordinate system.
+ void InitWithBounds(CRect* bounds, int show_command);
+ void GoBack();
+ void GoForward();
+ void Stop();
+ void Reload();
+ void Home();
+ // "Stars" or (book)marks the contents of the current tab.
+ void StarCurrentTabContents();
+ // Opens the FindInPage window for the currently open tab.
+ void OpenFindInPageWindow();
+ // Becomes the parent window of the Find window of the specified tab. This is
+ // useful, for example, when tabs are dragged out of (or in to) the tab strip
+ // to make sure the Find window shows up in the right Browser window.
+ void AdoptFindWindow(TabContents* tab_contents);
+ // debugger shell
+ void OpenDebuggerWindow();
+ // Advance the find selection by one. Direction is either forward or backwards
+ // depending on parameter passed in. If selection cannot be advanced (for
+ // example because no search has been issued, then the function returns false
+ // and caller can call OpenFindInPageWindow to show the search window.
+ bool AdvanceFindSelection(bool forward_direction);
+ Profile* profile() const { return profile_; }
+ ChromeFrame* frame() const { return frame_; }
+ ToolbarModel* toolbar_model() { return &toolbar_model_; }
+ // Returns the HWND of the top-level system window for this Browser.
+ HWND GetTopLevelHWND() const;
+ // Update commands that drive the NavigationController to reflect changes in
+ // the NavigationController's state (Back, Forward, etc).
+ void UpdateNavigationCommands();
+ // CommandHandler interface method implementation
+ bool GetContextualLabel(int id, std::wstring* out) const;
+ void ExecuteCommand(int id);
+ // Please fix the incestuous nest that is */controller.h and eliminate the
+ // need for this retarded hack.
+ bool SupportsCommand(int id) const;
+ bool IsCommandEnabled(int id) const;
+ // Sets focus on the location bar's text field.
+ void FocusLocationBar();
+ // Notification that some of our content has animated. If the source
+ // is the current tab, this invokes the same method on the frame.
+ void ToolbarSizeChanged(TabContents* source, bool is_animating);
+ // Move the window to the front.
+ void MoveToFront(bool should_activate);
+ // Unique identifier for this window; used for session restore.
+ const SessionID& session_id() const { return session_id_; }
+ // Executes a Windows WM_APPCOMMAND command id. This function translates a
+ // button-specific identifier to an id understood by our controller.
+ bool ExecuteWindowsAppCommand(int app_command_id);
+ // Gives beforeunload handlers the chance to cancel the close.
+ bool ShouldCloseWindow();
+ // Tells us that we've finished firing this tab's beforeunload event.
+ // The proceed bool tells us whether the user chose to proceed closing the
+ // tab.
+ void BeforeUnloadFired(TabContents* source, bool proceed);
+ // Tells us that we've finished firing this tab's unload event.
+ void UnloadFired(TabContents* source);
+ // Invoked when the window containing us is closing. Performs the necessary
+ // cleanup.
+ void OnWindowClosing();
+ // TabStripModel pass-thrus //////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ TabStripModel* tabstrip_model() const {
+ return const_cast<TabStripModel*>(&tabstrip_model_);
+ }
+ int tab_count() const { return tabstrip_model_.count(); }
+ int selected_index() const { return tabstrip_model_.selected_index(); }
+ int GetIndexOfController(const NavigationController* controller) const {
+ return tabstrip_model_.GetIndexOfController(controller);
+ }
+ TabContents* GetTabContentsAt(int index) const {
+ return tabstrip_model_.GetTabContentsAt(index);
+ }
+ TabContents* GetSelectedTabContents() const {
+ return tabstrip_model_.GetSelectedTabContents();
+ }
+ NavigationController* GetSelectedNavigationController() const;
+ void SelectTabContentsAt(int index, bool user_gesture) {
+ tabstrip_model_.SelectTabContentsAt(index, user_gesture);
+ }
+ TabContents* AddBlankTab(bool foreground) {
+ return tabstrip_model_.AddBlankTab(foreground);
+ }
+ void CloseAllTabs() {
+ tabstrip_model_.CloseAllTabs();
+ }
+ // Tab Creation functions ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Add a new tab with the specified URL. If instance is not null, its process
+ // will be used to render the tab.
+ TabContents* AddTabWithURL(
+ const GURL& url, PageTransition::Type transition, bool foreground,
+ SiteInstance* instance);
+ // Add a new application tab for the specified URL. If lazy is true, the tab
+ // won't be selected. Further, the initial web page load will only take place
+ // when the tab is first selected.
+ TabContents* AddWebApplicationTab(Profile* profile,
+ WebApp* web_app,
+ bool lazy);
+ // Add a new tab, given a NavigationController. A TabContents appropriate to
+ // display the last committed entry is created and returned.
