path: root/chrome/browser/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/browser/')
1 files changed, 75 insertions, 99 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/ b/chrome/browser/
index b23943e..37aa8f8 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/
+++ b/chrome/browser/
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
#include "grit/locale_settings.h"
#include "unicode/locid.h"
+#include <string>
namespace {
const int kBugReportVersion = 1;
@@ -26,7 +28,17 @@ const char kReportPhishingUrl[] =
// URL to post bug reports to.
const char* const kBugReportPostUrl =
- "";
+ "";
+const char* const kProtBufMimeType = "application/x-protobuf";
+const char* const kPngMimeType = "image/png";
+// Tags we use in product specific data
+const char* const kPageTitleTag = "PAGE TITLE";
+const char* const kProblemTypeTag = "PROBLEM TYPE";
+const char* const kChromeVersionTag = "CHROME VERSION";
+const char* const kOsVersionTag = "OS VERSION";
} // namespace
@@ -89,60 +101,59 @@ void BugReportUtil::SetOSVersion(std::string *os_version) {
-// Create a MIME boundary marker (27 '-' characters followed by 16 hex digits).
-void BugReportUtil::CreateMimeBoundary(std::string *out) {
- int r1 = rand();
- int r2 = rand();
- SStringPrintf(out, "---------------------------%08X%08X", r1, r2);
+// static
+void BugReportUtil::AddFeedbackData(
+ userfeedback::ExternalExtensionSubmit* feedback_data,
+ const std::string& key, const std::string& value) {
+ // Create log_value object and add it to the web_data object
+ userfeedback::ProductSpecificData log_value;
+ log_value.set_key(key);
+ log_value.set_value(value);
+ userfeedback::WebData* web_data = feedback_data->mutable_web_data();
+ *(web_data->add_product_specific_data()) = log_value;
// static
void BugReportUtil::SendReport(Profile* profile,
- std::string page_title_text,
+ const std::string& page_title_text,
int problem_type,
- std::string page_url_text,
- std::string description,
+ const std::string& page_url_text,
+ const std::string& description,
const char* png_data,
- int png_data_length) {
+ int png_data_length,
+ int png_width,
+ int png_height) {
GURL post_url(kBugReportPostUrl);
- std::string mime_boundary;
- CreateMimeBoundary(&mime_boundary);
- // Create a request body and add the mandatory parameters.
- std::string post_body;
+ // Create google feedback protocol buffer objects
+ userfeedback::ExternalExtensionSubmit feedback_data;
+ // type id set to 0, unused field but needs to be initialized to 0
+ feedback_data.set_type_id(0);
+ userfeedback::CommonData* common_data = feedback_data.mutable_common_data();
+ userfeedback::WebData* web_data = feedback_data.mutable_web_data();
- // Add the protocol version:
- post_body.append("--" + mime_boundary + "\r\n");
- post_body.append("Content-Disposition: form-data; "
- "name=\"data_version\"\r\n\r\n");
- post_body.append(StringPrintf("%d\r\n", kBugReportVersion));
+ // set GAIA id to 0 to indicate no username available
+ common_data->set_gaia_id(0);
// Add the page title.
- post_body.append("--" + mime_boundary + "\r\n");
- post_body.append(page_title_text + "\r\n");
- // Add the problem type.
- post_body.append("--" + mime_boundary + "\r\n");
- post_body.append("Content-Disposition: form-data; "
- "name=\"problem\"\r\n\r\n");
- post_body.append(StringPrintf("%d\r\n", problem_type));
- // Add in the URL, if we have one.
- post_body.append("--" + mime_boundary + "\r\n");
- post_body.append("Content-Disposition: form-data; "
- "name=\"url\"\r\n\r\n");
- // Convert URL to UTF8.
- if (page_url_text.empty())
- post_body.append("n/a\r\n");
- else
- post_body.append(page_url_text + "\r\n");
- // Add Chrome version.