+ TabContents* AddTabWithNavigationController(NavigationController* ctrl,
+ PageTransition::Type type);
+ // Add a tab with its session history restored from the SessionRestore
+ // system. If select is true, the tab is selected. Returns the created
+ // NavigationController.
+ NavigationController* AddRestoredTab(
+ const std::vector<TabNavigation>& navigations,
+ int selected_navigation,
+ bool select);
+ // Replaces the state of the currently selected tab with the session
+ // history restored from the SessionRestore system.
+ void ReplaceRestoredTab(
+ const std::vector<TabNavigation>& navigations,
+ int selected_navigation);
+ // Overridden from TabStripDelegate:
+ virtual void CreateNewStripWithContents(TabContents* detached_contents,
+ const gfx::Point& drop_point);
+ virtual int GetDragActions() const;
+ // Construct a TabContents for a given URL, profile and transition type.
+ // If instance is not null, its process will be used to render the tab.
+ virtual TabContents* CreateTabContentsForURL(
+ const GURL& url,
+ Profile* profile,
+ PageTransition::Type transition,
+ bool defer_load,
+ SiteInstance* instance) const;
+ virtual void ShowApplicationMenu(const gfx::Point p);
+ virtual bool CanDuplicateContentsAt(int index);
+ virtual void DuplicateContentsAt(int index);
+ virtual void ValidateLoadingAnimations();
+ virtual void CloseFrameAfterDragSession();
+ // Overridden from TabStripObserver:
+ virtual void TabInsertedAt(TabContents* contents,
+ int index,
+ bool foreground);
+ virtual void TabClosingAt(TabContents* contents, int index);
+ virtual void TabDetachedAt(TabContents* contents, int index);
+ virtual void TabSelectedAt(TabContents* old_contents,
+ TabContents* new_contents,
+ int index,
+ bool user_gesture);
+ virtual void TabMoved(TabContents* contents,
+ int from_index,
+ int to_index);
+ virtual void TabStripEmpty();
+ // Overridden from TabContentsDelegate:
+ virtual void OpenURLFromTab(TabContents* source,
+ const GURL& url,
+ WindowOpenDisposition disposition,
+ PageTransition::Type transition);
+ virtual void NavigationStateChanged(const TabContents* source,
+ unsigned changed_flags);
+ virtual void ReplaceContents(TabContents* source, TabContents* new_contents);
+ virtual void AddNewContents(TabContents* source,
+ TabContents* new_contents,
+ WindowOpenDisposition disposition,
+ const gfx::Rect& initial_pos,
+ bool user_gesture);
+ virtual void StartDraggingDetachedContents(TabContents* source,
+ TabContents* new_contents,
+ const gfx::Rect& contents_bounds,
+ const gfx::Point& mouse_pt,
+ int frame_component);
+ virtual void ActivateContents(TabContents* contents);
+ virtual void LoadingStateChanged(TabContents* source);
+ virtual void CloseContents(TabContents* source);
+ virtual void MoveContents(TabContents* source, const gfx::Rect& pos);
+ virtual bool IsPopup(TabContents* source);
+ virtual void URLStarredChanged(TabContents* source, bool starred);
+ virtual void WindowMoved();
+ virtual void ContentsMouseEvent(TabContents* source, UINT message);
+ virtual void UpdateTargetURL(TabContents* source, const GURL& url);
+ virtual void ContentsZoomChange(bool zoom_in);
+ virtual bool IsApplication() const;
+ virtual void ConvertContentsToApplication(TabContents* source);
+ virtual void CrashedStateChanged(TabContents* source);
+ virtual bool ShouldDisplayURLField();
+ // Return this browser type.
+ BrowserType::Type GetType() const;
+ // Invoke the menu we use for application and popup windows at the provided
+ // point and for the provided hwnd.
+ void RunSimpleFrameMenu(const CPoint& pt, HWND hwnd);
+ // Returns the bookmark bar view, creating if NULL.
+ BookmarkBarView* GetBookmarkBarView();
+ // Show some native UI given a URL. If a tab with the same URL is already
+ // visible in this browser, it becomes selected. Otherwise a new tab is
+ // created.
+ void ShowNativeUI(const GURL& url);
+ // Show a dialog with HTML content. |delegate| contains a pointer to the
+ // delegate who knows how to display the dialog (which file URL and JSON
+ // string input to use during initialization). |parent_hwnd| is the window
+ // that should be the parent of this dialog, or NULL for this browser's top
+ // level hwnd.
+ // TODO(beng): (Cleanup) this really shouldn't live here. It's not
+ // necessarily browser-related (e.g. can be called from options
+ // dialog).
+ void ShowHtmlDialog(HtmlDialogContentsDelegate* delegate, HWND parent_hwnd);
+ // Overridden from SelectFileDialog::Listener:
+ virtual void FileSelected(const std::wstring& path, void* params);
+ // Start an off the record session. If a window containing an off the record
+ // tab for the current profile exists, create a new off the record tab in that
+ // window. Otherwise, create a new window with an off the record tab.
+ static void OpenURLOffTheRecord(Profile* p, const GURL& url);
+ // Computes a title suitable for popups without a URL field.
+ static std::wstring ComputePopupTitle(const GURL& url,
+ const std::wstring& title);
+ // Compute a deterministic name based on the URL. We use this pseudo name
+ // as a key to store window location per application URLs.
+ static std::wstring ComputeApplicationNameFromURL(const GURL& url);
+ // Start a web application.
+ static void OpenWebApplication(Profile* profile,
+ WebApp* app,
+ int show_command);
+ // Return this browser's controller.
+ CommandController* controller() { return &controller_; }
+ // Returns the location bar view for this browser.
+ LocationBarView* GetLocationBarView() const;
+ void ConvertTabToApplication(TabContents* contents);
+ private:
+ friend class XPFrame;
+ friend class VistaFrame;
+ friend class SimpleFrame;
+ // Tracks invalidates to the UI, see the declaration in the .cc file.
+ struct UIUpdate;
+ typedef std::vector<UIUpdate> UpdateVector;
+ typedef std::vector<TabContents*> UnloadListenerVector;
+ Browser();
+ // Closes the frame.
+ void CloseFrame();
+ // Invoked by the frame. Return the toolbar for this browser.
+ ChromeViews::View* GetToolbar();
+ // Returns the root view for this browser.
+ ChromeViews::RootView* GetRootView() const;
+ // Called when this window gains or loses window-manager-level activation.
+ // is_active is whether or not the Window is now active.
+ void WindowActivationChanged(bool is_active);
+ // Initialize state for all browser commands.
+ void InitCommandState();
+ // Change the "starred" button display to starred/unstarred.
+ // TODO(evanm): migrate this to the commands framework.
+ void SetStarredButtonToggled(bool starred);
+ GoButton* GetGoButton();
+ // Returns the StatusBubble from the current toolbar. It is possible for
+ // this to return NULL if called before the toolbar has initialized.
+ StatusBubble* GetStatusBubble();
+ // Syncs the window title with current_tab_. This may be necessary because
+ // current_tab_'s title changed, or because current_tab_ itself has
+ // changed.
+ void SyncWindowTitle();
+ // Saves the location of the window to the history database.
+ void SaveWindowPlacementToDatabase();
+ // Window placement memory across sessions.
+ void SaveWindowPlacement();
+ // Notifies the history database of the index for all tabs whose index is
+ // >= index.
+ void SyncHistoryWithTabs(int index);
+ // Notification service callback.
+ virtual void Observe(NotificationType type,
+ const NotificationSource& source,
+ const NotificationDetails& details);
+ // The Controller that updates all browser commands.
+ CommandController controller_;
+ // Asks the toolbar (and as such the location bar) to update its state to
+ // reflect the current tab's current URL, security state, etc.
+ // If |should_restore_state| is true, we're switching (back?) to this tab and
+ // should restore any previous location bar state (such as user editing) as
+ // well.
+ void UpdateToolBar(bool should_restore_state);
+ // Adds an update to the update queue and schedules an update if necessary.
+ // These are subsequently processed by ProcessPendingUIUpdates.
+ // |changed_flags| is a bitfield of TabContents::INVALIDATE_* values.
+ void ScheduleUIUpdate(const TabContents* source,
+ unsigned changed_flags);
+ // Processes all pending updates to the UI that have been queued by
+ // ScheduleUIUpdate in scheduled_updates_.
+ void ProcessPendingUIUpdates();
+ // Update the current page title
+ void UpdateTitle();
+ // Opens the Keyword Editor
+ void OpenKeywordEditor();
+ // Opens the Clear Browsing Data dialog.
+ void OpenClearBrowsingDataDialog();
+ // Opens the Import settings dialog.
+ void OpenImportSettingsDialog();
+ // Opens the Bug Report dialog.
+ void OpenBugReportDialog();
+ // Removes the InfoBar and download shelf for the specified TabContents, if
+ // they are presently attached.
+ void RemoveShelvesForTabContents(TabContents* contents);
+ // Copy the current page URL to the clipboard.
+ void CopyCurrentURLToClipBoard();
+ // Initializes the hang monitor.
+ void InitHangMonitor();
+ // Retrieve the last active tabbed browser with the same profile as the
+ // receiving Browser. Creates a new Browser if none are available.
+ Browser* GetOrCreateTabbedBrowser();
+ // Removes all entries from scheduled_updates_ whose source is contents.
+ void RemoveScheduledUpdatesFor(TabContents* contents);
+ // Called from AddRestoredTab and ReplaceRestoredTab to build a
+ // NavigationController from an incoming vector of TabNavigations.