- post_body.append("--" + mime_boundary + "\r\n");
- post_body.append("Content-Disposition: form-data; "
- "name=\"chrome_version\"\r\n\r\n");
+ AddFeedbackData(&feedback_data, std::string(kPageTitleTag),
+ page_title_text);
+ AddFeedbackData(&feedback_data, std::string(kProblemTypeTag),
+ StringPrintf("%d\r\n", problem_type));
+ // Add the description to the feedback object
+ common_data->set_description(description);
+ // Add the language
+ std::string chrome_locale = g_browser_process->GetApplicationLocale();
+ common_data->set_source_descripton_language(chrome_locale);
+ // Set the url
+ web_data->set_url(page_url_text);
+ // Add the Chrome version
std::string chrome_version;
scoped_ptr<FileVersionInfo> version_info(
@@ -152,79 +163,45 @@ void BugReportUtil::SendReport(Profile* profile,
" (" + WideToUTF8(version_info->last_change()) + ")";
- if (chrome_version.empty())
- post_body.append("n/a\r\n");
- else
- post_body.append(chrome_version + "\r\n");
+ if (!chrome_version.empty())
+ AddFeedbackData(&feedback_data, std::string(kChromeVersionTag),
+ chrome_version);
// Add OS version (eg, for WinXP SP2: "5.1.2600 Service Pack 2").
std::string os_version = "";
- post_body.append("--" + mime_boundary + "\r\n");
- post_body.append("Content-Disposition: form-data; "
- "name=\"os_version\"\r\n\r\n");
- post_body.append(os_version + "\r\n");
+ AddFeedbackData(&feedback_data, std::string(kOsVersionTag), os_version);
- // Add locale.
-#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
- std::string chrome_locale = g_browser_process->GetApplicationLocale();
- icu::Locale locale = icu::Locale::getDefault();
- const char *lang = locale.getLanguage();
- std::string chrome_locale = (lang)? lang:"en";
- post_body.append("--" + mime_boundary + "\r\n");
- post_body.append("Content-Disposition: form-data; "
- "name=\"chrome_locale\"\r\n\r\n");
- post_body.append(chrome_locale + "\r\n");
- // Add a description if we have one.
- post_body.append("--" + mime_boundary + "\r\n");
- post_body.append("Content-Disposition: form-data; "
- "name=\"description\"\r\n\r\n");
- if (description.empty())
- post_body.append("n/a\r\n");
- else
- post_body.append(description + "\r\n");
// Include the page image if we have one.
- if (png_data != NULL && png_data_length > 0) {
- post_body.append("--" + mime_boundary + "\r\n");
- post_body.append("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"screenshot\"; "
- "filename=\"screenshot.png\"\r\n");
- post_body.append("Content-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n");
- post_body.append(StringPrintf("Content-Length: %d\r\n\r\n",
- png_data_length));
- post_body.append(png_data, png_data_length);
- post_body.append("\r\n");
+ if (png_data) {
+ userfeedback::PostedScreenshot screenshot;
+ screenshot.set_mime_type(kPngMimeType);
+ // Set the dimensions of the screenshot
+ userfeedback::Dimensions dimensions;
+ dimensions.set_width(static_cast<float>(png_width));
+ dimensions.set_height(static_cast<float>(png_height));
+ *(screenshot.mutable_dimensions()) = dimensions;
+ screenshot.set_binary_content(std::string(png_data, png_data_length));
+ // Set the screenshot object in feedback
+ *(feedback_data.mutable_screenshot()) = screenshot;
// TODO(awalker): include the page source if we can get it.
// if (include_page_source_checkbox_->checked()) {
// }
- // Terminate the body.
- post_body.append("--" + mime_boundary + "--\r\n");
// We have the body of our POST, so send it off to the server.
URLFetcher* fetcher = new URLFetcher(post_url, URLFetcher::POST,
new BugReportUtil::PostCleanup);
- std::string mime_type("multipart/form-data; boundary=");
- mime_type += mime_boundary;
- fetcher->set_upload_data(mime_type, post_body);
- fetcher->Start();
-// static
-std::string BugReportUtil::GetMimeType() {
- std::string mime_type("multipart/form-data; boundary=");
- std::string mime_boundary;
- CreateMimeBoundary(&mime_boundary);
- mime_type += mime_boundary;
- return mime_type;
+ std::string post_body;
+ feedback_data.SerializeToString(&post_body);
+ fetcher->set_upload_data(std::string(kProtBufMimeType), post_body);
+ fetcher->Start();
// static
@@ -236,4 +213,3 @@ void BugReportUtil::ReportPhishing(TabContents* currentTab,