+ // Caller takes ownership of the returned NavigationController.
+ NavigationController* BuildRestoredNavigationController(
+ const std::vector<TabNavigation>& navigations,
+ int selected_navigation);
+ // Convert the receiving Browser to a normal browser window. This is used to
+ // convert a popup window into a normal browser window. The receiver's type
+ // must be BROWSER.
+ void ConvertToTabbedBrowser();
+ // Create a preference dictionary for the provided application name. This is
+ // done only once per application name / per session.
+ static void RegisterAppPrefs(const std::wstring& app_name);
+ // Creates a new popup window with its own Browser object with the
+ // incoming sizing information. |initial_pos|'s origin() is the
+ // window origin, and its size() is the size of the content area.
+ void BuildPopupWindow(TabContents* source,
+ TabContents* new_contents,
+ const gfx::Rect& initial_pos);
+ // Processes the next tab that needs it's beforeunload event fired before
+ // we can proceed with closing the browser.
+ void Browser::ProcessPendingBeforeUnloadTabs();
+ // Processes the next tab that needs it's unload event fired before we can
+ // proceed with closing the browser.
+ void Browser::ProcessPendingUnloadTabs();
+ // The frame
+ ChromeFrame* frame_;
+ // Controls how the window will appear when Show() is called. This is one
+ // of the SW_* constants passed to ShowWindow, and will be initialized in the
+ // constructor.
+ //
+ // After the first call to Show() succeeds, this is set to -1, indicating that
+ // subsequent calls to Show() should be ignored.
+ int initial_show_command_;
+ // The toolbar view.
+ BrowserToolbarView toolbar_;
+ class BrowserToolbarModel : public ToolbarModel {
+ public:
+ explicit BrowserToolbarModel(Browser* browser) : browser_(browser) { }
+ virtual ~BrowserToolbarModel() { }
+ // ToolbarModel implementation.
+ virtual NavigationController* GetNavigationController() {
+ return browser_->GetSelectedNavigationController();
+ }
+ private:
+ Browser* browser_;
+ };
+ // The model for the toolbar view.
+ BrowserToolbarModel toolbar_model_;
+ TabStripModel tabstrip_model_;
+ Profile* profile_;
+ // Tracks tabs that need there beforeunload event fired before we can
+ // close the browser. Only gets populated when we try to close the browser.
+ UnloadListenerVector tabs_needing_before_unload_fired_;
+ // Tracks tabs that need there unload event fired before we can
+ // close the browser. Only gets populated when we try to close the browser.
+ UnloadListenerVector tabs_needing_unload_fired_;
+ // Whether we already handled the OnStripEmpty event - it can be called
+ // multiple times.
+ bool handled_strip_empty_;
+ // Whether we are processing the beforeunload and unload events of each tab
+ // in preparation for closing the browser.
+ bool is_processing_tab_unload_events_;
+ // The following factory is used for chrome update coalescing.
+ ScopedRunnableMethodFactory<Browser> chrome_updater_factory_;
+ // The following factory is used to close the frame at a later time.
+ ScopedRunnableMethodFactory<Browser> frame_method_factory_;
+ // This object is used to perform periodic actions in a worker
+ // thread. It is currently used to monitor hung plugin windows.
+ WorkerThreadTicker ticker_;
+ // This object is initialized with the frame window HWND. This
+ // object is also passed as a tick handler with the ticker_ object.
+ // It is used to periodically monitor for hung plugin windows
+ HungWindowDetector hung_window_detector_;
+ // This object is invoked by hung_window_detector_ when it detects a hung
+ // plugin window.
+ HungPluginAction hung_plugin_action_;
+ // This browser type.
+ BrowserType::Type type_;
+ // The bookmark bar. This is lazily created.
+ scoped_ptr<BookmarkBarView> bookmark_bar_view_;
+ // Lists all UI updates that are pending. We don't update things like the
+ // URL or tab title right away to avoid flickering and extra painting.
+ // See ScheduleUIUpdate and ProcessPendingUIUpdates.
+ UpdateVector scheduled_updates_;
+ // An optional application name which is used to retrieve and save window
+ // positions.
+ std::wstring app_name_;
+ // Unique identifier of this browser for session restore. This id is only
+ // unique within the current session, and is not guaranteed to be unique
+ // across sessions.
+ SessionID session_id_;
+ // Debugger Window, created lazily
+ scoped_refptr<DebuggerWindow> debugger_window_;
+ // Dialog box used for opening and saving files.
+ scoped_refptr<SelectFileDialog> select_file_dialog_;
+ // The browser idle task helps cleanup unused memory resources when idle.
+ scoped_ptr<BrowserIdleTask> idle_task_;
+ // Keep track of the encoding auto detect pref.
+ BooleanPrefMember encoding_auto_detect_;